Death note ~The second kira


Jul 26, 2011
In a roleplay ,duh

Kali was on her way to her first class of college witch was math. She sighed thinking about the events that have been happening the past few days in her town. There have been so many freaky deaths happening that they think that it might be another kira. Kali used to be a on a fan based website that talked about the so-called Kira and she was very sad hearing the news of his death. When she hears about the new killings, she started to make her own site. One of the reasons, is that the killings were just random people and not rapists, killers or robbers. Second of all she wanted to meet the new kira, even if he was a lot worst then the first one. She thought it was crazy how the deaths were planned out like a final destination movies but half of them had to be fake because all shows tend to lie to get more viewers.

Kali looked at her paper to see what building and room it was then started to walk over to where she had to be,walking into the big class room and only seeing a few people. She walks up a few steps then walked over to a guy that looked some-what nice. She got out her laptop and waited for it to start up. "hey.." She kinda mumbles low to see if he would ignore her or not

It had been two weeks since the killings had started. Originally it was five deaths within five hours. Those five were his test subjects. Heart attack for one and the other four actually did something before meeting their death. Then the deaths stopped. Until four days later when the first five people in the personal death toll skyrocketed to fifty seven in one day. Each of those deaths happened simultaneously across the country. In fact the thing was so insane that businesses closed down for a couple days allowing people to spend the last few days alive with their loved ones. The deaths then balance out to be at a constant pace but not so many at one time. And Withing two weeks life was back on track aside form the constant fear of someone dying.

The original Kira had the right plan on how to make the perfect world. Unfortunately his plan was flawed. He would only kill criminals. The utopia he had was not created properly as bullies still exited and so long as people did petty crimes they were not killed off. Bryan, although was not out to make a utopia, had already caused a lot of people to play nicely at the fear of being killed for no reason.

Bryan was at the McDonald's Across the Street from the college eating a Burger when he looked at his cell phone. It was still a few minutes before the next death would take place and this time he was making sure to have a front row seat to the Death. Most of his killings were freak accidents, something completely unexplained, and thus he could not be at each one. The next death however was going to happen right outside the window he was next to.

Perfectly on cue the Helicopter was hovering overhead. Smoke blowing of one engine and it quickly started spiraling down to the ground. The professor who had just Flunked Bryan crossing the street and the Helicopter blade cleaving head clean off. The pilot escaping without a scratch only to be hit by a car right after. Two for the price of one.
"HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THAT?" One kid around Bryan;s age screamed freaking out.
Of coarse he did. Bryan was the one who willed it to happen.
Kali was ignored by almost every in her class so she just went to her site, starting to update a few things when the fire alarm went off, making her and many of the students run outside to see people running around screaming and big ball of a fire in the middle of the road. "KIRA! HES BACK! HES KILLING EVERYONE!" some one screamed then kali got out one of her camera to take pics of the big fire that was in front of the McDonald's. She took a few then people were sent home for the day in case some else happen.

Kali sighed, like having the day off but she did't really have many friends to spend it with so there was no point in even coming home to hear her mother bitching about some thing dumb like always. She walked down the street, walking over to the park then layed down on the grass, looking up at the sky. " right in front of my college..he was so close to my college. What if he would kill me? i have never done one knows me..." She starts thinking about random things.
Those words were beautiful to hear. Being compared to the self proclaimed god from seven years ago. It was nice to hear that, but at the same time, he did not want to be called a god. No, gods still had other gods to be compared to. Bryan wanted to be the god of Gods. The ruler of the universe.

Unfortunately classes were cancelled and everyone was excused. Bryan lived on campus. but the Campus dorms were also off limits for now, forcing him to find somewhere else to be. Sighing He decided to head into the park to relax. Perhaps boot up his computer and look at his website. Some fan of his had started a Website and he was happy to see it every day. His fans leaving messages and such. He wished he could have found a way to Access the site as Kira instead of some simple fan. He wasn't the hacker he wished to be.

The park was empty. Probably because of the accident people ran home. There were a few people but for the general part, it was empty. Sitting on one of the benches he booted up his computer.
Kali was roll around in the grass, thinking more about the events then walked over to a bench near by to get some wifi. She seen someone already sitting there, so she sat down at a tree nearby. When she signed back into the site, she seen the chatroom filling up very quickly. Kali's user's name was "TheRealKira" As she entered the main chat, starting talk about the helicopter case that she claim to have done, but really she just had copied and pasted it off news report.

