Valkyria Chronicles - The Unwritten account of the Warhounds

Isara struggled along behind them as they marched, the rope painfully biting into her skin as she walked due to the constant tugging that oftentimes threw her down to the ground. Other than involuntary cries of pain as this happened, she remained stalwart and strong at last for the time being, offering no complaints to this treatment. She glanced over at Rat, instantly recognising her shawl and her good luck doll among the items that he carried with himself. This proved to be quite confusing for the young Darcen, as from his own lips he claimed to hate her as well as the rest of her people. Why did he not simply throw away or burn these things of hers, if that were the case? She did not have long to consider this as she was once again thrown down to the ground and dragged along for a few feet as she struggled to stand back up in order to lessen the pain.

When they stopped to set up camp and released her, she realized what he planned on doing. She would be severely tested that night, possibly all night without proper sleep, and her resolve would be hard pressed to hold up. Yet, she had asked for this path in life, and she had no choice but to accept whatever they presented to her. She could feel their eyes on her as he spoke that one word which sealed her fate. It would not be a pleasant experience, nor would he have any mercy on her. She could hear Rat's reaction to the order, which caused her mind to swim once again in confusion. Did Rat care about what happened to her or not? At the moment it didn't really matter as he did not do anything directly to help her in this plight.

Isara reached down to her belt and unfastened it, laying it down on the ground. The wrenches that hung on it gave a pleasant jingle as they clinked together while she then stooped down to pull off her boots. She set them beside her belt then unbuttoned her blouse and pulled her arms from the sleeves, leaving her in a white undershirt and her blue skirt, which she then removed soon afterward. Reaching down once again she pulled off her long blue socks and bundled them up so as not to loose them and placed them with her other clothes. She then pulled her undershirt up and over her head, folding it and laying it in the pile of clothes as well before reaching behind her back to unfasten her bra, removing the only barrier between the men's peering eyes and her soft, almost perfectly round mounds. After stepping out of her panties she turned to face him, her arms held protectively over her genitals while her face burned with embarrassment and shame.
Zeppel's tongue stroked his lips, obviously lusting for her body. Though the collection of wrenches did interest him, he felt his elation rise slowly as she softly stripped wordlessly, a blush on her cheeks brightening up her tear-stroked cheeks. It wasn't so much for her features that he was interested in, it was the attitude and the reaction she held. That blush, the submissive and shy look on her face betraying her frustration and embarrassment. As she scrambled to hide her bust with her left hand, the other hand trying to cover her lower area. Just her reaction to nakedness was a turn on for him, who relished seeing the despair in one's eyes almost to an arousing level.

Hughes blushed slightly and looked away, so too did Eric. Gage sighed polishing his rifle while Rat, visibly irritated, looked away. Whether he was blushing or not, no one knows. "Haha, those are some very nice features you have there. Ever considered giving yourself up for someone?" he asked, snickering as he beheld her shy guise. "Stop covering yourself. It's not like I've seen a pair of tits before." He said, crudely exposing her and using vile slang to describe her most precious parts. The Darcsen viewed lovemaking as the greatest gift of all, to be shared only with one's fated Love to bring the new generation into the world, not to be flaunted or blatantly abused by rape.

Pulling another coil of rope from his belt, he stopped just before he thought up of something even more humiliating. "Finger yourself." he commanded, a command that had Rat almost choke with surprise when he tried to fix up the rack containing Rifles. Hughes looked very surprised by his sudden decision. Zeppel was a pervert, but...he was more determined than ever to humiliate and break her. But he wanted her to truly violate herself: nothing worse than having to commit the crime yourself!

His eyes feasting, eating in every curve of her most gentle body, he awaited her reaction.
"No, I have never even considered such a thing," Isara's quick response was nearly sharp but retained a sense of humility and submission, "Darcens consider lovemaking to be a sacred practice, only to be done between two people who are bound by love, not some casual form of carnal pleasure."

