The Pull Of Time


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Harry was walking along next to Dumbledore, feeling exhausted after the spell that he and the Headmaster had gone through. Harry was seventeen now, at the end of sixth year the Malfoy's and Snape had denied the Dark lord, and fled to the light side of the war, Dumbledore had never died and Harry actually got along with Draco... sort of, not much really. But Harry would take Draco over the people they had just summoned any day.

The ritual had been long, arduous and exhausting even with several of the professors helping out. Their... guests, hadn't woken up yet, they where laying in separate, and locked rooms, sleeping off their long, long journey. Tom Riddle, and Abraxas Malfoy where laying in Hogwarts, both of them sixteen, or maybe seventeen, they couldn't be sure until the boys woke up, a moment that harry was dreading. No matter how necessary Dumbledore had thought this, Harry knew that tom riddle was evil no matter his age, and that Abraxas was just as viscous and violent. He sighed as Dumbledore set his hand on Harry's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze as he entered the room and sat next to tom Riddle, who was just beginning to stir.


Tom felt sick, violently so, he was dizzy and he couldn't gather the strength to open his eyes. He could hear muffled voices, the name Harry Potter, the name Voldemort, his nickname, what he wanted to be, deathless. He groaned and managed to turn his head, the room falling completely silent before a voice entered his aching head, making him cringe. He felt like he had the flue and a hangover all at the same time. “are you awake? Can you respond?” a strangely familiar voice asked. “uhng... P..professor Dumbledore?” Tom asked sluggishly. “wha..what happened?” he asked, feeling someone lift his head, feeling a potion pressed to his lips, drinking obediently.

“Can you remember your name?” Dumbledore asked softly, Harry scowling as he watched, their newest professor slipping into the room to watch as well. “T. Tom Riddle.” Tom groaned. “i don't feel well professor...” he complained softly. “i know Tom, you need to stay calm, we'll explain everything once your feeling better. Now, how old are you?” “Seventeen... seventh year.” he muttered obediently struggling to force his eyes to open. “what do you last remember tom?” Dumbledore asked softly. “was studying, with Brax. I was teasing him because his abs where going flat...” he muttered softly. “then... just...darkness...” he mumbled softly, sounding almost... frightened. “i don't feel good... so tired...” “just rest tom.” he ordered calmly, silently putting Tom to sleep before going to check on Abraxas, asking the same questions, Harry scowling darkly as he glared at his newest Teacher. “you can't honestly think this is a good idea!?”even an idiot first year could tell, that the world was about to be turned on it's ears, for Tom, and for the wizarding world.
Scott Verriul shook his head as he leaned back against the wall between the two rooms, looking at Harry."Oh no, probably not. But Dumbledore will do whatever he wants, no matter what anyone thinks."He said, the defense teacher in him demanded he slap so many shields around Tom that he was never going to get out, but the calmly rational part told him history. Told him that the teen Voldemort hadn't gone wrong yet, still had a chance to change. So...he'd keep watch and see where it went. Starting a little when he heard something hit the wall behind him. Glancing at Dumbledore was he walked out of the room, smirking slightly. He was actually looking forward to meeting the young malfoy. After all he was old enough-24 to be exact- to remember Abraxas as a old man, so he was looking forward to see the teen. And... considering he'd just heard something hit the wall, he assumed the malfoy was snarling already at being trapped.

"Already up and moving?I told you he'd be more violent then Tom."He said knowing it was true. While Tom relied on magic to be violent and cruel, Abraxas Malfoy had always been physical, even well into his 70s, the man had looked just a few years older than his son, as vicious and cruel as always. "Just think, we'll get to see Abraxas take on his grandson."He snorted at the idea, as much as he disliked the state of things he could at least enjoy the results. And watching Draco Malfoy, who in most ways was more like Abraxas then Lucius, go head to head with a teen Abraxas, was going to be interesting.
Harry snorted a little and scowled a little. “i hate how Dumbledore does what he wants.” Harry grumbled, scowling a little before shaking his head a little as he watched Dumbledore dart out of the room, locking the door behind him, Abraxas's and Tom's wands in his hand so they couldn't attack anyone or escape using magic. “well, this is going well!” Dumbledore stated cheerfully. “it would appear that Tom is suffering the after effects, but that young Brax is not, as he was only a tag along.” Dumbledore admitted shaking his head. “Tom's not going to like being trapped any more than Brax does.” Harry growled, scowling at Dumbledore. Tom and Brax where both so active in school, Quidditch teams, they where both in charge of different clubs, Tom was a head boy, they where so used to running around and being active, that finding themselves trapped was going to drive them insane.

