Riddle Me a Heart


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was late afternoon when the plan went into action, Lucius knew that his neck was on the line if they slipped up or screwed up. He was slowly scouring Riddle Manor for the boy that he was about to kidnap, the Dark Lords son, adopted anyway. The little wild thing was only fourteen years old, but he was one of the most accomplished killers, the most insane death eater that Voldemort had ever enlisted. Of course Voldemort had trained the boy himself, so that was only to be expected. Salazar Riddle was an emerald eyed, black haired boy who had been kidnapped from his true parents at a young age.

Lucius and Dumbledore and formulated a plan to kidnap Voldemort's son in an effort to save the boy and the people that Voldemort sent the boy after. They had worked for a long time to formulate a plan, A plan that could mean death fro everyone involved. Lucius, Draco, everyone. So Lucius was walking on tender steps as he looked for the green eyes boy, who was probably off torturing Wormtail somewhere, his favorite pastime.

“Salazar.” Lucius stated once he had found the boy, the green eyes beauty turning to look at the blond smirking a little. Hello Lucius.” Salazar stated calmly with a nod. “does father request me?” he asked curiously, that was usually the only reason why someone would actually come looking for him. Most people avoided Salazar as best as they could, wary of the young boy's violent temper and plain sadistic streak. Amazingly enough Salazar was reading a book instead of torturing someone.

“no, there is someone else who wants you.” Lucius admitted handing Salazar a small necklace Salazar looking confused. “who?” he asked tensing as he felt magic flaring up around him. “Dumbledore.” Lucius admitted with a small smile, Salazar's eyes widening violently as the Portkey jerked him into the air, vanishing him in an instant and transporting him to Grimmwauld place, into a room well fortified to hold him. He landed on the bed with a retched sort of groan. Portkey always made poor Salazar sick to his stomach and very disoriented, which was why he could apparated perfectly at the age of fourteen.

“Goddamn son of a bitch!” Salazar cussed, staggering away from a body, slamming into a wall with another groan, rubbing his head, struggling to make the world stop spinning. “back off! Back off before I spill your guts! Don't think you will get away with this you filthy mudbloods! I'll have you all tortured for this!” he spat, shaking his head, scrabbling to find his wand, not realizing that Lucius had removed it from the holster he always wore it at his hip. “and give me back my wand you cheating uncouth heathens!”
Thorn Satanspawn, daughter of Merlin and a nercomancer's who's name had faded into the annuals of history leaned casually against the wall. Studying the man-child in front of her, she tilted her head. Having been sent in to calm him, because she was the only one his gift for killing would have no affect on. After all, she was known as the Deathless. The woman who's sins had become so great, that death had turned it's back on its favored daughter.

"heathens...I think you're talking about yourself."The casual tone of her voice belittled the power behind it. She could call people back from the brink of death, or leave a trail of corpses in her wake. Stuck in a teenager's body, the only thing that showed how very old she was, was the power of death in her words, or the shadows in her grey eyes. Beautiful by any standards, she was a pale reflection of the Malfoys.... or the malfoys were a reflection of her. Pale silvery hair fell around her shoulders, grey eyes the color of storm clouds. She was death in a pretty package, and many walked into her embrace willingly. Shaking her head a little she pushed away from the wall moving around so she was facing Salazar from the front, holding out her hand as if they'd met in the street instead of him being kidnapped."I am Thorn. And welcome to Valentine Manor."
he snarled as he found his balance and his vision cleared snarling at her, baring his teeth as he looked around for his wand, growling viciously before pausing as his emerald eyes met her power filled gray orbs, pausing as he stared at her, looking startled his head tilting as he examined her. “your a woman.” he stated with a small sneer. It was no secrete that Voldemort held women in low esteem, thinking they where better suited as breading rabbits and house keepers than warriors or anyone of power. He growled as she held her hand out to him and she smacked it away. “do not touch me you vile little bitch!” he spat. “you will release me this instant or I will slaughter you without mercy! Do not presume that just because I am without a wand that I cannot do away with you vile wench!” he was definitely Voldemort's child.