She pulled her arms to her sides, hands clenched in frustration as she fought to contain herself. Her eyes widened considerably at his next words, however, as it was something she had never even considered. Give herself pleasure in the midst of this humiliation? Right in front of the others, no less? The heat spread across her face and over the surface of her skin as she sat down on the ground to obey his command, placing her hand between her legs and starting to gently rub across her womanhood. Her heart was racing at a thousand beats a second, or so it felt to her, as her nervousness took control over her body. It was hard enough for the young girl to make herself wet as she had no experience doing something like this, let alone in front of all these men. She experimentally began to increase the speed and pressure of her fingers, but to little effect as she was simply too ashamed and too embarrassed to feel any pleasure from her actions. Isara closed her eyes and swallowed, focusing harder as she tried to block the men out of her mind. It gradually started to have an effect as her lower region began to grow in heat, the dampness of her lower lips slowly increasing from its normal amount.
Zeppel had seen the female sex all too many times, admitting to Rape among many other heinous crimes he had committed. But seeing her face brighten up from a pink fluster, eyes widened as she evaluated the scope of the request gave him a pleasure no word can state at best. To see her combat her own will to do an act that would be otherwise anathema to her beliefs. To him, there is nothing else more pleasing to watch.

The others so tried to ignore her, but it seemed even stray gazes would come by her way even as others prepared to rest. After relieving himself Hughes looked towards Isara's naked frame, a blush inflaming his cheeks. Eric was the first to go into his tent, but he could not spare a bright blush upon sighting her supple mounds, a pink nipple erect from the cold night wind. Most importantly, Rat grumbled underneath his voice, but he still looked towards Isara's way, a soft flush coloring his cheeks.

"You sure look like you're enjoying it."
he commented, kissing her cheek softly before he knelt right behind her, rolling her nipples between his fingers, only to pinch rather harshly to counteract her rising arousal with a slight jolt of pain. Hearing her breathing slowly shallow out as her hands began to stroke a little faster, hips bucking he knew that an orgasm was just underway. Giving her a few moments, he simply grasped her wrist and forced them apart. "Stop."

To deny her an orgasm she so worked hard cruel of him indeed! TO ensure she would not fondle herself further, he grasped her hands roughly, tying them behind her back as to prevent her from fondling and going over the edge.
Isara looked up at him helplessly as her hands were firmly bound behind her, her face a deep shade of red from arousal and from shame. Her body begged for release from this torment, as she was brought to the edge of her own shameful pleasure only for it to be snatched away before she could even enjoy it. Her breasts, the tips stiff from the cold yet pained by his rough hands pinching on them, heaved in earnest and her legs clamped close together in a futile attempt to create friction, obviously frustrated yet unable to do a thing about it. She merely grit her teeth and bore it, for she had to. Her skin burned, the cold wind sent a chill across her body and helped to calm herself down from just at the edge of her peak to a gradual calm.

"Are you satisfied?" she asked her breath still heavy, although she already knew the answer. Such a man would stop at nothing until he too had enjoyment, no doubt at her own expense.
"No." he answered simply, pinching harshly at her left nipple. Perky, erect little nubs felt so quaint between his fingers, sensitive little mounds ever so sensitive to his assailing fingers. Rub, Pinch, Rub, Pinch. His little routine was sure to cause arousal and warmth to flower in her gentle, well-shapen body.

"I will, however, ask for something else of you. Who would you rather have rape you?" he asked, "Many of these men hadn't had a good fuck in a long time...some even refuse it! You know damn well you'll be raped today, but who...." Reaching his hand roughly inside of her, he wiggled his finger onto her hymen, digging quite a bit as he rubbed the little organ, her proof as he teased and taunted her. Holding out a Red ball-gag, he placed it right onto her mouth, stifling all kinds of coherent speech.

Darcsen were a sick, sub-human race that he felt he should not grace with rape. He was sure that whoever she chose would indeed have a fun time with her. Pulling her up, his fingers continued to fondle and grope, his own hardness felt from his pants. "Better yet...I have another idea.I know exactly who should take your virginity..." he whispered, a wicked threat. To lose her virginity to one of these butchers?

