Etheral (Mr. Nibbles and Mech Pilot)

Dr. Nibbles

Oct 20, 2011
Your Pants

The medium, supposed by the ancients to fill the upper regions of space.

We are the architects.

Shakuraz waved his hand. Mountains rose from the oceans causing titanic waves to pour across the lands. Hot lava burst from crevases of the earth. Skakuraz waved his hand again, the water cooling the molten rock, forming a rolling hill. He rose his hand once more, grass covering the hills he had made.

We are the mother and father.

He watched as organisms sprouted on a microscopic level. Shakuraz was fascinated and brought both his golden gauntlets together, the organisms collecting and becoming a mass of cells, then forming tissues and organs and systems. Like a child Shakuraz watched with glee as he made life.

We are the kings.

The organisms rose from the ocean and adapted to the elements that he would randomly cast down upon them. Earth, wind, fire and water; his children must survive this simple process or they will never be perfect. Soon they were sentient, making tools and fighting amungst each other for survival. As punishment for such self destructive nature, Shakuraz rained fire from the sky, and plauges from within, and frost from the north. His children died off, but some lived, becoming stronger. They would learn.

We are the gods.
Soon they became aware of his presence. They worshipped him, slaughtering others in his name. Giving him homage in body, mind and soul. They were learning.

We are questioned.

They begin to advance. They ask why. They look up at Shakuraz if he does not exist. How could they? He thought Damned they shall be.

We are betrayed

They're knowlege has ascended his own. They have crossed into his plane of the realm. They have attacked his people. They are savage beasts. Shakuraz will make them suffer for their ignorance. Shakuraz took the malice of their souls and created new life, the Hollows, he called them. They would wage war for him.

We are broken.

The Hollows and his children had turned on him. The war was fought on three fronts. Shakuraz has doomed his people.

We are forsaken.

Skakuraz and his people are cast out from his plane. The people he created had learned to use his magicks against him, and he had grown weak and ignorant. He was a cruel father. His people were all cruel. They deserve their eternal fate.

We are forgotten.

Time has passed, Shakuraz sits on his throne, his soul everliving, his body a walking carcass.

"Long live the Skeleton King." he said softly to himself, the blue bale-fire that is his eyes dying "Long live the Ethereals"

Shakuraz closed his lidless eyes and sulked in his defeat, letting the eons rot his corpse to the bone. He is ignorant to his "kingdom" and his children. His people question his loyalty. He has been forsaken, and mankind continued without him. It is a new age where the star gods are not needed. And thus, in his defeat, Shakuraz began his eternal slumber, unaware of the hate that boiled within his people as scores of millenia passed.


Chapter I:
Terra Firma

Rukia awoke to the sound of an angry alarm clock. She'd been pretty miserable since Ichigo and her had that falling out. She'd never thought dating her "roommate" could end so badly.

She leaned up, pulling her tight Chappy pajama top down over her bare middrift. She turned her legs and stood up. Her first day of her 4th year of High School was about to begin. She had gotten used to living life as a mortal. She was holding a job, lived on her own, she was always a survivor. This whole break up business was no different.

Rukua walked over to her old oak dresser and pulled out her school uniform, tightly pressed last night. She looked around her small flat. It was run down and kilometers away from the high school but she didn't mind taking a bus, even if she had to walk a little to the bus stop. Gave her time to clear her head every morning, being as she woke up with her thoughts buzzing around like a hornets nest struck by a baseball bat.

After getting dressed she looked at herself in her small, cracked bathroom mirror. She looked into her own lavender eyes, dark bags hanging under here eyes. She hadn't been sleeping well, the shitty mattress didnt help but she needed to realize that things between her and Ichigo were over...despite how close they'd been in all their adventures.... it ended like this, in a serious of ignorant and borderline violent fights.

She sighed, choking back tears. She looked back up at her eyes, breathing in and out slowly. Today was her first time since the break up she would see him, she was strong, she could do it...could she?

