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Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

"Me, better than the Pharaoh?" the Anubis jumped back as if stung, "Clearly you have been hit on the head one too many times if you think that's true. I would be severely punished for accepting such foolish declarations... You must be stupid to think I would be duped into becoming your little puppet just for the promise of attention. Human, you clearly do not understand the situation you are in, now do you?"

She held her staff out toward Sam, the tip glinting ominously as she reached out to tap him on the forehead with it, "Become my willing slave... You will see to my needs well enough when under my control."
Sam just smiled at her response; so she was just afraid of punishment, was she? If the source was removed....Well, it left some to the imagination as to what would happen. As she reached out with her staff, Sam made his move. Quickly stepping within her range, he grasped her wrist and disarmed her, sending the scales-tipped polearm clattering to the floor. For a few tense moments, they stood there, eyes locked into each others as he peered up at her, a devilish grin on his face as he drew the closest he could to her without their bodies touching.

"I assure you, Anubis, that I am clear and sound of mind. And I said nothing about you becoming my puppet; the thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Truth be told, it's a bit interesting that you would jump to such a conclusion. A bit insecure, perhaps? I think I have a much better grasp of the situation than you care to admit, my dear. And all this talk of slaves and being a slave and becoming a slave. Perhaps that's something you enjoy....Isn't it, Anubis?"
"S-shut up, idiot... You don't know anything about me, so stop acting like you do," the Anubis shook her head as if trying to clear it while she tried to pull her hand away from him, although she was clearly quivering in his grasp, "I just have to bring you to the Pharaoh, right? Its not like I want a slave as annoying as you, anyway... Just let me go and I'll lead you there, so stop saying such stupid things."

In all honesty, the embarrassed look on her face told a different story than her words, as her black, fluffy tail was wagging back and forth in a submissive manner, almost begging for more of his confident and dominating words. She had never met such a man before, someone who could stand up to her, and although shorter in terms of stature he towered above her when it came to determination and mere force of will. Both Gnome and Undie where suspiciously silent through all of this, doubtless impressed at how quickly he had molded her like putty in his fingers.
"Oh, I think I know plenty about you, Anubis...." Sam stated matter-of-factly as he leaned into the temple guardian, pressing gently into her rather scantily-clad form. The way she shivered in his grasp, her feeble attempts at freeing herself from him, the flushing of her rather cute face, it all clicked into one thing: She was enjoying this. "Why the apprehension, dear? You were so keen on having me not ten seconds ago. What could have possibly changed?" he then asked in a playful tone.

Somehow, Sam was actually starting to genuinely enjoy this; he wasn't usually this way, but one thing he would find out rather quickly was that this planet changed people. It was only a matter of when. Still, he was relatively mild in his rather forward nature towards the Anubis. "Oh, I think you want me. But not as a slave. No, that won't do for you at this point. I think that you want me....." he then paused and leaned up so that he could whisper into her ear, "as your one.....true....Master".
"My m-m-master?" the Anubis shivered with delight and anticipation as the words fell thick with desire from her lips, "D-don't be rediculous, I wouldn't want someone like you to take me in such a disgraceful manner, demanding absolute obedience in all ways of life, down to the time we eat, sleep, and make sweet love... I wouldn't want such a life, no, not in the slightest... Whatever gave you that idea? You're just a human, aren't you?"

She pushed up against him as well, one hand holding him to herself firmly while she bent down and kissed him, her tail wagging behind her in a happy manner as she tasted his lips for the first time. Her body was warm to the touch, desiring to feel his hands on her body, pleasing her and drawing heated cries and moans from her. She wanted him to take control and command her, bend her to his will as she had always anticipated a man might someday do.

"Please, Master... Enslave me," her cheeks burned with desire as she held him in her arms, waiting to hear his reply to her words.

Gnome and Undie were utterly shocked, declaring in unison, "What a pervert!"
(Sorry for the delay......But wow, I honestly can say I didn't expect this to happen)

Sam couldn't help but grin as the Anubis vehemently denied her wanting him as his master; of course, he was just trying to unnerve her and make her so uncomfortable that she would keep begging him to leave her be. Something which he would eventually have obliged her......That is, until she made her desires as non-ambiguous as they could possibly be. He felt her grip on him tighten before being pulled up slightly into a heated liplock, his body now up on the balls of his feet as their tongues intertwined. Sam's arms soon came to wrap around her not-so-modestly-clothed but well-developed figure.

