
Nov 30, 2010
There had been a time, when the world was cold, and ice covered the ground that the world had feared her. The whisper of her name, was enough to summon the woman. She was a immortal among mortals, and mortal among immortals. She was death and life, she was fear and bravery. She was the two sides of the coin that revealed all, because she did not fear anything. And when war came, war that melted the ice on the ground, she did the only thing she could, and locked both good and evil away. Time kissed, the bonds of time loosely held both, but she knew they would wake again someday.


The dreams of the world were a light dream for the woman long held. A gauzy world that she was no longer sure which was real. And yet, she was stirring, the world becoming real again, even if she was not waking as she should. And the words floated and she did not understand in the quiet, what they had to do with her.

"Hope lies with Belladonna. Hope lies in spinning dreams."


She had eyes filled with the darkness between stars, and all the coldness that went with it. A rain pressed against my skin, cold, and smelled flowers that hadn't existed in a milinea. She looked like moonlight given form as she walked,all silvers and blacks, like the night sky walking.It had created a instinctive fear, felt even a milinea later. She was the reason men feared full night, for in all her dark glory, she was the night given life.

Something moved in the starlight. Something besides her, and I saw the army that had come for her. Saw the sorceress she was facing, and had a instinctive reaction. Pulling away I wondered who's memory I was in. Her's, or her enemies?

"You came with armies Sarsen ,and I stand alone.Will you fight now?"

And I was listening to sounds, coming from a voice that hadn't been heard when human first walked the world. And yet...I was hearing the words I knew, not the ones she did. And I understood something that I had been afraid of as I had the dream over and over. To wake her would unleash the chance of her becoming like Sarsen, standing on Voldemort's side. But also, it was to be our only hope, to capture the evil she had once defeated.

She walked in divine indifference, and wore a coat of misery, and of despair, and drinks of cup of sorrow.And the forces of darkness must sit at a table she made of the bones of their kin and weep bitter tears of the banquet she's made for them. Yet in her indifference and pain, of a destiny that she had tried to escape, by being good and indifferent to the pain around her. Because even if she had tried to escape, some things were not what you could get away.

Then the world tilted, faded and reshaped.

There she was there again, younger, more maliable, and the words drifted through as she walked in the night.

There was a strange kind of thunder, a distant calling.

"She is coming." There was a angry buzzing, of men who feared something they could not voice. A voice that didn't belong to my dream girl, but was in her memories anyways. Because it was telling of coming, and it was a story she would have known well."You whore the old ways, and make a mockery of everything we are. You twist things to suit yourself. They talk about honoring the gods that created them,both men and fae, but its a lie. You Sarsen, will meet our match, because you've perverted what we are. There will come a day the blood debt will be called in, and you will have to answer for what you have done."

"Who is coming, dreamer?"

"The dreamspinner who will walk between dusk and dawn. The posion that will be both your destruction, and your salvation."

The buzzing grew louder, a howl from the night sounded, like a summonings. A sound full of rage and laughter, of fury and joy.

"Who's memory am I in?"I asked looking around, trying to find something familiar.

"You are in mine, dreamer. Or are you just another part of the dream?"

I looked around,and even as the dream fragmented around me, I met the girl's eyes, and I realized something.

My hope lied with Belladonna. Her darkness was my fate.


Narcissa sighed softly as she walked into the black manor, looking upset as she searched for not only her cousin and his lover, but also her nephew. While he wasn't her nephew by blood, he was in any other way. Harry Potter nee Black was everything she could have wanted in a childhood playmate for her son Draco, and even if the rivally had grown as they had, it was more friendly then anything else. "Siri?Remus?"She called as she walked up the main steps, fiddlign with the letter in her fingers, because she did not know how to tell them that not only did they think that Dumbledore was dead, but that he had left a message, just for harry. And she was very afraid for her nephew in what could come next.
Harry gasped as he was released from the dream panting hard as he ran a sweaty, shaking hand across his equally sweaty forehead, his emerald eyes filed with fear and pain remnant from the dream, which was replaced with confusion and frustration as he started to calm down. This dream was worse than anything Voldemort ever sent to him, it came almost every night, and filled him with feelings that he didn't like. It made him feel... empty somehow, like he was missing something in his life. He slowly slid out of bed and into the shower to clean off his sweat soaked body yet again, thinking about the woman he had seen, and the words she had spoke, and the realization that he had come to... the woman he saw was real, and was in pain, she was the missing piece of... something. He needed to rescue her, every last inch of him cried out for him to save her. He sighed and shook his head, heading downstairs to talk to Sirius.

