Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

"Sea Bishop? Who knew they had powers like that, de geso," the squid woman blinked, clearly confused, "I'm... Not upset about you marrying her, if that is what you are thinking, de geso. You told me straight that you loved that Rachel woman before, remember? I don't mind if I have to share your heart, as long as a part of it belongs to me, de geso."

"I... I love you as well," Marina hugged him even more tightly, reaching up and kissing his cheeks, "Please, wherever you go let me follow you. I don't want to part from you again. Even if I have to act as your maid or something and take care of the house and your human children with Rachel and never make love with you again, I want to be there with you, de geso... I don't want to be alone again."

She rubbed her cheek against him, savoring the feel of his skin against hers again.
Sam felt relieved that Marina wasn't upset with him; he smiled and replied, "Of course, Marina, you and the children will always have a solid place in my heart. Don't ever forget that" Her comment about Rachel made him frown slightly; he'd betrayed her so much in his time. His heart indeed felt heavy and divided, he was attached to so many of the women here. But it all had a central tie: the Succubus did this, made him like this. He was going to get answers, no matter what obstacles got in his way.

However, Marina's touches and words brought him back to reality; she wasn't in any condition to travel. Plus, who knows how the other creatures he would interact with would react to Marina's presence; the children needed a strong mother. So he then breathed again and said the words he knew had to come out, but hated himself for saying it, "Marina, I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous; there are powerful people I need to go see and they have others who guard them." He then paused and added before she could try to argue, "I might be forced into combat; and while I know you're strong, they make the Leviathan seem like a hapless pup. I've already talked with Poseidon, the Sea King, and she agreed to shelter you and the children."
"I thought you might say that, de geso," Marina nodded, planting more affectionate kisses along his cheek and shoulders, "But you came back for me, not letting me remain in the depths of despair when you could have simply walked away from me... I could never forget you or hate you, no matter how long you make me wait or try to shake me off. I might not know what I even am, or what purpose I serve on this strange world, but when I am with you in your arms I feel like I have found my home. Life apart from you is but a journey, a journey to strengthen and test my love for you. I will raise our children in love and care, the love you have taught me to have for others. You will be proud of them, so watch out Sam, because you will fall in love with me all over again, de geso!"

Her entire body was trembling, and it was clear that she was attempting to hold strong for them. She had to be firm in his resolve, for she knew that if she did not remain strong she would give in to the temptation to hold onto him forever. Even the little ones seemed to realize this, and began to quietly whisper to each other. Marina was willing to fight and die for Sam and thier children, but now the battle would stand between her will and her own desires.

"When... When I am strong enough to stand by your side again, and when our children are old enough to fend for themselves, I will find you again. Not even an army of Leviathans will be able to defeat me then. I will fight for you even in the face of gods and the Succubus herself! No force on this planet will be beyond my power to subdue... for I am the invader from the sea, after all... I'm Ika Musume, de geso!"

Marina reached out with her tentacles and wrapped them all around Sam, holding him an embrace similar to the one in which they had mated for the first time. This time, however, sex was clearly not her intention, but merely to show her resolve to be by his side once again. Her hands slid along his toned muscles and broad back, remembering the love and passion they had shown each other before, which felt like just a short while ago. They had both changed so much since then, and yet she knew the truth of his words. She gradually relaxed around him and released him, standing before him calmly as she let him go.

"Thank you, Sam, my lover," she smiled as she began to gather up their children one-by-one and giving them a chance to plant one last kiss on their father's cheek, "We will meet again, I know we will. When you need me, I will be there. Look to the sea, for I will always be watching for you there."

With that she gave him one last kiss before wrapping a tentacle around him and thrusting him to toward the surface while she darted off toward the underwater city with her children in tow. It was a bitter-sweet parting for both of them, that much was certain, but in this case Marina had hope once again, hope that she would see him at least one more time...


