Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

Sam nodded as he gazed at the tree where Gnome resided; in all honesty, he was hoping this would go over smoothly. But he had a feeling there was going to be some obstacles to hurdle; well, he'd hurdle every last one of them if it meant he got Gnome back. He then started to walk, pausing at the edge of the river for a moment. Without turning back to look at the Dryad, he said, "Thank you......" That's all he said; he didn't need to say what for, for she would know.

Sam found a relatively shallow portion of the stream; the fabric of the robe seemed to mesh against him, as if responding to the moisture. Unknown to him, this fabric was crafted to do just that, but for the purpose of comfort; it wasn't very enjoyable having clothes stick to one's form oddly, so this just moved with him as it was wetted, making him not notice anything out of the ordinary. He made it across the river, coming around to see the Earth Elemental herself.

Sam frowned; she didn't look good. Well, she did, but not as he remembered her. It would seem that they'd both changed; though his change was more pronounced, she still......Sam felt the tears well up in his eyes. There in her arms, laid his child, sleeping soundly. A hand came up to knock gently on the hollow walls before he said softly, "Gnome....." He figured he would let her get the first reaction; but his eyes already shimmered, the golden color of his irises seeming to waver at the joy of seeing her again.
"Dryad... I just managed to get her to fall asleep," Gnome moaned and rubbed her eyes, apparently quite easy to rouse as she looked up at the figure who stood in the opening to her little make-shift dwelling. Her wide, round eyes stared up at him, her body freezing up as she gazed upon her beloved contractor. Tears began to form on the edges of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks, vanishing into the fabric of the bundle that she held so dearly.

She blinked once, then twice and scooted herself back further away from him, her arms clutching her child in a protective manner, "S-sam? Is that really you?"

Gnome was frightened and confused, unable to control her emotions as the pain and sadness all started to rush back into her small body and overwhelm her. She managed to stand up, but rather than rush toward him she backed herself up against the wall. One hand reached up and pulled the hood back from over her head, her long purple hair flowing out behind her as she looked up at him. Her body trembled, like that of a small animal having been cornered by a much larger predator.

"Why?" she sobbed, "Why did you leave me?"
Sam looked at Gnome, his stance being a non-threatening one seeming to have no effect on making her more at ease, as she mistook him for the Dryad. He then smiled as she looked at him, tears leaving shimmering trails down her cheeks gently. He was about to confirm her question, but then she backed away from him. He started to take a step forward, but decided against it; best not push things while they're still delicate. He could feel the sadness in her question, her tone converying the misery she felt when he forced her to abandon him.

Sam took a deep breath and exhaled; he had a feeling this wouldn't be easy. But he wouldn't give up, not until he had her back. "Gnome....forgive me. I had no idea.....I acted rashly. I didn't consider how you would feel; all I wanted to do was protect you. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if you had died because of me. I did it for you, Gnome.......but I screwed it up." He then held his arms out to her, wanting her to come back, "Gnome, please......forgive me"
"I..." Gnome looked up at his open arms, tears still fresh on he cheeks as she slowly placed the bundle on the ground. Her eyes darted this way and that, as if searching for an exit, or somewhere to hide herself. Finding no recourse, she looked back up at Sam. Her right hand clutched her robe, as if trying to ease the pain in her heart as she held herself back from throwing herself into his arms.

"How do I know you won't leave me again?" she took a single step forward, each step afterward coming faster and easier than the last, "How do I know you still love me? Will you really never do it again? When we pledged ourselves to each other, I though it would last forever... I..."

She turned back and picked up their child before rushing toward him, her right shoulder slamming into his chest. She felt light, almost without weight as she was probably well-nigh starving herself. But even so she tried to hit him with all her physical force. She merely bounced off him, however, and landed on his arm, her weak arms holding Terra out toward him.

"She... has your eyes," Gnome cried, "Please, let me be yours again!"
Sam watched Gnome, his frown growing slightly as she seemed to try and avoid him. It wasn't a look of anger that she seemed to deny him, but one of sadness and concern; he felt terrible for making her like this. But when she started walking toward him, demanding she know if he would never leave her again, his frown started to turn into a genuine smile. "Gnome........" he started to say, but stopped when she grabbed her child again and charged at him.

