Dark's Hold

Nov 30, 2010
All the world remembered the day. July 31st, Harry Potter's 21st birthday. And the day he had chosen to destroy his enemy, Voldemort. Chosen to face the Dark Lord on his own ground instead of luring him somewhere else. Chosen to destroy them both, instead of letting his reluctance to die destroy someone else. And so the light's army had arrived at the Malfoy Manor, prepared to wage war as Harry faced Voldemort. And the world remembered the duel that had pulled down parts of the building and garden that had been around dark lord and savior, and the world remembered when everything went sideways. As Harry's wand raised to cast, a unknown spell had hit the man, cast from the twin wand, and the man disappeared. Just disappeared....and left a world that needed him.

100 years later the world was ruled with a iron fist by a dark lord that refused to see that he had lived past his time. Once, it had been the dark order who had struggled to win against the light, but now the light was being crushed under not only Voldemort's control, but his more sane, beautiful son. Daemon Sadi Riddle was a man who knew what he wanted, and he'd been raised since the cradle to follow in his father's footsteps.And where it had driven his father insane, Daemon followed with ice calm control and a will of iron, indestructable and undisturbed by the darkness that had wrapped around his soul. EAch act that he followed, stained the darkness to his soul. Acts that had started with causing his mother's suicide, and escalated with each passing year. And tonight, the night of his 25th birthday, would be the crowning achievement on his world.

Moving soundlessly through the crowd of death eaters and light supportors, who had been invited to show just how helpless the continued fighting would be, namely the leaders, rose and hugo. Moved effortlessly through the followers that were his, even if his father was not aware that he'd lost his men because of his insanity. The son that had been loyal to a fault as a teen, had grown into a man who knew his father's secret....and had destroyed the horcruxes that kept him alive. because his father didnt dream big enough for his heir, who wanted the world.

Holding out a hand to his 'brother' as he past by Scorpius he smiled as there wasn't even a pause as the long bladed knife was handed to him. Having not carried it in case his father became supicious before he was ready for him to know. Walking through the crowd he held the knife at his side as he approached the dark lord who was talking to Draco, walked up behind him, slide the knife silently through his ribs, leaning forward."you outlived your time, old man.It's my turn."He muttered ignoring the bubbling gasps from Voldemort's gasp as he ripped his sword sideways, shredding the heart as he pulled.

The man that was the new dark lord straightened, tossing the knife to his brother as the man joined him, pausing as he looked around the room to see if anyone would protest his hostile takeover. Unaware of the man who had come from the past, to the present. And saw the whole scene of his enemy being slaughtered by a man no one knew as well as he knew himself.
Harry had gone to war that day, knowing he was going to die, he had been unable to find the last horcruxes, Voldemort had discovered the items missing, and had made more, hiding them in new places in a cat and mouse game with Harry. Harry had searched for years, trying to find them, but when he realized that Voldemort was just laying out fakes, he realized that there was no stopping the man but to kill him, and then hunt down the horcruxes, so hunt down the man he did despite protests from everyone, they had followed, and into war they had gone, Harry and Voldemort in the middle as fighting and screaming took place all around him. when the spell had struck him, he'd been almost relieved as darkness enveloped him, welcoming death, until he suddenly found himself in a garden, watching a party from bushes, hedges.. a maze, he was in a maze, and he recognized those silver marble walls. Malfoy Manor... what was going on?

he watched in astonishment as he saw a man, who looked very much like Voldemort talking to... he could swear, a very old Draco Malfoy... and in fact, two men in particular caught his attention, one who looked like a carbon copy of a young Lucius Malfoy, and the other looking almost like the young tom riddle Harry had seen in memories. he watched a young Scorpius hand a long sword to to the riddle Heir, and swallowed thickly as he watched Draco smile at Daemon, nodding once, offering his support and loyalty. Draco had spent all of Daemon's lifetime sheltering the boy from Voldemort's madness, probobly the only reason Scorpius himself wasn't mad. the two Malfoy men, father and son, where more Daemon's family than Voldemort ever had been.

Draco smiled as he got up from his chair, removing the little gold circlet that Voldemort had insisted on wearing ever since he had destroyed harry, and settled it on Scorpius's head. "congratulations, you, are the new Dark Lord." he kissed Daemon's forehead and smiled at the boy. "Congradulations my son." he stated calmly, gently gripping the boy's shoulder before he noticed soemthing in the shadows of the maze, a face... no... it couldn't be... Harry!? he staggered and collapsed into his chair with a bright gasp as he clutched his heart, wondering if maybe he was having a heart attack or a seizure that he was seeing the dead Harry Potter, the fright had sent his heart into palpitations, common in his old age and painful, but not dangerous. he looked back over at the maze and swallowed thickly, the face was still there, and it was on the move. "oh Merlin help us." Draco breathed, wondering what was going to happen with Harry potter, who was obviously real, back in the world.

Harry had seen enough, he felt sick, and furious. Voldemort dead, apparently by his own son's hands. it wasn't fair, Harry spent over half of his entire life looking for a way to kill that madman. ever since he was eleven Harry had been battling Voldemort and now the man was dead just because someone had shoved a sword in his ribs. he headed over to the group wearing bright white robes, he knew they where on the light side of the war, they looked terrified to be in this huge setting. he noticed eyes on him and he looked up to see Draco, paling to almost the shade of Draco's as sparkling emerald met liquid silver before he ducked down and fashioned himself a pure lily white robe using a spell, pulling the hood over his face, knowing Draco was still watching him, he headed over to mingle with the other white robes, watching, waiting for his chance to get the hell out of there, noticing a flash of red and a bushy hair that harry recognized almost immediately. Ron and Hermione, no... he caught their faces when they looked at each other, clearly unsure what to think of the death scene in front of them. they where Ron and Hermione's children, Harry was certain he could trust them.... certain of it. he just had to wait for Draco's response, either Draco said nothing, or he called out Harry right then and there.
Daemon smiled softly, dipping his head at the malfoy's words, his heart giving a painful squeeze. For as long as he'd been a child he had wanted his real father to pay attention to him. To love him in the way the dark lord had loved power. It was only as a teen becoming a man that the man had realized that his father would never love him like that, because he couldn't see beyond his own ego. And so, son had stepped into his father's shoes, delivering the coup de grace, and ending a reign of terror that had lasted more then a century. Pausing he didn't even notice his adopted father's odd actions as he pressed the edge of the sword against his leg, wiping the blood off even as he turned.

Like a young god, Daemon Sadi, who had given up his father's name, even if Voldemort had demanded on still calling him riddle. The man who had had to make up a new name for himself, was a young god, fresh from battle and bloodstained. Not the first time, and not the last, but this was the victory that would lead to his victory of the world. He looked like tom, tall and lithe, the man Voldemort should have been had he not been so inrevisbably changed, but as Daemon turned his eyes to look around the room at the men gathered, it was not with the true blue eyes of his father, or the bright red eyes of voldemort, or even Astoria's green but with the natural born red eyes like rubies. Born with the mark of darkness lingering on him. For legend said that those born in darkness, bore the mark of hellfire on their eyes. And Daemon Sadi had darkness and a trademark perversity in spades.

Elsewhere in the room rose and hugo stared wide eyed at the newcomer,"W-who-"The two stuttered a little before forcing themselves to stop whe they saw daemon approaching. They would not draw attention to the newcomer, not when it appeared to be a man that had gone missing so long, not when they'd heard their parents stories.Not when they weren't sure Daemon wouldn't turn on them, despite inviting them to his celebration under the rules of hospitality that would not allow him to hurt them.

Raising a hand he tugged off the circlet Draco had set on his hair tossing it in the air as he set fire to it. "This ends the reign of Voldemort, the would be ruler of the world."He said completely serious, spreading his hands wide as he walked through the crowd to appear in front of rose and hugo,"Welcome to a whole new battle, younglings."He said before turning to draco as he realized Draco wasn't paying attention to his crowning moment. Of all the people gathered, Draco was the one he wanted to pay attention to, and it seemed the malfoy wasn't paying attention.
Draco wanted to pay attention to Daemon, like his son was, Scorpio beaming with pride at his younger brothers ascension to the throne, he too seamed completely oblivious to his fathers ailments as he, and all the other death eaters clapped their approval of their new Dark Lord, all of them knew Scorpio was going to accomplish such things, things that Voldemort had never been able to comprehend. Harry was staring in astonishment at those ruby red eyes, a direct contract to his emerald green, because like hellfire, it was said that a child born into the light, would have eyes as clear as emerald grass that lined the heavens. he pressed a finger to his lips when he noticed Hugo and Rose notice him, a flash of panic in those emerald eyes as he watched Daemon coming closer, swallowing thickly as he carefully eased himself into the back of the group.