“it will be amusing to watch Draco and Abraxas go at it though.” Harry admitted regretfully. “i don't like this Dumbledore.” Harry growled, Dumbledore sighing. He missed the days when Harry just did what he told him to, sure Harry was better, stronger now that he thought for himself, but it was frustrating sometimes. “i know Harry, but if we can find out why Tom went crazy, then we can try to fix Voldemort without bloodshed, clearly killing him is not going to work.” Harry grimaced a little, he had fought Voldemort again during the end of sixth year, and he had cut the man down easily with an Evada Kedavra, but ten minutes after Voldemort had died, the bastard had gotten right back up and continued slaughtering. Harry knew it was necessary, but Harry didn't like it. “whatever.” he growled scowling as he shoved himself away from the door and headed over to Brax's room, he'd rather deal with the Malfoy than with Voldemort, glancing in the barred window and examining the blond. “if I come in are you going to throw something at me?”
Brax snarled as he turned to face the other, a pillow in his hand. In the process of ripping it to shreds in his anxiety at being trapped. He hated being trapped, not just because he was active and hated a single space, but like harry he'd been locked up to much as a child. Despite the scowl on his face the fluff in his spikey white blond hair was adorable and less than threatening."I don't have anything else to throw."He growled, even though he was feeling the effects of being...whatever they'd done to him, he was pissed enough at being trapped that he was already on his feet. Looking a little rougher for the wear, stripped down to the snug qudditch pants he was wearing he snarled as he paced, ignoring a little bit the man standing near him."Where's tom?The bastard said he was here, and don't make me tear things apart to find him."As fiercely independant as he was on his own, he was snarling protective over his best friend. Which, made sense, considering he ended up a death eater. Even if he didn't wholly believe,even as he was older, the believes, he'd followed to protect him.

Scott sighed a little shaking his head. This was so going to be bad. Rolling his eyes at the headmaster he headed into Tom's room, perching on the stool by the bed, looking younger than he really was."Tom?How are you feeling?"He asked, knowing Dumbledore probably hadn't been overly conceren about how they were feeling. Only if they'd be able to do what he needed them to be.
Harry had to chuckle at the sight of the fluff clinging to Abraxas and shook his head as he stepped into the room. “i know you don't like this, I don't much like it either.” he admitted softly. “being locked up is the hardest thing.” he admitted sitting down on the destroyed bed and blinking at Abraxas, studying him. “do you know what year it is?” he asked calmly, staring at the other. “we pulled you, forward in time to the year 2000 (I can't remember what year it was really supposed to be so I guessed.) we where only supposed to bring Tom, but since he was touching you when the spell took effect you where pulled with.” Harry explained calmly.

“in this time, you are dead, and Tom is a raving madman bent on slaughtering everything and everyone and ruling the blood coated world on his own.” he explained calmly. He had promised Dumbledore not to tell Tom what was going on, but he had not promised not to tell Abraxas. “you where considered evil in this time too, helping Voldemort, that's Tom, rise to power. Sometime between Tom being seventeen, and Tom being twenty four, something happened, and he lost his grip on sanity. Some say it was Dark Arts, other say he was born a psychopath, but no one knows for sure, that's why your here. To help us save the wizarding world.” he explained to Brax. “i know you don't like it, Merlin knows I don't want you people here, considering Tom, as an adult, has tried to kill me six times already. I don't trust you, I don't like you, but I'll do everything I can to make your stay as comfortable as possible. But you having a temper tantrum, isn't going to help you get out of this room any sooner.” not explaining where Tom was just yet.

