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Succubus School (Wingshadow & I)

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Sex with Riri. It was a subject that Cyrus had been dreading the moment she became a succubus. If it had been any other girl, he might have not found the idea so taboo. But this was his sister he was talking about. Even if she did have a brother complex, having to go through 'filling her up' as she described, was something he didn't know he could go through or not. With a sigh, he attempted to try and explain things to her as plainly as possible while trying to distract himself from his sisters subtle movements that tried go ilicit some arousal from him. "Look Riri. I understand that now that you're a succubus, you have...urges...but...I'm not sure I would be able to provide them for you as easily. I mean, you're my sister and everything see the dilemma I'm in, right? And Asuna is right as well. You can't be in that form all the time, especially since you're going to start going to school with me. Could you imagine the kind of chaos you would create walking around like that? You'd be exposing us to the whole world and destroy the cover the girls have been living peacefully under for years and years. So please, for the sake of me and the rest of the succubi all over, try keeping this side of yourself hidden from public view, okay?"

Finished with his little speech, Cyrus gave Riri a gentle pat on the head. He turned to Asuna then, seeing how tired and frustrated she was with Riri's hyperactivity. "I'm really sorry, Asuna," he said in a sympathetic manner. "I know she's a bit spunky at times, but as long as she listens to what her big brother says, everything will be alright. Won't it, Riri?"
"I don't see what difference it makes, really," Riri blinked, "You said it yourself, Asuna-chan. When it comes to love, succubus don't discriminate between family relations or even ages... Well, assuming you're mature enough, of course, but I don't think that's the problem here. I love you a lot, Oni-chan and I wouldn't let anyone else have my body other than you. I never really had the courage to say it until I became a succubus, but from now on I'm going to ask you every single day until you say yes."

"Well, its true that it doesn't matter much to demons such as ourselves, but that doesn't mean Cyrus is fine with it," Asuna sighed, not wanting to be put on the spot, "He still thinks like a human for the most part, and if you were in human form I think you would understand a bit better."

Riri listened intently to what Cyrus had to say, but she still wouldn't give up on her plan to have sex with him at some point in the future. She would probably consider taking out all the others girls as well if she considered them a threat to the success of her goal, but thankfully she didn't take them very seriously. To her, the only one in the world whose opinion mattered was Cyrus'.

"Oh, alright, fine... I'll stay as a human while I'm outside the house, Oni-chan... But its just because you asked me to," Riri pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest and deciding to let it go for now. After all, if she pushed too hard it would only push Cyrus away and she didn't want that.
Cyrus had to appreciate Riri's determination, even if it was a little misguided. She was like him in a few ways when he was her age, always determined to get the attention of those around him and not let anyone or anything get in the way of it. But, as the times changed, he found a more subtle approach was in order to try and get those around him to take notice and hopefully, as his sister matured, she would see it the same way. "Good. Now that that's settled," he said while trying to stand up. "Why don't we go out for a little R & R? It is the first weekend I get to spend around here so I might as well enjoy it with my two favorite people in the world."

Indeed, Cyrus was ready to relax a little bit after going through a week of heaven and hell simultaneously. He wanted to get his mind off all of this succubi and hunter business and enjoy his life as if he were a normal human. After a little time off, his body would hopefully be ready for whatever situation may come his way, whether it be the attack of a vicious monster, or the sexual advances of five beatuful succubi.
"Oh, do you mean... Like a date?" it seemed as if it was Asuna's turn to start putting the moves on Cyrus as she blushed and took a few steps closer to Cyrus, "There are lots of lovely places we could go together... We could start off by walking hand-in-hand in the park, then we could have a pic-nick lunch on the grass and watch the clouds slowly rolling by just like we used to. Do you remember all those times we would go down to the bridge and fly kites and talk about the most inane things?"

"You two really do go back, don't you?" Riri, now in her human form, looked terribly nonplussed.
It didn't take long for Asuna to start going on about the old times with Cyrus. How they used to do all sorts of things at the park like flying kites and talking about random subjects. The young man had to admit, he was moved by her passion and couldn't help but do a little remminiscinig himself. "Well, yeah," he started, turning to Riri first. "She was my first real friend and up until the time we seperated, we used to do everything together. Of course, back then, I had no idea she was really a succubus, so things were a lot calmer back then. I remember this one time we went to the park and Asuna was building a sand castle. A couple of bullies started kicking it down and I tackled them and put them in a headlock like a wrestler."