He hissed violently at her in parseltongue, invoking ancient magic that the world had long thought dead, purely elemental magic, wild magic that Merlin and the original Salazar had used. Ancient magic that no one should have been able to access, and certainly not a fourteen year old boy hell bent on helping his father rule the wizarding world. He lifted his hands, eyes burning with fury as he slammed pure, wild magic into Thorn, filling her with a force that easily killed. He was determined to rip her to shreds.
Thorn moaned in pleasure, eyes going wide as the magic filled her. Instead of bone ripping pain...there was pleasure in her tone. Death had long been her trade, and her father's magic....it was like coming home. Grey eyes filling with the pleasure and the answering elementals, she called Death like a hound,a weapon as she raised a hand a smack him hard across the face, not with only flesh on flesh, but power. Bending the world to her will,deading the flesh under her fingers tempoarily, as if he'd fallen asleep on it and put his face to sleep, knowing just how much power to use without causing permenant harm, letting the pins and needles in his cheek be a warning even as his elemental magic tore her body apart. "I am Thorn Satanspawn, not one of your death eaters. Do not think to kill me with parlor tricks."She snarled shadows swirling around her feet,chasing back the elemental magic, reaching out with her own gift, looking for death in this child. The only thing keeping her from killing him was the promise of freedom, waiting for her at the end of this war.

Shuddering as elemental and death lingered together like they hadn't for centuries, her father hadn't been able to use death like she did, but he could use elementals.It was....it was coming home. Bowing her head slightly she looked sixteen for a moment before she looked up again."You will be able to roam the house, but not leave."She said moving away from him, panting slightly. Despite being able to drive the magic out of her, it had managed to hurt her. Rip apart her insides, giving wounds that no one should have survived.And yet...she was still standing. Still talking as if she wasn't in mortal agony.
he hissed violently when she slapped him, stumbling back and holding his cheek, looking outraged and shocked. No one had ever dared hit him before, between his reputation and his father no one dared to lay even a finger on Salazar, staring at her with wide, startled eyes as he rubbed his tingling cheek, swallowing thickly as he looked her over, waiting for blood, or pain, or death but nothing happened. It was as if he hadn't hurt her at all! He was panting pretty hard himself, death having touched him from an early age the touch of it had left him drained and weak kneed.

“what do you want with me?” Salazar demanded his eyes narrowed violently. “you should know my father doesn't care about me enough to play a ransom game with you.” he stated hatefully his eyes narrowed as he examined her, his head tilted as he pondered how many people he could kill before she stopped him, before deciding that this was a good opportunity. It was clear Lucius was a traitor, that meant he was working for Dumbledore, which meant that Dumbledore would be there. He could gather information, play the waiting game, and when Dumbledore showed up, he could kill the insufferable busy body. He liked that plan. “what do I have to do, to get you to let me go back home?” playing along...for now.
Thorn smiled slightly wtching him, looking amused as he considered his options. After all, she'd been a teen like this one, a death walker, one who lived further into death's shadows then anyone else.And as one as him, she could tell what he was thinking.Yet for the moment, willing to let him lead the dance."Good thing I'm rich already isn't it?"she said bemused as she studied him, nodding a little."Nothing. Well. There's nothing you CAN do to go home. I have my orders to not let you leave the manor, and I have no reason to let you go, and every reason to make sure you stay."She said mving towards the door, walking out of it and leaving it open so he could follow, knowing no one else would be showing up. Well. She corrected that after seeing the man waiting for her. Sirius black seemed to think that she needed taking care of, as if she was really the teen who's body she was stuck in.

"Black, there's reasons I told no one to come.She said looking up at the 38 year old, shaking her head a little. "I am the only one he can't harm, every one else is open game.And I'm not about to walk death's halls to find your sorry ass."She pointed out to him, though there was few people she'd dare try to test the limits of her ability for, sirius was one of them, and she suspected he knew it. Hence his constant annoying her.
Salazar narrowed his eyes at her and tossed his head proudly, his spine as straight as it could get as he narrowed those cold emerald eyes at her, filled with madness and bloodlust most people cowered in terror under those viscous eyes that could make even Lucius cringe, but as he had suspected she seamed impervious to him. He hissed viciously at her when she left, snarling cuss words under his breath as he examined the room that he assumed he would be staying in. at least it was well furnished. He paused when he heard her talking to someone and he smirked viciously as he walked out, staring at the Marauder with a viscous Glare. Sirius was grinning though as he smirked at her. “oh come on Thorn don't be that way you know your my favorite! There's no need for you to suffer all by yourself! Besides how am I supposed to give him his present if I'm not here!?” Sirius demanded, making sure not to meet Salazar's eye, thought the glare ceased at the mention of a present.

