Surviving the outbreak (Ghostxtiger and FFgamer)


Apr 18, 2009
In your girlfriend's bed
The city had turned into a warzone. Buildings burn, cars are overturned and bodies scatter the streets. A virus outbreak caused by the local chemical company Umbrella and the residents on Raccoon city have turned into flesh craved undead monsters. Only a few have escaped with their lives so far. The ones who still remain find whatever they can to protect themselves.

In the zombie infested police station inside the basement armory a woman arms herself with whatever she could find. She was one of the last of the R.P.D. Many of comrades have died and turned into those creatures and she had no choice but to eliminate them. Even some close friends. This was no time to grieve. She had to get out. She had to survive and make Umbrella pay.
Meanwhile in the trainstation another women who was trying to find a way out of the city via the tram but was still missing a few components so she headed out into the city to try and findthem
Officer Lynn Marchand made here way out. Fighting through the monsters and lurked in the sewer. She had to get to the train station. Shots rang out as she got closer and closer.
Juliet was just making her way through the park when she got surrounded by several zombies and saw no way out causing her to scream as she was backed into a corner
Lynn got out of a man hole just as she heard a woman scream. She grabbed her gun and headed in the direction of the scream. She saw a woman getting cornered by a group of zombies. She got a few with some headshots and the last two she took care of with her hands. She got behind one and snapped it's neck and the other she kicked it's head off.

"Are you alright?" she asked as she changed her clip.
Juliet was down to her knees panting from fear as she looked up at the woman who had saved her "th-thank you i-i'd be dead without you"she said
Juliet nodded "I was in a rush to leave"she said before nodding "yes there's one at the station but its not functional right now"she said "so I decided to try and get whats needed but then.....well you know what happened"she said with a shudder at the memory
Juliet nodded "yes well it needs power cables and oil"she said as she flicked the knife around getting a feel of it
Juliet followed Lynn letting her lead the way as she held the gun and when the coast was clear she began to search the place for anything useful before looking up "oh my names Juliet whats yours"she asked
"Right back at ya" Lynn said then the machine beeped and the cabinet unlocked. Lynn grabbed the oil Then headed back out. She led Juliet back through the police station and spotted something, a corpse. The body was wearing a yellow vest and camo pants. It was Brad Vickers. Lynn kneeled down to examine the body. "Damn, even s.t.a.r.s. members." she said mainly to herself.
Juliet followed her back to the police station "you think theres any weapons here"she asked unsure what s.t.a.r.s. members were but she searched the corpse for anything useful
"Hmmmm...doesn't look like it" she said as she searched the body as well then heard something coming......something big. She looked up behind Juliet and up on the roof. The color left her face at the sight of a huge creature with a rocket launcher in his hands staring down at the two.

"STAAAAAARRSSS" the thing said in an unhuman tone.

"....the hell" was all that Lynn could get out.
Juliet looked up as she heard the voice she had heard it once before but she had hoped she had lost the creature "RUN" she shouts as she grabbed Lynn's hand and ran into the station
Lynn was pulled but their escape was cut off by the monster. It towered before them but only turned to Lynn.

"STAAAARRRSSSS" it growled again as it stepped closer to Lynn. "W-Why the hell is it after me?" She said as she aimed her gun but was frozen with fear, unable to shoot.
Juliet looked around for a way to help but with just her knife she didnt stand much chance but quickly ran round the creature whilst it was distracted and dug the knife in its back
The creature didn't even flinch then turned and just pushed Juliet away then back to Lynn. She was still frozen until Juliet was pushed then she finally snapped out of it and started firing. She dodged as she took her shotgun and unloaded on the monster and it fell with one last "STTAAAARRRSSSS"

Lynn sighed then went to check on Juliet.
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