(Karo x Krys)


Mar 21, 2009
(I'm really bad a titles. D:)

Rosalyn sighed as she hurried down the hallway, late for her potions class, as usual. It was a notorious bad habit for her, showing up tardy on at least a weekly basis.

Really, it wasn't her fault. She had to run clear across the building to get there, and any sort of delay from one class to the next cost her time she didn't have.

She cleared her throat as she burst through the door, having to walk all the way to the front of the classroom to get an open seat. She muttered an apology as she sat down, adjusting her skirt before sitting down quickly.

She sighed again, tucking a loose strand of auburn hair behind her ear, the rest of it tied up in a messy bun at the back of her neck. She couldn't wait for this class to be over, it felt like everyone was staring at her for the intrusion.

The Gryffindor girl quickly took out her books, pen and paper for the class. Due to her tardiness, the only open spots had been next to a few of the Slytherin students, and she usually did her best to avoid them.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

Krys had been silently talking with Draco as they worked on their assignment when the classroom door busted open and a Gryffindor girl named Rosalyn came rushing into the room. Both Draco and Krys snickered under their breath at the Gryffindor as she made her way over to them. "Tisk tisk a Gryffindor late for class, I think that deserves some house points being taken away" ,Krys said loudly. She turned and smirked at the girl evilly. "Krys knock it off" ,Snape said in a cold tone looking his daughter in the eyes. Krys looked at her father and snickered again, while most students feared Professor Snape Krys toyed with her father because she knew how he was. Snape loved his daughter more then anything Krys was his only child and he had raised her by himself for most of her life. It was rare to see Krys get into trouble with him.

Snape turned around and continued writing on the board ignoring Krys' statement, both Draco and Krys looked at the Gryffindor girl sitting next to them. "So why you so late"? Krys asked sarcastically.
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"Oh, hush." She grumbled. She didn't need this sort of thing right now. Just another reason to count the minutes until this class was over. She grumbled a bit to herself, then turned somewhat angrily to them. "If you must know, I have to run from the other side of the castle to get here, thank you." She muttered, trying to keep her voice down.

With that said, she turned back to her notes, scrawling down everything that was written down on the board.
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Krys and Draco laughed quietly, "Uh oh I think I struck a nerve Draco" ,Krys said sarcastically. Gryffindors and Slytherins hated each other there was no doubt about it but Draco and Krys took it to another level. When Rosalyn turned back to the board Krys gave an offended look to Draco, "Pssht I was talking to you" ,Krys snapped quietly. Even though she was quiet about it her father heard her and even though he usually never yelled at Krys or punished her he was quite mad at her for her actions in another class. He spun around and glared at Krys, "Quite in my classroom unless you want a detention" ,he snapped. Krys gave him a nasty look then sat back and remained quiet for the rest of the class.
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She was thankful for the intervention. She spent the rest of the class in silence, ignoring any jabs from the two Slytherin students. The minutes dragged on far too long, and by the time the class was dismissed, she packed up her things quickly. Unfortunately, she was in several other classes mixed with various Slytherin students, and doubted this would be the end of it.

At least for now, though, she'd have some time to herself, and could unwind a bit.
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When the class ended Krys and Draco packed up rather quickly and made there way to the door, "Krys if I get one more report....." ,Snape began but was cut off by Krys, "Yeah yeah I know I'm in for it" ,Krys replied sarcastically. Her tone made his face twist into a glare. He said nothing further and let the two walk off to their next class.

While walking in the hallway Krys spotted Rosalyn walking to her class and decided to catch up to her, When she got to her she put her arm around the girl and smirked, "Thought we could walk together to the next class" ,Krys said sarcastically. She towered over the Gryffindor so it was hard for her to lean down and walk but Krys had no intention of walking all the way to class with her, she had a bottle of ink in her hand and she spilled it onto Rosalyn's shirt before walking off away from her.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

If Slytherins weren't infuriating enough...

Rosalyn scoffed, immediately scrubbing at the ink, only to spread the stain out more. She gripped her wand tightly as she watched Kris stride off smugly down the hall. She didn't much care for any of the Slytherin students, but this girl managed to set her off more than anyone. As she held her wand, she immediately thought through the various hexes and curses she had learned.

However, she somehow managed to restrain herself, instead muttering a spell to clean up the ink stain on her shirt. She shook her head, and continued on her way, still fuming slightly as she walked.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

Krys made her way into her next class, it was Charms. Krys was pretty good at all subjects she just never showed it because she was too busy trying to show off in front of her fellow Slytherins. When the Gryffindors came in Draco and Krys muttered 'mudblood' as Hermione walked by which in turn caused an argument between Krys and Harry while Ron and Draco spat insults at each other. Krys didn't really have a problem with Harry she just thought his fame was way overrated and stupid.
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Thankfully, Rosalyn had a separate class, and was able to use the time to clear her thoughts, still fuming slightly about the incident in the hall. The last thing she needed was to be the target of some Slytherin bullies, and letting them see her so angry would only provoke them on.

The time only went too fast, though, and as she headed outside to her final class of the day, she groaned a bit to herself. Care of Magical Creatures, another of the classes that she shared with several of the Slytherin students, Kris among them.