Sam didn't miss Gnome and Undine's little declaration; indeed, the Anubis had taken a turn he didn't expect it to take. But that didn't mean he couldn't use it to his advantage. "So, you want me to enslave you, do you? Well......." he paused and made a rather forceful move forward, pressing her back against the opposite wall and their bodies even closer together as he continued, "I think I can do that, though I think the label 'slave' is a tad extreme" He paused again to slip his hands under the bra-like garment she wore, his strong digits caressing and teasing the modestly-sized globes as he asked, "Tell your Master what your name is, my dear. And perhaps he can give you what you desire so deeply within."
"That didn't take you long to take advantage of the situation," Undie declared with enthusiasm and just a hint of pride, much to Gnome's chagrin. The earth spirit held her peace, her mild jealousy over his attention remaining relatively well hidden for the time being... Sam had his reasons, and he was a guy after all... He couldn't simply ignore a woman when she was practically throwing herself at him.

The Anubis seemed quite thrilled by his reaction, licking his cheek affectionately and pressing her chest into his touches as she purred softly into his ear,"My name is Arat... I am one of the high priestesses who attends the Pharaoh herself, but to be honest, I have always wanted a man as my master... A strong man, one who has a strong will and great power. I... I might not look like it, but even I get lonesome sometimes. Please, use my body as you wish."
"Well, this option is more preferable to fighting her; though I color myself surprised she gave in so easily. Guess my silver tongue came in handy this time" Sam replied to Undine's remark. The water spirit never ceased to amaze him; she seemed to be very accepting of him acting like this. In truth, Sam deep down felt a bit sick with himself for acting in such a chauvinistic manner, but realized that this could potentially save him a lot of trouble. Though he noted the irony that he was accepting the Anubis' advances and essentially rejected the Lizardman; though in truth, he told her to wait at Ztir Grove.

But he would think of that later, as right now, he needed to help convince the Anubis further to not fight; though from the look of things, fighting was the last thing on her mind. "A priestess, you say?" Sam asked, one of his hands moving down from her breast, over her smooth, taut stomach to have his fingers cup her womanhood, only a tiny pair of panties guarding her most sacred place. "Usually the priestesses I've seen don't wear such risque attire" he then commented on her rather revealing clothing with a grin before adding, "Tell me, Arat, are you....pure?"
"We... Aren't conventional priestesses. We act as the Pharaoh's personal assistants when commanding her forces and doing other jobs for her... We really don't have much time for ourselves," Arat moaned softly, pushing her hips forward and rubbing herself against his fingers through her panties, "Y-yes... I have never had a man for myself. Usually the Pharaoh takes all the men that we bring in for herself, and the others she uses for other purposes."

She pressed up against him with a bit more fervor, as if trying to intensify the pressure of his touches by moving toward him. Her tail was wagging in a lively manner, as if begging him to take her here and now... Her womanhood was warm to the touch and already quite damp, her breath growing deeper and more insistent. Arat leaned forward and began to kiss him, her tongue brushing across his lips as her hands pressed into his back slightly, holding him more firmly to herself.
"Well, that's just not right; someone like you ought to be able to enjoy herself every once a while. Maybe I can be of some assistance.....And make your first time enjoyable. You deserve that much for having to be cooped up in here for so long" Sam replied, increasing the force with which he rubbed Arat's dampening sex, feeling the heat which radiated from her core wash over his strong digits. He'd make her feel so good that she wouldn't be able to move.

He took his hand off her sex and moved it back up to her chest, pushing the bra-like garment up and over her moderately-sized breasts and exposing her stiffened buds. As she kissed him, his hands caressed and massaged her mounds sensually, doing every effort that he could muster to make her pleasure skyrocket. His heated mouth latched onto the pert nipple, licking and sucking it gently at first before moving his hand to her womanhood where he pushed her panty-like covering to the side, revealing her slightly glistening sex to him. His thick fingers rubbed her womanly lips, expertly teasing her untouched flower to try and get her to climax.
Arat moaned softly with pleasure as Sam worked her breasts, the soft, supple flesh molding to his touches as she found his actions highly arousing and stimulating. She wanted to feel him thrust his turgid member up into her ready and waiting sex, but she felt powerless in his grasp, only able to hold onto him as he teased her closer and closer toward that coveted peak of pleasure. As he continued his actions, her voice became sharper and more needy, her breath thick with desire. She looked down at him with pleading eyes, trying to stave off her climax until he was inside of her, but the way her body arched forward into his touches gave the impression that it was highly unlikely that she would be able to hold out long enough.

