
Nov 30, 2010
Lance DeLac smiled slightly as they walked down the street, shaking his head as he glanced at the other blond."Malfoy, you got to be kidding me. The department wont stand for that kind of shuffling.Despite the friction that is there, they DO work better together then seperate."He scowled studying his business partner. After the war and the subsequent fall of the ministry, the aurors had been divided up among the private sectors instead of a goverment run group. After all, private citizens blended in more then the aurors had, and the money backing DeMal Associates, assured everyone that the 'police' that took care of the majority of magical problems these days were well trained.

"Potter'll kill you."He said wrinkling his nose amused even if he disliked his business partner, he did enjoy their arguments about how things should be run. The fact that the majority of the partnerships that did well were a former slytherin-gryffindor team was beside the fact. The fact that once again Draco wanted to please the former slytherins by teaming them up with other slytherins was not going to go over well with the gryffindors. Espicially Harry. Despite being a former Slytherin, Lance did get along with the gryffindor golden boy.

"He'll just have to-"

"Draco!"Lance growled realizing a moment to late to what they hadn't been paying attention to. Where they were walking. Lundging for the man who was walking slightly in front of him, he was moments to late as he felt the blond's arm jerk out of his hand, and the numbing feeling on his leg as he fell. Only after, realizing that in their agruing they'd walked right into traffic. Closing his eyes as he heard the wail of a siren, he hoped that things would be okay.


Lance smiled slightly as he walked through the nearly silent halls of St. Mungo's hospital, the soft scuffing of boot hells the only sound that came from the man as he paused outside the room. Making a face he sighed. It was one thing to check on him when he was in a coma, it was totally different to visit his business partner when he was conscious. If the doctor was right about him being really awake, he really didn't want to deal with a nasty grumpy Draco Malfoy. He was a bastard on a good day, he wasn't about to be any better after missing so much work. The workalcoholic would so not be happy. Shaking his head he ran his fingers through fine baby soft blond hair before knocking on the door and stepping inside.

"WElcome back to the living world Malfoy. About time."Lance said, a slight sarcastic smile on his lips, and something close to relief showing on his face for a moment. Not that he'd ever admit to being relieved that the other was awake.
Draco felt only panic as he turned to face the truck that was coming his way. As it slammed into him he felt nothing but pain as he was flung into the air and hit the pavement and rolled. Later it would be discovered that being flung into the air had saved his life. Had he gone under the truck there would have been no saving him, not even with Magic. As it was, he was in a month long coma, dreaming of nothing but the sound of screeching tires, red, and the sensation of hitting something very, very hard.

When he woke, he was frightened, terrified really and he looked around the hospital room, recognizing it as the hospital. He said nothing as he was fed a thin broth, and again nothing when he puked it up, his stomach not used to actual food after living on intravenously inserted nutrient potions and fluids it would take his stomach a few days to get used to food again. He remained silent all throughout the day and nothing the doctors said or did would get the baffled looking young man to speak. They figured he was just traumatized, and called the only man who ever visited Draco, informing him that the blond was awake.

And awake he was when Lance walked into the room. He blinked at the other, looking completely confused as he examined the man. “i.... who are you?” he finally asked softly, no hint of the bitter scathing tone he almost always had no matter the topic or who he was talking to... it was soft, calm, almost innocent as he examined Lance with a sense of peace Draco could never have with all the pain he'd had in his life. Once he had decided Lance was really there he offered him a calm smile, another shocker, Draco didn't smile, ever. Never, not even if death was nipping at his heals and a smile was the only way to make it go away. “... do you know who I am?” oh shit... that, was NOT a good thing.
The only thing that had Lance staying in place instead of running from the room screaming for help, was the bone deep shock of having Draco Malfoy, yes that Draco Malfoy, smiling at him. That was almost as traumatizing as having his leg shattered by trying to save the blond. Blinking slowly as he tried to arrange his thoughts well enough to answer the innocent looking man he swallowed. There was something seriously wrong with this scenrio. He so never wanted to see his hard ass bitterly cynical partner like this. This was weird.

