Slither Like a Snake (MissBubbles and Krys Snape)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Krys and Draco were standing at platform 9 3/4 waiting for the Hogwarts Express. The two were usually there early Narcissa and Lucius always gotten the two there early ever since their first year. Krys had stayed at the manor for the summer as usual. This summer both her and Draco were branded by the dark lord. Taking the dark mark was painful but Krys could handle it she had a high tolerance for pain both her and Draco had received crucios from Draco's Aunt Bellatrix numerous times for back talking or misbehaving.

Krys and Draco got onto the train and found a compartment to sit in. The two were some of the best dressed Slytherins in the school Draco had an all black tux on as did Krys. The two got the usual ooh's and ahh's from some of the Slytherin girls. "So Draco I've got a great fucking idea for quidditch games this year we're guaranteed to win" ,Krys said and Draco's attention was completely focused on Krys now. "Yeah what do you have in mind"? Draco asked. "I'll take out the other teams chasers then aim for their seeker when I see you go after the snitch" ,Krys replied smirking.

While the two sat in the compartment a few people passed by them and waved while others, mainly Gryffindors, shot them nasty looks. The Slytherins idolized Draco and Krys but the other houses hated them.
Lexi made her way down the corridor of the train being gawked at. She had always enjoyed being the center of attention and the smile spread across her lips made it clear. Peaking into the compartments Lexi was in search of two fellow Slytherins she was instructed to find. That summer her life had spun out of control but she was taking all of it very well. She had not only found out she was the daughter of the dark lord but she was being shipped off to another country to switch schools. Stopping at a door she peered in to see a girl and a boy dressed in all black. She could tell immediately that they were the ones she was looking for. From what she was told they were the only two besides a professor who knew who she truly was.

Dressed in an extremely short skirt, a tight strapless purple top and a black hoodie Lexi stepped inside the compartment. "You're Draco and Krys right?" She asked with a smile. She eyed them both over and didn't care if either of them noticed. Her eyes lingered on Krys, she had an androgynous look to her that Lexi thought was beautiful.
Krys and Draco were talking for a while when a girl walked into their compartment. The two Slytherin's attention was immediately turned to the girl standing in the doorway. Krys' eyes scanned the girl and she could tell Draco was looking too. The two of them were instructed by the dark lord over the summer to watch over his daughter. "Yeah that's us" ,Krys told her. "Come take a seat" ,Krys said motioning to a spot in between her and Draco. "When the trolley comes I'll get us some sweets, so you must be Lexi. When we get to the school Draco and I are to bring you to meet my father" ,Krys told her.
Lexi made her way to the spot between them and sat down. Her already short skirt moved higher up her thigh as she crossed her legs. Setting her bag next to her feet she looked over at Krys with a smile. "Yes that's me.... And your father is Severus Snape, right?" Lexi overheard a few things about him and some were unsure if his alliances were with her father. She was excited about finally meeting the people she had been hearing about over the course of the summer. Many names had been spoken around her but the one she heard the most about was the famous Harry Potter.
When Lexi sat down and her skirt moved up Krys couldn't help but look. Quickly looking away so that the girl wouldn't notice Krys looked at Draco who looked as if he had just been doing the same thing. "Yes my father is Severus Snape he will be honored to meet you" ,Draco smiled at the girl. "So you're the dark lord's daughter" ,he said. "I'll say you look nothing like him". Krys knew Draco was attracted to the girl and so was Krys. It wasn't uncommon for the two of them to like the same girl at the same time. Krys and Draco were both messing around with Pansy Parkinson together for the longest time.

When the snack cart came Krys bought a few things for them to snack on along with drinks for the three of them. "So Lexi what do you like to do for fun"? Krys asked as she sat down and handed the drinks and snacks out.
Lexi couldn't help but laugh when Draco said she looked nothing like her father, "Well trust me when I met him I was extremely happy that I didn't look like him, I mean that nose is kind of gross." Watching Krys head over to the cart she looked her over again. She had noticed the way her and Draco looked her over and she could easily admit she enjoyed it. When Krys returned Lexi smile at her and replied, "I like to dance at clubs... Do they have any of those around here? Based on most of the people I've seen they all look rather boring." Looking from Draco and Krys she wondered if they were friends or more then that. It was obvious that they were close Lexi just wondered how close.
Krys laughed when Lexi asked if there were any clubs around Hogwarts. "No there's no clubs near Hogwarts we have a few pubs near there but that's about it" ,Krys told her. "We usually make our own fun" ,Draco said smirking, Krys knew exactly what he meant by that and he laughed. The two Slytherins were known for having threesomes all the time but with them it was more of a tag team on whichever girl they got into bed at the time. Krys and Draco had only kissed before and it was only because Goyle had dared them too Pansy told them they looked like two guys kissing and it made them feel awkward. The two probably seen each other naked more times then anyone else but they couldn't bring themselves to ever have sex with each other Krys was full blown lesbian and Draco was her best friend.

