In The Heart Of A Demon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Harry potter was certain that he was going to die. He felt like he was burning up, like he was on fire, and his lungs ached with every wheezing breath. He was covered in small red spots that itched like crazy, but he was too week to scratch them. He had gotten sick three days ago, he hadn't realized it at first, but by the time he realized he needed help, he was too delirious to write a letter. He was going to die in the Dursley's house, sure they weren't so bad anymore, but they weren't home to realize that he was sick, they had gone on a vacation of their own, leaving him alone in the house, they where going to come back to a dead body. He closed his eyes and groaned a little as the world tunneled and squeezed him tight and sent him tumbling through space.

Over in the Malfoy home, Lucius and Draco where entertaining special guests and drinking their favorite drinks as they talked and chuckled when a frantic house elf interrupted. Lucius didn't even have a chance to chastise the thing for interrupting before it started to chatter. “it's Harry Potter sir! He's laying sir! In the steps sir! Outside Sir! He's DEAD sir!” “what!?” Draco asked astonished as he blinked a little his head tilted glancing at his father before they both excused themselves and ran out to check, gasping in amazement as they realized it was indeed Harry Potter laying, barley breathing and covered in Dragon Pox on their front door. “oh my...” Lucius muttered, astonished. “that;s a severe case of the Dragon Pox.” he muttered ordering the house elves to Carry Harry into the bedroom. “what are we going to do with him?” Draco asked, looking amazed as the Elves carried Harry into the house.

“we're going to take care of him of course.” Lucius stated simply following the elves and bowing to their guests. “i'm terribly sorry about this, quite a surprise I have to admit, I never expected to find him, of all people, laying on the steps to my house.” he admitted shaking his head as he watched Harry. “it's going to take a lot of effort to keep him alive, Dragon Pox is dangerous to adults, it's a good thing he's young yet or he wouldn't have even a chance at surviving this...” Draco shuddered at the thought of Harry dying, sure Draco hated him, but he wouldn't wish that kind of death on anyone, not even the person he hated most.
raphel watched most of the guests leaving the ballroom at the words, they weren't about to risk contracting the disease. But the tall blond man stepped through the crowd, the once angel smiling slightly."I wouldn't be able to heal him all the way, but I do posses some skills."The once angel smirked at that. Despite still being one of the ruling archangels, Raphel enjoyed life on earth to ever consider returning to bloodless heaven. the humans were just to entertaining, even more so when they kept fighting each other. Like all angels, he held that beauty that could cut like a knife, as deadly to the beholder as it was to him, a double bladed sword."go lay him down.Lucius, I'll need some water."He said biting his lip a little, worried. He hadn't tried to heal since he'd permanantly left heaven for life on earth, so this was going to be interesting.

He just hoped he didn't kill the boy.
Lucius blinked at the gorgeous man before he nodded. “anything to keep him alive. I'd never hear the end of it if he died in my house.” he admitted shaking his head as he watched the House Elves lay Harry out on the bed, the boy breathing hard as he struggled for even the simplest of breath as Lucius got a bowl of water and settled it on the end table next to Harry's head, the boy whimpering lightly as his eyes fluttered open, panting hard as he examined Lucius and Raphael. “did I die?” he asked breathlessly. “am I in hell?” “hell!?... good lord the boy things he's going to hell?” Lucius asked astonished, Draco shaking his head. “he blames himself for the deaths of everyone around him, of course he things he's going to hell.” he stated simply, Harry closing his eyes and shuddering violently. “itches.” the boy whispered, complaining Lucius nodding. “i know Harry, you'll feel better soon I promise.”
"For a death eater, you make the oddest promises."Raphael said sounding a amused as eh crouched down next to the bed, pale blue blond hair falling around hsi shoulders, bright blue fading to blond as it moved back from his face. resting a hand on harry's chest he summoned his powers, and hoped that he was still what he had been, the archangel of healing. his breath hissing out from between his teeth as he held his hands over the boy, closing his eyes before jerking his hands away.

Looking down at the red and slightly scorched skin he swallowed, glancing up at the malfoy's crowding him."You could have told me he's not human."He grumbled, his hands hurting enough from touching hell, that he was feelign definately grumpy.
Lucius rolled his eyes and Draco snickered. “we both know I'm not a death eater by choice Raphael.” Lucius stated calmly shaking his head as he watched Raphael set his hands on Harry, the boy shuddering violently as he felt the angelic power touching his skin, making him shriek in pain as his skin burned where Raphael had touched him Lucius gaping as Draco stared. “he's... not human?” Draco demanded, gasping as Harry suddenly started morphing, long silky white fur sprouting along his entire body, his body elongating and his face bulging outwards, the touch of angelic powers kick starting his own demonic abilities.

