Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

The mini-squids didn't seem to mind as they climbed up onto him and sat down on his lap, leaning back against him in a satisfied manner. Marina couldn't help but sigh happily at how naturally her children took to their father. They were normally not very trusting of anyone other than their mother, hiding in her shadow and huddling together for protection even if the person did not intend to cause them any harm. Toward Sam, however, they were open and free, glad to see the man that had helped bring them into that world. Marina sat down beside him and scooped up one of the little squids, placing her into her own lap despite the young child's protests.

"I... I understand what I did was a bit reckless, but I couldn't stop worrying about you... I just had to see you again, and the little ones did too. They keep asking me about you, like where you are and what you are doing," Marina bent forward and kissed his cheek, "It's hard for me to keep moving forward by myself, but I know you wouldn't want us to follow you. After all, things will only get more dangerous from here on, since you are going after the fire elemental next, aren't you?"
Sam just watched wearily as his offspring climbed all over him; he quickly realized that Gnome and Undine were likely sleeping, probably exhausted from having to give him so much power. He wondered if Nami and Terra were affected as well; after all, they were connected to him. At least, that's the derived meaning he got from Gnome's explanation; however, he'd not bother them right now. It was a hard battle, but they had won. Even still, Sam still felt like he wasn't making any progress; he still had two more elementals to contract, and somehow traverse the Succubus' alternate plane to...wherever she was.

Marina's words seemed to wake him up a little bit; he gazed lazily at her as she acknowledged the risk she took in coming here. Her next words initially took him by surprise, but he'd come to terms with the fact that his outings quickly became common knowledge; from his fogged mind was able to gather, it seemed like no one had attempted this in the past. The only other contractor he'd heard of was the man who contracted Gnome's mother. "I know, Marina, but there was a reason I asked Poseidon to look after you while I was gone....I didn't want you getting hurt and I know with her you'll be safe. I don't want to risk losing someone I care deeply about. I don't think I could handle that".

He then just let out a heavy sigh as he continued, "But, I suppose I can't be too upset with you. One, I'm just too exhausted to be angry. Two, you gave me the opening I needed". His arms weakly wrapped around the little ones in his lap, adding, "And three, seeing you and these darling little children of mine helps assure me that I'm doing the right thing". He then weakly motioned for her to come lay next to him; if there was anything he needed right now, it was the comfort of company. That alone would help the healing immensely.
"Its a hundred years too early for me, Sam," Marina smiled in a soft yet strangely distant and sad manner, "The further forward you go, the more I will push myself to be worthy to stand by your side. When I first met you, you were so much weaker than you are now, its hard for me to reconcile that you are still the same person... I think we have both changed, for better or worse."

The squid woman slid up next to him, resting her head gently on his chest as she let out a relieved and soothing sigh. She nestled her form against his in a rather natural manner, her tentacles reaching up to wrap around his shoulders in a gentle yet embracing manner as she planted a few stray kisses on his shoulder. Their children never paused in their tender affection, showering him with their love in their own little ways.

"I care deeply about you as well, Sam... Please, won't you promise me that when this is all over and done, that you will take me with you back to that place called Earth?" Marina murmured softly, "I... Our children as well as myself, that is, don't really have a place here. My place is here, by your side."
Sam reveled in the comforting embrace of Marina and their young ones; so this is what it was like to have a family. Well, at the very least it was something close. The wide eyes of the little squids gazing up at him, kissing his cheek in affection, their cute little yawns as their eyes closed and their minds drifted into the land of dreams. The sun's glow finally dimmed completely and cast its chilling darkness upon the land; thankfully, the Deadlands had almost no activity at night, so there would little chance of predators trying to come by and either snatch Sam or one of their kids. Not to mention the wind trap kept Sam's pheromone signature to a minimum, so that had that working in their favor as well.

Soon it was only Marina and Sam that remained awake, the two of them cuddled in the small cave that was their shelter; he was a bit speechless as she asked her question about returning to Earth with him. He contemplated his words, his weary mind trying to formulate a response; there was a noticeable pause before he spoke, "I'm sorry, but I can't really say for certain......For all I know, I might die here on this planet. But if I do survive......".

Here, Sam just trailed off for a moment, now even more unsure of what to say. He wanted to bring Marina along, but he wanted to bring everyone else that mattered to him now as well. He wouldn't feel right if someone had to get left behind, but it was Vivian had said: His desires now conflicted with each other; he either had to forsake the other lovers he'd met on this planet, or somehow learn to share himself. Many of his previous partners had even said they wouldn't mind him having other lovers, but his human social conditioning of having one partner and one partner only was still there even after all this time.