After Voldemort had killed Harry's parent's, the Malfoy's had rescued Harry from the burning building, and laid him in the crib with Draco, raising him until Sirius had been set free, thanks to the Malfoy's betrayal of Voldemort they where able to tell everyone that it was wormtail who had betrayed the potters. And wormtail who had killed all of those poor muggles, letting Sirius go free. He and Lupin where mates now, raising Harry together as only two very loving fathers could, but they where worried about Harry, who seamed tired all the time. They knew about the dreams, and where afraid it was Voldemort, trying to drive their son insane. He walked into the sitting room, looking startled at Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy.

“oh, good evening.” he stated nodding to them, he was a very polite boy, the Malfoy's and Sirius and Lupin had made sure of it, but Harry was startled to see them, they didn't usually show up unannounced, from the looks on all their faces something bad had happened and Harry sighed. “... what did I do this time?” he whined. He was a good kid, but he had Sirius's tendencies to get his ass in trouble, Lupin chuckling. “what are you doing up Harry? Did you have that dream again?” he asked, hoping to distract harry. The green eyed boy nodded, but he was as clever as Lupin was and wasn't about to be distracted. “... what happened?... someone died, didn't they?” he asked softly, looking at the Malfoy's. “...someone I know and you don't want to tell me....”
Narcissa winced a little, nodding. It was painful to tell the other, and she looked at her nephew worriedly. Seeing him so strained and pale, she didn't want to tell him."It's Albus Dumbledore, Harry. He's missing, assumed dead."she said holding the letter in her hands, "I didn't mean to open it. Only after I had, I realized that it was to you, not me."She said holding out the letter to the boy, but tilting her head towards Sirius and Lupin."We couldn't find anything.And the only thing that had anything personal, or helpful in his rooms was that letter, and all it says is. "Hope lies with Belladonna. Hope lies in spinning dreams. We searched, but we couldn't find any other refrence to the words, or why a posion would be something he'd make a note about."she said, like so many people who'd heard the story mistaken one for the other.

For the fae couldn't manage to destroy the world's memory of Belladonna, or the fear she instilled when she walked the night, so they made her the evil men feared, instead of what Evil feared. They made her the posion that could kill in the smallest amounts, the posion that stained mens dreams. Made them fear to have the dreamwalker stalking their dreams, instead of the comfort they'd once found when she dreamwalked. For a milinea, Belladonna Dreamspinner had been the very enemy of humanity, instead of its greatest savior.