“present?” Salazar asked, eyes narrowed suspiciously, but like all children could not resist the thought of a brand new something to play with. Maybe it would be some new knives, or one of those fun muggle guns, a poisonous snake or a deadly wild cat or... “here!” Sirius chirped tossing Salazar something, the boy catching it effortlessly and ripping it open, probing the box with magic to check for traps before yanking it open and tipping the present onto his hand, his head tilted as he stared at it. It was a broom, shrunken to fit in the box but it expanded at a simple gesture from Sirius, Salazar's eyes narrowing as he examined it. “they are useless.” he stated dropping the broom to the floor and stalking back into the room, slamming the door and locking it, making Sirius wince. “well... that was...rude.” he stated with a smirk. “but he didn't kill me! See thorn nothing to worry about!”
Thorn frowned at him, watching the interaction before smiling slightly."Siius, he already tried killing me.He's playing nice because he wants to go home."She sighed shaking her head before picking up the broom, "Sirius, if you wanted to get him something, you should have gotten him something deadly. He wont accept anything else now."She said scooping up the broom from the floor, flicking her fingers at the door unlocking it."Salazar, do you want something to eat?"she asked through the door, wondering just what she'd gotten herself into to. But she wanted peace, and working with dumbledore seemed to be the only way to find out her sins. Sighing she rubbed her forehead, feeling the ache of death pressing against her. She might not be able to die, but her body still hated her while she healed death wounds. And yet... she was standing on that edge, that shining edge of pleasure, which was her secret. That death's mistress found pleasure in being torn apart, that she lived so far into death, only death could touch her anymore. Having over the centuries tried sex and anything to feel pleasure, she had no idea if she could be affected by simple sex anymore.And for a moment she wondered why she was thinking about it, before glancing at the door again paliing slightly, yanking her thoughts away from the thoughts."Salazar?"She asked again when she didn't hear anything.
He snorted a little and puffed his chest out. “you watch! He'll grab the broom when no one is looking.” he teased taking it from her and laying it next tot he door before pausing when his sharp ears caught the sound of a window opening. “...he's making a run for it.” he stated calmly, Salazar having slipped out the window and grabbing the trellis that was under it, crawling down quickly and darting towards the open space, hoping to get out of the barrier so he could Apparate back home and slaughter Lucius for his betrayal. Unfortunately for Salazar the grounds where expansive, and he had a terrible, terrible sense of direction. He couldn't find the edge of the barrier anywhere and he had a terrible feeling that the oaf from the manor was laughing at him, what had she called him? Sirius? Salazar hated him.

“fucking hell, just how big is this place anyway!?” he demanded looking around the expansive quidditch pitch that Sirius had INSISTED that Thorn include when he decided to move in with her to teach her how to cook and fend for herself. Sirius held no fear at all, which was why he'd asked Thorn to let him try with Salazar again, the man holding Salazar's broom with a smirk, offering it to the other. “come on, you know you want to, it's fun!” “do you have a fucking death wish!?” Salazar demanded his eyes narrowed as he advanced on Sirius who smirked a little as he watched Salazar. “i might.” he admitted calmly. “why? You gonna kill me?” there, Salazar hesitated frowning as he looked into Sirius's eyes, looking for the fear, the terror... he found...nothing but amusement and...trust? Salazar took a step back, away from the mutt looking confused and uneasy. He had always seen fear in people;'s eyes, even his father held fear when he looked at Salazar... so, how could this scraggly skinny man not have any fear!?
Thorn laughed quietly as she looked at the two, shaking her head slightly as she saw how upset Salazar was at the man's non-fear. Brushing her fingers through her hair she tied the pale blond strands back out of her face, "Because he trusts me to rip him out of the god's embrace if you do."She said absently shaking her head. While she would try, she was only certain that she could take herself out of death, not anyone else. Her heart giving a painful throb at the thought.She was a nercomancer, born to heal and to converse with the dead, and yet she was a nercomancer without her god's embrace denied acess to death's halls. Looking at Salazar she smiled a little, holding her own broom."Now death walker, do you want to fly or not?"She said snidely. Knowing how his father and him felt about woman gave her the perfect words to say. She needed him angry, pissed enough and curious enough about her that she wouldn't be forced to hurt him badly to keep him still.