He then managed to gather his wits, stating confidently but in a soft tone of voice at the same time, "Marina.....I can't really promise much right now.....But when I'm stronger again, I can promise that I'll find a way to make it work....." And with that, Sam leaned his head against her form, muttering, "I love you, my darling....." as he began off to sleep, wrapped in her warm embrace. His thoughts briefly drifted to Rachel and the Succubus; he prayed that she would be able to hold on until he got there. Before his mind sank into the thoughtless cycles of slumber, he wondered if his defeating the Pharaoh and freeing the Goddess from captivity did anything at all to screw up the Succubus' plans for him.
Marina, for once, couldn't think of a single word of reply. Of course she had asked a lot of Sam in that one, simple request. The complexities of simply competing for Sam's attention and recognition against the four elementals that he would have to fully contract in order to stand even a minute chance against the succubus made her position particularly unsure. True, she was the only one out of the lot who had any actual experience on a different planet, but that hardly gave her any sort of real advantage. The largest obstacle was Sam himself, and he would have to sort out his own feelings in time. For now, Marina tried to content herself that they loved each other, even if the current circumstances made their relationship a bit ambiguous at best.

"I love you too, de geso," the squid woman finally decided on her reply, murmured into his ear, but by then he was likely fast asleep. The moon up above them gleamed ominously within the pitch-black sky outside the wind trap, perhaps foretelling that Sam's difficulties were far from over. Indeed, his adventure in this faraway land was just beginning to unfold.

His recent victory was hardly unexpected in the eyes of the one who resided within the plane beyond, as she peered down, metaphorically speaking, upon all that had transpired. Sure, the Goddess escaping from her prison within the scepter was a bit of an inconvenient byproduct, but she hardly considered the weakened deity a worthy opponent in her current condition. The entire planet's inhabitants were her little pawns, whom she could manipulate and toss away as she saw fit, after all.

Within the darkness of the halls, her features were not very clear, but even in the poorly lit recesses of those halls it was clear that she was pleased, if the wide curved grin spread across her face was any accurate indication of her mood. Lately, her best source of entertainment had been the cute, worn human which had fallen into the thick of things quite by accident, and although the succubus could have made quick work of the poor girl she instead drew out the process for as long as she could, relishing in her unvoiced misery.

"S-sam..." the woman lay across the ground, reaching up toward some unseen escape or rescue. She had long sense given up trying to speak with the succubus, as it clearly did her no good, but that did not keep the succubus from speaking to her.

"You really are obsessed with that man, aren't you? Trust me, I know how you must feel... The darkness has surrounded you for so long its hard to remember what the light on your skin even feels like. That is how I feel toward Sam as well... he's a welcome reprieve from this dull existance I call my life. I can see the anger and hatred in your eyes. You wish to see me destroyed, don't you? We each have a role to play in this game, little Rachel... Me and you."

She stalked toward the girl and ran a hand across her back, stopping just before the base of the small, fur-covered wings on her back, "Patience, little one... I will let your true self free as soon as you are ready to accept it. I only hope Sam will be ready when that happens..."

The succubus let out a dark chuckle as she petted Rachel's head, who continued to repeat his name over and over again, "Sam... Sam... Sam..."
Sam woke with a start, having envisioned (albeit somewhat hazily) that the Succubus was tormenting Rachel. Even now, he could her Rachel's raspy voice calling out his name, the reiterations echoing in his mind at lowering volume until they faded completely. A cold sweat covered his form, his broad chest heaving and his wide eyes darting this way and that from the shock he'd received at that awful nightmare. It felt so real, more so than any other dream he'd had in the past. Is that what Rachel was going through? Or was it just his mind working against him, playing off of his darkest fears? He couldn't say for certain; and as he looked around, he saw something that seemed to calm him considerably: Marina and her children all sleeping around, the squid mother's tentacles wrapped comfortingly around him.

But even still, his mind was uneasy, staving off the sleep he so desperately needed to help in his recovery. He knew everyone was exhausted; Gnome and Undine, especially, but he felt overwhelmed. The woman who held the largest piece of his heart was in danger and here he was sleeping! Sleeping as if nothing was happening! What the hell was he thinking? No, no, he wasn't at full capacity and would only risk doing something stupid if he tried to move in his current condition. Still, it was aggravating; he'd always hated the feeling of powerlessness, of not being able to help those he cared about no matter what he did. After about ten minutes, his heart and mind had started to calm down, and soon was lost in the dreamless sleep once again.

*Three "Earth" weeks later....*

It had taken Sam quite a length of time to even be able to move again; that was all he was able to do right now. Just moving his body still required a fair bit of effort; it was plainly obvious that using either Elemental's power was out of the question at this point. As the days had crawled by up to this point, Sam could do little else but lie and recover. He would have to help Gnome and Undine recover as well, as was the terms of their contract; sadly, that would have to wait until more of his energy returned.