So it was no surprise that Narcissa didn't understand.
Harry froze, his eyes wide as he realized that his grandfather, or a man as good as... was dead. “i...” he accepted the letter, hurt and pain welling up inside him. Dumbledore was dead?... he couldn't be dead! He opened the letter, uncaring that they had opened it, he would have shared it with them anyway. “hope lies with Belladonna, hope lies in....spinning... Dreams.” his eyes went wide and he collapsed into a chair, Lupin whimpering his distress as he nuzzled his son who looked so distressed, Harry looking up at them. “i know what the letter means.” he stated softly, looking at Narcissa and Lucius. “what do you know of a Dream spinner...?” he asked looking at them both. “there is a woman, in my dreams.” he explained. “i see her life, a woman named Sarsan, fighting a girl they only know as a Dreamspinner. Belladonna... Dream Weaver.” he whispered tasting the name as if it was heaven itself. “she is to be our salvation...” he explained softly. “for Sarsan has returned...” all of the dream made sense, full sense, all sense now, and Harry knew she could save them.
Narcissa paled as she shared a look with husband ebfore looking at harry and lupin."There's a new woman with Voldemort." Sirius paled looking a little wide eyed, feeling overwelmed that Harry's dreams seemed tobe more then just voldemort jerking him around."If the dream is true, how do we know its not Belladonna?Belladonna is a posion,deadly." "But hope lies with Belladonna. A posion to destroy a posion." Lucius looked thoughtful, swallowing hard."The elves hold a story about the dreamweavers. But...I thought they didn't exist. At least, no one remembers one ever existing outside the story."
Lupin let out a small whine as he cuddled Harry, trying to comfort the boy who looked like he was just a touch in shock. “Belladonna isn't the danger, Sarsan is.” he growled, instinctively protecting the Dreamweaver. “Belladonna was never even given a chance.” because at some point, Harry had become linked to Belladonna, which was why he was in her mind almost every night, her mind was driving out Voldemort's, saving Harry's sanity in ways no one could ever have known. “she is... a mixed breed.” he mused. “a human fey mixed blood.” he muttered softly. “she was locked away... for a long, long time... locked in time.” he sighed and tucked himself into Lupin, too exhausted to stay up anymore, the dreams affecting him more than he'd like to admit. “we have to... save her...” and under his breath, tasting the name as if whispering to a lover. “Belladonna Dreamweaver...”
narcissa looked at the boy worriedly, biting her lip before sighing."We'll see what we can find out. Someone can't just drop out of of the world. Belladonna had to leave some trace, despite the years passing."He stood looking so worried."You'll go back to sleep?MAybe if you dream, she can help you find her."
Harry nodded a little, Lupin stroking Harry's hair gently, Harry smiling a little. "yeah... i'll dream about her." he promised softly, Lupin chuckling a little as he carefully picked Harry up and carried him back to bed, Harry already asleep as he was carried up the stairs, Lupin walking back down, looking strained and worried. "he can't keep having these dreams... their wearing him down." he explained softly. "he can't even take naps anymore... do you think now that he understands what's happening the dreams will go away, or do we have to find her first?
Narcissa swallowed sitting back down next to lupin, wrapping her arms around him."I think he dreams are wearing him out, because Voldemort doesn't understand. Belladonna's waking, and she's reaching out. But Voldemort is the one that doesn't know what to think of it....I think it's making his problems, Harry's."Narcissa said sighing softly.


"What is her name?"
"She has many names."
"They call her the seducer. The executioner. She's the high priestess of the dark."
Harry was in a room, a silent observer to Voldemort and Sarsan's argument, and unable to focus enough to understand that even a milinea later, Sarsan was scared of who was waking.
"You're stalling Sarsan. What is her name!"
"The queen of nightmares."
"The priestess is the Dreamweaver, do you not understand?Has humanity fallen so far that there is not even a whisper?"
"Her name."
"To whisper her name, is to summon the woman."
"Belladonna.Belladonna Dreamspinner."Voldemort whispered, the words as soft as a lover's whisper, understanding the words that had floated in front of Harry's consciousness.. After all, Voldemort was deep enough in Harry's dreams to find the dreamweaver appealing, as much as he wanted to use her to his own ends.

"To speak my name, is to summon me."Belladonna muttered quietly as she walked through the dream gossamer, to face harry. "I am waking, Dreamer. And the world will remember why the once feared the dark." She said, and as she spoke, the dream shifted back to Harry's room, becoming solid to the point that had harry not been aware of sleeping, that he would have thought he was awake.
Lupin scowled a little as he shook his head. "it's worrying, with every passing day Harry's mind and Voldemort's mind seam to mix a little more... i think Harry might go mad if this continues.... our attempts to teach him Occlumency have been met with Failure, he can occlude us no problem, but he can't get rid of Voldemort...."


