Valkyria Chronicles - The Unwritten account of the Warhounds

After the little prayer, he walked away. Against Papaji's request for him to stay by and rest with the group, he did not respond as he walked away. Mordecai tried to move closer towards Isara, hoping to apologize further, but Mimari pinched his ear and tried to drag him away. Of course she would not forgive him for what she had heard, but Mordecai tried to clarify what had been suggested. He wasn't the type to try something so aggressive like that! Even Papaji would know that!

Rat, meanwhile, simply sat out, staring into the stars. They had missed the order to rendezvous, for sure he would get into trouble for that. He was parched, but he tried not to let his thirst get to his mind. Rat was the type who can survive on very little, having been given almost nothing during his childhood. Yet...he could so very easily betray them...then why can't he pull the trigger? He sat there, on a rock, fingering the flare gun that he had used to betray the group that Isara had traveled with. Why?! He hated them just as much as he had everyone else!

Was it the fear that he would see Isara cry once again that prevented him from executing the plan yet again? As much as he wanted to yell that he hated this, he just couldn't bring himself to do just that! When Isara was close, he pocketed the flare gun, turning back towards her. "Take your clothes off." He commanded, not even staring into her eyes. Dejectedly, he weakly tried to impose his will on her. She was still forced to do as they had said of her, but the sound of his voice was very weak.
Isara blinked, a blush rising to her face and although she heard the weakness in his voice she still obeyed his command and began to slowly and carefully strip down, folding her clothes and placing them into a neat stack by her side. She then sat down with her legs folded under herself and her left arm crossed in front of her breasts. She didn't know what he planned on doing, but she didn't think he would dare to go all the way. For now, she tried her best to remain calm and collected, without jumping to rash conclusions.
The blush on her cheek proved to be infectious as he too found himself flustering. Feeling his own member slowly rise in elation, he tried his best not to seem aroused, fiddling about with his pants as not to make the hardness evident to her. "Hmph. You're pathetic." he commented, softly pushing her right off, his hand hesitating from touching her breast. Did he really want to do this? To abuse and molest her? Would it be no different from that day when she, gagged and bound, begged for him to look into his own self and disobey his Master? It may look like she was put to the spot in this situation, but it became evident that he was hesitating. Seeing no sign of resistance from her, it only fed into his frustration. "Kuh!" he held his hand up, stopping only inches from striking her cheeks. Why?! Why won't she hate him?! Why would she just look into his eyes and remain perfectly still?!

Gritting his teeth, he soon calmed down, grasping the Poncho that she wore. It must be something precious to her, he wondered just how much of value this was to her. "Tear this up." he commanded. Soon enough it became clear that he just wanted her to hate him. He couldn't even find the courage to grope her gentle body, now he was deliberately trying to force her to do something he hoped would make her hate him. The stars above twinkled, the night sky was clear to reveal a thousand shimmering Stars up in the sky. Crickets chirped as the night was quite cold. Leaving her naked there wasn't a great idea as soon, he deliberated simply just letting her dress back to her clothes to prevent her from getting a cold.

Why? Why can't he just hurt her? Why did he struggle to find some reason to harm her? Frustrated, Rat simply turned away, kicking into the ground. He seemed almost like a child doing so, but Rat was just in such a mess at the moment.
"Rat, why are you doing this to yourself?" Isara took the shawl into her hands and laid it down into her lap, she pulled at it slightly, but she knew she didn't have the brute strength to tear it as it was quite well-made and durable. Yet, it was her question that had laid a stronger blow down on the young man than any that she could physically muster. She had asked why he was harming himself, punishing himself, and causing himself to suffer. She did not ask why he was trying to harm her, no she did not need or want to know his answer to that question. There she was, completely naked, exposed, and already starting to shiver in the cold clear night air and she was more concerned about Rat's internal struggles than her own discomfort.

After giving up trying to destroy her own precious shawl, she stood up and walked over to Rat, gently placing a hand onto his shoulder. while holding the shawl between them to offer something of a barrier between them. She knew now that he could not find it in himself to harm her or take advantage of her. That was why he couldn't turn the other Darcens over either. It wasn't anything in them, it was for her. She let a soft smile spread across her lips and a tiny bit of pleasant warmth spread through her for reasons yet unknown to her as she leaned against him gently, pressing herself against his backside.