And this was a fact that frustrated him; how on Earth was he supposed to defeat the Succubus if battling someone like the Pharaoh was going to drain him like this? "Urgh! Why can't I do anything?!" he grunted, letting his frustration get the better of him. His daughters, who had been worried about him, stepped back at his outburst with their tentacles frozen in apprehension. They loved him dearly, but wished that he could calm down. They didn't like seeing him, the man who had helped bring them into this world, the one who saved their mother from a potentially life-threatening depression, so angry and upset.

Of course, the Pharaoh was a particularly powerful opponent, and he'd been forced to use a lot of energy even though his contract with Undine only allowed him a relatively weak, short-lived immersion into The Flow. But he still was beating himself up over something he had no control over; the fact was he had to fight the Pharaoh, as freeing the Goddess was integral to his success in overcoming the Succubus and restoring the balance of the world. But his frustration was centered over an integral part of his personality: No matter what the situation was, he always tried to have all the answers, to make everyone's life easier. He tried to be the rock that held everything up, but even the strongest stone would crack under enough pressure.
"Please, Sam, I understand how frustrating this must be for you," Marina placed a soothing hand upon his shoulder, pulling herself up and placing a tender kiss on his cheek, "But you are frightening the children... They don't like seeing you in such a state, and neither do I, but we need to be patient. No matter how many elemental you contract, you will still be a human after all. The Pharaoh, the Goddess, and the Succubus are on a completely different level compared to the rest of us. To be perfectly honest, I'm actually rather surprised I was able to take her by surprise when I did. She had all her attention focused on you, I suppose."

In a dim flash of light, Undie appeared in the cave for the first time in a few days, appearing a bit uneasy yet more energetic than before. Gnome had gone a long time without Sam before, and she was conserving her power by sleeping most of the day as she knew Sam had precious little energy to spare. She would still come out on occasion with their daughter to try and cheer him up and feed Terra, but at the moment they were both soundly asleep. Undie, however, seemed determined to speak to her contractor and lover about something of utmost importance.
Sam glared momentarily at Marina as she tried to calm him down; what she was saying was true, but it didn't make things any easier. How was he supposed to feel? He'd since lost track of how many days had passed during the period when he was first brought here to this cavern and now. He should have been healed by now, or at least, that's what his mind was trying to tell him. He needed to move on, and yet he could tell he was nowhere near recovered enough and incredibly vulnerable. Being stuck made him edgy and he didn't mean to frighten anyone.

Still, he looked towards his children, who were gazing at him with certain fear in their eyes; a heavy sigh left his lips before adding, "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to snap. It's just.....I feel like I'm getting nowhere. I'm expected to be the savior of this planet, and yet just fighting the Pharaoh drained me this much, even with your help. If you weren't there....I know she would have killed me..."

His voice trailed off as Undine suddenly appeared next to him, her clear eyes staring into him rather intently. In truth, it made him uneasy the way she was looking at him. "Um.....Yes, Undine?" he asked, his voice very telling of his current wariness.
"Sam... I know you are eager to continue our journey, and to be perfectly honest I feel the same way myself," Undie began, sliding toward Sam until she was nearly touching him, "I know of a way to restore your power with very little risk either to myself or you, but I wanted to clear it with you before going forward with it."

The water elemental picked up the clay jar which was the sealed form of the Pharaoh, and presented it to her lover, "When the Goddess was sealed, the Pharaoh used the Goddess' power while she was in the form of a staff without weakening the seal in any way. Theoretically, we should be able to do the same thing to her as well in order to get you back up onto your feet. I have been studying the seal you placed on her, and I am certain that I can pull this off... There are risks involved with using her power, that much I understand, for it will increase the speed at which the Succubus' corruption will effect you, but if you wish to proceed quickly and save Rachel, it may be the only option we have available to us. What do you say?"

Undie, of course, was attempting to paint the situation in the most optimistic light as the corruption may well effect herself as well as the medium through which the power would be channeled. She wanted him to focus on the potential benefit, however, and looked to Sam to make his final decision, one way or another. Gnome, of course, would have protested to such a risky move, but as she was asleep at the moment she could voice no objection.
Sam's head cocked curiously as Undine slid closer to him, telling him she knew of a way to accelerate his rejuvenation. At first he was skeptical; however, if anyone knew of healing, Gnome's previous words and his own experiences told him that Undine would likely be the best candidate for such a thing. Of course, he did not expect in the slightest way the Water Elemental's suggestion.

