Incubus Dreams


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was a cool calm day on the muggle streets of London, people milled about on the black market district and whores lined the street trying to attract the locals for a night of fucking for money. One whore in particular stood out amidst the crowd. He was tall and lanky, thin but not skinny, and well muscled with long muscles that flexed and flowed when he moved. He was like a sleek snake or a large panther, all muscle but graceful. Dangerous and beautiful. His eyes where an emerald green that sparkled in the light, his hair an inky jet black that hung in graceful waves down to his lower back, beads and feathers hanging in long braids.

His skin was a milky pale color that gleamed beautifully in the snow, long black leggings running down his smooth hairless legs ending at the ankle to show off the black high heals that he was wearing, the straps keeping them firmly in place around his ankle. A black skirt did little to hide anything, the leggings barley hiding the fact that he was wearing no underwear. He was wearing a black tube top, also held in place with long straps and buckles that made him look utterly sexy. He raised a long slender arm and took a long drag of a cigarette, flicking his bangs out of his eyes to reveal a lightning bot shaped scar on his forehead.

Harry potter, was a whore on London's street, and had been for six years. He had found himself inexplicably inhuman on his sixteenth birthday, when he turned out to be an incubus. A creature that fed on sex and lust, he was almost immediately shunned by the entire school, Dumbledore looking on with pity in his gaze, but no mercy. When the Dursleys found out, they kicked him out with only his wand and Hedwig, barley any clothes on his back to try to fend for himself. He had turned to the Weasley's for help, and they refused him because of what he was. So he had left the wizarding world with a broken heart and a hurt soul and made his living on the streets of London.

He was Twenty two now, and living life as he pleased, how he pleased. He got plenty of money and meals working as a whore and he was fine with the way that he was living, blowing out a long stream of smoke as his emerald eyes looked for a target to ensnare, smirking a little. He didn't even need his wand anymore to perform magic, he had broken it and ditched it two years ago, he could ensnare innocent muggles with just a glance of his eye, though he preferred not to do that. It was easy enough to get meals with just his gorgeous looks, and he was about to get a customer that would change his life forever.
Ashlin Drakos smiled a little as he walked through the streets of london, his black dragon hide jacket folding around his lanky frame. Despite having the slightly girly name, joscelin was death on legs, usually those who met him considered it lucky to leave his presence alive. Glancing around him he smirked a little as he checked out the streetwalkers. After raids, nothing would do to fit his mood other then to deal with muggle hookers. Which, was a fact that his fellow death eaters would never know otherwise someone would feel theh need to be ptu out that he enjoyed the muggle whores better then the magical ones. Studying them for long moments his smile widened.

Heading for the dark haired beauty on corner he cocked his head as he looked over the appealling male in heels, his eyes not raising higher then his ankles, totally fascinated with how it made the man's legs looked in those damn heels."How much?"He asked, the dark haired death eater asked, his accent vaguely lilting and smooth, sounding vaugely like lucius when he was a mood. Though it was to be expected, he did spend a good deal of time with the malfoy.
Harry took another long drag of his cigarette as he watched the streets, smirking as he watched the other approaching him, licking his lips as he flexed his leg a little, clearly seeing where the man's gaze was. “mmm that depends on how hard you wanna fuck me.” he purred smirking a little. “five hundred lets you do whatever you want to me.” and it would buy Harry that new laptop that he had been looking at. He smirked as he set his fingers under the others chin, lifting Ashlin's chin so that their gazes met. As soon as Harry's emerald green gaze met Ashlin's a bolt of pure lust rushed through the wizards body, showing that Harry was anything but human. “shall we head back to my place?” he teased smirking a little as he tilted his head, examining the other before pulling him up a little for a kiss, groaning softly.