"Rat, its alright... You don't need to force yourself to try to make me hate you. I already told you before, didn't I? I won't hate you, no matter what you do to me or force me to do," Isara laid her head down on his shoulder, "So, please don't try to make me hate you. I like you, Rat."

She felt her face slightly redden as she spoke those last few words, but remained firm and stood by them, awaiting his response.
While the 'real' Rat would have just yelled back at her or demanded that she do something demeaning to herself, Rat simply stood there and listened to every word she spoke, taking it all into his heart as he pondered. Was he really satisfied, seeing her fluster and her form naked before him? Blushing gently as he leaned her naked frame against his, Rat gasped softly. The lack of hesitation that Isara had demonstrated really put him in his place: he just did not have the willpower to try and oppose her determination. Since the day they met, Isara was sobbing uncontrollably: broken, exposed to the cruelty of the world, he had promised to her, impulsively, that he would always protect her. Did that tiny seed of hope that he planted within her sprout into a mighty towering tree, whose foundations or roots could not be done over by neither his words nor his actions?

That Shawl must have meant so much to her. He had seen her wearing the very same when he had rescued her. She must have been unaware that the Pig Hunt had come to her village, he could remember berating her about it only to be answered with more sobbing before he encouraged her. "...Hmph." he didn't say anything more, but his little grunt didn't imply that he wanted her to move away from him or to quiet down. If anything, it could be his way of accepting her words to some degree. His eyes, however, widened when she admitted that she liked him. Now that got him talking. "T-t-...S-shut up!" he said, flustered as he turned around, hands on her shoulders as he blushed brightly. She was gorgeous, that much was given, but....for her to love him?! "D-d-...d-don't you have so-some one else?" he asked. It was cute when he bumbled around, stammering with a blush aflame on his cheeks. He couldn't admit that he welcomed her words, yet he couldn't just reject her words with derisive accusations or slurs! "I..I...I'm sure there are f-f-...finer Young men compared to me..."

Rat turned to press her gentle frame against his body, pressing onto him for a little warmth. His face looked very gentle before he frowned though the blush on his cheeks made it obvious that he was still very flustered. "P-...Put your clothes back on." he commanded, looking away. There was a different kind of lust in him...this wasn't just the desire to take what he desired and to force himself to someone unwilling, this had to be...r...romance?! He wanted to rest, yawning as he begrudgingly walked back to the encampment they established.
"No... Everyone I loved before has already passed on," Isara admitted bluntly, as she had no family left and all of her friends had been killed, "I really don't have anyone else but you, Rat."

She nodded and redressed herself, glad that she had finally broken through the iron bonds around Rat's heart and allowed her inside. She was also pleased that he had not rejected her feelings, as it had been a source of worry for her since Mordecai had been quite forward with his infatuation. She hurred after him and took his hand in hers and walked beside him, not wanting to let go of him even when they had reentered the Darcen camp. She didn't know what would lay ahead of them in the future, but whatever it was she hoped she would be able to get through it for Rat's sake at least. She had gained a new purpose for her life that day, a development that she had certainly not foreseen.
He inquired no further, eyes staring right to the ground with his guilt. After all, it had been HIM who had made such a thing happen. To betray the people she saw as Family was very cruel and senseless of him. For once, he didn't see them as 'Pigs' but rather, as individual humans who struggled yet smiled and still strove for a better day. His silence could be interpreted as some form of acceptance without him using words to convey his accordance. A silent admission of guilt to Isara, his face lightened up when she grasped his hand between her fingers. He looked back towards Isara, his blush still alight within his face. The encampment slept inside the cave, huddled against their blankets and poncho, trying to keep themselves warm.