Sam couldn't even process her words, they were so astoundingly unexpected; his eyes looked from the vessel to Undine, back to the vessel and then back to Undine. This went on for at least a couple of minutes, the man's eyes wide with definite surprise and his mouth opening and closing, but no sound came out. Use the Pharaoh's power? Sure, it might work well on paper, but......No, he couldn't; he didn't know enough about how all this worked. But still....The longer he sat here, the more the window of opportunity might close on him to deal with the Succubus. It was a daring ploy, certainly fool-hardy; however, there was that part of him that was trying to rationalize about what to do.

"I don't know, Undine........As attractive as that sounds, it seems pretty risky" Sam replied. It was obvious he would still need some time to think about it.
"It will not physically harm you or myself, that much I can say for certain... However, it may have some adverse personality side-effects," Undie nodded, sliding herself up against him to rest her head on his shoulder tenderly, "The more we draw from it, the more we may desire to take in order to not simply restore our energy but to add to it. The thirst for power itself might take hold on us, but that might be what we need. However much I would like to deny it, but as we are now I don't think we have what it takes to contract Ingus. Unlike myself, she will likely fight you with her full power when you ask to form a contract with her... Simply meeting her with your strongest attack might not be enough."

"Yes, please think it over, Sam..." she nuzzled his cheek with he tip of her nose, "I know its a lot for you to take in at once, which is why I waited so long to ask you about it. I was hoping that you would recover on your own before you became frustrated with our lack of progress. No matter which path you choose to take, I'll stand by you..."

Although a part of her doubtless was starting to send off subtle hints to Sam that she was feeling a bit frisky after so many days of inactivity, her intention was to calm and soothe him. The more clear his mind was, the better he could think over their situation and make a proper decision. Perhaps due to her nature, she also found him much more attractive when he had a firm grasp on himself, which also likely factored into the equation.
Well, that much was somewhat reassuring; though what she meant by personality side-effects was still somewhat vague. But, he felt he had a fairly disciplined mind, so the personality thing he was confident he could deal with. And besides, what Undine was saying was true, as well as it being his personal sentiment. They were nowhere near strong enough to face Ignus the Fire Elemental, and they would need all the power they could get. Of course, Sam could have taken the feather that the Goddess had offered him and he felt somewhat stupid for not accepting her offer. But perhaps it was for the best; she was incredibly low on power and needed to conserve her strength.

Sam would simply sit and think, debating it in his mind whether or not he should do this. The Pharaoh's power was indeed a potent one; however, maybe it might be too strong for him to contain. Marina said it best: He was only a human at his core. And the Pharaoh, if the Goddess and other women to be believed, was certainly on a god-like level herself. That would be a welcome boost.....But he was still unsure of the consequences. There was too much he didn't know, but he didn't see any other viable alternative, and simply waiting for his body and energy to return to its normal state was out of the question. There was also the issue of restoring Gnome and Undine's respective energies; besides, after all they did, he had wanted to show them some loving, but was simply too drained to do it.

After what would be a couple of hours on Deseus, Sam finally reached a decision. Tilting his head up to look into Undine's eyes, the contractor then said, "Alright, Undine. I'll do as you said, but I still feel uneasy". He took a deep breath, exhaling through his nose to steady his fluttering stomach and nerves, then added, "Tell me what it is I have to do".
"Just sit down in front of me and remain calm no matter what happens," Undie stroked his back in a soothing manner, trying to reassure him, "I'll be doing most of the work... The process is rather simple, since I will be using a process similar to what I used to contract with you in the first place in order to absorb energy from the Pharoah and use the link between us to transfer the power back to you. This means my abilities will be getting a bit of a boost over and above Gnome's current level as well, until you give some of it to Gnome, of course."

The water elemental took the clay jar in her left hand and held Sam's left hand in her right as she closed her gem-like eyes and sat in a meditative position. Her body began to glow dimly and flickers and sparks of dark and light arcs began to form around the jar and flow into Undie. They seemed to swirl around inside her and calm themselves of their normally wild state before traveling through Undie's right arm and into Sam. Using herself as some sort of biological resister, she was attempting to use herself as the medium of exchange between the sealed Pharaoh and her contractor. She continued the process for quite some time, each arc of power flowing out more easily than the last until it was almost a continuous stream. Eventually, Undie rather abruptly set the jar down onto the floor and let go of it, cutting off the flow and looking over at Sam in a rather pleased yet reserved manner.

"I think... That's all I can handle at the moment," Undie's eyes betrayed a hint of lust that had not been there before, but she was trying her best to contain her desires. Her body literally glowed with power, as she had much more than when they had started. Exactly how this would effect her was not exactly clear, but if Sam was paying especially close attention he would notice that the water that made up her body was a few shades darker in color than before and a bit less translucent.