“mm you smell wonderful.” he purred smirking a little. “in fact, you smell like a wizard. It's been a while since I coupled with a wizard.” he admitted drawing slowly away from Ashlin, leading the way to his apartment, his hips swaying playfully as he walked, his heals clicking on the pavement as he headed for a small house, well furnished as he smirked at the other. “make yourself at home.” he purred, kicking the door closed and heading inside the tasteful house, leading the way up to the bedroom, glancing back at Ashlin with a smirk. “do you want to top or bottom tonight?” he asked with a small smirk running his hands down his own body with a small groan, teasing the other.
Ashlin snarled quietly, moving before he even thought it through, slamming into the other, slamming him hard into the wall."I never bottom whore."He growled pining him there, kissing him hard as he moaned, body pressing against the other, eyes fluttering slightly.Fingers finding the other's hair, wrapping in it as he pulled his head back,and even with the heels on, Ashlin was taller then harry. Eyes widening a little as his dark hair shifted, revealing the scar on his forehead.

Looking startled as he looked down at the man in his arms, looking amused and turned on. Finding that the idea of the boy who lived under him was even more of a tun on.He'd deal with it afterwards, for the moment, he'd let his whore believe he had no idea who he was.Growling quietly."you've never had a wizard like me."He snarled quietly stepping back, shoving him towards the bed.
Harry moaned as he was slammed into the wall, arching against the other like a cat getting pet. “oh my, so violent.” Harry purred licking his lips before kissing the other back, slipping his tongue into Ashlin's mouth, gripping his shoulder tightly with eager fingers, panting softly his nose flaring as he ground his ass into Ashlin's cock, shivering eagerly. “i bet I haven't.” Harry purred, smirking as he was shoved, but instead of staggering he bounded gracefully, as if he had decided to walk over there instead of being shoved over there, falling onto the bed with a lecherous grin running his hands down his body again, moaning loudly as he cupped his own cock, rocking his hips into his hands before squirming again, slipping the skin tight black leggings out of the way, baring his cock and balls and ass to the other, along with those long, pale, smooth legs.

“come on big boy.” he purred, his eyes fluttering as he ran the tips of his fingers up and down his hardening cock, his breath hitching as he stroked the head, smirking a little as he bit his lip,turning his head to watch the other, his bangs shifting out of the way to reveal his scar again, forgetting that he should keep it hidden. His eyes where filled with a deep lust and an intense hunger, he wanted Ashlin, he WANTED the other desperately, wanted the energy he had, wanted the lust he had, wanted to feel his cock buried deep inside. “what shall I call you, when I scream your name and beg for more?”
"Master."Ashlin said before he could think better of it undressing as he crossed the room, pale skin shining softly in the moonlight from the window, the dark mark inky black on his arm as he joined the man on his bed, pinning him there as he looked down at him."Master shall do just fine."He stated, hands wandering down the pale expanse of the other's legs before shifting, gipping his thighs as he pushed them up towards his chest, sighing as he muttered a lubing spell and without warning slammed into the incubus, feeling the same desperation that the other felt. Giving himself over to the only thing he really enjoyed in life, sex.
Harry moaned softly at the term and smirked a little. “kinky little fucker aren't you?” he teased chuckling a little his eyes glancing at the dark mark, licking his lips as he panted, feeling a rush as he thought about fucking a death eater. Only six years ago he would have cringed away from the thought of even talking to one, and now he was excited. Death eaters made the best meals, they where always so repressed that they just exploded with lust when they had Harry all to themselves.

