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Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

It pleasured Sam greatly to feel Gnome respond so strongly to his attentions, her chest heaving under him as his rough tongue stimulated her perked buds; he knew she often felt neglected like Undine did, so he was going to use this time to make sure she would remember that he didn't forget about her in the slightest. Already he could feel the energy starting to surround them, that familiar wave of power and warmth that "recharged the batteries", as an onlooker might say. The way she squirmed beneath him, her petite womanly body rubbing against his, each trying to bring the other pleasure while not noticing the effect of their embrace spread quickly.

His stiff flesh rubbed against the radiant heat of Gnome's tight pussy, feeling her love juices coat his length as he pressed against her with more and more need; he loved this, the teasing, the trying of her patience until it would break loose and they made rough, sweet love together. As she pulled him in for a hot kiss, his hands continued to massage her globes, feeling them swell up a little into a nice handful. "Gnome..........You will be mine, and mine alone until the end of my days. No matter how many elementals I may contract, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Don't ever forget that" And with that, he grew tired of the teasing and decided to move on to the main course.

*Some time later*

After a rigorous round of exchanging energy with both Undine and Gnome, both Elementals would find themselves completely recharged. Sam too, never felt better in his life; he could feel the immense power radiating from him, breathing plenty of life back into his once tired, almost broken body from his battle with the Pharaoh. Ignus wouldn't stand a chance against him now; none of them, however, seemed to comprehend just what it was they had done. All three of their respective auras were far darker and violent than they had once been; though from Sam's current fascination with this new-found strength, it seemed likely that he wouldn't even care about any of the potential ramifications of using the Pharaoh's power in this manner.

Still, before he could head out, there was one last loose end to tie up: Marina and her children. It wasn't to harm them or anything, far from it. He was simply going to tell her that she needed to go back to Poseidon's home, as the journey was only going to get more perilous from here on out. Kneeling down in front of the squid woman, he said in as gentle of a voice - though to her it might sound incredibly foreboding and sinister - that he could, "Marina.......You know I appreciate you helping me with the Pharaoh, but I can't have you here with me anymore. But I promise when this is over, I'll seek you out again. But for now, I need you to back to Poseidon's castle, where I know you'll be safe. Can you do that for me, Marina?"
"Of course, de geso," Marina smiled gently at her lover which she had paid so much time and effort in caring for over the past few days. The time they had spent together she would always cherish close to her heart, but as the time had come for them to part ways she could not help but feel more than a little lonesome. Their children had grown even more fond of him, as even then they were perched upon his head and shoulders, hugging his legs and smiling at the man who had helped bring them into the world. She tenderly reached over to him and plucked their children off from him and set them down before her, stroking their little heads with the tips of her tentacles in a soothing manner, letting them know that it would all be alright in the end. They watched him carefully with their wide, curious eyes but said nothing, trusting their mother's unspoken words.

"I have to take care of our little ones, after all, and I can't have them be placed in danger again," the squid woman drew near and kissed his cheek before turning back toward her children, "I'll wait for you... You know I will. Even if you go missing and I don't hear from you for years and years I will still wait for you. Just promise me that you will be careful and bring yourself back to me in one piece, alright? That will be enough for me, de geso."

Marina hated tearful goodbyes, and this was certainly a parting which would severely try her even though she knew it was for the best. She still wasn't powerful enough to stand by his side like Undie and Gnome, from the time that the three of them had spent together that was clear to her as the bright light of the morning sun. She needed to become even stronger, for both them, and for the sake of their many children which even then depended on her to be strong, both physically and mentally. Although she was not as highly attuned as Gnome to such things, even she could feel a bit of the dark, aggressive power emanating from Sam as she stood before her, but to her, it was merely an indication of how determined he was to accomplish his goal successfully, and to that end she was somewhat pleased yet secretly worried for his safety. Just what sort of person was this mysterious Succubus? Was she really so powerful that even two elementals were insufficient to meet her in combat? Such appeared to be the case, and as such she knew that the need to train herself was even greater than before.

With one last farewell, she gathered up all their children and ample supplies to support them throughout their long journey back to the sea. She had given Sam what little she had left to spare, a light snack at best for the three of them as they parted ways each to their own journey. Marina would resolve herself to do even more in the future, although it seemed unlikely that she would be able to catch the next great opponent by surprise as she had the Pharaoh. The succubus, after all, had taken quite an interest in this squid creature... From her realm far above the planet itself, she rested her head against the palm of her hand and smiled.

Everything was going as planned.
Sam didn't truly know if he could even promise her that much; even with his newly infused power, whatever trace was making him act more lustful didn't seem to affect his ability for compassion. "I can promise I'll try, Marina. But what will happen......I still can't say for certain. But with this new power, Ignus and Sylph will fall into line, and then the Succubus will be no more". He was certainly more confident with this strange new energy that seemed to give him unlimited stamina, but what could one expect from being infused with the energy of a god-like being? Regardless, Sam was definitely sad to see Marina go, but he made it known how much she meant to him, so that would have to do. Plus, she would only risk herself unnecessarily by following him any further than this; the enemies were only going to get stronger, and he wasn't too keen on having her and the children in such a precarious position. After a heartfelt goodbye and a kiss to the foreheads of his squid-wife and children, he watched as they departed back to the sparkling water's of this planet's vast and mighty oceans.

When he too was ready to go, he had the newly replenished Gnome and Undine go into Spirit Form back in his body before setting out. The night was still the best time to travel, though it certainly proved much colder. And with how much his marital robes had taken a beating, he was fairly obviously short on clothes; not like it mattered much, though. Nearly every woman he met here had one thing on their mind, so why bother? More often than not, he knew it was going to happen eventually, may as well save himself the stress of trying to remove his clothing. So he took what remained of his mermaid-wife's gift and fashioned a toga-like garment, appearing more like a Roman noble than Samuel Dellsman, former entrepreneur and Owner, President, and CEO of Unitravel Industries. But that didn't really faze him at the moment; right now, he needed to find Ignus and make her form a contract with him.

And so, after everyone had settled in and making sure Terra and Nami were still alright, the contractor set off, now a new man willing to take this planet by storm and right the wrongs that were done to this world. As they walked, Sam realized something: He had the power to control Earth, so why did he have to walk? "Hmmm....I wonder, I wonder" he mused to himself, calling upon Gnome's enhanced power to try his new thought out. The insignias on his palms glowed a darkened green as his influence coerced the sand beneath him to move how he wanted; before long, he was standing a small wave-break of the desert powder. He then threw his right hand out, and as he desired, he literally began surfing the sand wave, maneuvering it this way and that to avoid large
boulders. Whoops of joy and excitement could be heard from him as he carried himself across the vast expanse of the Deadlands, the air that whipped around him slowly warming up as the sun rose peeked over the horizon.

Unfortunately, save for a sandstorm that he had to armor up for, the trip across the Deadlands was rather uneventful. Sam was really wanting to test this new power of his, but he supposed doing a sand surf was good enough for now. Eventually, they were able to step off the sand and onto the scorching hot rock of the bordering terrain to the barren wasteland; his body was thickened by Gnome's energy, so he didn't feel the otherwise scalding heat on the bottoms of his feet. Before long, he would arrive in another grasslands-type area. "Hmmm, where are we now....." he said, consulting the wrist-mounted device which had miraculously survived the duel with the Pharaoh. His current position was in a place known as the Field of Drein; now he just needed to find where the hell Ignus was. "Alright, so.....Which way do we go now......" he said to himself, trying to figure out where to go.
"I'm not entirely sure. I have never been anywhere near this far away from the forest before," Gnome replied, still in spirit form but paying close attention to their surroundings. Her eyes where slightly narrowed, darker purple streaks in her hair having appeared following her latest session with Sam. She was feeling slightly agitated since they had set foot in this place. The silence which surrounded them in a foreboding manner was doing nothing to dispel this distant scent of danger, the distant trees that dotted the landscape appearing somewhat artificial and abrupt from the rocky, sandy wastes of the Deadlands. For many a traveler, it would be a welcome change, but something about this place was very peculiar indeed.