The oh-so-familiar shore that awaited him on the surface would be a welcome sight, indeed. Teeming with late night lights, the dim horizon was bathed in a deep, brilliant black broken only occasionally by sharp points of light. The serene calm of the coast and the gentle breeze which swept along the coast could only be described as picturesque, as many of the environments on this planet were. It was a good distance between there and Dryad's forest, but it was probably the best bet he had to find Gnome and reform a contract with her. He needed her strength in the very least to impress Undie, and he had much to resolve with her even beyond the concerns of his quest to confront the Succubus.

He had no way of knowing this, but Gnome happened to be huddled in the hallow of a tree in her friend Dryad's grove at the moment, her right hand brushing across the surface of her swelled stomach. The tree-woman remained out of sight, as in her heart she knew that her friend wished to be alone. She would have no comfort for her soul, her silent determination leaking through the stolid expression on her face. Sam's child would be born over the next few months of winter and would require her utmost care. She knew this much to be true. A part of her wished to hold onto his memory, while another part wished to resent him. She felt betrayed, denied even the freedom to die with her beloved contractor whom she would have willingly stayed with to the bitter end. Such was the terms of the contract that he formed with her, to be together even in death itself...

Yet, she would have to wait before she could once again see Sam's face once again, for there was something else in store for him in the near future, something he had not quite considered might happen.
"Of course I would come back for you; how could I not?" Sam replied; though he was slightly taken when she revealed how she viewed the situation: A test? However, it faded into a smile as she declared that he would fall in love with her. His strong arms crossed over his chest, the smile never fading from his face; she truly was something else. "If they grow up to be anything like their mother, I'm sure they'll be nothing short of amazing" he replied. When he laid his eyes on her shaking form, he laid his hands on her shoulders, keeping his pleasant expression about him. Though he was surprised at her declaration; invader from the sea, Ika Musume? Where did that come from?

Before he could ask, she wrapped herself around him, arms and tentacles alike. Her hips pressed against his rather firmly; however, the tenderness of her embrace and common sense told him this was not to bed him before his time of leaving. He breathed out softly as her delicate fingers traced his form, his own larger arms resting safely on her back, the two embracing each other like real lovers would. While Marina didn't show it due to her current state of body, Sam could tell she'd matured quite a bit. They held the embrace for a short while before respective limbs fell from the partners' bodies. They looked at each other, the resolve clear in both their expressions, but their body language calm and collected.

Sam gave each little one a very light pat on the head as they kissed his cheek; they grown up quite a bit as well. "Indeed we shall, Marina my darling; I will make sure of it." he replied to her as she wrapped a tentacle around him. Sam could tell what she was preparing to do, and held his body stiff as possible; he soon found himself rocketing up towards the surface, the star's individual blinkings punctuated the dark night sky as the shroud of darkness was somewhat lifted. His body breached the surface of the water and flew into the air, landing on all fours in the soft sand. He slowly stood up, the glow of the moon making his skin shine like polished amber.

Water dripped from his reformed body, the slight breeze pleasant but chilly. His clothes were matted with water, as was his now-shoulder-length, straight brown locks, adding to the chills he felt. "The sea was nice, but there's nothing like solid ground beneath your feet" Sam commented softly, his toes wiggling to feel the surprisingly warm powder. He paused, his golden hues wandering to take it all in; he then inhaled and exhaled once in a rather exaggerated fashion, as if trying to remember what breathing air from air was like. "Alright, enough reminiscing" he then said; first things first......Find Gnome and try to make amends with her. He had a feeling it wasn't going to be easy, but damn it he would win her back. He had to, not just for his quest, but because he loved her dearly and he wanted to see her again.

