Surviving the outbreak (Ghostxtiger and FFgamer)

"Well.....maybe a few got out" Lynn said as she walked. "I mean we made it out of the city." she said and just at the moment something jumped out from under the bridge. It was nemesis.

Lynn readied her weapon but they didn't have that much ammo between them so she did the one other thing she could think of. She grabbed Juliet's hand and just as the monster swung at them she jumped off of the bridge. They landed safely but Lynn was knocked out cold.
Juliet screamed as she was grabbed by Lynn and pushed off the bridge. When she landed she looked round and ran to Lynn seeing her out cold and checked her for any exterior wounds
Juliet screamed and struggled as best she could before she was injected and she passed out within seconds
Nickoli carried Juliet into the lab and restrained her in a room filled with tubes that held various specimens. Lynn came to and looked around for Juliet then ran into the lab to look for her.
Niko smiled "oh still alive are we but then you were always my best student"he said walking around the table
"You are not touching her!!!" Lynn shouted and just as she was about to pull the trigger something came crashing through the wall. It was Nemisis.

"Good it can finish you off" Nikolai said with a chuckle but just then Nemisis turned and stepped towards Nikolai.

"No get back" he said as he started firing at it. With a roar Nemisis grabbed the man and crushed his skull with ease.

As this was happening Lynn ran over to Juliet. "Hey wake up" she said as she shook her awake.
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