Finding that there was no other space, he walked outside, just underneath the trees. There, he laid his coat, blushing as he looked eye to eye with Isara. Staring into her deep blue eyes with a blush upon his cheeks, he looked to the right, trying not to stare directly at her in case his fluster might make an idiot out of him. "I...Isara. Well...I...I find you cute too." he admitted, swallowing a bit as he placed his hands onto her shoulders. A moment of silence, before his hands softly removed the poncho, gently unbuttoning the first one. "...I...If you really..." he stammered through his words, blushing feverishly as he looked at her gentle frame. Softly clasping her neck, he leaned a little bit, eye to eye with the young Darcsen lady.

"I...I promised to protect you...I...I can't ever harm you..." he admitted. "Please...c-can you just...f-forgive me?" he asked, his eyes asking for sincere sympathy from her.
Isara blinked, speechless at the sudden change in Rat's demenior both toward herself as well as his past deeds. HE was asking HER for forgiveness? He was even paying her a compliment? She had certainly never expected such a development to occur so quickly. she allowed him to remove her poncho and gently grasp her neck, a slight smile gracing her lips as she stared back at him. She felt nervous, but at the same time strangely calm as he held her in his hands and listened intently to his words.

"Yes, I really do like you," Isara repeated softly, albeit not as brazenly as she had spoken earlier, "It... Might be a bit hard for me to forget what happened, but I forgive you, Rat. They are no longer suffering any worry or pain, as they are free from their earthly bonds. Through their and my own sacrifice we have regained a brother back to life when you were dead to them, dead to me and bathing in thoughts of revenge against your own flesh and blood. Yes, it was indeed a great sin on your part but even the greatest of sins can be forgiven."

She reached up and gently caressed his face with her right hand, "So there is no need to worry any longer. I do not hate the means used to bring you back to life, for I have received a new family from the pain... P-perhaps it can even be added to, in time."

Isara blushed deeply at her own words as she was clearly speaking about having children with Rat, a concept that she did not find repulsive yet at the same time a bit embarrassing.
The Rat that stood before her was not the Rat was accustomed to: the type who would always scorn her attempts to try and include him into their gatherings, shrug her attempts to hand him blankets while he isolated himself cleaning his gun. Ever since his betrayal, Rat wasn't acting like himself at all. He seemed more irate, frustrated and embarrassed, all at the same time. Now, their bodies so intimately close, Rat could only gaze into her eyes, a soft pink fluster coloring her cheeks as she gazed dreamily towards him. There was no denying that Isara was a gorgeous young lady, wasn't just that. Being so close to her gave him a warmth that was beyond lust, but rather...that warmth he so desired when a mother embraced her child. Living his life alone, starving with no hand stretched out to aid him, loneliness was his constant companion. Isara had changed all that. That promise he a stranger just to make her stop it had evolved to his very reason to remain in this world!

Words could not express the feeling he was experiencing. Standing before her, eyes locked to each others gaze. Rat felt very guilty. even with her words to console him, he knew nothing could absolve him of such a cruel and heinous crime. To kill them, even the children without a single trace of hesitation...How could she still forgive him like that, even with such noble words? Feeling the guilt weigh down his heart, he couldn't help but look away. But, he did return her gaze when she mentioned that last part...about adding to their family.

"W-what do you mean..." at first he was confused, but when he realized just what she meant his face brightened in color. "T-t-...T-...T-that's...A...Ah..." The stammering made him look so very adorable in a way, eyes wide with surprise and his lips pursed. "D-d...You don't mean...t-that?!" he sounded softly surprised. They had 'faked' it that one night, never had he imagined would he be ever so close to her naked was implying that they should perform that...for real. Rat blushed softly, keeping his voice soft. "H...H-how many do you want?" he asked, softly removing his sweater, a blush still upon his cheeks.
"I... Was thinking two, or perhaps three," Isara replied, her face showing clear signs of embarrassment as well, "Or... Do you not want children? Do you dislike them?"

She seemed a bit worried but she laid down on her side next to him without hesitation as her left hand traced the edges of her lips in a concerned yet also slightly sensual manner. She looked up at him with her wide eyes, showing hints into her own heart as well. Of course she was lonely as well, and sought companionship in this dangerous and dismal world. She didn't think about what would happen to them, or even how furious Zeppel would be when he found out about their new relationship. She didn't worry about how he would punish her, or the torments she would potentially have to endure. No, she was only thinking about the present moment, and how she should approach Rat from now on. What did he expect from her? What should she expect from in in return?