With a whistle, he called his slave 'Rat' outside the camp. "My Master...w-what is your bidding?" he asked, stammering after he saw what had happened to her: panting still with her face flushed red, some fluids, thick arousal juices still dribbling down her inner thighs, a creeping feeling of arousal. She was pushed towards Rat, who, out of loyalty to his master, did not avoid as she fell on his shoulders. He could feel her panting, the feeling her objection towards a foreign invader in her mouth by way of a strained breathing. "Rape that girl." commanded Zeppel, inciting renewed, yet pathetic attempts to struggle free as he held firmly to Isara. He tried to raise an objection, the order clearly making him blush before, with resignation, he nodded.

Isara squirmed under his assault on her nipples, his actions forcing heated moans and protests from her lips which he simply ignored. She had no desire to please these men nor surrender her virginity to them but if it would bring them closer to realizing their sin then she knew that she had no choice but to endure it. As things stood, however, even her resolve had begun to crumble in the face of rape. She let out a cry as he forced his fingers inside her and poked and prodded her proof of virginity, the size of the intrusion bringing more pain than pleasure. Her protests were short-lived, however as he swiftly gagged her. She could feel his arousal pressing against her, and she feared that this brutal and merciless man would be the one to take her, the man who continued his sensual assault on her soft body.

Then, when he pushed her toward Rat her body leaned against his heavily, her words muffled and nearly incoherent but most likely asking for the gag to be removed, "Ophf eiitt....eaaahsee... Wph eiit ophf."

Tears of fear and shame leaked out from her eyes as her words were muffled and distorted by the gag. It made her feel worse than an animal to be used and abused in such a manner, her body treated like a toy and even her words taken from her by the gag that was jammed into her mouth and forcibly strapped into place. She tried in vain to pull herself away from Rat, as the insult to her by having another Darcen rape her simply too much for her to bear, but Rat held onto her firmly. He led her to his tent and pushed her down onto his bed, her eyes wide with fear and pain.

"Wpppppphhhhh eeeiiit ophf... eahsee," she repeated, adding in pointless protest against him taking her honor, "eahse wphhh wphuuuu eeiitt, wii beph oph wuuuu."

Her aroused yet fearful form quivered below him, her teeth biting against the gag while she clamped her legs firmly together as tightly as she could. Her hands twisted and pulled against the ropes that bound her, but to no avail. She would loose her virginity here and then, to a man who hated her and wished nothing more than her people's extermination from the face of the planet... His own people, no less. Her mind offered a silent prayer for forgiveness for what was about to be thrust upon her.
Hands pinning her figure down, he looked right downwards, slowly removing his shirt. When she struggled on his bed, he simply removed her gag, placing his hand against her mouth to quiet her down. "Be quiet!" he said, letting her calm down as he glared at her. In a voice barely a whisper, he spoke his words.

"My master has commanded me to rape you, but I do not find myself worthy to bow low and rape a pig like you." he said almost haughtily. "I...It is not because you aren't attractive, but rather...I feel I must save my virginity for the woman I will love." he looked away when he had admitted, indirectly, that she was very gorgeous, blushing as he looked onto her eyes. "...I will fake your raping to save my devotion to a woman I truly love...not like the likes of you." he said almost coldly. It seemed almost like a pathetic attempt to say that he was directly disobeying his master.

Looking down on her with a frown, he eventually collected himself, simply looking away from her feeble, still-bound figure as he deliberated on the task ahead.. "As for why, I have my reasons. I have long abandoned identifying myself as a Darcsen, but that doesn't mean I have no morals." What a hypocrite. How can he say that, after he had betrayed innocent people, even children, to their deaths? Was his sexual attitudes much more important than the lives of innocent people? Upon closer look, the light focusing upon his slender figure. So many bruises, even something that looked like the banded symbol of the Darcsen...imprinted over his hear, like chains binding his heart. A blood pact...this young man had truly given up everything then.
Isara stopped struggling as soon as he took the gag off her mouth and spoke to her, his words calming but not entirely stopping the rush of adrenaline through her veins. Save himself for the woman that he loves? What sort of fellow was Rat, exactly? Every time he spoke he seemed to add yet another layer to his personality which contradicted all her previous attempts to rationalize his behavior. She managed to push herself into an upright position before replying.

