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Take-Keep-Give Game

Hero said:
^ Takes her for a ride
< Keeps the pain meds.
V Gives the pain.

I declare Shank's void because it is obnoxious. REALLY? Could you cut it out? :/

^ Takes the pain.

< Keeps on lovin' it.

V Gives Shank a healthy kick in the groin.
I see that I'm hurting people feelings so I will stop being a total ass for a while.

^ Takes kick in the groin
< Keeps pain from the kick
V Gives STD
Crazy Shank said:
I see that I'm hurting people feelings so I will stop being a total ass for a while.

^ Takes kick in the groin
< Keeps pain from the kick
V Gives STD

I know you wouldn't do it on purpose, Shank. <3 It's alright. I still <3 you.

^ Takes the pain again.

< Keeps the pain.

V Gives back the STD. >.> This just won't do.
^ Takes the middle finger

< Keeps the severed finger displayed on his mantle

v Gives a five cent tour.
^ Takes the cherry stems

< Keeps him entertained with my mad cherry stem talents

V Gives my teddy bear
^ Takes the teddy bear.

< Sees her produce a cherry-stem on the tip of her tongue, neatly tied in a bowline, and is transfixed! Turns the teddy bear's face away.

v Wants to give the teddy bear back but can't really stand up at the moment.
LMFAO! My poor bear! :p

^ Takes a longgggg gander at the reason why he can't stand up at the moment... *Sniggles!*

< Keeps snickering and giggling, unable to stop!

V Finally, gives him a soft kiss on the cheek, leaving behind a perfect print of my freshly painted lips!
^ Gives him a "face sitting" that he'll not soon forget!

< Keeps showing more of her "depraved side" than probably she should!

V Gives a piece of paper with a hand written note inside...
^ Takes a moment to confess that I have somewhat of a "crush" on this guy in the avatar. (Similar to a "hard on", but not really....) *Laughs!*

< Keeps staring at the avatar...daydreaming

V Removes her white lacie panites and sling-shots to the next poster...
^ "Snatches" :)P) the panties out of the air.

< Bunches them up under his nose, breathing through them, divining her essence. Looks for an air-tight jar for safekeeping.

v Would like to give her several good, hard CENSORED!
^ Takes the hard CENSORED in stride while videoing the entire escapade!

< Keeps the video hid away for future blackmailing viewing!

V Gives him a heads up on perhaps a new product that would sell like gangbusters here in the US: Knickers in a Jar!


(I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur!)
(I thought that said, "Frantic About France"? Who the hell is Frances?) *Laughs!*

^ Takes the "s" off of "Frances", because we ALL know, the French are romantically horny! :p

< Is not French, *Pouts* but keeps her chin up all the same.

V Gives the best french kisses on that side of the Mississippi!
^ Takes any and all of the steamy French kisses offered (I'm greedy like that...)

< Keeps hearing that cartoon character, Peppy La Pew?


V Gives him some "alone time" to work on the much anticipated "Prologue". *Grins*
^ Takes the time and finds it harder than expected.

< Keeps coming up with interesting and exciting things to work on with his new role-play partner.

v Gives her fair warning: she's becoming a habit he has no desire to break!
^ Takes his advice and heeds the warning (But she is definately liking the idea of being his "bad, sexy habit"!) ;)

< Keeps getting interrupted today by the stupid phone!

V Gives fair warning: I can be somewhat "stalkerish" when I see something I like! >:)
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