Scorpio grinned as he set fire to the crown, grinning as he turned to look at his father, gasping as he realized his father had gone stark white, as if he had seen a ghost. he dropped to his knees next to his old father and took the man's hand. "father!? what is it!?" he demanded, his eyes worried as Draco pointed to Harry, Scorpio scowling a little, Draco too astonished to say, or do anything. "just rest Father..." Scorpio ordered before drawing his own sword, mostly for show but with a deadly gleaming edge to it as he advanced on Harry, who swallowed thickly. "you! step forward, pull back your hood!" Scorpio demanded, well aware the only reason Draco would act like that is if something was very wrong. Harry hesitated and stepped forward, pulling back his hood, and for a moment the world seamed to stand still as everyone gazed upon the visage of Harry potter, as young as always, pictures of him and his accomplishments, and ultimate destruction everyone had seen, the Lightning bolt scar proving him to be who everyone thought he was.

"... H..Harry... Potter!?" Scorpio asked, astonished, lifting his sword to Harry's neck, emerald eyes flashing, but there was no fear, harry just lifted his chin, the sword settling at the hollow in his neck... "NO!" Draco roared, driving himself to his feet, something he hadn't done in years, normally wheelchair bound. it startled Scorpio, but he pulled the blade away from Harry's throat, Draco collapsing back into his chair, panting hard. "you mustn't kill him..." Draco ordered clutching at his heart again. "you!" he ordered some underling death eater. "fetch me my potion!" he ordered, Harry watching Draco, and then watching Scorpio intently before turning to look at Daemon. "so, that thing can reproduce after all." Harry stated softly. "we'd all wondered." he admitted studying Daemon. "yes, i am Harry potter... though, i was sure i was dead." he admitted, Draco settling into his wheelchair and allowing the death eater who had assisted him to push him over to Harry. "we all thought you where dead Potter." Draco growled, studying him. "don't you ever die?" ".. i guess not, i'm annoying that way."

the crowd was whispering, astonished that Harry had apparently risen from the dead, all of them looking shocked, the dark filled with an uncertainty, as if they weren't sure what that meant for their reign. everyone knew the reason that the light had been winning was because of the Potters, and ultimately because of Harry killing Voldemort the first time. what if he managed to rally the light back into power? they couldn't allow this to happen right? the sea of dark cloaks where shifting and muttering, wondering if Daemon was going to allow this ghost to live, wondering if Draco would allow it, the old blond was pretty insistent on keeping Harry alive for some reason, maybe senility, or misplaced memories, whatever the case, it was up to Daemon to decide Harry's fate, and even now Draco and Scorpio where facing Daemon, waiting for a decision.
Rose and hugo reached hands out to their parent's friends, holding onto his hands tightly, looking worried that he would lose control and attack the man who had kept a iron grip on the world. All the world knew Daemon Sadi had higher aspirations then to live in his father's shadow, and that he understood what drove humanity, in a way Voldemort had never understood."We need to go."Rose muttered softly, stepping back from the dark lord. Not wanting to get any closer to a man who looked like he was complating their deaths.

"If you would wish to be dead, we could remidy the situation." Daemon said absently, as if weighing his options. And he was. He could let this ghost live, and let his father be happy, even if it threatened his reign. Or kill him now, and threaten to upset Draco more then he already was. Daemon Sadi was nothing if bendable. He would be willing to bend to his father's wishes....for the moment. "Scorpio, lower the blade."He ordered before stepping through the crowd, forcing the light supporters away from him as he looked at the brunette."So, Harry Potter, you have come to grace my coronation like you did my father's. I guess I should be honored you came out of hiding for the occassion."He said seemingly not as unsettled as he was.

It was unsettling to suddenly find himself facing a legend, a legend that had defeated his father once.But unlike Voldemort, he was not bound to the child-man- or to the prophecy that had crippled his father's way of thinking."My father was a madman who let this boy rule his kingdom.I have no use for ghosts."Daemon said turing his back on Harry, clearly dismissing the man for the moment, because he needed time to find his feet again. It had unsettled him to not only find the legend in his-draco's-home,but also to have draco defend the man he'd have the right to kill. Though, considering they were guitly of committing the same crime, he couldn't find himself able to judge the potter.Just to feel unsettled at his appearance.

Turning back he paused, shaking his head as he looked at the light's followers and his own."I promised a party didn't I?It seems that the best present tonight, was not mine to give."He paused relishing the idea of crushing the hope that Harry would give him. While he wasn't nearly as cruel nor as vicious as his father, he did enjoy his games. "So I give you your savior, live as you may. I have no desire to spill more blood tonight."He said turning away again dismissing the light followers from his attention as he crouched down next to Draco, studying the man worriedly. "Father?Do you need anything else?"He muttered.

Unlike Voldemort who would have never cared about anyone or even showed as much deference to someone besides himself as Daemon was, there was something cold,untouchable about the Riddle Heir. Cut off from the warmth of life, Daemon Sadi was like finding a cup filled with death and just the touch of his presence was like sipping from that cold deadly stillness.
Harry took the two kids hands, not realizing that they where older than him, a shocking thought that, but his eyes never left Daemon's, showing the red eyed man exactly why Voldemort had feared Harry. there was absolutely no fear in those emerald green eyes, even with the knowledge that he was probobly going to die, there was no fear. "not freeing death, and wishing for death are entirely different things Mister riddle." Harry stated simply, blinking at the other. Scorpio looked astonished at the order to lower his blade but he let out a sigh and sheathed the blade, Harry studying Scorpio. "i don't know that i came anywhere." he admitted looking a little amused as he studied Daemon. "i didn't even know you where having a party." he admitted with a shrug of his shoulder. "i haven't been hiding anywhere... i'm just as confused by all of this as everyone else is." he admitted turning to Draco. "i think Draco understands what happened though." he admitted, the blond elder nodding slowly.

Harry looked relieved though when he was promised 'live as you will' everything had become very confusing, and Harry wasn't entirely sure who was the bad guy anymore. his only true enemy was Voldemort, and the man was dead, his body being carried away by various death eaters, the man's body would be burned, the ashes soaked in water and then buried in different locations so that even if a Horcrux still existed Voldemort could not return. Harry turned back to Rose and Hugo and he smiled as he studied them. "you guys look just like Ron and Hermione." he admitted watching them. "so, how far into the future am i? the last thing i remember is squaring off against Voldy." he admitted calmly watching Draco and the two boys who where fussing over him. "and whats with this party? light's and dark's in the same room and not fighting? a lot has changed since..." he paused. "well, considering everyone's reactions i'm assuming my death." he admitted with a small grimace.

Draco was smiling as he gently took Daemon's hand. "thank you for letting him love, he can be useful to us." he admitted softly. "i'm alright, just shocked... he hasn't aged a day... i was so sure he was dead." draco admitted his heart beating heavily. "can you get me something to drink, Scorpius?" he asked hopefully blinking at his son, the boy nodding and vanishing, Draco smiling as he turned to Scorpius, pulling him down. "you must invite him to stay here, be polite to him, if we can convince him their your good for this world, he will be all the more willing to help us... to help you, he has this insane need to help people, all that needs to be done, is to convince him that you need helping." Draco knew Daemon needed help though, the boy wouldn't stay sane for long on a mission like his. though Draco had to admit, the thought of all wizards under one rule and one law could be a very good thing, so long as the ruler was fair and sane like Scorpio. "Harry." Draco stated calmly, Harry turning to face the old blond, Harry clearly looking hesitant to talk to Draco.

"please, come with me to the sitting room, we'll figure out what happened." Draco promised, looking at Daemon. "will you push me into the sitting room Scorpio?" he asked hopefully. "Potter and i need to speak." he admitted, Harry shaking his head. "i'll push you Draco, unless your afraid of me snapping your neck when no one's watching." he teased Draco snorting. "please, i'm old and debilitated, you couldn't kill me if i begged you." "true enough." Harry agreed calmly pushing draco where the man ordered him to, the two of them seaming almost... friendly. no one knew it, but Draco and Harry had reached an almost friendly state after Harry had saved his ass in seventh year. so they where friendly with one another, well enough anyway. "so what's your theory on this then Blondie."
Daemon tilted his head little as he realized that Draco was fine, and that Harry gate crashing his party had successfully ended his good mood, and his party."Get out.All of you."He ordered glaring at the light supportors, despite having them there, he really didn't like them in his house. He wouldn't outright kill them like his father would have, he considered himself to civilized to do wholescale slaughter, but he wasn't above using someone. And he trusted his father's judgement, if they could use harry, then all the better. The end of hope for the light, lay in corrupting their savior.Sighing softly as he looked at Scorpius, "See them out. Then join us in the sitting room."He said knowing his brother was better then him at getting people to move quickly, and less likely to injure someone for insulting words then he was. "You can't take him!We need-"Rose started working up her bravery and starting to the dark lord. "I am taking mr. potter no where, I am going to speak to him."Daemon said before gliding towards the door."I will speak to you two later....we do after all have a fight to finish."He said swooping out of the room.