"I cannot pick up any trace of Ignus or any other elemental spirit for that matter," she continued, "I'm afraid I cannot be of much help unless I have some sort of lead. I can't imagine Sylph would find such a place interesting... Its sort of chilling in a strange sort of way. Its hard to describe. Its as if the land itself is welcoming us, but also rejecting us at the same time."

Undie, who floated beside her in the dark nothingness in which the elementals resided while within their contractor, had her eyes closed calmly in silent concentration. Her watery form had thick dark swirls, which circled about within like ribbons of pulsing energy. She simply nodded to herself twice before parting her lips to speak, "I can feel a powerful presence here, an artificial flow of energy of sorts is collected in these lands. Its one of the reasons why the Pharaoh's power was not able to reach here, and for that reason alone we should be careful. A powerful repelling spell has been placed on the ground, particularly for repelling monster girls such as ourselves, yet humans are allowed through. If we weren't in spirit form and contracted with Sam, perhaps we wouldn't have been able to pass through at all."

"Who would make such a barrier?" Gnome questioned, tilting her head to the side slightly in confusion, "and what sort of caster would be able to oppose even the Pharaoh's power?"

"The Pharaoh sought to expand her domain as far as she could reach, but even her vast power has its limits. Weakened by distance, whoever is the master of these lands was able to capture a pocket of space for herself with some careful manipulation of the power which the Pharaoh herself provided," Undie explained, "Instead of opposing it, she likely turned it back upon itself until she could establish her own presence here. beings which possess powerful innate presences, such as the Pharaoh, the Succubus, and ourselves, and reside in the same location for an extended period of time, gain an affinity with the land. For those who are skilled in casting, this can be a powerful tool for expanding one's influence and keeping a firm hold on a given area... In any case, whoever is ruling this area certainly knows what she is doing, and although it is unlikely that she will find our presence a threat she should still remain on guard."
If Sam weren't affected - even unknowingly - by the same Corruption that now plagued Undine and Gnome, he would see that something was very wrong. All three of them had changed; their respective auras even darker than before and becoming more corrupted by the second. It didn't seem to affect Terra or Nami; perhaps it was because their mothers and father were acting as buffers for the darkness that was slowly taking them over, perhaps it was because they hadn't fully evolved their energies and become separate entities themselves. Regardless, Sam was busy trying to figure out a new course of action; Gnome's declaration that Ignus was here hardly surprised him. He already deduced she wouldn't be easy to find; her profile did indicate that she preferred taking up residence in places of extreme heat and fire. So he would either have to tunnel to the earth's core or find an active volcano, both of which were time-consuming endeavors.

Sam just listened as Gnome and Undine discussed who it was that made this barrier; he didn't really have anything to add since they seemed to be covering most of what it was he thinking. One thing did cross his mind: Whoever did cast this barrier was likely very powerful, and could be a very valuable source of information. "Agreed; anyone who can turn the Pharaoh's power against itself isn't someone to trifle with. However, perhaps she might be privy to where it is Ignus might be located. Or at the very least know someone who does. In any case, finding the ruler of this area should be our first priority". He then turned his attention to the Water Elemental and asked, "Undine, can you pinpoint where she might be hiding?"

However, before any action might be taken, Sam could feel peering eyes boring into him. His own roamed the surroundings, trying to figure out where they were coming from. His connection with Undine enabled him to feel the presence of others and track the general area of where they were, but he still wasn't sufficient enough to have her ability to find exactly where it was they might be hiding. He could feel his skin pricking as the danger response increased his senses even further, the adrenaline starting to pump through his body and elevate his heart-rate. The characteristic green aura, now laced with threads of purple and black, roared to life around him as he called upon the Earth energy residing within him; the insignias on his palm glowed as he prepared to bend the Earth to his whim. "Looks like I get to practice after all" he said, feeling that sense of dread mixed with excitement at the prospect of finally being able to see a sample of how strong he'd become.

At that moment, what seemed like a dozen creatures rushed him from all directions; and just as the contractor was about to launch a preemptive strike, they stopped just short of him in a circle, making him pause in his actions, their own being extremely unusual. This allowed Sam to get a good look at who he was up against: They appeared to be females in tattered clothing, with their arms and most of their legs covered in rough black fur. Their hands and feet were also human-like, but ended in formidable claws; their eyes yellow as the sun itself, their pupils slitted and primal as they gazed upon him, apparently checking him over and gauging how much of a threat he was. Their equally shaggy raven hair had two distinctly dog-like ears perched at the tops of their heads, providing the final clue to their identity. "Werewolves" he said indirectly to Gnome and Undine in his mind; he didn't know if they were with the one who ruled this land, but the way they were circling him like he was their prey certainly wasn't making this easier. "Well, well, look what stumbled into our little abode" one of them finally said, a fang poking from under her top lip as she smiled. "Yes, a fine human specimen indeed....The Alpha will be very pleased with our catch" another chimed in, to which a third responded, "Now, now, girls.......You know we can't rough him up too much. Though judging by the way he's glaring at us, maybe he likes it that way". Sam indeed had a very displeased look on his face; it seemed highly unlikely they were willing to talk this out. Fine by him. A fourth snickered, "Well, the Alpha will certainly enjoy him then; that last one we brought in barely lasted a night in her embrace. We didn't even get a chance to try him out". A fifth then replied, "Well, let's take our lost turns on this human then; we'll just tell her he was resisting too much and we had to defend ourselves....."

By this point Sam had had more than enough; he simply raised his right foot and slammed it into the earth, creating an impressive shockwave that roiled the ground and sent the Werewolves scattering like ninepins. As they landed hard from their short flight, getting themselves up to attack again, Sam spoke with a very angered tone, "You speak of me as if I will be so easy to take down.....You know not who you deal with, you filthy mongrel bitches. If you hold any value to your lives, I suggest you leave now". One of the Werewolves glared at him; how dare this parasite speak to them so disrespectfully. However, another just chuckled and said, "Oh my, this one's got some backbone. Yes, I think we'll be able to enjoy him quite thoroughly". She then stood up and brushed herself off, adding, "So human, you think you can take the Betas of the Eastern Drein Pack?" Sam just shot back, "I don't have the time or patience to deal with you, pup! I am currently looking for Ignus, and if you do not know where she is, then stand aside!"
"She's putting quite a lot of effort into making sure people cannot pinpoint her position, by dispersing the center of magic that is usually collected around herself into the surrounding area. However, even the most skilled magic users who are this eager to remain hidden will often retain defensive spells cast on their own bodies in order to protect themselves from ambush attacks. These spells have distinct signatures which tie them to a particular location. Granted, it is possible to make several replicas and spread them throughout a given area on randomly spread targets, but that would require far more magical energy reserves than would be prudent to expend for such a purpose," Undie smiled, nodding and dipping her head in a distinctly self-condifent manner, "Give me a few minutes and I should be able to find her exact location, but there is a suspicious individual about a mile and a half to two miles east of here. She's masked her species, so I have no idea what sort of monster she is, but judging from the look of things I would have to venture that she's a demon-type. If we are lucky she will assume that our initial encounter is merely by chance and won't immediately take to the offense. She has the home advantage after all, and we are almost literally standing in the palm of her hand."