"How do you feel, Sam?" the water elemental gently eased herself onto her lover's lap, reaching up with both her hands and cupping his cheeks as she kissed him square on the lips briefly.
"All right" was Sam's reply after she explained what was going to happen; he still was extremely nervous over this, but sometimes a risk had to be taken. He couldn't play it safe forever, because he knew he would get nowhere if he did. Sam let Undine hold his hand as she began infusing him with the Pharaoh's energy. As the process went on, he found himself getting more and more nervous at the visible flow of energy within Undine; even if she wasn't feeling any pain, from his perspective it looked incredibly unpleasant. So he simply closed his eyes and tried to steady himself; he hoped this would work. He hoped that this wouldn't harm either of them like Undine said, but he couldn't help worrying about her.

As the process continued, Sam felt his own energy skyrocket; before he knew it, he'd been returned to his full strength and even felt his power rise a little beyond what it had been before. This was incredible; he felt so alive, so energetic, it was wonderful. Sam eventually felt the connection sever between him and the fair Water Elemental; his eyes opened slowly to retake the vision of the world around him. He looked down at his hand and flexed it a few times; all his fatigue was gone. And to think this was only a portion of the energy the Pharaoh had to offer. "Unbelievable" Sam commented mentally; he would not ask Undine for more, as the infusion left him relatively unchanged for the moment.

When she climbed into his lap and kissed him, Sam was initially taken by surprise by her forwardness; however, he quickly gave himself into the passionate liplock, their tongues intertwining for a few brief moments before pulling away, a thin trail of saliva hanging between them. "I feel......fantastic, Undine" he replied breathily; the good contractor could feel the heat growing in his groin, as if responding to the unspoken desires of the beautiful water woman before him. He then pushed them both forward so that he would be lying on top of her, his groin starting to rub against hers as he added, "And I think.....you deserve a reward for everything you've done. What do you say, my lovely Undine?"
"I thought you might never ask... You really do spend most of your time with Gnome and Marina lately, so I've been feeling a bit neglected lately," Undie grasped his shoulder with her right and while her right began to stroke his length through his clothes, guiding him toward herself. In all honesty, just about any part of her body could absorb his semen just as well as any other (as her body was quite homogeneous) so the location was a bit moot, but as Sam was a human man he was rather naturally drawn toward that particular location on her anatomy...

The water elemental offered no objection, of course, and her aqueous legs almost instantly wrapped around his waist and pulled him down toward herself until his lower half was entirely engulfed in her body. She lost no time in surrounding and caressing his legs, thighs, and of course his manhood as she held him in her loving embrace. This time, however, she seemed a bit more demanding and needy than during any of their earlier lovemaking sessions, partly due to how long she had gone without, or perhaps somewhat due to her mild jealousy over the attention he paid to his other two lovers.

Marina sent the children to bed (who were far back into the cavern) before things proceeded any further, and sensing the commanding manner in which their mother did so they offered no objections. The squid-woman tried hard not to appear possessive, but she would be lying if she denied feeling a bit jealous over the attention he was paying to Undie. To keep herself in check, she decided to set herself at the opening of the cave to watch over things from there and give the two of them some privacy. The way Undie was acting, however, it wasn't clear if she even cared if anyone was watching them...

"Thank you, Sam... Oh, how I have missed you," Undie moaned rather loudly into his ear as her hand flowed under his clothes and began to directly stimulate his hardening manhood, "Did you miss this as well?"
(Hehe, yes, give in to the depravity, foolish Samuel.....*grins*)

"Well, you should have spoken up sooner, my darling.....I try to make everyone feel special, especially when they've been so good to me" Sam replied as he felt her body envelop him and begin to stimulate his form; he could feel his love muscle hardening rather quickly, soon standing at its enhanced length of thirteen inches and pulsing with intense anticipation inside her semi-solid body. "You know I love you.......I'll try to be better in the future though, I promise" he then added before going down to suckle on her neck.

Even though her body had completely enveloped him from the waist down, her upper body was still very much human-looking. He put the darker coloration and increased opacity out of his mind, his lips parting to let out low groans of pleasure as Undine played with him, setting his passion ablaze and making his arousal skyrocket. "Indeed I have, Undine.....Let me make this time one neither of us will soon forget" he then replied, his strong hands coming down to the soft, wet-feeling globes on her "chest", the calloused digits squeezing them tightly yet lovingly as her form continued to play with him, all the while his mouth .

After some time of playing, he then released his grip of her chest wrapped his well-toned arms around her upper body and pushed his lips onto hers, ensnaring them both in a heated kiss of lust and love. He then pulled his hips back before driving them forward; it seemed to not faze him that she had no real human anatomy, and yet he would make love to her as he would a human female. His length stirred up her insides, his grip on her body tightening as his turgid flesh was thrust up and into her curvy form.
"Sam... Oh, how I have longed for this day," Undie squealed with delight, the flow of her body around his sensitive length increasing with her arousal, "I love you, Sam, and I know you do too... But I feel so insecure when I know you love Gnome and Rachel so very much as well."

