Surviving the outbreak (Ghostxtiger and FFgamer)

Juliet was crumpled up against a wall but slowly got up as the creature fell and she walked over weakly
"You ok" Lynn asked as she helped Juliet up then reloaded her shotgun. She then spotted something fell out of the creatures trench coat. She approached with caution and picked up the case filled with gun parts. "Huh, if I found the rest of these parts I'd could put together a pretty powerful gun" she said.
Juliet nodded "yea was just winded a little"she said as she recollected her knife as Lynn took the case "whats that"she asked
"I'm not sure" Lynn said "But whatever it was it's after R.P.D mainly S.T.A.R.S. members." she said as she headed into another room with a few zombies. She made quick work of them.
Juliet smiled glad she didnt have to deal with the zombies as she began to search the rooms extensively
" says something about umbrella developing a bio weapon to get revenge on the s.t.a.r.s members" Lynn said then explained about the mansion incident in the arklay mountains.
Juliet nodded as she was explained all this "so is that what you think that creature was"she asked
"No...." Lynn said then headed back out. They looked around the police station more and ran into some strange six-legged creatures. They fought them off and headed into the s.t.a.r.s room. Lynn sighed as she sat down for a moment.
Juliet instantly began to look round the room again before sitting at the top desk and leaning back "well dont think we'll find anything here unfortunately"she said
Lynn looked around as well then found a cable in a car battery charger. The charger was busted and unusable. "Now all we need is a fuse" she called out to Juliet. "There should be one around here.
Juliet looked round and quickly found the fuse box and took one of the spares "here we go all done"she said
"Great, let's get out of here" Lynn said then led Juliet out. On the way out there was a crash. After entering a hallway the creature Nemesis appeared. The roared and charged for them. Lynn grabbed Juliet's hand "RUN!!!" she said then ran with Juliet into the nearest room. They continued running.
Juliet almost walked right into the big creature as it crashed towards them before almost being pulled over as Lynn pulled her away so they could run
Lynn ran with Juliet. The monster came in through the door and chased them. They ran until they were out. Lynn pushed a barricade in front of the door to keep the monster in. She leaned against the wall, out of breath.
Lynn was slowly lagging behind but managed to get through the door just in time to avoid the beast as she fell to one knee exhausted
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