Harry watched this new dream, amused at how afraid of the Dreamweaver that Sarsan was, harry did not fear Belladonna, all his hoped lay with the woman who slept. "Belladonna Dreamweaver." Harry whispered softly, right along side Voldemort, calling to her again as he studied Voldemort. he knew the other knew he was there, he knew Voldemort was spying on his dreams, spying on his mind, raping his mentality and trying to drive him insane. you will never have her Voldy, for Belladonna is as wild and untamable as the see and the wind, and you will never be able to contain her, for she will go where she wills. he taunted, smirking before blinking ;awake, starring at Belladonna. he held his hand out to her, his eyes alight with wild wonder and joy as he smiled at her. "there is nothing to fear of the dark." Harry stated calmly. "it is what hides in the dark shadows that should be feared." he promised, sitting up in his bed and blinking at everything, sighing, thinking he was awake. "i will find you Belladonna, i will free you, i promise."
Narissa sighed, holdign him tighter before swallowing hard."If Belladonna really is aware of him, they together might be able to stop him."So afraid for her nephew, wondering which was worse. The woman or voldemort.


Belladonna's smile was the brightness of a star, though her eyes shone like the darkness between, the coldness of the night sky."Even the shadows are mine, that which were all things hide."She smiled, laughing delighted as she realized that she'd made the dream so real he'd thought he was awake."i am waking. Sarsan can tell, and Sarsan fears. As all the world once feared."She mused, because despite the world fearing her, she had never met anyone who didn't, no one but this dreamer. Who she was not sure if he was a real dream walker, or if he was just a figment of a world that she'd made."I sleep in a room with no windows, with a room looking down upon my cave, and the guards wait. In fear, for the fae do not want me to wake."
Lupin nodded a little. "the question is... how safe is the Dreamweaver?" he asked softly before smiling at Sirius as he offered them all some strong liqueur for their nerves. "at least it's distracting Harry from the death of his grandfather..." Sirius muttered softly. "he'd be completely freaking out otherwise..."


Harry blinked a little, startled as he realized he was still sleeping, smiling a little as he tilted his head at her. "why do the fey not want you to wake? you do not seem all that dangerous to me." he admitted as he stood up and gently stroked her face, tenderly as if touching her might make her disappear. "i will save you Belladonna." he promised smiling at her. "tell me where i must go, and what i must do."
"True."Narcissa laughed quietly shaking her head."For now, we'll have to let it go.I don't think she's aware enough, or ppresent enough to be dangerous. When she wakes, she will be,but she might be our only help."


Belladonna smiled a little,"....the world did not have names when I last walked the earth,little dreamer."She teased ruffling his hair."But I am somewhere called....England."She mused,pausing as she foudn the word in the dreams of men."I am what is created when Fae sleep with humans. They do not like the reminder that humanity makes a stronger child then a pure fae.They dislike the memory that I am as dangerous to them,as I am to the humans, for human blood allows me to not only walk humanity's dreams,but fae."
Lupin sighed a little and nodded. "i don't think she's all that dangerous.." he admitted suddenly. "Harry has a good feel for things like that, if she was dangerous or bad, he wouldn't trust her. he has a sixth sense about people..." "that's right, remember when that whore Bellatrix... er, no offense Narcissa...." "right, when Harry was seven Bella tried to lure him off with Candy but he knew not to go with her, even though he followed Tonk's later that afternoon, he hadn't met either woman but he knew which one to trust..."


he smiled a little then sulked as she ruffled his hair. "... i'm not six you know." he complained before grinning. "England is a good start." he admitted calmly before scowling as he realized that she was only hated because she had been born. just like Lupin was only hated because some bastard had bit him. "that's so wrong!" he complained gently taking her hand. "i'll save you Bell." he promised smiling at her. "i won't let you sleep a moment longer, i will rescue you." he promised. "can you show me where you are hidden? i know there are no names, but if i have an image of the location i should be able to find you."
Narcissa laughed quietly shaking her head."I know what my sister is."she snickered a little before nodding, leaning back."We'll have to trust harry."She nodded before getting up looking at the two."You should get some sleep you two.I can tell harry's not the only one not sleeping well."