He moaned when he felt the hands on his legs and obediently spread them wide, panting softly as he lifted his lips, groaning happily at the feeling of the cool lube slicking his insides, tipping his head back as he felt the other sinking into him, the explosion of lust, pleasure, and need filling Harry in an instant as he fed on the emotions, and a little bit of the magic that the other had to offer. Nothing that Ashlin would miss, or even notice, but enough to fill Harry up with an energy that could keep him going for days, and even better, he was already full, so now he was just filling his reserve tank. “yesss, oh god, oh god your so BIG!” Harry moaned, clenching tightly around the others cock, his inner muscles wrapping tight around Ashlin, like a hot, moist glove. Harry loved being able to adjust his own tightness like that, everything always felt so much better when he could make his ass just the right size for someone's cock.
Aslin moaned, snarling slightly at the words, gentle fingers wrapping around the incubus' neck,squeezing a little as he shifted, thrusting harder into him. Eyes fluttering closed as he fuckekd the man harder."Hmmm I bet you say that to everyone,whore.Tell me something interesting."He growled louder, thrusting into harder,knowing he was bruising the man under him.And like most death eaters, he'd locked his own emotions down so hard that he was losing control now that he had harry to himself.It was the only way to truly survive dumbledore's assualts on the death eaters, which had only gotten worse when the boy under him had disappeared. Snarling at the thought. Anger bleeding into lust as he thought about it, taking out years of pain and frustration on the incubus under him,moaning as he came, teeth biting deep into his shoulder.
Harry moaned eagerly as he felt the other fucking him harder, panting softly as he squirmed, trying to thrust back as he trembled and moaned and groaned. “oh fuck... oh god...” he moaned. “your gonna make me cum.” he whined feeling the other thrusting into him almost perfectly clawing at the bed as he arched violently, spilling his seed across the bed, panting hard. “f...f..fuck!” oooh god yesss.” he moaned. “master...Master it's so good! Oh it's so good!” he groaned when he felt the other spilling deep inside of him, panting hard as he went slightly limp under the other. “oooh god... I love death eaters.” he groaned closing his eyes a satisfied smirk on his lips as he reached up and touched the blood beading on his shoulder, examining the red on his fingers. “huh, never been bitten so hard I bled before... I like it.” he purred grinning as he examined the other with emerald eyes. “so Master, you up for a round two or are you all bark and no bite?”
Ashlin growled quietly as he rolled on his back, already moving to get dressed."Potter, stop being a whore."He said absently, snapping the words out before he'd thought about it.Though sex usually relaxed him, and soothed out the rough edges that were left after dealing with one of dumbledore's attacks, but finding himself with dumbledore's golden boy...yea, he was feeling even more tense and agiated. Tugging on his shirt he sighed angrily."Don't worry, I don't intend to tell anyone what your doing."He said, startled himself at the announcement. Knowing that the immediate return of harry potter would at least ease some of the attacks on his death eaters, he didn't want to turn in the man who'd been just as badly used by dumbledore as the rest of them. Looking angry and agiated, though under that, there was pain.Not that he'd admit to it but there it was. shudering a little as he started pulling on his pants with angry jerks, shoving his feet into his boots.
Harry tensed violently at his name and those emerald green eyes narrowed at the other as he stood up, cleaning himself with a wordless, wand-less spell, examining Ashlin closely, licking his lips nervously. “i'm good at being a whore.” he stated with a glare. “in fact it's the reason I'm in the muggle world in the first place.” he admitted examining Ashlin again looking startled. “your not going to tell anyone that I'm a whore? What the fuck good douse that do me!?” he demanded his eyes narrowed violently. “your still going to tell people WHERE I am. And I just can't have that.” he admitted examining the other. “the way things are it looks like I have two options here, I can kill you and move away to another city, or I can modify your memory. And set you loose on the streets without even remembering that I was here.” he smirked a little. “which would you prefer hmm Death Eater?” Harry sure had gotten rather bitter and cruel since he had joined the muggle world.
