After The Collectors: Defiant-Anjeru and Raiden The Ripper

Dec 15, 2011
Mass Effect 2 fandom, Paragon F!Shepard & Garrus Vakarian​

Garrus growls, deep in his chest, as he fires, Mattock barking in his hands as he sends Collectors staggering back. Thank god he's not truly alone, stuck with the General's full gaze on him. One of those Harbinger-possessed ones... that'd make short work of him and the crew both. As if to reinforce that point, a bullet ricochets off his cover, narrowly missing Chakwas, who had been peering over the cover to check if it was clear. The Turian shoves her down, and fires at the Collector, rattling off rounds as quickly as his finger can pull the trigger. No more damned scars on this armor, and no more dead. Not after seeing that poor colonist just... dissolve, before his eyes...

He manages to get the crew back safely, with no more casualties, and he takes his place alongside some of the newly-recovered soldiers and techs in helping to get the Normandy back into shape, though his job at the main battery keeps him more busy, fending off Oculus after Oculus, and even several Praetorian creatures, allowing EDI and Joker to focus upon the major systems, and getting propulsion and the Mass Effect drive back to full power.
All the while, Shepard's face hovers in his mind, flicking between the hazy, distorted memory of her keeping him alive, after Tarak's gunshop knocked several... dozen holes in him, and all the conversations he'd had with her, speaking of blowing off steam... but he'd been too damn nervous of frightening her away to go to her, before they hit the relay...
He snarls, and brings his hand down on the rail around the main battery, before continuing to calculate firing solutions and guide the guns, swearing, constantly, beneath his breath in Turian, the rolling, rough language echoing off the walls.
"The crew made it back safely, Commander," Joker's voice couldn't have been better timed.

"And Garrus?" She asked, her heart nearly in her throat; he'd been injured, that's why she had sent him back with the crew of the Normandy, but it had nearly killed her to let him out of her sight, considering the hell they had walked into.

"Injured, but alive."

"Good! Now, be ready to get us out of here once I blow this place to bits!"

"Hell yea, Commander! Give those Collectors their due!" Joker laughed as he cut the link, and she found his enthusiasm nearly contagious. Hell yea, she would make them pay.

And she did, oh boy, did she. Every Collector in her path, including Harbringer-possessed generals, were met with the rounds from her shotgun, until they were no more than empty vessels strewn about the ground. Her soul had literally shuddered when they'd stumbled upon the Human Reaper, she, Thane, and Jack. Vomit had found itself in her throat when they realized what exactly it was the Reaper was being fed to grow - liquified humans, essentially genetic mush. When she had seen the colonist liquify before her eyes, she was determined it would never happen again. They'd shot the feeding tubes loose and the reaper had fallen. She'd set the charges, ready to blow this place to hell despite the Illusive Man's objection, only to have the Reaper return to try and finish them off. A battle like no other was fought there, on the platforms, her body aching and sweat coating her face as they tried desperately to kill it. As it fell, after what felt like eternity, she dove to catch Thane as the platforms collapsed, hefting him up before another came careening at them. Her last thought before she blacked out was of Garrus, and what they had missed out on...again.

She was certain she was dead, but when her lashes fluttered and eyes opened, she was almost relieved to find herself still in the Collector base. Climbing to her feet, she anxiously checked on her companions, thankful to find them both alive. The beeping, the warning of the charges, was getting louder.

"RUN!" She yelled and they did, they ran like they had never before and for Shepard, that was saying something. She'd been running her whole life. Her lungs burned. Her limbs ached. Just go! Go, go, go! Her long legs carried her and before long, she could see the Normandy hovering at the end of the way, Joker appearing to shoot at the fucking Collector's shooting at them as they ran. Thane and Jack made it on safely but a beam fell, severing the platforms; Shepard's heart thumped like a jackhammer in her breast. There was a chance she wasn't going to make it out of this...again.