Tom blinked as Scott walked into the room, groaning a little. “like I have the flu and a hangover at the same time.” he groaned softly. “i wanna puke but it hurts my head to move.” he complained calmly. He was used to being locked up, he was always locked up in the orphanage, so he, unlike Brax, was mostly calm. “whats going on? Why is professor Dumbledore so OLD?” he asked his head tilted. “and who are you?....” he demanded, confused and feeling ill, upset that he was being ignored and his questions where being unanswered.
Abraxas growled as he thought about that. Feeling even angrier at having his live pulled apart yet again, by something that wasn't his own making. Tilting his head back he growled as he stared at the cieling, that vicious self control that Draco had inherited making a appearance as he forced himself to relax, taunt muscles going loose as he forced himself to be calm. Turning over the man's words as he considered what the other had told him, shaking his head as he looked at him, running a hand over spikey hair, looking even more disheveled beautiful as he did."No. He wasn't.. isn't psychopathic now. Then."He frowned, growling at the annoyance of the situation he found himself in. Though it didn't surprise to find himself labeled as evil, though it probably should have. "He's planning a trip when we graduate. My father doesn't-didn't want me to go."He frowned thinking as he paced. Not the anxious pacing of a man who didn't want to be there, but the slow methodical pacing of a man who was putting pieces together."I need to talk to my family. I assume some are still alive?"He asked, turning to face Harry. If he was going to figure out what happened, he needed someone who knew him. And his family was the only one he trusted to know.

Scott sighed softly, "Yea, that would be a hangover."He said plucking one of the potions off the table, handing it to hi, helping him sit up."Drink that. It'll help with the sick feeling."He said biting his lip. He promised not to tell him about what happened now, but not about what they had done."Tom, you've come forward about 70 years in time. I am Scott Verriul, the current defense teacher."He said looking at tom worried. knowing that he was upset at being ignored, and hoping to make it easier for them to figure out what happened.
Harry nodded. “just so you know, I'm going to be in deep shit when the Headmaster finds out I told you all this so lets try to keep it between us eh?” he asked, glad that Abraxas had calmed down, it was amazing how similar Abraxas and Draco was. “yes, you have family, no one you would know though.” he admitted. “your son, and grandson.” he explained. “Lucius Malfoy is your son, and Draco Malfoy is your Grandson, and their both just as snobby and aristocratic as you.” he promised smiling a little. “Lucius is a lot more laid back than you, though you and Draco appear to be almost mirror copies of each other.” he admitted, hesitating a little. “i don't know if I can bring Lucius in, he's rather old and busy and he... doesn't know that you've been brought here.” he admitted softly. “but Draco is probably aware by now, I can go and get him for you?” he offered. “i don't know if Dumbledore will allow you to see Tom, but I'm a little pissed at him right now, so next time I think I can get away with it I'll get you two together.” he promised, wondering why he so suddenly was breaking the rules for these people. There was just something about Brax.

Tom swallowed the potion obediently, groaning a little. “i'd swear I was having another blackout, but I never feel this terrible after one.” he admitted calmly. All through his years at Hogwarts, he'd had 'episodes' of memory loss but was completely unaware of what happened during them, not that he told anyone. Even Brax didn't know, at least that's what he assumed anyway. “seventy years... god I'm old...” it was very clear that Tom thought he was dreaming, or perhaps the young man was in shock, It was hard to tell, whatever the case was, it would going to take him a while to realize the truth of things.
Brax nodded looking amused as he paced not wanting to get his ally in trouble. If he was going to get this solved, he couldn't alienate everything. Amused because he knew why his son was laid back, even if he hadn't had him yet. After such a vicious childhood himself that had formed the ice cold malfoy he was, he'd made sure his son didn't suffer, at least he assumed he was easier on his own son then his father was. "If you can't get Draco here, ask him if I went on my trip with Tom."He said smirking a little, the older death eater showing through the young face. "Just because I' not throwing things at you, doesn't mean I wont throw things at the bastard. If dumbledore knows what's healty for him, I'll be seeing tom soon."

Scott looked startled at that. They hadn't known the man suffered blackouts. Frowning a little as he gently brushed tom's hair back from his face he laughed a little."No, you're not that old."He teased before laying him back down."rest,you'll feel better."He said intending to ease him into the truth, not wanting to overwhelm him,
Harry smirked a little as he nodded. “if I come back with a black-eye, I kicked your grandson's ass.” he explained chuckling a little. “we don't get along often.” he admitted winking at Brax as he smirked. “and please, by all means, throw things at Dumbledore, it will teach him a lesson.” he admitted with a snicker as he headed out. “i'll have someone bring you some food and some books so your not so bored.” he promised.