Belladonna shrugged getting up, biting her lip."I could try."She said frowning slightly because it'd been so long. For a moment, her real body stirred, eyelashes flickering for a moment before she returned to the dream, looking at harry. Summoning the room around them, the cold stone walls flickering oddly in the candlelight that came from the lamp sitting beside the bed. The huge bed, larger then king, orgy sized really. Creating even her own body in the bed as she tilted her head back to look at the room above her, pointing. The dream belladonna looking less real then the one in the bed."There. There they wait for the nightfall and the return of the priestess."She muttered before looking at harry, for a moment fear showing in her eyes."I don't want to die Harry."she muttered scared that her guards would kill her before she could defend herself
Sirius chuckled a little and nodded a bit before sighing. "i just wish Harry wasn't always so...." "in trouble?" Lupin supplied smiling a little before smiling at Narcissa. "i can't sleep, tomorrows the full moon, i always have terrible insomnia." an excuse, but true nonetheless. "well... i guess i should sleep...." he muttered, uncertain that he wanted to. "are you two going to stay for the night or go home? Draco's with Tonks tonight isn't he?"
^ ^
<(o.o<)~ (tee hee, i made a kitty^^)
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he looked around, his head tilted a little as he examined everything before looking up at the sky, trying to decide where and how to start looking. "Bella, please calm down." he ordered calmly, taking her hand. "if you wake and i'm not there, try to go back to sleep, or pretend to sleep." he ordered calmly. "try to avoid waking up until i get there in the meantime. i won't let them kill you Bella." he promised hesitating before leaning forward and gently kissing her cheek. "i promise, i'll do everything i can to save you, i just need time to find you..."
Lucius nodded a little, smiling."We'll stay."He said before Narcissa could protest. "And as odd as I find it, yes Draco's with Tonks.They get along."He said standing and helping the others upstairs to get some sleep."They're cousins. They enjoy time together." Narcissa rolled her eyes letting lucius bully her around smiling."Dream lightly."She said kissing her cousin's cheek and Lupin's.

<3<3<3(I has hearts XDD)

Bella sighed softly biting her lip as she nodded."I will try."She said looking at hi anxiously, because the only thing she could do was trust that he would find her in time.Shifting her attention she reached, swallowed hard as she focused on the guards,before looking at Harry."The stars.This...this is what it looks like above us."She said raising a hand to project the stars above them,"Find them.Find me.And be careful dreamer, the fae will not take kindly to your meddling."She said brushing a kiss over his cheek, yelping as Voldemort's consciousness shoved through, reaching for her even as the dream shattered around them
Sirius chuckled a little as Lucius interrupted Narcissa and looked relieved. "thank you." he felt safer with Narcissa and Lucius there, two more people to help protect Harry if anything went wrong, two more people to comfort Harry in the morning and urge him to eat, and with the full moon that night two people to stay with Harry during the day while he and Lupin settled down for the change. they refused to let Harry see that, even though Harry was a proper animagus, they where afraid his creature and theirs would clash.