She turned around, not willing to answer her own questions. She grabbed her bag and stormed out of her appartment. As she did, a small tremor shook her appartment building. The place was not structurally sound, she was shocked it wasnt condemned. She dismissed it as a mild earthquake and moved on. But without her noticing, material reality above the city began to bend as laws as old of time were slowly broken.[/b]
Souma woke up by the sound of ACDC singing You Shook Me All Night Long coming from his cell phone as it did every morning. With a yawn, he sat in the bad, streching his numb body. It was early, as always, and his mother seemed to be still as asleep. A morning like every other at the Minamino household. The boy got up and made a bee line to the bathroom, still listening to his alarm clock music. After a quick bath, he was a feeling a lot better, ready to face the day ahead of him. It was the first semester of his second year after all.

He made his way down to the kitchen after dressing in his new uniform. He looked quite good in it if he'd say so himself. The house was as silent as ever at that time of the morning as he worked on his breakfast. His mother usually stayed up late cleaning the shop and woke up just in time to start the preparations for the lunch in the restaurant, so the morning chores were his responsabilities. And he did it with pleasure. He cooked breakfast for both of them and left hers ready for her when she woke up. The left overs he arranged in a traditional obento so he could have lunch at school. Then he ate his own morning meal, and as soon as he was ready, left the house, heading towards the school.

He breathed the first air outside with satisfaction. He was eager to go back to school again, and seeing his friends once more. With luck he would also be able to avoid getting in trouble with those annoying ghosts that made a habit out of following him around. He had just left the house when he felt a small tremor that made him lean against the house's gate not to fall. An earthquake? Strangely no warn had been issued for it. He thought about it for a second, but then dismissed it quickly. The warning was probably issued through dawn, and he missed it as he was asleep. It was a minor thing so it probably meant nothing. He resumed his way right after, as he didn't want to be late in his first day.

He looked at the bright sky above him, as he walked along the street, bathed by the morning sun, and smiled to himself.

"Today is going to be a good day!" - he told himself, full of hope for the day to come.
Rukia climbed onto the bus, it was cramped and smelled faintly of urine. This is a nice bus, she thought to herself. She squeeze her way though the pack of people before finding herself a seat. She tripped and fell into the seat, hitting the back of her head on the window. She groaned and rubbed her head. She looked behind her out the window.

The sky had become suddenly grey. Rukia didnt have TV and she rarely listened to radio, but she hadn't heard anything about a storm. Weather had certainly been odd today, but as long as no hollows or other worldly phenomenon happened today she'd be content. She leaned her head against the windo and let her eyes shut, she had a few minutes to sleep some more, hopefully the hum of the rickety bus will lull her to sleep.


Unnoticed by many, a vortex in the sky opened, charging with green mystical energy. A thin light shot from the vortex before it quickly closed. A ball of green light travelled quickly to the ground, heading straight for the cemetery, the light around it seeming to bend unnaturally around it.

It finaly met its destination, bursting through a crypt and phasing through a tomb as if it were not there at all. Several seconds passed before the tomb began to shake, the cement around it buckling and cracking before finally giving, the coffin from within falling out onto its side. Muffled moans and grunts came from within, unheard by all. With great force, the casket's vacuum seal burst open and a decrepid hand, its fingertips gone only leaving bleached bone wrapped in a glove of grey flesh, emerged as its owner breathed air of the Earth Realm.


"Hey you Traitor." shouted a familiar, yet anoying voice from behind Souma. "Heard you made it as an honor's student last year."

Souma turned to see it was Keigo, an eccentric 4th year he managed to be aquainted with last year during a baseball game. Keigo ran up next to Souma, violating his personal space bubble.

