The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Krys had just turned 18 and had graduated from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. She had decided to become a death eater just like her father Severus Snape. It was a cold morning and Krys had woken up early as usual, she still hadn't gotten out of the habit of having to be up for classes. She laid in her bed for a few minutes before getting up to shower. When she was finished she put on her usual black tux and spiked her hair. Krys liked to dress well even if she was just staying in the manor for the day. Krys made her way downstairs to the sitting room and sat down in an armchair next to the fireplace. "Good morning Narcissa you're up early" ,Krys said looking over to the woman sitting in the chair directly across from her. "Morning Krys" ,Narcissa replied. Krys called for the house elf and a small scared looking creature came into the room, "Get me a cup of coffee" ,Krys told the elf. The elf returned quickly with the cup of coffee made just right for Krys' liking. Krys and Narcissa began a conversation about Draco and how he still had one more year left at Hogwarts and what his future held.

When Krys finished her conversation with Narcissa and her cup of coffee she excused herself from the room and made her way out side to go for a walk. While she was walking her father apparated in front of her making her jump. "Jeez dad you scared the shit out of me" ,Krys snapped. Her father just looked at her, "Inside now the dark lord has called for a meeting we'll have to go wake up the others" ,he told her while walking up to the manor's entrance. "Narcissa's already up" ,Krys called after him running to catch up to her father.

When they got inside he told Narcissa what was going on and looked at Krys again, "Go wake up Bellatrix and Rodolphus I'll go knock on Draco's door" ,Severus told Krys. She looked at him like he was crazy, "No fucking way not a chance Bellatrix is an evil bitch and she try and hex me if I wake her up" ,Krys said. Snape gave her a look and pointed in the direction of Bellatrix's room and Krys stomped up the stairs without another word.

Krys banged on Bellatrix's door and even kicked it a few times. Bellatrix and Krys hated each other and while most people feared Bellatrix Krys antagonized her, "Get up you evil whore the dark lord's coming for a meeting" ,Krys shouted through the door before giving it another hard kick.
Bellatrix was out late the night before doing another one of the Dark Lord’s missions, for their noble cause. She was exhausted; sleep couldn’t have come sooner for her. As soon as she was in bed she was gone. As Bellatrix slept Rudolphus held and cuddled her, despite the fact that she basically hated him he loved her, weather he showed it or not was a different matter.

Bellatrix didn’t hate him as much as she despised Severus’s daughter. There was only one other person she hated more than her and that was Harry Potter. As it was Bella doesn’t trust Snape one bit always watching and keeping an eye out, he’s too close to Dumbledore to really be on their side. She doesn’t care that the Dark Lord trusts him, so it should be fine but she senses something’s off and on top of that his Bitch of a kid, Krys.

All of a sudden, there was a loud Banging and Bellatrix jumped awake then hearing the voice, and the choice of words, it was the Wicked Bitch of the East. At first Bellatrix just ignored her it was too early for this shit, she groaned and placed a pillow over her head. As she continued to kick and pound the door, also hearing that the Dark Lord was coming she jumped up. “All right Already!! Scram you annoying Skank.” Bellatrix yelled back at her. Rudolphus groaned as Bella was basically ripped from him and because the two were at it again. “Why don’ t you just leave her be?” He asked as he got up. “Why don’t I just weave ‘er be?” She stated in her mock baby voice, before returning to normal. “Stay out of this…She’s a pest and needs to be taught a lesson.” Bella barked at him. ‘The Dark Lord is coming I have to dressed.’ She stated always happy and excited to see her Dark Lord you she loved more than life, though she never got the same in return. Bellatrix hopped out of bed get dressed and ready. Putting on her long Black dress, corset belt, tie up arm warmers that connect to the shoulders, and her black heels, Bella then pined her hair up to its normal shape and form undoing it before bed, After that all she needed was her wand and she’d be ready to go.
Krys sat at the table in the kitchen next to Draco as the two ate their breakfast. She was still fuming about the way Bellatrix had yelled at her. "You're aunt is a crazy bitch you know that don't you" ,Krys said as she took a bite of toast. Draco laughed and nodded his head, "Careful or she'll crucio the both of us for talking about her" ,Draco replied. Krys looked at him with an annoyed expression, "If she fucking crucios me again I'm going to punch her in the face fuck cursing her" ,Krys said with a mouth full of food. Narcissa walked by and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't talk with your mouth full hun" ,Narcissa said sweetly as she sat down with Draco and Krys and ordered the elf to bring her breakfast. Krys apologized after swallowing her food then turned back to Draco, "I dunno she just starts with me all the time what have I ever done to her"? Krys asked angrily of course no one had a real answer for her she always assumed it was because Bellatrix hated her father and thought that was a stupid reason to dislike someone.