Krys took a sip of her pumpkin juice and leaned back in her seat, "So Lexi do they have quidditch where you're from"?
Lexi couldn't help but frown when he said there were no clubs. She looke over at Draco as he smirked and mention "making their own fun"she could tell he meant more then just going to a club. Returning her attention to krys, "We do but our school seems to have a lot less people so it's rare that we ever have a game. I'm personally not that great at it, I'm more of the cheerleader type" she said with a smile. Lexi was still wondering about Draco and krys's relationship and her curiosity or the best of her, "Are you two like best friends or what?"
Krys and Draco looked at each other when Lexi asked if they were best friends, "It's that obvious ehh" ,Krys said laughing. "Yes Draco and I have been best friends since we were little kids, we're nothing more then that though just to clear that up before people start telling you different". Draco smirked, "Krys is sometimes more of a guy then me so it'd be a bit weird for us to go out or mess around in a sexual way, plus she's a full blown lesbian" ,he told Lexi.
"Awww best friends since kids? That's so adorable. Laughing, Lexi looked over at krys when Draco mentioned she was a lesbian. "it's kind of obvious your a lesbian. Idk how you do it but I will say your making me question my sexuality just a bit" Lexi was always very foreword and spoke exactly what was on her mind and Krys was attractive to her. Given the chance she would love to have fun with her or Draco for that matter.
Krys laughed, "I tend to have that affect on girls" ,Krys smirked then looked at Draco. "Ain't that right Draco" ,she said. Draco smirked, "Yeah Pansy thought she was straight until she met Krys, We gave her the time of her life didn't we Krys" ,Draco said smirking. "Yeah we did she didn't even know which name to scream out" ,Krys and Draco started laughing their evil little laughs. "By the way me and Draco like to share everything but only with each other" ,Krys told Lexi. She leaned back and fixed her tie then took a bite from a piece of chocolate then offered Draco and Lexi a piece.
"oh so you share girls? That sounds like fun." TaKing a piece of chocolate from krys Lexi looked her over again. "So is this pansy your little toy you two share" she couldn't help but laugh as she said it. Lexi was not a whore by any means but she loved to have sex and if she new a fun time was guaranteed with them she would be in.
"You can say that I guess Pansy is very fun and boy can she do things you'd never expect just by looking at her" ,Krys said in response. "Me and Draco have seen each other naked more times then we can count, we've tag teamed more girls then we can count on both hands. We're probably the most wanted people in Slytherin almost every girl wants to fuck us and almost every guy hates us. Mainly because we've fucked their girlfriends" ,Krys and Draco laughed they knew what they did sometimes was wrong but they were young and good looking and they just wanted to have fun. Krys pulled a bottle out of her briefcase that she had sitting next to her and Draco smirked again. "So who wants a real drink" ,Krys asked pulling a shot glass out along with the bottle of firewhiskey that was in her hand. "You know I do" ,Draco said. Krys looked at the shot glass for a moment, "Fuck this stupid thing drink it from the bottle" ,Krys said taking a shot out of the bottle then handing it to Draco who took a shot then offered the bottle to Lexi.
"So you two more or less just fuck every girl at the school?" She laughed as she asked. Lexi thought that Draco and Krys were the perfect people for her to get along with. "Are the men worth anything here because I will definitely need to find myself someone to keep me satisfied." Lexi quickly took the bottle and from Draco and took a shot. "You two seem like you will be a lot of fun. I'm sure we could all have a great time together." Winking at Krys, Lexi handed the bottle back to her.
Krys took the bottle and smirked before biting her lip, "If we didn't have orders not to touch you I'm sure we'd have a lot of fun" ,Krys said right before taking a shot and handing the bottle to Draco. "And to answer your question me and Draco don't really look at the guys in the school but if I were to give my opinion none of them are that great looking" ,Krys told her. "I wish we could touch her" ,Draco said as he started to feel the alcohol take effect. Krys smirked, "So do I mate, I bet we can make her scream" ,Krys said licking her lips.
Lexi smiled and took the bottle from Draco to take a shot. "You were ordered not to touch me? Oh well I'm definitely going to have a lot of fun with that." Smiling at Krys she leaned in pressing her lips against her ear, "I wouldn't be the only screaming trust me." Lexi pulled away with a smile and handed her the bottle. "Oh and Draco, trust me you really do want to touch me." She had a feeling that she would given the special treatment being who she was but she was going to tease them both until they gave in.