Undie couldn't elaborate further, the pack of werewolves surrounded them and began to leer at Sam like he was a prime cut of male meat laying upon a platter. Individually, they were more than a match for even the most fit human, with even the weakest possessing a speed and strength far surpassing what a normal individual could achieve. For one of Sam's caliber, however, a single werewolf would not have been much of an issue... But as a group of skilled combatants who were used to coordinating their attacks, they were far stronger as a whole than any one of them could be.

"Ignus? Are you insane?" one of the Beta wolves outright laughed in Sam's face, "Even I know that someone like you wouldn't stand a chance against the embodiment of destruction itself. You would die before you even meet her, for it is said that she lives on an island scorched by her mere presence. The heat of her gaze is enough to burn through even the hardest of rock, the sea all around her turning into a boiling pit... It matters little, however, because you will be spending the rest of your days attending to our Alpha after we are finished with you, so you might as well forget your delusions."

"I have a feeling that this Alpha isn't the lord of this land, since werewolves are rarely powerful casters... She might know who it is, however," Gnome chimed in, just before channeling a fresh surge of power into Sam, "So, finish off these small fry... Destroy them."

Thick swirls of green and purple energy enfolded Sam, like a whirlwind, but even so the werewolves didn't seem to understand the meaning of the word fear. A group of six dashed inward toward him from all angles, with two to the back, two to the front and one from each side. The ones in front of him approached first and sliced across his shoulders with their razor-sharp claws, the air itself leaving trails of light as they moved. The ones to the back aimed toward his legs and the ones to the sides prevented him from dodging.

"I think you two have this covered," Undie giggled, "Go get them, my Darling."
Whether it was unwavering determined, limitless courage, or sheer stupidity that caused them to challenge him Sam couldn't say; he did know, however, he couldn't mess around too long in dealing with them. The Beta's taunt made him scowl; still, proving her wrong by contracting Ignus would be far more satisfying. Still, she did provide one useful clue: Ignus perhaps lived on an island. A fair enough assumption, given that her raw power was so immense that it might have been out of necessity to isolate herself like that. The fact that it might have been scorched from her power just made her all that more desirable to him, for that meant he could use that power for his own goals. But right now, he put Ignus out of his mind; there were a bunch of feral dogs that needed obedience training.

"Heh, I like your style" Sam commented in reply to Gnome and Undine's statements; some of the energy subconsciously soaked rapidly into his skin, significantly raising his defensive ability to counter the six co-operated strikes on him. The hardened claws of the Wolves clanged loudly against his stone-armored flesh, pressure cracks forming where they struck. For a moment, the six Wolves and Sam simply stood there, the former's claws embedded into his artificial hide. "Hmmmm, I think I'll enjoy this after all" Sam stated coolly before letting the surge of power course through him, fueling his Earth strength even more. He then threw out his arms, letting the armor literally explode and send this first wave of attackers flying; it wouldn't kill them, but it at least gave him a space cushion. That, however, was quickly gone as three remaining six charged him headlong again; he was about to go forward when he suddenly found two more at his sides, feeling his legs swept out from under him.

Just before the three might able to tackle him though, he summoned a titanic, flat-topped stone pillar which collided with his back and raised him high into the air. "Hey! Get back down here!" one of the Omega wolves shouted, baring her teeth in frustration. The pillar didn't go too high, perhaps twenty feet or so, but it served as an ample opportunity to get himself collected. They were a lot faster and smarter than he initially gave them credit for. "Not bad, bitches! Now, let's try something else out!" He then raised his hands to the air, shouting "Earth Power: Terran Soldier Uprising!" All at once, several stone giants rose from the ground, each well over seven feet tall and wielding a variety of weapons such as glaives, warhammers and claymore-type swords. He would conduct the battle from up here for now, see just how well he could do something like this. He then moved his hands forward, causing the earthen unit to move forward; they were obviously quite slow, but they more than made up for it in durability and sheer strength.
"You are powerful, but foolish," one of the beta wolves snickered, evidently quite amused by his show of mastery over the element of earth, "Your golems are strong but slow. We don't even have to bother with them if they can't even land a hit."

With a single hand motion, she signaled to her underlings and all at once they deftly sped toward his perch with a few rushing in while slightly staggering their approach. They completely ignored the golems, as they were much too slow to actually land a hit which made the fact that they couldn't even scratch them either a bit of a moot point. Gnome's eyes narrowed slightly, wondering if this had been Sam's intention form the get-go. She wanted to step in and finish them off herself, which would be an easy matter for someone with as highly tuned skills as herself, but for the moment she trusted her contractor to handle the situation. They leapt up the side of the pillar, their claws digging into the hard rock as they scrambled up the side, only to meet a nasty surprise at the top. They dove toward him with razor-sharp claw-blades drawn, aiming for his underarms and back of his knees in an attempt to break his armor at the weakest points. Although Gnome still possessed a certain amount of restraint, Undie did not, materializing around him in a surge of swirling water which knocked them back and into the air helplessly.

"Stop playing around with them, Sam," the water elemental giggled, brushing a long lock of her flowing hair away from her face, "They won't give up unless you show them out outmatched they are against us... Its a bit insulting to know that they realize you are an elemental contractor and yet they still believe they have a chance. The little puppies need to be put in their place."
Direct........Just as he thought. Why bother with things that couldn't hurt them? He was their prize after all; it was wasted energy for wolves to go after things that didn't concern them in the slightest. As if on command, the golems he'd just summoned seemed to meld back into the earth from which they were formed as his canine-humanoid assailants approached him, their eyes showing primal lust and fury. He found it quite amusing that they would go so far as to call him the foolish one; could they not see he was trying to feel them out? The contractor just watched as they climbed up to his position; however, before anything else could be done, Undine intervened as they struck, sending them howling into the air and hitting the ground once again.

Sam could only smirk at Undine's comment; he wholeheartedly agreed, of course, but part of him couldn't help trying out the limits of his power. "Couldn't have said it better myself, my lovely. Of course, part of me just wanted to play. But I guess it's time to end these pointless shenanigans; we have a fire elemental to find, after all" he replied, stone forming into a large gauntlet on his right hand. The wolves had started to charge in again; however, Sam this time jumped high into the air, the column of rock which had served as his pedestal falling away to nothing. Within moments, the stone gauntlet erupted into flame and his descent rapidly increasing, his heavy form falling faster and faster.

"Earth Power: Earthcracker!" Sam bellowed as he drove the gauntlet covered fist hard into the ground; a tremendous burst of energy shook the ground before it began fracturing violently. From the zero point, fissures began blossoming and expanded rapidly outward, turning the once serene field into a scene straight from an Apocalypse scenario. The wolves stood no chance; the ground which granted them their speed soon gave way and buried them, a fair number of the trees that distantly bordered these plains shook before falling over, their vines uprooted from the earthquake caused by this man's counterattack. Moments after it began it was done; the ground was now nothing but a massive shard pile, stone and exposed roots from the plants that once dotted this little slice of paradise now overturned and destroyed.