But where to find her, that was the big question; his mind then flashed to the Dryad. That's right, she and Gnome were friends. And friends - well, the good ones, anyway - always comforted one another in times of distress. And from Gnome's reaction when he ordered her to break the contract, she wasn't happy at all. "Well, time to get going, then" he said as he trudged up the sand to the tree line, his manly body disappearing into the woods to try and find the Dryad once more; with any luck, Gnome would be there. He just hoped Dryad wouldn't make this more complicated than it had to be; then again, he DID hurt her friend. He breathed a sigh of exasperation; this was going to be quite the arduous task ahead of him.
The breeze whispered through the tops of the trees as Sam made his way through the thick shrubby growth beneath the upper canopy. The forest itself seemed deceptively silent and lifeless, with nothing but the occasional hoot from distant owls who perched themselves on faraway branches to break the serene silence which coated the forest like a blanket. As he passed the large, knarled trunk of one tree, mind filled with concern for how he would persuade Gnome to take him back, the sound of his footsteps roused a nearby plant-woman, known as an Alrune.

The petals of the large flower which made up her body peeled back, a thick fragrance filling the air as her deceptively human-like body emerged from the pod. She was about as tall as a normal human woman, but had fresh green colored skin and pink flowers accenting her lovely green locks which ran down her back and shoulders. Her wide, curious eyes peered over at Sam as she stood in the center of her large flower, legs knee-deep in thick sweet-smelling nectar. He was out of her human arm's grasp, so she silently sent two vines from the base of her flower to grasp his shoulders and draw him closer to herself. It was drawing close to winter on the planet, and she needed sustenance beyond that available from photosynthesis if she wished to produce seeds the coming spring.
Sam's bare feet crunched the dry ground, frail browned leaves from the autumn cycle cracked beneath his feet as he made his way through the jungle; if he didn't have such an important objective ahead of him, he would gladly sit here and listen to the sounds of the forest. Poor Sam had no chance to recognize the Alraune's home from the rest of the flowers; everything here was so oversized she blended right in, a necessary adaption to prevent her being attacked by those that sought the amber liquid pooling at the base of her pod. It also made it an ideal situation to where she could surprise those she considered worthy of making seeds with her.

As her petals parted, Sam's nostrils were overwhelmed with what he deemed the most fantastic scent he'd ever experienced. It made his legs weak, forcing him to lean against a tree trunk for support; slowly he turned his head to see a woman standing in what appeared to be an oversized flower. The moonlight was obscured by the thick canopy of the trees, so not much could be seen, except for the glistening of her skin and hair as the nectar coated her form.

He then felt two long, thin tendrils wrap gently around his shoulders; at first, he had enough cognizance to realize she was trying to draw him to her and resisted, his hands coming up to attempt to pry the appendages from him. But as her fragrance continued to assault his olfactory senses, he found his resistance waning and soon let the vines lead him towards this beautiful vixen in the rose. As he approached, he felt the scent grow with increasing strength, muddling his mind and making him want to stay with her all the more. He was soon close enough to gaze into her eyes, the effects of her pheromones having taken their full effect; his eyes glazed over with lust and love, he wanted to be with this woman in every way possible.
The Alrune smiled at him sweetly as he drew close enough to her for her human hands to reach him, her fingertips brushing across his chest and spreading a thin layer of her nectar over him. Her vines began to help her undress him, carefully pulling the damp robes from his shoulders and leaving him in nothing but his skin. Her right hand dipped into the pool of nectar below her, cupping a good amount in her hand and pouring it on his head and coating his member with it. The thick, fragrant juice soaked into him and aroused his body, rejuvenating him and causing him to produce greater amounts of fresh semen for when she would milk it from him directly. With one hand stroking his length, she eased her left hand toward his hip and helped her vines lift him up into the center of her flower then she gently grasped his shoulder and pressed her soft body against his. Her lips reached upward and captured his, more nectar flowing from her and coating the inside of his mouth. She peered up at him, savoring the pleasured moans that came from him as she prepared him for insertion, her own distinctly feminine parts dripping in anticipation.
Sam just stood there in a daze, feeling warmth rush over him as her fingers reached under his robes and rubbed her honey-like nectar on his broad chest. The scent of the nectar continued to flood his nostrils, rendering any chance of resistance and logical thought to a singular thought: Fuck. Even as his robes were carefully removed and laid on the ground beside her, leaving him in nothing but his birthday suit, he was completely unaffected by the cool night air. He felt more warmth rush over him as the nectar was poured over his head, dripping down onto his shoulders and matting his hair against his body, and amplified more so when she started rubbing his hardening shaft in her hands; her nectar would also seem to increase his size to accommodate the enhanced output, lengthening and thickening the already impressive manhood he possessed just a bit more.

