

Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was a calm average morning for the people in the St. Mungo's hospital. Hermione was walking down the hallway, talking to a woman doctor about her best friend Harry Potter, who was housed in one of the private rooms up in the mental hospital. He had been since he had killed Voldemort, Harry refused to speak, seamed incapable of it now, and he reacted to very little. He didn't even react to Draco, Hermione had gotten desperate at one point and forced Draco to show up to taunt Harry...the green eyed boy hadn't even looked over at them. Harry only seamed to react to brightly colored things, particularly things that moved, like the spinning top that Fred and George had brought in once, and the yellow crayons spelled to draw whenever Harry wanted them to. But there was something very unusual about it, because the color green, one particular shade, braught Harry into a panic, and it was the only time anyone had ever heard him make a noise since the death of Voldemort, a shame it had been screams.

“Harry really doesn't like green.” Hermione explained to the new doctor, the other one had been useless, the only thing the man had done was revel in the fame of treating the amazing Harry Potter, and didn't even try to help the emerald eyed boy. “he can't even look at himself in the mirror.” Hermione stated to this new doctor, someone Hermione had personally requested because of the woman's professionalism. Hermione was certain that she would actually try to help Harry, instead of ignore him and ride on the glory of his fame. “but he really likes Yellow, he likes to draw the sun, but he doesn't really like going outside all that much.” she admitted pausing at the door and glancing at the doctor before opening the door and walking inside.

Harry was sitting on the floor his eyes fixed on the spinning top that was spinning around on the floor, flashing yellow and blue and red and yellow again as it wiggled across the floor, Hermione smiling as she knelt down next to Harry. “Harry? There's someone here who wants to meet you.” she explained gently. “she's your new doctor... can you say hi?...something?” she asked hopefully, but Harry ignored her, watching the spinning top with the intensity of a dog watching a slice of Ham.
Kat Castle looked curious as she stepped into the room, studying her newest patient with the cool detatchment of a woman who not only only understood human interaction in the way of how a book wrote them, but of a professional evaluating a new patient. At the mere age of 23 Kat was both a healer, and psychologist, and working on her newest interest in ancient medicine in incorporating magic into both healing and psychology. Just something to do in her spare tme when she had nothing else to do. Pushing her blood red hair, the color bright, like rubies shining in the sun, or blood by starlight. She'd once had a patient saying that the curly length just begged to be pulled, with a body made for sex, curvy and soft she'd never fit the current demands of being beautiful of being skinny. Kat castle was soft and curvy with a hourglass body that was a century older's perfect ideal. And much as she got teased for it, she only understood the theory of why she got called ugly and fat. She really didn't understand. Not plain, but not exactly beautiful, kat's most striking feature was her brightly colored hair, with bright blue eyes, the color of lapis lazureli.

Kat smiled a little as she nodded at the words that Harry didn't like green. She thought she even knew why.The shade of avada kavadra, the color of the spell that ruined his life. Watching Harry for a moment she walked over, kneeling down next to Hermione, knee high boots creaking a little as she did. She dressed like a woman who knew she wasn't the best looking, casual without being sloppy. Raising her hands she concentrated for a moment, smiling as the spell formed into her hands. The illusion a brightly colored butterfly, the colors of the rainbow from black to white showing in it's wings, every color under the sun but green.

"Hello harry."Kat said soft and low, her voice showing that not only did she understnd his silence,but she'd been there. her voice cracking ever so slightly with disuse. Having just recently recovered her voice from a patient's curse, she was slowly getting used to talking again. And, she thought maybe the connection to the silence, would help with treating harry. She didn't understand human emotions beyond a clinical aspect but damned if she wasn't good at figuring people out. Off the charts briliant, Kat Castle was the doctor every menal patient should want. Caring and eager to help, but not willing to push just a single form of helping onto a person, waiting till she found the best way to treat them before she really started pushing at someone.
Harry didn't make any indication that he even noticed the woman who sat next to him, but at the flash of color he turned away from the spinning top and turned his attention tot eh butterfly instead, his eyes widening with a childlike amazement as he watched it, reaching out to touch the butterfly, his hand passing through the illusion and for a moment it almost looked as if Harry might smile and then the moment passed, without a grin as Harry stared, transfixed by the butterfly his head tilted a little as he watched it, Hermione sighing a little as she shook her head a little. “thank you for this Doctor Castle, that was the closest thing to a reaction we've gotten since he came here... besides the screams...” she admitted smiling as she stroked Harry's hair and kissed his forehead, making sure not to standing in his view, he didn't like that.