From beneath the pile of the zero point, a large dome rose and pushed the sizable rock fragments off of it, its base another column of underlying rock. The dome seemed to fold into its base, revealing none other than Sam the Elementalist. Whether or not this attack killed any of the Wolves would remain to be seen; Sam, however, seemed more than confident that he'd done his part. "Whatsa matter, bitches? The weak human too much for you to handle?" Sam then shouted out, as if daring them to try and get up. "Hey, if any of you are still alive, why don't you call this Alpha bitch of yours? Maybe she might give me a real challenge!"
The impromptu teraforming Sam had performed on the land around them produced a scar the size of a football field across the landscape, causing Gnome herself to recoil slightly. The lord of these lands would doubtless be pissed when she discovered the identity of the one who had caused such unrest. She wasn't afraid of the lord, exactly, but this might result in unnecessary complications as a ticked off lady would not likely cooperate in a peaceful manner.

"D-damn it..." one of the Omega wolves pushed herself up from the shards of rock and bits of rubble, along with a few others which were more than a little battered from the literally earth-shaking attack which had practically obliterated them. The Omega glared at Sam, her yellow eyes staring like daggers from her eyes which sought nothing more than to see this human suffer for this indignity. They were clearly no match for someone of his skill, and it was evident that the Alpha herself would have to see to this one. She pounded her right fist against the ground and pulled her legs free before turning toward the east, "As you wish... The Alpha will see to you soon enough."

She held her right shoulder in her left paw, limping slightly as she bounded away to retrieve their mighty leader, whose strength and speed far surpassed their own. For generations, her family had led their pack throughout the Succubus' long reign. While other species had struggled and suffered from lack of mates, werewolves where well equipped to cooperate snatch away males from other monster girls as well as from isolated human settlements. They had never failed to capture their prey, and even then the Omega wolf held faith that their leader would once again triumph.

"My, my, my... When you go all-out, you really do go all out," Undie laughed, clearly amused at the sight of so many werewolves turning tail and fleeing upon realizing how terribly outmatched they were by her contractor's power. His victory was hers as well, so she couldn't help but gloat a bit herself, "Did you see the looks on their faces when they began to sink into the ground? I could have sworn a few of them where about to cry!"

"Undie, Sam, something is headed this way... She's a different from the others, still a werewolf but much more powerful," Gnome cut into Undie's speech to inform them of the Alpha wolf's rapid approach as she appeared beside her contractor, "Her power aura is quite large, but she shouldn't be a problem... I could handle her myself if you would like." Her dark purple eyes glowed dimly from under her hood like the light of two brilliant stars, the hem of her elegant robe rippling with energy. Although she had a small stature, her green and purple aura blazed brilliantly about her like a raging flame, gaze fixed upon the approaching Alpha wolf.

She had a jet-black coat of thick fur, which rippled with each movement of her toned body, her arms and legs barely touching the ground as she flew over the broken land toward Sam. Unlike her underlings, she lacked the raw fury which they wore upon their visages, instead she appeared genuinely excited. Just what sort of mere human could bring down her entire hunting party? As she moved, thick clouds of dust kicked up from her paws, until she stopped just a few feet in front of Sam, Undie, and Gnome.

"Alright, if you two have this one covered I suppose I'll just go and take a little nap, Darling," Undie pecked Sam on the cheek tenderly than returned to spirit form in a brief flash of light.
Sam just grinned, crossing his arms in triumph over his chest as he watched the Werewolves retreat. He figured as much they would do that; one small demonstration of superior physical might and they would just turn tail and run. It didn't matter to him in any respect; the wolf's parting words of the Alpha coming to see him earned a genuinely-approving smile from him. Now he would be able to talk business. "Ah, 'twas nothing, Undine; you and Gnome are the reasons I have these powers. It's as much my victory as it is yours" he replied to her comment of him going all out. He too was amused by the look of fright and dismay on their expressions, that look of utter defeat as they realized he was too much even for them.

However, his little thought train was cut short when Gnome mentioned the approach of another werewolf, this one even more powerful than the others that they had just faced not moments ago. And it wasn't long before the Alpha Female herself appeared before him. Unlike her subordinates, her fur was very well-groomed and sleek, possessing a very distinctive shine. Sam just stared at the Alpha, her own hues staring back into his, as Undine vanished to take a nap. Sam simply chuckled at Gnome's offer and said, laying a hand on her shoulder, "Oh no, Gnome, please let me handle this. Wouldn't want someone like her to even have a chance of marring your flawless beauty". It wasn't that Sam didn't think Gnome could do it; hell, she could easily kick his ass if she wanted to. He just didn't want this unwashed beast touching his woman, and that was the truth.

Sam then added, "And besides, there's something I want to try.......". Without warning, Sam dropped to all fours; within moments, some of the destroyed earth started forming up around him, creating a patchwork layer that smoothed itself and slowly gave rise to definition. Each moment passed and the detail grew finer and finer; eventually Sam had created a rather realistic version of a Werewolf in its True Wolf form. The form was nearly flawless, from the stone hairs on the tail to the sharpened fangs in the mouth it looked like a living carving of the real thing. It was huge to accommodate Sam's muscular body, and helped add potential intimidation value. Sam's construct then started to circle the Alpha, pacing around her and inspecting her form, before speaking in a gravely tone, "So you're the Eastern Drein Alpha......Look, I'm in quite a rush, and while handing your subordinates the beating they so nicely begged for was fun and all, I'd prefer you answer this one question for me: Where's Ignus' island? And if you don't know, where's someone who does?"
"Oh, is that all you want after you smacked around my underlings?" the Alpha cocked her head to the side slightly in a clearly skeptical manner, "If you've interested in Ignus, you should talk to Arisa. I should warn you, she's been a bit moody since her last lover ran off and began running amok. Perhaps you've even run into him at some point on your journey already. You see, Arisa is the ruler of these parts, and for that reason alone you should realize how much of a disadvantage you are at right now. She tolerates the presence of my pack since we have a mutual understanding with each other and we get along on a personal level as well... You, on the other hand, haven't been claimed by Arisa, so you are fair game as much as the next human that comes wandering through seeking shelter."

She stepped closer to Sam, holding her right paw out toward him, "I would... Be willing to introduce the two of you, if you would become my mate. Together we could give rise to an even greater and more powerful pack of werewolves than this planet has ever seen before-" Gnome, however, stepped in between them and cut her off mid-sentence as she had heard quite enough already and had no desire to allow the werewolf the pleasure of elaborating on exactly what she planned on doing with Sam as her mate.

"Sam's heart, seed, and soul belongs to me," Gnome growled, "We have neither the time nor desire to meddle with someone like you, so stand aside..."

"Oh my, the little earth spirit has some spunk," the Alpha laughed, "I thought they weren't aggressive but I guess I was wrong. I do believe I've offended the little lovestruck midget."
Sam couldn't help but chuckle as the Alpha Female lectured him on how much he was at a disadvantage. The lord of this land was obviously powerful, but Sam was confident that this woman could be defeated relatively easily; he had the power of two Elementals and the Pharaoh backing him up, after all. However, the contractor was indeed quite curious about the Alpha's offer; he already had so many, what was the harm of adding one more? Besides, it would be good to have some allies.....Not to mention another means of having sexual release. However, that quickly went flying out the window when Gnome stepped in, proclaiming her sole proprietorship over him. Before he could reprimand her, as touching as the scene might have been, the Alpha took it one step too far and insulted her.