Sam then felt his body lifted off the ground and placed into the nectar; whereas the Alraune's knees were completely submerged by the amber fluid, his were slightly exposed. As her soft, busty body pressed against him, her hardened peaks rubbing against his chest and her soft, warm lips pressed against his own, flooding his mouth with that sweet fluid of desire, he had no inclination to hold back the moans of pleasure. Her contact caused his throbbing meat to rest against her smooth, flat stomach; fitting since he was going to fill her pussy and womb with incredulous amounts of hyperfertile sperm. It may have taken a lot of man-seed to create an Alraune seed, but she would find that Sam would give her plenty.

The kiss was then broken, leaving Sam feeling more aroused than ever; it was like his body was on fire, the nerve endings all over his form so alive with sensation. He found himself unable to wait any longer; the bulbous head of his cock touched her outer folds before parting them to sink his length into her pussy. He could feel her juices, the same nectar that she spread liberally over him, dripping and trailing down the veiny length and soaking into his already-swollen sac, as her pussy wrapped tightly around his throbbing cock. He then felt his head reach her cervix before pushing past it, leaving the fleshy end buried snugly in her womb, their hips meshed together quite firmly. Sam kissed and licked the Alraune's chest, cleavage and neck, tasting her sweet nectar as he pulled back before slamming into her, slowly building a rhythm as his mouth andhands roamed her form.
The alrune's inner folds were overflowing with nectar, each one of his heated thrusts causing erotic, sticky, smacking sounds to echo into the silent forest. Her arms wrapped around him and held him to herself, resting him against her chest as he enthusiastically fucked the flower girl. She hummed, apparently quite pleased with her catch as she ran her hands up and down his back, caressing her lover and enjoying the friction caused from his needy, lustful pelvic movements.

Small vines tipped with flowers wrapped around his legs and climbed up his body, careful not to restrict his movements as they reaches his shoulders and began to suck and kiss his neck and chest, leaving yet more trails of nectar behind as they moved across his skin. It was as if she knew that he would be a very potent source of seed and wished to extract as much as possible from him, although the nectar also doubled as nutrients for his body which would keep him from fatigue or hunger for as long as he would embrace her.

As his thrusts began to increase in speed and intensity, her vagina seemed to spring to life, contracting and massaging his length while small protrusions from her inner walls spread more lubricant nectar and caressed his shaft like dozens of tiny tongues. Under such circumstances, no man could endure for long... even if it normally took a man two hours of intense activity to climax, alrunes could accomplish the task in less than an hour. Few could endure their charms for long, and even fewer could claim to have escaped from their embrace. This alrune wished to claim him as her winter nutrient source and mate, to release her seeds to the wind and give birth to hundreds of tiny alrune. It had been quite a long time since she had last taken a mate, and he would find her quite skilled in her ability to bring him pleasure. Her womb cupped around the tip of his member as it penetrated her, sucking at it as if trying to draw out the semen that she so craved.
Sam could feel the nectar being spread over his body; while his normal mind would have panicked over feeling the vines crawl up his body, his lust-saturated mind paid them almost no attention at all. Her large, smooth, nectar-coated breasts rubbed against his chest as their coitus intensified, her arms serving to hold them closer together during this moment of love-making. His strong hands came down and gripped her supple ass firmly, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh of her backside as he drove his length in and out of her wet, sopping pussy. He could feel her nectar continue to drip down his length, making his sac swell with fresh seed that would soon be pumped into her.