"You have someone you love?" she asked in a barely audible whisper, her eyes scanning his body as he sat before her. She wanted to ask his true story, or whether the one spoken by his master was true. She wished to know who this young man truly was... She didn't question his morals, as they were clearly not consistent in that he would kill innocent children yet wouldn't rape the woman in front of her. It wasn't that she wasn't grateful, but it was terribly confusing.
Rat visibly frowned when she tried to sit up, instead opting to grasp her wrists and pin her down, body below his own. He had to make this realistic, his master could be watching their shadows dancing about! Being asked such questions made him fluster embarassingly. "...I seek love too, you Pig! I merely save myself for a woman in the future I am sure to encounter." What he couldn't answer, however, was why he could not bring himself to rape her. She was an extremely attractive young lady, if he was not of his current mindset he wouldn't have hesitated to plunge inside of her. But he just couldn't admit that to him!

"I heard you moaning, so...try to emulate that, alright?" he asked, looking down on her. His figure bared before her save for his trousers, he looked right into Isara's eyes, a soft blush lit on his cheeks. He had been with Isara for sometime, but this had been the closest they have gotten, to say nothing about how their bodies touched in such a way! Zipping his pants, it made it look like as if, after breaking her spirit with his words and her struggles, he softly prepared to take her proof for his own...
"And you said I was an optimist," Isara countered, but obliged him by shifting herself under him and pulling against his hands that held her firmly to the ground. She opened her mouth and did her best to emulate how she would speak if she was still gagged, protesting against his approaching member,"Mmmmmh! Swapph eeeiiitt!"

She as well felt awkward, putting on a show for the others as if he were actually raping her but knowing full well that he did not intend to... Well, at least if she could trust his words, which she had to considering their situation. Had she ever even considered this situation in the past, she had never even considered that it would be Rat, least of all that he would be pretending to do it rather than actually doing it. Had something changed in this young Darcen's heart? Isara couldn't say for certain, but she was without doubt grateful for this turn of events even if it did involve Rat seeing, touching, and feeling her body in this manner.
Rat winced in visible anger as she had spoken the words she said. Just the Isara he knew, witty and quick-thinking. The same person who, from time to time, managed to lead them where his practical instinct and battle prowess could not, like in Hafnen City, where she opted to lead them through the sewer system instead of braving the Town Watch out in the open. Her beautiful, blue eyes stared into his own eyes, their blushes softly lighting up their cheeks.

His feelings were mixed. Did he really have to do this? To just pretend to rape a girl he found pretty, but wasn't interested in? Of course this would look just so, so very awkward, with his body suggestively on top of hers. She shrunk her legs up, trying to curl away from him as he grasped her arms. She struggled so feebly into his hands, a soft blush forming as she made moaning sounds, as if she was still gagged. "Stop squirming, bitch!" he said, pretending to punch her in the face, hitting the pillow just beside her. A muffled cry, a few more struggles before he pretended to slap her. Thank goodness he could only see the shadows: punching behind her head made it look like he did sock her right in the face. Reduced to a pretend-crying mess, he spread out her arms and began to...

He pretended to remove her panties, letting it sit at her ankles as he too pulled down his boxers. It was odd for Isara to see his own throbbing, hardened member, but he blushed moreso than Isara did. To think a woman beheld his somewhat erect cock...even if he hadn't intended to have sex with her. With his manhood bared, he whispered "Scream louder.", grasping her by her arms as he slowly rubbed his...wild, hard throbbing manhood onto her abdomen, pretending to really put it in deep. "Urgh! Uhmpph! Oughhh!" he bent his back, moaning quite loudly. How very, very, VERY embarrassing this show had to be! Holding her arms in place, pretending as if she really was being assaulted despite the fact his hard manhood was just a few inches from her vagina. "Uhmmh! Fuck! Aghhaa...Uuh...Uhhh!" Rocking her body slightly, her soft, silky skin rubbed against his own hardness, her lower body feeling warmer upon knowing that his own hard organ was pressing and rubbing against her body, brushing by her clit, not entering inside her vagina and rubbing up to her abdomen.
Isara instinctively recoiled as he pretended to beat and slap her, not actually believing that he would do it but from the determination that she could see in his eyes and their compromising position she could not help but react in such a manner. She let her relief fall from her in the form of tears, genuine tears of gratitude but to the point of view of those potentially listening to them it sounded nothing like it. When he released his member to open view, she felt her face heat up even more than before, almost to the point that she could feel the blood surging through her. She had never actually seen one before, even though it was dim inside the tent and it was difficult to see its details, she knew without a doubt that he was aroused by her body.

