This or That?

Candles. Love moving my hand through the flame. No, I'm not a pyro. :p

Boy or girl (pick any subject you want for your answer)
White? Not because I'm racist, but because I like havin options. I hear once you go black, you can't go back...

Chubby or thin?
Does it really matter? I've had them both. For the sake of the game, I'll pick one. Chubby. Gives you something to hold on to, and I don't feel like I'll break him.

Long hair or short hair?
That's a hard one. TV shows, because both can be horrible or amazing, but shows last longer.

Reality or imagination?
Poker. Especially when the sexy girl runs out of chips and has to bid with something else. ;)

Coward and safe or hero and sacrifice?
Well, I guess it depends on the girl. Though tv the moment I don't have enough time for a lover, so friends with benefits.

Cat or dog?
Yup, I've got two myself. They're just plain dumb.

Ooh, another hard one. I'd guess I'd say tasting, especially lips (both pairs of them ;) ).
Awww, they're not dumb. Although, my one did get into a fight the other day XD Considering he knocked up another cat and she brought the babies over and another male car started going at him.

You never posted your question....

So, it's another from me - I guess..
Tension or Boring?
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