Dragon's Winter

Nov 30, 2010
Piper Dragomir stared at her family. Her head ached as she thought about what they were asking her to do. At 17 she was young, but even young she was aware of something missing. A vital piece that had been missing from every dragon changeling since Voldemort had robbed them of the magic to make talismans. "No!I wont."

"You will. You are the last Dragomir."Her aunt, well her mother's brother's wife, realted in every way but blood said. "You will marry him. You wil breed. And you will bring the next Dragomir into existance."

Piper stared tears filling her eyes as she realized that was all she was to these people, her family. The last of the dragons, who's bloodlines were ending, and she was the last female of a breedable age. An that was all she was to them. A female to be bred, like one would a prized mare to a stallion, to be mounted and bred for no purpose but a child.

Shaking her head, she silently refused. She refused to only have that in life.


Piper nearly whimpered as she stepped off the train, flinching away from the crowd that was around her. It was so loud, so busy in King's Cross station, the changeling looked around her. Looking shell shocked and confused, having grown up in Siberia, she was used to winter landscapes that you had to go days to get to the nearest town. Not this. Not this demanding crowd.

Whimpering as she closed her eyes for a moment she didn't notice the cart that was approaching her unti the heavy thing crashed into her. The owl sitting on top of the trunk crashing to the floor with a screech as dragon-changeling and owl considered each other. The bird sensing the otherness in Piper, even if Piper was a dragon trapped in a human's body. Not even realizing that the man who'd crashed into her was trying to help her up, or that his red headed best friend was staring. All she was considering was how much her leg hurt an how crowded everything was.

This wasn't how she thought her life would be.
Harry had a rough summer, he felt something was missing in his life, something that made him ache and burn deep inside, something that just couldn't be put into words. It drove him nearly insane some days and he had all but stopped sleeping at night, the moon only bringing about the burning and the itching. He had written to Dumbledore several times, but he'd had no idea what was wrong with Harry and neither had the Weasley's, who had simply gotten used to Harry staying up all night and taking a short nap at about three in the afternoon. That was all he seamed to need anymore, which was also driving him insane because normal people did not function on three to four hours of sleep a day, they just didn't, yet he'd been doing it for three, almost four months now and was perfectly fine.