Rubbing a hand over the black thorned tattoo wrapped around her wrist she watched the two, knowing there was important things she should be doing, like attending meetings that dumbledore insisted she attend but something about the boy drew her to him. Since she had lost her mother, she hadn't met another death walker like herself, and for him to be a elemental to....yes, Thorn Satanspawn was finding herself bemused and dazzled for the first time in her very long life.
Salazar bared his teeth at them, looking very uneasy now as he examined the broom held in Sirius's hands. “no... I don't fly.” he spat taking another step backwards, it was as if he was...afraid of the broom. “i want to go home damn you!” he was feeling very uneasy with the present company, they weren't afraid of him and he couldn't kill them, so he had no clue how to act or what to do. He glared at them and turned on his heal, stalking away Sirius looking confused. “:... I think he's afraid of me!” Sirius complained, pouting a little as he examined the broom. “i wonder why such a strong reaction to flying? Do you suppose he's afraid of heights?... should we stop him before he breaks his nose on the barrier?” Sirius asked after a moment watching Salazar wander about the expansive grounds until the boy got tired and bored and settled onto a bench, glaring at the ground as he tried to figure out what the hell these people wanted with him. Sirius had gone home, or rather to Number 12 Grimmauld to report Salazar's erratic behavior to Dumbledore, leaving him alone with Thorn once more.
Thorn sighed quietly as she watched the boy wander around the grounds. The nearly endless energy he displayed exhausted her. Sitting down on the ground across from him, she rested her nearly always present katana across her knees, closing her eyes. "Sal....the people who hired me want to save you. Make sure you'r'e not insane."She shrugged absently, as if it didn't matter to her if he was insane or not. Even with her eyes closed she could see him, as if she had her eyes open. Feeling his presence like a touch on her skin."We aren't afraid of you Salazar, because we wouldn't mind laying down our lives for a cause."She said opening her eyes a little to regard the boy, guessing at what was bothering him."I am sorry....but I can't let you go."She said softly, and she id. She wanted to let him go, but to be free of her curse, she would condemn about anyone to a life they didn't like. She was so tired.So ready to bid farewell to the earth.
Sal glanced at her and scoffed a little, lifting his nose in the air. “i am NOT insane and neither is my father! You people just fail to see the great work that he's doing!” he spat hatefully. “you should know your place woman!” he spat before turning away from her when she explained why they weren't afraid of him. “...i've never seen someone without fear in their eyes... it's...unnerving.” he admitted frowning a little. “but... not unpleasant.” he admitted simply glancing at her again and sighing a little. “i know Dumbledore hired you, he wants me out of the way, so that I'll stop killing all his guys.” he nodded a little. “he'll die eventually, and then my Father and I will be free to pave the way to a glorious rule for all of wizarding kind. Muggles need to know their place, they are inferior and stupid and need to be taught a lesson, and so do people like you. Blood traitors and idiots who don't know their place.” he sniffed a little, as if he was trying to antagonize her. “i will get out of this place eventually woman, and then I will kill you, that old oaf, and that fucking Dumbledore with glee.”
Thorn smiled, dark and vicious as she raised her eyes to look at him, darkness that had nothing to do with the color of her eyes and everything with the paths through death she walked showed there."If you can kill me riddle, you will be the first in many years able to do so."She said mildly closing her eyes, snorting a little. Laughter choking her."No one is better then another, death finds you all."She said softly, sadly. as if she envied them their deaths, as much as they tried to avoid it."Glory is for those foolish enough to grasp at it, you will destroy what you try to fix."She said shuddering a little. Thinking of camelot, and the glorious city. The shining king she served and...frowning a little. For the first time in awhile thinking of home, and disturbed at the holes in her memory. Wondering what the ties of camelot and...something, had to do with her sins.
Viper stared at her then. “it does not find my Father.” he stated simply shaking his head a little. “i will admit that my fathers approach is a little...brutish, but who am I to question him when he is the only one trying to fix what is wrong instead of making it worse?” he glanced at her. “you have walked Death too... haven't you? You've died, and come back.” he stated calmly. It was a well known fact that Salazar couldn't die, he had been shot through the heart by a muggle gun, struck by a Avada Kedavra and shoved off a cliff. But thanks to the Horcrux that Salazar had made he had walked Deaths hallway, and returned to life. “they say that you are Deaths daughter, that you control who dies and who lives.” he sounded as if he respected her a little. “why did that stupid man want me to fly so badly?” he demanded, frowning a little. “and why wasn't he afraid of me!? Everyone is afraid of me...”
Thorn shrugged a little, closing her eyes again as she struggled for calm. "Sirius wanted....sirius is siirius, I can predict his actions as well as someone can predict the weather. Sirius fears no one, not even when it would be wise for him to do so."She said answering the easiest question, before sighing quietly. Reaching out quietly,gently, power trailing over his body, feeling death clinging to him like a lover, sighing gently in pleasure, feeling her god guarding him as fiercely as he'd once guarded her.