When everyone was done eating they all sat and waited at the table for the dark lord to arrive. Krys was deep in a conversation about quidditch and she almost didn't notice Rudolphus and Bellatrix walk into the kitchen. When the two sat down Krys looked up after hearing the chairs move. Krys looked at Rodolphus and smiled, "Good morning Rodolphus" ,she said cheerily. He returned the smile and said good morning back. Krys looked to Bellatrix still smiling, "Fuck off Bellatrix" ,she said even more cheerily because she knew it would piss Bellatrix off. Krys knew Bellatrix wouldn't curse her in front of Narcissa and she took advantage of the fact that Narcissa was sitting at the table. Of course Krys got a stern look from Narcissa and apologized to her then gave a fake apology to Bellatrix. Draco sat there fighting back his laughter. Krys stared at Bellatrix in an attempt to annoy her further as they sat there and waited for the dark lord to arrive.
Bellatrix was slightly hungery but ignored it knowing that the Dark Lord would be there soon, and didn't want to be eating when he arrived. She'd wait until the meeting was finished. Belllatrix had paced about her room before even going downstairs calming herself she hated dealing with the other brat, she loved Draco then again he was familiy. In Bella's eyes it seems as Krys is always antagonising her.
Bellatrix had her reasons for disliking Krys, one was she was Snapes kid, two the lack of respect that she showed, and three becuase Krys didn't fear her the way the others did, and that drove her mad most of all. Even her own family have their moments when she scares them, but not Krys.
Bellatrix followed Rudolphus into the kitchen, taking her seat she smiled at Draco, then nodding to Cissy almost in away saying she'd try to behave, but after the rude awakening that morning she wasn't to sure how well that would work out. Bellatrix smirked at Krys, "Mornin' to you too, Bitch." She stated snapping a little. If only her sister wasn't there she'd either be on the floor or on fire by now, But this wasn't her house so she'd have to deal with doing things behind her sisters back. Bellatrix then looked at her sister noticing her look, Bella then looked away, she hardly apologized for anything. Bellatrix saw what she was doing staring just staring at her. It was indeed annoying, "What?" Bella snapped at her, recieving a look from Rudolphus and Cissy.
Krys smiled with accomplishment when Bellatrix snapped at her, "Nothing I just think you look very pretty today" ,Krys said quickly making an excuse. Krys did have to admit Bellatrix was quite beautiful even though she was a raging bitch but she would never admit that she really thought that to Bellatrix. Krys looked back to Draco and continued their conversation they were having before Bellatrix had walked in the room while they waited for the dark lord to arrive. When he did so did the rest of the death eaters Krys and Draco fell silent immediately and looked to the head of the table at the dark lord the man they trusted to give them everything. Krys respected Lord Voldemort and was for his cause one hundred percent, she didn't know where her father stood but hoped the rumors were wrong about him.

Voldemort looked around the table before he spoke his voice cold and spine tingling. "I have a mission for a few of you" ,he stated still looking around at his loyal followers. "Bellatrix, Draco, Krys, and Rodolphus, I trust you four can accomplish this task most efficiently so I'm sending you out to kidnap Arthur Weasley. You are to bring him back here alive for interrogation, he's close to Harry Potter and should know of his whereabouts and we're going to make him tell us" ,Voldemort looked around the table once more before disapparating. He was always quick with his meetings and not always too descriptive. Krys looked over at Bellatrix and gave her an irritated look. She really didn't want to have to deal with Bellatrix while on the job Krys knew eventually she would have to work with the older witch but she really didn't think it would be this soon. "Arthur should be leaving from work around 7pm tonight. He exits through the back entrance of the ministry be there at 6pm just to be sure" ,Snape told the four of them before he himself disapparated.

It was around 5pm and Krys and Draco were already dressed for the mission and ready to go. The two waited on Bellatrix and Rodolphus to come down stairs. They ate a quick meal then waited in the sitting room. Krys wasn't nervous in the least bit she had done missions for the dark lord a few times before and she knew what to expect. Draco on the other hand looked nervous as hell. "Don't worry mate you'll do fine" ,Krys whispered to him. She looked down at her watch then to the stairs, "They should be down here any minute" ,She said referring to Rodolphus and Bellatrix.
Bellatrix was taken aback slightly as Krys said that she looked pretty...a cover no doubt,but it was a complement. "Thank you..." She stated. As Draco and Krys spoke Bellatrix was off in her own world as she waited for the Dark Lord. 
As soon as the Dark Lord walked into the room Bellatrix jumped up bowing low to him, before taking her seat again.  Bella loved Voldemort, she'd follow him to the ends of the earth, even if she didn't get the same in return. He was the hope in the dark, he saved her from Azkaban there was no other cause to follow but his. 

As he spoke her name she sat straight up, having her head held high. Then Draco, great she could show him the ropes. Bella's eyes widened a bit her head falling slightly, already having to work with the "new" girl, her enemy. She took a deep breath happy that her husband would be there as well, they actually worked well together though their marriage didn't. Then a wicked smile crept onto her face, Weasley Potter's friend's father she'd take great pleasure in this despite who she was working with. Bella caught Krys's look, her face hardened and then she rolled her eyes, know she wasn't happy about the arrangement either. They couldn't stand each other so to work together out on the job would be difficult. 'Well at least she might learn something from me, since I an his most loyal servant.' she thought as everyone was silent a minute. Bella then heard Severus speak, turning her attention toward him. At least he actually knew what he was talking about. After the meeting Bella went back up to bed so she'd be well rested for later. 