"I...I-"For once Lance DeLac was reduced to stuttering like a schoolboy. This was so shocking to the usually elequent slytherin that he had no words not even to think about it."I'm Lance DeLac."He said swallowing as he calmed, the usual business smile curling his lips, hiding the shock and momentary fear that had curled around his spine behind the usual business face they showed each other."Your name is Draco Malfoy. We work together."He said slowly, wanting to jab at him, in hopes that he'd remember. Otherwise he was going to have to have a uncomfortable conversation with Lucius, and he so didn't want that. Even at 50, Lucius Malfoy still scared the shit out of him.
Draco blinked at the other as he introduced himself his head tilting a little as he considered the name, trying to place it in his mind before shaking his head and trying Draco Malfoy instead.. again nothing, nothing at all, he felt a little unnerved at the look on the others face and he seamed to recoil away from Lance a little, giving him an unnerved look. “we... work?” he asked slowly, wrinkling his nose in an astonishingly familiar expression... Draco hadn't done that since he was twelve though. He looked at the door as Lucius Malfoy in all his furious glory walked in, Draco tilting his head again, Lucius pausing, startled at his son's expression.

“Draco?” he asked, ignoring Lance in favor of trying to figure out why Draco was looking at him like that, complete lack of recognition, and there wasn't even a twitch from his name before he blinked, remembering he was supposed to be Draco. “oh, right that's me isn't it?... who are you?” he asked curiously, Lucius's eyes widening before looking at Lance, shock and... fear, in those silver gray orbs. “i'm going to go get a doctor.” he growled, silently blaming Lance for all of this as he stalked out of the room and moved to grab the nearest nurse, demanding she get someone to help his son, Draco blinking. “i said something wrong?”
Lance sighed making a face at Lucius' look. He was so not taking the blame for this. It wasn't his fault that the moron had stepped in front of a car. He'd tried to pull him back. Damn if anger wasn't tugging at him, shifting as his magically healed shin and knee ached. "No. Your father's just not used to not being recognized by his own son."He said starting to laugh because well, the stress of handling both the business and finding his partner in a coma had stressed him out. Not that he'd ever ever admit that he'd ever been worried about draco longer the man didn't wake up."His name's lucius."He said moving to the edge of the bed, hesitating before resting a hand on Drac's shoulder. Waiting for the man to brush the hand away, but when he didn't he smied slightly.

"I'm going to go get some of my work things, and some of your things. Maybe it'll help you remember."He said not only wanting to do some of his own paperwork not that the other was awake, he had a irregular desire to spend time with him. Maybe because at 12, Draco Malfoy had fascinated him. And now at 28, the man was suddenly finding himself 12 again. Yea, he was interested."I'll be right back okay?"He said smiling.
Draco blinked when the other started to laugh wrinkling his nose again, annoyed by the laughter and uncertain why he was being laughed at a sulky expression settling onto his face as he pouted at Lance. “don't laugh at me, it's not kind.” he complained before pondering that. “that man was my father?” he asked his head tilted. “Lucius... Lucius....” he tasted the name in hi mouth and sighed when it didn't stick in his mind to anything. “this is very disconcerting...” he muttered softly looking very unsettled as he gently leaned into the hand on his shoulder.

“thank you... can I have clothes?” he asked noticing the paper thin hospital gown. “i might get an erection in this thing and there would be no hiding it.” well at least Draco had retained his interesting sense of humor, even if it wasn't with the scathing sarcastic tone it was usually delivered with. When Lance returned Lucius was in the room again and Draco was eating a light lunch of thin broth and a few crackers, and not even bitching about it as he normally would have , completely ignoring the hot doctor as the man examined Draco's head.