"I have been called many things. Thorn. Deathless.Satanspawn. Death's daughter.Death's mistress. The hunter. I was once the chosen, and now I am the outcast."She said gently, magic lingering against his, if only to get that touch of death, needing to feel her god...or in this case, goddess-,even if it wasn't for her. Feeling the Morrgian's protection holding him gently, despite the elemental and death magic clinging to him. After all, those were forms of worship for the goddess, and Thorn had long worshipped, even if their back was turned on her."I have been outcast from the sacred halls of death, forever earthbound."She said closing her eyes again. Keeping her thoughts about his father to herself. After all, she had plently of time to disabuse him of them later. For the moment, she was glad she was keeping his attention, even if they were discussing her.
Sal scowled a little, looking uncertain about her response but sighing a little as he rested his head on his fists, contemplating where he was and what he wanted to do about his imprisonment. “the Goddess will see your suffering before long.” he promised his eyes closed, a wicked smirk on his lips. “i will find a way to kill you.” he decided. “and end the suffering of your many days.” as if he where doing her a favor by killing her. “and then I will be free of this cage that you have placed upon me.” he looked at her. “is it true, what they say about you? That you are the daughter of Merlin and the Goddess Death herself?” he had no idea, that the blood of Merlin ran through his veins as well. “why does it matter if I am insane or not anyway?” he asked curiously, closing his eyes. “clearly it is not only my sanity that has you holding me imprisoned here, what else do you want with me?” he demanded, eyes closed. “or am I just being held here to get me out of the way? Does your silly little morals prevent you from killing children?” sure, Salazar wasn't much of a child, hell he didn't even know how to have fun unless it involved torturing someone, but he was still only fourteen years old, and young in the eyes of...well, everyone. Salazar could easily see Dumbledore being reluctant to kill him simply because of his age.
"The goddess has turned her face from me in shame.I can't be killed."She said slowly sounding slightly amused at him seeing it as doing her a favor, before starting a little at his question. It had been a long time since someone had asked. A goddess and mother...yes, she was ashamed of....whatever she had done. Frustrated not for the first time with not knowing what she had done. Not realizing that she was sitting next to a relative.Though many times removed.Many...many centuries removed."I don't remember."She said simply. Refusing to answer before laughing quietly, fingers tapping against the black lacquered seath of her sword."I have no morals anymore."She said just as simply, drawing her mind away and answering his question."No.Dumbledore does not want you killed. And he has something I want, more then I care about your imprisonment.If I could kill him and let you go, without destroying it, I would."She said sounding slightly amused. Even if she did like the light side better the the death eaters, she was for the most part ambilivant to the suffering of others for they barely affected her anymore. She was apart of the world, and not. Though...somehow he was affecting her more then anyone had in centuries, not realizing like was calling to like, answering a prophecy that demanded that death's daughter love the last son of merlin.
Salazar hummed a little as he tilted his head, lifting an eyebrow at her, wondering what in the WORLD one had to do to have the goddess of death of all things turn their backs and deny you death? He wanted to know so she could shun him too. But he didn't ask, it wasn't a good time, she would simply not answer and he knew it. “Dumbledore has something you want?” he asked curiously. “interesting.” he muttered, eyes narrowed as he pondered this. If he could get this thing from Dumbledore... he could control the one person who Death could not touch. He and his father would be unstoppable with her under their command! He instantly decided he wouldn't kill her, not when he had a chance at controlling her. It surprised him at how badly he wanted to have her, control her, own her, he did not understand the strange emotions that filled him at the thought of this woman under his control, but he recognized the one as lust, and he would be dammed if he did not bed this woman within the week. He wanted her, and Sal always got what he wanted. “so, what do people like you do for amusement then?” he demanded, bored.
Thorn snickered, "I tempt death of course."She said standing slowly, languidly. As if she had all the time in the world to stand up, to move. Her body despite looking 16 was older, and she was more comfortable in it then any 16 year old should be. Shifting her blade she slide the short katana out of the seath, the blade gleaming with both power and steel as it flashed in the sun. The sword itself infused with her gift, made death's weapon by her own deadly will. She believed, she had no choice, she knew the gods existed and in doing so, despite their refusal to answer her, she had created a weapon like no other.