No, fuck this! She wasn't going to die, not again! She pushed all her might and willpower, her very stubbornness, into her run, and as she reached the end of the ledge, she jumped. She leapt like there was no tomorrow. For a moment, she felt like she was flying. Free. Don't fall, don't fall - the thought was pounding in her head and, as she came up short, she threw her arms out, catching the edge of the Normandy and hanging on for dear life. Thane reached down and pulled her up and as they all tumbled inside, she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Joker, get us the hell out of here! NOW!"

"Aye aye, Commander!" The pilot said as he hobbled back to his chair, firing up the Mass Effect core and the propulsion systems they had managed to repair. "HOLD ON!" He barked and before she knew it, they were up, flying away from there, the very ship shuddering with the violent blast that was following them as the Collector Base detonated into a massive explosion, right on their trail. Joker pulled the ship up to the Omega-4 relay, shooting the ship through it just as the explosion would have engulfed them.

"Great job, Joker. Don't know what I would do without you," she huffed. He grinned and she shook her head, hobbling toward the communications room to tell off the Illusive Man once and for all. He was not happy about it, but with a grin on her face, she cut off the transmission and stepped out of the hologrid, taking the lift to her quarters.

[Sorry that ended up being massive. XD]
Garrus limps, for what seems the hundredth time, from the medbay, fleeing Chakwas. The bullet reopened one of his old wounds, as did the frantic running, and all the 'fancy flying' Joker did while getting them away...
But, finally, he reaches his little home in the main battery. Shepard is still dealing with the Illusive man...
With a quiet chuckle, he gathers the small bag that he'd acquired from Mordin, the Citadel, and even Ilium, for Spirit's sake, and moves into the elevator, reaching Shepard's quarters about when she leaves the briefing. He settles down on her small couch, setting the bag down and starting to draw out the various items it contains. Epi-tabs, for her, and the turian equivalent, for him. Then lubricant, at Mordin's insistence, else risk 'chafing'- he shivers a little at that thought, and finally a small bottle of wine, enough for one glass for each of them. But today's maybe not the right day for that particular item.
He looks up when he hears the lift coming, and swears quietly, moving and standing beside the door when Shepard enters.
He wraps his arms around her, and his head settles down on her shoulder, teeth lightly scraping her neck. "Thank the spirits..." he murmurs, voice rough and quiet, stress obvious in it. "You have no idea how worried I was, Shepard. I could barely get the crew back, and that was just with a few collectors. I thought..." he swallows, not wanting to voice the thought. When they're separated, it seems to him, bad things happen. First, he's transferred off her ship, when she starts working directly for the council, and she's killed. Cue two years of hell, and being more spirit-sick than any male should ever be. Then his team died, then he nearly did. And he would have, if not for her. His teeth scrap her skin again, and he rumbles, deep in his throat, possessive and earnest.
Shepard meets him as earnestly as he has, wrapping her arms around his trim waist and holding tight. She shivers as his teeth scratch across her skin, the adrenaline still pumping through her veins, her cybernetic implants nearly burning from the stress the mission had on her resurrected body. They'd called it a suicide mission, but hell if she hadn't proved them wrong; they all had their injuries, but she had not lost a single member of her crew, thank the gods. After having to sacrifice Ashley on Virmire, she had vowed never to let anyone die under her command if she could, in any way, prevent it.

