Saving Draco Malfoy


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Harry potter was famous for sticking his nose into trouble and danger, was famous for giving people second chances when they really didn't deserve it, and famous for trying to save people who couldn't be saved. So no one was surprised when he started expressing worried about Draco Malfoy. No one had seen Draco Malfoy in public since the brutal trials after Voldemort's demise. Lucius and Narcissa had gone to Azkaban, where they died, having killed themselves barley a week later. Draco had gotten off without even a fine, the forced Legilmens of his memories having left the prosecutor so stunned and horrified, that he had ordered the judge himself to set Draco free, there was no explanation given, and Draco was released much to the fury of the entire wizarding world... that was, until the rumors started. Others had gotten off, others who had gone through the same things that Draco had, Rape, forced to live under the impirio for years upon years, torture, forced to murder and hurt people they cared about. The world stopped crying for Draco's punishment, but Draco did not reappear.

The blond was completely cut off from the world, no owls could get in, meaning he got no mail. No one could floo his house, meaning no visitors that way. The Anit apparation wards expanded for miles around his house, encasing his entire four mile long property, meaning one had to walk two miles just to get to the front door. There where even anti flying wards, meaning no brooms. Draco was determined not to have company, but he had never expected Harry to show up one day, not even out of breath from the two mile walk. Draco had slammed the door in the brunettes face, and refused to open the door, and for a week Harry would show up, ring the doorbell for an hour, and then leave until Draco got so fed up he finally let the annoyance in. harry had been horrified at the state he found Draco in, so skinny you could count ribs, dark circles under his eyes indicating that he wasn't sleeping, and worse was the long lines of scabbed cuts that ran across the brunettes wrists.

Draco pretended none of it was important, and Harry let him pretend, struggling to try and get Draco to eat, to sleep, even hiding all of the sharp things in the house so Draco couldn't cut himself, but the Blond just found other means of damaging himself, so Harry, in desperation, called for help. A woman that Hermione had recommended. Someone who specialized in severe cases like Draco was, someone who could hopefully save Draco Malfoy's life, because if Draco kept on, he was going to die, no doubt very painfully. So Harry was desperate, he called the woman, and he waited at the edge of the anti apparation wards for her.
Roshara Soiel wasn't naive, and wasn't stupid. She knew the man, and what was waiting for her behind the wards of Malfoy Manor. Despite having never met the blond herself, they shared one thing in common, a past that they longed to forget had ever existed. The only thing that was different was Roshara had long ago come to terms that the best way to have revenge on the people who had hurt her was to live, and not to live her life wasted. So she'd started to treat others. And she usually wasn't welcome when she turned up on someone's front steps, and helped at the demand of a relative or in this case....a friend she was as steadfast and possessive as a pitbull with a bone, and she wasn't going to let go of Draco until she was absolutely sure she couldn't save him. And so far, in the five years that she'd been helping people, she'd never found someone she couldn't abuse into helping themselves.

White, true white, not that pale blond draco had, but true white hair stuck up in spikes around a narrow face, with pale blue white eyes, the color of the blue sky on a winter's day. She was pretty in a unconventianal way and it showed that she wasn't good to herself even as she tried to take care of others. She was thin, almost to thin, but it wasn't carelessness, it was more she worked herself to much to ever catch up with enough food to really gain weight. Apparating to the edge of the manor's wards she tilted her head at the sight of the brunette waiting for her.

"Am I late?"she asked sounding slightly concerned that he was waiting for her, glancing at her watch. Anxious because she hadn't met Draco before, so she was anxious about what she would find, like she always was. She was extremely worried about what the blond had done to himself all alone out here."And...does he know you asked me to come?"
Harry smiled at her when she appeared and he shook his head. “no, not late, your early in fact.” he admitted before grimacing a little. “er... no he doesn't know your here... he'd leave if he knew you where coming, if we surprise him he'll at least be courteous and give you a week or two before he kicks you out or finds somewhere else to go.” he admitted rubbing the back of his head. “he's... bad.” Harry admitted. “and I'm desperate, he's days away from death at this rate and he won't listen to me one bit.” Harry admitted shaking his head. “Hermione said you where the best.” he admitted offering her a smile. “it's a two mile walk, your wearing good shoes right?” he asked before turning and heading into the thick woods that surrounded Malfoy manor.