"If anybody found out I was friends with a smarty-pants, nerd, 2nd year I'd probably be burned at the stake." he said his voice slowly increasing in octaves.
Souma was rather puzzled by the sky's sudden change. Or were it already like that and he only failed to noticed it? He couldn't answer, but decided to let it go. He just hoped it wouldn't rain. It would be really sad having a good day ruined by something stupid like a summer rain. He was so caught up in these thoughts that he faliled to notice his friend creeping up behind him. It was Keigo's voice that pulled him back to Earth. The boy turned back to face his friend, but was interrupted by the sudden violation of his personal space.

"Good morning to you too, Keigo-senpai" - he answered the older boy with a crooked smile, a small vein popping up in his forehead. - "So, a traitor, am I? Just because I made honor student and your grades happen to suck?" - he got back at him. - "How unfair..."

After a little laugh, he looked at his friend, not really minding their proximity.

"Me, Nerd?" - he asked, faking a little shock. - "Do I have to remember you that not only I'm way more popular than you, I'm also a regular competidor on three different national championships for three different sports club in the school?" - He grinned, largely - "Hehe, now please tell me, who has the nerd friend?!" - he asked, chuckling, and then got a little more serious. - "Seriously now, how were your vacations, senpai?"

Souma walked as the talk, enjoying the conversation with his friends as they both headed to school.
Rukia's eyes widened as she sensed the pressence of a spirit. But it wasn't human, nor hollow. She turned around to see a spiraling vortex above her, a bright green light firing from it and into the cemetary, shaking the earth once more.

"STOP THE BUS!" she shouted, running to the front.

"It's just an after shock sweety." said the bus driver.

"No it's not" she said to no one inparticular.

Rukia pulled the emergency exit switch on the doors and lept out tucking her head to her knees and rolling when she hit the ground. The cemetary was half kilometer away. She'd need to run fast. Suddenly the feeling of a spirit driffted but the sky still remained ashen and grey. Something was very wrong.


Serafim Meir arose from the freshly opened crypt, his new body filling the air with toxic fumes that reaked of pestilence and death. This body would do nicely.

He took a few moments to examine the meat puppet, he was male, probably died young. The gaping hole in the back of his skull probably a good cause of death. He wore a cheap black suit that had ripped and frayed over the decades. He felt his scalp revealing short blonde hair that was sparse and severly faded. Serafim then felt his jaw line, of which was only connected at one point.

"Ugh, muttar ph'uggar" spoke Serafim vulgarly, if one could classify that as speaking.

Thinking quickly hetook off his jacket and ripped the arms off, using the bodyas a makeshift scarf and shall. He held his jaw together and covered up his unsightly head wound.

"Ah, much better." he said to no one, pleased with his new form.

Using his extreme strength he kicked the gate to the crypt open, the metal portal ripped from its hinges and sliding across the concrete and grass of the cemetary. Serafim looked up, seeing the vortex still opened. Several grey lights fell slowly from the opening from which he exited.

"Damn," he cursed. Serafim had brought friends.


Keigo was oblivious to the grey etheral lights exiting the sky. They're existance seemed unnatural and forced Souma's skin to crawl. His whole body felt numb.

"Hey, you got something on your nose." Keigo said with slight concern.

Souma rubbed his nose and saw a few dribblets of blood leaking from it. Dismissing it as changes in preasure from the weather, he pressed on. They began to pass the cemetary when suddenly a second tremor shook them stopping them in place this time.

"Jeez, that was a tense aftershock." said Keigo, grabbing the wall to stablize himself.
Souma looked at the unnatural phenomena happening above him in a mix of awe and fear. What was that? What was happening? He shouldn't be surprised he was seeing something so different and strange, as he was used to seeing ghosts and things no one else were able to see, but something like that was the first time he saw. Green and Grey lights coming down from the sky, bringing tremors and earthquakes along with it? For some reason, something inside him screamed that was trouble. He did not no why, but he knew that was just as dangerous as it was mysterious. 'I should just ignore it and go to school." was the thought running in his head, but for some reason the strange sight drew him in its direction, his curiosity almost whispering in his ear that he should see what that was about. The fight inside him was short before his curiosity finally prevailed.

