Valkyria Chronicles - The Unwritten account of the Warhounds

"Oh, playing the quiet game? Well this next one will be sure to have you begging to be freed." he threatened. Judging from the way he had done things it can be insinuated that he was quite serious about his words. "Maybe this one will...break your back, hehehe..." Taking a look of rope, kneeling behind her he bound her ankles to her thighs, with a little slack so that the two were not pressing on each other directly. Forcing her to sit on her haunches as he pressed her body down to sit onto her ankles, sparking quite some strain already. Cinching the ropes that bound her ankles, he connected it to the left peg. As one could guess, the same was also done to her left ankle, bound towards the right peg as she was forced to spread out a bit. "Liking that?" he asked, binding her arms, first at her wrist, then at her forearms, elbows and then just below the shoulders. Forcing her arms to press together was straining in and of itself, letting her sit out the strain as he walked out, taking a piss in the shroud while giving her time to test her new binds.

When he returned, zipping his pants on the way, he took the rope, tying one and forcing her her chest to point to the sky as he bound it to the last peg, forcing her to arch her back. Her uncovered pussy was shown before him, leaving her all-too vulnerable to anyone. The position was straining everywhere: her arms, her back, her legs and even her head, being held at such a position enough to make one light-headed. "It's called the Gallian Squat. Had to learn it the hard way back in the First War. I lasted a good five minutes. But just for you, I'll make you endure it until I feel like telling you you're done." The stress position was used by Imperial Interrogators to, as one could guess, Gallian troops to break their spirits with strain, seldom leaving marks and enough to put them to a 'compromising' position.

To make things interested, he grasped a branch, washing off the dirt and skinning the bark as he sat on a stump, watching her endure the position. Then, when finished, he placed it parallel to her mouth. "Open wide, bite on it." he commanded. Now, even her jaws would be forced to strain. If she did not bite, it could be dislodged, adding yet another dimension to her torture. "Now, if I see that branch not on your mouth I'll make sure you remain there until you die of thirst." If she wasn't groaning in pain now, she sure wouldn't like what was next.

Taking his canteen, lid opened, he poured the water all over her body, soaking her wet, the uniform sticking to her skin uncomfortably, her bared pussy wet and exposed to the still-cold atmosphere. Stroking her hair, he sat back, waiting for her reaction to it all.
Isara shivered in anticipation, the undertones of this words leaving much to her imagination as she considered what sort of torments he would have in mind for her. At first it was relatively tame, the ropes held her in a compromising and uncomfortable position as she sat before him trying to relax her body so as to reduce the amount of pressure against the ropes. If this had been where it stopped, she might have actually found it manageable. Unfortunately, it was far from over.

She had just managed to find a manageable balance between relaxing and maintaining her position when he returned and pulled the rope attached to her arms backward, forcing her to bend back and arch her body so as to prevent the painful twisting of her joints. The ropes that he bound about her ankles and thighs bit painfully into her skin, which over time made her legs start to feel the effects of inadequate circulation as she strained against them, trying to relive some of the strain on her back as she arched her form in a rather lewd manner. The cold morning air blew across her exposed womanhood, the same already causing her face to blush combined with the exertion of her muscles to hold herself still. She managed to hold on for a few painful minutes before he brought the stick over to her mouth. She bit down on it as he commanded her to, not doubting for a moment that he would make good on his promise although it made her jaw ache as her entire body was already starting to crumble under this torment. Her muscles quivered with fatigue and pain as he stood back and enjoyed the spectacle.

She was already fighting back tears as her frail body began to writhe under the ropes, her mind fighting hard to maintain her position so as to minimize the pain that would be felt had she allowed herself to collapse. Yet, it was still not over as he then started to pour water on her, drenching her clothes and weighing her down further. She simply could not bear it any longer as tears poured from her eyes a mere six minutes after he had begun.

"Wpheese, wphet itttthhhh owph...." she pleaded for him to release her as her body was already starting to break under the strain.
A small bump poked itself against his pants, already feeling the arousal as she continued to endure the torment he had gone through during his capture. He was determined to make her suffer, enough to shatter her spirits and prove just how foolish her little wager was. Pressing against gravel and small rocks on sediment proved to be one of the little things that added to the severity of her torture. He had given up the moment the pain became the slightest bit unbearable, but he wanted to force her to her own limits, let her shatter from the tortures that had just begun.

