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Life As We Knew It

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Nov 29, 2011
Saint walked slowly to the front of the square. All the light were out in the buildings that surrounded him. It made him uneasy. He didn't like darkness. He raised his hang and a ball of light appeared, hovering above his open palm. With it the shadows danced in the light. He made his way to the edge of the square now.
"Dusk....I know your there, come on out. We have to talk." The message was important and he knew they didn't have much time left. He stretched his wings a bit. . It wasn't easy being a Knight of heaven, but the universe need heros and he was at its call.
"What do you want sainty? I have better things to do." Dusk said, her slightly-deeper-than-the-average-eighteen-year-old-girl voice echoing as her body was being reformed from her silvery grey dust.

When her body had completely reformed, she was levatating just above Saint's left wing, in a sitting position where her right leg crossed her left on.
Still looking ahead saint spoke slow and clear "o hate it when you do that. Dusk, we have a problem. Maybe not so much to you, but it seems God has foreseen a great evil rising. You wouldn't have an idea what this may be?" He turned and looked at her, arms crossed and eyebrow cocked. He didn't particularly like talking to her, since the last time they had worked together had gotten .. ..complicated. but she was the only one he knew who might have a clue.
She shrugged saying, "Maybe, but then again, maybe not." with a slight smirk on her face. Then she uncrossed her legs and did a small backflip in mid air, landing not only directly in front of him but a little to close for his comfort.

Then with her mask perfectly covering her face she leaned in close to his face, whispering into his ear, "It's gonna cost you this time." before leaping away befor he could react.
Saint let out his breath slowly. He was afraid of this. Him and Dusk ad become close the last time they had worked together. But as to be expected of a rogue like her, she left him wishing shed come back. That was over. Or so he'd thought.
"What do you want? To tease me again? " but he knew that he would say yes. He always fell for her. His heart had quickened when she got close. He found himself looking at her lean, curvy body. Her beautiful face, and perfect breasts.
Still smirking she answered, "Perhaps, my little cheribim."

Then she sashayed herself over to him, grabbing one of his arms halfway forcing him to embrace her.
He folded his wings around her as she grabbed him. "I think we should get out of the open you have any place we could go?" He asked half whispering in her ear. Her closeness was intoxicating. As was her scent, she had some sort of perfume or something that made his brain tingle with desire.
Phasing through his wonderfully muscular body, she smirked saying "It's a shame how a mere mortal can tempt even a messenger of god." Turning around to his reaction to his words, but feeling the pangs of hurt eminating from his heart.
Saint Drake stiffened a bit "I wasn't messing around dusk. We need a place to talk that's safe. Ill pay whatever price.....I just meed to get that information. " he curled his wings behind him again.
Seeing his reaction forced a haughty giggle to be released from her, but after regaining her composure she said, "as always Saint, all work and no play. Fine we'll do it your way, and I'll even give you the information for free this time." Both knowing very well she would want compensation eventually. Then added, "Do you have a specific place inmind?" Crossing her arms after motioning for him to lead the way.[/u]
"Well I was hoping you had a place." He really had no specific place he whent on earth. A place did indeed come to mind after some thought. "Take my hand." They clasped hands and in a flash they were both standing on top of the Chrysler tower. "Now we can talk. "
(Sorry wasn't sure if you wanted me to wait for a lead or something... If that's the case this can be ignored if need be )