A throaty snarl erupted from the earthen wolf body that encased Sam, the "lips" bunching up to the reveal the rocky elongated canines before he charged in, clamping his stone maw over the Alpha's throat and throwing her to the ground. The bite wasn't enough to physically damage her too much, more to show who was in control here. The fact that the ground was destroyed seemed to do little to impede the speed of his attack, and it likely wouldn't faze the Alpha either should this escalate into another fight, but he had to show her a lesson. "I highly suggest you remember who exactly it is you're insulting, beast. She happens to be my lover, and I won't let even the likes of you insult her. Now, let's skip the idle chatter and just get down to business.....Where's Arisa?"
"Arisa... Lives in the mansion east of here. If you are lucky, she'll just ignore you," the Alpha's eyes narrowed slightly before throwing a powerful punch directly at the lower jaw of the earth wolf skin which encased Sam. Even the rigid, magically enhanced rock with which he armored himself cracked under the force of her strike, allowing her to slip out from under him and leap back to her feet. She reached up and rubbed her neck, as if making sure her head was still firmly attached, "If you haven't noticed, I dislike elementals... They are stuck-up and overly concerned with attachment to their contractors. Males are to be made use of, not used by, and their holier-than-thou behavior really pisses me off. They are just as much monsters as the rest of us, and they should know their place."

The Alpha turned from her rant toward more pressing matters, "So, unless you wish to tussle with me, I suggest you leave now while I am still in a reasonably good mood. You might be powerful, but you are stupid if you think the power of two or three elementals spirits is enough to defeat every foe that will stand before you. Speak to Arisa if you wish, but I believe she has... Other business with which she must attend at the moment."

"What do you mean by that?" Gnome took a firm step forward.

"That powerful presence that you can feel to the east... That's not Arisa, it's an aura darker and more sinister than even she could possibly conjure up herself. She's spread her power throughout the land, and this time I fear her attempt at stealth has come back to bite her," the Alpha shrugged.
Sam certainly flew back, landing on all fours after the Alpha punched him; the crack in his armor was very prominent, creating a nicely sized indentation where her fist had struck. As she jumped to her feet, Sam readied himself for another attack, pausing as she ranted about her dislike of the Elemental Spirits. The brows on his stone wolf form narrowed, clearly showing contempt as the Alpha told him to commanded him to leave. Truthfully, she told him what he needed to know, so his business with her was concluded; fighting the Alpha would only waste time. Time he did not have to waste. After some consideration, Sam decided he was done here; the stone which encased his body began to fracture and fall away, joining the fragmented earth on the ground. His toned human body then stood up, hands coming up to brush loose bits of dirt from his skin before glaring at the Alpha Female.

"I did not come here for your opinions, Alpha. You have provided what I needed to know, so our business is concluded; though I advise you choose your words more carefully in the future" Sam said as he laid a hand on Gnome's shoulder. "As for this Arisa, I'll deal with her however I see fit. If she has the information I need, then I will get it no matter the cost". It was obvious that the Alpha's revelation of the aura not belonging to Arisa did not bother him; whoever it was, he would deal with, then press her for whatever it was she knew. Sam then raised his hand into the air; a pulse of green-purple energy shot out in a dome-like fashion around them, repairing the damage that had been done to the landscape. It did not restore the plant life, but it did restore the stone foundation for it to grow again.

"Now then, we'll be leaving.....Come, Gnome" Sam spoke in a commanding voice, turning his back to the Alpha and leaving her behind. "Alright then, let's find this Arisa and get this over with" Sam commented mentally as he made his way towards the aura that the Alpha had told them about, not knowing just what it was he was going to find. His journey would take him through the thick surrounding forest of the Field of Drein, going deeper and deeper into its bushy depths. After a couple of hours, sounds of combat could be heard; one voice distinctly female, the other a strangely garbled male voice. "We must be getting close....." Sam said as he continued pushing through, eventually coming to another clearing. And there he beheld the two combatants, one naked as a jaybird and of significant size and musculature, easily over eight feet tall and his skin looking like it was made of cement. He couldn't see who it was this thing was fighting, but the aura he felt indicated this was the presence that didn't belong to Arisa. He did feel another presence here, but he knew that there was someone else here. Though Sam did feel something.....familiar about this thing that stood before him.

Titanic, bat-like wings of the same appearance - probably spanning about twelve feet total - sprung out from its shoulder blades, while a thick, barbed-end tail of the same color and texture poked out from his tailbone. The powerful thick legs ended in what appeared to be hooves, though the hand - he could only see the left as it hung down by the creature's side - seemed human enough, only much larger and thicker. Menacing, smooth horns poked from the forehead, curving out and then back in before extending straight up parallel to each other. The strangest thing about this creature was the weapon it carried: A scythe whose shaft tip reached up to the middle of the creature's head, the bottom of the shaft itself hovering just inches above the ground. Identical globes of gold protruded from the bottom and top tips, while on the opposite side of the shaft from the blade was an eye-like design bordered in gold with what appeared to be golden wings flaring out from the side of it. Along the middle of the curved blade were eye-designs as well, except they shrank in size as they neared the pointed tip. Just what the hell was this thing? Some kind of chimera?

Just then the creature spoke, its voice gravely and rough, "What's the matter, you blood-sucking whore? You didn't think I'd ever have the strength to match you? That I'd come crawling back begging for forgiveness?! Fuck no! You made me suffer all these years, and now I'm gonna return it a thousandfold!" The creature then took the scythe into both its massive hands, a howling purple flame encasing it and the weapon's entire length, creating a noticeable air disturbance around them. Sam had to brace himself and raise an arm to protect his face as this thing's fury grew and grew. The creature's gravely voice then added, "And when I finish with you, that old geezer's gonna get what's his!" "Old geezer?" Sam thought to himself; who was this thing talking about?
"Whan I first met you, Silus, you were a small, frightened man seeking shelter. I placed a roof over your head, a place to call home, and I even allowed to you enjoy the pleasures of my presence and tenderness. I held you in my very arms, and I was even considering allowing you to be by my side as my husband. What... What have you done to yourself, Silus? You used to be so much cuter," the pained yet prideful voice of a mature woman responded, her body eclipsed by the huge figure before her, "If I had but half of my full power within me, putting an end to you would be a small matter. Perhaps that's why you committed such atrocities in order to confront me... But why are you opposing me, Silus? I don't understand why you wouldn't want to become my husband... But no matter, I suppose there is no use trying to convince you when you have gone this far."

There was a sudden surge of energy around her and she suddenly sprang up into the air, surrounded by a dark, transparent sphere of lightning. Her air was long and blonde, fluttering about her as if she were suspended in a pool of water. She wore a thick black caped dress, embroidered with red and black stitching. Her hands were held out to her sides, palms opened toward her opponent. Her eyes were narrowed and firm, burning with building determination but also deep sadness. She clearly did not want to kill him, but bound by her own sense of self-preservation she had been backed into a corner.

"She's a vampire... A very powerful one, too," Gnome mused, "I don't think she's even noticed our presence, but in her current state I don't believe she can even stand an inkling of a chance. She's spread her power out too much to concentrate enough to match that thing."
"Silus? Why does that na........" Sam started to say; however, it suddenly clicked. The monstrous appearance helped things click together; this was the man who had attacked the mermaid and Talbor's clan meeting. Not to mention hitting his Gnome. "That bastard....." Sam said as he started to go forward, but stopped again when Silus just started laughing, throwing the stony, bald head head back and cackling like a psychopath. "What the....." Sam said, caught off-guard by Silus' sudden change in demeanor; he then remembered the words of the mermaid he rescued:

"However, just as his lips touched my blood, the curse took hold of his soul and rent all sense of enjoyment out of his body"

"He could eat all of the most delicious food in the world, but taste nothing".

"He could listen to the most wonderful music in the entire universe, but not be moved".