"Giving up already? But we're just getting started..." he said, smiling wickedly as he softly bent down, stroking her presentable pussy, being held out from the compromising position she was held in. Rubbing her clit, he spread the vaginal lips apart softly, stroking in and out gently, though not deep enough to caress her proof. "Answer me: How did Rat's cock feel inside of your dirty little hole?" he asked, "Did your muscles wrap around his own organ? Did you desire him to ram you until you fainted, you worthless bitch?" Stroking her pussy, he slowly raised her elation, only to stop half-way, letting her feel what it was like not to experience arousal after such a straining position.

Zeppel smiled as he stroked her clit once more, kissing her pussy with a little bit of tonguing, then her cheek. "I'll go grab some breakfast, go enjoy yourself here a bit, alright?" he said, relishing her gagged pleas for him to return and untie her. Breakfast did smell good, a little slow-cooked broth and casserole scraps along with what herbs he had was always a good treat. Rat was on a log, eating his fill of the stew before he laid down his bowl and poured some for him. He had a small, empty bowl there too... "Who's is this one for? Is Hughes having another?" Rat felt rather...surprised when he was asked. "I...I recall so, Master." he replied. Just like a good child. "Good boy." he said, stroking his hair as he sat down for a bit, taking his share.

Rat wanted to ask what happened to Isara, though it can be insinuated hearing the soft cries in the distance.
"Nppphhh Mhhhh," Isara protested against his touches, her muscles suddenly contracting and sending a surge of pain through her as she struggled against the bindings. She lacked the strength necessary to break them, but as her body was already sensitive from the heat that spread through her, his teasing and stimulation was simply unbearable. Her clit quickly became erect despite her plight, the brushing of his fingers against her lower lips bringing unwanted arousal on top of her pain, which forced cries and moans to escape her lips without resistance.

"I... I..." her body arched up slightly into his touch and drawing his fingers a little bit deeper into herself. She felt disgusted with herself, seeking solstice from the pain by indulging in the pleasure that he offered her. It left her feeling soiled and lewd, even though she technically still maintained her virginity.

"I hatph ITTT," Isara protested as he withdrew her hand from her womanhood, her honey already starting to leak down her thighs as the sudden removal of the pleasure sent her to all new heights of torment.

"Ahhh Mpphhhhh.... Ugggppppphhhhh," she let out even more erotic sounds and cries as his tongue licked her, offering her a bit of relief before he withdrew himself entirely. She writhed in her misery as she watched him leave, her pitiful eyes locked on his form as he slowly walked back toward where the others sat around for breakfast. The air was already heavy with the scents of delicious meat and potatoes, possibly thick gravy as well. The mere thought of it made more drool pool in her mouth and leak down her face collecting on her chin before dripping onto her body. She protested and begged for him to return and release her, but to no avail as he crudely ignored her and enjoyed his breakfast.

Eventually, her ability to think rationally started to fade as fatigue started to set in, her eyes growing somewhat faded as her mind actually started to drift to Zeppel's actions on her before leaving, as if trying to find solstice in the momentary carnal pleasure he had offered her. she still fought hard to keep the branch in her mouth, as she subconsciously knew that if she did not he would leave her to die, ending her misery but rendering her entire life pointless.

The pain started to fade from her mind as her limbs grew numb and her ability to fight against the restrains faded almost entirely. She was quite a pitiful sight, her body soaked with water and her own spittle while her breathing came in urgent gasps and her eyes were directed up toward heaven as if making a silent supplication for mercy.
Zeppel had finished shoveling in a few spoonfuls before he stood up, about to walk away. "Master...where are you heading?" Zeppel turned his head, quite odd for Rat to speak before his Master spoke. Zeppel could have easily ignored him, but he decided to entertain his question. "I am going to go feed a Pig. Would you like to come?" he asked. Rat's eyes widened slightly, replacing his neutral expression with a look of unease. Looking down slightly, he was incredibly troubled and unable to answer. "Suit yourself." Zeppel merely shrugged and walked away. While still enjoying their meal, Rat went to the pot, pouring onto the empty bowl. It wasn't for Hughes, but rather...

Zeppel returned, making sure to walk in a way that allowed her to see him walking from the darkness of the shroud. Without a word, the good-smelling stew that he made he simply laid onto her chest. "Keep it steady, Pig. Drop it and I'll also leave you here." First a Pig, now a table? He laughed as he saw her attempt to hold up the bowl. Her body took on a slant, if she desired to 'keep' it steady on her chest she had to strain herself further.