It was nearing time for the task at hand, Bella was really for it. "We get Arthur, then we'll have Potter." She stated as her wicked smile appeared. She was in her typical Bellatrix dress for she no longer had any other clothes besides her night dress. Narcissa would have to go out and get her some, none of her clothes fit anymore, they were too big now.  Bella made sure she had her wand, then checking on Rudolphus making sure he was ready. Then they descended the stairs together. Bella went into the kitchen grabbing an apple, taking a bite she had eaten earlier and needed something. As she walked into the sitting room she saw the two of them, moving to a chair she sat not speaking.  Watching Draco he looked so nervous, in her soft sing song voice she spoke, "Draco. Sweetie,  Don't worry so much...nothing will happen to you, I promise, it will be an easy job. " she stated trying to comfort him. 
Krys watched as Bellatrix and Rodolpus walked down the stairs. When they sat down and Bellatrix reassured Draco, Krys said nothing knowing that Draco needed all the motivation he can get. Krys waited until Bellatrix was done eating her apple before looking at her watch to see what time it was. "It's 5:45 we should get going better to be there early just in case" ,Krys said standing up. Draco stood up next to her "Let's go" ,he said nervously. Draco and Krys left the manor and apparated together to an alley close to the ministry and waited for Bellatrix and her husband Rodolphus. They stood and waited keeping an eye on the door Arthur Weasley was supposed to come out of.

It had been nearly an hour that they stood there and waited Mr. Weasley should be coming out any minute. Krys pulled her wand out and held it close to her side. "Something's not right" ,Krys whispered. "He should've come out by now". She looked to her watch again, "It's 7:15 he's 15 minutes behind schedule" ,Krys looked over to the other three in the group. Rodolphus walked up to her, "He's probably just running late or maybe Severus got the time wrong" ,Rodolphus said reassuringly. "My father's never wrong when it comes to this stuff" ,Krys said and she was right Snape had never gotten a date or a time wrong, never he knew what went on in the ministry and if Arthur wasn't out by now something was wrong.

At around 7:30 Arthur Weasley finally came out the door, he looked around and stood there for a few moments. Krys and Draco walked slow and silent toward Mr.Weasley, Krys stopped and put her hand in front of Draco to make him stop. "Do you hear that"? she said quietly. "We've got to get out of here, there's a reason Arthur was late he was waiting for something or someone" ,She said as she looked around. Maybe she was being paranoid but she had a funny feeling that paranoia had nothing to do with it. Krys knew something was up she also knew no one would listen to her.
Bellatrix stood up as Krys said the time, "Yes, let's get going..." She watched as they were gone, "Let's go Rudy, Bella said holding out her arm, it was easier if they traveled together. They met the two in the Alley way close by, watching and waiting. Time continued to tick on, "Well where is he? He should have come out by now..." Bella stated looking at the door then began pacing. Bella's wand was close at hand not liking being so close to the ministry for if caught one way ticket for a dementors kiss. "Maybe Snivilous was wrong..." She stated in a whisper. Though she did give him credit he was normally right about the times. As Mr. Weasley walked out of the door, "Finally," she whisper egarly. As she slowly started to lurk toward him. "Why are you stopping we have to get him before we're noticed and if we don't return with him The Dark Lord will punish us." She said going around them, "...maybe he worked a little over time," Rudolphus said Bella looked at him and continued forward, she was about to attack when she heard something, maybe the girl was right, something wasn't right around here.
"I FUCKING KNEW IT, ARTHUR WAS THE BAIT"! Krys screamed as she watched Draco fall to the ground after an auror hit him with a spell. as Draco made his way to his feet Krys looked at him, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW GO HOME TO YOUR MOTHER" ,Krys told him. She could see Draco had been hurt, Draco apparated out of the area and Krys turned to see what the others were doing. Rodolphus was no where to be seen and her and Bellatrix were being closed in on. Aurors there had to be at least twenty of them, without thinking Krys did what came natural to her, "Avada Kedavra" ,she hissed pointing her wand at one of the men coming toward them, his body fell to the ground lifeless. "I can hold them off for a few minutes Bellatrix, Get yourself out of here I'll be home soon I promise" ,Krys told her hoping for once the woman would listen to her.
"FUCK!" Bellatrix turned around quickly hearing someone fall, it was Draco. No one really knew if he was an actual Death eater there was no proof unless they checked his arm. "AVADA KEDAVRA," She screamed as she hit an Aurora. Then a silent curico since Bellatrix no longer needed to even say the spells."Where the fuck is Rudy?" she spat he wouldn't have left Bella there, would he? Bellatrix started taking steps backwards as they came closer to her and Krys, in almost a motherly way, she stayed in front trying to protect and block them from hitting either Krys or herself. Hearing her words, Bellatrix shook her head fear in her eyes she couldn't go back there aand it wouldn't be right to leave her, then thought about, she shouldn't leave her there but if Bella didn't go she faced death in Azkaban. "If you're not home in a few minutes I'll be back..." She stated, thought she couldn't stand the girl she could let her rot in prison so young like herself. Bellatrix apperated back to the manor.
Krys felt relieved when Bellatrix decided to leave and not argue. Krys shouted curses at the aurors as she backed away towards the alley she knew she couldn't apparate with the aurors as close as they were to her. A sharp pain went through Krys' abdomen as she flew backwards into a brick wall, lucky for her she was far enough away to apparate back to the manor. Krys didn't hear the spell she was hit with so she didn't know how bad she was injured. Krys landed hard on the front lawn near the manor, she was weak and could barely get up whatever she was hit with was making her weak. Her vision became blurry and she could barely see the front door. All she could make out was a light and two tall figures. "Let's get her in the house Lucius she's bleeding pretty bad" ,she heard her father's voice as she felt two people grab her and carry her into the manor.