Cyrus began then to imitate what it was like having two heads clenched between his arms, looking rather funny while doing it, though he found some pride in what he was doing since he was telling the story. "I kept them there until they apologized and ran away to their mamas. For the next week, she thought of me as some kind of superhero." He chuckled to himself realizing the irony of his statement. Since he had this power now, he did seem like a bit of a real superhero...with a few twists, of course. "We might not be able to re-live those moments now, but, I guess we can still do some fun things while we're out there. So let's go...together...all three of us."
"Alright," Riri nodded and took hold of Cyrus' hand while Asuna took the other, "But absolutely no sneaking away with Cyrus, you got that, Asuna? I can't change the fact that you are his childhood friend, Asuna, but that doesn't mean you can have him all to yourself. And no sneaking indirect kisses or anything, either!"

"Don't worry, I won't. Lets just have some fun together for a change. I think we all need a bit of a stress relief after all we have been through," Asuna smiled, although if she was being entirely honest with herself she would admit that the little girl was starting to get on her nerves. She had helped save her life, and here she was acting as if she could call the shots and decide on her own terms who got to spend time with Cyrus.

Thankfully, it didn't take very long to reach the before-mentioned park. It was an old city park, with tall trees and long winding paths that wound about their bases. Oddly enough, it was also the very same one which Cyrus and Kei had encountered the Alpha Hunter and his countless minions. Without their presence, it seemed like a safe enough place as any to spend a day together, and the three began wandering about enjoying the pleasant morning breeze.

"Hey, Oni-chan," Riri was the first to break the silence, "Would you like our first time to be outside?"

Asuna gave Riri an awkward glance.

"Our first meal together of course, silly," Riri stuck her little pink tongue out at Asuna, "What did you think I was talking about?"
"Hey! I don't mind being kissed once in awhile," Cyrus replied as the two girls took his hands. He, of course said this from a position of masculenity, though there was a tinge of red across his cheeks as he began to think about it some more. As they continued talking, they finally made it to the park. Despite the opprotunity that was presented to him to relax, the young man couldn't help but feel a tad apprehensive about coming back to the place where he went berserk. But, with his childhood friend in one hand and his sister in another, he began to calm down again and make an attempt to enjoy himself. It didn't take long, however, for Riri to make things slightly uncomfortable. As she came out with it, he and Asuna seemed to have the same reaction to it until she mentioned the meal and stuck her tongue out.

"That isn't any less vague..." Cyrus mumbled to himself thinking that the word 'meal' could simply mean something like a picnic or, in a more perverse meaning, the feast of fluid that would be extracted from him during sex. Regardless of her meaning, they continued on until they reached the bridge that Asuna had mentioned earlier. There were a couple of kids, a boy and a girl, standing there holding kites in the sky over the stream of water below. It was just like back then, just as she said and certainly, she would remember the same thing he did. "Just like old times..." the young man spoke aloud. "It's nice to see some activity around here other know." He tried not to mention the hunters to the two of them lest it bring up some bad feelings. This was a time for relaxation and not to talk about their situation.
"Hm?" Riri, who didn't know of the significance of this place beyond the fact that Asuna and he apparently played here a lot when they were kids, "What are you talking about, Oni-chan?"