Tom nodded and sighed as he curled up on the bed and drifted off to sleep, Harry peeking in on Scott and smirking a little at him. “getting along?” he demanded, bitter that Tom was in the same building as him, especially when the memory of fifteen year old Tom had tried to kill him and Ginny. “i'm going to go get Draco, Brax has some questions for him.” he admitted calmly. “i promised him i'd bring them both food and some stuff to entertain themselves with, do you think i'd get in trouble if I gave brax a caustic acid to play with?”
Scott snickered nodding."We're getting along."He said quietly before leaving the room with harry, heading downstairs to Slytherin with him. After all, as a teacher he could get them into Slyhterin, and he assumed Draco'd try to behave. "I do. Though the boy's tongue is acid enough. I once saw him reduce Narcissa to tears over her destroying his journal."He snickered at the memory shaking his head. "I only assume he's still as caustic as ever."He shrugged pushing open the painting to go into Slytherin's common room."Brax's journal."He stopped thinking,"I wonder where it ended up..."He frowned a little, not realizing that the person who had meddled with tom, had also destroyed the malfoy's journal not narcissa, in efforts to keep the truth from being found.
Harry smirked a little. “he doesn't seam all that bad to me, in all honesty.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “i'm more worried about his right hook than I am his tongue anyway.” he admitted shaking his head. “besides it's not hard to make Narcissa cry.” he pointed out. “i can even do it.” a bold faced lie but Harry liked to believe it. “i don't know, when was it destroyed?” he asked his head tilted a little. “i suppose we could always ask Narcissa.” he stated with a small snicker as he stepped into the slytherin common room ignoring the many glares he got as he headed over to Draco, who was reading a book and munching on a muggle snack that he found himself addicted to, Skittles, of all things. “yo! Malfoy! I need your help with something.” Harry stated calmly, Draco scowling at Harry before noticing Scott and sighing. It was a well known fact that Scott scared the hell out of Draco after the first day back at school. No one knew what happened during that detention but Draco had toed the line around Scott ever since then. “fine.” Draco grumbled getting up and following them out. “your grandfather is here.” Harry explained calmly. “and he wants to talk to you.” Draco looked at Harry as if he had lost his mind, maybe he had, he felt like it sometimes. “my grandfather is dead Harry.” he stated, looking a little baffled. “are you feeling all right? Professor I think you'd better take Potter to the hospital wing.”
"Oh no, your grandfather is here.And in a roaring temper."Scott snickered a little walking with his hands in his pockets, amused as he stole the blond's skittles. And amused that Harry thought it was easy to reduce Narcissa to tears. Like draco, addicted to the sugary sweet candy. He said walking silently the rest of the way, amused that he could make Draco behave. After all, he'd only cursed the man. Nothing to scaring in truth, just a mild stinging hex....well one that felt like you'd gotten punched. Courtesty of Abraxas for the spell. "Abraxas."Scott said pushing open the door, letting the two younger in even as a snarl that was trademarkedly Abraxas filled the air. Before the older....younger blond realized who it is."I'm going to injure the bastard if he comes near me again."He stated before studying his grandson, looking amused to find himself face to face with a thinner, slighter version of himself. Even if Lucius was his son, it was Draco who looked the most like him. "Ah, Dumbledore come talk to you?"Scott teased, because he knew Abraxas never called Dumbledore by name, only the bastard.
Draco scowled as his skittles where stolen but said nothing, Harry snickering a little, amused at how well behaved Draco was when Scott was around. His eyes widened to massive amounts when he saw his grandfather, alive and the same age as him., “what the HELL did you DO!?” Draco demanded staring at Harry who shook his head. “Dumbledore made me.” Harry complained. “i didn't even know what I was doing until it was done the manipulative bastard, we pulled Abraxas, and tom, through time.” he explained with a shake of his head as Draco studied his grandfather looking amazed. He had never been able to meet his grandfather, he had died just before Draco was born, he had to admit, he was looking forward to getting to know his grandfather. “Draco, Abraxas needs to know if you went on that world trip with Tom?” “oh yeah, he did, it was what finally drove his father over the edge, Lucien caught up to Tom and Abraxas about Egypt and cursed Tom pretty good.” Draco admitted. “Tom ended up in the hospital and Lucien ended up in Azakaban for attacking an unarmed minor.” Draco admitted carefully, uncertain how Brax would react to the news. “he did something to Abraxas too but no one knows what, Abraxas never said and Tom was unconscious when it happened.”
Abraxas shuddered as he refused to look at any of them as he paced, the vicious self control visble as he stopped himself from reacting more to the news. "Don't look at me like that. We're just planning on going, I don't know what happened."He scowled looking at the three before he returned to his pacing, intelligent and quick enough he could see the ramifications of what could have happened. Scott leaned back against the door, watching Abraxas with the calm reassurance of a man who knew Abraxas wouldn't attack a unarmed teen, along with his own grandson. He knew better. Yes, Abraxas had always been vicious, but his victims usually were the ones who deserved it, and never a woman, or a child.