He had to go see what that was. Had to. But first he needed to send his friend on his way. That was already too strange for him to involve someone who couldn't even see something was wrong. He couldn't think about a good explanation to give his senior, though, and decided it would be for the best to just be a little enigmatic and don't give any explanation at all.

"Keigo-senpai, I just remember something I forgot!" - he said as he looked at the blood dripping from his nose into his fist, the ominous feeling stronger at each passing minute. What was happening? - "You go first, I catch up with you later!" - he finished, and without further explanation, ran back to the entrance of the cemitery. He was sure that was where the first light fell from the sky. He felt the grip of fear in his gut, but dismissed it with a light shook of his head. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand, a trail of blood forming at it.

Then he advanced, passing though the gates of the cemetary and running throught the row of graves, all of them side by side. The ominous sky above him still flashed in its weird supernatural colors, and it made his skin crawl and a shiver run down his spine. That was just too creepy. What the hell was going on there? Without too many time to think he just made his way through the haunted-like ambient that cemetary had become all of a sudden, hoping he would find some answers at the end of his path.

"I just hope I'll be alright..." - he wished, though his foot never hesitated on their way.
With extreme haste, Rukia slalomed through cars almost being stuck by one. She quickly rolled over the hood of the car, several honks echoing behind her. She needed to get to the cemetary and she could exit her body. She pulled her chappy despenser from her vest pocket as the cemetary walls came within sight. She vaulted with grace over the 3 meter tall wall. He foot hitting something fleshy as she came over the other side, forcing her to collapse ontop of it.


Souma made his way throught the cemetary to the eye of the storm. The wind had become excessive and the void above him began to glow strange colors, colors that don't exist.

He let his gaze fall to a crypt a few meters away. He recoiled as the door blew off with violent force. He looked at the enterance as the dust cleared a man exited, he almost got a good look at him, until a girl's shoe landed on his face, soon followed by a whole girl.
Souma's breath was ragged once he made it to the place where a heavy, iron door blew past him, making him recoil and squeak involuntarily. What the hell was that? An explosion? No, stupid, why the hell would anyone bomb a cemetary? But then, what could make a door like that be blew so easily throught the air? He was about to look at the man who exited the place when he was surprised by the meteor falling girl. He barely had the time to complain about it.

He tried to keep his balance, fighting against her falling weight, but even if he was phisically fit, his strentgh was not that great, to support the whole weight of a falling human being. He kept his balance for a second before falling on his back, his arms hugging the girl above him as he tried to hold on to something so he wouldn't fall back. He could tell she was soft, and her scent was sweet and delicate, tickling his nose as he hugged her in his momentarily confused state of mind. A second later thought he recovered, trying to grasp the situation at hand. He was surprised to see the girl was wearing his school's uniform.

"Argh... That hurt..." - he rubbed his head with his free hand, the other still wrapped around the girl. Only then he noticed it. - "Eh?!" - he quickly let go of her, slightly red. - "I'm sorry! A-are you ok?!" - he asked, concerned, trying to get up, and help his "assailiant". Wait, why was he apologizing? Wasn't she the one who suddenly landed upon him? Then he looked at her, and was pretty surprised to see a known face.

"Kuchiki-senpai?!" - he asked, surprised, looking at her. What was she doing in that dangerous place? Visiting someone's grave maybe before school? Things just got a lot more complicated than before, now that an innocent had been involved the that mess, unknowingly. - "What are you doing here?!"
Rukia fell on her bum with a hard thud, luckily a rather handsome looking boy had broken her rather ungraceful landing. She rubbed her tail bone before realizing that he was holding onto her dangerously close to her busom. She blushed and grew angry, trying to conceal her rage she stood up, not acknowleging his hand outstretched.

"I could ask you the same." she said dusting herself off, she looked up and noticed he was wearing her school's outfit, she looked further up to see his face "Hey, I know you... you're Kiego's friend.... um Sumanu, samus, Souma! Thats it! Souma-san what are you doing here? Cant you see a storm is about to start?!? And a tall guy like you is a walking lightening rod out here."