Johny Wraith stood a top one of the skyscrapers and looked around. He felt the cool breeze around him. He tensed his shoulders for a moment and let the scenery sink in. Releasing a soft breath through his full mask as he released the tension in his shoulders. He had never seen the city this...Inactive. At least not in a very, very long time. He shrugged lightly to himself, at least maybe he would have some time alone for a while. He brought the hood of his long coat over his mask and released a second small sigh. He wondered if there was going to be something going on later. He blinked and watched as he morphed letting his abilities take over and he leaped into the air and began his flight across the air and onto the next roof. He at least was going to get some exercise as he flew from rooftop to rooftop in his constant vigil.
Even though she was used to his romantisism she still bit her lip while gazing out at the gorgeous view, and after recomposing her self she said, "I've heard a few goons on the street talk about how there's this new baddie in town and how he wants to burn this city to the ground, you know the usual." but even as she said it she felt this was going to be a hell of an upcoming battle.
Ya. She was right. It seemed that every time they thought all the bad had left, more came soon after. "Do you know who it is, or if its even a threat ?" His attention was drawn to a figure below them, jumping from building to building like it was nobody's business. "Dusk look." He said this motioning to the figure.
Answering his question she sighed and said, "Sadly, I don't, but I feel as if we should still be cautious." Then brought her attention to the cloaked figure and stated, "What ever that is it's your problem, as long as he doesn't get in my way I have no vendetta against him." as she began levitating away.
He soared through the air. Soaring was a bit of an over statement of what he was actually doing. He didn't really have a better explanation for his...Gliding, so he just let it stand. As he let his foot bury down onto another rooftop he realized that he wasn't intangible or invisible. Not a huge deal since he could glide just as easily otherwise. However, swooping in as a ghost like figure was usually the edge he liked to start with. But seeing as nothing was really happening it didn't really seem to matter too much. He let his body lift from the concrete rooftop and looked around. Using the opportunity to give himself a better angle. He shook his head as there was nothing going on at this side either. Sighing once again in defeat he stood against the edge of the building. He could only hope that something was going to happen soon. Though he was apprehensive about finding out how effective that something was going to be when it showed up.
Saint grabbed the hilt of his sword and unfurled his wings. At a twenty foot wingspan, they were massive. "Well ill get back with you later, Dusk. This could be our guy ..."and with that he leaped off the Chrysler tower and descended to the building the figure stood on. The wind rushed into saint's wings as he slowed his decent. Landing softly behind the cloaked figure he shouted "halt in the name of god!" Hand on his white hilt he readied for battle.
Oh crap. He thought to himself. Not only had it been an unsuspected attack, but it was one by a religious nut as well. Johny paused ans went fully incorporeal, his form now fully ghost like and intangible. "You can try dude, but trust me...I don't think that that will work as well as you think it will." He said as he slipped around to the back and looked at the newcomer. He knew that this was going to be a hard fight mainly because he never saw anyone quite like this...Person before. He wanted to hope desperately that this was some kind of misunderstanding. History had taught him though that that was deeply unlikely. "DO we really have to do this?" He asked aloud.
Sensing this newcomers emotions of confusion Dusk dust travled to then used her psychokinesis to sperate the two long enough to say, "SAINT! Aren't you at least see if he is a potential ally or an enemy?"
Infection sat. Watching them fight. Such ignorance and displays of stupidity. The one with wings might give some trouble and the other two...they were diffrent. Either way he needed a lure, but not now. It would take time.
"We will have our time heroes." The last words came out in a sneer. He heard someone scream for help. An innocent needing help, he felt the other stir and change into claws as he slid down the roof, clawss digging into the soft cement. He bared his teeth in delight of helping an innocent.
"Beware, We are Infection." he whispered into the night.
Johny looked at the two people in deep confusion. They were either in a similar position to him, or this was a rather elaborate plan to make him drop his guard. He had seen a few things like this turn out bad before. He hoped that this was the former as opposed to the latter. He eased up only slightly still keeping his guard up. "Not sure what you two want but...Lets settle this peacefully yeah?" He knew his negotiating skills were worthless, but at least he knew he could get out of a jam if he really needed to. "What is it that you two want?"
Saint felt her power holding him back, and could barely fight it. "Dusk, you fool! Let me go! I was simply asking him nicely before oblidorating him! I am Saint Drake, god's soldier. Who are you cloaked one? What is your quest?"
Dust just looked at Saint thinking, 'Damnit I should know by now that he always gets pistoff after I tease him!' but said, "First of all, since when do you ready your sword to attack when your asking a question?" with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
"Stay out of this Dusk! He could'be killed me just then!" He strode forward and sheathed his sword. "Answer my question, mortal! "
She was aggravated by Saint brushing her off, but understanding Saint's point, she released him but took his sword, while still holding the stranger in place. Then said, "Calm down Saint," turning her attention to the stranger and said, "Now, if you would be as kind as to explain what you are doing up here this late at night." trying to calm him down, knowing how frightening Saint could be when you first meet him.
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