Lifting her head, she grinned. "Should know me better than that, Garrus. Not about to let the Reapers take me down, let alone the Collector's. I died once, I am not planning to do it again." Her hands framed his face, the left subconsciously tracing the scars he'd gotten when she had went to Omega to find 'ArchAngel.' She had lost him when she died, then, after being given a second chance, she had nearly lost him to that damned gang's gunship. "Thank god you are okay, Garrus. I was worried...with your injuries...I don't know what I would have done had I lost you..."
Garrus shivers slightly, feeling how on edge she is, and knowing he's as bad, but too used to the adrenaline rush to even acknowledge it. He bites her again, teeth and lip-plates scraping her skin, and growls in his throat, not a threatening sound, but one of comfort, letting her know that he's here, and that he's not going to leave. "And you should know me better, Shepard." he murmurs into her ear, closing his eyes as her hands cup his face, mandibles fluttering slightly against the touch of that soft skin, that odd, human feeling that he's grown to love so damned much. "You'd manage, Shepard... you'd do better than I did. You wouldn't run like some frightened hatchling." he says, his own hand rising and running through her hair. Another odd, human thing that he loves of hers. As beautiful, in its way, as the feathers of a female Turian. But no-one can match Shepard in any way, not for him. With a small grunt, he lifts her, and carries her toward her bed, snagging the epi-tabs with a hand as he passes them, and setting her down.
"No more waiting, Shepard... no more. I can't... I can't lose you. Never again." he growls, biting her neck hard, but not breaking skin, before his lip-plates press lightly to her lips, wanting to provide her with something human, to the small degree he can.
He pulls back, and nips at her shoulder, watching her quietly. "I can't... ah, get your clothes off you. Not with these." he murmurs, gesturing with his taloned fingers.
He pulls his shirt off, slowly, revealing the plating that covers his chest, along with the scars down his right side from the gunship's attack. His eyes flick away, briefly, knowing he looks foreign, and probably outright bizarre, to her, and almost expecting to be tossed out on his ass.
"I am sorry I died, Garrus...but at least I managed to save you all, that's all that mattered to me when I closed my eyes." She gasped the words as he lifts her, carrying her toward the bed where he sets her. Her heart is fluttering nervously, something Commander Shepard was unused to; normally, she was as hard as steel, but goddamnit, Garrus was her best friend and her biggest regret had been not telling him how she felt about him before the Collectors had killed her. His unusually tender caresses, like his talon fingers sliding through her auburn strands, were far more precious than she would have liked to let least until now. She makes a noise, a low moan, as he bites the side of her neck hard with his fangs. Her body shivers as a tingle runs down her spine. Her lips tremble a bit as they kiss, an awkward thing between a Turian and a Human, but she smiled, enjoying her first real kiss with him.

"I can't wait any longer, either, Garrus. I am not about to face the Reapers without this...without you, without telling you finally how I have felt all along..." Her eyes watch as he peels off his shirt, a small smile tugging at her lips, the scarred corner. A scar she had earned in her survival of Akuze and those damned Thresher Maws. She had another, barely noticeable, through her right eyebrow. She had never...with an alien before, but she pressed her hands to his plated chest, caressing the scars that were there. A reminder of how close she'd come to loosing him.