His stronger body didn't really register the force of the impact; even then, she seemed thinner. But then she landed on his left arm, their child somehow managing to have slept through all the commotion. Guess the phrase "Out like a rock" applied here, given she was the child of an Elemental and her contractor. "She's beautiful, Gnome; though from you, I wouldn't have expected anything less" he then said. When she cried, pleading to have him take her back, Sam was the one surprised now.

But instead, his arms closed around her gently, pressing the bundle of joy in her arms in between ever so lightly. He then looked down at her and replied, "Gnome, that's why I came back; my heart broke when I forced you to sever the contract. It won't happen again; if you'll let me, I want us to be together again.......I want to be yours again, Gnome. I want us to be each other's, through good and bad. You have my solemn vow.......If you make the contract with me again, I will not force you to break it."
"It... Was never truly severed," Gnome sobbed, handing their child over to Sam in order to free her hands. She grasped his shoulders and pulled herself up, pressing her lips to her long-lost lover's. She savored his flavor, distinctly familiar yet before just a faded memory. Her body grew warm under his touch and she deepened the kiss, pressing her tongue into his mouth and brushing up against his. She sought forgiveness and solitude in his arms, the moment as heated as it was tender. Gnome let out a soft moan, her eyes slowly closing as she gave herself into the joy that bubbled up in the depths of her heart.

If Sam would close his eyes, he would see gnome as he saw her last, kneeling in pain with a great many swords stuck into her body... Yet the swords withdrew and in a brilliant burst of light they vanished into the void from whence they had been summoned. The runes on their bodies visibly burned back into their skin, and finally... Gnome was once again at peace.

"I... Love you, Sam," Gnome sobbed while she still kissed him with eagerness and need.
Sam took their bundle of love into his strong arms, feeling her grip his shoulders firmly before planting her warm lips to his. She felt cold, at first anyway; however, this would soon change, as their bodies became surrounded in the green haze of natural energy. Soon, her body warmed up, their kissing reaching the passion that he remembered. He put effort from his end into this as well; his kiss would give her a potent dose of his energy, likely enough to make her whole once more. Both their robes fluttered about slightly as the energy became a vortex, encapsulating both their forms in a bright green fire.

Sam's eyes closed, watching the spectacle as the swords of light that pierced her form pulled themselves before seeming to shatter into a spectacular explosion; the light then faded, but a new sensation arose. An oddly pleasant burning sensation as the rune reappeared on his right hand, one of their high-degree contract being reformed as they exchanged energies. It was like a weight was lifted off Sam's shoulders, the burden of his error relieved from his conscious.

Tears flowed down his face as well; he had his Gnome back, and he wasn't ever going to let her go. "And I love you, my darling Gnome...." he replied as he continued to kiss her as well. Eventually they stopped, letting Sam look down at his child; a hand came up to wipe a stray tear from his eye, "Gnome.....Words alone cannot express the beauty of our daughter.." he said, the joy clearly prevalent in his words. And still she slept, not a care in the world.
"What makes her the most beautiful is the fact that she is yours," Gnome replied softly, "My only wish is that she might someday find a contractor as wonderful and loving as you."

She snuggled up against Sam, in much the same way as she used to before the entire Leviathan encounter which they both doubtless wished they could forget. By then, her tears had managed to dry up and were replaced by a distant murmur in the trees all around them. It was Dryad's song, which gently resonated through the branches and helped sooth the two lover's hearts... She was trying to help them in her own special way, it seemed.

Terra's eyes finally opened, and she looked up at her father for the first time. Her small hand reached out toward his face, grasping at his chin while happy gurgles came out of her throat. She didn't seem old enough to talk, but she certainly seemed to recognize him as her parent if her silent fondness toward him was any clue.
"If it takes me the rest of my life, I'll make sure that happens" Sam replied; though the trouble would be getting humans to come back to this planet. Unless there happened to be a stray human who, like Sam, came to not care about whether one was a monster girl or not, but judged the women based on their actions. But regardless, Sam snuggled with his lover, listening to that unforgettable melody of Dryad. "Guess she's not that mad at me anymore" Sam thought mentally, simply basking in the glow of the moment.