"I need my journal. Whatever happened, I wrote it down."Abraxas said, knowing himselef well enough to know it would be written, no matter how undesireable the words were."Can't. It was destroyed." "What?!"Abraxas spun on his heel glaring at the teacher, a fierce scowl on his face, nearly vibrating with tension. Unlike Draco who hadn't grown into who he really was yet, Abraxas was well aware of who he was and just how quickly a fist fight could turn deadly. No wonder he was Voldemort's once best friend, the man radiated deadly intent even at such a young age."Someone has to know what happened."He scowled pacing again, more caged animal then out of control. This being locked up was driving him up the walls, even if he'd only been awake for a hour.
Harry crossed his arms and pondered then. “Lucius might possibly know.” he mused calmly. “there's no real chance, but maybe your future self told Lucius something.” Draco nodded. “you and Father always had a good relationship, even if you where a little hard on him at times.” Draco admitted, pondering. “you could have told him, I'll write him and ask.” he promised. “he's going to be very pissed when he finds out your here though.” he admitted. “he knows about the plan to bring Tom here, but we never expected Dumbledore to bring you here too.” he admitted scowling darkly as he watched Brax pacing, Harry fidgeting a little. Harry was uncomfortable just being in the room that he knew could lock him inside for hours and hours. He couldn't imagine how Brax felt. “i don't know what he thinks he's going to get with locking you up like this.” Harry grumbled. “of course, they'd probably be attacked if you where allowed to wander the halls, a lot of people will take out their anger on tom and you, since they can't go after Voldemort.” Draco pointed out, Harry grimacing. “good point...”
Oh, the arrogance that crossed Brax's face at that, and the cold viciousness."I'd like to see them try."He growled before Scott laughed quietly."Get him so paper. We'll shock Lucius, and I'll deliver it myself."He said not about to leave it to the owls, just in case someone intercepted it."Might even get Dumbledork to agree to let Brax go to the manor."He said calmly, because he knew Abraxas was going insane under that calm anger. "Not without tom. I'll be damned if I leave him here to someone who wants to use him."Brax growled. Despite Dumbledore's good intentions, he still wanted to use tom. And Brax would never abandon him like that, even if it meant being trapped in here.
Harry nodded and ordered thin air to get paper and some quills, a house elf appearing instantly and handing over the paper and stuff to Harry who gave it to Brax, looking just as cold as he watched Brax. That was one of his major issues with what was going on, they where using people and treating them like they had done something wrong, when they never had. “we won't let that bastard separate you and Tom.” Harry promised, Draco lifting an eyebrow at Harry. “i've been used too long to let someone else go through the wringer like that.” Harry admitted shaking his head a little. “now write your letter so I can go throw another temper tantrum in Dumbledore's office.” it was Harry's way of punishing Dumbledore, he blew up all the mans shit and yelled a lot. And seeing as how Harry was still the only one who could kill Voldemort, as far as anyone knew, Dumbledore had to keep Harry happy or the boy would vanish, like he had during the summer. As soon as Harry had turned seventeen he had vanished, completely, only to return on the first day of school unharmed and completely unapologetic.
Scott smiled a little as he watched the malfoy start writing his letter, looking amused as he looked at Harry."You punishing him is continuingly interesting to watch. I've never seen anyone blow up his shit." "I do. Did."Brax frowned as he wrote. "Blew up his desk to. With help."He said sounding amused as he wrote remembering the transfigurment lecture that had ended with him with pink hair, tom with a broken arm and Dumbledore's desk in a million tiny pieces. Scott shok his head looking amused."Ah hell, this is going to be a interesting year."He shuddered frowning a little as he looked at Harrry."He doesn't plan on making them attend class does he?We might not be able to hide Brax's appearance as well, but not many people remember what Tom riddle looked like before he came back as his current form." "What form?"brax said as he followed his letter, looking at all three of them, promising a temper tantrum to rival Harry's if he didn't get answers.