She smiled up at him and gave his hand a little squeeze with which she drew his attention momentarily. She pulled herself up and gave him a kiss firmly on his lips, which she maintained for some time by wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him in place. Her cheeks turned a nice shade of red, but she kept at it, begging permission into his mouth by brushing her tongue across his lips. All the while she kept her petite form pressed against his, letting him feel her soft body and budding breasts. Asuna blinked, completely shocked until she remembered exactly what restrictions Riri had placed. She had said no sneak attacks or underhanded tactics, but all-out lip-locking was never mentioned! She quickly tried to pull Riri off of him, but even in her human form she had very good grip.
Cyrus was suddenly snapped out of his nostalgic mood by Riri who, in a matter of seconds, distracted him, took his hand and delivered the kind of kiss a passionate lover would give to another. It was such a shock to him that he tried to pull back, but she had her arms firmly around the back of his neck so as to prevent any escape from her loving lips. When the shock died down, he simply stood there and took it, figuring that she was going to let go any second now. But when her tongue brushed across his lips and her body began to press into his, he knew what she was up to and made a renewed effort to release himself from her grip. Even with Asuna's assistance, this was proving to be a difficult thing up to the point where the three bodies were beginning to tangle with one another. It didn't take long for the young man to lose his balance and fall to the ground, his sister still wrapped around him and as he tried to keep his balance, he pulled Asuna down with him as well.

What resulted was a rather provocative looking scene should anyone have caught sight of it. As it seemed to be with these girls, Cyrus found himself on the bottom of the pile and sitting on top of him now would be Riri. Next to him would be Asuna, who would surely find the hand of her childhood friend placed firmly on one of her breasts as if he were trying to fondle her.
As she landed rather heavily upon the ground, Asuna could feel someone grabbing her breast and almost instantly realized that it was Cyrus's hand, as Riri wasn't in any sort of position to have landed on her in such a manner. Her initial reaction was to pull away as she knew that they were in a rather public place and it was hardly appropriate. She pulled herself up into a seated position and latched back onto Riri once again, pulling on her shoulders in an attempt to dislodge Cyrus' overly affectionate half-sister. Riri held on for a while longer until she finally lost her grip and flew backward, tumbling a short distance before landing on her feet.

"Aw... Come on," Riri moaned in dismay, "I thought I had him that time..."

"Are you alright, Cyrus-kun?" Asuna turned to her childhood friend and helped him back up onto his feet.
Cyrus could finally take a well deserved breath after Asuna finally got Riri off of him. He sat up right away as his sister tumbled away at bemoaned the fact that she only got to kiss him for a short time. Surprisingly, for a second, he remained still as Asuna tried to help him, the taste of his sister's lips still fresh in his mouth. It felt weird. Good, but weird. It wasn't supposed to feel like that when your sister kissed you, did it? Finally, he looked towards the pink haired girl and got back to his feet. It was clear by looking at him, he was quite flustered with the scene he caused. Not only was his sister trying to stick her tongue in his mouth, but he got a handfull of his childhood friend's boobs. All these sensations were causing a slight bit of arousal to grow inside of him, but he quickly tried to put them behind him as he was afraid that if either of the girls found out, they might try to jump him right there in the park.

"Geeze, Riri," Cyrus finally scolded towards his sister. "I know I said I like to be kissed, but could you kiss my cheek next time? You're lucky people don't know you're my sister, otherwise I'd be in serious trouble." The young man walked over to her then and, as he began to feel slightly bad for his outburst towards her kneeled down in front of her and turned around. "Here. If you wanna be close to me, then just jump on my back. How does that sound?"
"Ok!" Riri didn't need to be told twice as she hopped onto Cyrus' back and wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, her legs clamping onto his sides as she pressed her chest against his back. Sure, her breasts had not grown in yet fully and so she was relatively flat, but her budding breasts were still noticeable enough when she rubbed herself across his broad back, sighing into his ear in a somewhat erotic manner, "C-cyrus... Your back is so big and broad. I like being this close to you, it makes me feel at peace."

Asuna merely cleared her throat and led the others toward a nice clearing in the park where no-one else was at the time and sat down on the grass, looking more than a little peeved at Riri's continuous attempts at breaking down Cyrus's inhibitions. She was certainly a tenacious little girl, and as things stood it was apparent that she wasn't planning on giving up until she had procured what she desired from him, namely his seed. This much was expected from a young succubus who made no attempt at hiding her true nature, but what had Asuna worried is that Cyrus had actually encouraged her with his last offer. She would take it as him accepting her advances and make her future attempts that much more aggressive.
It was clear that despite his intentions being completely plutonic, Cyrus found himself egging on Riri even more as she climbed his back and rubbed her still growing breasts into his back. Despite not being fully developed, they did have a sort of soft comfort to them which made the young man slightly pink in the cheeks. If it wasn't hard enough trying to stave off her advances, the girl went as far as to whisper right into his ear about how comfortable she felt in this position. The way it came out and the way her breath tickled his ear gave a slightly more erotic feel to the situation and he was finding it a bit harder to walk around in this state. If only he could set her down for a moment...