Isara slowly unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off, leaving her in in the bra that she had borrowed from the other young Darcen. She also took off her combat boots and her skirt, hesitating to go any further as she knew it would simply make sleeping more awkward for both of them. Yet, she wanted to feel closer to Rat, even if it was merely a physical closeness.
Children?! He felt like such an idiot for asking, his face a deep fluster as he struggled to give her an appropriate response. Two seemed like such a fair number, already his mind began to hypothesize just what their kids would look like. Would the daughter have his eyes or her's? His hair and her features? "N-No! I...I think having Kids is a great idea..." he admitted, though he did shake his head to try and ward off his blush. The brief fantasy, of the two engaged in lovemaking, Isara lost in their intense display of sensuality caused him to flush a bright red, feeling a warmth within his body rising as he tried to contain himself.

He felt his hardness stiffen when she began to strip, her gentle, modest yet proportioned body in view just for him. Even her cheeks did betray just how embarrassed and unsure she was, to display herself willingly to him. She was forced to strip once before, but to do so by her consent...that meant something considering she was a very modest Darcsen girl. "Y...You look gorgeous." he said, softly stroking her hair, embracing her soonafter.

"I...I...Not now..."
he said, "I...I don't want to..." Still Rat did feel reservations against loving Isara. He did not want to bring children into this miserable would have to change before her offspring was to be safe. Looking into her eyes, he pressed her shawl between them, blushing as he, without a second thought, kissed her ever so sensually, grasping her arms softly as he embraced her, locked in a romantic kiss.
"Hush, its alright Rat," she tried to reassure him and held him gently in her arms as she lay in his.

Isara returned the kiss with more surprise than hesitance, her body relaxing against his as she pressed against him slightly and let him hold her in his arms. She was just as embarrassed, if not more so, than he but she was determined not to let this opportunity pass her by. She didn't know what the future would hold for the two of them, but she wished to enjoy this moment of peace in their lives in order to savor and relish this experience for as long as she could.

She guided him onto his side and snuggled up next to him, fine with not going all the way with him if that is what he wished. She knew that bearing children in this time of unease would be unwise, so she didn't press the matter any further. She just wanted to feel loved, needed, and protected for once in her life... A feeling she had not felt for quite some time.

"Don't worry about it, alright?"
"B-but..." he tried to interject, but knew he shouldn't. However, he blushed as she held him in her arms. A warm embrace...was this what children would feel, the material expression of a parent's affection for their child? Whimpering softly, he laid bare just what he really was inside: a scared, lonely young boy who was exposed to so much violence and slaughter. When she returned the kiss with vigor, he stiffened up, holding her in place lest he desired to fall onto the floor. Holding her in place, he looked into her eyes once more, before softly laying onto the ground. The warmth of their bodies and of the ground made their contact all the more sensual, the chill of the wind pressing against their skin as he rested by her side, embracing her.

Stroking her hair as he lay beside her, he gently kissed her sleep with someone whom he loved...instead of sleeping in garbage or under a creaky roof...he dreamed one day, in those many hungry nights, that he would sleep one day within the embrace of a loved less one of the people whom he grew to despise out of jealousy...Isara was just so precious to him. Nodding gently, tears flowed from closed eyelids when he lay by her side,acknowledging her words as they embraced. He threw her ponco above them and his coat, serving as a gentle cover against the cold. Sleeping softly...the nightmares that often haunted him when his eyes were closed did not come...