Sam looked down when he felt a hand grasp his chin; he smiled as eyes - more yellow than gold, but a striking resemblance nonetheless - peered up at him from the bundle of fabric. "Hello there, I'm your daddy" Sam said, his head leaning down a little and inadvertently causing some of his hair to fall over his shoulder and right into the grasping range of his little one.
Terra reached up and ran her fingers through his hair a smile spreading across her face as she giggled with joy. Gnome too felt a bit tickled at the tenderness with which he looked at his daughter, a sense of pride and thankfulness pouring into her heart, glad that she had given birth to her.

"Do you mind watching her for now? I'm pretty tired... She keeps me up all night wanting to eat," Gnome yawned, "I know its selfish of me to ask this of you, but its hard for me to stay awake even though I want to... you know."

She began to fidget a bit, hinting at her desire to "re-consummate" their contract even though at this point it was unnecessary to do so other than to feed Gnome and strengthen their bond. Their daughter remained ignorant of these undertones and simply gazed with innocent, unmitigated happiness toward her father.
Sam smiled even more as Terra's tiny little hands, his heart lepaing into his throat as his daughter giggled. Sam had always wondered what it felt like to be a parent, and now that he had the experience here, it felt great. He wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world, and he would do his damnedest to make sure that he never lost it again.

Looking up at Gnome as she asked him her favor, Sam shook his head and replied, "No, Gnome, you're not being selfish......" He obviously caught the subtle hint, because he then said, "I want you to rest up first; take as long as you need. Then we'll take care of everything else, OK?" With that, he sat down, beckoning to Gnome to come and use his body as a pillow to sleep against.
Gnome nodded and laid her head down on his chest, her left arm resting beside her while her right hand gently wove her fingers in-between his. She closed her eyes and gradually her slow, even breathing showing that she had fallen asleep. Terra was still wide awake, looking around the hollow tree with curious eyes. Everything about this world was new to her, from Dryad's soothing, mystical music to the smells and colors of the forest all around them. Thankfully, she would be able to reside with her mother inside of Sam during their journeys, although Gnome had not told him about this just yet.
Sam smiled as Gnome laid down, feeling her delicate fingers wrap around him, gently yet firmly enough as if to say "You're not leaving me ever again". His left arm came to wrap around Gnome's shoulder, whilst his right cradled Terra in her little bundle. Sam would let Gnome rest for as long as she wanted, just like he promised, then they could re-affirm their contract. He wondered if Terra could go inside him like her mother, but he would ask Gnome that when she woke up. For now, he just planted a soft kiss on her forehead and listened to her soft breathing as she dozed; he wondered what she might be dreaming about, if anything.
Terra remained a happy child for a few hours, letting her mother slumber peacefully for the time being while the pleasent resonance of the tree spirit's song continued far off in the distance. A smile spread across Gnome's lips as she dreamed, her thoughts of course being of the future, well, at least a future she would like to come to pass... She imagined the two of them building a house, growing crops, and raising Terra together in peace and tender love, revealing new adventures and falling deeper in love with each other with each passing day. She would have stayed asleep for quite a while longer, but little Terra had other plans. She began to squirm and demand attention, as she was hungry and made it no secret to anyone within hearing distance. Her little face turned as red as a ripe tomato and scrunched up as she let out a demanding cry. Gnome groaned and rubbed her eyes, rousing herself from her slumber before turning to Sam and reaching for her.

"I'll take care of this, alright?" she sighed, "She's quite the little sweetheart when she's happy, but give her a few hours and she turns into a little imp."

Gnome smiled, "but she's ours, and the most precious thing I have ever received."
Sam simply stared blankly out into the open air, his mind drifting aimlessly; here he was, a man whose initial goal was to get off this planet. Now he was on a wild goose chase to contract four Elemental Spirits - which somehow possessed tangible bodies - and confront this 'Sleeping Succubus' who, according to the Doppelganger, supposedly wasn't really sleeping. Maybe she was dormant, in a semi-hibernative state? Sam's knowledge of succubi was limited; him being a man of science, he tended to shy away from that volatile powder keg called religion.