"Just don't...laugh," She mumbled, slightly embarrassed as she hefted her armor off leaving her in her pants and t-shirt. God forbid, she was actually blushing. Her fingers found the hem of her shirt and pulled it free, over her head, tossing it to the pile of her armor. Her breasts were large and full, soft, bare, no bra covering as she found in restricting when in her armor. The nipples were rose bud pink against her pale skin, hardening in the cool air of her loft. There was a scar on her chest, right over her sternum, no doubt from her early awakening at the Cerebus compound. "I imagine I look odd to you..." She chuckled softly.
The Turian growls quietly, feeling the way she reacts to his touches, his bites, and he nips again at her neck as her hands trace the scars on his chest. "I would never laugh at you, Shepard." he growls, and pulls back a bit, giving her room as she undresses, dark eyes sweeping over her chest, examining her with an expression of love, curiosity, and utter confusion, all at once. His head dips, and his tongue, rough textured like a cat's, flicks over her nipple, another low sound leaving him in pleasure. "And I don't, to you?" he asks, moving yet further downward, and biting at the little skin he can reach of her waist, teeth lightly pricking the skin. "Far better than any Turian. Even if this... padding is odd." he murmurs, moving back up, and teasing her breasts again, a small smirk on his face, mandibles fluttering lightly. He leans back up, pressing his clothed groin against hers, and bites her once more, scraping his fangs over her skin.
"I rather like your soft, human body, Shepard. Even if it does get hurt too easily." he murmurs, dipping his head again, and tracing the scar on her sternum with his lips and tongue, trying not to scrape his plating too much against her. "Pants?" he asks, smiling at her as he draws his own off, exposing his body to her. Plating, over the sides and backs of his thighs, and over his spurs, but bare skin on the insides of his legs, and a semicircle of plating over a small slit at the junction of his legs, parted already, letting his manhood, blue, like his blood, stand free. He looks even more embarrassed, now, and lightly curls his hands over hers, moving them to her pants, knowing he'll likely tear the fabric if he tries to undo them.
"Padding?" She can't help but chuckle at that, never having heard her breasts referred to in such a way, though she supposed that's what they could be. Her lips part as she moans breathlessly, his Turian tongue strange yet entirely arousing as its rough surface rasps across her sensitive nipple. It pebbles, hardening beneath his tongue, tightening, making her shudder deliciously. Before she'd become such good friends with Garrus, she never would have imagined herself with an alien - hell, she had almost hooked up with Alenko. When Garrus had been transferred off the Normandy and back to C-Sec, she'd realized how desperately she'd missed having him around. Finding him on Omega had seemed like a coincidental miracle and all those feelings had come rushing back, more so when she had rushed him to the Normandy SR-2 after the gunship had shot him down. Nearly losing him had put into perspective that it didn't matter to her that he was alien - it was Garrus she was attracted to. He could be anything, any race, and she'd still feel this way. Garrus was Garrus.

Every touch feels so good and she realizes she has been holding it in for far too long; their flirting had been innocent enough, but it had been the foot in the door they'd needed to see what they meant to each other. She watches as he bares himself to her and she is strangely fascinated, never having seen a naked Turian; she can see he's embarrassed, but she isn't put off at all. He was strangely beautiful...though she wouldn't tell him that. Men, she was sure it didn't matter what species they were, didn't like being...beautiful. It was a bit strange, she had to admit, to see that his cock had come forth from a slit in his plates and was blue. Blue. Very different from what she was used to, but she was intrigued. And it was Garrus.

Her fingers pluck open the closures of her fatigues, letting them hook in the waistband to shimmy them down off her buttocks and down her long, pale, muscled legs. Next came the boy shorts of black spandex, leaving her bare before him, a faint thatch of short auburn hairs between her legs. Now, she is the one embarrassed; she is so white and fleshy next to his blue-silver, plated body. "I don't think I'd mind if you tore my pants," she chuckled as she pressed her lips to his mandible, kissing the scars as her hands trailed over his shoulders, over his carapace, down his plated chest. "I'm so...soft, compared to you. I can see why so many species call me squishy now." She blushed faintly. "Did...did Mordin give you the epi-tabs? He warned me about possible allergic reactions." It was such a strange thing to have to bring up, but necessary.
"You're so very soft, Shepard." he rumbles quietly, tongue flickering over the oddly firm nipple once more, before allowing her to pull back. His deep-set, dark eyes observe her as she undresses, mandibles flickering slightly as he watches her. Well... she's not screaming and running away at the sight of him, thus far, and he's, well, his worst fear is behind him, that, when they'd tried this, that he wouldn't... react, to her, at all. That the soft, alien nature of her would just end up repulsing him in person. "But so very wonderful." he breathes out, taloned hands coming up, caressing her face. His right forefinger is very clearly blunted, edges and point filed down to smooth, rounded edges. He seems a little confused by the presence of her undergarments, and then by the, Spirits, is that fur?
He looks faintly amused, looking over her body, before blinking and meeting her eyes. A low, happy chuckle leaves him, and he nips her neck gently after she kisses him. "Nothing wrong with being cautious, Shepard." he teases, flanged voice making his lip-plates vibrate against her neck. "Squishy... I suppose. Turian women aren't... well, curved, like you are. And, in all fairness... You do have a very, very pleasant waist." he murmurs.
He nods, and pulls back as she speaks, leaning down and retrieving the bag. He sets the epi-tab on her leg lightly, thumb lightly tracing over her thigh, and then pops his own out of the packaging, taking it quickly before he dips his head back down, fishing in the bag. Something clinks quietly within it, and the turian flushes blue through his fringe, before picking up the bottle of wine, and setting it on the bedside table. "For later, if we end up needing it... Well, if you do. There's plenty of capfricus brandy in the observation lounge.
Shepard picks up the epi-tab and takes it quickly, her heart thrumming a nervous rhythm in her chest. He seemed amused, curious, and intrigued by her foreign body and she let out a soft breathe she hadn't been aware she'd been holding; was it strange that she worried her human body would be repulsive to her Turian friend, maybe. It was something Shepard never worried about before now, her appeal to the other species inhabiting the massive galaxy. Before Garrus, she never would have imagined herself doing something so intimate with a Turian. She can't help but be...filled with pride, that he seemed to find her appealing.