Laughing, he waited a good minute or so, taking the bowl off as he began to eat, throwing her ball-gag aside because he wanted to hear what she wanted to say. "Had enough yet?" he asked, in between feasting on his breakfast.
The pot of stew smelled godly to the sore girl's nose as he approached holding it. She considered for a moment that he might actually be merciful and feed her even if he did not unbind her, but all thoughts of such kindness were quickly swept from her mind when he laid the bowl down on her chest. She almost instantly responded to his command, arching her back further to keep it from slipping down her body and falling to the ground. Her mouth began to eagerly water even more than before, her head starting to swim with dizziness and fatigue. She managed to endure the pain in her back from mere force of will alone, as her body was already giving out under the strain. When he took the bowl and gag off her finally she let out a sigh of relief, despite the pain that she still endured.

"Please unbind me," she said in a weary tone, "If I... Stay like this much longer I'm... Going to die."

It was probably just an exaggeration, as she would more likely simply pass out and end up dislocating her joints from the weight of her own body.
Looking at the desperation on her face brought a sadistic smile on his face. "You look tired. Want something to distract you?" kneeling down, his hand softly brushed her still-wet and shivering pussy. How her eyes craved for his touch! Her glassy, almost fading dark-blue eyes told him just how tired, exhausted and strained she was. Was she at her wit's end already? Softly stroking, he continued to fondle her, fingers digging inside as he slightly fondled her left clit, engorged and throbbing, swollen from desire and temptation. Softly spreading her clit aside, he began to lick her labia, soft little actions that milked her of her feminine honey, dripping slightly as his next part of the torture had some extremely visible effects on her.

Rising in elation, it was obvious once she started to subconsciously buck her hips, almost wanting more, if not everything he could give to her. His tongue softly working her body, in tandem with her moans he began to quicken...quicken and quicken...only to stop entirely. He let her endure feeling her arousal slowly fading, fading all the way to where she had started before, denied of yet another pleasurable release. Her pussy was wet, sweating pussy juices as she throbbed.

She may actually black out, so he cut the ropes that bound her arms in place, next to follow was the ropes at her ankles. Rope burn imprinting itself against her fair skin, he let her wallow on the dirt, to rest herself against the dirt floor. "Do what disgusting things you want to do with your immoral body Pig." he said, simply walking away. Would she still brave walking back to that encampment to face torture and further degradation? His figure vanished, but soon enough, in the fog, Rat walked into the scene, gasping softly at the pathetic show her body had become.

Then, keeping his bravado, he walked up, holding a bowl of lukewarm stew. Did he come to rub it in this time? Instead, he knelt down and placed the bowl right by her side, refusing to say anything more. When was the last time she ate yesterday, having given up most of her food to the young ones? Rat pretended to have simply ignored her, as if the bowl he placed beside her never existed. "God, you look Pathetic."
Isara hated herself for desiring his touch, his caresses, anything to distract herself from her torments that he himself had inflicted upon her. She could tell that she had been unbound as the pain gradually subsided and proper circulation was restored to her limbs. She simply allowed herself to rest beside Rat for some time, unable to pick herself up or eat the stew that Rat had brought for her. Eventually, and with a significant amount of stiffness, she managed to push herself up off the ground and into a seated position beside Rat, cautiously picking up the bowl before digging into it without restraint. She lacked any strength at the moment to argue with him, but she did look over at him with shame and weariness in response to his comment.

As soon as she polished off the bowl, even licking the bottom and sides clean before setting it down, she leaned against Rat, her soft warm body pressing gently into his. She looked up at him with gratitude whispering her thanks into his ear. She closed her eyes and tried to recover, her resolve not yet broken in trying to change these men for the better... Even if all she had accomplished so far was allowing them to take advantage of her body and abuse her to their own amusement.
Rat was a tad bit annoyed she ignored him, but for a time he ignored it when he saw just how weary and tired she was, her glazed eyes slowly regaining their depth, but glazed slightly regardless. He tried to move a bit, wanting to separate but when he felt her press into him more he stood his ground sitting on the stump, if anything freeing a bit of space for her to sit on. His hand softly grasped her wrists, chafed with rope burn. What a horrible position she must have been forced into!

Noticing her gently shivering in the wet cold, without a word he draped her shawl around her body, looking away with a soft blush. "I...I happen to have found it lying around, okay?!" he said, his words betraying a bit of faked frustration, being defensive to some extent to rebuff her assumptions. He softly moved a bit, letting her rest on his lap. She needed rest, they were planning to travel quite a distance.