O<:)o)~ i have a clown^^

Harry smiled a little and looked around at the stars, studying them intently before smirking at her. "the fae have no chance against me." he teased chuckling a little as he winced, feeling Voldemort rip through his consciousness, ripping a cry from his throat as he jerked upright in bed panting hard before grabbing a drawing pad and pencil, quickly drawing as many of the stars as he had been able to remember, Lupin hovering at his doorway, knowing better than to upset Harry's frantic drawing. Harry had taken to drawing important things after his nightmares, so he would not forget, and disrupting that drawing process resulted in a temper tantrum that Harry never fully recalled later on. it was almost a NEED for harry to draw it, like Luna, who was a Seer, she drew when she had her visions, it was almost exactly the same thing. "Harry? you alright?" Lupin finally asked as Harry sighed and set down the pencil moving over to see what he had drawn. "... dots?" "stars."
Lucius followed Lupin into the room, looking over his shoulder, looking at harry hesitantly before reaching out, drawing a absent figure around without actually marking it."That's Draco.And Sirius."He said drawing another, tilting his head a little."Where are we looking at?"He asked,because he had a feeling whatever caused the frantic drawing was going to be big, and already trying to map out in his head where the stars were.Even as voldemort, 100 miles away tried to do the same. It was going to be a race,to figure out where Belladonna was....and it was one Voldemort was determined not to lose
Harry blinked a little as he examined the drawing picking out the pictures in the stars. "Belladonna." he admitted simply, sluggish and sleepy, foggy headed as he always was after he woke up after such a dream, getting to his feet as he pulled on his pants. "Voldemort is looking... for her too... i have to find her.. find her first." he stated, slowly waking up as he searched for his shirt, Lupin sighing a little. "i'll go wake up Sirius." he agreed shaking his head. he knew better than to try and stop Harry, the boy was fixed, nothing they did short of stripping his magic and tying him to the bed was going to keep him in the house.
Lucius scowled,but unlike the mated pair, he hadn't learned to not argue with harry. "Harry. Not now. You're exhausted, you will do her no good in this state."He said holding up the boys boots, refusing to hand them over. Even if he felt the pressing need to find the woman, he couldn't let his nephew run out into danger when he wasn't doing well. "Let us come with oyu.Wait long enough for that."He said growling, digging his heels in and refusing to let the boy leave yet
Harry stared at Lucius for a moment, glanced at the shoes and then simply turned and walked barefoot towards the door, Lupin sighing a little as he shook his head. "Harry's fixed Lucius. he hasn't slept properly in weeks, he's running on pure obsession. he'll sleep once we find her and not a moment before." he admitted simply handing Lucius the drawing of the stars. "do you know where this is?" he asked. "Sirius will follow Harry, he's just going outside to look at the stars, that's all, he won't leave without us."

wanna see Harry's Animagus form?^^ it's so cute you get Three pics!^^

Rawr and Lazy and Hungry
(its soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!)

Lucius frowned as he thought."I might."He said before walking outside."But we might have a problem. If...and its a big if, if she's where I think, we're going to have Fae hounding every step."He scowled a little tilting his head."Underground?Surrounded by stars?Yes. There is only one place she could be....that has forever born the scars of a Fae war."he looked at harry."Stonehedge.But...Voldemort will know the history to. He will guess and he has Sarsen to direct him. It will not be easy to break her out."He said worried how far in Harry's obsession would he take it
Lupin sighed a little as he shook his head. "it's always a problem of some kind." he complained with a small grumble before glancing at Harry, who was staring at them. "i have to go... i have to go now... Voldemort is going there." he grabbed Lucius's shirt in both his fists, a wild look in his eyes, one that Lucius would know well. it was the same look a hell hound had right before it was released to the hunt. Lupin was right, Harry was running on pure obsession. "take me there... Lucius, it has to be you, your Kin and Kith to them, they will be more unwilling to attack you.... take me there! now! Voldemort is trying to find a way in, i need to get there now!"
Lucius sighed nodding wrapping a arm around Harry's shoulder and apparating without the other two, not wanting to put them in danger, and also not sure if the fae would allow them to live if the werewolf and animagus crossed into the sacred land. Steadying himself as he landed yelped as he pushed over by the shield that had been cast, set not by the fae to keep everyone away, but voldemort who had already gotten there. Even now they could see Sarsen and Voldemort walking around the stone circle, trying to find the entrance to a tomb that was supposed to never be open. Snarling Lucius climbed to his feet, leaning against the shield even as he worked on taking it down, becoming desperate to get in, to save the only hope they had of defeating voldemort.
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