When he got to the sitting room, just in time to hear the last question he tilted his head."Because he could."He mused smirking a little. His father had had many spells up his sleeve, and the dark lord could never remember which one he had used on the savior, but now seeing the man standing in front of him he had a idea."He loved tinkering with spells. Espicially time spells. He sent you ahead, where you would have no allies....and only enemies. 100 years, potter, and you are in a wrold ruled by me."Daemon said gliding across the room,dropping easily and gracefully into the seat next to Draco, despite harry and draco's laughing words, he had no intention in leaving the two alone. He loved his father, he wasn't ready to say goodbye to the man who had rised him, so he wasn't about to let him be in danger. Draco was right, despite the man's level headedness, and easy wielding of the dark magic that made up his talent, he was scarred from the use, at such a young age that he wasn't even aware of the scars. And Draco,unlike daemon himself, knew that the dark lord would need the help.

"I have no desire to rule as my father had, nor to rule over a world full of corpses. I'd rather just enjoy the power I have, and I would like your help controlling them.After all, everyone knows who you are. If you can admit that there is no use fighting a sane man who has the good of wizarding kind in mind , then the rest will see that I am not my father,despite what I look like."He stood again before crossing the room, pouring himself a drink, handing a water to draco before looking at Harry."Would you like one?Or is my home to dark for your lily white ass?"He said sulking a little at the easy companionship between the blond and brunette. He was the only one that usually got the teasing like that from draco, he didn't like sharing the attention.Despite all the power, and a headful of ideas, Daemon Sadi was still just 25, really just entering the prime of his life, and wanted the attention of the man who'd always been there for him.
Harry smiled at Rose and Hugo. "don't worry, i'll be fine. Draco and i have an... understanding." Harry promised them. "besides in a hundred years Malfoy's wards are still the same and i still have a key." Draco looked startled at that. "how in the hell did you... that's how you got all those people in here!" Draco complained Harry laughing a little as he shook his head. "don't worry..." harry promised Rose and Hugo. "we'll talk after i've finished talking with Mister Riddle here, i need to find out what happened and Malfoy is my best chance at that." he admitted watching Scorpio nod at his orders and move over to Rose and Hugo. "please do not overstay your welcome, Mister Potter won't be harmed, he was Voldemort's enemy, not Daemons." he assured the two. "he won't be harmed. we won't keep him here against his will, when he wants to leave we will give him the apparation location of the neutral park, one of your people can wait for him there if you want." the neutral park had been Scorpio's idea, a place where light and dark could intermingle without fear of being attacked, several negotiations had already taken place there, it was a good place to send Harry when... if, he left the Malfoy Manor.

Harry carefully settled into a soft chair with a small sigh as he looked at Daemon, Draco grimacing at the realization of what Voldemort had done. "... a hundred years on my feet, no wonder they hurt." Harry muttered, swallowing thickly. "so... Draco is the only person from my time still alive..." Draco nodded a little. "i'm afraid so Harry, Ron and Hermione died well though, they took out over two hundred dark supporters with them..." Draco admitted. even the dark where impressed with Ron and Hermione's ploy, and there was a statue of them up in the neutral park commemorating their victory in that battle. Harry swallowed thickly as he closed his eyes, for the first time an emotion crossed his face, pain, and loneliness. "i'd rather he have just killed me..." Harry grumbled. "the stupid bastard... no offense to you and your Kin Riddle but your Father was a moron." he admitted. "he completed the prophecy the day he tried to kill me." he admitted shaking his head. "he marked me as his equal and then he died, end of prophecy." he stated simply, angry now. "he ruined my entire life... he spent over ten years actively trying to kill me, when the only thing i wanted was to be left in fucking peace and now he's sent me into the goddamn future!" he set a hand over his eyes. "and i didn't even get to be the one to kill the son of a bitch..."

he stopped his rant to listen to Daemon, opening his eyes as he looked over at the other. "give me something strong would you? i need to be drunk to handle this shit." he complained as Scorpio walked in. "i told them to wait at the Neutral Park for when Harry Potter wishes to leave." he explained to the three men in the room Harry nodding a little as he accepted his stiff drink from Daemon, knocking it back with a single swallow, Draco chuckling a little as he shook his head. "Harry has always been a Grey sort of person." he explained to Daemon. "he's more a... protector of the balance sort of guy." "fuck the balance, there's no such thing." Harry growled. "your just saying that because your angry... Harry you know me well enough to know that i wouldn't just follow Daemon because he's my son." Harry hesitated and then nodded. "i suppose... look i don't really... know anything at all.. right now..." Harry admitted softly. "i just... want to be left alone for a few weeks, not be in a damn war, not risk my damn life every day and... we'll see how things go. if i think Daemon is sane enough and not about to go on a mad genocidal spree against muggles and muggle born then maybe i'll just ignore everything."

"we need the muggles." draco stated suddenly, no one viewed muggle borns the same anymore, not after Voldemort had ordered all muggleborn to be completely ignored and not allowed into the magical world anymore. it became very clear, very soon that without the muggle born, they only had cousins and relations to marry and breed with, causing a great deal of genetic problems very quickly. people avoided having children until Voldemort realized he was wrong, but Voldemort hadn't, now that Daemon was in charge, the muggleborn would be allowed back in, Draco knew it. because where Voldemort had been insane, Daemon was clever and calculating, and no one would expect him to allow the muggle borns back in, nor would anyone expect him to start Hogwarts back up with new teachers, both light and dark. Scorpio and Daemon had been planning that one for almost two months now, though they continuously disagreed about who to instate as the headmaster. "i'm just so tired of everything Draco." Harry admitted softly. "i'm Gray, neutral and yet i keep getting dragged in time and time again into a war that was never mine." "then rest, wait, watch." Draco suggested. "stay here or stay with rose and Hugo, learn both sides of the war and maybe with an impartial involvement we can all find a compromise and end this silly war." Harry looked rather pleased with that idea, and he nodded. "i might just do that."
"Father, you know I already have plans for the muggles."Daemon said, vague enough to see if Harry thought he had the same views as his father. Amazingly enough when he had free time-as rare as that was-he could be found in the muggle world. Because some things they understood, wizards were just learning to come to terms with. settling back in his seat as he listened to the men talk he turned his head to look at Scorpio,"Is the school ready?If he stays, I would like him to see what we have done."He mused because he had every intention of not allowing Harry to remain neutral, and wanted to sway him towards one side or the other, even if he wasn't going to actively wage war with the light supporters, he had no intention of losing either. And instating Harry Potter as headmaster of Hogwarts would not only show a trust that he wouldn't be killing the man,but it would convince the light supporters that he wasn't going to go out of his way to corrupt their precious children."I'm not asking you to join my fight, I am perfectly capable of handling things,but I would like you to visit hogwarts with me."He said looking at harry, the calculation of what harry potter would do for his side showing in his eyes for a moment, and there was no mistaking that Daemon was sane, determined, and reaching for the stars.

Rubbing a hand over his face as he realized that Harry wasn't really truly light or dark, the perfect savior really. Because he would not be fighting just because he was told to,but only if he felt the need to. And daemon, with the scars on his soul buried so deep that he didn't even see them, had no intention of giving Harry Potter a reason to fight with him. Looking thoughtful as he let the other's talk he looked up startled as the sound of high heeled feet, before grinning a little, looking yes, like a lovesick puppy. A look that should never be seen on a riddle's face, or had been before. But Daemon was enough like his mother, and if you looked closely, you could see the resemblance between him and scorpio, to want to be loved and to love. "Victorie!"He said smiling wider as he reached out tugging the eldest weasley child into his lap as she walked towards him.Cuddling Bill's daughter as she leaned against him."Victorie, did you come to see the wandering savior?"He muttered teasing. "Of course. I have heard the stories.Father always told me about him. I wanted to meet him."she said before turning her attention from the man totally devoted to her happiness to the man who looked slightly shellshocked

"Hello Harry.I'm bill's daughter."She said making sure he knew who she was, even if the bright red hair and delicately shaped features gave her away as a weasley and part veela. She had to be bill's eldest. Looking quite content to sit in the dark lord's lap, despite how odd the scene had to look, not only to harry, but to the dark supportors, who had always found it odd that their leader had followed a weasley brat around like a dog on a leash.
Harry growled as Daemon commented on having plans for the muggles, his eyes flashing, Draco setting a hand on Harry's knee. "easy harry, he doesn't mean slaver." Draco promised, Harry relaxing back into the chair. "the Muggles... are dangerous." Harry said after a moment. "they need to be... contained." he decided. "left in the dark about us. i lived with them for all of my life and i can assure you they do have the weapons and the means to destroy wizard kin." he paused. "but, that was a hundred years ago, i have no idea what the muggles are like now." Draco looked surprised by that though. "you think muggles are dangerous?" "yes. very dangerous." Harry admitted simply Draco lifting an eyebrow. "you do realize Voldemort shared the same sentiment." "Voldemort and i where alike in many ways, that's why he sought so desperately to kill me." Harry stated simply. "because i reminded him if a time before his madness." he admitted simply before he was distracted by the mention of the school. "school... you mean Hogwarts!?" he asked, startled before he snorted. "of course Voldemort would shut it down."