Dawn came quickly, however. Rat was the first to awaken, shaking Isara gently. The rest were still asleep, he desired so much to simply betray the others, but...he did not desire Isara to lose people whom were important to her... "Wake up." he said, his voice ever so resolute and extremely rough. Was this...the 'old' Rat? Despite this, there was a hint of sympathy, almost as if this front was just...a play. "Get up, Pig! We need to rally with Master...we have to tell him we were lost and that we found no Darcsen in the vicinity..." surely she would be abused for this, but his open denial did show the progress in his heart...compassion, as he had never known it, was slowly forming...
Isara stirred slowly, her body desiring to rest longer and recover from the rather extreme stress that had been placed on her over the last few days... Beatings, bondage, lack of water, exhaustion, mental strain, etc. It had all come crashing down on her, yet she refused to blame others or lash out. She did not see the need to become hostile toward her oppressors, least of all Rat who she had recently admitted her feelings for. However, as things stood she realized that they could not properly return each others affections... Rat's master would not be pleased with their lack of success, and he would probably take it out on herself more than Rat.

"Alright, just give me a minute," Isara yawned and stretched her arms, not minding that it gave Rat a nice view as she twisted her body slightly before reaching toward her clothes to redress and prepare for their journey. she knew that they would have to sneak out, lest the others be drawn in and captured... It wasn't the most kind way of doing things, but it was for their own good that they remain somewhat ignorant of the true situation.

Isara nodded and followed after Rat as they turned to leave... Knowing full well that she would likely be waiting for her when they returned to their camp.
"Kuh. Hurry up." he said, frowning. He seemed to have returned to that previous 'Rat', one that roughly grasped her shoulder, pulling her along. Walking quietly away from the encampment, he followed what looked like a thin pillar of smoke. There was a camp there...for sure Zeppel would really dislike the fact that they had been gone for long. But what he could do was pretend. Taking the canteen, he shoved it into her hands. "Drink it." he said, "Throw whatever's left away." he was serious about wasting precious water, it seems.

Once done, he slowly approached the wooded area. Already he felt eyes probing his figure as Gage waved at them from within the foliage. Keeping an open eye for strangers, he was always so vigilant. The Warhounds were in the middle of a breakfast meal, mulligan stew and stale bread. "What took fucking long, Rat?" asked Zeppel, tearing off a hard chunk from the old loaf he held. He seemed a little relieved that he was safe, yet the lack of rope that held her at bay did cause him to raise his eyebrows.

"We were lost in the desert...I saw a Pig walking in the distance...but a sandstorm blew...Isara managed to drag me into a shelter until I recovered..." he said, looking back to her as if to acknowledge the fake act of kindness. Zeppel only glared at Isara, slapping her across the cheek. "...Help us pack up. There's some left out for you." Zeppel said, having said nothing more to the two. "You, Pig. Come here." commanded their leader, walking with a coil of rope in his hand. It was obvious what he wanted to do to her.

Once alone, he uncoiled the rope and grasped her hand roughly. Forcing one hand to reach upwards to her neck, when he realized he could go no further unless he was to break her arm, he tied a noose to her neck and bound the end to he wrist. She couldn't let her right arm hang lest she was to strangle herself and pull on the noose. She had to keep her arm in place and experience the strain of her arm twisted in such a way. Once that was done, he began to fondle her pussy, feeling the cloth of her undergarments.

"Where did you get these?"
he asked, knowing she came without any undergarments as he continued to fondle her until her warmth began to seep softly.
Isara nodded and drank down as much of the water as she could, not wanting to waste it as she knew how terrible it would be if she would become dehydrated. She seemed much less concerned with the rough manner Rat was treating her with, almost as if she thought it was all just an act he put on in order to maintain his image. After she was finished she tossed it away and followed after him without much trouble, as she had recovered much of her strength over the two day's rest.

Approaching the camp, she tried her best to act in her normal manner without giving away any hints as to what had actually happened during their little adventure. She hesitated slightly when Zeppel commanded her to come over to him while holding a length of rope, as she knew exactly what he intended to do to her with it. Did he have no concern nor gratitude toward her for what Rat said she had done for him? It puzzled her how cold and uncaring their leader was, but that had little bearing on her current situation as it was once again her turn to suffer, it seemed.