Rukia's eyes widened as she felt spiritual preasure increase around her. Suddenly a grey orb struck the crypt shattering it into rubbled. The dust covered the cemetary making it impossible to see.The wind quickly blew the dust away. Rukia and Suoma coughed and rubbed the dust out of their eyes just in time to see five ghostly figures with peicing blue eyes under wickedly sharp helms made of ancient steel appear. Four vanished with the wind, whil one remained. His form appearing and reappearing all over the cemetary.

"What the hell is that?" Rukia said out loud.
"Ah, yeah, its Souma. Minamino Souma." - he said, surprised she remembered someone two years her junior. He was glad that she did as it would be easier to take her out of there in one piece if she trusted him, only if just a little. - "I was... uh... You know... Looking around?" - as always he was a terrible liar. Ever since he was little, lying wasn't something that came naturally to him, and he was generally glad it was that way, but at times like that it could really be a pain in the ass. How could he explain he was seeing some kind of unnatural, mysterious kind of storm-like phenomena happening right above them, to someone who couldn't see it? He couldn't. But apparently, he also couldn't lie about it.

Then he saw the grey orb struck the crypt, shattering it, and used his arms to protect his face from the blast, thought it made little good, the dust getting to his eyes and lungs. He coughed it heavily trying to once again breath clean air, but could barely do it. He was surprised, and struck by fear, once he saw the ghostly figures with the unnatural piercing blue eyes around them. Then he calmed himself down. They were just spirits. A spirit could never hurt him. They never did. Just a spirit like any other.

It was Rukia who took him out of his trance, as the flickering form ran across the cemetary.

"Eh?! You can see it too?!" - he asked her, in utter surprise. It was the first time he heard about anyone else capable of seeing what he could see. He always thought he was the only one, which was why he stopped talking about it to others once he reached a certain age. But there she was, looking at the same thing he was. - "Don't worry! Its just a ghost, it can't hurt us. Believe me I saw them my whole life. They're unable to hurt us!" - he did not knew how wrong he was about it, and how much more than him, she knew.

He took a step forward anyway. It was his duty to keep her safe, in any case. - "Just stay behind me, for precaution." - he told her, with more seriousness than he expected. - "I'll kick its ass if it tries anything funny." - It was simple. He had beaten other ghosts that bothered him before. That was nothing out of the ordinary...

"You idiot!" Rukia shouted "what are you doing!"

The spirit heard them. Its head turned 180 degrees, starting at them with malice. Its eyes triangular, glowing and fueled by an ancient hatred. It vanished in a puff of green smoke.

Rukia grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back mere seconds before the spectre reapeared infront of him its massive, jagged toothed blade raised above it's head before dropping down with inhuman speed and force. His shirt was cut open and his skin knicked as the blade smashed into the ground, the 1.75 meter long blade smashing halfway into the thick concrete. His blood dripped in small droppletes to the crushed ground below him, a fair trade from being severed from crown to groin. He felt increadibly light headed, more blood coming from his nose then anywhere else. He collapsed, watching the world around him bend unnaturally.

Its head snapped up and it hissed at the two mortals. Its face completely missing beneath its mask, excluding its two immortal eyes. Rukia stood infront of him, far braver than any girl- no, person- he knew.

Rukia popped a small green orb into her mouth and her body fell limp to the ground, leaving behind her spirit wrapped in a black kimono.

"Go," she said looking at her body from her peripheral "get him out of here."

"Okie dokie lokie!" said the now unnaturally energetic Rukia as it sprang up saluting her master. "Come on buddy! Let's get out of this spooky boneyard!"

The human Rukia grabbed his arm and began to drag him away with superhuman strength. Suoma could only watch as Rukia stood, a kitana in hand and in a battle stance, ready to duel with the daemon as it dislodged its sabre and swung again.