At this time, when she was quite vulnerable to his touch, he...wondered. His hand softly stroked her hair, feeling the silkiness of her short strands, almost curiously. If she would look up to him he simply turned his head away, as if he thought nothing of it. "Hey, Pig, get up." he said, "We've got to go to back for our briefing." Standing up, he was quick to support her body, just in case she needed it, but always able to let go if she was able to stand on her two feet as he walked back towards the encampment, nothing more than a log where a few sat, a bunch of crates and a draped map of the Empire.
Isara blushed at his kind gesture as he wrapped her shawl around her shoulders, her shivering gradually subsided into a warm glow between both of them. She felt his fingers gently caressing her locks and she turned toward him as his face was turned away. Isara grasped his shoulders in her hands and pulled herself up slightly, planting a few tender and tentative kisses on his cheek before relaxing against him. Although she had yet to admit it to herself, she was depending on him to help support herself emotionally, as she had formed something of a bond of trust with him the night before. She began to wonder what he thought of her, and what had caused him to change from his calloused and cold personality to one that obviously cared for her well being.

Yet, as he stood up her mind snapped back to reality, her hands grasping his side as they talked back to camp together. She looked down at the map in the clearing, unsure where these band of thugs planning on heading to make their next raid. After all, Darcen encampments were rarely densely populated and most of them moved from place to place in order to evade capture. She might have had some idea of where some of them were, but she gave no indication to them that she possessed such knowledge.
Rat tried to remain cold and inhospitable towards her, softly pushing her away when she grasped his side. "Don't touch me, pig." he said, his callous and cold attitude returning. He wanted to make it seem as if the two had nothing close to each other. But, in truth...he actually liked being by her side. It was refreshing in a way... Sitting onto a crate, Rat relaxed as he softly nudged her away. Zeppel walked up towards Isara, softly stroking her cheeks. "Did you enjoy yourself?" he asked, roughly grasping her right breast. Of course the presence of her shawl did confuse him. "Take that Shawl, unbutton your top and squeeze your boobs together." he commanded. Anything but to get that Shawl out of his face, what an eyesore!

The others looked somewhat exasperated with Zeppel's actions. Walking back to the map, he pointed towards the mountainous regions, the Dresden Mountain range. Presumably they were right there. "We've heard that a herd of Pigs would be passing by here. We've been given a bounty of Hundred per dead Pig, so let's make this quick, boys! We'll be entering through the river here..." he said, sliding the tip across the map. "Any questions? Good, let's pack up." he said, walking by Isara as he slapped her harshly for no given reason.

Then again, when did Zeppel need a reason to hurt or abuse Isara? Laughing it off, he threw her shawl down, stomping on it before he walked away, about to start their transportation, an old truck that they use to travel in. Rat, feeling that he had 'shown' enough compassion, simply looked at her, sighed and walked away. Boarding the truck, Zeppel had something in mind for their little prisoner, holding a coil of rope.

"Ready for your little jog?"
Isara merely peered up at Zeppel with a skeptical look in her eye, as it was clear that she did not enjoy that experience of being abused and bound in the slightest. She pulled away from his strokes, not even wanting his fingers anywhere near her body let along making an open mockery of caresses. She squeaked in surprise and discomfort as he grasped her breast, but she obediently slipped her shawl back up over her head and set it beside herself before unfastening her shirt and letting it hang open, her smooth round soft mounds peeking out at the men as she used her arms to press them out slightly. She felt like a prostitute almost, the sign of her shame returning to her face as she obeyed him.

She let out a cry of pain as he slapped her. Did he even care if she obeyed him or not? She didn't want to risk making him upset or violating the terms of the bet so she didn't push the issue, but she was starting to wonder if she would ever get through to him as he apparently greatly enjoyed beating and abusing her tender body... although it seemed he found the idea of raping her repulsive. Apparently even HE had his own standards that he refused to compromise on. She picked up her shawl and packed it away inside one of her pockets before walking up the back of the truck, expecting to hop right inside with the others... Knowing Zeppel, however, he was probably just going to drag her behind the truck, refusing to let her ride.
Zeppel smiled as he stared her in the eyes. "Not talking? You were so much braver back then. What happened now?" he taunted, softly slipping out the rope as he bound a rope around her waist. This was to get quite obvious then and there. Tying a rope between her legs, he made sure it was snug and loose, using a long slack line as he tied it to a step on the back of the truck. If she slowed down, she would be dragged and the crotchrope would tighten. Handcuffed behind her, Zeppel softly kissed her lips passionately, spitting into her mouth as he walked back inside. The others tried to avert their eyes, but Rat looked intently for a bit, almost concerned about her well-being as the truck started.