Fortunatley, Asuna seemed to come through for him and stopped at an opening in the grass to sit down. Cyrus used this as an excuse and quickly dropped to his knees so Riri could get off of him. Whether she did or not, the young man then decided to lay down face first for a second to take in the scent of the ground and the grass, a perfect distraction from his sister's sexual advances towards him. After a moment, he turned to look at the sky, the clouds rolling past in big, puffy segments. The sun was still shining brightly and for a moment, the whole scenery seemed to make him feel at peace. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before speaking in Asuna's direction. "It's nice...relaxing like this. I wish this could last..." This, of course could not be. There was still too much to do with the succubi and the hunters. If only there was a way to get rid of them for good, then maybe his delusion of peace could actually come true.
Asuna merely nodded, as if reluctant to break the spell of peace and solitude that surrounded them. It even had a profound effect on the overly affectionate succubus that had been clinging to Cyrus mere moments before. Riri reluctantly climbed off of Cyrus, but she sat down right next to where he laid down, looking up into the sky with a rare show of interest in something other than her brother. The wind blew softly against her face, prompting her to reach up and brush away a stray strand of hair as the three of them sat upon the sweet-smelling grass.

"It makes me wonder if we did the right thing... Coming to this world," Asuna whispered softly, mostly to herself as she considered how wonderful the human world was, and how broken and frightening her own must be to have had such a strong pull for her kind to escape their own world to come here. Little did they know that their worst troubles would simply follow them and cause trouble for this world's inhabitants as well. Even Riri was a victim of this, although she hardly seemed troubled by her transformation. If anything, she welcomed and accepted her new nature too easily.
"It's not your fault," Cyrus replied, turning to Asuna who looked deep in thought as she gazed into the piercing sky. "You were driven here by desperation and, despite everything that's happened, you've at least been able to find a small sense of peace during that time. Hell, if you hadn't come here, you would have never met me and become friends, right? Try to think positive. We'll get through this together. You, me, Riri and everyone else. We'll put an end to these Hunters and live out our lives in peace." The young man hoped his words would be enough to put his friend at ease. It was one thing for him to show concern for the situation, but she didn't deserve to worry so much after what she's been through. It was times like these where he was willing to carry the load for his friends and today was no different. had to wait, at least for a moment. A peculiar feeling was welling up in Cyrus and he suddenly sat up and seemed to be looking around for something. "Uh...the bathroom is around here somewhere, right? I gotta...well, you know." He let out a small chuckle as he figured the two girls around him would know what he was talking about.
"Yes, I'm suppose you are right about that," Asuna smiled, "Although I can't help but worry... You know, I sort of felt a bit like your older sister when we were growing up since I was always worrying about you. I realize now it was silly of me, but I couldn't help it. Even back then I was quite fond of you after all and when you left I thought I might never see you again. I guess fate brought us together again as well, so I should try to keep up hope."

Riri glanced over at Cyrus, as she almost instantly noticed his twitching and fidgeting. Although her senses were heightened even when in human form, it was mostly due to the fact that they had a special link as some of his power yet resided inside her body. In fact, she could detect changes in any of the girls as well as Cyrus if they were within her general vicinity.

"Oh, its just down the path," Asuna pointed toward the small trail that they had followed in order to reach the clearing in which they now stood, "They actually keep the restrooms pretty clean here, too."

She laid onto her side and closed her eyes, enjoying the solitude and peace of the moment, forgetting to keep an eye on Riri as a mischievous glint sparkled in the succubus' eye. She carefully cloaked her presence and followed after Cyrus, making sure that the two of them were the only ones in the general area before making her move.
(Added a poll. Pooooooool!)