Even worse was his sudden hatred of meat, he had nearly thrown poor molly into a panic attack, but had started making him vegetarian things instead, Harry found himself loving things he once hated, spinach, asparagus, Brussels sprouts and broccoli where sweeter to him than any sugar filled pastry. He was complaining about this to Ron, who was looking amused when Harry suddenly slammed into something, something human. “oh shit! Ron why didn't you say anything!?” Harry demanded sulking at his best friend as he bent down and gently tried to help Piper to her feet. “miss? Miss are you alright?... oh Merlin I knocked her deaf!” Harry complained gently snapping his fingers in her face. “miss what's your name? Can you hear me? Understand me?”
"Bloody hell!I didn't see her either. What was she doing just standing there?!"Ron cursed looking at the girl, picking up the bag she had dropped. Piper looked at the man helping her up curiously, before realizing the strange sounds he was making was actually words, rearing back in surprise as he snapped his fingers in front of her face."I'm..fine."She said struggling to find the word in english, the soft lilting musical accent revealing that not only she wasn't from london, but she wasn't even from England. Shifting a little she winced as she put weight on her bruised and fractured leg she shuddered a little."Dragomir.Piper."She said blinking slowly, carefully prouncing her name. Looking confused and so lost in the crowd. Like a lost puppy trailing after her mama.
Harry smirked at his best friend. “maybe I should loan you my glasses?” he teased before turning his attention back to the woman, shocked at the strange lilting accent that almost made his head swim, her voice... it affected something deep, deep inside of him. “well Dragomir Piper... you can't walk on a leg like that... where you headed somewhere?” he asked biting his lip before glancing at Ron. “she's clearly not from around here... not supposed to be here either most like... should we take her to Dumbledore?” he asked carefully supporting the woman, wondering how he was going to get his stuff and her onto the train... “Ron! Go get your brothers, the annoyances should be good for something once in their lives.” he decided, remembering that Fred and George had come with to see them off. “already here Mate, when you didn't come mum sent us to fetch you. We'll get your things.” Fred promised grinning at Ron. “we'll get your things too Ronnykins.” he promised, both of them already trotting off with their carts leaving Harry and Ron to carefully support Piper onto the train and onto a seat.
Piper was quiet as she let the boys help her onto the train. Ron smiled a little looking worried before he looked at his best friend."I don't need glasses. I'm not the one who ran into her."he pointed out looking amused. "talk...slowly it's hard...to understand."Piper said slowly trying to sort out everything they had been saying. Wincing when she realized Harry had her name wrong."English say their names backwards do they not?" she said looking bemused at the idea"My nMe is piper."she said looking at the two of them almost frightened because she didn't know what they were doing with her, just that they seemed helpful and so ethnic about the dark haired one sang a dragons song to her.
Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head. “you where distracting me.” he complained before grinning at her. “very sorry.” he stated, speaking more slowly now before chuckling a little. “Piper, a very lovely name.” he stated calmly, his head tilted before lifting a finger, indicating for her to wait before clipping something into his ear, a blood red teardrop earring. “Ron, don't tell your mother.” he ordered making a face at the red head as he offered the woman the other earring. “translator.” Harry explained calmly, motioning for her to take it and put it in, assuming that she could anyway. “please don't worry Piper, we are taking you to Hogwarts, you will be safe there, and our healer will fix your ankle.” he explained gently motioning to her damaged leg. “i am sorry I ran you over, can you tell me what you where doing? Are you lost?”
Piper looked bemused at the earring before smiling happily as she realized what it was. Like a changelings tailisman the earring allowed magic to work around them.Smiling as she realized that she didn't need them to talk slowly she could understand better."I-I just got off my train. London was the last stop."She said looking terribly alone, having not considered what she was going to do, only that she had to get as far away from siberia as she could."I am...lost." she said slowly. Not as if she was confused by the words, more then she wasn't about to tell him what she was running from. A brood mare to a dragon who didn't love her. No, she had no desire to return to where she was from. Looking sad because even this far from home, she was sure it was only a matter of time before she was forced back. And she was determined to enjoy what little time she did have.
Harry smiled when she smiled and realized what it was as he nodded handing Ron an earring as well with the explanation of. “i was going to give them to you and Herm, so you can understand me when I start bitching at you in serpent.” he teased grinning a little, wondering where Hermione even was, probably off snogging with Draco, much to Ron's utter fury. “Lost, or in trouble?” Harry asked lifting an eyebrow at her, feeling a surge of protective Fury rise up inside of him. He hated to see anyone in trouble, and he wasn't going to allow it. Especially not with this woman before him, she was so... she called to him like a psiren and he had, HAD to help her. “don't worry Piper, whatever trouble your in, I'll help you.” he promised offering her a smile, figuring it was Voldemort based troubles. She was a death eaters child running away from home, or Voldemort wanted her for some reason, or even wanted her dead, but harry wasn't going to pry, not yet anyway. “just rest, you must be tired...” wondering how much Dumbledore's eyes where going to twinkle when he realized Harry was getting himself involved in yet another thing that was probably going to turn out to be very dangerous.
Piper shifted closing her eyes as she rested her head on harry's shoulder not answering his question. After all it'd only lead to troube.Ron looked amused shaking his head."well I think you just found the trouble for the year."he teased.