"And here I was worried you'd run scared once you saw me in all my naked glory," she chuckled. A slight shiver followed each of his caresses and she sighed, almost contentedly. Even with the adrenaline still pumping through her veins after having blown the Collector Base to hell and back. "You're so thoughtful," she teased as he put the wine on the bed side night stand. Her hands stroked over his mandibles, before caressing the edges of his fringe which she knew was a sensitive spot on a Turian(thanks to her brief visit with Liara - the Asari really surprised her at times). "It isn't over, Garrus - the Reapers are still coming; we don't know when, but I plan to enjoy every moment I have with you. I think we've earned that much." Her hands stroked down his neck, her lips following suit. His chest was hard, all plates, but he had the most beautiful coloring - a silver blue that was entrancing. He was so hard and she so soft, but in a strange way it was almost perfect. Even on the original SR-1 Normandy, she had been irreversibly drawn to him and now was no different; to see that his body wanted her, as hers did his, was almost an intoxicating high.
Garrus hesitantly leans down once more, lip-plates brushnig against her lips, and smiles softly. "Would never run, Shepard. Even if I weren't... impressed-" he begins, and cuts off the moment woman's hands touch the base of his fringe, a sound like a deep purr coming from him, talons tracing patterns down her back. "Mmf. Two minutes... that might be a record, all things told. We managed two minutes without thinking about work." he murmurs, smiling affectionately at her, mandibles fluttering lightly as he leans down, nipping her neck again, ever so lightly, before letting her explore. "But... we've earned this, and more. You're completely right." he says quietly, hands lightly rising and caressing the soft skin of her waist. So foreign, so soft... but perfect, in her way.
"Who gives a damn about species, anyway?" he breathes out against her hair, lightly pressing his face there, before leaning back, letting her explore the plating. Lighter over his stomach, than his back, and not at all proof against weapons, but hard enough that, say, a cat would never do more than catch on the edge of a plate. The plates thin, becoming sparser, with greater patches of roughly-textured bluish skin between, as they near his groin, until vanishing almost completely, just a few small plates around the slit that usually conceals him. A small pair of lines trails down from that slit, in a reversed Y, radiating almost as much heat as his manhood itself, already slick with his own, natural lubricant. "I'm glad to see you've never been with a turian before... it does take some of the pressure off."
His last line made her chuckle, her hands softly exploring the softer textures of his Turian waist. "Never been with anyone other than a human before, to be perfectly honest. I've never been particularly attracted to another species before...but there is just something about you, Garrus. I don't want anyone else - Turian, human, or otherwise. And if I am doing this..." She blushed slightly, a thing very un-Shepard of her, but she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, a touch shy beneath his blue gaze. "I am glad it's with you." It's an honest admission, feeling so utterly...alien, with their naked bodies exposed to each other. She bit her lip, almost uncertain of where to begin and what to do; did Turians like the same things as human men did? Mordin warned her against ingesting...well, the Turian anatomy, at least without a antihistamine shot, which was conveniently in the drawer of the nightstand. One for him, and one for her, given to her by the overly invested Salarian, not that she could fault him in this moment. His advice was proving to be of great use, honestly. She felt like a fish out of water.