She giggles to her self then started to write as more people got mad or asked why.

TheRealKira: I kill people because i can. I don't have to have a reason why. If you really most know, its to see how many different ways a person can die.
That was irritating. Bryan had no issue with people wanting to be him but when someone Claimed to be him, that was when it got irritating.
"It seems you like to take credit for other's work." He typed and sighed. Usually he would have been careful due to the FBI tracking computers, but he figured he ma have been safe. After all he figured the FBI wouldn't waste time on a fan site. Anyone could claim to be Kira on a website. They would need proof he was and with the way he hid the death note, he thought he was safe.
"The real Kira would not appreciate you claiming to be him or take credit for his work. What gives you the right to portray him and pretend to be him?"
He almost wished he could just find the person who ha claimed to be him so he could right their name down and have them start a live feed of them dying.
"You should be careful because if he every finds you you will die."
Kali gasped at the person's comment then went to their profile, not showing where or who they were, just their user name

TheRealKira: Is that so? i have right to take credit for whatever i want. People will always say they are the so-called "real kira" but the truth is there can only be one. I for one show people how it happens and tell them i'm noting like the first kira who was soon killed.

Kali rolled her eyes, thinking it was some pissed off person of the internet.
"You have no right to take credit for something the true Kira has done. What was the name of the pilot. That name has not been released. Not yet. neither has the name of the teacher who has been killed. You have no right to take credit for his work."
Bryan was taking extra care to say anything that could lead to his arrest. "You are simple trash. You should not claim to be someone you are not. though it is true, You are nothing like the first Kira. The first Kira could actually kill people."

He was growing frustrated. Sure he wouldn't mind someone else taking the fall, but the issue here was there was no way he was going to quit if one was arrested for the deaths, so he had to keep everyone claiming to be him stop. If anyone were to take the fall, it would be after he had his fun."
Kali was really started to get mad. She was very good with computers, to the point she was a hacker then went into the FBI files
, looking at the reports of who was killed and a few emails

" The pilot was Mike Fisher, and the teacher who worked at the college just across from the street was Robert Miles"

She bites down on her lip, hoping she sared this person away.
Upon reading her response he laughed out loud. To add to the effect, even though the chat had continuously been filling up it had remained silent aside form both he and Kali arguing.
"Interesting if I didn't know better I would say you just proved to be Kira." He said giving her a false sense of hope. "But i know you are not Kira, and the only reason I know that is because this whole time, you have been speaking to him."
as soon a she posted that teh whole chat filled up with oos and wows and no ways. "Never claim to be me."
Kali gasped, watching her chatroom fill up and then her site crashed from all the users that was talking like crazy. She gaped, starting to trace where the location was, then used a map on Google, zooming in fast then seen it was the same place where she was. She gasped, looking around quickly, to see if there was person on a laptop but there was too many teenagers that just got out of college sitting around and half of them on laptops. "fucking asshole..t-that ass! i will show him!" She mumbles then started to trace the ip address to a coffee shop wifi then tried very hard to see what computer it came from.
"FUCK" Bryan cussed when the site crashed. and shut his computer down. "He should get a better web service." He growled still unaware that the one he was taking to was in fact female. "Whatever when he gets his site back up I'll be back." And with that packed his computer away into his Bag and decided to head back to his dorm room. After all he was sure an hour would be enough time to let the students back. After all the helicopter had already been cleaned up and there were no other deaths yet. One thing Bryan had been doing was monitoring the deaths. One a day. He figured he would soon make it so a particular time would be when each of his deaths happened. o people knew exactly when a death would take place and never knew who was next. Regardless he was thinking he was done for today, unless he found out who ran the site.
Kali bites down on her lip, getting a few numbers but then lost it. "shit..ugh...i guess i will try again later.." She sighed then started to walk back to her college, hoping she would have art this afternoon. As She waited in the lunch room, She kept trying to fix the site that went down for an hour or so. Two hours later, her art class started and she took her seat, looking around at everyone then sighed, thinking about how no one was going to talk to her. She started to draw boreding things like apples, bananas and chairs.
"Not bad" Bryan said sitting down next to her. Usually he would be with his apparent friends but they ditched as soon as the crash happened. So a lot of students had left for the day. In fact many people had gotten use to dying in an instant that they decided to not even bother with boring tasks. Bryan however knew he was safe so he decided to keep going to class.