“i have to go now.” Hermione admitted looking rather nervous as she watched Doctor Castle. “you have my number right? You'll call me if anything changes?” she asked hesitantly, waiting for a response before she left for work, leaving Harry and his new Doctor all alone. Not that harry even noticed Hermione was gone, he was staring, transfixed on the butterfly, reaching out to touch it again hesitating at the wing tip before he withdrew his hand, a shadowed look crossing his face as he got up and went over to the drawing table just like he always did when he started to remember things he didn't want to remember. And as always he only drew one thing, a bright yellow Sun. he didn't bother trying to color the sky or make clouds or draw a ground or even a horizon. Just a large yellow circle that he colored in sloppily. What It means Hermione couldn't guess and the previous doctor hadn't tried to decipher, but Harry seamed insistent on drawing during these times, and the last time someone had tried to stop him he'd screamed until they allowed him to go back to drawing.

The last doctor had been a waste of time, Harry's files only included small notes from him such as 'doesn't like green, don't make him stop coloring, like's the color yellow, reacts to the sound of laughter.' and that was it, nothing that could actually help Kat in her diagnosis or her care of Harry, not even the foods he liked or if there was music that he reacted to, things doctors should have done.. it was like the last doctor had just left Harry alone in the room all day and didn't even bother trying.
Kat studied him as she joined him, looking down at the picture as she frowned a little. Going over the case file in her head,she loved having a photographic memory and she cursed Charles Johnson for being a glory hound who was more interested in riding harry's coat tails then he was in helping him. She, who disliked most human interaction, held a desperate need to fix what had broken in others, because she was unable to fix what was broken in herself. Looking curious as she walked over to the table with him she watched him draw for a moment, before letting her hand close around his, not to stop him,but to help him fill in the circle better. Smiling when it was properly colored in she smiled at him,"There. Did that chase all the shadows away?"She asked, not expecting a answer, but talking just so he'd get used to her voice. Not wanting to scare him if she was alone. And she understood the need to draw brightness, to chase the shadows of memories away, even if she didn't understand why he was doing it.

Smiling a little as she stepped away from him she raised her hands, once again weaving the spell around her fingers. Letting the spell that shaped the butterfly, she shaped a ball of witchlight, as bright yellow as the sun, holding a sembalance of heat, without actually being painful to look at."Would you rather create this instead of drawing sunlight?"She asked, really the light in her hands did look like captured sunlight, and it was her own creation,but she was willing to share it, if it would make him feel better.
Harry ignored her until her hands settled on his and he immediately reacted, his face twisting into a mix of terror and fury and he took a deep breath, preparing to scream before, thankfully, he realized that she wasn't stopping him, she was helping him. He settled down instantly and colored face blank once more as he watched the color slide across the page before he got bored with coloring, as calm as he had been when she walked in, his eyes flicking to the bright sun in her hands, his eyes widening a fraction as his head tilted just a little bit as he watched the sun, just sitting there and watching it. He didn't react to her words, it was as if he didn't even realize that she was talking, reaching out and swiping his hand through the sun, as if trying to snatch it away from her, his hands sliding through it just like he had with the butterfly.

He seamed a lot more fixated on the bright little sun then he did anything else and he actually got up and headed for it, grabbing her wrist, as if somehow that would make the sun solid, swiping his hand through it again and staring blankly at his hand before looking at the sun again, a dark scowl suddenly on his expression before it faded away as he took notice of her hair, his expression smoothing out again as he gripped a strand of her hair gently and ran it through his fingers, his head tilted a little as he ran his fingers through her hair again. He didn't take any notice of her, herself, but her hair held him as fascinated as the butterfly and the spinning top, running his fingers through her hair again and again as if he was petting her, enjoying the silky smoothness of her hair slowly, perfectly content to just stand there and pet her.
Kat looked confused at the actions, still and quiet under his hands as she let him pet her. Shifting to move back,gently resting her hands on his shoulders,pushing him down, both of them sitting on the floor as she let him keep petting her. Summoning her book she smiled, quite willing to study as he touched her. Reaching out, Kat gently touched his hands, muttering the witchlight charm, letting him have it before cracking open her book.