They got there in good time, and Harry started ringing the doorbell incessantly, letting Draco know that it was Harry and he wasn't leaving until Draco answered the door. As it was the blond took his sweet time answering the door, a half an hour passed before the door slowly swung open, revealing the dilapidated Draco, who looked like death itself. He hadn't stopped showering, but it was clear that beyond that he had stopped taking care of himself. His hair was down to his hips in messy tangles, his clothes where crumpled and creased and there was a stain on his shirt. He himself was clean, but he reeked of alcohol and drugs. His tired gray eyes scowled at them, heavy dark bags where stark against the deathly white tone of his skin. He was so thin that his cheeks had sunken in and you could see the outline of his ribs even through the loose oversized clothes he was wearing. Clothes that had fit only a year ago, hung off of him like Dudley's clothes once had on Harry. His teeth where turning yellow, and he was wearing no shoes, and his once perfectly manicured nails where chipped and broken.

Draco took one look at harry, and the woman who was with him and shut the door in their faces, Harry just reaching up and resuming his incessant, annoying ringing of the doorbell until Draco opened the door again and simply walked into the house, leaving the door open for them to follow. His long sleeves hit the long cuts on his arms, and his pants hid the long cuts, and burn marks on his inner thighs, all of them fresh, or within weeks old at least. He sat down at the kitchen table, Harry following as he sat down in front of Draco and accepted a freshly poured cup of coffee,, the only thing that Harry had ever seen Draco drink or eat. Draco poured a cup for Roshara and then sat down as well, nursing his half cup that he had abandoned when Harry had started ringing the doorbell.

“Draco, this is Roshara, she's going to be staying with you for a while.” Harry explained, Draco blinking at them for a moment then. “i'd tell you no.” he muttered, his voice husky from misuse, and dark with fury. “but you'll just ignore me and do it anyway.”
"No.He'd let me go home. I'll tell you to go to hell and make me some food."Roshara sneered a little, having every intention of pissing him off. Because rage was so much better then this listless anger that he seemed stuck in. Looking lean and mean in snug jeans, a t-shirt, and knee high boots she looked slightly amused even if it felt like a sucker punch to see the man like this. Of all the people she'd seen set on a self destruction course, Draco Malfoy was the only one she'd ever met that came close to her own self destruct moment. "No more coffee."She smirked a little stealing his cup and pouring it out, before filling it with water, pushing it back to the blond as she sipped on her newly poured water. "Draco, seriously. Youre body's crashing out on caffine and drugs, I can smell it from here."She said wrinkling her nose a little as she sat down at the table, studying the man before looking at harry.

"He wont attack me will he?"She asked because she figured she'd get a truthful answer from Harry before she got one from Draco. Figuring she needed to know just how far she could push without breaking the blond in front of her. She could sense it, sense him breaking,but sometimes they ones who were so close to breaking were the ones that surprised you the most. And steel forged in hellfire made the hardest steel. She wasn't going to let his past break him, not if she could save him. Because saving him, meant being able to save herself.

"You're going to start eating normal. And drinking better.And I swear to god if you dont brush your teeth, I'm going to do it for you."She said as a biting tease, wondering how hard she was going to have to push to find true anger instead of just mild annoyance.
Draco frowned a little at Roshara. “i can't cook.” he stated simply. “so you'd starve.” he stated simply, drinking another drink of his coffee before he suddenly found it missing from his lips, blinking a little. “...” he didn't even say anything, he just stared at his water and then up at her, baring his yellowing teeth at her before he got up, dumped out his water and poured himself a new cup of coffee, taking a long swallow just to spite her before sitting back down, Harry hesitating. “i don't know.” he admitted looking Draco over. “in school he never hesitated to throw a punch but he's never hit a woman before.” he admitted. “i'd be careful, he's not very stable, he might strike you just because he can't get you to leave... it depends on how pissed he gets I suppose...” he admitted, Draco completely ignoring the both of them.