Her hands slid around his waist, sliding down to grasp gently at his hued erection. Fingers gently wrapped around it, and stroked, almost experimentally, to see if he enjoyed it. The last thing she wanted to do was do something he didn't like. As she stroked him she leaned her face to his, lips caressing his plates, before slipping her tongue into his mouth to stroke over and caress his rougher one; sure, he didn't have lips, but she could teach him how to kiss passionately without them. A kiss was about the lips, it was about the passion, the feelings, and expressing them. Usually, she was so sure of herself, but at least she could feel slightly relieved that she was as foreign to him as he was to her.
The male shudders as her hands move gently over his waist, and his hand rises, caressing her hair. "And... trust me, Shepard. I... no-one's a match for you." he says quietly, cupping her face, as she looks at him. Her hands curling around him make him purr once more. "Ahh... spirits..." he breathes, eyes closing... only to be surprised as she kisses him, carefully returning it. His rough tongue carefully moves against hers, and then slips into her mouth, exploring carefully. "Nothing like a turian..." he murmurs, when he has to draw back for breath, and licks his lip-plates.
His head dips, eyes half-focused with the pleasure she gives him, those soft hands caressing his flesh, and his teeth scrape against her neck before he bites her, putting in just a bit of pressure, enough to scrape her, but not painfully. "That, Shepard... is what turians do." he admits, nipping her again, and then drawing his tongue over her skin. "But... I think I could grow to enjoy this... kissing." he teases, wanting to reassure her. His lips press carefully against hers, and his tongue moves first, this time, brushing over hers, and exploring her, giving back every bit of passion he can.
She gasps as he bites down, gently enough, on her neck with his teeth, a shudder following with a half moan. "Humans bite too, you know...but I find I like Turian bites better," she teases just before they begin kissing again. Her hands continue to stroke at him, enjoying the way he responded to her touch. Her own arousal was building and she pulled back to the kiss to move her lips across his mandible, gently drawing feathering kisses along the scars there, a reminder of how close she'd come to losing him, as sure as hers' were the same to him - in reality, he had lost her, for two whole years, and by some marvel of medical science, she was laying here with him, alive and enflamed with desire for him. She didn't want to waste their second chance, not when she had been a fool not to go for it in the first place due to uncertainty(over a number of things).