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head before hesitating. “no, I doubt Dumbledore is thinking about their future.” Harry snarled. “he just ripped them through time and didn't think about anything but his own damn goals again. I'll make sure they get studies so they can keep up on their schooling.” he promised. “i'll have Hermione come in and teach them if a have to, they have a lot of new rules to learn too anyway.” “yeah, like no magic at home.” Draco complained. That one hadn't been set up until after Tom and Brax had left school, “it's not so bad for the magic born because they can practice at home anyway.” “but those of us stuck with muggles for guardians can't do shit.” Harry complained with a growl. “and if I hear one word about pure blood supremacy Abraxas and Draco Malfoy I'm punching you both in the face!” “he will, I wouldn't push him.” Draco admitted to brax. “he's punched me enough times for me to know he doesn't bluff...” they where trying to distract from the current topic of conversation, namely, Tom's future madman self. Speaking of Tom, there was a scream of horror from the other room, where Dumbledore was talking to Tom, Draco sighing a little as he shook his head. “that moron... he must have told Tom about the future thing...” “Scott, he won't listen to me, will you go stop that rat bastard from mentally tormenting Tom?” Harry demanded, looking half ready to murder something, and Harry was too hesitant to step into that room where Tom riddle sat, unsure if he would be able to restrain himself.
Scott nodded moving away from the door, and yelping when he found himself sitting on his ass watching Abraxas walk out the door. Stuck to the floor with a sticking charm."Bloody hell."The teacher cursed as he looked at Harry realizing brax had needed one of them to open the door, but there was nothing to stop him from walking through it."Unstick me." Brax snarled as he followed the sound of the others voice, snarling when the door refused to open for him. Assuming it had a locking charm on it he raised a hand and didn't even bother uncasting it, just blew it off the hinges."What do you think you are doing?"He asked walking in, all snark and snarl as he looked at the headmaster.Unlike Harry who only looked have ready to murder someone, Brax's temper was well on its way to exploding.
Harry shook his head as he followed Brax out into the hallway, ignoring Scott for the moment, he'd rather see Dumbledore get his ass handed to him then deal with the snap and snarl teacher, besides he was the defense teacher, he should have the counter curse. Dumbledore got to his feet the instant Brax stepped through, his wand raised as if to defend himself. “i have done nothing to riddle, please return to your room...” “just let him stay dumbles.” Harry ordered. “their both traumatized and they'd be a lot more willing to help us if you stopped tormenting them.” Tom had his hands over his face, paper laying on the floor, showing Voldemort's face on the front cover, hissing at them all in parseltongue, unleashing a flash of green into the camera. One of the only shots they had ever gotten of Voldemort. “well Brax, you wanted to know what tom looked like these days...” Harry muttered picking up the paper and handing it over. “this is the form he took when he came back to life.” he explained, Dumbledore sighing. “i didn't mean to upset him, I thought seeing what he was now would help disassociate him from his future self.” Dumbledore admitted softly. “i don't want Tom to think that he is this monster of a man, I don't want him to think that he has to become him.” Harry glared at Dumbledore furiously. “you are a MORON.”
"You fool.He wouldn't have known, had you not told him."Brax stared at the paper just as scott walked in, annoyed at having to remember the counterjinx on the spur of the moment. "Bloody hell."Scott muttered, cursing when he realized just how much of a issue they were going to have. Brax was totally going to lose it. "We're leaving.You said my son lived at the manor?"He said looking at Scott, smiling a little when he saw the man nod."Good. Now, Proffesor, you will let us go or I'll wipe the floor with you.And not with magic, old man."Brax snarled holding onto his temper only by a thread. If that thread was going to be so mess. Looking at Tom he sighed wrapping his arms around his friend as he picked him up heading for the door. Having every intention of walking out,needing to calm both of them down before they had to deal with what was currently going on in the world.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head when Dumbledore opened his mouth to protest, Dumbledore wincing at Brax's threat, but decided to let them go, Lucius would keep an eye on them, keep them safe and under control. Tom leaned away from Brax, not wanting to be touched when he was upset, but didn't struggle any more that that, opening his eyes to stare at Harry, who shuddered violently at those killers eyes, so filled with torment and horror. “Professor, I'm going with them.” Harry stated suddenly. “i'm tired of being cooped up in the castle.” he admitted. “and I can help, I think I can help anyway...” he admitted simply. “yes Harry, of course you can go with, you as well of course Mister Malfoy, and Professor, if you wish to accompany them I would feel most relieved.” because he didn't fully trust the Malfoy's, he wanted a professor who he did trust there. Sure Scott didn't like the headmaster all that much, but Dumbledore was trying to save the wizarding world, he knew Scott would stay on his side or do better than him, either way as long as Voldemort failed Dumbledore was more than willing to do what had to be done, he was getting desperate.