As he molded her pliable breasts in his hands, she gave him moans of delight and approval in return, encouraging him to further play with and stimulate her body. When he wrapped his arms around her instead, she made a somewhat disproving expression, as she enjoyed the sensation of his fingers pressing into her body, but returned the kiss nevertheless with heated desire. She could feel his member thrusting up into her body, mixing the material that made up her body and churning her up. She responded by directing her flow to pulling him deeper inside of herself rather than simply swirling about, tugging on him and drawing him closer toward her very core. The energy that flowed into him from her and vice versa was a bit darker in color than before, but it seemed that neither of them realized the significance of this.

With each passing moment between them as they gave each other over to the other in this lustful embrace, the intensity of this exchange increased further as they fad off each other and apparently multiplied the flow of their own energy. Gnome began to stir a bit, still in her spirit form within Sam, but still remained relatively deep in sleep for the moment. It would take a bit more disturbance to wake up the slumbering earth elemental, however important it may have been for her to interrupt them for their own good.
Sam didn't take notice of her fallen expression, as he was too busy trying to release the sudden surge of lust that coursed through him; he also didn't seem to be fazed by the coincidence of this and the insertion of the Pharaoh's energy. In fact, the coincidence itself didn't even cross his mind. Undine's body served as more than ample distraction from anything other than consummating their intimate feelings for each other, though Sam's normally inhibited mentality seemed......reduced, like he was almost fully able to share his heart without guilt or remorse. Her words, however, touched him; he'd make every effort to show her that she mattered just as much to him as Gnome or Rachel and wipe away those feelings of insecurity.

His rigid flesh continued to push deeper and deeper into the Water Elemental's liquid form, almost reaching fully into the center of her body as their coitus continued. Sam was able to feel the exchange of energy between them increase more and more as time went on; the two of them would be receiving quite the boost in their respective power, going beyond even the second-stage contract that he and Gnome had formed after Sam had sacrificed himself and came back. Unbeknownst to him, the mark on his forehead that symbolized the contract between him and Undine was starting to expand, growing to cover his face and starting to creep over and down the top and back of his head, showing that the strength of their bond was reaching a much higher level.

"Undine....Undine.....Your body......I love your body....I love you" Sam panted out as he broke the kiss, his lungs burning with a lack of oxygen. However, his mouth couldn't seem to get enough of how she tasted; even if she was only made up of water, the fact was something made her irresistible to him. So his lips latched onto her again, kissing her deeply before moving down to lick at her neck, then traveling down some more to kiss at the valley between her nicely-sized water pillows. Everything about her was perfect, and Sam felt like he could indulge in it all day.
"Sam... Yes, hold me tightly and never let go," Undie ran her fingers through his hair and wet his locks with the moisture that made up her own body. Her body gently shivered with delight from the attentions he paid to her, from the kisses from his lips on her liquid form to the shifting of his hips as he delved deeper and deeper toward her very center. She warmed quickly in response to his words, a gentle blush forming just above her cheeks as she concentrated her efforts across every inch of his skin that her body covered. It felt as if there were hundreds of strokes and caresses rubbing across his legs and across his back and stomach, soothing and relaxing his muscles as the area right around his member continued to flow inward, pulling him in deeper and brushing across his length continuously. Her body flowed into his every crevice, clinging to him as she held him in her arms and embraced him lovingly. Even if he wished to part from her, it was all but impossible at this point... She would not release him until he satisfied her fully.

Gnome's eyes gently fluttered open, the distant sensation of flowing energy and the aura of intimacy droning within the far reaches of her consciousnesses. She could also feel something else... something distinctly foreign and strange to her. She roused herself a bit more fully, rubbing at her eyes as she considered what this strange invader into the flow of energy within her might be, when she felt a wave of pleasure through her connection with Sam. He was making love with Undie, that much was certain, but there was something a bit unusual about this session unlike the ones before. She considered materializing into the physical plane to investigate, but she thought better of it as she knew that Undie disliked it when Gnome cut in on her sessions with Sam. It was more or less an unspoken rule of mutual respect which they both held by, that they wouldn't disturb the other while having sex with Sam.
Sam continued to push himself deeper and deeper into Undine's homogeneous form, his visibly pulsing length leaking globs of heated pre-cum into her and helping that small bit in replenishing her significantly depleted energy stores. The energy exchange through simple act of carnal desire and true love for the significant other was reaching levels unseen as of late; this would be the formation of the second-stage contract with Undine, putting her on equal full-capacity power terms with Gnome. Of course, to fully replenish Undine and satisfy her, this would likely require at the very least two rounds of heated coitus; not to mention that Gnome's power would need to be restored as well, something Sam would have no problem in doing.