"yes, it's ready." Scorpio promised. "all the classrooms have been cleaned and polished, teachers have been found for almost all classes...." "almost all?" Harry asked, curious now, looking rather interested all of a sudden, Scorpio grinning a little. "yes, almost all. we have a combination of light and dark classes, from the dark arts to defense against the dark arts." Harry lifted an eyebrow. "your allowing light classes in your school?" Harry asked, Scorpio nodding. "of course, education is important, even if we don't fully agree with what's being taught." "we even have a proper history teacher, one who's impartial and will tell both sides of the war." Draco admitted looking amused. "not like that idiot ghost..." Draco frowned a little. "strange... but in my old age i can't remember his name..." Draco admitted shaking his head, Harry snorting. "Binns? Merlin how i wish I could forget him." he admitted simply. "he was a moron." he admitted Draco smirking a little. "he used to drive me insane... he was constantly getting the names wrong and the dates." he admitted. "as i recal, Hermione and i where the only ones who passed that OWL." he admitted Harry chuckling a little. "i wouldn't doubt it, you two where always so damn bookish and boring."

he paused suddenly, his eyes going as cold as ice as he saw Victoria, an almost growl falling from his lips as he examined her, his head tilted. "Victoria... Fleur's daughter i presume." he said Fleur's name with such hatred that it was almost shocking. especially when even Mrs. Weasely had eventually warmed to the woman. "with all of her Talents too i suppose." he stated his eyes flicking to Daemon's love struck expression and then back to Victoria. "i loved your father very much." he admitted simply. "your mother i detested... for now i will treat you with neutrality until i can decide the kind of person you are..." "Harry, that's VERY rude..." Draco admonished, Harry shrugging his shoulder. "it's the truth, you of all people should know how much i hate hiding true feelings. if i hate someone, i'm going to let them know." he stated simply as he stood up. "i need sleep, i've been awake for a hundred years and three days." he admitted Scorpio scowling a little, looking confused. "would you like a room here Mister Potter?" Scorpio asked hesitantly, Harry hesitating and then nodding. "yes, i'm not ready to face the Light supporters yet." Harry admitted. "they will want me to fight for them and i'm just not ready to fight." "i will have a spare room fixed up for you." Scorpio promised.

Scorpio was such a strange boy, he seamed happy to do servants work, getting rooms ready, seeing people out, fetching drinks and pushing his fathers wheelchair. he wasn't even jealous of all of Daemon's attention. most people, especially Dark followers would have been seething with rage and jealousy but Scorpio seamed happy. maybe it was because he honestly loved his father and Daemon like the family they where, or maybe he just didn't have very many aspirations in life, whatever the case he made Harry nervous. though, Harry made Scorpio just as nervous, the blond youth glancing back at Daemon and Draco just to make sure they where really alright before leading Harry down the hall into a freshly cleaned guest room, allowing Harry to get ready for sleep by himself, heading back to Draco and Daemon. "did anyone else find that strange?" Scorpio asked, Draco chuckling. "don't worry Scorpio, Harry is really very harmless so long as you don't kill one of his freinds." he promised. "he's always been moody."
Daemon frowned a little as he nodded, letting the others talk about the school. While he had had a hand in reopening the ancient school, and a hand in the classes being chosen, he had no personal interest in beyond getting it up and open again. If for nothing more then that he wanted children who didn't have a place, to have school to hide in. Looking a little startled at Harry's reaction to muggles, he frowned a little because he might have to reconsider his plans. His plans for the muggles had come from observation,but he would have to take into account of the words of a man who'd lived among muggles. Smiling slightly as he listened. His brother was so content to work with him, and for him sometimes. It made things easier, overall, to be in control to know that there was scorpio, who he could rely on.

"Ignore him Dae..."Victoria purred a little nuzzling his neck as the man growled at Harry's reaction to her presence. While she didn't have as much talent as her mother, she did have some. And if it helped keep a man who might not have interest in her, entralled, well it was all good. As long as Daemon's supicious nature didn't look further into it. Daemon had looked into her past when they became lovers, but she knew he wanted to believe, so strongly that love could exist, for him,even with his parents past, that he would overlook some things. Hopefully Harry Potter would not ruin things. They'd worekd to hard to get this close to Daemon Riddle to have it all come crashing down.

"No wonder you two get along. Your a moody bastard father."Daemon teased setting Victoria on her feet before getting up himself leaning down to kiss Draco's forehead."I'll see you in the morning.Tomorrow will be fun."He said smiling a little looking forward to the idea of showing harry potter around the world that he had left. And espicially hogwarts. Now if only he could figure out the perfect way ask him...smiling contentedly to himself he grinned, "Goodnight Scor,father."He said excusing himself and victoria and heading up to his room. Leaving his family in bemused wonder at the man who could be so cold to some people, following after a weasley so love struck.

For the next hour though, the sounds coming from his suite were anything but whispered nothings, the moans and growls a normal occurrance. But after Vitoria drifted off to sleep the man who deserved to sleep like a baby, who had achieved one of his life dreams, was to restless to stay asleep.Getting up and prowling the house,frightening both the death eater guards and elves as he prowled. Growling and stalking through house and gardens until dawn's early light, not even noticing that early 10 hours had past. Walking through the grass, dew and freshly cut grass clinging to his bare feet as he walked, looking amusingly fretful in dark shorts and bare chested, the gleaming serpent and dragon tattoo curled around his upper arm looking even more stark in the light. For once not even noticing when the rest of the house was up. Not knowing what had driven a ususal very content man out of bed, but Daemon was anoyed at being so restless.
Draco frowned a little as he watched Harry stalk off, his head tilted. he knew harry well enough to know that Harry didn't just hate someone for no reason, and while he had said he didn't hate Victoria, Draco had seen that flash of fear mixed with fury when he had seen Victoria, and that made him nervous. "i am not!" Draco complained. "i'm grumpy, there's a BIG difference." he complained smirking at Daemon. "besides your the one who's moody." he teased. "tomorrow will be... interesting to be sure, not so certain about fun." he admitted Scorpio chuckling a little as Scorpio helped his father to bed. he had to chuckle as he heard the noises coming from his brothers chambers, shaking his head as he checked on Harry, who was sleeping peacefully and looking ever so handsome. as Daemon paced relentlessly through the manor, Harry had his normal dreams of pain and terror, but for once they where not enhanced by Voldemort, and he found himself sleeping peacefully for the first time in over nine years.

he woke in the morning and slid out of bed, rubbing his eyes and used magic to scrub himself and his clothes clean, stealing a set of robes from the closet in his room, some of Daemon's old robes that he wore no longer, amusingly enough Harry chose a silver robe edged with white and black, as if to further imprint the fact that he was neutral on everyone around him. he headed into the kitchen for breakfast, enjoying a simple fruit salad as he watched the world wake up around him, sighing a little as he pondered what he was supposed to do with his life now. every aspect of his life had been destroying Voldemort, and now that creature was dead, leaving only Daemon and a Malfoy and two Weasley children, all of whom where expecting something from him. so who did he go to? he couldn't just leave and hide, that was cowardly and Harry refused to be claimed a coward. but then where did he go and what did he do? help Daemon in his global wide bid for power? join the light and eliminate the dark arts all together? neither option was good, neither option would bring the balance... so what was he to do? start his own branch of the war? that was no good either. he sighed and ordered a house elf to bring him a pack of cigarettes and headed out to the garden for a smoke.

he was surprised to see Daemon out there nearly in the nude, and he examined the Tattoo curiously as he walked over to the other, lighting up his cigarette before standing next to Daemon, taking a deep inhale. "i raided your closet, hope you don't mind." he stated simply, blowing smoke out through his nose offering Daemon the pack. "and i stole your cigarettes too." he admitted smirking a little before his face fell. "you see that well over there?" he asked indicating the ancient well that no one considered tearing down, no matter how ugly it was. "that's where me and my two freinds, hermione and Ron got in at." he admitted. "it was a lot closer to the house then... i guess i sort of blew up most of the house huh?" he asked simply, taking another long drag of his cigarette. "i've been thinking for hours now... and i just keep coming to a stand still no matter what option i choose." he admitted simply. "it's like being in those damn tunnels all over again... lost, and alone... but i know the tunnels will eventually lead me to where i need to be." he admitted sighing a little. "but by then i've already ruined half the goal." he admitted shaking his head. "this whole thing is a mess... everyone expects something of me... even you and Draco do... and don't lie, i know you have every intention of using me, i just don't know for what yet..."