“oh my god his a Demon!” Draco hissed in astonishment his eyes wide. “that's... that's insane! How did no one realize this!?” he complained Lucius shaking his head. “i doubt Harry even knew.” he muttered, Harry whining softly. “hurts.. itches..” he groaned, Draco sighing. “great... we made it worse.” he groaned taking a cloth from the bowl of water and gently setting it on Harry's burned chest, glancing at Raphael. “so can you do anything for him or do we have to just ride out the sickness? Will his demonic bloodline help him at all?” technically Demon's weren't even supposed to catch human sicknesses, but since Harry had been in a human body until then he had been susceptible. “he's... almost beautiful.” Lucius muttered, amazed at Harry's new form, the liquid graceful body that was straining the boy's clothes. “what kind of Demon is he?”

a white Mist Demon, a very rare bread of Demon, they preferred cold or wet places and if they could have both they where even happier. Their powers where limited but very powerful and they had a bad habit of birthing their children and swapping them for human children. Human children where in very high demand in the Demon realms, and Snow Mist and other animal like Demon's where well known for kidnapping them and leaving their own in it's place. Harry was probably one such baby, left in the crib at the potter place, but not the actual Potter Baby.
Raphel looked amused at the blond's words, before sitting back on hsi heels, resting a hand over harry's chest, not quite touching him yet though."His blood will protect him, some.He'll have to ride it out since he did contract it."he said standing, amused that the others found him beautiful. Because of their angelic beginnings, most demons still retained that deadly beauty of angels, though it had been diluted through the years."I can't help him.But..."He paused. Thinking about it. Wondering if he really was about to suggest letting a demon into someone's home. Espicially this demon."I know someone who may be able to help.He's annoying as fuck, but he's good at healing. If you can convince him its worth his time to do so." he said, not about to eleborate and get questioned on how exactly he was on personal terms with a duke of hell. That could wait till the next time he saw everyone.
Harry moaned as he turned his head away from the Angel's hand, not wanting to be touched by the angel again after the burns he had gotten the first time, panting hard. “no one would even be able to guess this thing was the Great Harry Potter.” Draco muttered looking Harry over his head tilted. “should we change his clothes first? The one's he's wearing look like their going to burst at the seams.” Harry had gotten tired of his muggle relatives money grubbing, so he bought his own clothes took them home and showed them off, then gave the muggle's five galleons to go on vacation with so they'd leave him alone. They had actually thanked him in their excitement! It had been traumatic. But now that he was wearing his own clothes, his change into his much more muscular demon form was threatening to rip the clothes apart and restricting Harry's ability to breath.

Lucius flicked his wand at the clothes and they re-sized automatically to fit Harry like they had before hand and the Malfoy Lord turned to Raphael “please be sure that he doesn't die.” he ordered. “and when he wakes up please inform him that I would like to talk with him about his being a Demon, this changes a great deal about how this war might go, if he's even still willing to participate.” he carefully picked Harry up, the young demon breathing easier now that his clothes weren't cutting off his circulation and his eyes fluttered open, blinking at Raphael. “don't wanna...” he complained softly closing his eyes again, Draco snorting a little. “well, he's still thick headed...”
Raphael laughed a little watching the other man before nodding."I'll go speak to the demon while harry's still out.He should be able to help."He said before disappearing. knowing it wasn't goign to be so easy to convince belial to help. Apparating out he sighed, bracing himself for a hell of a fight.

Within the hour the demon lord was walkign up the lane of malfoy manor, not even bothering to knock as he let himself in.He couldn't remember the last time anyone had ever denied ihm access to somewhere, and he knew that the malfoy's wanted his help. Even if he wasn't sure that he was going to give it, raphael had been a violent influence in getting him to come. Following the tug of demonic power upstairs he paused in the doorway, sneering slightly at the two humans at the edge of the bed, before lookign at the young demon."Now, this is not something I see every day. Two humans playing doctor for a demon."
they where carefully wiping Harry's face with a wash cloth, the poor Demon was babbling about wanting apples for breakfast and that the butterfly's made him itchy, delusional from fever and nearly half dead. For the first time in history a demon was actually dying from Dragon pox, probably because Harry had spent sixteen years thinking he was human, his demonic powers weren't strong enough yet to fight off the disease. He blinked at Belial and reached for him, panting hard. “am I... going to die?” he asked softly, recognizing the angel as an angel and thinking it was there to take him away from the pain and the hot and the itching, the Malfoys turning and blinking at him.