Unlike Gnome, Sam and Undine seemed too far gone in their hedonism to notice the strange presence this "session" entailed; in fact, they seemed too far gone to even notice that Gnome herself had been aroused from her peaceful slumber. As the minutes ticked by, with no sign of them slowing down, the blue aura of energy had completely encased both of them and was pulsating vibrantly and quickly, washing the cavern walls with flashes of intense, sea-blue light. Eventually, the time would come where Sam's limit was beginning to make itself known; the way Undine's passage stimulated his rigid flesh was too much for him to handle and he wasn't afraid to make it known. "Un....Undine.....Cum with me, Undine!" he shouted, pushing his hips even harder and faster than he thought he could before. His end completely overtook his body, making a rather loud groan of pleasure escape his lips; his dick throbbed hard and fast as his sperm-saturated cum was unloaded into Undine. Thick ropes of the sticky white fluid began to fill every inch of her, the excess spreading out into other parts of her homogenized body; as his climax subsided, nearly all of Undine's watery body was now a blazing white color, streaks of blue giving a tiger-stripe style of appearance.
Undie trembled as her arms clung to his muscled form, her body mass absorbing all that she could from his release as jet after jet of his semen flowed into her. The water elemental could hardly think, let alone respond to his request as the blissful pulses of energy surged through her, darkening the coloration of her body further as her gasp loosened and she laid on her back in a thick pool of the water-like substance that made her up. Her consciousness was in a daze, held tight in the bonds of the ebbing climax that she had experianced with her lover hung her somewhere between paradise and a pleasant, languishing slumber. Gnome was both intreagued as well as mildly taken aback by the drunken look of Undie's curved smile as she turned over to her side and fell into a light doze.

"Sam... What's gotten into you? Is there something wrong?" Gnome stepped toward her contractor and lover, her small hand reaching up and cupping his right cheek, "I can see it... Its... Its all around you both, and its in me too. What did you two do while I was asleep? Its a dark, cold feeling, and it scares me. Please, tell me what is going on."

Through her humble yet resolute strength, Gnome sought to call out to the man she knew and loved, hoping to snap him out of whatever it was which had taken such a strong hold on him. Undie was certainly in no condition to have any sort of understandable conversation, so she had to turn to Sam himself. The small earth elemental couldn't understand what could have caused such a drastic change, for over the past few days Sam had hardly moved, let alone shown an active interest in sex... And yet here he was, releasing enough semen in single orgasm to satisfy even Undie, whose appetite for semen had grown over the time they had spent together. It was a sudden change, and as such Gnome was concerned that Sam had already spent too much time on this planet. It was changing him... and not in only good ways.
Sam breathed heavily, feeling Undine's form running along his turgid manhood and drawing out every last bit of his enormous release. If he were in his right mind, he would have been shocked that he'd been able to let out so much; however, the only thing he cared about was that he got some much-needed release. Then again, he had no idea where it came from; up until before Undine and him had started wailing on each other, he hadn't even felt a lick of sexual need. But now that Undine had fused a portion of the Pharaoh's power into him......He felt alive, like he could take on the world and decimate anyone that stood before him. When Undine awoke next, he would thank her for giving him this awesome power; with it, he had a good feeling that even someone as powerful as Ignus would become one with him rather easily.

However, he was momentarily distracted when he heard a familiar voice speak to him; he turned his head to see none other than Gnome on her knees next to him with her dainty hand on his rough cheek. He could see the worry in her eyes, but for some reason it didn't faze him as much as it should have. Still, she had a right to know and he would have no problem telling her. "Undine.....I don't know what she did exactly, but she restored me. Took the sealed Pharaoh and transferred a portion of her energy into me; god, Gnome, I can't even tell you how much better this feels! I can move again! I feel like I'm on top of the world! Hell, I don't think I can recall a time in my life where I've felt better!"

He then grasped Gnome by her shoulders and pulled her close to him, peering down at her with what seemed to be a genuine smile and happy expression, "Why would you think something was the matter, though, my lovely Gnome? There's no reason to be afraid........." He then pulled her in for a tight, reassuring hug, his strong arms wrapped around her small but nicely formed body, adding "I'm still me, Gnome. Nothing's going to change that, and nothing's going to change between us". This hug would press Sam's still erect manhood against the robes covering her stomach, pulsing in tune with his heartbeat and emanating an impressive amount of heat. "In fact....I think you need some energy too, right? Well, I'm still good to go, as you can see....."
"The Pharoah's power... Its a dark energy which is as potent as it is dangerous. Undie must have known the dangers of doing what she did, but she decided to take the risk because she trusted you to be able to stave off the effects," Gnome's hands wrapped around his waist and gripped him tightly, her right cheek resting against his broad chest. She could feel the need in his embrace, the familiar tenderness mixed with the lustful desire to enjoy the pleasures of her body. His words struck a cord deep within her, with half of her wanting to simply accept what he said at face-value, while the other half held onto a few threads of doubt that he was, indeed, alright following the risky operation which had taken place while she slept. Granted, Gnome herself was not immune to the effects, as her contract with Sam flowed both directions and the presence of his firm manhood pressing against her stomach was starting to have an effect on her.