“well there's nothing physically wrong with him.” the doctor explained. “it's just a common case of amnesia.” “yes but when will he get his memories back?” Lucius demanded, the doctor shaking his head. “i cannot be sure... he might never get them back.” the doctor admitted. “and if he does he might get it back one memory at a time or all at once. We won't know until it happens.” he admitted patting Draco's shoulder, making the boy wrinkle his nose again and shoot an annoyed look at the doctor before he returned to his soup and crackers, trying desperately to keep them down this time.
LAnce smirked a little as he walked into the room, holding up the bag of clothes he'd gotten from Narcissa, who despite her husband's protests, had been helping him keep up with the paperwork at DeMal's. "And I return with erection hiding clothing."The man announced snickering a little reminding the man of his words, and because well, he enjoyed annoying the usually prim and proper older Malfoy. Setting the bag of clothes on the edge of the bed he sat down in the available chair, settling in to work on paperwork."How are you feeling Draco?"He asked more because everyone kept asking him, then he actually cared. Yes, that was it. Despite the hatred he felt for the blond, he did care for him, in a twisted love/hate relationship. Which was going to be messy because this blond didn't remember hating him.
Draco just smiled at his co workers announcement and accepted the clothes, the doctor snickering as he spotted Lucius's utterly horrified expression as Draco slowly stood up with the doctors help, still very dizzy as he pulled his pants on and the paper dress off, catching sight of himself in the mirror he blinked and moved over to it, examining himself intently, tilting his face this way and then that, looking troubled again. “...even my own face...” he muttered softly to himself before he looked over at Lance, looking afraid. “i am feeling... frightened...” he admitted softly. “scared... sick...” he admitted softly a he closed his eyes, the doctor gently helping Draco back into the bed as Draco fought back tears. He wasn't sure why he wasn't going to cry, but he wasn't going to. Lucius looked troubled at seeing his son in such a state ad sighed a little, gently setting his hand on Draco's shoulder. “it will be alright Son... you'll get used to things quickly...”
Lance smiled a little looking worried as he looked over the edge of the defense book he was reading, absently making notes. "I could always have Harry stop by. He lost his memory in his last mission for a few days. He'll know what you're going through."He said deadpanned. Okay, so he couldn't help it!He was a ass, even if he knew his partner was upset. They goaded each other to much to let him easily forget about it and just be nice. And inviting harry potter to visit, well if nothing else, it would be thought provoking to see how Draco reacted to his childhood rival. Before snorting at teh mention of Draco's face."If you want pretty boy, I'll take a picture of you so you could stare a yourself."He said teasing and somewhat sarcastic because he had no idea what else to do with the other's predictiment.
Draco blinked a little and then. “who is Harry?” he asked Lucius scowling at Lance. “if you can't be anything other than an Ass then get the hell out!” the man ordered, pointing towards to door, glaring furiously at Lance. “and if I see you in here again I'll have your own Aurrors arrest your ass!” “oh don't make him leave.” Draco pleaded. “he makes me feel better.” Lucius snarled and drove himself to his feet. “Fine!” he spat. “i'm going to go find someone to sue!” he snarled storming out of the room, Draco frowning a little before turning to Lance. “who's Harry?” he asked his head tilted. “and why are you so mean to me anyway?” he demanded. “i never did anything to you.” he paused pondering. “did I?”
Lance sighed lowering the book he was reading, watching Lucius leave before lookng at Draco."I'm not mean to you.Well."He paused considering. "Okay no more then I am to the rest of the population. And we've been getting in regular fist fights since we were old enough to realize that beating the hell out of each other was more entertaining then hexing each other."He snorted amused efore shaking his head."And harry's, Harry Potter, a long time person who you don't get along with." He looked amused before shrugging agian."Draco, I'll try to be better then I usually am, but its hard."He said for a moment the nice guy he was under the gruff and asshole exterior showed through. The only person who knew he could be truly nice had been Hermione Granger.... then she'd blown their relationship all to hell. So, he was a ass, to keep everyone away from him
Draco paused and pondered that for a moment, frowning a little as he worried his lip, again a motion he hadn't done since he was twelve, wrinkling his nose as he pondered. “hexing...” he muttered, his eyes brightening. “i know what that is!” he stated looking astonished, the doctor chuckling. “yes Draco, it's a common knowledge for you. You have amnesia but you will still remember things like how to read, how to cast spells, things that you've known how to do since you where very little. It's just the information about yourself that you won't know, yourself or the people you knew.” Draco nodded and pondered the name Harry Potter for a while and then. “i would like to meet this Harry.” he decided smiling at Lance. “no... it's ok, I won't remember you if you start acting different, besides it's refreshing, everyone else is too nice to me.” he complained, thinking about his father and all of the doctors. “Lance?” he asked suddenly. “how long do I have to stay in the hospital?” “you can leave anytime you want mister Malfoy so long as you have somewhere to go and someone to accompany you.” the Doctor stated before walking away to finish the paperwork.
"I'll leave with you. And you could stay at my apartment."Lance offered, paling a little as he spoke without even considering it. He...since when did he open his mouth before he thought through what would be coming out of it?Sighing slightly he tilted his head a little moving to get up."Come on. Either you'll stay with me, or I'll take you home to Malfoy Manor to your parents. Either way, you'll be leaving now."He said straightening out his clothes looking thoughtful even though he was trying not to think about how weird it was going to be to have Draco in his home."And we're stopping by the office on the way home. I don't take work home with me."He said, the workalcohlic hardly left the office, but when he actually managed to make it back to his apartment, he prefered not to have work there.
Draco blinked at Lance and then offered him a small smile. “you'd let me stay with you?” he asked, his tone so grateful and thankful it was clear that he was just as frightened of Lucius as everyone else was, not that he'd ever admit it. The man was his father, but to Draco Lucius was nothing more than a very domineering stranger. Draco slowly followed the other. “the office, I work there right?” he asked his head tilted. “maybe I'll remember something?” he wondered, smiling a little. “i don't like not remembering anything, it's like this huge wall is keeping me from myself.” he admitted softly glancing at Lance. “will this Harry person be there?” probably, Harry had no life and spent as much time as he physically could in the office. He was the head of the Auror department anyway, so it was normal to see him arguing with someone over something instead of working on his paperwork like he was supposed to.
"Yes you can stay."Lance said smiling as he helped the other up, walking slowly out with the other to finish filling out the paperwork to let him go."We can only hope you'd remember something.And Harry's probably there."He said looking amused because like him and draco harry was a workalcoholic that didn't have a life outside of work. "Come on."He said heading for the hospital doors.