he took another long drag of his cigarette and stomped it out under his heal, blowing the smoke out of his nose again. "what do you think i should do?" he asked looking over at the other. "i can't run and hide... that option has long been denied me... but neither can i just join a side of the war, when i have no idea whats going on... i don't know who's right and who's wrong anymore..." he closed his eyes. "i have a terrible feeling that i'm going to find out that your both just as right as you are wrong..." he opened his eyes again and looked over at Daemon. "what are your views on muggles and muggle borns?" he asked simply. "and i want the honest truth, don't just tell me what i want to hear... i will be able to tell if you lie." he admitted simply, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it up. "my friend Lupin used to say these where going to kill me." he admitted simply. "if only that where true..."
Daemon nearly jumped out of his skin when Harry appeared out of nowhere, having been so self involved in his musings that he hadn't even heard the door opening to let Harry outside. "You took down this whole wing. Father was pissed he had to rebuild it himself."Tapping another cigarette out he smiled a little as he lit it, letting the smoke burn the inside of his throat as he thought. "I don't lie. About anything....most of the time. I tell Scorpious he's a moron,but that's only whe he's being moody."He mused blowing smoke rings out before smiling a little as he listened to the other speak. Shaking his head a little because he was tired, now that he was relaxing. Relaxing enough to realize that he'd only slept a handful of hours in the last few days. Having been busy planning his coup, and with victoria staying with him....yes, the riddle was feeling a little deprieved."Well, then you'll be disappointed. Damn things are made to not harm you now, only with the nicotine rush."he said because of his chain habit he'd spent more then a year working it out so that he wouldn't kill himself with cigarettes, and the manor was the only place the harmless cigarettes could be found, though Daemon was known to share if asked.

"I think you should be headmaster."The dark lord said, offering before he had thought about it when Harry asked him what he should do. He knew better then to try and take the words back, so he let them stand. "They are enjoyable. Some good ideas. Like these cigarettes. I took the idea of their smokeless cigarettes and made them more."He said being purposefully oblivious to the man's thought as he studied the ancient well. Sometimes he felt lost and alone, like he was climbing through that well to the other side, where his ambitions and hopes were waiting for him, but for the moment he was stuck in the darkness. And the only things that kept him from breaking under the strain was his father,brother, and victoria. Wrinkling his nose a little at the mention of the werewolf, but he knew the man. Or had known of him."Werewolves are treated better now you know. Not only because of Lupin, but because I refused to yield to my father in some things. And in his more sane moments, I think he knew I'd have no problem gutting him."He said still being obtuse because it amused him, but more because he was sleepy and not awake enough to be his usual closed off self.

"The more recent changes in world views, were mine. Not Voldemort's. Even if muggleborns and muggles were locked out of our society, they were not hunted anymore. They aren't universally hated,because I'm brilliant enough to know that we need muggle blood if we're not goign to end up kids that belong locked in attics or the european royal families. Insanity ran strong among the muggles when they interbred themselves. Scor is a good example of how closely tied the families are anymore. He's shorter, more frail then either me or the weasleys, who both have muggle blood in their veins."
Harry smirked a little. "well at least i pissed him off." he muttered looking amused as he examined the maze filled garden. "i'm surprised he didn't make Lucius do it... it would be funnier if he made Lucius do it.... by hand... without magic." he admitted looking very amused. "it's almost horrifying though... i slept the best i have ever slept in over... eight years i think, maybe nine." he admitted simply. "i still had nightmares, but they lacked the punch they used to when Voldemort was in my head." he admitted. "i could sleep through them, i've never been able to do that before..." he scowled as he was informed that the only thing in the cigarettes was nicotine. "well that takes all the fun out of smoking." he complained simply. "i don't suppose you'd be willing to lend me a couple hundred?" he asked looking amused. "that should last me a week or two." the more stressed Harry was, the more he smoked. "and in any case, all Malfoy's are moody, their just too pig headed to admit it." he stated simply. "just give em a cookie and they'll leave you alone." he stated with a small grin. "and everyone lies, hell, i even lie and i'm supposed to be perfect." he pointed out. "you lie about things, you just don't realize your lying."

he paused as he considered the suggestion. "headmaster?" he asked blinking a little, pondering that. "well... that's an option i hadn't considered..." he admitted simply, looking a little bemused as he pondered that. it was a good idea, as headmaster he could make sure the students where treated fairly, light and dark. "what are you going to do about the houses? are you still going to have gryffindor, slytherin, hufflepuff, and ravenclaw or do you have something else in mind?" he asked curiously his head tilted. "because the house systems are rather flawed." he admitted simply. "especially when it comes to slytherin, after your father anyone in the house of snakes was pretty much hated... and that's not what was supposed to happen." he admitted. "Salazar intended for slytherin to be a safe haven for kids who where abused, afraid, or simply needed shelter." he admitted. "instead it turned into a house full of Dark supporters who where hated simply because they supported the dark arts..." he scowled a little as he took another long drag of his cigarette. "i think i will be headmaster... i can help people that way, without getting directly involved." he agreed his face smoothing out, relaxed now that he had a plan.

"...enjoyable... really?" he asked looking amused. "yes... i guess that's one word for it... their very clever." he admitted. "i fear the level of their technology after a hundred years." he admitted. "i'll have to go and see for myself... but, where their clever their also hateful... they where a hundred years ago anyway." he admitted calmly, looking over at the other. "i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that muggles would take no time trying to wipe us out of we come out into the open like dumbledore wanted to." he admitted. "i am glad to hear that the werewolves are treated better though. they can't help being bitten..." he admitted scowling darkly. "please tell me Lupin at least died destroying Fenrir." yes indeed he had. during the full moon the two had squared off, and the battle had been so fierce all the light and dark around them had stopped their own fighting to watch in horror and amazement as Lupin finally pinned Fenrir down and ripped out his throat before collapsing, dead himself from heavy internal injuries. Voldemort had been utterly pissed, but most everyone else had been relieved to see the mass murdering werewolf dead.

"... Scorpius, Draco's son..." he muttered pondering that. "he seams... simpler as well... smart but... simple." he admitted choosing his words carefully. "he looks very much like Lucius... when i saw him and you i thought i had been rocketed back in time instead of forward." he admitted lookign amused before biting his lip. "draco is the same way, weaker... though i am glad to see him still alive." he admitted. "he loves you just as much as he loves Scorpios." he admitted calmly. "when he crowned you there was such pride in his eyes." he admitted sounding almost jealous. "i wish i had children..." he admitted softly. "Scorpios might be weaker than muggle blooded, but being a pure blood has it's own advantages." he admitted smiling a little. "their so god damn gorgeous." most everyone knew about Harry's... tendencies. after he graduated harry had, in effect, become a whore. hen he saw someone pretty, he slept with them, man or woman in an effort to relieve his own stress, and because he just plain old liked sex. "you look tired... when was the last time you slept?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at the other.
"Oh.He tried.At least from what I hear.But apparently my father considered Draco more suitable to manual labor."Daemon looked amused before shruggig."Father told me about your nightmares, I had assumed that he'd been extagerating his deeds. It seems he wasn't."He said looking slightly bemused at the idea of a access to someone's dreams. While he wouldn't go out of his way to do so, he could see the appeal of driving a enemy insane by sending him dreams."IF you really want cigarettes, just ask the elves. They raid my stash for Scor all the time, since he doesn't like draco knowing he smokes. Despite everything, draco is sort of prudish about those things....I still get a lecture about once a week about smoking."He said smirking a little. Remembering what his father had said about being moody. Maybe the brunette was right about that. He'd have to try to give him cookies."Okay.Correction.I don't intentionally lie.Better, oh great one?"He asked rolling his eyes.

"yes headmaster."Daemon sighed softly,"It is the one position neither me or scor could agree on, and I'm the only person I'd trust in it, and I'm to busy to do it."He said rubbing a hand over his face."We reorganized things into dorms by year, not by house. Despite everything, people might work better together with the same age groups instead of houses...I know that's how I have things ordered among the younger death eaters that father let me control before I took over, and it worked."He sighed quietly,glad to see the other relaxing now that harry had a plan. Looking amused as he rubbed a hand over his face, finishing his cigarette."My school will be both light and dark, potter. I wont let you treat the dark badly just because of their believes."He warned before shrugging."But I except you to hold your teachers to the same standards, and not let them treat the children badly."

"Oh yes. They brought a war to a standstill around them.Its the only time that Draco said he'd ever seen the light and dark stand in amazement over the same thing, for the same reasons."The man snickered a little."I think everyone was just glad to see Fenrir bite the dust."He sighed,"The muggles would surely be more discriminating towards us if they knew of our existance."He agreed,"But between talking with draco, and Hermione's-she wrote a book, remind me I'll get you one- account, the muggleborns would have benefited from early intervention. My father found a way to find the muggleborns so that he could punish them for breeding with 'good' wizards. I just...took his spell so I could find them, and teach them. Hermione said you and her felt like fools sometimes, for things wizards knew that you didn't. I set up a program, without Voldemort's consent or knowledge- so that the muggleborns would learn early if they would someday be able to join our society."He said looking slightly excited, because it was his dream. A dream to have both worlds, a young alexander, facing a world broadened by his father's death.