And when they did arrive at school dumbledore's eyes did sparkle as he studied the boys and the girl they were helping to hobble into the great hall. Hermione meanwhile made her way through the crowd, hand holding draco's as she slipped into the seat next to Harry looking at the girl looking around looking shell shocked."Harry, who is this?" " I am Piper."Piper sad looking around her cringing a little at the noise and crowd, moving closer to harry, feeling that he was the only person she could trust.
Harry chuckled as he glanced at Draco who smiled at them. After the fiasco in sixth year and his failure to kill Dumbledore he had reverted to the light side of the war. It had taken a while but Draco had lost his pratty-ness and was now a more decent person... most of the time. He was given a good hard smack by Hermione about once a week still. “i have no idea who she is Herm, I ran her over with my cart.” he admitted looking amused as Draco lifted an eyebrow. “... Potter can't you go a week without causing damages to someone?” Draco asked calmly, Harry snorting a little. “hey! I rarely get someone else hurt!” “.... I was including you in that statement.” “... then no, no I can't.” Harry admitted chuckling as he examined Piper when she snuggled into him, wrapping his arms around her. “shh, it's alright.” he whispered softly to her. “we'll get a good meal into you and get you in to see the healer and then we'll see what to do next alright Piper?”
Piper nodded looking around her, mostly ignoring the headmaster's welcome back speech, a delighted gasp escaping as she watched the food appear. Because Voldemort had stolen the talisman from the changelings, they couldn't even do the simple magics that others could. They were witches and wizards, locked in a mere humans body. The dragon in her made her hungry more then you'd think she'd devour. Grinning happily as she forgot the crowd around her and started tucking in a meal way to big for ow petite she was. Ron looked amused as he looked at the girl before looking at his best friend."It looks like she's going to outeat you harry." Hermione laughed quietly."Everyone out eats harry."

Piper stopped blushing as she looked up, blushing as she looked at the others."I-I..."She stopped putting her fork down, looking upset."S-should I not eat so much?"She asked looking confused and longingly at the food. Not used to teasing. She came from a serious folk, who's youngest child was not used to being teased.
Harry smiled a little at her gasp of amazement and smirked at Ron. “your just jealous because I can pack away twelve apples and still have room for a pound of carrots plus dessert.” he teased smiling at Piper and gently patting her hand. “it's alright, we're just teasing, you know playing? It's not in serious, you eat however much you want, there's no end tot he food and you'll make the house elves happy.” he promised smiling at her before setting a little more food onto her plate. “your too skinny.” he commented simply winking at her, ignoring Draco who had lifted an eyebrow. “SHE'S too skinny?” he asked examining Harry's rather stick like figure, the boy wincing. “shut up Draco.” at least now that Harry was seventeen he would never, ever have to go to that horrible house again. He had never told anyone about the Dursley's abuse. Sure he begged for food every year, but that was all anyone knew. He was pleased however that since he had gone to Grimmwauld place just after his birthday that he had been gaining weight. Most of it was muscle, but that was good enough for Harry.

He finished eating quickly and waited for Piper to finish before he gently helped her to her feet and took her to Madam Pomfry, who tsked, tutted and tittered away as she worked on Pipers poor sore ankle the woman scowling at Harry. “and I expect you to stay out of trouble this year!” she ordered in a very motherly tone. “if your brought In here half dead again I might just let you have the eternal sleep.” Harry laughed at the usual threat. “I'm sorry Madam Pomfry, it's not my fault a madman wants to kill me.”
Piper smiled amused as she ate, looking around her with wide eyed amazement at everything. And when Harry helped her upstairs she loked even more startled as the stairs started moving. Hermione sighed watching the scene as Ron and harry helped her upstairs before looking at Draco."She looks like a pureblood, but she's... innocent."He said looking worried because she didn't know what was bothering her about the other woman. Sighing as she looked at her boyfriend, leaning up to kiss his cheek."We probably should go to the dorms. The boys will see she gets what she needs."

"And there was that year you had to go after the baslik.And the chamber of secrets."Ron teased as he sat on the edge of the bed next to piper, laughing quietly at her look. Piper smiled a little shifting to look at them all, shifting her ankle, looking wide eyed as she stood, the fractured bone healed and well."Danke. Oh Danke. Das ist einmalig. So unterschiedlich. Wunderbar."She muttered in german, for a moment not thinking clearly enough in her wonder to realize that she was rattling on in her native tongue instead of english."thank you. Oh thank you. This is-amazing. So different. Wonderful."
Draco nodded a little. “she must be from another country.” he stated simply. “that accent of hers... I think it might be Russian, or maybe German.” he mused, pondering where the girl might be from. “wherever she's from I don't think she can use magic herself.” he admitted glancing at Hermione. “she's too shocked by the sudden appearance of the food...” but he followed her up to the Gryffindor dorms, he and Blaise had been resorted last year, Draco's Father had been pissed off, but Draco didn't have to worry about him anymore, being that he was living in Grimmwauld during the summer months.