“please follow me.” Draco ordered calmly to Brax. “my father changed the wards after your death, he's fairly paranoid about intruders and the wards won't recognize you and let you in unless I help you in.” he explained, Harry following Draco, hands shoved into his pocket, glancing at Scott. Harry didn't trust the new professor in the least, but as long as he was helpful, Harry wouldn't say a thing, Harry wanted Voldemort to be done with just as badly as everyone else did.
Scott sighed rolling his eyes as he followed the malfoys downstairs."Don't look at me like that. Just because I wont help you with everything, doesn't mean I'm working for Voldie."He said running his fingers through his hair. Having only been forced to tech because Dumbledore needed a teacher, and he was neutral in every sense of the word. He despised Voldemort for doing this to the world,but he wasn't totally sure Dumbledore would do better. So he tried to stay out of the fight. As much as he was able. Though he had a feeling that things were about to get very invovled when he felt his heart ache at such a sight of Tom being so hurt and upset.

When they arrived at the manor Brax frowned as he looked around, "....this is very weird.I don't like it."He said sulking a little, the shock of being in the future finally starting to set in. Scott sighed softly heading for abraxas-now lucius'-office."I'll go get Luc. See about getting them rooms."He said to the teens before disappearing into Lucius' office."We have a problem luc."He said tilting his head, knowing the man was going to lose it. And just as much as lucius fought against Voldemort, he supported Scott's efforts to remain uninvolved, even if he didn't approve.
Harry just scowled at Scott again and followed them all into Malfoy Manor, feeling a little guilty about how upset Tom was, the boy trembling in Brax's arms. Tom had spent seven years, struggling to fit in with the wizarding world, he'd had great plans, plans to become minister, and fix the problems, and make sure no child would ever be hurt the way he and Brax and half the slytherin kids had been hurt. He was going to protect the hunted magical creatures, set up programs to help newly turned vampires and werewolves... to suddenly find himself yanked through time into his own future was bad enough, not to mention learning that not only had he never accomplished anything, he was a raving lunatic!? It was just too much for the poor young man.

Draco showed Brax to their rooms, Tom and Brax in the gust rooms with an attached door so they could move freely to each other, even if they locked the doors into their rooms to keep the others out, Draco gently helping Brax feed Tom a gentle calming potion while Harry went with Scott to see Lucius, feeling unnecessary useless when he looked at Tom, Lucius looking up when they entered his study, lifting an eyebrow. “what has my son done this time?” Lucius asked, Harry smirking a little before shaking his head. “your father and Tom Riddle have been pulled through time.” Harry explained, still feeling insanely tired. “Tom is having a mental breakdown and Abraxas Malfoy is cutting it close... Lucius? Are you alright?” Lucius was staring at Harry, and then Scott wide eyed before he got to his feet and walked out the door.

He headed straight for the guest rooms, stepping inside and staring at Brax for a long moment before his eye twitched a little and he swallowed hard. “father... a.. Abraxas...” he muttered, looking stunned and astonished before, without warning, he pulled the younger man into a tight hug, dropping to his knees and holding the young man close. “oh Merlin your really here...” Lucius whispered. “i thought i'd never see you again...” too wrapped up in emotions to realize that Brax had no idea what the hell was going on.
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