"You can touch me, Garrus...if you want." She chuckles slightly. "Just be mindful that humans don't have talons - though I can tell you blunted them down some..." Was she blushing again? Damnit.
The Turian shivers when her lips move back upon his, hands snaking down to support her rear, holding her carefully. "Good to know you prefer me." he says, nipping the nape of her neck once more, eyes closing in pleasure.
"Blunted them a lot, actually. Took a few hours to get everything safe for my soft little human..." he teases, before one lightly passes over her folds, smooth and blunt, the tip hesitantly tracing its way to her clit, drawing slow, teasing circles around it, and then lightly rubbing the lower side against her, lightly pressing it inside her, a rough breath leaving the Turian. "Should have stayed with you..." he breathes, talon slipping inside her, slowly testing her. "Shepard..." he breathes out, feeling pleasure build. "How much did you really watch of those vids?" he asks, free hand rising and cupping her face as his eyes open.
Shepard bites her lip slightly as he traces a talon over her slick folds, hips jerking a bit into him as it explores teasingly around her clit. A shudder wracks her form and she moans as the talon continues an exploring path around her entrance, her head falling back as her lashes flutter from pleasure. A shaky breath leaves her as his talon slides within her, testing her hot core, already slick and tight around it as he explores her. For not knowing much about her anatomy, he is doing a good job of keeping her on her toes with pleasure, so to speak. She keeps her own fingers on him, stroking over him and exploring as he explored her.
His question catches her off guard a bit and she lifts her head, leaning her cheek into his hand as it cups her face. Her cheeks were tinted with pink, from pleasure, her eyes having taken on a slightly glazed look. She blushed again; "I...I mainly wanted to watch one to make sure I didn't screw this up...I didn't want to disappoint you."
The turian nips her neck yet again, grateful for the bit he does know about humans... and then lifts hie head again. "You aren't going to disappoint me, Shepard. You never could." he promises, cupping the other's face in his hand gently, slowly pushing the talon deeper inside her once more. "Nothing's going to disappoint me, from you. Everything here... more than I could have hoped." he murmurs, shuddering as he jerks his hips into her hand. "More than anything." he repeats, and his lips find hers, tongue eagerly caressing hers, tasting and exploring. His spurs, already unsheathed, seem to quiver, and he carefully takes her free hand, guiding it to the small, sensitive scales at the base of the spur. "There," he says, and then moves her hand, laying it on her other. "There." he adds, and then lifts it to his fringe, "And here. And other places, you can touch. But you can stick around and find out about those on your own." he teases, gently nipping her neck once more, as his talon slowly pumps in and out of her wet, warm womanhood. "Don't know if I'll fit." he mutters quietly, sounding nervous.
Shepard's hands move where he places them, making mental notes of each place he shows her as a sensitive spot for future use. It was a little hard to concentrate with his talon pumping into her center; she shivered, soft moans coming from her lips as her head fell back a bit into the kiss, her tongue caressing and returning the strokes of his. Her head spun pleasantly, nearly euphoric, and it was almost as intoxicating just knowing it was Garrus doing this to her. She'd contemplated it for so long, for it to be happening now - vaguely she worried it was a frustration induced fantasy or dream, some reprieve after finally defeating the Collectors and telling off poor old Timmy.

"I know it seems small..." she bites her lip with a blush. "but it will, ah," a soft moan again, "stretches to accommodate the...intrusion..." She chuckles a bit embarrassingly here, kissing him again, letting their tongues slide and tease each other. She pulls his hand away from her center and pushes him gently to lay on his back, giving him an appraising once over, as if to figure out the plan of action. "Your plates could, ah, chafe my let's try it this way...if you don't mind my being on top," she grins somewhat teasingly, caressing his fringe with her fingers.
He shudders at the sounds she gives him, biting her again after ending the kiss. "Delicious... little woman..." he breathes against her skin.
"So odd to see you turn red." he admits quietly, and returns her kiss, tongue curling with hers, exploring her, loving her body's pleasant little weight on his upper legs. His hand, removed from her core, lies on her leg gently, stroking the soft skin. "Believe me, Shepard. With the... oddness of this day? You being on top isn't going to bother me." he promises, lightly rubbing her leg once more, and then, carefully, pulling her down to kiss her. "Shepard..." he murmurs, quietly, scarred mandible lightly rasping against her cheek, before he draws back, smiling faintly. "You... sure you're ready? We can hold off on this, if you're not."
She can't help but chuckle a little. "I think if we made it through the Omega-4 relay alive, destroyed the Collectors, I can handle making love to a Turian." She kisses the scars gently on his mandible, lingering faintly over each, before kissing his lip-plates gently before leaning back up. A gentle smile crosses her lips as she cups his face in her hands. "It's a miracle we're both here, to be honest, Garrus. Hell, I already died once. I'm not about to let it happen again without having this - without having you. My biggest regret went the Normandy went down was never telling you how much I needed you around. Now..." she leaned down and kissed him soundly again, this time deeply, tongues and all.