"I... I like it," Arat whimpered, "Please, don't keep teasing me like this. Its driving me insane."
Sam took her moans and heavy breaths with a gleeful smile; just a bit more, and he'd have right where he wanted her. He increased the pressure on her breasts a little, having the erect nipples grind against his palm and tongue as he continued to stimulate her and bring closer to her blissful first release. His glee seemed to go even higher when he noticed the pleading glow in her eyes; she wanted to fuck her brains out; he could feel her resistance, and it only made his cock harder.

"Good, I want you to lose your mind to the pleasure" he replied as he went at her harder and faster, increasing the fervor of his attentions to her breasts and stroking her soaking pussy faster, intent on making Arat cum like she'd never thought she could.
"Ahhhhmmmmpph.. Please, please, no more!" Arat protested the rapid increase in speed and intensity causing her body to writhe in pleasure as she found it no longer possible to continue staving off her rapidly approaching climax. She moaned loudly, her hands resting on his hips gripping his sides firmly as her body flexed with need, "I'm c-cumming!"

She screamed and came onto his hand, her sweet love juices flowing out from her womanhood and coating his hand and her inner thighs. She clung to him lest she collapse onto the floor, gasping for air as she rode out her orgasm. She had never felt anything quite so intense or pleasurable, but as he was not yet inside her she couldn't help but feel disappointed that she had not held out long enough to enjoy the pleasure of being filled and possibly mating with him.
Sam felt her juices soak his fingers as she came, and hard from how heavy her breathing was and how tightly her grip on him had become. He brought the fingers up to his lips and tasted her fluids; honey-sweet, just like a good virgin should be. But if she was disappointed in not being able to cum at the same time as him, she would find herself getting a second chance.

"Now, didn't that feel good? You shouldn't deny yourself pleasure, dear; that will drive you insane. But don't worry, your loving Master will make you feel even better" Sam said, the sinister nature of his voice slightly more pronounced this time. Even if Sam didn't realize it, this temple of depravity and sin was beginning to affect him; sure, it could be suppressed, but this would only serve as a catalyst for further corruption. Regardless, his manhood stood fully erect, hard and pining for her womanly lips to kiss.

The smooth, bulbous head fit against the folds of her pussy; she should still be a bit sensitive from her climax, he thought. That meant she likely wouldn't feel a lot of pain; he teasingly brushed his tip against her soaked slit, lubricating it for insertion. He then pushed forward, her lips parting to accept his turgid flesh as her walls wrapped around him. He then felt that barrier, guarding the last shred of innocence in her body. "This will probably sting a little...." he muttered before thrusting forward, feeling her hymen pop as he buried himself inside Arat's tight passage.
"Yes, it felt really good, Master... Please, let me enjoy more," Arat moaned softly as her body bathed in the afterglow of her orgasm, feeling only slightly fatigued by the entire ordeal. She would likely last several more rounds before collapsing, as she had a lot of pent-up sexual frustration to work out of her system and a very well-toned body to hold her up and carry her through. She wagged her tail in submission and anticipation of what would soon follow as she felt his manhood prod her womanhood which was twitching with joy at the prospect of finally being filled with a male's hard, thick member.

Arat cried out in bliss when he slid his manmeat into place within her body, any sensation of pain being swallowed up by the satisfaction and pleasure of his cock burying itself deep inside her damp, eager, and willing channel. She began to push her hips forward to draw him in further into herself until his member rested snugly inside her, his tip resting against the opening to her womb. Her legs quickly wrapped around his waist, holding him in place as she clung to his body, rubbing her cheek against his while she began to draw him in and out of herself to start building up the pleasure even further.
Well, she certainly seemed willing and able; that was good, because Sam too was feeling particularly ornery. Well, he'd make her feel good; having to put up with someone like the Pharaoh couldn't be an easy job, and she deserved to have some form of self-gratification. But with the obvious pleasentries out of the way, Sam sank himself to the root inside Arat, feeling her walls squeeze him tightly, as if this was what they needed all along. What they truly desired.