Isara had to restrain her voice as Zeppel first bound her in a painful manner then began to play with her body, both out of pain as well as base arousal. She tried to stiffle her voice as it shamed her, realizing that she had already come to associate pain with pleasure. The way he would tease and caress her body in such a cruel and uncaring manner brought heat to her face. Her body squirmed in his grasp, but the more she moved the more the rope would bite into her and pain her, so she tried to simply grit her teeth and bear it, hoping that Rat wasn't nearby to observe this moment of weakness.

Her eyes grew wide as he questioned her about her underwear. She had not even considered that! Thinking quickly, she replied, "There were some old clothes in the abandoned shelter, and it was cold so I put them on to keep myself warm."
"Shelter, huh? Well I sure didn't give you permission to wear anything now did I?" Zeppel replied, her lifted skirt inviting his hands to caress her soft bits. Her lips throbbed with arousal and warmth. Did the little slut enjoy this? Taking out his hand, he smeared some of the juices stuck in it inside of her mouth, softly letting her tongue taste her very essence. "Keep yourself warm? Do you mean like this?" His hands softly stroked the entire length of her vagina, caressing slowly to inflame her sensitive privates even more.

Hearing her breathing become more audible, Zeppel grunted. "Hmph. Pigs, they're all the same." he said, his words ever so insulting. This deep seated hatred of Darcsen...when did such a thing start? A hatred so deep that he could not stop and look at her without seeing a wretched whore. Zeppel could have done more, but...even though he wished with every fiber of his body to hate her...looking into her eyes he just could not strike her down without feeling guilty.

A punch to the gut and he simply walked away, leaving her arm tied up behind her. "Hmph." he said. His mood was spoiled the moment she looked into his eyes. What he saw then was unbirdled brutality and...them. Shaking his head, he pounded his hand against a tree trunk. Wordless rage...a truly terrifying prospect. Rat was commanded to 'attend' to the Pig. He was quick to use his knife to cut off the rope, but he still looked away. Yet...was he hating her or was he just playing hard to get?
Isara was speechless, her voice taken by his words as well as her own desire to keep herself from enjoying his treatment of her. She shivered as his fingers probed her womanhood and brought a sample of her juices for herself to taste. She shook her head in protest to his question, but her body refused to obey her command. She bit her lower lip and tried to keep a hold of herself, but with each passing day that he would abuse her, it seemed that it was growing more and more difficult for her to control her own actions.

She looked up at him with wide, pleading eyes as if asking him to recant his hatred... To withdraw his perceived foundless disgust with herself as well as her people. She wished for nothing more than that, but as of yet it seemed that it was still too much to ask of the man. She let out a sharp cry as his fist impacted her stomach and she curled up in pain on the ground as her hands were still tied behind her until Rat cut the bonds on her arms.

Isara sat up and looked over at Rat with a concerned look, wondering what could possibly running through his head... She understood something of what made the young man tick, but she certainly didn't know everything. It was that which made her concerned... Concerned that he might close her out if he began to suspect that she actually enjoyed Zeppel's treatment. Perhaps a part of her was even afraid it was true.
Rat had no words to spare for Isara, neither was he obliged to say anything. Even though Isara had shown him much kindness, he had to use cruelty to hide their delicate connection…Rat pressed her still naked body against his, taking note of…the fluster, the warmth of her skin. To be shamefully aroused by the machinations of his abuse…it was most strange, for another nature of her self to be awakened. “Don’t count on your luck. I…I was just asked to do this.” He said, trying to reinforce her that he was not on her side. Almost like playing hard to get, in a way.

He didn’t even motion to her clothes, expecting her to dress herself and perhaps clean herself of her shame. No matter how many times he had seen her in her undergarments or naked, Rat would still blush upon sight of her naked figure. Once she was finished, he walked back to the camp, only to return with a bowl of the stew that they were to have for breakfast. Sadly time was a luxury in her stead, not given enough time to rest or strengthen herself.

“Eat.” Rat said nothing more after that, simply waiting for her to finish. She had to restore her strength if she were to make it through the days to come. Returning back to camp, he noticed the others beginning to pack up. Rat grasped her wrist and pretty much dragged her to his tent, handing her the tent poles, the canvas, everything. They were packing up, yet he refused to speak.
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