“... i'd like to see you try and make me.” Draco growled, true anger flashing in his eyes, there was one thing that Draco Malfoy hated, always had and always would, and that was being told what to do by someone he considered lesser than him. “and I do brush my teeth thank you very much lady bitch a lot.” Harry looked startled at Draco's language, his eyes wide before he smirked a little as he stood up. “well, I'm going to go, I have work in an hour and thanks to Draco I have to walk two miles before I can apparate there.” Harry complained, Draco snorting. “serves you right.” Draco growled as he stood up, dumped out his coffee and left the room, Harry grimacing. “you should feel proud Roshara. That's the most emotion I've seen out of him in over a year.” he admitted smiling at her. “i'm using my auror connections to connect Draco's floo to my home, so if you ever need anything just head over alright? If I'm not home Dobby will be and he'll get me for you.” he paused hesitating, clearly wondering if it was safe for Rashara to stay there alone with a clearly unstable Draco.
roshara nodded looking slightly amused at Draco's response to her demand. And even more amused when she realized Harry was worried about her safety.Glancing after Draco she smiled a little,"Harry, I outweigh him right now. Hell I bet he couldn't arm wrestle me much less cause serious harm."She said getting up."Now go to work.I have a blond to piss off."She whistled a little asshe followed after draco, looking for him as she walked.More exploring the house then she was actually looking for draco. After almost a hour she did go in search of the blond, sliding her hands into her pockets, the silver bracelets around her wrists pushing up for a moment, almost showing the scars there."I could cook for you.Do you want something?"She asked looking at him almost curiously, wondering if he didn't cook because he couldn't,or because he didn't want to.
Harry hesitated a little and then smiled a little. "well, you do have a point." he agreed before heading out the door. "be careful." he ordered before leaving. most of Draco's house was coated in dust, completely untouched and unused, the only rooms actually used was a bathroom, the kitchen, and a single bedroom. he was sitting in said bedroom, laying on his bed and staring at nothing, sighing a little as she walked in. "don't you people knock?" he complained scathingly. "what if i had been in here wanking or something?" he demanded angrily, but it was a dull anger again, as if he was just going through the motions. "i'm not hungry." he grumbled as he closed his eyes. "i just want to sleep... why don't you be useful and go jump off a bridge and die somewhere?" he demanded pulling the blankets up over his head so he wouldn't have to interact with her anymore. of course most people didn't want to interact with someone after they told you to go off and die, but Draco didn't really care, he was making it very certain that he, did not like her, at all.
"...If you were in here wanking at least it would be some sign that you were engaged in life."Roshara said sounding thoughtful as she leaned against the doorframe, refusing to be angry about being told to go die. "if you're going to try to make me commit suicide, at least be creative about the suggestion.Jumping off a bridge if boooorrrring.And you are that I guess.Boring I mean."Roshara said sounding more amused and curious then she did angry about him refusing to interact with her. She'd come here expecting to not have it easy. Everyone knew how secluded Draco malfoy had become, so to see him at least show some sign of life was good.
Draco ignored the wanking comment before sighing a litle as she complained about his method of suicide. "how about you jump into a wood chipper then? hang yourself, go act like a slut and overdose on sex and drugs, i don't give a shit how you die." he complained simply as he curled up on the bed, clearly intending on going to sleep and ignoring her as he got comfortable, hugging a pillow, the only sign he gave her that he was lonely, probobly the only reason why he hadn't tried to kill her or Harry yet, being that Harry was an annoying son of a bitch.
Roshara sighed quietly, shaking her head."Goodnight draco."She said looking sad as she saw him curl up with the pillow. Turning she went to find her own bed to sleep in.