Before he could see the battle begin, a woman in a white and red kimono appeared infront of him. The world around him turning into a white purgatory. She was very attactive, her breasts pouring from her clothing. She looked at him with sensual eyes from behind long silver hair.

"Hello Suoma" she said seductively.
Souma couldn't believe how fast it moved. It simply disappeared from where it stand before, and then it stood in front of him, his sword raining death upon his unprepared young soul. He would die. That thought was clear in his head. That spirit, or whatever it was, was different from everything he had seen so far. He was paralized in fear, his legs trembling and voice trapped in his sore throat. He would really die, and then Kuchike-senpai would die in the hands of that... monster? What was it really? Did it mattered? He would die anyway.

But he didn't as he felt Rukia pulling him out of the way, faster then he could react. He wished to protect her, and ended up protected himself. But not complete unscathed. He could feel the pain of having his body almost sliced in half, althought to shallow to really divide him into two. His nose was bleeding profusely. He was light headed. What was happening? He could see things still happening around him but couldn't grasp its seriousness, nor really understand what was going on. He fell to his knees, legs failling to support his weight. Was he always this weak? He always considered himself to be so strong, though.

He saw Rukia taking a pill and then her body and sould being separated, a Spirit Rukia, clad in black kimono with a Katana in the sheath, and a now energetic Rukia in her human body. What was all that? What kind of dream was he in? He let the girl grab his arm and did his best to help her get him out of there. He know he shouldn't. 'I have to protect her...' was the thought in his had, but could he? By the fierce look in Spirit-Rukia's eyes, he could see she was way braver, and way stronger than him. He was scared. Affraid of the monster, affraid of the Kuchiki-senpai he could not recognize anymore, and affraid of death.

The the world got white. Only white. And the woman in the white and red kimono in front of him. Did he knew her? She was familiar, he could feel it, but no, he had never seen her. - "Who... Who are you?" - he asked, in awe, his eyes still showing the fear he was feeling, though he felt a lot better in the presence of the mysterious woman.
"Who am I?" the woman scoffed, almost offended "Its only been a few hundred years and you forgot your spirit guardian?"

She turned and undid her belt, a rock waterfall rising from the ether. The hot spring forming from nothingness, suddenly he was inside an icy mountain, his breath easily seen. She let her kimono drop, revealing her sexy, soft, pale curves. She walked into the pool with a sway in every step. She sunk down to her nose in the hot water.

"Aren't you going to join my Souji-sama?" she smiled, he naked body concealed by steamy water.
"Eh?" - he was rather distressed by the way she showed her displeasure at him "forgetting" her. So he did knew her? He couldn't remember. And what was a spirit guardian anyway. For some reason, he did felt guilty about it, and couldn't do anything but apologize. - "I'm sorry, I'm really am... But I don't remember knowing someone so... er... beautiful..." - he answered, admiring her. It was the truth. - "Should I.. remember you?"

It was all he could ask before seeing the scenario change. But the sudden summoning of the surrounding Hot Spring did not surprised him as much as her next action, when she undid her belt, and let the Kimono drop to the floor, revealing her sexy body. It was simply amazing, the first time he saw a woman's perfection. Why did she do that? Such a sexy woman, exposing herself to him that way. It made his head spin. He felt himself blushed, his face on fire even on the cold mountain. - "Ah..." - he hold his breath for a moment, a tingling sensation on his crotch. He tried to discreetly hid it from her.

"Er... J-join you? Now?" - he asked, all memory of the past situation wiped away from his brain. He considered her proposition for a while, blushing heavily. - "Ok.." - he answered after a moment.

Then, he took his own clothes off, shyly, fumbling around with them in his own awkwardness. He felt silly like that, but couldn't help it in his inexperience, thought it seemed to him she had seen him naked a lot, even if he couldn't remember it. After he took out his underwear, he did his best to hide his erection and quickly concealed his own body on the water, sunkin down in it to his chin. - "Can... Can you tell me what's going on?"
The gorgeous apparition floated over to him, turning around and letting herself float against his chest. She closed her eyes and leaned into him, smiling and sighing in happiness.

