This or That?

Depends on the mood. If it's a soft, tender, romantic moment, then slowly undressing. If it's a lust filled, so hot it melts the paint off the walls type moment, then as little clothes come off as possible.

Make love or fuck?
Fucking, when it's no-holds-barred, hard, hot and fast... Relentless and pretty much makes you pass out from the pleasure of it all... ((is that bad???))

Teasing, playful caresses but true pleasure can't be enjoyed for hours yet


Hot, nasty talk just before you open the door and see your lover
Teasing, playful caresses but true pleasure can't be enjoyed for hours yet. I love the entire denial aspect of that. That dull ache you get when you want it so bad, but you can't have it just yet for whatever reason. Oh yes. Sweet pain and torture.

Scratches down his back or biting his neck?
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