Tilting her head as she looked down at the boy on the ground, she smiled, that terrible vicious smile, that was her mother's. Morrigan's smile, when she heard the battle cry of warriors, and the screams of the dying."Do you know how to use a sword?I could teach you.It's better then flying."
he smirked at her answer, amused by the response and he got to his feet gracefully, though not as comfortably as Thorn did he was still more graceful than any fourteen year old boy should have been his eyes fixed on her sword, eyes glimmering with a strange sort of want in them. he knew what power lay in such a magnificent weapon, and he wanted it just as badly as he wanted her. "i know the basics." he stated simply. "Father insisted on teaching me, in case i where to somehow loose my wand or was drugged with Magic draining potions. it is a good still to have." he wasn't very good, but he had not had time to learn past the basic stances and movements. he would lose in a fight with someone skilled, but he could do some basic moves against most wizards who would have no idea how to handle such a thing. "i would like to learn more." his eyes still fixed on the Katana, licking his lips. "flying is a waste of time." he stated simply, not about to tell her he had never been on a broom, or that he was terrified of heights. “how do you intend on teaching me? Daughter of Death?” he demanded, glancing her over and smirking almost perversely. “will you be, handling me?”
"Of course,death walker."Thorn's answering smirk was just as perverse, wondering just what he was thinking before she took a running step towards him, in his face before he could respond. Hovering near him, body vibrating with the need to fight, having inherited that, along with her mother's death power, she needed to fight, she thrived on it. Being around so much death, that shining edge in a battle where life and death were so intertwined. Sword brushing slightly against his arm, the soft hum of power answering morrigan's blessing on him reacting to his presence, like it had never reacted to anyone else."I'll teach you to handle your sword."She said her eyes flickering down for a moment before meeting his.
he smirked at her answer and licked his lips, side stepping when she got into his face, running his hand up her arm, reacting to the threat of her sword by unleashing Magic into her skin, making her arm burn and sting from the power he unleashed. Most people would have lost the use of their arm, she, would no doubt, only find it an annoyance, smirking when she glanced down at his crotch, sighing softly as he felt the power of her sword against his arm, uttering a low, soft moan. “you have no idea what your dealing with.” he teased smirking at her, licking his lips again. “i am VERY capable, of handling my own sword.” he purred, watching her closely. “the question is, can you even handle it?”
An annoyance....and pleasure. The sigh that escaped fluttered her eyes closed, pleasure coloring the annoyed sound as she smirked, tilting her ead pale hair blowing lightly in the breeze."I have been dealing with swords since long before you were born child, you have nothing I haven't seen."She said before stepping back, lashing out with her own gift, letting it sting him back as she closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating, summoning. Smirking as she raised her hand, catching her other sword and tossing it to him. While it wasn't as deadly as her personal sword, it still rang with death magic, and answered the morrigan's blessing.
he smirked a little, licking his lips as he watched her, lust in those green eyes of his, his head tilted as he watched her. “you are now so old.” he accused. “you can't be more than two or three years my elder.” he accused, shivering as he felt her gift sting his flesh, only making him want her all the more as he caught the sword, and fumbled it a little, shuddering at the feeling of death in the blade, sighing softly as he probed the swords magic with his own, testing it and feeling it, licking his lips again. “you have such wonderful weapons.” he hissed softly. “you must tell me where I can get one of these for myself.” he stated, swinging the sword through the air, testing the weight and the feel before settling into a beginners offensive stance... he was going to lose horribly, but that was only if he didn't pin her down in the middle of the match and rape her.
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