Asuna seemed content enough that Cyrus could leave her alone for a bit, though he was slightly concerned that Riri would start acting up or something. She could probably handle it though and with that thought, he got up and headed back up the trail to where the restrooms were. Fortunatley, they hadn't been used all that much today and since no one was around, he even began whistling to himself as he took a seat in in one of the stalls to do his business. Of course, he had no idea that his sister was following him and should he catch him just as he finished, he would be in for quite the shock.
Riri crept into the bathroom behind him, trusting her presence cloaking to hold and prevent anyone from interrupting her while she completed her mission. Cyrus was just being stubborn, after all, and would come around once he tasted the wonders of her small body. With this in mind, she quickly located which of the stalls he was currently using, and just as he unlocked the door to step out of it she pushed the door and knocked him back, quickly clutching to him as she clasped her lips over his. While he was distracted by the suddenness of the kiss, she unfastened his pants, pushing them down with one swift, fluent motion. She then briefly pulled back and the seal on her demonic side released, swiftly transforming her back into her succubus form in order to hold onto him more firmly using her increased physical capabilities.
Riri had come at Cyrus so fast that the young man fell back, not from the impact of the kiss, but from the shock of seeing her sister suddenly coming at him with such agression. Fortunatley, the toilet seat was down at this point, so he landed with a slight thud on the porcelain of which, the coldness would soon become apparent as his naked rear was exposed by the girl's swift hands. When he finally got his bearings about him, he tried to offer up some kind of resistance, but her grip, even in her human form was too tight to break and pretty much impossible once she transformed. With nowhere left to go, he broke the kiss abruptly and opened his mouth to yell at her. But when he did, he feared that his scolding might bring some unwanted attention, much like what happened with Kei in the equipment room back at school.

So, what came out of Cyrus's mouth then was an infuriated, yet dull voice that came from a completely flustered young man. "What the hell are you doing in here?! You can't be in here! What if someone catches us?" He was beginning to wish Asuna were here to catch them. Having her yell at him for letting Riri get on him like this would be the lesser of two evils for him at this point.
"Oni-chan... That's not the right tone to be taking with me when you have your pants down," Riri leaned forward and licked his neck, tasting him in a highly erotic manner as she savored his flavor and edged her crotch closer to his, "I want you, Oni-chan... I want you so bad, but I'll make a deal with you. I won't use my vagina to have sex with you if you can keep from cumming for ten minutes while I use my mouth on your cock. Do you think you can do that? I bet you can't."

She wasn't showing any indication that she was going to simply let him go at this point... In fact, it was highly likely that she realized he couldn't possibly last ten minutes under her attentions and merely wished to tease him about it.
A nervous look came over the face of Cyrus as Riri made her little wager. If he could go through an oral sex session with her, the would promise not to ride his rod and destroy his misconceptions about siblings having sex with one another. He didn't know what she was capable of yet, and he weighed the options against him. On the one hand, he could deny her and possibly shoot her frustrations through the roof to the point where she would mate with him regardless of any future complaints he would have. On the other hand, she might still be inexperienced when it came to having actual sexual relations with a man which would lead her to some pretty stupid mistakes. It was about that time, a third option came to the young man's mind. Cruel, though it may be, it would give him a shot at escape so he could go get help from Asuna. He only hoped that his feet would be able to carry him fast enough to her to escape his sister's wrath.

After a moment of silence, Cyrus looked down upon Riri, who doubtless, had a rather naughty and erotic look on her face as she eagerly awaited his answer. And with a sigh, he did indeed give an answer. "Will you really promise not to have sex with me if I can endure? If so, I...suppose I can take your challenge." He had little doubt that this would be enough for her to get going downstairs which would go exactly as the young man planned. Once she let go of him to go down on his dick, he would push past her and run for his very life.
"Of course I promise... I'm the one who suggested the wager in the first place, wasn't I?" Riri giggled, her eyes narrowing slightly as the aura about her darkened significantly. She made no motion to let go of him, and if anything her grip on him became slightly greater as her body seemed to blur slightly. In the brief amount of time that it took for Cyrus' eyes to readjust, Riri had somehow managed to split herself into five copies of herself. They all seemed quite amused at his surprised expression upon realizing what she had pulled off.