Harry snickered a little. “and that year I took on a raving madman and a thousand Dementors, and the seven challenges to rescue the Sorcerers stone, and the Tri Wizard tournament... damn I have almost died a lot haven't I?” “and that ministry fiasco! And lumping in front of a killing curse to save Dumbledore!” Poppy spat scowling at Harry who just smirked a little. “hey that last one was NECESSARY!” “IT WAS NOT!!!!” Poppy shrieked at him before beaming at Piper. “all better dear, no more pain.” she promised gently patting her leg. “go on and see the headmaster now.” she ordered Piper before glaring at Harry again. “i mean it! No more trouble!” “can't promise that.” Harry teased with a chuckle as he helped Piper to stand.
Hermione nodded a little,letting themselves into the common room,"They'll be back soon. We'll just have to find out what she's doing here."She said annoyed because she didn't know more about this girl.But like everything else in her life, she wasn't going to rest until she found out what was going on.

Piper smiled a little, giggling as he got yelled at, letting Harry help her sand before she pulled away."Danke."She muttered to the nurse before wincing a little before saying slowly."Thank you."She said touhing her forehead in the dragon's-and sign language-'s way of saying thank you. "No need to go anywhere Poppy. I thought it would be better to not make her climb even more flights of stairs. Now my dear, how are you?" Piper looked confused looking at Harry for help. While she understood the words, some sentences and things didn't translate well into german."I..I am lost."She said biting her lip."I don't want to go anywehre." Dumbledore looked startled, while that hadn't been what he'd expected to hear, but something in her face, something made him not want to send her back to wherever she was from."How old are you my dear?" "..17." "Well then. IF you would want to stay here, you could go to classes." "Even without magic, headmaster?"Ron said looking startled."Yes, if she would like to." "Yes, I would like to."Piper said after a few minutes looking eager to have someplace to stay that was safe.
Draco sighed a little. “i know that look... Hermione remember the last time you started digging into someone's past?” she had looked into Draco's, determined that he should never be forgiven for trying to kill Dumbledore. What she had found was enough to horrify anyone. A long history of mental, emotional, and physical abuse as well as long sessions under the Impirio had both stunted Draco's growth, and made him into little more than a puppet, terrified to step out of the person his father had forced him to be. “i have a bad feeling that this is going to be just like that, your going to end up hurting yourself and her... she's just a poor squib who's running away from Home, I'm sure of it.”

Harry smiled at his impromptu grandfather when he walked into the room. “good morning headmaster.” he chirped calmly offering the man a look of affection before smiling at Piper. “we won't make you go anywhere that you don't want to.” he promised, thinking the same thing Draco was. She was a squib living in a house that hated her. Wizards because they hated her for being a squib, or muggles for seeing things that weren't there. Either case Harry felt the strongest desires to protect her and keep her as safe as possible. “she'll be in Gryffindor of course.” Harry purred happily, smiling a little as Pomfry rolled her eyes. “more trouble, always trouble.” she growled shaking her head, annoyed that Harry was ignoring her, again. “come on Piper, I'll show you to your new living quarters.” harry promised beaming at her, well aware a new bed would have popped up in the seventh year girls dormitory already.
Hermione sighed wrapping her arms around her boyfriend, resting her head on his shoulder."MAybe."She said willing to let it go for now, but she wanted to know more about her. Piper Dragomir rubbed her the wrong way and she was going ot figure it out, but for now she was going to let it go."Harry wont let anyone hurt her. Already he's being protective."He said snickering a little looking amused.