“he didn't even know he was a demon.” Lucius stated. “he's been babbling since Raphael left, Harry thinks he's dreaming when he looks at himself, he has no clue what's going on.” “besides we can't just let him die!” Draco complained scowling a little. “i might hate him but I still need him, he's the only way we can stop voldemort!” Draco and Lucius didn't realize that the potter baby of the prophecy was in hell with his Demon masters, and of no help and no use. Harry potter the demon wasn't even Harry potter, what his true name was no one would know, but it certainly wasn't Harry Potter.
Belial snorted laughing as he crossed the room, flame red hair, streaked with blue, as if flame was dancing through the strands. Smirking as he looked down at the young demon he tutted a little."Poor demon, poor sick demon for mistaking me for a angel."He said pressing his fingers against his forehead, demon power fillign the room, hot enough to choke on before he raised his hand, letting the power die."He will, live. He will ride it out. But he will live."the archduke of hell, one of the seven satans, actually healing a lesser demon?That was unheard of. Belial smiled a little at the idea of them thinking they needed the demon, after all, the real boy was in hell.So who cared what happened?Well, seeing as this was a amusement, and raphael had called in a favor to get him here, he might as well make sure the time spent here aws fun."I have reduced his fever, he should be coming back soon, but i will stay here, and make sure he stays alive."
Harry moaned as he felt the power filling him and he dropped into sleep once more, Draco sighing a little as he watched. Whether it was a relieved sigh or an annoyed one it was impossible to tell as Harry slept, his white fur gleaming in the light and his fox like muzzle twitching, sniffing the scent that Belial gave off as he began to slowly recover, Lucius bowing to Belial. “thank you my lord.” he stated softly. “my reputation would be damaged beyond any repair had the child died under my roof.” he admitted smiling a little. “i will have a room set up for you to stay for however long you wish.” he promised offering the man a smile. “i am not sure how Harry is going to react to his recent.... changes.” he admitted Draco rolling his eyes. “he's going to freak out and accuse us of doing it like he always does, believe me.” Draco stated with an uncaring shrug as he examined the sleeping harry, watching Lucius settle another cool rag on Harry's forehead, the boy groaning and rolling over onto his side, making the rag fall off. “... stubborn.” Lucius growled more than a little annoyed that Harry was being such a troublesome patient.
Belial laughed, looking at Lucius."he's a demonling child, did you expect him to be anything else?"He asked amused, shaking his head a little. Before smirking, despite everything, he did enjoy the human world, and the pleasures it brought. And the two humans were just so pretty. not as pretty as his sick patient, but they were pretty nonetheless. Belial wasn't named the lord of lust and desire for nothing, he enjoyed sex and everything associated with it, for nothing more then it was in his nature to do so. "He will recover from teh shock. I shall be able to make sure he is fine."he said arrogantly, never doubting his ablity to heal him. before pausing, his curiousity finally getting the better of him.'You must tell me how raphael became involved in this. I saw his hands, the archangel should have known better then to try and help."
Lucius shook his head a little and Draco snorted a little. “we're not sure how he got here, Harry I mean.” Draco began explaining, watching his father struggle with harry, trying to get the boy to lay still and cool down with the rag. “Rapheal was here for a party, none of us realized Harry wasn't human, he looked human, acted human, he's just always been human.” he shrugged. “i'm assuming he even felt human for Rapheal to have made that sort of mistake.” he admitted. “we didn't want Harry to die so Raphael tried to heal him, Raphael and Harry both got burned and then Harry turned into that.” he explained glancing Belial over, licking his lips. It was no secrete that Draco was attracted to Raphael, and to Belial too now it seamed. He probably would have been attracted to Harry too if it hadn't been for the fact that he hated the green eyes bitch. “shall I show you to your room and help you get settled?”
The demon smirked, feeling the lust in the air, and he knew his counterpart's reputation with the boy. After all,even virtous raphael's reputation made it to hell, along with who he refused to have sex with. Not that draco should feel bad, raphael refused everyone. smirking teh lord demon nodded, amused as lucius struggled with harry."you should. It would only be polite to do so."He said, nostrils flairing a little as he caught the scent, as tuned to lust as a bloodhound on a coon, he knew it in all its forms. And damned if he wasn't amused by draco."I shall check on him later. there is nothing else to do for now."
amusingly enough the scent of Lust seamed to affect Harry as well, the black nose twitching in the air, sniffing at the hormones and falling still, Draco smirking at Belial as he licked his lips, nodding to him. “i am sure our father will alert us if Harry wakes.” he agreed, Lucius rolling his eyes, well aware of Draco's proclivities, but there was little Lucius could do and in any case Draco had a very high Libido and would ignore his father If the man said no anyway, it was easier to just let Draco flirt with the many angels and Demon's that they entertained.