It didn't make any sense; based on those words and those alone, Silus should not have been able to sense anything close to the feelings of joy and elation. "Damn it, just how much stronger did he get? His feels so different from the last two times we met. It's even more fearsome, darker and unrelenting. Why would he go through all this trouble, though? Was it for this other aura?"

After a few moments he stopped and replied, "Tenderness? Is that what you call draining me of blood every night, Arisa? Poking those fat fucking fangs of yours into my neck every night and nearly killing me? And the only reason we were together was because it was part of that bastard Braun's little experiment! That's why when I'm done with you, he's next!" Of course, her fangs weren't that big, but Silus' anger seemed to make him exaggerate. Or perhaps he always did that; one couldn't really say for certain, as Sam and his two contractees were not privy to his past. Other than that there was some bad blood between them. of course. Though Sam couldn't help but wonder what part Braun played in all of this. And now it was clear that Silus had undergone this mutation in order to exact his revenge on this Arisa and Braun.

"So this is that Arisa character the Alpha mentioned..Not a bad looker...Let's see how she does against him....." Sam mused mentally, opting to see just how powerful this so-named lord of the land really was. Though part of him wanted to tear Silus into pieces, it would behoove him to see what kind of tricks he had. Silus' eyes, invisible to Sam at the moment but glowing red with a burning hatred for the admittedly well-formed woman above him, glared at Arisa as his aura continued to howl around him, clashing with the sphere of lightning that encased and whipping the already heavily damaged environment around them even further. Arisa's mansion stood in the background to all this, parts of it set ablaze and others suffering massive structural trauma.

Silus then raised the scythe and shouted, "And now that I have this power, you parasite, I'm going to make your death slow and painful! And I'm gonna love every second of it!" Sam was initially taken aback It was clear by his words that Silus did not hold the same level of regard for their previous relationship as Arisa did. Silus' wings then beat hard as he jumped into the air after the vampire, swinging the flaming scythe blade with extreme force and shouting, "Come on, bitch! Let's see what you got!"
"How rude... You know damn well that vampires need to feed regularly upon blood to survive. I do not criticise humans for killing sheep or goats to eat. Death is a part of life, without it there cannot be the continuation of life itself. We are all part of this greater flow, and to fight against it is to fight against the very universe itself!" Arisa pushed forward, the flickering clashing point between her protective electric sphere and his blazing aura intensifying, "You know, I really did like you, Silus, but it is my duty to put a swift end to your suffering. I owe you that much, at least."

The electric sphere suddenly expanded, the force of her magical energy forcing his legs to slide back slightly across the scorched earth below him. At that very moment, she thrust her palms upward and uttered a brief incantation in latin, her lips curving slightly while speaking the words. The dark clouds above them flickered briefly, and Gnome cringed as a thick beam of lightning descended upon her opponent's head, followed by countless smaller bolts which struck intermittently all around them which fragmented the rocks upon which he stood, sending sharp shards up into the air. Without pause, she then pulled back as the bolts continued to fall and the sphere around her shifting from a brilliant yellow to a crimson red, the flames encapsuling herself. Within a hundred foot radius, the ground began to burst forth with three foot flames between the cracks that she had formed with the lightning, leaping up around Sam and Gnome as well although the earth armor surrounding Sam would protect him reasonably well from the intensity of the heat. This vampire didn't seem overly concerned with collateral damage.

"She's using the stored energy in the land to attack him... That's rather impressive. Instead, she's keeping her personal energy in reserve for defending herself and possibly awaiting an opening to land a vial strike," Gnome mused, "She's a very skilled fighter, but I don't think she can win this by herself. She's already taken quite a lot of damage, despite her calm appearance. Its possible that she intends to destroy him even if it takes her own life."
Silus was about to strike when the sphere encasing her expanded before him; he grunted as he braced the aura-covered scythe in his hands against it, stopping it from engulfing him. He was eventually pushed onto the ground, his hooves leaving very noticeable tracks in the ground as he struggled to resist her counterattack. He was finally able to stop the sphere from expanding forward, but found himself struck down by a lightning-based technique, the arcs of electricity encasing his stone-like body before suddenly being engulfed in towers of fire. Sam himself had to leap from side to side to avoid the attack as well, using the Flow to aid his evasion and strengthen his earthen armor to protect him against the extreme radiation of heat.

When Arisa's fire technique subsided, Silus could be seen standing, the grey skin of his body charred black. However, one cursory flick of his wings scattered a large portion of the ash from his body, revealing that her impressive attack hadn't done all that much to damage him. Silus then spoke again, "Hahaha, what the hell was all that? All bark and no bite. Pretty uncharacteristic for you, Arisa. But far be it from me to question how you waste your energy. Now it's my turn...." His wings spread wide and he took to the sky once more, flying straight for Arisa and prepping the scythe to strike her. The nasty, curved blade seemed to howl with despair and agony, its length shimmering with unholy arcane magic. Silus then swung the scythe, easily cleaving through her fire barrier and sending a sharpened wave of energy screaming into her body. It was unlikely it would kill her, but it would certainly damage her should it make contact.
Arisa's eyes grew wide and she drew in a sharp breath of air just as the wave sliced through her, the deep cut ripping through her fire barrier as if it were a sharpened blade swung across softened butter. A cry of pain was ripped from her lips, her body visibly cleaved clean in half from the force of his attack. However, just as suddenly as her apparent death, her form then broke into hundreds of black fragments which folded themselves into just as many bats which swarmed around him in a thick black cloud, obscuring his view.

"You forget, Silus... I'm not the sort of person to waste energy on a worthless opponent," Arisa's voice resounded all around him at once, "You might have gained a great deal of power, but you still possess the heart of a man."

Summoning seals appeared outside the swarm of bats, and long, iron poles slid out of the center of each, their sharped tips pointed inward. From the point of view of Sam, her intention was clear: distract him temporarily by dividing her body among many vessels before counter-attacking once again. Once eight spears, each at least ten feet long, had appeared, they all thrust toward Silus at the same time, attempting to pierce him like pins into a pin cushion. If they succeeded in piercing his skin, thousands of blades would extend from the spears to impale him further.

"This is the end, Silus..." Arisa began to pull her body back together, the bat swarm congregating in a single location to reconstitute her form, "Your skin might be hard, but from the inside I can do much more damage than even you can handle."

Although she said this, it was clear that his attacks where having a powerful effect on her both on a physical and phycological level. If he landed another hit, it seemed unlikely that she could muster yet another counter attack. Gnome mentally nudged Sam, "If we stand by and do nothing, I have a feeling this will end badly... A dead vampire can't give us the information we need, and besides, this Silus fellow has committed more crimes against monster girls and humanity alike than anyone could possibly forgive. We need to help her take him down."
Silus indeed felt the pressure as the spears attempted to penetrate his skin; visible cracks could be seen on his armored flesh as he attempted to resist them. However, he would ultimately fail, as the shaft eventually sank down, the iron tips piercing into him and blossoming into fragments, filling his body with an immeasurable number of smaller, shard-like blades. Oddly enough, not a single squeak was heard from him; it was almost like he let it happen. Eventually Arisa's attack would stop, Silus' unmoving form standing there like a statue, his head bowed and the expression on his face blank and featureless.