"He is fairly gorgerous isn't he?Though I would suggest staying away from my brother."He mused."At least until I can really accept you wont harm him."He raised a hand to stop the protests."I know, I know you wouldn't hurt him,but since his mother died, I've been overprotective."He said. At least he knew his faults.And his blame.shame colored the words for a moment.Could it be that the man blamed himself for his father's crimes against Astoria? it seemed it was indeed possible.

Starting a little at the other's question, "Uhhh..last night?I slept a little."He said, even the sleepful peacefulness of good sex was gone from his strained features. A few months of planning, and days of sleep deprieved duty to making sure everything would be perfect, was startign to show.
Harry smirked a little. "well, he made Draco do it, that amuses me even more." he admitted with a happy little snicker. "your father was never one to exaggerate, when he did something, he did it the way he wanted to and no other way." he admitted simply. "the dreams just about drove me insane." he admitted. "i spent a year destroying my own mind to learn the art of Occlumency before i realized it was only helping him get in." he admitted simply, taking another long drag of his cigarette. "it wasn't until i learned Legilemency that i realized why Voldemort was so effortlessly getting into my mind." he admitted simply. "i was a Horcrux." he admitted. "but his soul is gone, i think when you killed him last night, you killed the part of him that was inside of me as well. i have to admit... as much as i wanted to kill him myself, i am so very relieved to see him gone." he admitted simply.

"and Draco's always been prudish about smoking." he admitted. "and drinking... and sex." he sulked a little. "hell he didn't even like me and i got in trouble with him more times than i could count. of course, i did sleep with several of his freinds so that might have something to do with it." he admitted with a small smirk. "as for your light and dark school, back when Draco was young i knew more black magic than he did.." he pointed out. "i won't let anyone hurt a child." he growled baring his teeth. "no one. i can't stand filthy child abusers in any way." he admitted his eyes burning. what Harry didn't realize was that almost everyone knew of the terrible abuse he had undergone at the Dursley's, it was in a book, not one that any of his freinds had written, but one that some unknown Harry Potter obsessed Fan had written. she'd gone to the Dursley's, found out everything, and wrote a book all about the intricate details of Harry's life, the abuse he had undergone, the trials he had gone through at school, the pain and suffering of the deaths he felt he had caused, and finally his disappearance. Voldemort owned three copies, and was often found reading one and laughing at Harry's suffering.

he smirked a little at the mention of Lupin and Fenrir. "good." he stated simply looking amused at the thought of everyone stopping to watch their fight. "you've been teaching the muggle born!?" he asked, honestly shocked. "Hermione and i used to talk all the time about how the muggleborn's needed to be found at an earlier age." Hermione had also agreed with Harry that the muggles where dangerous and they had thought of ways to keep the muggleborn and their family from telling the rest of the world about them, which had happened, a lot with Dumbledore's open mindedness. how many times had the security and safety of the wizarding world been threatened because of some first years blabbermouth? "will you be allowing muggleborns into the school then?" he asked curiously. "i'll have to be careful not to let the purebloods pick on them..." he mused before snorting. "of course, if all the purebloods are like Scorpios i might not have to worry." he admitted. "if their more open minded they might very well accept the muggleborn with little effort..."

he glanced at the other's 'warning' and chuckled a little. "i could never screw a Malfoy." he admitted simply. "i am bound by honor to forever hate them." he stated with laughter in his voice. "did you know that me and Draco hated each other from the very second we laid eyes on each other?" he asked with a small laugh before pausing at the sound of the others shame, lifting an eyebrow. "... tell me.. Draco.. what's wrong with him?" he asked softly, wondering why the blond appeared so healthy, yet was so sickly. it was a rare genetic muscle disorder that ate away the muscle, leaving him with little strength and even less ability to take care of himself. it wasn't to the point where he needed to be fed, but he did need help getting dressed using the bathroom and getting into the bathtub, all of which Scorpios did because the young blond didn't trust anyone else to do it. "you should sleep more." Harry stated simply. "in the meantime, i'm going to go see those two Weasley kids... what where their names, Rose and Hugo? tell them whats going on, they need to know too i suppose, i'll have to explain why i'm not getting involved in this war."
"Well, you're not the only person to be glad to see him gone."Daemon said looking slightly interested before he shook his head.While he could appericate the man's devation to driving Harry insane, he couldn't see taking the time to drive someone insane that way. He didn't like touching people more then he had to, and imersing his own mind in someone elses gave him the shudders. Snickering at Harry's thoughts of draco, amused at the idea of draco always being as prudish as he was today. While he wasn't about to tell Harry about the book, at least not yet. The man had been through to much, to be informed that there was a whole book that detailed every moment of his childhood."We'll go see the school.After I get some sleep."He said looking amused that the savior was fussing over him.

While Draco had been after him to sleep more, his plans had been to important to risk sleeping. So he was looking forward to actually sleeping now. Granted, he should have slept last night, but something had driven him out of bed.Rubbing his shoulder he sighed,"There are better precautions for the muggleborns now. A spell enforced silence. Dumbledore might have been trusting, but he put us more in danger then anything else."He said biting his lip because he didn't know how to tell the man that Daemon had been the one to oust the aged headmaster because the man had nearly killed him when he was young. Dumbledore might have been outraged that Voldemort had tried to kill a baby harry, but somehow he turned a blind eye to his own trying to kill Daemon."Yes, I plan on letting the muggleborns in.Of course, Scorpius will be visiting the families about the spell...he's better at the subtle magics. and I don't think any muggleborn family would want me turning up on their frotn porch to spell them."He said snickering to himself. He could laugh at himself, it the moment came to him. Swallowing hard at the mention of his father and bristling despite the laughter at the almost insult to Scorpius.

"Well good. I am sure Scor will be after you to change your views on the malfoy family, now that he's so sweet and innocent."he said snikering as he nodded."The whole world knows you two hated each other."He said putting off telling the other for a few minutes before sighing."Draco has a rare gentic muscle disease.His body is literally killing its own muscle."He smiled before stretching, heading for the door."Well, while you go to the burrow to see Rose and Hugo, I'll get some sleep. And we'll go to hogwarts when you get home?"He said while the words came out more like a statement, a hesitant look made the words a question."
Harry nodded. "i can imagine i'm not..." Harry agreed looking over at Daemon his head tilted. "i would like to see Hogwarts again." he admitted softly. "a place of... safety..." he decided smiling a little as he shook his head. "good idea about the spell. i don't know how many times Arthur and his team had to go and reverse damages done by over excited parents." he admitted shaking his head. "most of them ended up in mental wards because they where blabbing their children's secretes... certainly not fair to the children..." he admitted sighing a little. "and Dumbledore could never see the harm he was doing... i loved him like a grandfather but... he was blind." he admitted softly. "and manipulative too." he admitted closing his eyes. "did he die well? in battle?... he wanted to die in battle, not in some old age disease..." he admitted, feeling the grief wrapping around him. everyone he knew was... dead....

"Scorpios seams very much like Draco." he admitted. "pure bloods might not be as strong as muggleborn bloods... but they have a talent most of us will never have. between their silver tongues and their OCD incessant need to have everything perfect, the more subtle spells are far too easy for them." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "ten Galleons says Scorpios can do things with magic you and i only ever dreamed of." and Harry was right, with a lack of power, came an amazing increase in skill at manipulating the magical energies. like the difference between using a sledgehammer and a hammer and chisel. one good for smashing, the other good for detailed work. "he seams a little less terrifying than you too, something about him just makes you want to grin and give him money." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i am sorry about Draco." he admitted softly, sighing a little. "it hurts me to see him like that..." he admitted softly, licking his lips a little before looking astonished at being invited back... "...home?" he asked looking startled and confused before pondering that, his face relaxing into a smile. "i've never had a home before." he admitted softly before gently clapping Daemon on the shoulder. "go to sleep Daemon." he ordered calmly. "you can't rule a faction when your half dead from sleep loss." he pointed out, heading inside to go and visit the Weasley's.

he got the floo powder from Scorpio, who was glad to see Harry gone, and watched the boy vanish into emerald flames, and out he came into the oddly shaped burrow with an almost grin as he watched the dishes clean themselves and the strange clock, one of the hands written 'Harry Potter' still intact. once pointing forever to Traveling, it was now pointing to 'home' making Harry smile. he remembered very fondly the day Molly Weasley had added the hand, and then bitched at Harry for an hour because the first thing the hand did was point to 'Mortal Peril' because harry had been planning something stupid again. "Stop!" an older man demanded, pointing a wand at Harry's throat, Harry looking astonished. "oh my god.. Teddy!? Teddy Lupin!?" "it's Ted thank you very much! who are you!" "god you got big! you where three when i last saw you!... Merlin you look like Lupin." Harry breathed Teddy looking astonished and then confused. "your a kid, how could you possibly know what my father looked like!?" the werewolf animagi man demanded, Harry smirking a little. "just tell Rose and Hugo i'm here... you'll understand everything soon enough, here." Harry offered the man his wand. "take this, then you'll know i won't cause any problems." not that he needed a wand, but it seamed to work, Teddy snatched it up and stalked off to find Rose and Hugo.