"I said I would only use my mouth... I never said I couldn't get a little help," one of the clones giggled while the original Riri maintained her grasp on Cyrus, bending down and taking his soft member into her mouth, licking along the shaft. Another pushed up against his back, helping to hold him in place, while a third delved between his legs and helped the other lick his balls and caress his legs. One of the others pulled out a watch and began to count the seconds it took for her to bring him to climax... for she fully intended on winning this bet.
In one swift moment, the confidence in which Cyrus had in his plan to escape was shattered to pieces. Truly, Riri was like an evil genius with her brilliant tactic. At first, he believed his eyes to be playing tricks on him. Surely, she did not just split herself into five separate copies. But there they were as plain as day, with the same lustful gaze in their eyes as the original. So, he had little choice but to accept the fact that they could be seen, but only seen...right? Again, the young man found himself completely dumbfounded at his sister's abilities. They took their positions, one on his back, two at his groin, the fourth, making sure to keep perfect time and the original still maintaining her tight grip on him. When he finally accepted the reality of his situation, he began to struggle a bit as he complained. "No...wait...that's cheat...aaaah!"

Cyrus's words were cut off as the two copies of his sister began their devilish torture of his manhood. Just as these clones of Riri were real to the eyes, so too, were they real to the touch as he felt the saliva filled mouth envelope his length with great vigor. This was followed by the next mouth taking unto it the young man's testicles licking and teasing the tender flesh beneath while her hands meticulously massaged his legs. The feeling was, needless to say, extraordinary as his hips immediately arched forth into her mouth to let the fullness of his erection enter the sucking orifice of Riri's mouth. This caused his back to move into the clone holding him from behind and take unto himself the feeling of her still budding breasts.

For a moment, Cyrus had given himself up to their bodies, eagerly desiring to release his seed and signal his humiliating defeat. But there was logic and willpower still left in the young man's body and once he got his bearings, he clenched his fists together and closed his eyes, trying to put out of his mind the pleasure of the succubi that now surrounded him. It would be a long, hard struggle for him, for only a single minute had passed since they started...
"Aw, you're trying really hard not to cum, aren't you Oni-chan?" Riri giggled, leaning forward slightly to press her budding breasts against his chest while her clone did the same to his back, "Why don't you just give up and let me taste your semen? It will feel really good... I'm really good with my mouth, aren't I? Its nowhere near as good as my vagina, but its a close second... I'll be sure to let you savor every last part of my body when you give in to me. I'm not like the other girls... I can do things they couldn't even dream of pulling off. Just give in and I'll show you."

All the while, her clones continued their assault on his manhood, increasing the speed and pressure of their movements as another minute slipped by. She was starting to grow a bit impatient as she didn't think he would last nearly this long. Her inexperience was made up for by the simultaneous attack of practically his entire body, except for his lips which she soon remedied by sliding herself up and capturing him in another heated kiss.
As Riri continued to tease his body with her mouth and his mind with her words, Cyrus continued to try to fight the futile battle against his own body as he tried to hold it in. But with the sexual attack coming from everywhere, it wasn't long before the precum began to dribble from his cock, a sign that most likely, for his sister, she was winning the battle. As one of her clones found a particularly sensitive spot near the upper part of his shaft, his body shifted slightly as an audible gasp escaped his lips. This was quickly covered by the girl's lips which found their way to his once more. He knew defeat was coming soon, but his pride kept him from giving in quickly. He was only thankful that the clone with the watch hadn't joined in or else he might have lost sooner.

Another minute passed as Cyrus's cock began to throb, a sign of the end. His body began to heat up in anticipation, the force of pleasure from four bodies driving him to sexual madness. Finally, nature took over and at about the four minute mark, he finally exploded. It was a good thing Riri's clone had her lips completely wrapped around his manhood lest his seed stain the walls of the stall he was trapped in. His body wracked with pleasure, the young man's eyes seemed to roll back for a second as the orgasm gripped him. When it ended, his body began to relax, giving up all resistance and submitting to the humility of having been gotten off by his own sister. He felt shame for his weakness, wondering what the other girls would think of his humiliaton and saw them in his mind, laughing, taunting and mocking him. But even in his defeat, he knew the concequences of his loss was yet to come.
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