Dumbledore nodded."Go. I will see about getting her into classes, and what else there needs to be done." "Danke,headmaster."Piper said tilting her head a little as she let harry lead her out of the hospital wing, Ron talking aminatedly to keep her from getting worried about anything. Dumbledore smiled as he watched them go before looking at Poppy, "Poppy, was there any signs of abuse?"He said worried about the squib running away.

Piper was quiet as they walked,biting her lip as they walked, looking amazed around her as she watched the stairs shfit under them, looking lost and befret. Because something deep, bone deep said that she should be able to do this, to summon magic to her hand, just under the skin she could taste the flame of dragonfire, feel bones trying to shift. yet, her body was still human, still what she was. A dragon with a human form."Will...I cannot do magisk...magic.. I wont be any use in classes..."
Draco smiled as he kissed her forehead. “i love you Hermione.” he muttered softly. He told her at least once a day that he loved her, being the affectionate person he had never been able to be, and honestly loving Hermione, for many reasons. “besides, you know how Harry can't stand to see people hurt or abused, that's the only reason why he ever forgave me you know.” he teased grinning at her with that lopsided grin that everyone had looked so stunned when he'd done it the first time. It was an imperfect smile, something no one had ever expected to see from a Malfoy, imperfection. But it suited him, that lopsided grin, made him seam so much more human. “plus I think he might be crushing on her.” Draco admitted with a small snicker.

Madam Pomfry shook her head at the headmaster. “none physical.” she admitted. “but I believe she is German, I recognized bits of her language.” Poppy admitted biting her lip. “and I believe she has been emotionally traumatized in some manner, she is very afraid. Wherever she was living I have my doubts about her being safe if she is sent back. It would be best to give her shelter here, I fear she might possibly be in grave danger...”

Harry smiled as she looked so lost, gently kissing her chin. “it's alright Piper, there are a few students here who can't do magic.” he admitted. “your not alone, and you can learn other things, like Runes, Arithmacy, the Care of Magical creatures, History of Magic, even potions.” he admitted smiling brightly at her. “there's plenty of things to learn that don't need magic.” he promised grinning happily before he growled suddenly, stopped, put his back to the wall and started wriggling along it, scratching his back with the rough stones. “god damn it all! I wish whatever this was would go away!” it had become very clear that whatever harry 'had' it wasn't contagious, so people had just gotten used to seeing harry suddenly fidget.
Hermione laughed,"Oh, just a little bit."She smiled amused and loving Draco, because the boy just had such a soft and kind lopsided grin."Love you to."She smiled shifting a little to snuggle down into his side, resting his head on his shoulder.

dumbledore nodded stroking his beard."Yes, she does give that feeling."He said having recognized the signs of a tramuatized teen."I will watch her. And if she should speak, you will let me know if there is a serious danger to her?"He asked because he was worried about what would come after her if she really was from germany, wondering what kind of life she had left.

"nein, nein."Piper said pouncing on the man, making him stop from scrapping his back raw."You'll hurt yourself. Don't."She said fising her hand, for a moment slender fingers became dragon's claws, before it faded back into regular fingers, the longing to be dragonkin faded as she pressed her fingers agains his skin. Just that subtle touch of changeling's magic enough to stop the itch for the moment. IT wasnt full magic, but it was all that was left to the dragons of europe, that wispy almost touch of what they had once been."Nein, no. YOu can't scrape yourself to bad. Lets go inside."she said looking amused, before looking at Ron as he opened the potrait."Come on harry. We'll get you something to drink, that usually helps."
Draco snorted a little. “more than just a little.” he teased Hermione with a small chuckle wrapping his arm around her shoulders nuzzling the top of her forehead. “she might be good for harry though, as long as he's focused on keeping her safe and Happy he'll be less likely to get into serious trouble.”

Poppy nodded a little. “i will tell you sir.” she promised, wondering what about that girl seamed so familiar. She wasn't sure, but she had the distinct feeling she had met that girl before.