Krys got chills when Lexi's lips touched her ear. She took a rather big shot from the bottle before handing it to Draco who looked as if he wanted to jump on the girl. "You wouldn't be the only on huh maybe we'll see about that sometime" ,Krys said smirking. "So are you excited to start school at Hogwarts"? she asked trying to change the subject. Lexi was hot and both Draco and Krys wanted her but couldn't do anything about it they were told by the dark lord himself to not touch her. It was frustrating but they couldn't break the rules.
"Awwww but you cant now can you? Hands off this merchandise" Lexi giggled as she spoke. She could tell Krys and Draco both wanted her and she wanted them too. Knowing they werent going to make a move on her made this even more fun, Lexi always enjoyed a good challenge. "I'm very excited actually, maybe you should check for yourself", grabbing Krys's wrist she moved her hand to her thigh just under her skirt. Lexi couldn't help but smile. She was going to enjoy teasing them until they just gave in.
Krys' eyes widened when Lexi took her hand and put it in her skirt, "Are you trying to get me in trouble"? Krys asked blushing. "Krys just fuck her no one's watching" ,Draco said taking another shot. Krys was stuck on what she should do she really wanted to fuck Lexi but she was given instructions not to touch her. "Krys just do it she's asking for it" ,Draco pressed on.
"I wouldn't want to get you in trouble. It seems crazy they would even threaten you about such a thing." Hearing Draco egg on Krys drew her attention to him. "You are the weaker one when it comes to sex I see. But you are a man so it's expected." Smiling at Draco Lexi removed Krys's hand from under her skirt. Standing up Lexi moved into Draco's lap sitting across it so that her body was facing Krys. She grabbed the bottle from Draco and took another shot. "Would you like to feel how excited I am Draco?" She had a feeling Draco would give in. She really was having fun with the teasing.
Draco bit his lip hard and Krys could see the temptation in his eyes. "Just fuck her Draco she's asking for it" ,Krys joked. Krys watched and waited to see if Draco would give in. "Go on Draco do it". Draco gave Krys a look that made her laugh, "Don't worry Draco if you get too horny we can just fuck Pansy later". Draco looked as if he wanted nothing to do with Pansy at the moment and to be honest Krys didn't either. "You are a naughty girl aren't you" ,Krys said as she took the bottle from Lexi and took another shot.
Lexi smiled over at Krys when she teased Draco. She only met them a little bit ago but she already liked them alot. They really seemed like her kind of people. When Krys mentioned Pansy she leaned in and nipped at Draco's ear. "I don't know this Pansy girl but I can already gaurantee you she will never make you cum like I could. Plus think how hard it will get you fucking the one girl in school you two apparently cant have." Lexi watched Krys as she took her shot. "Just a little bit. Would you like to spank me for being naughty? You guys really should have never told me about not being able to touch me. Just means I'm going to try even harder to get you both too."
Krys shook her head, "Believe me hun if I was allowed to fuck you I would've already right on this fucking train but unfortunately we have orders not to if we touch you and your father finds out he won't be happy" ,Krys said. Finally the train came to a stop and they got off and made their way to the great hall for the sorting ceremony. While at dinner Pansy looked over to Krys and smiled before sitting next to her, "I've missed you Krys" ,Pansy said then she turned to Draco. "And you Draco, are you guys gonna be busy later"? Krys looked to Draco and then to Pansy and then to Lexi. "I don't know yet Pansy we'll have to wait and see" ,Krys said smirking at Lexi.
Lexi sat across the table from Draco and Krys. Many Slytherins were introducing themselves to her at once, she couldn't help but enjoy the attention. Noticing a girl taking a seat between Draco and Krys, Lexi assumed that it was Pansy. She was an alright looking girl and she was sure she could please them. Lexi was busying herself with a boy named Blaize she had just met but her mind was still on Krys and Draco. Lexi could tell that Krys would not give in easily but she was sure she could sway Draco if he were ever alone.
Pansy kept grabbing Krys' crotch underneath the table making Krys jump a little every time. "Ok Pansy I get the point you want to fuck maybe later if Draco feels up to it" ,Krys told her. Krys then looked at Lexi, "Draco I have a brilliant idea" ,Krys said with an excited tone. She motioned for Draco to lean in so she could whisper the idea to him so that no one else could hear it. Draco's face lit up when Krys was done whispering. "Krys you're a fucking genius" ,he said smiling. "Lexi what are you doing later"? Krys asked. "You're hanging out with us three tonight ok me and Draco have an idea".
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