While she didn't understand what was causing his fascination with her hair, she figured it was a good sign that he was showing interest in something besides crayons and tops. "I'm studying magics within the courts of medivieal europe.The queens and kings seem to be closer to the magical world in those days, but still, not together. It's a odd blend and I'm trying to find what caused it."She said, mostly talking because she could. Even if he didn't respond, didn't even register she was really there, she had found that some had calmed under her talks of complete nonsense. Even then, she found sometimes she discovered more by their silence, then by them talking.
He sat down when she directed, happy so long as he could keep feeling her nice soft pretty hair his head watching his hand run down the soft red locks with no expression on his face or eyes taking the witch-light when she made it for him and hopping to his feet, looking around suspiciously, as if he was afraid of someone looking before he shoved it under his pillow, keeping his own personal sun safely hidden so that no one else could take it before he returned to his spot behind her, tugging on her hair gently. He had started to braid her hair, still blank, but seeming to enjoy himself as she spoke, not reacting and not responding as always, but he seamed to be enjoying the strange interactions they where having. It was probably the first time anyone had ever spent an extended amount of time with him.

Hermione tried, but she had five children and a dead beat muggle husband, and she was working two jobs to support them and could only offer at most five minutes between them to make sure Harry was alright and was eating, not that he ate much. Harry was just a confusing person, he went through so many moods and he would go in himself and come out a little, not that anyone could tell because no one had taken the time to actually interact with him.
Kat paused in the middle of her reading, feeling him gently tug on her hair as he braided it. It felt good, to have someone else taking care of her hair. Content to study and read wtih him, she let him do as he wanted, nearly falling over in surprise at the sudden call of her name."dr. Castle, report to the Er.Repeat, dr. kat castle, report to the er."Kat cursed silently as she slowly got to her feet, setting her books beside him,crouching to the sidee, remembering that he didn't like anyone standing right in front of him."Harry, I'll be back in a few minutes. No worries okay."She said standing, pressing a kiss to hsi forehead, like a mother to a child before walking out.

"You know blaise, just because I'm good at them, doesn't mean I like fixing the rookie's mistakes."kat said frowning as she scrubbed at her hands walking into the dean of medicine's office, studying the man. While she got along with the doctor zabini, she didn't particularly like babysitting his interns."I do have my own patients."She said leaning against the doorframe, having only come to tell him that his intern had managed to almost kill his patient, but now that she was standing in front of him, she remembered something important. He'd gone to school with harry.
Harry braided her hair until she got up and set her books down, not even reacting to the sudden call of her name or the way she jumped, reaching for her hair again and blinking at the kiss to his forehead, again not reacting at all.

Blaise looked up at her and smirked a little. “but if you didn't do it no one would.” he stated calmly as he finished sighing a piece of paperwork. “besides I wanted to talk to you about your new patient, Harry Potter.” he stated calmly. “i know I shouldn't have to tell you this but I have to because my boss said I have to.” he admitted snorting a little. “i want you to promise not to talk to the press about his state of mind or about how your treating him.” he ordered sternly winking at her to show he knew she wouldn't. “ho is he doing? Do you have any thoughts on him? I don't normally do this but I know you and I trust you more than I would trust any of my staff. I'm giving you free rein on his recovery. You, and only you, can take him out of the hospital. Just make sure you write down when you take him out and where your going in case of emergencies.” he ordered smiling at her. “please do your best to help him recover.”
Kat looked amused as she moved out of the doorway, closing it behind her. Moving to sit down across from him, she looked amused at the man's statement."When was the last time you had to worry about me talking to anyone, espicially the press?"She asked closing her eyes as she leaned back in her seat."He's....something's broken Blay, I don't know how, or what caused it,but there's something missing.What do you remember about him from school?"She asked looking slightly anxious. The idea of this man, being hurt by a collague's desire to be famous more then helpful, made her anxious to figure out what was wrong.
Blaise smiled a little. “like I said, I wasn't worried my boss made me say it.” he stated with a shrug before sighing a little. “i only know what I witnessed myself and what Hermione Granger told us. That prick Johnson didn't actually listen to Hermione, but I couldn't fire him because I needed his skill as a surgeon.” he admitted shaking his head. “from what I know Harry was abused as a child by his muggle family, Dumbledore used him like a pawn and Harry wanted to die, the only reason he never killed himself was so that he could take Voldemort out with him. He blames himself for everyone who died, and that includes Ron Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Sirius black, Remus Lupin, and even Ginny Weasley even though she jumped all on her own! I'm not a psychologist in any form so I can't tell you anything but what I know, but he was broken even before he faced Voldemort to the death... when he failed to die too... I guess something broke in him that was never fixed.”
Kat looked thoughful as she fiddled with one of her pens, staring at the floor."That...that actually makes sense."She said turning the thoughts over, having been behind the boys in school by a few years, she hadn't known harry by more then reputation. So, most of what the school knew was true.Interesting. Looking at blaise again he sighed."Johnson's not thawt good Blaise.You know it,and I know it."She said before standing."I better get back.Harry likes my hair."she said wondering what blaise would think of that, because besides the bright color, she couldn't figure out what he liked about the brilliant red curly hair.
Blaise nodded and smirked a little. “well alright so I didn't fire him because he was screwing my boss and I didn't want to get in trouble.” he stated with a shrug. “he's gone now, and you do have very pretty hair, maybe he just likes how soft it is?” Blaise suggested shrugging a little. “anyway be careful, Harry has sour moods sometimes, he bit Johnson once when he tried to get Harry to eat more, and he slapped a nurse pretty good, we're not sure why, she was making his bed and he just slapped her.” he shrugged. “probably thought she was someone else.” he fell silent with a sigh and went back to his paperwork.