Next thing she knew she was laying on a table and people were holding her arms down while someone lifted her shirt over her stomach. "What the fuck's going on"? she asked weakly still unable to see who was around her. "Just stay still Krys it'll be over soon" ,she heard Narcissa's voice say. She looked in the direction it had come from and realized she was one of the people holding her down. "W-What are you talking about"? Krys asked confused. Then she felt some kind of liquid hit her stomach and it felt as if someone had poured boiling water onto her skin. "FUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK"! Krys yelled in pain she tried to break free from the people holding her down but she was too weak and could barely move. After a few minutes the pain subsided and Krys' vision started to become more clear. She heard her father muttering some kind of spell and she looked over to him finally able to make him out. "Dad what the fuck happened" ,Krys asked sitting up looking around the room. "They used a spell on you that caused you to bleed out it's a spell I myself invented and I don't know how any of them would know it" ,Snape said with a look of confusion on his face. "On top of it you splinched yourself when you apparated" ,he continued.

Krys made her way to the sitting room with help and sat on the couch. Draco sat down next to her and looked her straight in the eyes, "The spell you were hit with, Potter hit me with it last year at school he must've told the aurors hoe to use it he found it in an old book. Your father must've forgot that Potter tried to use it on him as well" ,Draco said slowly. "I hope the dark lord kills that boy" ,Krys responded. "I've never felt more pain in my life then I just did lying on that table". Draco handed Krys a cup, "Here I brought you something to drink" ,he told her. The two sat and talked for a while until Rodolphus came walking into the manor drunk as a skunk, "Where did you go"? ,Both Krys and Draco asked at the same time.
Bellatrix ran into the manor as soon as she reached it informing them that they were ambushed and Krys was still out there. Bellatrix started to pace, five minutes she'd give the girl five minutes before she'd go out and get her. Just as she was getting ready to go back for her she saw a form flop onto the lawn. She assumed it was Krys, the form was too small to be Rudolphus. As Bella watched the others ran out to her, carrying the girl inside. Bellatrix heard them talking about blood, and how bad she was hurt. Bella stayed for a few minutes then slipped away to her room.

"I Shouldn't have left her there...I should have had her go...The Dark Lord isn't going to be happy about any of this...She hurt because of me, she knew something was up and I didn't listen it was too late...Where the hell is my husband? How dare he leave in the middle of a fight, we had a job to do...But I don't care she too young to be doing the same work, way to naive I mean how could she think she could handle them all on her own." She ranted as she paced in her room. Figuring she needed a drink and some air she went down into the kitchen and took a tall glass of fire Whiskey, when she heard the door open.

"I don't need to answer to you two.." Rudolphus slurred Bellatrix heard him becoming angry and crazed, the crazy glint in her eyes shined brightly as she made her way to the door. "No you don't have to anwser to them...but you do to me! Where the fuck did you go? You left me! You left me notcaring weather I go back and rot in Azkaban, You Bastard...You filthy Bastard, technically you are a trator for leaving me and them to fight you are unfaithful." Bellatrix snapped at him not caring weather the other two were watching. She reared her hand back and slapped him square arcoss his face. In retaliation Rudolphus pushed her, she blinked a moment tilting her head, quickly pulling out her wand. "Cruico!" She screamed as Rudolphus fell to the floor screaming and twitching But Bella kept at it, intensifying it, a wicked smile started to form as you continued to hurt him.
Krys was about to punch Rodolphus in the face for his rudeness when she heard Bellatrix's voice come from the kitchen. Krys and Draco watched as Bellatrix cruciod her husband. Krys stood up and looked down at the man lying on the floor as did Draco. "You should be ashamed of yourself Rodolphus you left us all to die, you left your wife out there with Draco and I to fend for ourselves" ,Krys spat. "Give him hell Bella the dark lord will hear about his disloyalty but for now I think you deserve a shot at him" ,Krys sat back on the couch and watched. Draco looked at the man with disgust before spitting in his face and taking his seat next to Krys on the couch. The two young death eaters watched as Bellatrix tortured Rodolphus they felt no remorse for the man after what he had done and kind of enjoyed watching him squirm.