Harry blinked as he was pulled away from the wall. “but!....” he tried to complain before sighing as he felt her hand on his back, blushing a little as he felt her slender fingers against his skin, the itch vanishing, the tell tale feeling of changeling leaking out against her fingers before it vanished. May changeling youngsters went through a process called 'shluffing' where their body slowly adjusted to the sensations that they would experience while shifting, though the ages varied it never occurred until after they where fifteen so they where well used to their human forms. Often they ached slightly, their personalities shifted a little and their diets changed. And they always, always itched like crazy. “thank you Piper, that feels much better.” Harry admitted smiling at her before nodding to Ron. “yeah, I could go for a good butterbeer.” he agreed smiling a little. “it's been forever since I've had one.”
Hermione snickered nodding a little. Because maybe it was true. Looking up when the other's came in, she snickered louder at hearing Piper's question. "Butter...beer?Why would you drink the beer of butter?Would it not be to rich to drink?" Ron laughed softly shaking his head as he walked in, sitting on oen of the chairs across from the other two, letting piper and harry have the couch."Its not actually butter Piper. It's just a nice calming drink." "Oh."The woman said blushing a little even as she smiled. Not really reacting to the changeling magic she had felt. After all, she'd never known anything else, so it never occurred to her that harry might not know that he was a changeling.
Harry chuckled a little as he took a bottle from the house elves who had brought some, handing an open one to Piper. “try some, it's very good.” he promised smiling at her as he flicked his fingers at it, making it hot for her as he did the same to his own, he loved a nice hot butter beer. It soothed the wild itch he felt deep inside, he had no idea what it meant, but it drove him insane, it really did. He asked a house elf for a tray of vegetables, hungry again and ignoring Draco's knowing smirk as he shook his head, harry nibbling on a piece of broccoli. “you know, if I didn't know any better i'd swear that Harry's personality is changing.” he admitted. “he's calm for one thing, and he didn't try to pound my face in, and for the love of Merlin he's eating VEGETABLES!” “shut up... I LIKE vegetables! Besides if I pounded YOUR face in Hermione would pound MY face in...” “...this is true.”
Ron smiled a little lookng amused."Definately true. We'd rather face a angry dragon, then face hermione's temper."He said laughing.
"sprechen immer sehr höflich, eine aufgebrachte Drachen."Piper snickered as she smirked, looking at hermione's suprised look. "Damn, I knew that one."she said laughing."Always speak politely when speaking to a enraged dragon. Yes, they would do well to leave draco alone." "Draco is dragon."Piper said bemused not realizing that the blond's name really was Dragon and not a nickname. Sighing as she sipped her drink, the hot beverage soothing the ache of not being able to change.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head as his translator told him what she was saying, smirking a little. “good advice.” he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head Draco shaking his head. “no Piper, my name is Draco.” he explained smiling a little. “but I used to be a bit of a bear.” he admitted. “grouchy, rude... a bully. That's what they mean when they say I'm a dragon.” he admitted chuckling a little. “but Hermione is more of one, as she's the only person I fear...” well aside from Lucius and Narcissa... The Dark Lord... his aunt and uncle... any death eater really. Harry was already reaching for another butterbeer, stealing Draco's, who never drank one anyway. “so Piper, where are you from?” Draco asked curiously. “I was thinking Russia, or maybe Germany from your accent.”
Piper looked startled at the question, before looking scared for a moment before she hid it. Glancing at harry, swallowing hard. She was among...friends. She would not be sent back. Sliding strawberry blond hair over her shoulder, she smiled. The color of flame was what her hair was, that white blond to the pale blues of a center flame. She was flame and fire."Vienna, Austria."She said smiling slightly looking nervous for a moment. wondering if he knew the secret that beat at the heart of austrian's wizarding community, the changelings that controlled things. Because despite being locked in human form, there had been a time when Dragon was lord. Sipping her butterbeer she relaxed shifting slightly leaning against harry's side, not even realizing she was seeking to cool off. Like most dragons her normal body temperature was that of a furance, as hot as a flame. Hermione looked startled looking her over."Austrian? Why did you come here then?" Clear blue eyes for a moment flashed slitted and as white as a star before they cleared again."I got lost."
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