Once thorn was back in the room she was met with disaster, her books had been completely torn apart, the pages torn into little pieces and flung about the room, and what Harry hadn't been able to tear apart he had crayoned all over with a bright red crayon, and he was now scribbling on the wall with the red crayon, witchlight in one hand crayon in the other and a blank expression as he always did.
kat frowned a little tiltign her head, before crouching down to start cleaning up the mess, sighing as she studied her books. dammit, those had taken awhile to get ahold of. Shaking her head a little she finished cleaning before looking at the man who was colorign on the very last book. Reaching out she gently eased the crayon out of his fingers, "Harry. These weren't yours to destroy. You shouldn't have done this."She scolded lightly, not because the books were inreplaceable, but because she needed him to know that this wasn't a proper way for anyone to behave. frowning a little when she realized he was coloring with the red crayon, letting him have it back as she sat back on her heels."Harry, why red?Is it because of my hair?"She asked the strands that he'd braided falling down around her face a little. "harry?"She asked gently resting her hands on hsi shoulders, wanting his attention.
Harry didn't react at all when she walked in and started cleaning up, nor did he react when she took his crayon away, just blinking at his empty hand until the crayon was placed back in it, resuming his coloring of the last book, not reacting at all when she set her hands on his shoulders, but when she leaned forward he took notice of a lock of her hair and he grabbed it, abandoning his destruction of her property to stroke her hair again, running his fingers calmly through the locks as he stroked the hair and then started braiding again, eyes fixed on the movements of her hair as he worked completely ignoring everything around him. It was as if he was only capable of concentrating on one thing at a time with an obsessive concentration. As if he just couldn't handle anything else and so fixated himself on just one thing.
Kat frowned a little as she watched the man braid her hair before leaning back a moment,gently touching his face, wanting his attention as he focused on her hair."Harry, would you like to go out for a few hours?My home is nearby."She said, thinking that maybe a change of scenery would be good for him. Maybe if he wasn't in the blank walled room, maybe he'd respond better to treatment. Making a mental note to talk to hermione again, she struggled to stay calm under harry's hands, despite it not being in her nature to be one so still.because her mind moved over things so fast, she couldn't sit still most of the time."Would you like to see what I do in my spare time?it's kinda like coloring, but instead of coloring, I dig up things."She said reaching out, tucking his own brunette hair behind his ears.
Harry didn't even seam to realize that she was talking, but at the word 'out' he stood up and moved over to the bed, grabbing his glowing sun and walking back, staring down at the little light as he followed her outside, his hair falling in his eyes as they walked, but he didn't seam to notice. He needed another haircut, he'd needed one for some time now, but at the single sight of a pair of scissors harry flew into a panic and started screaming, just like when someone stood in front of him or made him stop drawing when he was coloring his suns. So it was long and shaggy and in the way, not that Harry noticed. He blinked when a butterfly flew past and he turned before she could stop him, following the butterfly wherever it went until she pulled him back on course, going back to watching his little orb of light, people gasping in awe and amazement when they saw Harry outside with his doctor, the public hadn't seen Harry since before the fall of Voldemort, so it was a very shocking thing to suddenly see him staring at a miniature sun with the intensity of a man trying to kill his wife's boyfriend with his gaze alone.
Kat for her part, glared at the people watching them, letting the boy down as he wanted until the got to her house, letting them inside she looked around at the mostly unused living space. most of the time, she stole the couch in blaise's office, and crashed out there for a few hours of sleep. As much as she was brilliant, she was a sucker for other people needing help, and the hopistal directors exploited the weakness of their most brilliant surgeon, despite how young she was. Gently guiding him to the couch she tugged on the long locks, looking thoughtful."You need a haircut."She said trying to figure out how to cut it without him pancking, remembering what his file had said. before grinning, remembering what her father once given her, when she had expressed a desire to cut hair for a living....yes, she was eccentric and out there in her obseesions, but it didn't make her any less good. Summoning the straight razor she held it gently, looking at him, letting him see what she was holding.