After a while Narcissa came down the stairs from her room, "BELLATRIX! What are you doing"? Narcissa screamed in terror. Draco looked up at his mother, "He left us mum, he's getting a traitors punishment" ,Draco told her calmly. Krys just stared at the man with fire in her cold blue eyes she had never been more mad at someone in a long time.
Bellatrix got destracted for just a moment as she saw movement, looking like she would attack the other two, but she still had her senses hearing Krys words. smiling a bit as she continued to toruture her husband. Bellatrix stopped acting as if she was done then started up again. Bellatrix cackled as she tortured him, throughly enjoying herself.

"He desereves Cissy, trust me, He left us out there...He left me out there knowin damn well I can't face a dozen Aurors, alone with two teens, who are still learning, As much as I hate to say it, from 14 years in a hell hole rotting away I'm still weak...Yeah i said it I'm weak. I can't go back Cissy, i'll die if I do...he knows it. Draco could have gotten hit with worse and Krys nearly died tonight. When the Dark Lord get's to him he'll know Hell!" Bellatrix stated, as she kept her focus continuing to harm him. Narcissa looked at Draco then at her sister, "Bellatrix stop! You're going to kill him!" She stated. Bella ignored her continuing on. Narcissa then hit her with a minor shocking spell to make her stop. Bellatrix quickly turned and pointed her wand at her sister. Narcissa's eyes went wide, as did Bellatrix's she looked lost. "Bella? Trixie...Put your wand down it's Cissy you're're alright!" Narcissa said lowering her wand. Something clicked with Bella and she blinked lowering her wand, looking at her sister like she was about to cry but wasn't about two while the other two were there. She turned and looked at her husband, removing her ring and throwing down at him. Before she ran up stairs without another word.
Krys and Draco watched as Bellatrix nearly hexed her own sister, the woman was upset and she had every right to be. Draco stood up and looked to Krys, "You feeling stronger mate"? ,he asked and Krys gave him a confused look. "I feel fine now why"? Krys asked she seen the look in Draco's eyes he was pissed at Rodolphus and right then and there Krys knew what he wanted. "He left us my aunt could've went to prison and you almost died, two people I care about could've been ripped out of my life, what he got wasn't enough" ,Draco said as he looked at Krys tears swelling up in his eyes. The boy Krys had grown up with had become a man, a man that wanted to defend and protect his family. Krys stood up and when the two walked over to Rodolphus Narcissa gasped but didn't argue. "Stand up" ,Draco snapped pointing his wand to the man on the ground, "Stand up you fucking coward"! He repeated. Rodolphus stood up and looked at Draco and attempted to pull his wand out. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" ,Krys said from behind him pointing her own wand at him. "I've killed one man tonight and I won't hesitate to kill you if you hurt him". Krys glared at the man her heart racing and her body heated with rage. The two young death eaters lead Rodolphus outside to the front yard and Draco kicked him in the back of the leg making him fall to his knees. "This is for my aunt Bellatrix" ,he said before punching him in the face busting his lip open. "And this is for Krys" Draco hit the man in the face multiple times before looking to Krys. "Call him" ,he said and Krys lifted her sleeve and touched the tip of her wand to the dark mark that rested on her forearm.

Narcissa watched through the window as everything went on and when she seen Krys summon the dark lord she ran to Bellatrix's room. When she got to the door she was nearly in tears. "Bella, He's coming....D-Draco and Krys have summoned him....Rodolphus will get his punishment" ,she said through the door. "Those two must care a lot about you to do this for you, they're holding him until the dark lord arrives, just thought you'd like to know". Narcissa walked downstairs and sat down waiting for the dark lord to arrive.

Krys and Draco held Rodolphus out in the front yard like a piece of meat waiting for a lion to come and rip him apart. When the dark lord came he looked at the two then down at the man they were holding. "Rodolphus I know what happened and I'm not happy" ,Voldemort hissed before casting imperio on Rodolphus making him walk back into the manor. He looked to Draco and Krys, "Let's go inside I have a lesson to teach to everyone" ,Voldemort walked behind Rodolphus into the manor and Krys and Draco followed him. When inside Narcissa stood up at his presence and bowed. Voldemort let up the curse and looked at Rodolphus with anger in his eyes, "Tell me Rodolphus.....Tell me your side of the story" ,He hissed. Rodolphus backed away from Voldemort in fear.
Bellatrix once in her room slammed the door and threw herself onto the bed tears poured from her eyes, no one but Narcissa has seen her cry. Normally a good torture made her feel better but this wasn't the case. Her husband, the one she was faithful to, though never in love with him stuck by him, for years even in Azkaban though they didn't see one anther. By his disloyalty she felt unloyal, sharing the name Lestrange to be married to a traitor, what was his motive? Through all of the various fights they worked well together, why would he leave her? He left her there if Bella was captured again it would mean death, he knew that on top of that the two kids could have been killed, Draco was hit and whatever hit him hurt, if he would have stayed he could have died and besides losing a family member they'd lose there ticket to Hogwarts. Bellatrix loved her nephew dearly, she treated him like her own son at times, since she never had children of her own. Narcissa would have killed Rudolphus if Draco died and he lived. Then there was Krys, though Bella couldn't stand her, she remembered what it was like to be young out of school, forced to marry Rudolphus and fighting for the cause she has had incidents similar to what happened tonight to Krys, but Bellatrix was personally trained by Voldemort himself. Plus if anyone was to ness with the girl it would be her. 
Bellatrix tried to make sense as she cried into her pillow like a child would. 