The actions of her inner walls made his cock grow as his end neared; everything she did set his body ablaze with burning passion and energy. Soon enough, his thick, veined shaft began to pulse against her insides, his sack tightening as the erotic sensation of climax washed over, his nerves alight with that glorious electricity of sexual power. No sooner had her womb and walls began convulsing on his meat that he came hard inside her, his hands pressing her hips so that her pussy lips went to the base of his cock. Thick ropes of potent, heavily sperm-laced flooded her; the head of his cock plugged her womb completely, letting not a drop of his sperm escape her. His cock continued to pulse as her pussy and womb were filled, the amount causing her stomach to bloat and expand until she seemed to be eight months pregnant from the amount of his release into her.
The alrune let out a lustful moan as he emptied himself inside of her, the mere volume of his cum stretching her womb and completely filling her. Her body quickly went to storing his semen for her to use throughout the winter as energy and in the spring for releasing her seeds while her hands reached down to her waist and gently pulling his hands off her soft butt. She pulled back slightly, the walls of her own vagina resisting his removal from her body. Her inner folds instantly closed up, preventing even a drop of his precious seed from leaking out of her as she slowly dropped herself down and sat on her knees. She looked over his impressive member, still hard and ready for more action, before experimentally licking it, spreading a thin layer of nectar over its veined surface. She reached down to her breasts and wrapped them around him, using the nectar she had just slathered over him as lubricant as she began to give him a tit-fuck, her mouth clasping over the tip and gently licking and sucking on him, eager and hungry for more of his cum. Her bloated stomach was already starting to deflate as she continued her actions, rubbing her large, soft breasts along his shaft and caressing him.

"You will make a fine mate," she mentally noted, "You have a strong, potent seed and large capacity. I will easily be sufficiently fertilized by such a fine specimen."
Sam was still in the throes of bliss, his current immobilized state due to the incredible pleasure he felt, thus letting the Alraune pull herself off him. His hands fell limply to his sides as his chest rose and fell, the intense climax having sucked the breath from his body. The sudden snap of cold air around his cock made him snap out of it as it finally liberated from the flower-woman's hot, wet pussy. He looked down to see her gazing at his erect manhood, then closing his eyes and shivering as her tongue licked all over his length. He gave a groan of pleasure as he felt her sizable breasts wrap around his cock, his heated flesh being squeezed and rubbed without pause.

His eyes opened as her mouth latched onto the tip of his cockhead, her tongue working in unison to lick and suck him. No words left his mouth, only groans and gasps as her actions sent the waves of pleasure crashing over his body. Any normal man would have passed out by now; however, in that respect at least, Sam was by no means normal. This planet had changed him, but whether it was for better or worse remained to be seen.
The Alrune seemed to acknowledge his state of utter bliss and increased the pressure she put on his shaft by pressing her hands a bit more firmly on her breasts. Her soft, warm breasts wrapped around his length as she moved them up and down, stroking him, teasing him ever closer to a second orgasm. She did not give him even a moment's pause, her tongue greedily tasting his tip and relishing in the globs of pre-cum which escaped from it and coated the inside of her mouth. The two flower-tipped vines from earlier snaked up toward his chest and clasped around his nipples, a small tongue-like part of the inner flower spread nectar over the sensitive tips and began to gently nibble on him as if she were kissing and sucking him in three locations at once. The edges of her petals began to slowly ascend, surrounding them and taking him as her captive. If the flower closed completely, there would be little chance for escape until next spring... The entire winter spent within her arms, constantly engaging in heated coitus. Sam seemed too pre-occupied to take much notice of this, however, as she had him captivated by the pleasure surging through his body.
Sam's mind became more and more clouded as the pleasure consumed his conscious; soon enough his hips began to move against her strokes as his climax drew ever closer. The vines which snaked up his chest spread more nectar along their path over the rest of his body; his body now gleamed under the moonlight like the Alraune, every inch of his muscled form coated in the fragrant, thick juice. The added stimulation of her flowers on his chest only served to make his body hotter, his impressive manhood pulsing against her mounds of love as pleasure curled its devious tendrils around his spine, rocking his body like nothing he'd ever felt before.