Isara obliged him and started to let out cries of anguish although they were not quite as loud as she would have been screaming had he actually been raping her since she had to put an active effort into making them sound somewhat muffled. Those outside probably couldn't tell the difference, however. As he rubbed himself against her stomach, the bottom of his member brushed against her and stimulated her clit, sending unwanted shivers of pleasure down her spine. Her hands gripped the sheets below them and her eyes closed tightly in an attempt to maintain concentration and not let herself genuinely moan. She could feel his hot breath on her cheeks and the closeness of her chest to his as her nipples occasionally brushed against him as he continued to rub himself across her body. However kind and merciful he was being to her in not actually taking her virginity, it was amazing to her how arousing his actions where on her body. Her earlier sexual frustration and bodily desires started to gradually return as her cries grew louder and louder in earnest, threatening to give away their farce.
"Guuh...Muuhhh! Oughhh haaa...!" he moaned out, actually pressing her body against the bed as he continued to thrust. Her skin was not wet enough to allow him to pump fast lest he wander to chafe his sensitive member, but the fluster of her body and the warmth she radiated aroused him all too well as he too began to pant, tongue hanging slightly. Occasional brush in with her clit spiked his arousal further. The same could attest to Isara, whom visibly moaned louder and louder, though for some reason her elation did undo her restraint bit by bit, the muffle of her gagged farce coming undone as she howled softly, crying out softly from the would-be pressure.

While it did seem to add a layer of realism about her 'rape' it became a little obvious that she was ungagged, her arms moving about along with his own as if she was untied. "Kuh...Y-youre going to give us ahhhhhw-way!" he said, only to stretch the word as he slowly began to climb higher and higher to a climax. "UUghh! Muuhh! Fuuaa...Ahh...Y..yhesss..." he panted softly, kissing her lips impulsively, driven by lust and his male instinct. So dearly did he want to thrust inside of her, shoot his seed deep into her belly. But looking to her dilated, surprised eyes, he just couldn't do it. Slowly, he worked and worked himself, genuinely aroused and tired as he slowly came to his climax...
As his thrusts started to grow less controlled and more ruled by lust, she couldn't help but feel somewhat excited as well, the closeness of their bodies and the sticky sweat that had already coated their skin and ran down her forehead. Suddenly realizing that his words were frightfully true, she attempted to muffle her own voice but just at that moment she felt his lips clasp against her own with earnest. The sudden kiss caught her by surprise, but it was even more surprising when she realized in the heat of the moment she was actually kissing him back, her head leaning in toward his and brushing her tongue across his as if asking permission to enter. Just then, his member scraped against her erect and swollen clit, causing her to throw back her head and break the kiss, biting her lower lip in an attempt to contain the moan.

"MMMMMHMmmmm," her back arched up toward him as her body protested, desiring that he would stop teasing her body as he had for quite some time now. Her will, of course, was that he would keep his promise and allow her honor to remain in tact.
His body needed no time to accept her tongue in, romantically wrestling her own as they kissed ever so passionately. Softly pressing against her now-throbbing lips, her clit seemed to be so engorged and so very aroused as he softly fondled the member, thrusting against her abdomen as he cocked his head backwards. "Guuhhh! Muhh...I...I'm Cuuhhhmming..." he cried out, his lower body tightening and his abdomen clenching as masculine honey sprayed from his member, shooting right at her thighs and on her clit. "Fuahh...ha...ha..." tongue hanging out, he managed to spray his male fluids onto her abdomen and close to her clitoris, though not inside as he climaxed entirely.

Leaning forward with his head down, he panted, the afterglow utterly clouding his judgment. With a soft smile, he looked towards her, completely out of his personality mindset. "気分はどう?" (How are you feeling?). The language he spoke...Quin'ya- The native tongue... "え?何かが間違っていますか?" (Huh? Is something wrong?) He spoke so curiously, leaning in softly. His eyes were of a slightly clear blue, not a shade darker as his eyes were of usually. He smiled when he realized nothing was wrong. "ああ!あなたが大丈夫なら良さをありがとう!" (Ah, Thank goodness you're alright!)