"hey, there's a guy out here who says he wants to see you, freaky fellow... he knew my name, claimed to have known my dad and met me when i was three." he complained scowling at Rose and Hugo. "are you two channeling your inner Fred and George again?" he demanded, wondering if he was being pranked or something. "... i forgot to ask for his name..." "it's Harry Potter." Harry stated simply, Teddy snarling as he turned to glare at Harry. "what? you never told me to stay there so i assumed i was supposed to follow, hello you two, see? i told you Daemon wouldn't hurt me." "d.. Daemon!?" Teddy demanded, astonished. "H..Ha...Harry Potter!?!" he grabbed Harry's face and looked at him. "lightning scar, green eyes... no sense of danger... holy shit you ARE harry potter!" "... i hated it when Lupin did that.," Harry complained looking annoyed. "i do TOO have a sense of danger! it's juts... muted out by my need to protect things that's all!"
Rose snickered shaking her head."No you don't. You willingly stayed at Malfoy Manor, with Daemon Sadi Riddle of all people. Who were you protecting them huh?"she said sounding amazingly like hermione in a scolding mood. And like her mother, she only scolded because she had been worried. The idea of what the current dark lord would do to Harry potter had kept her up most of the night, though she didn't look nearly as tired as Daemon had."I think you're insane if you don't think Sadi'd hurt you." Hugo smiled slightly as he leaned back in his chair as he finished breakfast, looking up at Harry worriedly, though alot calmer then Rose was. He was willing to trust that of anyone harry potter was able to take care of himself.

After all, Daemon next to harry was like a toddler taking on a adult. All brawn and flash. At least, he was according to the light. Daemon Sadi had managed to hide intelligence and a errie sense of people behind the viciousness and self centeredness, enough hidden that Hugo would have thought he was as insane as Voldemort if Victoria hadn't been passing things on."Besides, Victoria wouldn't let Daemon hurt him."He said still weirded out by his cousin's sacerfice to the cause, but somehow she seemed to enjoy it. And as long as the dark lord didn't slaughter her, he wouldn't let it stop him from seeing her.

Rose smiled before getting up, resting a hand on Ted's arm."Its okay. He doesn know what Daemon's like, so he doesn't understand the danger."She said still looknig worried despite hugo's words before pausing, then leaning in to hug harry."I'm sorry mother and father never got to know what happened.It bothered them to never now."
Harry chuckled a little an shook his head. "Draco told them not to hurt me, and above all else i trust Draco." he admitted simply. "we've saved each others lives a lot... a very lot." he admitted with a small chuckle as Rose yelled at him. "besides, Riddle's not so bad, it's Scorpios who gives me the creeps." he admitted amusement lining his voice, laughing in the face of danger as it where as he reached over and took a scone off of Hugo's plate and flopped down into his own Chair, grinning a little. "you two act like them." he admitted with a small smile. "Hermione was always scolding me." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i'm glad to see Ron finally god his panties off and admitted he loved her." he admitted with a small snicker as he nibbled on his stolen scone. "i have a good sense of people, Daemon isn't a bad person, not really." he admitted simply before snarling at the mention of Victoria. "so you are using her to control him." he hissed his eyes flashing with fury as he got to his feet staring at them as he carefully hugged Rose.

"i'm going to be the new headmaster of Hogwarts." he stated simply looking at them. "i'm not getting involved in this stupid war." he stated calmly pulling away from them and crossing his arms. "i have no place in these battles, and as far as i can tell there's no reason for the war at all now that Dumbledore and Voldemort are dead." he admitted sighing a little. "i'm not getting involved, and i know you want me to, i know you, all of you expect things of me but like i've told Daemon Scorpio and Draco, the only thing i'm concerned about is Balance. and the Balance is way off kilter." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "i'm sorry Hermione and Ron died..." he admitted softly, running a hand through his hair. "your family." he admitted smiling at Hugo and Rose. "if you ever need anything, that isn't related to the war, i'll always be available." he promised glancing at Teddy, his head tilted. "that goes for you too big guy... though your tons older than me." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i just wanted to let you know my feelings on the war and explain why i'm not getting involved." he admitted biting his lip as Teddy scowled.

"that's bull shit!" he complained growling as he advanced on Harry, emerald eyes smirking a little. "you really want to play this game Teddy?" he demanded his head tilted at the other. "i know things, about the light you, and yours." he indicated all of the light robes. "i know things about Dumbledore, about your parents that would make you sick to your stomach." Teddy looked astonished and he took a step away from Harry. "... but... we're the light... we're the good guys..." "this is a war Ted... there are no good guys." he stated holding his hand out. "my wand back please." Teddy handed it over and Harry nodded. "good choice." he stated simply smiling at rose and Hugo. "i'll see you two next weekend hmm? we'll set up a dinner or something, you can tell me about your plans or something." he stated with a shrug before heading for the fireplace before pausing, looking over at them. "oh... and tell Victoria that if she does anything that hurts Daemon with that little allure of hers, i'll do to her what i should have done to her mother." he promised simply before vanishing in emerald flames.
Rose and Hugo stared after the man in stunned silence, because they could not come up with the words to argue with him. While they had tried he hadn't allowed them to get a word in edgewise. And frankly, the look on his face when they mentioned victoria scared Rose a little bit."We'll have to be careful.Daemon's tricked him, more then I thought he could."Rose sighed nodding a little, lookig concerned as she realized things could go very badly if they weren't careful. But everyone, including some of the lighter death eaters agreed that Daemon was better then voldemort, but his fascination with being in charge of the world was going to destroy something."There are good guys in war.And they are us.We'll just have to make him see."Hugo said to the flames after harry was gone.

Nearly 36 hours later though, Daemon stumbled out of his bedroom, wet hair slicked to his head, brunette strands falling in his face.unlike Scorpius and Draco who kept their hair in short, Daemon's brushed the bottom of his chin, the loose locks just begging someone to run their fingers through.But Daemon didn't look up for a wild romp, he looked like a strong wind would blow him over, despite sleeping so long."Good....morning is it?"The dark lord asked looking at Draco and Scorpius as he walked into the dining room,frowning a little. Like always, when he overslept he was feeling disoriented and sluggish. Though he knew he'd have to get moving because he owed harry a tour of hogwarts."How long was I out?"He asked sitting down at the table starting to eat.

"Dae?Feel better?"Victoria said smiling as she followed her lover into the dining room, sitting down next to him, really closer then she needed to, but unlike what daemon did any other time anyone invaded his personal space, Daemon didn't squirm away. Despite a lifetime of avoiding contact-or maybe because of it- he had fallen hard and fast for Victoria, enhanced by her allure, not that he was aware of it. Daemon Sadi was so desperate to be accepted, to be loved for who he was, that he wasn't even aware of the farce of his relationship
Teddy blinked and looked over at Rose and Hugo looking a bit worried. "... what did he mean, that he knew things about our parents that would make us sick?... my father was a good man, and my mother was wonderful... Ron and Hermione where wonderful too, they took me in after my parents where killed... they never did anything bad... did they?" despite being old, the lyconthropy that Teddy had been born with had left him very childish in nature. "... something tells me that Harry isn't one who would be capable of being... bemused..." he admitted calmly. "i don't think that we can convince him of... anything he doesn't already know for himself..." Teddy admitted swallowing thickly as he watched the flickering flames. "... he didn't go back to Malfoy Manor..." in fact Harry didn't go back to Malfoy manor right away, no he went back to his old house, the Dursley's. he was astonished to see the entire place had been razed to the ground, completely flattened by Dark wizards though they where not there anymore Harry could feel the lingering taste of black magic, he smiled a little as he looked around, shaking his head. "well... at least the Dursley's suffered before they died..." he muttered softly before Apparating away again.

this time he went to Diagon alley and was amazed to see that it was all still standing, all still... mostly fine save for a difference in shops and other such things. he was amazed to see the Bank not only still standing, but completely the same. he headed inside with his key and gathered a large amount of astonished looks as people realized that he was Harry Potter, or a relation of his anyway, since he had hidden his scar with magic no one could tell for certain if he was really Harry or not. he offered no name to the Goblins, but they didn't need one since he had the key, and potter blood. everyone was muttering in astonishment as he left with his pockets full of gold and headed into the shops to buy an entirely new wardrobe of his choosing. muggle and magic clothing filled his pockets in shrunken packages making him grin as he headed back to Malfoy Manor and locked himself in the bathroom and ignored everyone who tried to talk to or visit him. even draco was refused entrance.