"Someone's an eager little thing, isn't she?" Sam commented snarkily, smirking at how heatedly she was throwing herself into this; and to think, they'd only just started. She was in for quite a treat when she reached that other-worldly peak of pleasure again. Sam's thrusts moved to counter her own, their hips slapping together in almost perfect harmony as worked each other higher and higher up the fateful mountain known as bliss.
"Yes, that feels good..." Arat cooed into his ear, her moans reaching even higher volumes as Sam began to thrust up into her body with force, working in time with her movements to increase the intensity of the sensations which flowed through her body, rapidly pushing her toward a second climax. She gripped him firmly, her claws pressing into his back as she rode his length and cried out with each surge of pleasure that ran up her spine. She was arching her back up toward him, her mouth open wide with heated moans and lustful whimpers as she begged him to go harder and faster, to force her to enjoy this coveted pleasure over and over again. Every time he drew out of her, her walls clamped down around him as if seeking to hold him inside, while he thrust inside, her walls drew him in further until his tip pressed against her cervix.

"Please, master, use my body, push me down and force me to submit to you... I want you to bathe in the pleasures of my body, and I want to feel you cum deep inside me, releasing your cum into my womb until I am so sore I cannot even move!" Arat kissed his neck and shoulder, sucking on his skin and gently biting him in order to encourage him to be a bit more rough with her. Like many monster girls, she had quite a sturdy body and could handle quite a lot more than a human woman of similar size and proportions could comfortably manage. Sam had likely already experienced this with Gnome and Undie before, so it wouldn't be a complete surprise.
Sam's thrusts grew harder and faster at Arat's words and sounds; he grunted a little when her claws poked firmly into his back, seeing as it hurt a bit when she did so. But it was a good kind of hurt, the kind that let a man know he was pleasuring a woman. The way her previously untouched womanhood was squeezing him was also pretty good evidence, but hearing her admit what she was feeling just made it that much more satisfying. His hips never stopped, never ceased driving his hardened length into the jackal-woman's tight channel.

"Oh, trust me.....Arat......You'll submit......even without my help...." he grunted out as he pounded into her even harder and faster, his body starting to tingle as the release his cock needed was drawing ever nearer. Her touches also helped increase his roughness, the engorged head of his manhood penetrating her cervix with each thrust. His male flesh began to throb and pulse forcefully as the pleasure in him began to escalate to unbearable; eventually he fulfilled Arat's spoken desire and gave that one characteristic final thrust. His cockhead pushed fully past her womb's entrance, creating a seal as his length throbbed inside her, flooding her uterus with copious amounts of potent sperm.

Over and over again, the hot milky jets were unloaded deep inside the priestess; a small bulge formed in her stomach by the time his orgasm subsided, leaving Sam unsurprisingly hard and ready for more, should Arat want him again.
"Master... You are filling me up with your seed," Arat clung to him as he released his lead inside, the huge amount causing her to feel stretched and somewhat bloated from the mere volume. Her desires being finally quenched, she hung onto him limply, barely able to support her own weight while still impaled on his thick rod. She tried to shake it off and restore her resolve to continue for at least once more, but her body was entirely drained. Kissing his lips tenderly as her way of wordlessly conveying her thankfulness, she finally slipped off of him and laid down on her side, eyes half-closed with pleasure as she rubbed her abdomen in a satisfied manner.

"I... I've never felt so wonderful before," Arat mumbled, unaware of anything else that could be happening around her.

Down the hallway through which Arat had entered this room, however, stood the throne room itself, where the Pharaoh sat impatiently awaiting Arat's return to give a report on the damages. She appeared quite human, albeit a tall one, standing seven foot tall and sporting the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh's traditional garb. She held a rather impressive scepter in her right hand, however, that felt quite out of place considering the Egyptian setting of the entire pyramid. It was made of a brushed metallic substance and had several floating rings rotating around a sphere that hovered at the top. On each side of the rod's shaft sprouted up black wings like that of a falcon, some of the feathers falling from them and drifting toward the floor but vanishing before touching it. Beside her stood two more Anubis, and the hall was lined with sarcophagi, inside of which slept countless mummies, her own personal army it seemed. Her eyes were piercing and focused, honed in on the hallway leading to her throne room with relentless concentration.