It wasn't long until Sam reached that blissful peak; he grunted as his hips shot forward, the purple head of his cock buried deep as he flooded her mouth with his seed. His length throbbed as he pumped what seemed like an endless stream of sperm into her, some of his juices leaking out of the corners of her mouth from the volume and coating the upper slopes of her pillow-like breasts in a hot layer of white.
The Alrune drank down his cum, tongue lapping at the head of his cock as it pulsed and poured forth a tremendous volume. She held him in place as she fed, the flowers on his chest never ceasing to kiss and suck on him as he bathed in his intense climax. By the time the spurts subsided, her womb was ready for more of his release to fill her, having stored his previously injected seed deep within her body below the flower. She caressed his legs, fingers sensually yet tenderly brushing his skin as she worked her way upward, arms wrapping around his shoulders and pulling him toward her once again. Her hips rubbed against his still-hard member, urging him to bury himself once again into her dripping, eager sex. She licked her lips, cleaning her mouth of the cum which had run down her face as she held him firmly in a tight embrace. Her flower-tipped tendrils released their suction on him, allowing her bountiful chest to press against him once again... The edges of the petals met above them, sealing the two lovers inside.
Sam's body twitched as each spurt was dumped into the Alraune's warm orifice, his breathing erratic as gasps and huffs. When his orgasm subsided again, he could feel the beauitful flower-girl work her way up his body, the flowers on his chest detaching and being replaced with her smooth, sizable chest. He could feel the heat of her pussy wash over his still-turgid cock, the nectar from her slit coating its length and ensuring he stayed good and hard for her. Even when darkness covered him from the light being blocked by the petals, his lips and tongue found the Alraune's skin, kissing and licking her cleavage before latching onto one of her proferred nipples, sucking fervently as he sunk his length back inside her, his hips instantly pushing himself in and out of her wet, hot and tight pussy.

Somehow, Sam found himself on his butt in a sitting position, the flower-girl being pulled down on top of him as their heated embrace continued; this would be how they would make love to each other for the entire winter. His hips would drive his length forcefully deep into her pussy, the knee-deep nectar now coming up to their chests and sloshing around as their motions stirred it up to make small waves. Each of his orgasms would bloat her stomach fantastically as he pumped her insides full of his heated sperm, giving her plenty of energy and seed to reproduce.

Soon afterwards, spring rolled around; the two lovers would still be going at it strong, Sam's cock rubbing her insides and his mouth kissing all over her succulent, soft breasts. As the petals would slowly unfurl to let the heat and light of spring wash over them, Sam's body was preparing itself to fill the Alraune once more, his turgid length throbbing powerfully inside her as his sac slowly tightened. He could hear her heated breathing as she took in every inch of his manhood; if he was in his right mind, he would be wondering how the hell he hadn't died yet.
The Alrune moaned and gasped for air as the fresh scent of spring filled her lungs. The coldness of winter itself had not been able to penetrate through the sides of their intense lovemaking nest. She had absorbed a huge amount of his semen from his body, which as of yet could still produce yet more, and it was growing close to the time in which she would spread her seeds out upon the wind to give life to new Alrune all across the forest as far as the wind would take them. She had no intention of letting him go after that, however, but would probably slow down the rate at which she extracted his precious seed from him, giving him an opportunity to actually talk with his lover rather than being constantly engaged in sexual activity with her. Just as she felt his length twitch and pulse within her, however, she heard something approaching her from behind...