In the morning Roshara smiled slightly as she walked into his bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, with a tray of food balanced on her knees as she waited for him to acknowledge that he'd woken up when she'd come in."Good morning."She said after a few minutes.
Draco didn't move when she walked in, but then, he hadn't slept at all during the night, he'd just laid there, every time he closed his eyes he saw the images he didn't want to see, so he was very grouchy when she walked in. "what's so good about it? your still here." he snarled. refusing to move, and refusing to let his stomach growl at the smell of food. he didn't deserve food, he wouldn't eat, no matter what and she couldn't make him. besides if he crawled out from under the covers she was see the large splotches of fresh, still wet blood on the sheets, even though they where dark, when wet they could still be seen. he had healed the fresh wounds just enough to stop the bleeding, but they still stung violently. he enjoyed the pain, the pain was cleansing.
"Well I guess in that case it is a bad morning for you....which is going to turn into a bad month because Im not going anywhere."she mused feathers unruffled because shed expected something along those lines when she showed up."up and at it draco. The eggs and bacon are just going to get cold and nasty if I have to wait and force feed you."she said blandly, as if she force fed a lot of people. But considering she did this for a living, she did get to physically force people to do the good thing for their bodies a lot.
Draco didn't bother responding to that, and he didn't move when she ordered him to, he didn't even respond to her threat of force feeding him. he just laid under the covers and ignored her, hoping that if he did she would go away, and leave him the hell alone. he didn't want her to be there, he didn't want to be fixed or healthy, he deserved to suffer for the things that he had done. willing or not he had done them, so he was punishing himself for the bad things, the pain and suffering he had caused so many people. she could force feed him all she wanted, because even if she got out of it with him having swallowed any portion of it, he would just go in the bathroom and puke it back up.
Tostada sighed softly as she shifted on the bed, leaning back on the headboard with the tray rating on her legs. Okay so annoying him hadn't gotten him to eat or talking. So, shell just have to do something to him. Or say something."you are such a coward. You're letting them win. Stop being to chicken shit to do the brave thing and killing yourself if younreally want to die."she said raising a hand holding it between them, prepared if he swung at her.
...tostada? XDD)

he snarled as she spoke and slammed into her, eyes wild with fury. "YOU KNOW NOTHING!" he roared, surprisingly strong fingers wrapping tightly around her neck. "You don't know SHIT so stop trying to help me! i deserve this! i deserve to hurt and starve!" he snarled, slamming her head hard into the floor, his fingers tightening, bruises forming under his hands. she was going to be in a lot of pain when he let her go... if he let her go. he snarled darkly and then hesitated, seaming to realize what he was doing and forced his hands to release her neck, tears filling his eyes as he got to his feet and walked away as if nothing had happened, stepping into the bathroom and slamming the door shut, leaving her on the ground.
Damn spell correction...XD)