She shook her head as she made her way out to the grounds, hoping to avoid the other girl as much as possible.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

Both Slytherin and Gryffindor had points taken away from their houses for the incident in Charms class. Krys and Draco left in a bit of a huff and made their way to the grounds for their Care of Magical Creatures class. When they got there Krys spotted Rosalyn and smirked, she made her way over to the girl and stood next to her, "I see you got the ink stain out eh" ,Krys said smirking. She stood next to the girl to bother her and everyone knew it.
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She sighed a bit, once again her fist clenching around her wand instinctively.

"Yes, I did, thank you." she grumbled to the other girl. She made an attempt to move away from her, but with the few students already gathered, she couldn't seem to slip away. She was silent for a bit, then turned to Krys angrily. "Why don't you leave me alone?" She said in a hushed whisper. "I didn't do anything to you."
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Krys smirked at Rosalyn's question, "Maybe it's because you haven't done anything to me that I bother you, ever think of that" ,Krys looked at the girl and licked her lips making Draco snicker as he looked over. Everyone in Hogwarts knew Krys was gay and that she had no problem admitting it, nor did she have a problem with hitting on every girl she found attractive. Krys noticed the Gryffindor holding her wand tightly this made her smirk again, "You plan on hexing me Rosalyn"?
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"Oh, I'd love to." she muttered back. She was already running through a list of annoying hexes that she could pull that wouldn't get her in too much trouble. However, she managed to restrain herself.

She seemed somewhat oblivious to the flirting, but couldn't hide the bit of the blush that made its way to her cheeks. "I'm not interested." she said flatly after a few moments of an awkward silence on her part.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

Krys noticed Rosalyn blush and smirked, "Not interested eh? You're full of shit all girls are interested in me whether they're gay or not, plus that shade of red on your cheeks tells me different" ,Krys responded cockily. She had Draco red in the face at this point, a lot of people around them could hear the passes she was making toward the Gryffindor.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

As a few people turned to look at them, Rosalyn felt her blush deepen, suddenly finding herself and Krys the center of attention. Once more, her grip on her want tightened, but instead of letting out a hex or curse like she so desperately wanted to, she turned with a frustrated sigh, storming off away from the grounds back towards the castle.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

Krys watched as the girl walked off and sighed, "I'll see you later Draco" ,she said with a smirk as she turned and ran after the girl. "Rosalyn"! Krys yelled as she ran behind the girl. When she caught up to her she grabbed her shoulder and turned her around, "Hey listen you don't have to get so mad I was only joking" ,Krys said coldly.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

She pushed Krys's hand off of her shoulder abruptly, taking a few steps back from her. "Well, I don't find it very funny.' She snapped back. "You've given me nothing but hell this year. Just leave me alone!" She stamped her foot, obviously rather frustrated with the whole situation. Without another word, she turned, continuing to storm back towards the building.
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Krys stormed after her in a huff, she grabbed her shoulder and spun her around again, "Listen I'm sorry does that make you feel better"? Krys snapped. She paused for a moment thinking about what she had just done did she just apologize to a Gryffindor? Krys looked around to see if anyone had been listening to them arguing.
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They were indeed alone, most of the students in class, and few, if any, out roaming the grounds. She thought for a moment, once again brushing the Slytherin student's hand off of her shoulder.

"If I thought you meant it, maybe." she replied, an angry edge still obvious in her tone.
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"Well maybe I do mean it, ever think of that"? Krys snapped back. She may be an asshole but she did have somewhat of a heart. "Listen you can either accept it or not either way I won't lose sleep over it".
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She sighed, then shook her head.

"I'll believe it when I see it." She said simply, though her tone had softened somewhat. Before she could continue, she flinched a bit as she heard approaching footsteps.

"Miss Pierce." She heard Professor McGonagall's voice call out her name. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" She said, then turned her attention to Krys. "You, as well, Miss Snape..."

"Yes, Professor..." Rosalyn said sheepishly.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

"Yeah, yeah I'm going" ,Krys said. She looked over to Rosalyn, "C'mon I'll walk with you". Krys turned on her heel and walked off not sure if the girl had followed, she didn't look back not wanting the girl to think she cared. When she got back to the class she made her way over to Draco and stood next to him, "So what'd I miss"? Krys asked, Draco shrugged his shoulders, "I dunno I haven't been paying attention" ,he replied. The two laughed and looked around to make sure no one heard them.
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She bit her lip, hurrying off behind Krys. She was lucky that they were only getting off with a warning this time around. As they returned to the grounds, she slipped away from the Slytherin girl, standing on the other side of the crowd from her.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

During the whole class Krys kept looking over at Rosalyn, the girl was very pretty. After class Krys had quidditch practice with Draco so the two made their way to the pitch. After about an hour of practicing Draco and Krys decided to head to the great hall for lunch.
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In the hall, Rosalyn had already been seated for some time, her plate already half-cleared. There was a Ravenclaw boy sitting next to her, though she kept leaning away from him, and despite this, he kept scooting a bit closer. Once, he tried to put his arm around her shoulder, and she brushed him off at once.

"I said back off." she snapped, her voice just audible over the sound of people chattering. "I said I'm not interested."
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