"Its been so long Souji-sama." she grabbed his hands and invited him to touch her. "Do you remember how much fun we've had in this very pool?"

She giggled, and looked up at him, letting herself sink, her large ass rubbing against his long errection as she sank. Her eyes widened and she laughed.

"It HAS been a while." she laughed at him "Since when did you get a hard-on from just cuddling?" She arched her back, teasing his member with her butt, her nipples rising from the water and hardening. She giggled once more.
Souma looked at her, still a little too embarassed and mesmerized by her to utter words with even a small degree of meaning. He couldn't understand what was happening as this scene was even more strange then what happened before, at the cemetary. He was too caught up in her thought to rationalize that, though.

"It has?" - he asked, blushing heavily when he felt her ass rubbing at his erection as she sank into the hot springs. He left out a soft moan as he felt it. It was so soft against him. It felt like heaven. - "W-we did?" - Why the hell couldn't he remember that. He felt her hands on his, when she grabbed them, and cuddled her close to him as she almost sat on his lap.

"W-well. I'm sorry. It wasn't from cuddling..." - he answered, his face reddened. - "It was from when you... took your clothes off..." - he explained, ashamed of it. But she talked about it so calm, it seemed like they were long lovers. - "But... The way you talk, It seems you already saw me with hard-ons. Have we done it? Before?" - he asked, and couldn't help but moan when she teased his cock with her butt. He could feel the soft mounds around his member, and wondered if it was even close to her butthole.
She smiled, grabbing the back of his head, rocking back and forth gently. He amazingly soft ass massaging it in her crack. She came up high and then brought herself down, the tip pressing against her hole.

"Oops," she blushed and giggled, pushing a little more, tossling his hair "You're too funny Souji-sama. How could you forget this?"

She craned her neck up, revealing the round, milky orbs that are her breasts. Each topped with a small, pale nipple. The chil air errecting the small nips. She turned his neck down and kissed him. Her lips were warm and sweet. Her tongue probed into his mouth, dancing with his own, filling his mouth with her war, sweet saliva.
He thought that saying sorry once more would be really silly of him, and he decided to just blush in silence. The feeling of her body against his own was just too much for him to handle, and he just felt her caresses. The soft ass against his dick and the puckered hole he could feel at the tip, that could only mean one thing.

He could feel he had forgotten something important. Amazingly important, that was related to her. But he couldn't know what it was. - "I feel it. I feel I'm forgetting something very important. And you. I know we've met before. Didn't we? As you said, we've been here before, didn't we? Together..."

He was cut by her mouth, so soft and sweet. Her lips were almost as sweet as candy. He could feel her tongue probing his mouth and he did his best to defletct it with his own, dancing around with hers. He sucked on her lips, sipping her saliva as if it was the most precious thing in the world. Almost as if he wanted to suck his forgotten memories out of her.

His hands moved on their own, reaching her breasts and massaging them, softly, as his fingers ran through her nipples in the softer, most ethereal caress ever.
She let her ass drop onto his member, the tip penetrating the tight hole. She moaned into his mouth. His cock slid slowly up her anus, filling her tight hole up with a massive teen cock.

"Oh Souji-sama, oh Souji..." she moaned, rocking up and down on his hard shaft. "You must...remember... oooooh..."
Souma felt his cock entering her butt, and it was the best sensation ever. Was it the first time he had been inside her anus? Probably not, by the way she simply accepted it as if it were something they always did when meeting. That was just the best feeling in the world. She was so tight, so warm, so good inside.

"Aaah... This is wonderful..." - he muttered in her ear, his hands tightning the grip on her round breasts, squeezing and massaging it, his fingers playing with his nipple in a way he did not know he knew how to do it. It just felt natural to do it.