roshara laughed rubbing her neck, before stopping the sound as she realized how painful it was. While shed expected a violent reaction she hadn't expected to find her with a necklace of bruises. Climbing to her feet she walked to the bathroom door,pausing as she tried to figure out what he was doing and wondering if he really committing suicide."well since I know nothing. Tell me. I'll-or harry'll never understand if you don't talk to us.maybe being reasonable in talking would get us to leave you the fuck alone."Roshara said reasonably, even if there was no chance of it happening she was willing to let him think it was.
Draco was actually considering it, after all she had said he was being a coward by not right? and Draco Malfoy wasn't a coward. he had the knife, he liked to use knives instead of his wand, it felt more real when he used a knife, watching the blood well up around the blade made him feel a sense of euphoric peace. he had the knife pressed against his wrist, but he couldn't press down, couldn't apply the pressure that would be needed to slice through tendon and nerve and vein... he sighed a little and set the knife down, closing his eyes, letting the tears run down his face as he magically locked the door, keeping her out. he knew she couldn't break through hi magic, the only person who could was Harry, the rest who had been able to where all dead, he'd helped kill them. "your lying." Draco finally said, glaring at the door. "your fucking lying! don't think i don't know better you fucking bitch!" he didn't like being depressed like that, so he got angry instead, taking it out on the only person there besides himself. "i should have just fucking killed you! then you'd all leave me ti fuck alone!"
"Oh good, now we're being brave yelling through a closed door.You are such a whiney bitch.Get out here and tell me to go to hell if you really want me to leave you alone."She grumbled siging relieved at the sound of his voice, though she still worried what he was doing on the other side. Swallowing hard as she siletnly cast, watching the ward in front of her flush a angry red, dangerous, but not deadly.At least she'd be able to tell if he really was dying."Get out here and make me leave you alone. Though on second thought, maybe I'll go through your things while your hiding in there."She said,a biting tease even as she leaned against the door, not bothering to go in search of something to snoop through. Just wanting to piss him off enough to get him to open the door so she could make sure he really didn't hurt himself badly.
Draco's rage grew and he considered cutting out her tongue, he had cut out tongue's before, you trapped the head between your knees, pinned the wrists down with his ankles, forced the mouth open, pulled the tongue out, and sliced through the flesh like butter. they didn't scream, or talk much after that, most of them passed out and drowned in their own blood... he wondered if she would gurgle? the color of the door was going from red to black, warning her that he was turning dangerous again, and suddenly the door snapped open, his eyes mad again, wild fury shining through them, he looked like he had when he'd been under the Impirio, willing to do unspeakable things, but behind the madness was a desperation, a pleading to be free. with a person who had been under the impirio for so long, well... they tended to slide back into that state where they couldn't control themselves, which meant that Rashara was in real danger right then, especially with the sliver blade gleaming in his hands.
Roshara lookedat him, raising a arm even as he raised a knife towards her, the silver blade making a sharp ringing sound as it smacked off her wristcuffs, the metal gaunlets in place to not only hide scars but so she could do crap like that.Nodding slightly when she saw the desperation she let him get closer to him before reaching out, wrapping her hands around his wrists before doing the unthinkable.And falling, but not like she'd tripped, more like she'd meant to do it. Falling as she twisted, pinning the slight blond to the ground as she panted to keep his hands on the ground and not let him hurt her or himelf."I know, I know you hate yourself.But we can use that hatred to become stronger.I promise."She panted struggling, having not thought he'd be that strong from being so slight
Draco snarled as he dove at her, trying to slice through her wrist, wanting to see her bleed, yelping as he suddenly felt himself pinned, struggling underneath her, writhing wildly before he started to sob, pressing his face into the floor, falling limp underneath her as he sobbed, releasing the knife, letting her know it was safe to get off of him. "i hate myself so much." he whispered hoarsely. "i'm such a fucking c..coward... i didn't fight... i didn't struggle... i just... let them... like i was a doll..." he sobbed. "i'm pathetic... stupid... weak..." he whispered curling up once she released him, curling up into a little ball, breaking under his own madness, his hands hiding his face so she couldn't see his shameful tears. he was a Malfoy, an Malfoy's didn't cry, ever.
Roshara sighed softly, "You were a child draco.Despite me trying to piss you off, I don't believe what I say."She said shifting a little to lay down next to him, curling up against his back her cheek resting against his shoulder as she held the slight blond against her.She might not be very big, but she could protect him, even if it was just from his own memories. Despite not overly liking touch,she'd learned that it helped when you were upset, that physical reminder that you were not alone."You ARE stupid for not fighting now, not then. YOu're letting them win draco. You're losing the fight without ever stepping into the boxing ring."
Draco shook his head as she curled against him. "just go away." he whispered. "just go away..." he pleaded, covering his ears. "just go away... i was fine before you came along... i was fine..." he whispered hoarsely, refusing to listen to her any longer. "just go away." he growled shivering violently as he blocked out everything, slowly laying still as he blocked out the world, retreating into himself, the only thing that he knew to do. Draco had never been a fighter, he had hidden most of his life, and faced with the option to fight or hide now, he hid, and nothing Roshara did would pull him out of it until he was ready to come out, limp now, and staring at nothing, he was little more than a listless doll.
Roshara sighed softly as she realized she'd made him retreat. Though she'd probably should have expected it.Smiling slightly she stood, bending down and gently picking the man up. After settling him in bed she headed downstairs, intending on visiting harry for a few minutes before draco came back to himself."Harry?"she asked as she flooed to the other's house, looking around curiously.Needing to know more, while the world knew about draco malfoy, she wanted the things that no one else would know. Something was bugging her about the man, and she had no idea what it was that was scratching at her skin like a irritating stick.
Draco was certainly light enough for her to pick up on her own, with remarkable little effort, closing his eyes and then opening them as if he was struggling not to sleep, not moving even as she left. Harry was sitting on his couch when she walked in, and he smiled as he saw her. " Draco chase you off already? that was fast." he stated calmly, looking worried. "he didn't hurt you did he?" he asked seeing the strange look in her eyes. "come sit down, i'll make you some tea." he decided getting to his feet and heading into the kitchen, coming back out with two steaming mugs of tea. he handed one to her and sat down next to her, looking worried. "whats wrong Doctor Soiel?"
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