Their pace was a bit slow, thankfully, allowing her time to catch up reasonably well with the way her 'leash' was tied. There was no time for breaks or for dallying about, as the truck slowly picked up in pace, forcing her to a trot. Her struggles was a very entertaining show to watch, enjoying every moment she would stumble only to get up once again.
"Actions speak louder than words," Isara replied curtly as he bound her to the back of the truck with the rope as she thought he would. As he forced a kiss on her, her body instinctively rejected his spit and she coughed as soon as he released her, as if trying to purge her mouth of his foul taste. The truck started up soon enough, however, and she had little time to recover before the truck started to move.

At first it was easy for her to keep up, even as it gradually picked up pace she did not find it as taxing on her as being bound in a painful position or being stimulated near orgasm then denied it. As they drove on, however, her sore joints started to give her difficulty as they had not fully recovered from her previous encounter with the ropes, causing her to stumble and quickly scrambling to her feet lest the rope tighten on her in a painful manner. As her stamina was quickly exhausted, she found it more and more taxing to pick herself up than it was to maintain her pace. She knew she had to endure, however, as Zeppel had no intention of slowing down or stopping to allow her to hop on and would likely just keep driving until she expired if she ever found herself unable to pull herself up again.
The day was rather hot, the truck driving slowly in the rugged roads. Pavement was destroyed entirely by tank tracks repeatedly rolling down the road, countless battles having taken place here in the past. The rugged truck continued to drive slowly, much to Zeppel's aggravation, but even Zeppel was cautious. If she trips she could end up hurting or even killing herself! Eventually, he judged that she had had enough when she tripped and landed on the floor, stopping the van as he told Hughes to hit the brakes and then tugged at the crotchrope. "Walk." he commanded, forcing her up onto the truck, but refusing to untie her. With the crotchrope still rubbing and her hands bound as such, it was all just small parts of the torture that he sought to deal to her.

Largely, the drive had been so slow and uneventful that it was actually possible to fall asleep. Rat had tried to rebuff anything that would make it look like they were close, trying to inch away from Isara. Though he did for her, it was not love nor did he desire it to be such! Instead, he leaned sideways onto the crates, trying to rest himself...
Isara tried to find a comfortable position as she sat in the back of the truck, ignoring Rat for now as he was obviously trying to put some distance between himself and her. The rope around her crotch still pressed against her body and caused her to fidget a bit and pull at the ropes binding her hands together. It was apparent to her by now that Zeppel had some sort of rope fetish, loving to see his victims writhe in pain and discomfort as he bound them in uncomfortable and in some cases highly painful positions. If he kept this level of abuse up for too many days, however, Isara feared it would start to have severe adverse side effects on her mental and physical condition, yet that was probably one of the reasons he was doing it.

She shuttered at the thought of herself breaking and submitting herself to the abuse, perhaps even starting to enjoy the pain. She was already starting to see the fruit of his torments in that her body honestly enjoyed the stimulation. She could only hope that it wouldn't become too apparent that such was the case.
Though the drive was a little long, eventually the little truck stopped entirely. Zeppel flinched back into wakefulness as he flinched with eyes wide open. "We're here, Gents!" he declared, as the others yawned after their fitful rest. It was just the middle of the afternoon, the sun still bright up ahead. Rat darted a gaze towards Isara, only to stand straight when Zeppel walked up to Isara, untying the rope from the back of the truck, but shortening the rope, almost like a leash. Giving it a tug, he smirked as he pulled a little harshly forward.

Rat had disembarked, followed by Gage who spent the entire ride on top of the Truck, for he was claustrophobic. "In that mountain range, there's a pack of pigs, supposedly 32 strong. We are to find them and kill as we please. We can even take back their women with us...hehehe." During the briefing, Rat was quite anxious towards Isara, fixing his stare her way.