However, a small chuckle would soon be heard from the lump of matter that was Silus, and soon he stirred, lifting his head up to look right at Arisa and say in a rather calm yet unnerving manner, "You're right, Arisa, this is the end. But not for me; I'm too powerful now, even for the likes of you...." His body seemed to soften around him, the mass of flesh moving forward of its own volition. Parts of it seemed to drag, making Silus' body look like it was made of cement-colored slime. Eventually, he would pull away entirely from the spears, showing the network of blades that was supposed to have killed him, the seemingly-infinite number of blades having created a grotesque representation of his form. It wasn't long before his body solidified once more, ready to do battle again. "You still don't get it, do you? You arrogantly assume I'm still human. I'm more than just a man now, bitch!" Silus then said; he was soon flying straight for Arisa and punched her hard in the stomach, sending the vampire skipping across the ground.

Silus then walked toward the vampire, his monstrous body clenching with unmitigated fury and anger. "All that time I spent being your personal blood bank, all that humiliation you forced me to endure! Tell me, bitch, how does it feel to be the kicking boy for a change?! Huh?!" Before she might be able to get up, Silus kicked her hard, making her shoot backwards again bouncing on the hardened earth. "You think you're so high and mighty, and now look at you! Groveling like a dog!" After approaching her again, Silus then added, "But you're right in one respect...Part of me is still human. Yes, there's a part of me that still knows mercy. So I'll just cut off your head and be done with it. But out of respect, even though you never gave me any, I'll show you why it is you lost..." The stone over his heart seemed to separate, revealing the beating organ within. There seemed to be a half-dollar sized disk on top of it, its surface comprised of a cartoonish, simplistic smiley face on top of a blood-red circle inside a gold rim. This was a Dark Slime Core; Arisa would see that this man had somehow taken what was the heart of a Dark Slime and had it fused to his own. Silus then closed the stone-like flesh back over it, concealing it from view once more before raising the scythe over his head. "After I kill you, I'll consume your heart as well, just like the other bitches that tried to get me. Goodbye, vampire slut!"

However, just as he swung the scythe down, he felt its progress halted; there before Arisa stood Sam, having appeared between the two before the final blow might be struck. Sam's left arm was holding up the scythe, the point where the underside of the blade and shaft connected being supported by the contractor's forearm. "What the fuck.....Who the hell are you?" Silus muttered, glaring at this interfering fuck who stopped him from getting his revenge. "Sorry Silus, but I'm afraid this "vampire slut" has some information I need. So I hope you'll understand why I can't let you kill her" was all Sam said in reply. Stone formed into battle gauntlet on his right hand; he then cracked Silus across the jaw with it, sending the monstrous man crashing backward, a noticeable shockwave forming from the strike and a trail being left from the travel of Silus' body on the ground. Silus just rubbed his jaw as he stood back up; whoever this was strong. "You motherfucker....Who the hell do you think you are?!" Silus then shouted, his red eyes glaring at Sam with the utmost hatred. Sam just stared back and replied, "I'm that "weak bitch" you sucker-punched on the beach, and the one that sent your sorry ass running for your mama when you attacked the Centaur Clan gathering". Sam's dark aura then flared again, adding, "I'm also the one who's going to kick your ass for everyone you've hurt".
Arisa lay motionless upon the broken stone, eyes barely cracked open as she awaited the fate that she seemed resolved to accept at that very moment. However, the blow never landed as Sam intervened just in time to block the attack. Her head turned to the side slightly and her eyes closed, falling into an exhausted slumber, most likely to recuperate from her wounds. Vampires were sturdy creatures, capable of recovering from even normally fatal wounds if given ample time to regenerate.

"So... He fused his soul to the heart of a dark slime, did he?" Undie appeared beside her contractor, the swirls of water elemental energy flowing around both of them as she formed a protective barrier between them to give Sam some time to follow up with another attack, "I was wondering why it was difficult for me to determine the composition of his body, but its quite clear ot me now. He's taken the essential energy from many other types of monster girls and combined them within his soul, most likely using the distinct property of dark slimes which are able to assimilate other life forms and convert them into dark slimes as well. However, instead of converting them he merely absorbed them into a part of his body. However, his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness... If we can break that bond he's created, it would likely be fatal. Pounding away at him like a brawler will not have any effect on him at all."

"Great idea, now how do we do that, exactly?" Gnome appeared as well on the other side of Sam, "If it were possible to pierce the slime's heart and damage him that way, Arisa's spear attack likely would have hit it already. Would would you propose we do instead?"

"Simple... You forget that my body has the property to dissolve any matter, living or otherwise, that is not my own contractor. If I can get in close enough, breaking into his body and dissolving his heart would be simple, no matter how powerful he may be," Undie shrugged, "Just hold him down for a bit for me and I'll get right on that."

"Easy for you to say..." Gnome shot back, pointing out the obvious flaw in her plan. This would require Undie to actually physically make contact with her opponent and enter his body, which would likely be difficult given that he was armed with such massive amounts of power and a weapon with long reach, "I'll do what I can to strengthen Sam's abilities to the max, then get Arisa a safe distance away from the battle area."

The short elemental spirit then closed her eyes, the pulses of green earth energy flowing from her body saturated the ground around them, her feet firmly planted as huge rock hands began to rise up all around them and reach for Silus' wings, trying to grasp them and prevent him from flying while others wrapped themselves around his middle. She sent most of her energy into Sam, however, causing him to glow brightly, coating him as well as Arisa's unconscious form in a thick diamond armor plating.

Undie nodded and threw her hands out to either side, palms outward and fingers spread as her large body spread out like a ring around the area, sliding like a thin river round about them which flowed in a clockwise direction. Her human form sunk down into the ring, which began to increase in speed and ripple with wave-like disruptions across its surface. She was channeling her own energy into Sam as well, heightening his reaction time and perception in order to better combat their opponent.
"Now I remember you......You're still with that mud-slinging midget, eh?" Silus then replied upon seeing Gnome materialize next to his contractor. He didn't know who the watery bitch was, but at the moment he didn't care; right now, this guy was the obstacle between him and his revenge. "Tell you what, asshole, I'll let you live if you just stand aside and let me kill the vampire. My fight's with her, not you" Silus then said, readying himself for what he could plainly see was going to be a fight with this man instead. "I already told you why I can't let you.....So you have my answer" was Sam's response. Silus just sighed, saying with an amused tone, "Fine then; it'll be all the more satisfying to kick your ass anyway".

The monstrous man paused as he saw what was happening; thanks to his fusion with the Dark Slime, he was connected with the negative corollary of the Flow. And rightfully one would have had to exist, to preserve the Balance of the universe. "Go ahead, power up all you like; whatever you do won't be enough to keep me down for long" he then said, watching as the hands wrapped all around him, preventing him from moving. "That the best you got, weakling?" Silus snarled; a dark layer of demon magic covered his form before bursting out in a dome-shaped wave, shattering the earthen appendages summoned by Gnome and ripping through Undine's liquified form. It wouldn't be enough to kill her, but it would certainly disrupt her ability to liquify her body for a short time. Sam grunted as he felt the energy wash over him, stripping away some of the diamond armor that now coated him. "Like I said, power up all you like. I just took down Arisa, Vampire Queen of this little slice of hell. You're nothing more than an insignificant ant" he then added, bringing the scythe up and away from him as if to make a sweeping strike.

Sam reacted by charging in, swinging at Silus with fists summoned from the ground beneath him. Silus was able to dodge them for the most part and parry with his own swings of the ornate scythe. For a few moments this continued, until they both stopped; Sam's stone-covered arms were raised in front of him, blocking Silus' weapon whose point was merely inches from his face. Both seemed to be equal in terms of physical strength for the moment, with Silus trying to press down and Sam pushing back up, each attempting to overpower the other. "Why don't you just give up.....Save yourself and me the trouble...Besides, you don't know what this bitch did to me!" Silus growled, clearly agitated with having to deal with this pest. "Not until you die, Silus........Your vengeance is no excuse for the crimes you've committed" Sam replied, his aura clashing with his opponent's in a furious, war-torn symphony.