Bellatrix heard quick footsteps coming toward her room. Picking her head up as she heard her sister's voice. Bella jumped and gasped, "They did what? The Dark Lord is coming?... Here? Now??"  Bellatrix jumped out of bed running to the window, looking down at the three. Then up to the sky it seemed to become darker.  Bellatrix took her wand and magically opened her door. "They don't care about me...Draco might...but they're not doing it for me...they  both were hurt because of him.  I could have done more to him but I know the Dark Lord will take care of it. Then next spell out of my mouth would have killed he will wish for death." Bella said taking a deep breath walking over to her little sister, wiping her own tears away, before wiping away her sisters. 
Bellatrix followed her downstairs sitting with her a minute. Then feeling her mark burn she knew he was angry, probably with Rudolphus but afraid he was angry with her she went into the other room lurking. 

Rudolphus was scared now that the Dark Lord was there peering into him. He had his reasons for doing it. He was angry with his wife, for well not loving him. He was frightened so he took off no longer really caring anymore about Bella she should be able to care for herself like she always said.  He was actually going to try and find back up but being unsuccessful went to the bar to drink it off knowing that they would most likely would die or be captured. "I went to find help and no one came, my Lord." he stated shakily. Bellatrix watch from her "hiding" place. 
Krys and Draco watched as Rodolphus made excuses, the dark lord looked as if it was just making him angrier. "Liar" ,Voldemort hissed, his eyes staring into Rodolphus'. "I know exactly what happened I can see it" ,he continued. Everyone knew that Voldemort could read minds and Rodolphus obviously couldn't block him out. Voldemort turned and laughed, a cold, spine chilling laugh, "First he abandons his fellow death eaters, then he tries to cover it up when confronted about it" ,Voldemort turned to look at Draco and Krys, "Take a seat you two you're about to learn what happens to people that turn their backs on me". Krys and Draco took a seat next to each other on the couch and turned all their attention to Voldemort and Rodolphus. Voldemort turned back to a scared looking Rodolphus ,"CRUCIO"! He yelled and Rodolphus screamed louder then he did when Bellatrix had put the curse on him earlier. Krys and Draco watched as Voldemort tortured Rodolphus for nearly twenty minutes. When he was finished he took one last look around then disapparated, the assault was quick but painful and everyone watching could tell it had an affect on Rodolphus.

Krys and Draco both went to their rooms to change into something comfortable to wear for the rest of the night. When the two were done they made their way to the kitchen and sat at the table. "So what do you think is next"? ,Draco asked as he poured himself a drink. "I dunno but I do know you've got to work on that vanishing cabinet, focus on that for now" ,Krys told him. "We need a way into that school and that cabinet is the way in it just needs to work properly" ,she continued. The two sat and talked for a while before Draco wanted to go to bed, he would be boarding the train to school in the morning and needed his rest. Krys on the other hand couldn't sleep, even though she herself wasn't going to school any more she did still want to see her best friend off when he got on the train. Krys just accepted the fact she'd be tired going to drop him off and she'd have to be hidden now that the aurors seen her face.
Bellatrix believed Rudolphus for a brief moment that has happened before when  a mass was attacked someone  find reinforcements. But Rudolphus was  was a coward and he was lying to the Dark Lord he was screwed. Bellatrix shuddered as  Voldemort yelled at her husband. Bellatrix had been on the recieving end of his wrath before and she knew better than to ever make him angry. Bella shank back as he laughed still watching on guard. 