It was a fond, almost...memorable smile. Rat had never smiled, never as full as this. Most of the time he simply snickered or menacingly smirked...but his smile was genuine. His playful look faded as the afterglow passed, his eyes darkening in hue as he grasped his forehead. "UUghh...F..fuck." he said, completely exhausted. Then, he looked at Isara, scowling. "What are you looking at?"
His thick seed spurted across her body, and as he did so she felt a wave of relief crash over her. The most stunning surprise, however, was yet to come. As he bathed in the afterglow she heard him speak to her, the words sounding strange yet at the same time vaguely familiar. She could understand only a little of what he said and not enough to make out clearly what he was trying to convey to her, although that may have been due to her own mind being in a thick state of disarray as well as his. His smile was what caught her the most off-guard, as she had never seen such a genuine and friendly smile on his face before. It was almost frightening how different Rat was at the time, but as his climax subsided so did his pleasant personality.

"N-nothing," Isara looked away, trying not to betray her surprise. She looked down at herself and his seed which was sprayed over her body. She silently reached over and wiped it off herself before curling over to her side, guiding him off of herself.
He thought nothing of her response, though he was quick to grasp her hand as she tried to wipe his seed off of her body. However, he did comply and got off from straddling her body. She must be getting awfully tired just enduring their attention. It had been a very hard day: losing her former companions, being dragged around in bondage, stripped and then fake-raped. Rat simply took out a knife, cutting into his palm as he but his lip softly, dripping the blood on her pussy, her thigh and onto the sheets. It was to be the 'proof' that she was penetrated that day.

"...You should be fine now." he said, throwing the blanket over himself...and her. "Please don't remove the fluids: if you were really raped then you would be too shocked to remove that. It will make you dirty, but it will convince them." he said, stating such things. He didn't want her to get the idea that he did this for her...rather, he did such things because he felt that she wasn't the 'one' for him.

Blanket cast over him, he could not help himself against her body. His penis slowly became flaccid, their naked bodies making warm contact gently as he rested...
Isara nodded and laid beside him, the fatigue just starting to settle in as her body gradually relaxed. She could feel his form against her own, their skin rubbing against each other in a much more calm and peaceful manner than earlier. Isara's thoughts, however turned to the reality of her own situation as everything had felt very much unreal to her up to that point. The weight of her friend's deaths, Rat's betrayal, the brutal treatment that she had received from the men... It all seemed strange to her as her mind replayed every event to her confused mind, yet at the same time she realized that it all must be real.

Rather than push him away, Isara curved her left hand around his side and curved her body around him slightly before placing a small peck on his cheek as thanks. Perhaps he wouldn't appreciate the gesture, but she knew that by his actions that night he might well be placing his own life in danger. Even if it was not actually for her sake, she was nonetheless appreciative. She closed her eyes softly and entrusting herself to him through the night fell into a deep sleep beside Rat's side....


Isara's sleep was a fitful one, as she often stirred and clutched his arm to herself, as if seeking even the slightest support for her. Her dreams continued to torment her, as they replayed the horrifying deaths that she had witnessed throughout her life. The entire group of men that now held her captive were men such as these, yet she believed through it all that the only way to escape from this hellish condition was to bring the battle not with guns or swords, but with words and gentle actions, slowly proving to them that their own actions were wrong. Yet, in her dream-state she could not think as clearly and rationally as when she was awake, for her dream self could merely run about, trying to avoid being caught and killed with her fellow Darcens in a random fashion as the bullets continued to rain down around her, repeatedly killing those who were in reality already long dead.