"Y-yes, I could use some energy as well, but please try to pace yourself. If we loose ourselves in our lovemaking, we could find ourselves trapped in the corruption from the Pharoah's power, which is just what the Succubus wants us to succumb to. Our minds and bodies are the only things which she cannot directly influence, so we must keep a firm grip on both if we want to win... Do you understand?" Gnome planted a few tender kisses on his arms and chest as she reached down with one hand and slid her robe up and over her body in one fluent motion. She dropped the elegant garment at her feet, exposing her small yet well-shaped body to her lover. Presenting her soft, round breasts, firm butt, and smooth, curving form to Sam, she doubtless expected him to take her up on her offer yet she likely had no idea how different this session would be from any other they had shared in the past.

"Hold me gently, alright?" Gnome smiled lovingly up at her contractor, deciding to trust his judgement for the time being and simply enjoy his offer for energy and pleasure for the both of them. Little did she realize just how dangerous such a decision would be.
"I know that, Gnome; believe me, I was hesitant to even accept Undine's offer at first, fearing that it might somehow take control of me or something. But now that I did it, I'm glad I went through with it. With this power, I feel......I won't say invincible, but....I feel a lot stronger. Like I've surpassed even what I've been able to do before now" was his response to her concerns; truthfully, it was difficult to put into perspective just what it was he was feeling. Part of him knew he still had a long way to go, but another greater part felt like there was little that could stop him from completing his goal: Making the Succubus nothing more than a dirty smear on his fist.

"But I wouldn't worry about that now, my dear Gnome; and I wouldn't worry about the pacing. I'm going to make sure you and I enjoy every second of this" was his next response; he understood that he couldn't get too far into it, when it came to sating his lust,that is. Much of the edge had been taken off when he and Undine had finished together; still, the way her body was squeezing him when they did it definitely showed him he brought her a great deal of pleasure. And now he was going to do the same to Gnome; his body shivered a little as her lips touched his chiseled body over and over again.

Without warning, he pulled Gnome in for a heated kiss, her body being held in a caring embrace by his strong arms; her decent-sized chest pressed against his own, what remained of Vivian's marital robe having been removed from his body. Slowly, he would lower the Earth Elemental until she lay flat on her back, their lips still locked to each other for a few moments longer. The contact was then broken, one hand coming up to brush Gnome's deep violet bangs from her face before soothingly running down her cheek, his golden hues gazing into her sparkling green ones. "I would never do anything else but....." he replied with a smile; the hand that brushed her hair out of her face then grasped her left breast and kneaded, his heated mouth clasping over her nipple to help get her stimulated.
Gnome nodded timidly, her body squirming lovingly under his attentions as the flicking of his tongue across her warm, stiffening breast caused her breath to grow heavy. There was something distinctly erotic in the way her body twisted and thin arcs of green energy flowed around them, enfolding them in a pleasant heat which increased as he loosened her up. Her fingers intertwined with his sweaty locks, relishing in the attention he was paying to her, and her alone. Although Undie and herself had come to a mutual understanding concerning Sam, it didn't mean Gnome didn't want to feel special. She might have been an embodiment of the power of the earth, but she was still a woman at heart. She wanted to enjoy the attention and love of her contractor and husband, the doubts concerning the strange, dark energy quickly evaporating from her consciousnesses.

Within a short amount of time, the small yet passionate earth elemental craved his large, wonderful tool. Her large, dark eyes gleamed with desire and love, her aura slightly darkening from a lush green to the dark green of the forests. She arched her back, hands clutching her lover as her sex dripped with her sweet essence. The earth around them began to vibrate, resonating with the uncharacteristically unstable state of Gnome's mind. The more he touched her, the more she wanted nothing more to taste of this power which flowed through him... It had been such a long time since he had fed her his seed, and the need was returning with a vicious vengeance. Her beasts swelled ever so slightly and her lips clasped over his, the heated kiss expressing her desire to become one with him.

"Sam... Give it to me... Make me forget everything and indulge in this moment with you, my lover and best friend," Gnome spoke directly to his mind, the lack of words causing a distinctly unique connection between them, "Feed me your essence... Give me a portion of that energy which I have been denied for so long. Make me writhe with pleasure... Make me yours all over again."
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