Bellatrix knew what was coming next as she peered out of her hiding place with a wicked smile on her face, she enjoyed watching him torture. Bella could still remember feeling her first Crucio from Voldemort, she'd never forget it. She was probably Krys's age give or take a year or two, she was sent after someone, unable to remember his name, she was supposed to kill him but stunned him and knocked him out instead. The Dark Lord had asked if she had completed the task  she replied with a yes hoping he wouldn't know, but he did and the pain that pulsed trough her body, she begged for death, she cried, she never knew such pain before. From that moment on she never disobeyed him she knew better, sure there were minor misunderstandings but the pain wasn't as bad as the first one. Now Rudolphus never seemed to learn. He thought he could get away with anything, but he always was caught. 'That ones going to hurt.' she thought as he twitched, spassed and screamed. After he left Bellatrix waited another 5 minutes before coming out, knowing he wasn't coming back that night, she mustn't be in trouble it wasn't her fault. She walked about the Halls then decided to go to the garden it was so peaceful out there. About an hour later she returned, Bella had been crying again not that she'd admit it. Bellatrix walked into the kitchen seeing Krys still awake, knowing Cissy and Lucius went to bed early and Draco had to board the train. Bellatrix walked over to the cabinet taking out a bottle of fire whiskey and a glass. As she poured her glass, she spoke, "Krys.......I...Thanks, for earlier." She turned to look at her taking a drink of her glass. 
Krys had sat in the kitchen for about a half hour to an hour before Bellatrix came in and poured herself a drink. She wasn't expecting a thank you from the woman, in fact when she had thanked her Krys gave an odd almost confused expression. "'re welcome" ,Krys said finally, she had never took so long to register something as simple as a 'thank you' in her life. Krys sat quietly for a few moments letting herself think things over, after watching Rodolphus get tortured she vowed to never disappoint the dark lord, she looked over to Bellatrix, "Do you think I can have some of that"? Krys asked looking to the bottle that Bellatrix had placed on the counter. "I have to ask you a serious question and it may come as a shock to you but would you be willing to come with me tomorrow night to get Weasley and finish what we were supposed to tonight"? Krys hated not finishing something and she wanted to get Arthur Weasley and although she disliked Bellatrix Krys knew damn well that she would be the best person to go and get him with. "I know we have our differences but other then my father you're the only person I believe is right for this job, if the dark lord wants Arthur Weasley he's going to get him and we're going to hand deliver him" ,Krys looked into Bellatrix's eyes with sincerity then continued. "His guard will be down if we attack quickly, he won't expect us to try again right after the auror attack so we should be safe, this time we wait until he gets a few feet away from the ministry then we grab him and apparate back here". Krys looked at Bellatrix and waited for her answer she knew Bellatrix was driven by pleasing the dark lord and Krys knew that their best chance of successfully kidnapping Arthur Weasley would be the two going together with out Draco or Rodolphus.
Bellatrix watched her for a minute or so, expecting the look she received. On top of the fact that she had thank Krys, Bella hardly thanked anyone, it was strange to hear. Bellatrix looked at her noticing her look shifted toward the bottle when she asked to have some, Bella turned and grabbed another glass and began to pour it. She knew the girl had been through a lot in one day, watching a massive torture, getting stuck in an Auror attack, almost dying she handled a lot and Bella gave her credit for it, though she wouldn't verbally say it. Bellatrix turned back around after capping the bottle looking skeptical, and curious of the question she needed to ask her. Bella watched over to the table placing the glass in front of her, then taking her own glass and the bottle sitting across from her. Bellatrix's eyes grew wide a moment, she had the same idea as Krys except, Krys wasn't her first choice to go with. Bella's eyes were also wide because she had actually voiced her thought aloud unsure weather to go or not due to what happened. Bellatrix took a large sip of her drink as she thought about the offer Krys made. She then looked at her, "You're afraid, aren't you? To disappoint 'im... After what happened tonight? It feels like a fate worse then death and before it's over you'll be begging and crying for death to come." She asked, Bella was curious to see if this was about what happened earlier or her own. Bella took the same action years ago after being Punished, and she brought the body back killing him in front of the Dark Lord. Bella took her words as a compliment she knew Bella had the experience and the drive to please the Dark Lord however possible. Taking another sip of whisky that burned down her throat, she looked Krys in the eyes and spoke, "You have Spunk...I'll go. We'll finish the job, without any problems this time, his guard will be down. We don't normally strike twice, the Auror's won't be around...and the Dark Lord will be pleased...I know. It's almost as you read my mind by the way..." Bellatrix agree'd to go with her though she couldn't stand the girl she was grateful to her from not leaving her like her husband had done to face the death sentence in Azkaban. Bellatrix finished her glass and poured another one, she wasn't an alcoholic but she needed to drink after all of this, plus in her mind she figured that Voldemort may be back to curico her next for failing when she was teaching her nephew and Krys.
When Bellatrix asked if Krys was afraid she took a sip from her own glass then looked over to Bellatrix, "I'm a little afraid, but I'm more disappointed in myself I should've grabbed Arthur before leaving, those fucking aurors someone had to have tipped them off but who" ,Krys said through gritted teeth. "I'm not going to fail the dark lord I refuse to I became a death eater for a reason Arthur Weasley will tell us where the boy is if I have to torture him myself" ,Krys wasn't just talking big to impress Bellatrix, she had tortured people before and had no mercy when doing it. "Potter has to die there's no question, the dark lord needs to kill him and I'm going to help in any way I can". Krys took another sip from her cup. "We'll go tomorrow night after dinner same time as last night and when we get him back here we'll lock him down stairs and summon the dark lord". Krys was focused on success and knowing that Bellatrix was on the same page as her made things so much better. "I'll be gone tomorrow morning to go with Narcissa to see Draco off if you can steer clear of my father and Rodolphus I don't want either of them knowing what we have planned, I can't believe I'm about to say this but you're the only person I trust with this. We'll leave separately as well so no one follows".