When they arrived at the posh well furnished office building Lance yelped a little as he was pounced on within seconds of walking in, his scowl melting into a smile as he looked down at his 5 year old daughter."Papa!uncle harry said you'd be here!"The bright haired blond girl giggled excitedly as her father scooped her up,"Oh did he now?Helen you remember Draco don't you?"He asked setting the girl on his hip as he stepped further inside so Draco could come in."Draco, this is helen."He introduced the two smiling as helen started jabbering at the amenisic man as he headed for the last office on the floor, knocking on the door."Potter, do you just let hels run around without paying attention?"He asked trying to figure out how to tell harry draco had no idea who they were.
he smiled as he followed Lance looking astonished as the little girl popped up out of nowhere, his eyes wide as he stepped back so the child wouldn't jump on him. “uh.. hello.” Draco stated blinking at the little Helen, his head tilted a little as he listened to her jabber away, Harry looking up at Lance and smirking a little. “yes, yes I do, it's not my fault your not here to watch her when your supposed to be.” he teased looking Draco over. “what's wrong with you Blondie? Snake got your tongue for once? No scathing comments or insults for me today?” Draco blinked then. “... is that Harry?” Draco asked blinking at Lance, Harry choking on the bite of sandwich he had just taken, staring at Draco, wide eyed before he laughed. “oh, Ha! That's a crappy ass joke Malfoy....” Draco just blinked at him. “.. I told a joke?” he asked looking baffled, Harry's mouth dropping open. “oh my GOD! You really don't know who I am do you!?” Draco shook his head, Harry looking at Lance. “how much does he not remember?” “... I don't remember anything.” Draco admitted. “Lance said you might be able to help, because you had amnesia too...” “... I am NOT helping him Lance, no way...”
"I had things to take care of,as you can see. Hermione just had to demand me watch her while I was on my way to the hospital."Lance said shifting the little girl in his lap. He loved his daughter,and didn't get to spend nearly enough time with her. Hermione just didn't let him see her as much as he would like.Lance looked at harry, snickering a little at the man's reaction, smirking a little as Helen answer."Why not papa?Uncle Draco needs help. You should help him uncle harry."The young girl said looking up at her daddy before looking at her uncle, and adopting Draco all in the sam breath. Lance started a little efore grinning stepping further into the room to allow Draco to sit down in a free chair, sitting down next to him,helen in his lap.