"Where the devil has she gone off to this time?" she grumbled, the two Anubis by her side tensing up slightly at the anger present in her tone.
Sam grunted as his length was milked for every last drop by Arat's tight tunnel, his erect manhood keeping every drop of fluid trapped inside her. After a few minutes, Arat's body relaxed around him, Sam feeling her warm lips on his own before sliding down to the floor, commenting on how good she felt. He could tell very easily that she was drained from having undergone two intense orgasms, but his persisting hardness was evidence enough that he was not yet satisfied. Whatever the Great Pyramid was doing seemed to give him immense sexual energy and a greater perversion than that which he'd entered with.

"Trust me, dear, we're just getting started......" he said with a slightly demented grin as he knelt down and rolled the dazed jackal-woman onto her back, her legs spreading themselves for him. Her pussy lips and the insides of her thighs were stained white with his seed, some still trailing down over that shapely rear of hers and pooling on the floor. He guided his turgid flesh towards her womanhood and pressed the tip against, his body falling on top of hers and driving his length back into her channel once more. It was clear that Sam wasn't finished, and planned on using Arat's body to sate his lust, unknowingly making the Pharaoh even more angry and impatient.
Arat's eyes snapped open as she felt his hard, thick member once again invade her wet and very full channel, the sudden sensation of being filled forcing her out of her momentary daze and infusing her consciousness with renewed pleasure. She insinctively tried to pull away from him, but she was much too weak to resist his advances while her body, although exhausted, seemed to welcome his return.

"M-master, please no more... You'll break me," the jackal woman's tail wagged wearily as he continued to sate his lust by using her body as he wished, "I... I'm already so full that no more will fit inside me. Its too much... I'm still sensitive from my last orgasm, Master, and its so intense I might just cum again."

If she were being entirely honest with herself, she would have admitted that she enjoyed being so entirely dominated and rendered incapable of so much as moving, literally fucked senseless. She would have a hard time walking for some time afterward, let alone performing her typical priestess duties.
(Going to skip ahead, if you don't mind)

"Maybe I want to break you......Maybe I want you so lost in pleasure you won't be able to even think straight" he replied as he pulled back, leaving just the tip of his meat inside her before driving it back in with all the force he could muster. "And besides, my dear seems like your.... lovely more than....willing to have me......" he then said, noting how her sex was apparently gripping him with joy as he pounded into her, his thick shaft stretching her out under his forceful love-making. "Fu...Fuck, so tight.....Guess I'll have to loosen it up.....won't I?"

No matter how much (or little) Arat protested, Sam took Arat three more times in varying positions, each successive climax flooding her womb and channel with white tides of sperm, a sizable portion leaking out of her as there was no more room inside. He relished in how her body, despite its physical exhaustion, seemed to work itself to draw out every last drop of his cream. By the time they were finished, Sam stood up, his slowly drooping cock coated in their mixed love juices, his chest heaving a little as he left Arat completely filled on the floor. "Whoa....quite the glutton for punishment, I see..." he said between harsh pants as he stared down at Arat, seeing the jackal-woman on the floor on her back.

He straightened out his dirtied robes - something he'd have to wash some time in the future - and left the good priestess laying broken sexually with pleasure on the floor, evidence of their carnal coupling continuing to leak out of her tight pussy. Strangely enough, the encounter didn't leave him as tired as he thought, and he felt considerably clearer in the head. He walked into the opened passageway where Arat had come from; he could feel an immense darkness as his travel continued. His footsteps echoed as he approached the throne room of the Pharaoh herself. She might think it was Arat finally coming back to her, but she would see that it was the human who'd caused the destruction of her temple.