"harry...can I cut your hair using this?"she asked.
Harry ignored the people, even the few that reached out to touch him, though they backed off as soon as Kat glared at them Harry blinking as he was sat down on the couch, looking surprised as he realized he was no longer in his room, blinking slowly as he stared at the wall in front of him, his head tilted as if he was trying to think, his eyes focusing on the straight razor in her finger's his breath catching in his throat, tears welling up in his eyes as he started to tremble violently, his breath rushing out in one, high pitched, utterly terrified scream that had been documented as Harry's reaction to things he didn't like, didn't want, or was even afraid of. Before she could stop him he was up off the couch and deeper into the house, finding the closest bed and hiding under it, clutching his witchlight tightly as he curled up into a ball and trembled violently, tears flowing down his face as he closed his eyes and waited for the straight razor to sink into his flesh and cause him pain.
kat cursed out loud to herself, having hoped because it wasn't scisors, that he wouldn't freak. Mentally kicking herself for causing this,though anyone else would take it in stride. Kat was harder on herself then most people, because she was brilliant, she held herself to a higher standard, and always strove to make no mistakes. Sighing as she put the razor back she moved into the room with harry, creating her own ball of witchlight before she crouched down in front of the bed, raising the blanket so she could look at him."Harry, come out lovely. I wont hurt you. I promise. I have some coloring things here somewhere if you want to color. come on."she said soothingly, hopign to calm the trembling she could see."Hey, I'm not going to hurt you.I just want to help harry. no hurting, I promise."She said, wondering if he was so deep within himself anymore, that he couldn't even understand words. And hoped she was getting through to him.
Harry was still trembling and he shivered and shook even harder when he saw the cover lifting, dropping his witchlight to cover his face in a shockingly childish motion, one of those 'if I can't see you, you can't see me' things. He slowly calmed down when no pain came and the soft tone of her words finally managed to reach his brain, he couldn't really understand the words anymore, but he understood the tone and for the first time since Kat had met Harry he opened his bright green eyes and looked her in the eyes, and for a moment he seamed to know exactly what was going on, who he was, where he was, a shocking moment of Lucidity before the madness clouded over again, like Harry had wrapped himself up in a shroud of it and hid within, staring at her witchlight, his own broken and dead from striking the ground so hard, reaching for it slowly, half crawling out of the bed to reach her light, terror completely forgotten in favor of the brightness that he could see.
Kat smiled shifting back so that he could crawl out, pressing the sunlight into his hands, letting the other hold it. stroking his hair a little."That's a sweetheart, good boy."She said soothingly, just to keep him calm as she stood, having seen the lucidity then it fading. Realizing he wasn't totally there, she knew he understood the tone."Lovely, come on. Lets go get some food. You're hungry aren't you?"she said easily, as if she wasn't getting ready to try something that had gotten johnson bit. She just hoped that her easiness and his seemingly trust would keep her from getting hurt. After all, as tall as she was, she was still smaller and weaker then the hero of the wizarding world, and she knew who would lose a fight if it came down to it.
he watched the witchlight glowing in his hands, standing up and following her into the kitchen, setting into the chair she pushed him into, staring at the pretty light in his hands before setting it aside when food was presented to him, taking only five or six bites before he ignored the food and watched the witchlight some more his head tilted as he examined the flashing light, taking three more bites when she insisted before he finally got annoyed and snapped at her fingers, trying to bite her when she tried to feed him more than he wanted. Looking slightly annoyed that she was trying to make him eat when all he wanted to do was watch the sun and chase all the badness away.
Kat winced as she jerked her hand back, smacking his fingers lightly for it before letting him have the witchlight again."No biting."She said before holding up another bite of food."Eat. You need it.And I'll eat some to."She said before eating some herself. Having every intention of getting him to eat even more as she made the witchlight flash through the rainbow of colors."Come on harry, it's good for you. eat, and I'll teach you how to change colors."She said, willing to bribe him, teh amused smile on her face, teasing him gently.
he ignored her completely, and when she tried to offer him another piece of food he just tried to bite her again, too fixated on the flashing witchlight to care that he wasn't actually full. He couldn't understand what she was saying anyway, he didn't much like sandwiches anyway, she could eat them, he didn't want them. He did pause however and turn towards the window when a smell wafted in from outside, his nose twitching as he stared at the window instead, the smell of greasy, unhealthy, street hamburgers filed the air. The hospital never served anything that was unhealthy, and that was what Harry liked the most. He didn't want sandwiches and vegetables and fruits, he wanted grease and fat and deep fried and just all around unhealthy. He also wanted to draw some more suns, he didn't like this strange place with it's strange things, he wanted his white walls back.
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