Bellatrix smiled at her response, she knew she had to be scared, everyone including Bellatrix herself was afraid of him. Though Bella didn't worry as much she was in his favor. "You did what you could, for an attack like that. " Bella wasn't about to criticize her for her work that evening, and she kept her mouth shut about who she thought could have tipped them off. She would automatically accuse Snape for it, he worked double for Dumbledore he couldn't be trusted. If it was she knew that her husband feared Snape, so if Snape had told Rudolphus to leave he would have. It didn't add up Rudy had never left her in battle before. Her and Snape never got along so he was her first suspect in this. Hearing her words was almost like a flash back Bellatrix could remember saying something along those lines when she was younger the witch she had told it to died in battle though, but she followed her words and was never un loyal purposely. "Yes and even if Weasley doesn't speak somebody will in order to get him back. The boy will die, but it must be done by  The Dark Lord's hand." Bella stated taking another drink. "Right after supper, in the shadow of Darkness." Bellatrix nodded in agreement he'd be trapped downstairs all they'd have to do is call Voldemort. "Oh right, Draco leaves tomorrow, I almost forgot." Bellatrix raised her eyebrow, "There's no need to worry about that dearie. One, your father and I don't speak unless need be, and Two, Rudolphus will be hiding from me all day if he knows what's good for, speaking of which He needs to get out of my bed." Bellatrix stated there would be no problem plus Snape would probably be at Hogwarts most of the day as well, and if her well technically her ex husband since she threw her ring back at him, came near her she'd curse him. Plus being skilled at legimency and Occumence (sp) she could easily hide what she wanted to except from the Dark Lord. "You can't believe it and I can't believe that those words came from you so it's a mutual agreement. Would you like to leave first or should I?"
"That's a good question, maybe I should not that I think it will matter either way but if anyone does happen to spot you leaving only a little bit after I do you can just tell them you're keeping an eye on me" ,Krys said right before taking another sip from her cup. She was starting to feel the alcohol take affect and it relaxed her a bit. "I don't blame you for wanting to kick that asshole out of your bed he deserves to sleep on the fucking floor like a dog, if I was married I would never leave my wife to die". Krys was still livid with Rodolphus and wasn't going to hold back how she felt. Krys was a very blunt person and spoke her mind regardless of who it may piss off. "Sorry me and Draco kind of told on Rodolphus but he deserved what he got, my father's looking at the same fate unless he decides where his loyalties lie" ,Krys admitted she knew her father was a bit shady and it bothered her she was a death eater and a loyal one she didn't want to be on the opposite side of her father but if he turned on Voldemort Krys was prepared to disown him. Krys finished what was left in her cup then stood up and made her way to the counter and opened the bottle and poured some more, she was mere inches away from Bellatrix and she turned to look at the woman again, "If everything goes according to plan Arthur Weasley will be locked downstairs by this time tomorrow night and the dark lord will be torturing him for information, it gives me a rush just thinking about it" ,Krys said quietly with an evil smirk spread across her face. Krys was a very twisted individual she just kept it well hidden the only person who knew exactly how twisted she really was, was the dark lord himself.
"Alright either way works for me but that is a good cover for the Dark Lord probably wouldn't want you dead while your still learning your true skills.They'd by it." Half way threw her second cup bellatrix started to mello out and relax being up tight all day since the attack. I've been waiting to kick him out of my bed for years even before Azkaban, I've never loved him, I made my pureblood marrage and I will make my pureblood divorce somehow. Besides he desevres worse than the floor more like a bed of nails." She stated maybe she drank a little too much telling Krys an 18 year old girl who she hated about her life problems. Bellatrix looked at her slightly confused, "Don't you mean husband?" She asked not really registering it. "I don't care once I got my senses together I would have handed him over, I just can't believe he left me there he's never done that before. We normally work well together...i don't understand." With that she finished her second glass. "I've never trusted him he goes back and forth,He works to close to Dumbledore to be trusted but the Dark Lord trusts him as my sister told me I think he's mistaken for once but I don't have a say in that." She stated only her and Narcissa had spoke about that when they had him make the unbreakable vow to look out for Draco. Bellatrix watched as Krys stood and walked over to the bottle, Bellatrix smiled wickedly at her words "The Dark Lord will be so pleased with us." Bellatrix stated.
"Husband? Hell no I'm about as gay as they come" ,Krys said laughing after she realized what Bellatrix had said. She took a sip from her freshly filled cup then looked over at Bellatrix, "Yes he will be pleased and we'll all be one step closer to Harry Potter" ,Krys said placing her cup down on the counter. "As for my father who knows where he stands I do hope it's with us though, like him or not he is a brilliant man and his intelligence could help us greatly". Krys took another sip from her cup then made her way back to the table and sat down, she looked Bellatrix up and down after she took her seat. Krys had to admit the woman was beautiful but she would never tell her that, she turned her attention back to her glass quickly hoping Bellatrix didn't catch her checking her out. "So it's settled then we'll go get Weasley tomorrow just us, never thought I'd say that either" ,Krys admitted. "But to get something done you sometimes have to do things you'd never expect". Krys continued to drink and with every sip the alcohol had more and more of an affect on the young Snape.
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