"Come on potter.We're all going to be at work.If nothing else, you can help him and maybe he'll be nicer."He pointed out so glad that someone else was sharing the horror of having a amensic draco malfoy with them. This was so weird he had no idea how to treat Draco, and he was actually fairly disturbed by the urge to be nice to him. He just wasn't nice to Draco.Ever. This was weird.
Harry groaned a little and smacked himself in the face, closing his eyes. “oh dammit... fine...” he grumbled sighing a little as he scowled at Helen. “your an awful child, your just like Hermione always getting what you want.” he complained sighing a little as he glared at Draco. “look you, I don't like you, at all.” “alright.” Draco stated calmly. “i don't want to help you.” “i understand.” “i'm only helping you because Helen likes you.” “i can't imagine why.” “shut up!” “...” amazingly enough Draco actually shut up and Harry groaned pinching the bridge of his nose. “oh just... go away.” “... where to?” Draco asked Harry rolling his eyes. “go to your own office.” “... where is that.” Harry slammed his head against the desk. “your more annoying like this... I want the old Draco back.” Harry complained, no doubt amusing Lance to no end.
"So do I."Lance said snickering a little as Helen climbed out of his lap, looking amused as his daughter grabbed Draco's hand."uncle draco, I'll show you your room. You share with daddy."the girl jabbered as she tugged the man out of the room, not even realizing that it sounded like something different in descriping his office like that."I'll help you!I like you." Lance rolled his eyes a little as he watched the two innocents leave the room, getting up and leaning in the doorway so he could watch the two in the glass walled office, amused as helen showed Draco the office they shared. While they couldn't stand each other, they shared a office since they ended up doing paperwork together. The giant glass walled office was as beautifully decorated as the rest of the office building. Running his fingers through his hair he glanced at Harry, sighing tiredly."Do I still get Helen for the weekend?Did Hermione say?"He asked, having before this mess, planned a weekend just him and his daughter. But...maybe it would be good for Draco to have the kid around. And hopefully Hermione didn't take the promise to let her stay back, like she had a tendancy to do. Her and lance hadn't parted well, and the two were constantly butting heads over things, much to harry never ending frustrating amusement.
Draco blinked and followed Helena into his office, looking amazed at all the fancy things, reaching out and picking up a picture of himself with his parents, the only personal thing he had on his side of the desk, which was completely bare of anything else except paperwork, blinking a little as he examined everything.