"I want to..." - he said, his breath ragged, while he felt her asshole wrap around his cock. - "Help me remember... Please!" - It was important. Not knowing her was... painful. More than he could imagined it could be. He needed to remember her.

He wanted to.
She moaned as she bounced on his rigid cock. She couldnt take much more of this, she needed it harded. She stood in the hot pool of water and grabbed her knees, her movements pleasing his cock. Her body rose from the water with grace, every curve of her soft white body dripped with hot water. She looked back at him with lustful eyes. He saw a sword in her eyes, witha blue hilt. The image imbeded in his brain. Thunder rolled outside the mountain, his lust reached a maximum.

"Fuck me." her voice rang with static charge.
Souma could feel the energy surrounding both of them and couldn't think of anything else but to comply to her wish. He got up, and his arms wrapped around her waist, once again pulling her close to him. He did not know from where that confidence that overcame him come from, but her look gave him strenght and he wanted her as much as he could see she wanted him.

He pulled her butt to him once again, his tip searching for her puckered hole, the one he had just come out from. He would give it to her, fuck her with all he got. Once he found it, he slowly slid inside her asshole once again, rocking his hips slowly at first, then picking up speed as he pumped in and out of her, looking for pleasure. He wanted her, wanted to remember her and the time they spent together.

"Aaah... THis is so good... How could I ever forget this?" - he asked both to her and to himself, lost in the sensation of her ass around his dick. He kept pounding her, as his hands made its way once again to her breasts playing with them first with one then with another. His other hand went down, playing with her pubes before going further down to play with her pussy.

Where did he learned that? He knew how to pleasure her. By instinct, he knew what he should do and what she would like for him to do. He kissed her neck, and nibbled on her year as he kept fucking her hard.
She let out a scream of pleasure that periced the sky. He felt his body tingle. His nerves in overdrive. The world seemed to slow down and reality did not exsist. Only this beautiful woman existed. Souma was boiling to the point of no return. He precum leaked into her tight ass, lubbing up the thrusts.

"P-please..." she said, her voice robotic "cum as hard as you me..."

Memories began to flash into Souma's head, memories that were not his. Monsters with skull faces, fuedal japanese soldiers, Hollows, Captains, Shimigami, Zanpakutou. His head throbbed with information as his body spasmed with electric energy. His eyes became black, and a exoskeleton of bone formed around his face. Suoma laughed at this, his voice strong and daemonic. He had power.
The flood of pleasure and information that came as he fucked her only served to mess up even more with his head, as he drowned in the pleasure that was her body. She was the only thing that mattered to him at the moment. He could tell that all those memories, that were and weren't his, were important, but not as important as remembering her.

"I will." - he answered in a voice that did not sounded like his own, as he kept doing to her all the caressess at once. - "I'll cum as hard as I can, inside you. Because you are mine, aren't you?" - he knew it.

It was simply amazing. The feeling of power. He could feel so great, so powerful, and so, soo good. All because of her. Her body, her soul, that beautiful woman giving him all she had. That was the best. He reveled in it as he came hard inside of her, letting out all the cum he had, and filling her up, as he moaned in pleasure.
The woman's sensual moans burst into a scream as she too reached a climax. Her tight ass filled with the thick milky liquid as quickly as his legs were sprayed with her hot, clear juices. She continued to scream until her scream seemed to shake the fabric of the universe. Her body glowed bright white, her body bursting into an arc of electricity. A her kimono transforming into a thick katana and landing perfectly into Souma's palms. He felt strange power and strength.

"Souji," spoke the woman, her voice heavy with anger. Souma turned to see her out of the corner of his skull mask, she was floating on air, her eyes glowing bright blue and her kimono pulled tight to her body with static cling, making it look more like an executioner's cloak. He thin, smooth arm transformed at the forarm into a long metal blade, arcs of electricity dancing around it. Whatever power Souma had, she trippled it.

"Or should I even call you that?" she said, her words dripping with venom. "Who are you? What have you done with Souji-sama!?!"
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