Her long hair flowed down her head and shoulders like a waterfall of lush, green life, her eyes fixed upon the Sam's familiar form. Her right hand raised up toward the Alrune and all at once three branches wrapped around her middle and pulled her away from Sam, their tight embrace forcefully severed. The Dryad reached in, and despite the Alrune's protests, pulled him out of the pot of nectar that had been his home for nearly three months now and lifted him out. She carried him with her deeper into the forest and set him down against a large oak tree. She brushed his hair out of his face, which was sticky and matted due to the nectar.

"You know, I hardly expected to find you inside an Alrune," Dryad remarked without even a hint of humor, "How are you feeling, my little sex monkey?"
Sam was so close to blowing his load; however, it would seem fate had other plans for him. An ominous figure loomed over him and soon he found himself snatched away from the source of pleasure he had been so grossly intertwined with. The nectar was still working its effects on him as he was carted off, the utter bliss his mind was currently experiencing holding him unaware of what was really going on. As his travel slowed, he finally was able to break through the veil of lust that had clouded his vision.

The sudden break-off from the Alraune's embrace made him gasp out; whereas he was feeling so much pleasure, now it was misery and pain. His head hurt, his body and manhood ached like crazy, the latter experiencing the more severe discomfort. He groaned, the bout of sensory overload slowly dying down. His chest fell as he slowly returned to his normal state of mind; he lifted his hands up, looking at the sticky film that coated his form. His manhood remained erect, painfully erect from having been denied the pleasure and gratification of release, its length still pulsing visibly and shining in the sunlight from beign continously coated in nectar.

"U.gh....What the......Where am I?" he groaned out; he heard some words, too horribly garbled in his current state to understand fully. He then heard a familiar voice call him a 'sex monkey' as fingers brushed aside the nectar-saturated locks covering his face. "Hey, who are you callin......" he started to say, but looked up to see none other than Dryad looking down at him. "Dryad........." he muttered, looking up at her; she certainly didn't seem pleased. He groaned again, having never felt this crappy in his life; it was like someone sucked all the air out of his body, then punched him in the gut repeatedly and beat him with a baton until he couldn't move.
"That's what I thought... You are already suffering withdrawals," Dryad rolled her eyes, "Just stay calm and let it work itself out of your system. Give it a few hours and you should feel back to normal. Thankfully Alrune nectar metabolizes very quickly, or you would have that boner for a lot longer than that."

She sat down beside him, watching over him lest some other forest creature swoop down and take advantage of his temporary state of vulnerability. She was definitely not pleased, and yet she had clearly been looking for him for some time now... She had not mentioned Gnome even once, yet it was clear that the little earth spirit was the only reason why the tree spirit would have been searching for him. How she even knew he was still alive remained a mystery, however, as she waited for Sam to recover.
Sam nodded, trying to let his aching body relax; as the minutes turned to hours, he felt the aching subside. Luckily for him, Alraune nectar decomposed into a mild anesthetic in the body, so soon he would be feeling no pain at all. The aphrodisiac chemical in the nectar soon worked itself out of his system, causing his impressive erection to slowly shrink. By the time he had recovered, his cock shortened to an eight-inch flaccid state, his breathing had returned to normal and the pain in his body was all but gone. The only things wrong with him now were the fact that he was naked and still incredibly sticky; unless the Dryad had grabbed the robe Vivian gave him, he would likely be naked for some time.

"Eww...." he said, the syrupy liquid still clinging to his body; while it definitely felt good in the Alraune's embrace, his current mental state did not like it at all. He then looked over the Dryad; his senses now completely clear, he could see that she was indeed peeved. All of his previous experiences came rushing back to him, having been suppressed by the Alraune's influence, and he remembered why he came all this way: Gnome. "I guess you're mad at me, too.......Can't say I blame you" he said, his eyes drifting down to the ground, his arms resting on his knees.
"I brought your clothes with you," Dryad answered his unasked question, then gestured to the silently flowing body of water that ran alongside the oak, "You can wash yourself off in the river..."