Harry smiled a little and nodded. “yeah, you get Helena, Hermione tried to change her mind but Helena threw a fit, complaining that she never ever let her see her daddy and that it wasn't fair!” Harry mimed Helena almost perfectly. “she's pissed because Helena is starting to understand that it's Hermione's fault she doesn't get to see you as often as both of you would like, she's blaming you of course.” he complained sighing a little. “i wish one of you would tell me why you hate each other so much, everything just happened so suddenly...”
Helen looked around, climbing up in her papa's seat, smiling happy at the sight of a picutre of her and her daddy before loking at her 'uncle'."Uncle draco, do you see anything you know?"She said the youngster determined to help the man.

Lance shrugged a little, giving Harry a look."No.Harry just no."He said digging his heels in, because he knew the man would view his friend different if he knew exactly why they had walked away."Of course she is.Hermione thinks I make it rain just to ruin her day."He shrugged before looking at the two in his office again, a small smile on his face because this made his heart hurt, and it wasn't just helena."He's staying with me. Draco doesn't want to go home to the manor.Lucius scares him."He said looking amused.
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. “no.. nothing.” he admitted softly, smiling at her. “so how old are you Helena?” he asked his head tilted. “is your daddy a very nice man?” he asked curiously.

Harry sighed a little and shook his head. “fine...” he growled, seriously annoyed that neither of his friends trusted him. “i'd swear one of you had an affair or some shit.” he grumbled. “but I can't imagine anyone willing to put up with you jackasses.” he grumbled before staring at Lance, wide eyed. “you... you offered to let him stay with you!? You HATE him!” he complained before pausing. “well.. he is a lot more likable like this, and I don't think he could handle his father and mother in this state...” he agreed biting his lip and nodding. “i'll stop by tonight and make sure you haven't murdered him or something.” he promised. “i'll bring alcohol too after Helena goes to bed.”
Helena smiled at him ouncing a little in her papa's soft comfy chair."I'm five!Papa is the greatest!He's the bestest nicest man ever!"She declared, not knowing lance would probably fall over laughing if he heard himself described that way.

Lance winced a little at the idea. Not about to tell potter he'd guessed right. He'd never stop bithing at Hermione if he knew just who she slept with to piss lance off bad enough to not want to spend time with her. Nto even for helena.Sighing quietly he nodded still looking a little surprised imself."I hadn't meant to offer to let him stay.but he is more likable at the moment."He said still looking amused."Alcohol will probably be needed by tonight.I'll see you then."He said pushing away from the doorway."I ebtter go get Hels and him home before she starts going through my desk."he said walking down to his office, smiling as his daughter pounced on him.She didn't get to spend enough time with him, so when she was with him, she was usually consantly attatched to him."Ready to go hels?" "Is uncle Draco coming with us?" "Yes.Draco?You raedy to go?"He asked looking at the blond slightly worried.
Draco smiled a little. “wow! Five! Your so old already!” he teased playfully. “i bet your a very smart little girl too aren't you?” he teased smiling at her as he examined the picture of himself. “do you know what kind of person I was?”

Harry sighed a little and smiled a little and nodded. “you always where so impulsive.” he teased chuckling a little. “if I hadn't been dying around every turn you'd have been the most in trouble guy at school.” he teased standing up and following him into the room just in time to hear Draco ask Helena if she knew what kind of man he'd been, smiling as she was distracted by Lance, Draco smiling as he watched the two before standing up, looking at the picture one more time before placing it back exactly where it had been, even with amnesia he was still rather OCD. “yeah, I'm ready.” he stated, sounding almost wistful, Harry grimacing a little and before he could stop himself he gripped Draco's shoulder in a comforting gesture. “it will be alright Malfoy.” he promised. “you won't be lost forever.”
"I am not impulsive!"Lance grumbled, though half hearted because he knew it was true.Lance smiled a little amused at the interplay between the two other men."You were never lost before. You wont stay that way long."He said laughing a little shifting helena as she giggled happily reaching out for her uncle, only giving Draco a moment to get ready before she jumped into his arms."You're like daddy!Always busy. But nice."she said sounding wise even if she hadn't spent alot of time with the OCD workalcholic she knew that he was nice to her, and that was all that mattered.
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