“the room is this way.” Draco stated with a sly smile at Belial as he led the way into an enormous bedroom with a very elegant four poster bed. “shall I help you adjust to your new surroundings?” Draco offered smirking a little as he licked his lips glancing at the other again, feeling his cock starting to twitch hopefully, lust pooling in his belly at the thought of bedding such a powerful creature.
The demon lord smirked, tilting his head as he looked at the blond, red blue hair framing his face as he raised a eyebrow."Hmmm and just how do you suggest to help me adjust?"He said amused. Knowing if he did this, raphael was going to lose it. After all, he'd known the archangel for centuries, and despite the angel's oblivious headset, he knew the archangel cared for the blond, even if raphael didn't know himself. And the thought of driving raphael up the walls was enough to make his own cock twitch, and make the already appealing blond, so much more appealing. After all, the lord of demons and first archangel had been locked in a battle of wills that was legendary.
Draco smirked as he tilted his head, letting his gorgeous blond hair frame his face. “well, we could do anything at all.” he admitted smirking as he reached up and unbuttoned his shirt slowly, taking his time in revealing his thin, slender, but beautifully muscled chest and belly, running his hand down his own chest, swirling his finger around his belly button with a soft sigh. “i hear that your the demon of Lust.” he admitted smirking a little. “and I was testing this theory that I'm irresistible, care to help me research?” he asked smirking as he unbuttoned the first button of his pants, the first of four, revealing just enough flesh to point out that Draco was not wearing any underwear. “hmm?” he asked smirking, wondering of the other was really going to screw him, or if the Demon was, no pun intended, fucking with him.
Belial smirked eyes going down, eyes the color of fire, swirling with it. tilting his head a little as he studied the man, he smirked, licking his lips a little. "Oh, you are resistable lord malfoy."He teased, "I am the demon of lust, and I do enjoy a good fuck. And you must know, I do this not only to fuck you, but to fuck with a old rival."He stated reaching out,gently running his fingers through that beautiful blond hair. nearly moaning at the silky strands as they wrapped around his fingers.He was such a sucker for physical pleasure.
he smirked a little. “that's fine with me.” he admitted with a small chuckle leaning into the hand in his hair with a happy little sigh, a smirk on his lips. “mmm your all warm” he murmured with a smirk kissing the others wrist smirking at him, watching him with playful liquid eyes. “ah but I am irresistible.” he teased licking his lips. “it's been said my skill with tongue is as good as any Demon's.' he admitted smirking. “shall I test that Theory too My Lord?”
Belial smirked, resting a hand on the other's head, pushing him down on his knees, running his fingers through the other's hair."You shall."He said flicking the buttons on his pants open, amused. Running his fingers through the blond's hair, seemingly obsessed with it as he watched the man kneeling in front of him
Draco fell obediently to his knee's and ran his tongue along the others length, bathing every inch of it with his tongue, curling his hot pink tongue against the others cock to drag it against all the sensitive parts he could find, moaning softly, his own cock straining against his pants as he slowly pulled the others flesh into his mouth and sucked hard and fast, pulling him deeper and deeper into his mouth until he had every inch of the others cock in hi mouth, sucking and moaning around it to fill his fuck buddy with vibrations and pleasure.
Belial sighed quietly as he closed his eyes, his head tiltign back as he basked in what the other was doing to him. Growling slightly as he pulled him off his cock,pulling him into a hard kiss as he wrapped his arms around him."Hmm you're right. you ARE good at that."He teased shoving him towards the bed."Strip."He ordered standing there watching him, waiting for him to obey orders.
he moaned and smiled a little as he kissed the pother, panting eagerly as he smirked. “of course I am.” he purred, pleased with himself as he staggered towards the bed, stripping slowly and seductively making sure to bare as little skin as he could until he actually had to pull off the clothing, smirking back at Belial once he finally shed all of his clothes, moaning as he wrapped his hand tightly around his own cock, arching as he wiggled his skinny little ass at Belial.
Belial growled lightly, walking over, shoving him down onto the bed, pinning him there as he bit the other, flame touching the other's skin for a moment."You should know better then tease a demon."He snarled thrusting into him hard, demanding. Using draco's body as hard and rough as he would another demon, though he was careful to not overdo it. He wasn't about to piss off raphael for killing his boy.
Draco moaned arching as he felt himself being pinned, shuddering as he squealed feeling the other slipping deep into him. “ah..ah fuck, oh god.” he groaned his nails digging into the bedding as he felt the Demon taking his ass. He was gonna be open for a week after this guy got done with it, damn if Draco didn't love it. “yes, oh yes, Belial your so BIG.” he moaned his ass clenching tightly around the demon's cock as he reached down and tried to stroke himself, but the other was fucking him too hard and he couldn't manage to find his cock. “ah... ah yes... nnng not so rough, oooh god your hitting my prostate...” he whined panting hard as he felt the other taking him as roughly as he pleased, wondering if he was going to be able to walk when Belial was done with him.
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