She studied his features and noted that he seemed to be no worse for the wear, so to speak. In fact, if anything he seemed more healthy due to the exercise than before with an even greater semen capacity... As if Sam really needed help in that area by that time. The tree spirit looked away, her mind evidently full of words but feeling at a loss of where to start. What should she say to him? What could she say to him? How could she express her feelings of disappointment with him, who had betrayed the trust that her close friend had vested in him?

"She named her child Terra, you know," Dryad said out of the blue, "She was insistent upon it... Even though I tried to dissuade her from it."
"Thanks" Sam replied; he made no move to go wash yet, however. Dryad would see he felt bad, about Gnome; even if it was for her safety, she clearly was very hurt by it. The tension in the air was palpable; Sam's body quivered slightly, waiting for the Dryad to chew him out for hurting her friend. He deserved it; so why was she so silent?

As she revealed rather forwardly that Gnome's child was named Terra, Sam felt another pang of guilt. His head bowed even further, "I see...." What else could he say? His first contract named his and her child after a suggestion he made. "It wasn't my fault, you know.....I didn't do it to hurt her, quite the opposite. But I can feel you want to ream me for hurting her" he finally said in a low tone, wanting to break the tension. "So go ahead, tell me I'm terrible. That I'm a failure as a contractor, as a lover. Tell me how I deserve to die, tell me however it is you feel. I can take it" She would likely be surprised by his forwardness, but he just wanted everything to be out in the open.
"No... What is done is done," Dryad mildly reprimanded him, "I want you to love her and respect her as she loved and respect you. She would have gladly died with you rather than be parted from you, and yet you used your authority over her as her contractor to force her to leave. I do not question your judgement in what you did, but you must understand how much it damaged her trust in you. Contracted spirits are completely devoted to their masters, the feeling of being close and making love with them is comparable to nothing else they have ever experienced before... With that in mind, I want you to see Gnome again. Let her know that you will never, ever do something like that to her again and I'm sure she will accept you. She still loves you, despite everything... If I were to punish you any further I would only be hurting Gnome as well."
Well, that was one way to make Sam feel like absolute shit; he knew the bond ran deep, but he didn't realize it was THAT deep. He just bowed his head even more; though her words were considerably lighter than what they could have been, the implications of her speech cut him deeper than any weapon could ever hope to achieve. He still heard her words play in his head before he was dragged beneath the surface of the waves by that demon Leviathan: "I....I hate you!"

"I doubt she'll take me back that easily, but damnit if she isn't worth the effort I don't know what is" Sam said determinedly as he stood up. "Excuse me for a moment" he said as he went into the stream to wash himself of the sap-like nectar. Hands roamed over his muscled form, cleansing the liquid from his skin and hair; it seemed the nectar was rather weak against water, so it came off with relative ease. When that was done, he climbed and let his exposed form dry before grabbing the robe and dressing himself.

Soon enough, the white/green-accent robe graced his form, his long brown hair falling down past his shoulder blades; he then turned to look at the Dryad, asking rather pointedly "If I may ask, where is Gnome?"
"She's sleeping in yonder hollow tree," Dryad gestured toward a large, apparently dead tree which stood a short distance across the river from where Sam stood, "Taking care of her child has been occupying her mind and most of her waking hours of late, so she hasn't had much time to cry."

She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the oak, showing that she had no intention of going with him to meet with her small friend. This was as close as she let herself get to Gnome, as every time she tried to get any closer she would simply move her place of residence further from the center of Dryad's grove as a form of silent protest.

Sure enough, in the center of the tree lay the earth spirit, eyes gently closed as she held a small bundle in her arms as she slept. It was wrapped up in thick cloth to keep the child warm, her hands gripping the young life firmly lest she fall. She seemed tired and worn, perhaps even slightly aged since they had last met... Doubtless she would be surprised to see her contractor again, but her initial reaction to being reunited remained to be seen.
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