He walked out from the shadows of the passageway and into the views of the desert queen, his toned form standing defiantly before her, almost as if challenging her without speaking. Weirdly, he felt comfortable facing the Pharaoh, even with her sitting on her throne and two more Anubis guarding her. His eyes scanned the room, noting the sarcophagi around the chamber's perimeter. "So.....I take it you're this Pharaoh everyone speaks of....." Sam said; he briefly wondered if the Sphinx wanted him to rescue the Pharaoh somehow. She did ask him to try and save someone, but the idiot left before he could ask.
The two elementals held their peace despite the rather disturbing lack of concern Sam showed toward Arat after having used her body in such a lewd manner, laying on her back as his seed slowly leaked from her tightly packed sex. She didn't seem hurt, but the Sam that they both knew and loved wouldn't do something like that... would he? He always was so kind and caring toward them when they made love. However, more important things were at hand, deciding to talk to him about it afterward... AFter all, the Pharaoh's influence was likely causing some of his sexual frustration.

"Why do I surround myself with such useless idiots," the Pharoah spat before standing up from her throne, eyes gleaming with anger and wounded pride, "I strictly instructed Sphinx not to let you pass, whether you answered her damned riddles correctly or not. I will have to see to it that she is properly punished once I am through with you... How dare you present yourself before me in such a state, covered in the stench of one of my underlings. Clearly, if you would stoop so low so as to pleasure someone such as Arat, you will be of no threat to me."

She raised her scepter into the air and struck the end onto the stone beneath her feet, the two Anubis at her side bowing and sliding away to give their god space. The Pharaoh then held her right hand toward Sam and clenched it into a fist. Long, thick bandages appeared seemingly out of nowhere and formed loops with which to bind him.

"Don't let yourself be caught, Sam!" Gnome cried out in dismay, "those are much too strong to be broken, your only chance is to avoid them."
Sam's eyes narrowed as the Pharaoh accosted him for being in her presence the way he was; he had a distinct feeling that she would say that no matter what state of body he was in, so he didn't take it too personally. Besides, the look in her eyes and her words that he'd seen and heard told him enough: She was in disbelief that someone got through her defenses, so now she was taking it upon herself to destroy the intruder with her own two hands.

Though the appearance of bandages from her body stunned him for a split second; she didn't wear any visible ones. At least the mummies were covered in the damn things, but her.....Sam could tell she wouldn't be easy to beat. He'd expected as much, but he still wasn't sure what the exact nature of her power was. Still, that flew out the window as Sam jumped back - with Gnome's warning - barely missing a surely nasty ensnarement. His feet hit the ground, sliding a little as he readied himself to try and use the seal Poseidon gave him to trap the Pharaoh within her own Pyramid. He could only pray the Pharaoh didn't know he had it in his possession.

"Well, this is it....." Sam said to himself mentally; he figured he'd need to create an opening somehow, and he had a good suspicion that The Flow would be mighty useful in doing so, but given that he'd only recently learned to use Gnome and Undine's powers in unison, timing was going to be crucial to their plan's success. He steadied himself and wordlessly called upon The Flow, calming his mind and letting him feel the world around him. The experience was still so very surreal to him, but much of the shock had worn off. Regardless, his body stood deathly still, his muscles ready to move at the Pharaoh's slightest twitch.
The former attack being merely a test, the Pharaoh could tell that this was no normal human as he could easily evade her simple yet powerful opening move. She took a single step backward and held up her staff, a bolt of energy surging through her as lightning flickered from the tip and she hurled a devastating blast toward Sam. It took the form of a mighty lion made of light, claws at the ready and maw snapping at the air as it lept and bounded at Sam, its size alone proving a difficult projectile to dodge aside form the fact that it actively sought him out as if it had a life of its own. The Pharaoh instantly recognized the familiar energy coercing through Sam's body as he called upon the power of Undie and melded into the Flow, but if he hesitated for a moment she knew that he could easily fall from the state and succumb to her attack. Without waiting for him to formulate a counter-attack, she swirled her staff and struck the end on her throne.

"Wrath of the Pharoah..." the woman glared in Sam's direction while the room around her seemed to darken around her and the air grew thick with the potent scent of death. She wasn't serious yet, as she remained in human form, but she was already starting to grow impatient with this little pest that had done quite a number on her underlings. Several large stone blocks pulled themselves from the walls and flew down toward Sam one at a time while flashes of lightning flickered between each block leading back toward the Pharaoh herself. More loops of bandages began to swirl around her, her eyes glowing red with rage.
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