Once finished, the party began to move out. Zeppel beckoned him, pulling the poor Isara along as he handed her the end of the leash. "Walk this piggy or she'll get fat from sitting around!" he joked, snorting as well as laughing. The company walked down a dirt road, rugged and untamed. Curving with many double turns, Rat tried to walk a little slowly, just to give her a better chance of catching up.
Isara let out a cry of discomfort as he tugged on the rope, the bindings digging into her sensitive areas. She visibly flinched when he mentioned how many Darcens were likely in the group, and shuttered at the thought of Zeppel capturing more women with which to do as he pleased. Sure, she would have some company then but she detested the idea that anyone else would be suffering as she was. She noticed Rat giving her concerned glances but tried not to respond to them very often in case the others started to notice the vibes between the two of them. She was thankful that Rat ws the one leading her along, and she managed to keep up reasonably well considering how tired her legs were from the abuse that morning and the subsequent run Zeppel put her through. She was far from being in danger of getting overweight; as things where, her body probably wasn't even going to last through the end of the month.

She gave Rat a small smile when she thought that no one was watching, trying to reassure him that she was alright.
In essence, it seemed as if simply wandering aimlessly had been quite a bad idea, seeing as they were nowhere closer to their target. And the impatience had set in. Zeppel kicked against the trunk of a tree when they came to the same turn for the third time. Then, turning an eye towards Isara, he grasped her crotch rope leash, pulling quite a bit to force her to the floor. Rat flinched at her fall, for sure. "Hey Pig, tell me: do you know where those people are?" he asked. It was an extremely stupid question. How would she know where a community of peoples hid? It was a temporary refuge, quite known amongst the exiled community. To think that if they failed the crossing from Hamburg to Yuzen, they would have ended up here and Rat would have very well betrayed them too...

Hughes clearly wanted to speak, but knowing Zeppel, his words would do him no good. Gage was quite interested having taken the initiative and walked out a little further, inspecting the ground. Rat simply idled about. For some reason, the 'old' Rat had returned, the type who wasn't endearingly looking towards her when no one watched them. Zeppel forced her up to her knees. "I have a great idea: scream for help and beg for aid. Now." Now, was she to bretray her own people? Even if one person came out to help it would be easy to track the entire community from then on. When he noticed her hesitating, he simply lunged at her softly, pinning her on the floor as he removed her shawl, pulling roughly on her skirt, hands softly pushing buttons hastily outside. "If you won't scream, I'll make you scream with my dick inside of you!"
"O-of course I don't know where they are,"Isara protested against Zeppel's order to tell him where they were, her body writhing in pain as he pulled on the rope without mercy, "I didn't even know there was a group of Darcens that large way out here. H-how do you know that your source of information is accurate?"

She wasn't able to protest for long as he pulled her up to her knees and started to abuse her body again, this time by sexually assaulting her. She instantly felt his hands on her, grasping at her breasts and touching her smooth skin with his rough fingers, "Please stop! I'll call for help if that is what you want... Someone, please help!"

Isara cried out desperately, not wanting him to rape here right there in the middle of the apparently empty desert. Not a soul answered to her pleadings, showing that either the Darcen's weren't there or they were refusing to show themselves.
The entire group save for Rat averted their eyes. This was getting them nowhere, having emerged from the dense foliage into a barren desert. The desert of Bahol was the Empire's equivalent of Barious, with less ruins and more sand. Lately the forest range nearby was increasingly threatened by the advancement of the sands, soon it wouldn't be long until the entire mountain range was stripped bare of moisture. To think that a Darcsen community can survive out here...

Zeppel recklessly disregarded the reasoning she had given. While it did sound very plausible, he always assumed that all Pigs were the same. His bias drove his ignorance as he fondled her most tender mounds, tongue licking her nipples as fingers softly poked, stroked and rubbed her clitoris, easily engorging her lips from torment...

Hearing her pant, disgusted that her body reacted so positively, he simply rose up, kicking her a bit before walking. Reaching over for a canteen, they vouched to head back.... Resting under the foliage of the tree, Zeppel grew frustrated. "Fuck! We can't do this alone...we'll need to split up." he said. There were no enemies in the vicinity and Darcsen most of the time were as harmless as a child.

"Hey, Rat, take this Pig for a good walk. I want everyone back in this spot in three. Am I clear?"
Her body seemed to be giving in to his harassment more easily with each assault, her nipples quickly stiffening in response to his stimulation and the heat rising up into her face and cheeks. She felt thoroughly disgusted with herself that she was actually being aroused by this man and cursed herself for her body's weakness. Even so, her body seemed to indulge itself in the filthy pleasure, her hips slightly pressing into his fingers as he teased her lower region while her chest filled with warmth. She began to pant and moan softly, unable to restrain herself.