Ashlin was across the room before the other could blink, closing his fingers around the other's throat as he tossed him into the wall, agiated enough he was using magic to make himself stronger before looking at the incubus on the ground before moving back far enough to be out of immediate hitting range. "Fuck you potter. If I wasn't going to tell someone what you're doing, why bother telling where I saw you?"he asked vaguely, jerking on his jacket angrily. Before changing his mind, reaching out and apparating them both to his manor, lockign the wards so he couldn't leave, before looking at the incubus."Now. Since I've decided not to tell anyone I saw you. I think I'll keep you to myself."He mused to himself, more then entertained at the idea of having the sexy and beautiful fallen savior around to take his rage out on over what was happening to the death eaters and any who stood against dumbledore....and yet, he couldn't bring himself to want to betray the boy who lived.
harry snarled as he felt the hand closing around his throat, baring his teeth as his knee came up trying to drive it into Ashlin's dick, but missed as he squirmed violently against the other, trying to get free, yelping hard as he was slammed into the wall, coughing a little as he staggered back to his feet, eyes blazing with fury as he clawed at Ashlin's face, suddenly being apparated away, causing him to get dizzy and disoriented. “you can't keep me.” he hissed violently his eyes narrowed as he straightened, flicking his hair over his shoulder, the beads and feathers clicking against each other as he used magic to redress himself. “do you have any idea what I am you stupid fucker!?”
Ashlin watched him, not at all amused at the man's fury. Still riding that shining edge of rage himself he shrugged."A incubus I assume. Since you did become a whore, and that was the rumor flying when you disappeared."He said mildly turning to walk away, heading for his bedroom, giving the incubus his back. As if he wasn't worried about getting attacked."The wards are locked to keep magical creatures out, or if I bring them in, lock them in.You're my guest.And I intend on making you feel right at home."He said disappearing up the stairs.
he snarled, baring his teeth, now long and sharp, like a vampires all of a sudden, advancing slowly on Ashlin, two long bat like wings spreading from Harry's back. All of it illusions but Ashlin wouldn't know that. He paused suddenly at the mention of the wards and reached out with his magic, hissing violently under his breath as he realized it was true and let the illusion fade away, studying the man who was holding him captive. “fucking jackass. It's not bad enough that my life was ruined already by being what I am, now you have to use it against me too.” he sighed a little. “but what can one expect from a heartless betrayer of all wizard kind? A soulless Death eater who has no life, no family, and no love.” he waved a hand. “all Death eaters are the same anyway, only caring about themselves and what they want, I suppose you wouldn't even care if I told you I had a five year old boy back home who needed me.” he scoffed again. “your a sadistic bastard who will never have anything but himself.” Harry was just trying to drive the blade of guilt and shame deep into Ashlin, though mentioning his boy had not been a smart move Harry doubted the Death eater would believe him and go looking for his five year old son. Not that Ashlin would find him, Connor knew to hide if Harry wasn't home when school let out.
Ashlin missed the last step on the stairs, nearly falling as shock hit him like a fist. Guilt and pain twisting his stomach.Turning his head a little. Studying the incubus for a moment before straightening himself, staring across the hall at the wall. "if you want a betrayer of all you hold, look towards you precious dumbledore."He said quietly, trying not to think. Slamming the door and locking the thoughts behind it. Even as emotions and need demanded that he think of his wife, and unborn son. Just 23 himself, and already everything had been taken from him. By dumbledore. For the crime of siding with a man who just wanted to be left alone. He knew tom had been insane when he'd been first ressurceted, but given time to get away from the pain of death, tom had become the brilliant, though sometimes twisted man he had always been.