She awoke in a cold sweat, the perspiration pouring from her forehead as she looked around the tent in a panic. She saw Rat beside her and somehow managed to contain her cry of fright before remembering what had transpired between them the night before. Her face reddened deeply and she pulled the sheets up around her body in a chaste manner before remembering that her clothes had been left outside rather than being strewn about inside the tent itself. Her body felt sticky and gross from her own juices and those of Rat. Sweat, semen, and her own nectar clung to her skin and made her feel disgusting, but she held her peace until Rat would awake and hopefully provide some opportunity to wash herself.
Rat unconsciously tried to ward her off, but in the end, he ended up pressing his arm closer and inadvertently, her body against his. The Warmth of her own body pressing against him passed some of the heat to his own body, a warmth so fuzzy and comforting. Their heartbeat, though quickened slightly, became uniform, chest rising and falling as he fell into the abyss of dreams...and of nightmares.

"Mnnggmmmhh..." gasped Rat softly as he turned facing to the roof, stirring just as Isara would whilst they slept in close proximity with each other. The pangs of hunger stung his belly, their words and their harsh beatings unrelenting, at the mercy of their whims when the children grew bored of beating the skinny, dying young Orphan. The looks of animosity the others gave him...even the adults did not consider of them.

"Khughh...Mmhmm..." he gasped, frowning visibly whilst he slept. Was he really in that much pain when his eyes were closed? Could he only look back into the miserable past? Unable to sight the bright future ahead...damned only to the misery of the past...

As she had awakened in the dead of night, Rat simply turned facing where Isara had been facing just before. "Mmughhmm...母...どこにある.." (Mother...where are you...) Rat mumbled to no one, face fixed to an almost pained wince. "私はとても冷たいとすいたと...母親をしてください...どこにあなたは...?" (I'm so cold and hungry...please mother...where are you...?) curling up further, a silver tear exited from his eyelid. Just as fitful as she, he continued to struggle softly in his rest.

In his tent, was nothing more than three crates set up as tables, Carbines, his weaponry and what looked like...the shawl she owned and the good-luck doll lay there, safe and proper. The daybreak was soon to dawn, the cold night air giving all a chilling embrace.
Isara laid her right hand on his head, gently dabbing away at the sweat on his face and brushing her fingers along the curve of his jaw in a comforting manner. Her own mother would caress her in this manner when she was feeling scared or upset, and she hoped it would have the same effect on Rat as well. He was almost like a child when he slept rather than the cold calloused young man that he made himself out to be when he was awake and fully alert. A slight smile spread across her face as she watched him sleep, the first one on her face for quite some time.

Just then, she looked up around the dim room and spied something familiar... It was her shawl, carefully folded and placed by itself nearby the doll that she had made and given to him in thanks for her rescue. Their presence alone was a bit unsettling as she began to wonder if this fellow had actually been lying when he said that he hated her. Rather, it seemed that he had taken a liking to her as his actions from the previous day started to fall into place in her mind.
Moaning softly and purring, Rat buried himself further into the source of warmth, pressing himself against her body. His stirring calming down considerably, pressing himself against her body, never having experienced the wonderful touch of a maternal figure...

Soon enough, the dimness was vanquished as daybreak rose up high. It was still quite early in the morning, a thin fog lingering in the wooded area, shrouding the encampment. Though he stifled his yawning, Rat was the first to awaken, stretching his arms as he sat up. Today was a new day, presumably they would continue their trek. Bounty would be collected later, they had another mission from the Dresden Mountain ranges. Supposedly a 'Pig Herd' had been sighted there and mercenaries have been dispatched to find and eliminate them.

Nudging Isara to rouse herself from sleep, he roughly nudged her shoulder. "Wake up, Pig!" he whispered, vouching to use such a slur to refer to the young lady as he stripped her of what coverings she had, pulling the blanket aside. Her fluids, his seed and the blood dried on the covers, something he would prove and show to his master to 'prove' that he carried out his orders. Slipping on an undershirt and a pair of cotton boxers, he reached forward and threw to her what looked like a Gallian Uniform...with a bullet hole near the chest area. Why would Rat even keep a uniform like this, presumably looted from a corpse?