Sam, however, began to feel strange; he felt something creeping up in his mind, something.....evil. Sinister. Unforgiving. "Kill.....consume....Dominate....Kill...consume.....Dominate" was the mantra he heard being repeated in his mind, its volume subdued but still very much prominent. He was able to ignore it, but only to feel a sudden pressure hit him in the abdomen and send him skidding back on his feet. "You know something, you little pest, I'm getting sick of being painted as the bad guy here. Do you know what she did to me? What Braun did to me? She FED off me, drank my blood until I was just short of a withered husk every night! Used me to sate her own twisted desires! And that bastard geezer practically sold me to her! Claimed it was for the interest of research, he did!" Silus paused for a moment to collect himself, then continued, "Do you know what it's like? To be used like a farm animal? You, of all people should understand what it's like! To be forced into servitude! That's why the Goddess contracted you, isn't it?" Sam's eyes widened at this revelation; how did he know about that?

However, he would not be outdone or intimidated by this, so he replied, "The Goddess did not contract me. Our goals are common, almost one in the same. I have my reasons for cooperating with her" "Cooperating? Is that what you call it? Is that why she sits so high on her chair up in the White City, letting you do her dirty work for her? She and the Succubus are no different, you idiot! "You're wrong; the Succubus is a power-hungry monster, intent on enslaving all of humanity and other living beings in the universe. And I will stop her". "That's not my point! Humanity has been downtrodden by these freaks for long enough! Why are you helping them?" "Because it's mutually beneficial....." "Really? Is that why these monsters started attacking human settlements for mates? Taking them like cows off a farm? Starting a genocidal war that almost killed every single human here? Have you forgotten that it was the Goddess who let the Succubus here in the first place? She is the cause of all this, you dumbfuck!" Sam hesitated in his response in this; he did have a point. But still......The Goddess didn't mention a war. That bit of news was disturbing; there was plenty of evidence for it, now that Sam thought about it. Abandoned military bunkers, destroyed cities, that debris field orbiting the planet above them. Not to mention Patty's little revelation in the computer station.
Undie's form sank down into the cracks between the rocks, seemingly vanishing from view for the time being after Silus sliced through the ring she had formed with her body. It doubtless must have been quite painful for her to experience, but she made no indication of how much damage she had sustained from his attack. If anything, it seemed like she was simply gauging his strength while biding her time before attempting an actual attack on his person.

Gnome, moreover, whose intense gaze indicated that she had not lost even an ounce of her determination even in the face of someone such as Silus, was more interested at the moment with defending the Goddess from blatant slander, "You are wrong, Silus. The Goddess is much more wise and powerful than anyone else on this entire planet. Her trust in her subjects may be a great flaw, but it is also one of her greatest assets. She was betrayed by the Succubus, as all of us monster girls were when she spread her influence throughout our races and destroyed our capacity to bear males, which led us to seek out humans out of desperation. While it is true that some monster girls were already participating in such activities even before the succubus spread her influence, it was hardly a widespread problem. Peace between humans and monsters was possible before she stepped up and challenged the Goddess' position as the supreme being of this planet. It merely shows your ignorance and bias against us when you spout such venom from your cursed lips."

"You may be right to blame her for trusting in the Succubus in the first place, but without trust how can we live in peace with others? Let go of your self-righteous justification for your heinous crimes. You are no better than the Succubus, in taking lives and bringing misery to many others while seeking to remedy some perceived wrong that you have received," Gnome's aura thickened further, the killing intent in her eyes boring holes right to Silus' very soul as it were, "How can you call yourself justified when all you have done is perpetuated the cycle of wrongdoings? What end is there if an all-out war breaks out between our peoples due to your actions? What good would come of that? Have not both humans and monsters alike suffered enough? Instead of casting blame on others, and the past being unchangeable, we should look toward a new and better future which we can build together for our mutual benefit... That is the dream that I hold dear to my heart, the dream that both Sam and myself share! I will not allow someone such as you to trample down our dreams for your own selfish ends!"
"You fucking idiot.........Look around you! What the hell did I just say? An all-out war did happen! Even before I became this! Do you not see the destruction? We were once two million strong on this planet.......Now just a couple of hundred, who weren't fortunate enough to make it off this damned rock!" Silus shouted angrily; could they not see what had happened? Did they not care about the number of human lives lost to these monstrous freaks? "Not like I expected much......You, being one of them, couldn't possibly understand". Her further comments about him being biased, and it downright pissed him off when he was compared to the Succubus. "You got no right saying that; my brother was taken......By those damn Amazoness bitches......When I found him, his body was crushed......So many damn families torn apart in the name of building peace! Not just my brother, but the siblings and lovers of other humans! Men and women alike taken for sustenance and selfish, uncaring self-gratification!" Sam couldn't help but speak up, feeling outraged at Silus' blindness, "You think the actions of a few represent the whole, Silus? Yes, there are those that hurt the humans, but most want nothing more than to have things back to the way they were. To think otherwise is just plain stupid and you know it". "You don't have a right to speak, blood-traitor. You help them, you will be the reason humanity falls. Can't you see they just feed off of us? Our blood, our life essence, our seed? These parasites deserve nothing more than extermination! Just as our numbers were cleaved down year after year, I will do the same to them!"

"And then what, Silus? As strong as you are, you think you can challenge the Succubus? The Goddess? You would slaughter millions who didn't even do anything in the name of your so-called vengeance? What right do you have to play judge, jury and executioner?!" "You didn't see what I saw.....That bastard Braun.....You know how many of us he sent to our deaths? How many of us were test subjects? Five hundred! Maybe more! He was to see if humans and Monster Girls could live peacefully...Relationship stability tests, regular physicals and check-ups...I was one of three who survived the trials.....And you know what it was that kept me going? A damn-near indomitable will to never give up! And a zero-tolerance to those that try to stop me!" He then picked up the scythe again in both hands, glaring at Sam and Gnome "I won't let anything stop me.....Not even you, traitor!" Silus' wings then spread wide and flew right at the contractor, who readied himself for another attack and too charged forward.

Sam and Silus' fists slammed into each other as they met in the center of the small clearing. Their clash was one of epic scale; the head-on collision of their extreme strength produced a measurable shockwave that rocked the area around them, ripping trees right out of the ground and further damaging the mansion that already looked like it needed a professional rebuilding. Thankfully, Arisa's body was secured to the ground with Gnome's diamond casing, so she wouldn't suffer any hard knocks from a potential flight backwards. Silus then swung the scythe in his free hand toward Sam, whose left arm raised up to grasp the shaft. Silus could only smirk; a hand punched out from his chest and nailed Sam in the jaw, dizzying him despite the near-indestructible armor he wore and making the contractor release his grip. "C'est la vie, asshole!" Silus roared as he swung the scythe into Sam's side with blinding speed, impressive given that Sam had the energy of Undine backing up his own speed and reflexes; if he or Gnome tried to repair his armor, they would find it impossible thanks to the effect of Silus' scythe. Sam could only let out a pained gasp as the blade sunk into flesh; the armor halted much of its potential progress and he managed to grab it before he could go any further, but Silus managed to nail him. And hot fuck, did it hurt. "You're a stubborn shit, aren't you?" Silus commented as he tried to push the blade deeper into Sam's body, his demonic form noticeably tensing against Sam's own strengthened resistance.
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