Staring intently at the wall he sighed."I wont let a boy suffer.We'll bring him here. He'll be protected here, even from me."He shrugged carelessly, as if the words and idea of harry having a alive son wasn't killing him. "Someone could have followed me to you. Not likely, but it happens sometimes.No one can come here."he added, more to convince himself that it was a good idea to have a child here then to convince harry.
Harry hissed viciously, his eyes flashing with fury. “don't you DARE accuse Dumbledore!” Harry snarled. “sure he wasn't all that inclined to help me when he found out I wasn't human but he gave me EVERYTHING!” no, he hadn't actually. He had left Harry with abusive muggles, left him to die multiple times, and done other things that Harry would never have thought anyone on the Light side of the war capable of. “Dumbledore is a great man and he's the only person in this goddamn war who's trying to do RIGHT by the wizarding world!” no, Dumbledore was trying to kill magic so that he could rule the world. “and your not touching my son you sick perverted bastard!” he smirked smugly. “my son knows better than to go to strangers, good luck getting him here you fucker!” he sniffed but looked a little troubled at the thought of Connor being tracked by someone who had followed Ashlin, biting his lip a little. “you promise he won't be hurt?” he asked softly, his head tilted as he he examined the death eater. “you SWEAR you won't lay a hand on Connor, won't look at him even!?” he demanded, desperate to make sure his son was safe. “if I give you the address, and the safe word, you'll bring him right here, and never touch, talk, or look at him again?” one thing Harry knew, a pureblood would always keep their word, if harry made the death eater promise, then he would feel safer letting the man go and get Connor.
Ashlin dipped his head a little ignoring the man's rant about dumbledore for now. Desperate to get to the boy now that he'd thought about someone following him. "I swear on the waters of the lethe, and all I hold sacred, I wont look,touch, or mention the boy to anyone but you once I retrieve him, unless you give me explicit permisson to do so."he said, a shudder going from the top of his head down his spine not because he had lied about the promise, but because he wasn't convinced he could live with a child here. Bracing himself before he turned to look at the incubus, "Now. Where do I go, and what do I tell him?"
Harry watched the other intently, examining him closely before. “i don't know what the Lethe is, but I believe you.” he decided. “you go to South Avenue, Muggle London apartment Two three.” he explained. “here's the key, let yourself in and wait on the couch, he won't be home until four.” Harry admitted swallowing hard. “safety word is 'My Hopes.' you have to say it as soon as he walks in or you'll get a face full of pepper spray and he'll vanish and you'll have to wait for him to come back there in three or four days.” Harry admitted looking a little unsure about letting this man even near his son. But he had gotten Ashlin's word, and that was good enough for Harry.