"Put those on." he said. Though the ensemble had the skirt a little short without any undergarments, it did look quite tart yet somewhat revealing near the lower area. But Clothes were clothes, who could complain? Placing his carbine's strap over his shoulder, he buttoned up his sweater and placed his gun onto his holster. He was to collapse the tent soon, toting the crates with both hands as he threw aside the shawl and her good luck doll, almost pretending as if they were never there the whole time as he exited, presumably stacking the crates elsewhere.
Isara nodded without protest and put the clothes on, not wanting to make a fuss about their utter lack of proper coverage or the fact that they had obviously belonged to someone else before her. She turned around a few times, trying to pull down the skirt as far as possible without it hanging low on her thighs in order to maximize the coverage, but it was the lack of underwear of any sort that was the most perplexing. She stepped outside the tent as he started to collapse it, looking around in a nervous, almost comical manner as if searching for some rock or hole to hide herself under or inside.

As they packed to leave she stood nearby Rat with her legs closely clamped together in order to hold back the cold wind that blew against her underwearless form, the short skirt helping little in the way of keeping the draft from blowing up her skirt and chilling her. If they had already "taken" her virginity, why where they further tormenting the poor girl in this fashion? Isara certainly didn't know, but she also tried not to make much of a fuss about it.
Without protest he had returned to take the other crate, seemingly empty but used as a table of sorts. Before then he began to dismantle the tent, removing the five pegs that held it in place, folding down the center pole. Folding the canvas, he found that Eric's tent as well was folded down, the tall man wordlessly collapsing his tent. Zeppel was still soundly asleep, Hughes was snoring as loud as he always had. The curious bit was Gage, whose tent was missing, though all the supplies were folded, bundled and ready to go. Had he awakened way before daybreak?

He had taken the initiative to fold the sheets he used, making sure to keep the bloody part folded and showing outwards as the 'proof' that he had taken her that night. Placing the tent bundle right beside the crate he hauled out, he glared at her once before picking up the shawl, but he had left the doll there. He had confiscated this from her when the shawl was removed, the odd little trinket with a smile that reminded him all too well of Isara.

Eventually, even Zeppel himself had awakened, yawning as he exitted his tent. "Good morning, Master." greeted Rat, bowing slightly as he got to work collapsing his tent. With a yawn, he walked right up towards Isara, who sat onto the crate that sat just outside where his old tent was, smiling as he saw the sheets. "You two must have had it rough last night, eh?" he asked, grasping her chin and forcing her to look up. All the while, Rat looked back just as he uprooted the 4th peg, keeping a good eye on Isara whilst he worked. Grasping her arm, Zeppel forced her left wrist up as he grasped her chin, his face so close that his breath touched the skin of her chin.

"Don't fret girly, it's just the beginning." Foreshadowing even worse things to happen, Zeppel walked back to his pack, taking out a coil of rope. "You. Come with me. Rat, fix us up Breakfast. I'll be back." Though worried, Rat nodded nervously as his Master walked back and took three pegs and walked, grasping Isara by her left forearm, almost roughly dragging her along. Her naked skin underneath did not escape his notice. "Hohoho...looks like the birdy is out of her nest, slut." he teased, a bit of the dried blood residue reinforcing that he had taken her proof that night. Just a few steps from the encampment, just on some sediment and slightly rocky ground, where he threw her down at. He bound two pegs apart a good meter and a half, the last peg near the middle as he bashed it down with a rock. "Kneel right here." he commanded, pointing just where the pegs were. The rocks and sediment would be a pain to kneel on, was that what he intended to do?
"Had it rough? I don't think he even cares in the slightest" it was apparent to Isara that the man before her enjoyed causing pain and suffering in others.

Oh, she knew that Zeppel's sadistic commands were far from over. Such was the case concerning such base men, who would scarcely stop until their every last demeaning fantasy was played out to the T. She wanted to pull away from his grasp as he forced her to look up at him, his fragrant breath sending a shiver of disgust to run down her spine every time be exhaled. She recoiled slightly upon seeing the rope, which was apparently his weapon of choice when he abused women, but she knelt down as he commanded her between the two pegs. The rocks bit into her soft skin, and she struggled to find a position that would lessen the pain yet still qualify as kneeling. Perhaps he intended to bind her there and make sure her virginity had been claimed? Perhaps he would just leave her there to the elements if she was simply playing along with the farce? She seemed scared, not as much for herself as for Rat for the blame would instantly fall to him. For his sake, however, she tried her best to appear as if she was merely reacting to what their leader had in mind for her.
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