`Scorpio and Draco smiled, both of them looked relieved to see Daemon awake. "morning yes." Scorpio agreed. "you've been asleep for over a day." he admitted calmly. "we where afraid Harry had poisoned you or something." "you where afraid Scor, i know better than to think Harry would be capable of poisoning someone. and before you ask Dae Harry has locked himself in his room and is refusing to come out." he admitted as he took a drink of his tea. "good morning Victoria." Draco chirped smiling at her. he and Scorpios where just as taken in by her allure as Daemon was. there was a movement by the doorway and Draco's mouth nearly fell open as he stared at Harry. the glasses where gone, and so was the scar, making him appear much older than he really was. he had grown his hair to his hips with potions he had bought in diagon alley, giving him a more feminine appearance, and Scorpios face took on a pink tinge.

Scorpios fell in love easily, and he loved pretty people almost as much as Harry did, and Scorpios was finding Harry very, very pretty. especially with the soft silver rove with blue and green trim he was wearing which clung to Harry's firm, yet feminine frame. "so how do i look?" Harry asked smirking a little as he watched Scorpios nearly fall over himself to get to his feet and offer Harry a chair, Draco rolling his eyes. "oh... thank you Scorpios, very kind of you." Harry chirped sitting down next to Daemon and Victoria, offering the woman a chilling smile. "good morning Victoria, would you care for some allure for breakfast?" he asked his eyes narrowed. "your just like your mother." he stated smirking darkly at her, as he tilted his head. "it will be interesting to see what kind of life you lead..." he admitted studying Victoria for a moment before helping himself to the breakfast, Draco and Scorpios frowning at Harry, wondering what he had meant by all of that. "so... you must have had an.. interesting day yesterday?" "yes... Teddy challenged me to a pissing contest and i kicked his as." Draco snorted at that, looking amused. "and i visited a few old places... i'm astonished at how much has changed... tell me Dray... the Dursley's..." Draco winced. "where they torture before they died?" "...well.. no actually... the entire street was blown up... most everyone else had evacuated, Dumbledore had seen to it but the Dursley's where still there... i think they where incinerated... instant death..." "...pity that." Harry muttered poking at his food.
"They were good, teddy.And they wouldn't do anything bad."Rose muttered patting the older man's arm, looking slightly worried. Though she knew that they would be okay, because Daemon had offered them all positions at the school, so they would not be away from Harry for long. They would see what was going on."We'll be fine."She said before getting up, setting about getting things ready.

Daemon rolled his eyes a little at his brother's reaction to harry, amused but feeling protective over the elder."Don't worry, fiend fyre burns like a bitch for that minute it takes you to die."The dark lord reassured curling his lip little at the threat he sensed from harry over Victoria, but not willing to start a fight over it. "yes, I am surprised they aren't here demanding I let you out of the house."He said looking bemused as he sipped his orange juice, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to wake up more."I was planning on going to hogwarts this evening.Morning.Goddammit, I hate sleeping this much."He said sulking a little.Victoria laughed softly shaking her head,"Then don't stay up so long silly."she teased. "I had things I had to do."Daemon sulked a little but sighed, turning his head to look at Harry as he started eating."Classes start this week.You actually turned up at the perfect time potter."The dark haired man mused, flicking wet hair out of his face."I assume you still want to go to hogwarts before classes start?I want to make sure the wards are still well and placed."He said biting his lip little, looking worried.

Yes, despite his usual uncaring philosphy towards people, Daemon liked children.Didn't have any of his own, but he did like chidlren. So he worried about having so many mixed children together, worried about what predjuices they were going to bring in."Father, I know I am welcome to stay here...but I think I would like to have a office and rooms at the school."He said biting his lip a little. Because despite his worry that his presence would cause more havoc then good, the man wanted to keep a eye on the children, and harry. That, and his girlfriend was teaching.Ahhh the wonders of multple purposes."And I will be back in the evenings, and scor will still be here, and I'd stay if you wanted me to..."he sid fretting because he worried over his adopted father so much.
Harry smirked a little. "how comforting." he stated looking amused at the Fiend fire comment. "i made it pretty damn sure they understood that i was neutral." he admitted shaking his head. "they won't be around here demanding my return." he promised with a small chuckle. "i have to agree with Victoria on this one, you can't do much good if your exhausted, you need to get more sleep." he ordered calmly as he nibbled on some food, pondering for a moment what he was going to do once he was at Hogwarts. "i'll have to write a speech if i'm going to be headmaster." he muttered calmly, pondering this. "i'll need a list of teachers." so harry WAS taking being headmaster seriously, draco had been worried. "i'll need a list of students and the groups their going to be in..." he mused. "i'll need a list of classes and the rules that are in place..." technically it was Harry's job to decide all of that, but he assumed, correctly, that it had all mostly been set up already. "who's minister by the way? i don't want some pompous jackass in my business all the time for sheltering children of one side or another." he admitted shaking his head a little.

"and yes, i do want to go there before school starts. there are tunnels that i need to seal off and protect, secrete ones that i know the damn kids are going to find." he paused. "i might leave one or two of the more structurally sound tunnels open and mark them off as emergency tunnels. that castle was almost our death back in my time, when Voldemort attacked it we where all trapped and couldn't get out, need to have escape routs in case that happens again." he mumbled almost to himself. "i wonder if my old map works?" he mused his eyes narrowed a little as he considered. "i'll have to visit the room of requirement and see if that's still in there..." he muttered softly Draco snorting a little before smiling a little at Daemon. "go on Dae." he ordered calmly. "you need to be at the school, to settle yourself if nothing else. i know my telling you won't convince you that Harry won't take sides." he admitted with a small chuckle as Harry snapped back to himself. "huh? what about me?" "nothing Potter, go back to your plans." Draco ordered Harry blinking a little before scowling at Draco. "i get the distinct feeling your mocking me..."

"... i am." Harry teased chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. "so Dae, Scor, are you guys going with me to Hogwarts?" Harry finally asked as he cut into his eggs. "i'm probobly going to need help clearing out some of the tunnels and setting up stronger wards, the ones that where up when Hogwarts was taken won't work, we'll have to construct knew ones." Harry admitted simply before he bit his lip as he watched Draco staring at him. "... i'm doing it again aren't i?" he asked Draco nodding, Harry grimacing. "sorry..." "doing what?" Scorpios asked looking a little confused. "oh er.. i'm a bit obsessive about certain things and i tend to... over calculate it to the point where i need to have every detail sorted out before i feel like i've accomplished something." he admitted shaking his head. "Draco, so far, is the only person who's ever really noticed it." he admitted grinning a little. "my quidditch team HATED me... OH!" he looked at Deamon. "how are we doing quidditch!? ARE we doing quidditch!? we HAVE to do quidditch!!!"
Daemon pouted a little, looking at his father."I'm settled.Stop making it sound like I'm a restless child."He grumbled, not about to admit that he hd been so restless that he hadn't slept like he should."The rules and things are already set,and since Scor was setting up to be headmaster until we can decide, he already has them t the school."He said before smirking. "Well, Sirius' black's daughtre is."He said already bracing for the reaction."She's good, more then willing to hear both sides, considering she's a cousin.And wont take any nosense from anyone."Daemon smiled little before sighing. Almost as obsessive about things as harry seemed to be making a face at Draco for ordering him to school.

"The wards should be fine. Scorpius ripped down the ones that had been there. He's better at the delicate magic, you know."He said giving his brother a backhanded compliment. Victoria smiled tilting her head."So am I.Between all of us I am sure that the wards will be stronger then the ones we took down." "Probably."Daemon said though he still looked fretful, a slight puckering between his eyebrows, making him look older then 25, though not old. Just more... down to earth then voldemort ever had, even when he was sane. "The room was working, at last check.But it has been a few years since I tried using it. I used it to hide some students when things were bad."He winced, not realizing what he'd admitted to before he'd said it. "What?"Victoria asked raising a eyebrow, smirking a little as Daemon squirmed."Oh, one of the muggle families father attacked...or some death eaters..."He squirmed avoiding looking at any of them because it embarassed him to be put on the spot like that.

Daemon started at the question of qudditch, for once, looking ttally at a loss. Being his father's son, he'd never been allowed to fly, much less play qudditch. He was... embarassed to admit this to the still youngest seeker the wizarding world knew."Scor, did you have some idea about it?"He asked looking at his brother, grasping at straws because he was feeling off kilter at the sudden demand. He wasn't used to people pouncing on him with sudden questions, so it was a breath of fresh air to find himself being questioned. Victoria smiled a little at the sight of her lover so out of step, she'd have to remember he did't like questions. Shifting she wrapped a arm around his wasit, brushing a kiss to his cheek."Don't worry love, I am sure that you will figure it out. You don't have to do EVERYTHING by yourself, you know."
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