Surviving the outbreak (Ghostxtiger and FFgamer)

Lynn followed Juliet through the park then into the tram. She put everything in and went to the front to start the Tram. She sat down to take a breather as the tram rode along its tracks.
Juliet sat by the window and looked out as they left the town once and for all when she heard a roar and as she looked down saw the beast running towards then "LYNN"
Juliet shock her head "wait here i'll go look around"she said taking her gun and heading out the room
Juliet looked round with a jump as she heard the door open "oh dont do that you scared me"she said
"Both of us yah" Lynn said as she waited for Juliet then they pushed it out of the way. They headed out and then heard some noise behind the door. Lynn tried the door again but it wouldn't budge. "Dammit. Someone pushed the bell back."
Juliet helped push it out the way and began to explore the new room before sitting down by the trash can "can we rest here"she said after learning the door was now blocked again
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