Then, of a sudden he pulled away from her, letting her fall to the ground in an unceremonious manner. She quickly regained her composure and pressed her palms against the ground in order to stand up and fasten her clothes back into place when Zeppel's boot caught her right in the ribs. She gasped, the wind knocked clean out of her and she fell back to the ground. Bam, he kicked her again, this time on the side of her leg sending a jolt of pain up her spine. She clutched it painfully as he kicked her a third and final time, this time on the side of her head before he walked off in disgust.

Isara took some time to recover, both from the shame of succumbing so easily to him as well as from the fresh bodily abuse that he had dealt out to her. She knew that if she didn't act quickly, he would probably end up killing her (albeit slowly) before he would even start batting an eyelash at killing other Darcens.

Back at the camp Isara sat quietly by herself, looking down at her feet as she began to wonder if she had made the right decision. Was she even having an effect at all on these men? Most of them seemed completely apathetic if anything, only a few showing some passing interest in her body but nothing more. Rat had become a support for her, but if Zeppel did not change there was little hope that the others would follow Rat's example. She heard Zeppel's command to take her for a walk and stood, stepping over to Rat wordlessly and awaiting him to lead her along as he willed.
"Yes, Master." replied Rat, who eagerly grasped the crotchrope leash. Hughes merely shrugged and walked his way, Gage followed Eric briefly before parting off halfway heading towards the Desert. Zeppel spanked Isara at her buttocks before walking away. Rat glared right at Isara's eyes, holding that same amount of hate as he had before. With his walls up once again, it would be hard to see a cute, almost gentle young Rat as she had before. "Move it, pig." he commanded, tugging the crotchrope along. He had walked down the border path, just between the desert and the forests, hoping for something to be found there.

Occasionally, Rat would play with Isara, jerking the rope forward, but never enough to make her trip but certainly enough to make her stumble. Laughing cruelly at her inability to fully catch up. Soon enough, he tired of her slow advance, drawing a knife as he pinned her to the tree. "You're mighty slow, bitch." he said, softly stroking her cheek with the knife, tracing across her throat with the tip of his knife in such a gentle manner that it did not cut, yet tingled her skin. Slashing apart the ropes, he simply Harrumphed and walked away, hoping that she would follow him.

Walking alone in the border between the forest and the desert was a quiet, almost enlightening process. Any conversation here would not be heard, let alone any screams...
Isara found it difficult to believe that the two of them were the same person, that is the Rat from earlier and the Rat that was yanking her along roughly. Sure, she could understand him wanting to put some distance between them around the others, but out here in the middle of nowhere it seemed highly unnecessary. She stumbled, her feet unable to gain a proper footing on the rocky ground as he tugged on the rope which dug into her crotch. She flinched, but managed to stay upright, following along behind him as fast as her sore and weak legs could carry her. Then, without warning he swirled around and slammed her body into a nearby tree, her eyes growing wide in fear and worry that the poor boy had finally lost his sanity. The knife glistened menacingly before he unbound her, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. She hurried after him as he continued on her way, wondering what exactly the boy had in mind by doing that.

"Rat, for a second there I thought you had gone crazy on me," she sighed, her breath heavy from fatigue, "What are you doing? Won't Zeppel suspect something if I am not still tied when we go back?"
Rat frowned. "Always asking all of these questions! Can't you just shut up or...something?!" he looked rather angry, almost agitated in a way. That must be because of the conflict in himself. He argued that he only let her go because her slow movement hindered their search, while on the other hand, his own mind accused him of helping her, that he was becoming more and more of a softie. "Well, if you want, I can always tie you back up." he retorted, hands in his pockets as he walked forward. Though his legs were weary and predictably Isara's moreso, he took some time to rest, sitting down on a few rocks a few steps away from the sandy border. By then the lush greenness was gone, left were only stubborn grasses amidst shallow sand.

Yawning, he slowly drank from his canteen, handing it to her with his face turned away. "I don't want you to die of thirst, I really want to see you take those words back before you die." He insulted her, but the insult was really downplayed by his act of kindness. If he truly hated her, he would wait until she was so parched, forcing her to beg and demean herself for a drink, but he took the initiative and instead offered it to her.

Meanwhile, while they rested, the grass on the other side shuffled...
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