The apartment where Harry lived with Connor was filled with amazingly muggle things, mixed in with the magical, and there where children's toys all over the place. Toy cars and legos and stuffed animals. It was a half an hour of waiting for Ashlin before the apartment door opened and Connor stepped in. he was...for lack of a better word, beautiful. He had Harry's emerald eyes, and Harry's smooth pale skin that shined in the apartment lighting. But instead of Harry's black hair, he had honey blond that framed his perfect face in gentle curls that made him look more like a girl than a boy. He was wearing jeans and a Tshirt, that did very little to hide his feminine frame, one that was clearly his mothers frame, instead of Harry's. He was gorgeous, and almost irresistible, even perfect strangers wanted to pick Connor up and hug him and snuggle him like a cute little toy.
Ashlin held up his hands as he turned away from the window he was looking out of,"My hopes."he said simply watching the beautiful child, studying him. A death eater to long not to get the measure of someone, even if that someone was a child."You're father sent me for you."He said taking one step closer then stopping, letting conor decide that it was safe to come to him. Not about to play games with a child, no matter how much he liked jerking harry around.
as soon as Connor had spotted the man he had pulled out the can of Mace, and he had it aimed for Ashlin's face, eyes narrowed as he examined the other as he spoke the safe words his head tilted a little. “my father sent you?” he demanded, curiously but hesitant, afraid. “can I pack some things? Did Daddy pack?” he asked, not bothering to get a response as he ran into the other room and opened a suitcase, one that was already full of Connor's clothes, shoving in a few more clothes, a choice teddy bear, and a blanket into that suitcase, handing it to Ashlin before running into the other room and grabbing a larger suitcase, Harry's things. Clearly ready to run at a moments notice, and Connor was well practiced on what to do as he grabbed his fathers favorite clothes and carefully packed them into the suitcase as well before grabbing their toothbrushes and hairbrushes, packing them into Harry's suitcase as well before blinking at Ashlin. “ok, we can go now.” he stated calmly. Dragging the new suitcase out to Ashlin as well. “can you carry Daddy's suitcase? I'm too little...” Connor admitted, blinking at Ashlin with innocent, but frightened emerald eyes, waiting to be taken to his father.
Ashlin smiled gently, crouching down in front of him, ruffling his hair,"I got it. now no need to be frightened, I'll take you right to daddy. And I'm sorry about this.But there's no way to get there but to apparate"He said gently, wrapping his arms around him, and tightening a hand on both bags, not wanting to lose them or the precious boy in his arms. Not giving Connor to think about what he meant he apparated, wincing a little as he set the boy gently back on the floor, straightening as he looked at harry. Carefully stepping away from him, "See, daddy's okay."He said soothingly, before backing further away to let father and son see each other.
Connor looked startled at the hair ruffle and then smiled brightly at the other, comforted by the familiar gesture, allowing himself to be picked up. “it's ok, I don't get all dizzy like Daddy does.” he promised, smiling when he saw his Father, Harry standing up and grinning as he caught Connor in his arms when the boy leaped at the incubus. “Daddy! What's going on? Did the Wizards find us again?” he asked curiously, Harry nodding. “yes they did, but we're safe here.” Harry promised him, kissing the boy's nose. “it's going to be a little awkward here, since our new friend is a wizard too.” and holding Harry captive. “but he won't let us get hurt.” or at least Ashlin had promised not to hurt Connor. “you can't go back to school, but you have all your school things in your backpack, and I'm sure there are magic books here that you can learn from, ok?” “ok daddy! I don't like going to school anyway! There's a mean boy there who pulled my underwear into my but! He said it was a wedgie! It wasn't very nice at all, but I didn't punch him because you said it's bad to hit.” Harry bit his lip, clearly struggling not to laugh. “that's...very good Connor...” he muttered, laughter in his voice. “why don't you ask our new friend where your going to be sleeping, while I make you something to eat?” “ok daddy!” Connor stated beaming at Ashlin. “i'm Connor Fredrick Potter! Whats your name?” he asked Ashlin, harry wincing when Connor's little hand wrapped around Ashlin's, holding the death eaters hand.
Ashlin smiled a little at connor's words though his heart gave a painful twist. Looking at Harry hopelessly.He'd promised not to talk to the boy unless given explicite permisson to do so.Before figuring it out, and talking as if he was talking to harry, to answer the boy's question,though he didn't look at him,despite his fingers closing over the boy's fingers unwillingly. Despite promisng not to touch him the death eater seemed incapable of pulling his hand away."I'm Ashlin.Ash if you want."he said smiling gently."And I do have plenty of books. Probably more then your papa. After all, your whole apartment could fit in my library."He teased.
Harry grimaced a little and sighed, shaking his head as he nodded to Ash, silently giving the man the ok to interact with Connor, since the boy seamed so pleased to find that his daddy actually had a friend. Connor blinked up at Ashlin his head tilted. “isn't Ashlin a girls name?” he asked, Harry gasping in astonishment at Connor's rudeness. “Connor! Be nice!” “what!? I was only wonderin...” Connor whined, pouting prettily at Harry who groaned and rolled his eyes, heading into the kitchen to make his son an after school snack of apples with peanut butter, Connor giggling at the thought of the whole apartment fitting into the library. “Daddy has a big library too, only I've only been there once, Daddy says it's dangerous to go there, because there are wizards who live there.” he admitted. “he said that Dumbledore uses it to fight the bad people, but he won't tell me any more than that.” he pondered. “i don't even know who Dumbledore is, but daddy says that if I meet him I'm supposed to run away as fast as I can, or he'll take me away and I won't ever see daddy again.” he scowled a little. “i wouldn't like that, i'd miss daddy.” so it appeared that Harry didn't trust Dumbledore as much as he claimed to.
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