"Ever hear of I love kira dot com?" He asked calmly. "Its a huge fansite for the new Kira. Personally i feel people are being crazy. But the host allowed it to crash earlier. Been trying to get back on all day." He said finally shutting off his laptop putting it back in his bag and pulling out his sketchbook. "What are your thoughts on this new Kira?"
Kali smiled little, hearing some one talking to her and even talking about kira for that matter

" Well as for the new kira, they are very different from the first one who killed for reasons but this one..just kills people...anyone that seem to have not done anything. Its very funny how they are killed though. As for the site, ofcrose i know a site, i go on there like everyday. Some jerk was on there saying how they was kira a few hours ago."
"Well they were both claiming to be Kira." He said calmly. "But think the one who said he was the real Kira, is the real one." He said calmly "I don't think many people would claim to be Kira without some proof. it just seems dumb. Which scare me a but as I think one of them will die if not both. From what I gather Kira hates being mimicked. Though there is also a chance he doesn't even go on the site."

As teh Professor walked in he sighed. "Well seems like we still have a class today."
Kali sighed "Kira likes to mess with people really but its really hard to tell on the internet.." She looks to see the art teacher " Eh i just needed a place to hang out anyway...even if the teacher came or not.."
"I don't think he was messing with anyone. I think he was just being merciful to the guy. I was expecting one of them to just stop talking." Bryan said getting a little irritated but stopped himself.
"You know if you want, you can hang out at my dorm."
She smiled even more, having her first friend being at this new place

" that would be very nice.." She answered him, wanting to find some way to get away from her house but did't have a job yet
"Yea its actually not that big a deal."
"Due to the unfortunate death of Professor Robert Miles. Class this week will be cancelled. And for those who are curious. His funeral will b held..."
Bryan ignored the rest of the speech. if he cared about funerals he would not kill so many people for fun. Heck most of his victims couldn't even be brought out in a casket.

"well it seems we don't have to wait all class before I can invite you to my room."
She does a girly giggle at his comments then got up soon " i'm growing bored of this class..i wanna draw some better other then fruit!" She got up starting to walk away with her books then waited for the guy to get his things
"well if i may rude enough to suggest something. I have been known for a good body. If you are not opposed to nude models" He laughed just thinking it would be nice to mess with her. Truthfully if she denied he could kill her but he wouldn't. The one thing most people would notice is that every single one of his victims so far have been men. So why change up just because a girl said no t him.Plus he had to make sure as to not draw suspicion to him.
She let out a big blush across her cheeks at his comment. " sure i guess but i bet i have a better body!" She giggles, trying to cover up her blushing as she walked out of the classroom.
"Possibly. maybe i should draw you instead." he laughed. And was mentally kicking himself. All these things and in the end if he had his feelings hurt in any way, he would want to get rid of her. Yet he could not due to risk of investigation. He had to just forget the fact that he had the death note.

Reaching his dorm he let her in and carefully placed hi bag on his bed. He had a pretty nice dorm, though part of it was because of a few people he murdered had given him all the money in their wallet before their death happened. Large screen TV, Queen sized bed. He was going for king but it wouldn't have fit in the room. His computer itself was also state of the art. and his fridge was expensive itself though filled with lots of nice food. Most dorm kids didn't even own a fridge and Here Bryan was with a nice one.

"Make yourself comfortable."
Kali followed him to his dorm room then when she enters, all she could say was wow. "OH MY GOD!" She freaked out, looking at all the big things and the computer was the most beautiful thing she had seen on her life. " i-i-i ...its the biggest one i ever seen! do you use it for gaming, files..." She starts talking about computer, her nerdy self freaking out over everything. " so much food! and bed!" She runs over and dives into the bed, it was soft as a cloud. "ahhhhhhhhh...fuccccccck..." She rolled around in the bed.
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