One of her hands slid down between them to grasp his hot length in her hand, helping angle it just right as she settled her hips over his. She trembled a bit nervously as she pressed him against her, but, she steeled herself and let him slide within her in one fluid motion; as she settled on him, her head fell back, a loud moan all she could say as her back arched with pleasure. She was hot and tight around him, like a slick velvet encasing, and she vaguely wondered if she felt anywhere near as good to him as he felt to her.
The Turian laughs softly, and lays a hand lightly over hers. "Nothing's going to kill you again, Shepard. Death's already been made your bitch." he says calmly, kissing her lightly once more.
He returns her passion, tongue moving eagerly, hungrily with hers, and shudders, crest flaring somewhat as she grips him. A growl leaves the Turian as she sinks down on him, and he closes his eyes, leaning in and biting her neck, tongue teasing the skin. "Tight..." he breathes out, leaning in again and biting her hard, slowly grinding his hips against her. "You're... god, you're wonderful..."
She mmm'd softly as he bit at her neck, her body shuddering against his as they remained joined together, still and as one. She bit her lip at his words, feeling suddenly empowered, like she could be the most desirable being in the universe to him; it was a strange, but almost satisfying feeling. She gasped loud as he bit hard, the pain only momentary as he ground his hips against hers, driving him deeper in her warmth. "Ah...same could be said about you," she teased as she gripped his shoulders, using the hold to lift her hips enough to drop them back against his, pulling him nearly free of her before sliding back down. She started a slow and steady pace, moving her hips against him almost liquidly, soft noises of pleasure wafting from her lips with each roll of her hips.
The male growls quietly as she moves the first time, feeling her hands grip him, using him as leverage... He raises his hands, and moves hers to his cowl. "More bone. Hold here." he says quietly, before resting his hands back on her hips. "Oh, r-really?" he asks, voice breathly, barely contained.
"I'm glad you're not turian, Shepard..." he breathes, leaning up, and nipping her neck again with a grin. "You're better than any turian woman I could want." he breathes into her ear, before nipping her one, last time, and then kissing her, muffling his own low, rolling sounds of pleasure, and hers, between them.
His hands grip her hips a bit more tightly, and he slowly bbegins pushing back against her, keeping pace, alternating moves, and making sure that the slight ridges at his base rub against her clit, and against her walls, wanting to bring her as much pleasure as he can.
She holds her hands where he placed them on his cowl, his words warming her pleasantly. She chuckles a bit as she kisses him back, their tongues rubbing and stroking along each others. "And you're better than any other human man I'd want," she gasped out as he gripped her hips, rubbing and rolling his hips back against hers. There were slight ridges at the base of him, rubbing against her clit each time their hips came together, making her moans slightly louder each time. Her back arched with pleasure as she rode him, the pace picking up as the passion and pleasure increased, heading toward the crescendo. This was going well, hell, way better than well, and she could definitely regret not having tracked him down in the hours before they hit the Omega-4 relay; but perhaps their desperation at seeing each other alive made this encounter so much more potent. "Ah, gods, you feel so good, Garrus."
"Well, to be fair, Shepard... I am Turian." he teases, nipping her again, and then kissing her again, one hand rising, cupping her face as he does, tongue exploring, teasing within her mouth. His own moans become more ragged, louder, and his teeth graze her neck again, a rough huff of need leaving him. "Come for me..." he gasps, biting her again, and pushing up, hard, into her, plated thighs rubbing against her legs.
His hand drops from her face, and comes to cup her breast, lightly scaled palm rubbing, kneading the soft flesh.
He's with Shepard. With his commander, with the woman who died on him, who saved him countless times... the human who occupied his every waking thought for almost three years.
"Spirits, Shepard... you're the one wrapped around me, remember?" he teases, eyes clearly fogged with pleasure.
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