Terra's little temper tantrum shook him of his thoughts, looking back down as she wailed; must be feeding time. Sam carefully transferred the child into Gnome's arms, saying "That's right, she's our beautiful baby girl". Sam then had a thought, "Uh, Gnome, just curious.....Can Terra go inside me with you? Or would I have to carry her on our journey?"
"She can take on a spirit form much like I can, as her existence is primarily dependent on mine. She will be able to do so until she is of age, when she will have to find her own contractor. We won't have to worry about that for quite a few years, though," Gnome replied, "She sleeps a lot as well, so its not like we will have to be constantly caring for her every need either."

Terra's crying which stopped rather abruptly signaled that her mother was tending to her before-mentioned needs at the moment, but she didn't seem hesitant to continue talking with Sam while she did so. Gnome began to gently hum a pleasant tune for her as she fed, which Dryad seemed to catch on to as the two spirit beings began to harmonize together. Once she was satisfied, she gently burped her then gave her a hug before Terra vanished, apparently to take a nap while residing in spirit form as Gnome said she would.

"Should we be off to our next adventure, then?" the timid yet strong-willed earth spirit looked up at her lover.
"That makes sense" Sam thought mentally as he conversed verbally with Gnome while she fed their child; once that was done, Sam's eyes widened as Terra seemed to vanish, but then chastised himself for being so jumpy. Gnome just explained that she could take on a spirit form, so it shouldn't have surprised him that Terra would go disappearing like that.

Sam nodded, but looked down at Gnome and replied, "But before we go, I think there's a little something we need to take care of, don't you think so, my lovely Gnome?" She would get what he was hinting at; it was the reason he suggested she sleep first. Besides, she looked like she could use the energy. Despite being fairly drained himself from the Alraune - though not as much as he could have been thanks to her nectar - he was willing to give Gnome as much as he could to help restore her.
Gnome fidgeted a bit, tenting her fingers as she looked up at Sam and smiled. She knew what he was talking about, and she felt her heart beat quicken from the mere thought of being held in his arms once again in that intimate embrace. Her cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson, her head slowly nodding.

"I want... It want it," she replied, unable to piece together more precise words. It was unnecessary, as they both had the same thought and desire, even if she could not form the exact words or phrases. She reached up and took hold of his robes, pulling herself up as her hood fell from her head as she tenderly pressed her lips to his. Her purple hair seemed to have grown longer since their last meeting, and it cascaded down her back like a waterfall.
Sam nodded, a slight grin growing across his face; he wouldn't rush right into it. He still had to help convince her to truly forgive him for abandoning her like that; even if she said that she forgave him, he wanted to express his sorrow for doing that to her. Feeling her hands upon his robes, they would soon find themselves horizontal on the ground of the hollowed-out tree, Gnome beneath his form and their lips locked in a passionate kiss.

His hands ran along her back, fingers gliding through her smooth locks. "Gnome.....I love you so much" Sam breathed out as he removed the robe to show Gnome just how much he'd changed as well. Whereas he'd been fairly skinny when they first met, his new body possessed a noticeable amount of muscle and it would seem he'd grown a few inches.......in more than one place. He quickly went to work, his fingers teasing her outer folds while his other fingers cupped her breast and massaged it, his mouth latching onto the liberated nipple and sucking gently.
Gnome moaned and squirmed lovingly under his caresses, spreading her legs wider to give him easier access to her dampening womanhood. She closed her eyes and gave herself into the moment, indulging fully in the sensations that coursed through her. Her breasts, although still small, where noticeably larger than before as he massaged her soft mounds. She reached out and ran her fingers across his toned chest and abs, relishing in his increased tone and firmness, as her hands slowly worked their way down his body. When she finally reached his manhood, she jumped, surprised at how much larger he was from the last time she had felt him. She bit her lower lip with riveted anticipation, wondering how wonderful it would feel for her to be filled and stretched by such an impressive tool. She probably wouldn't have to wait very much longer to find out.
Sam smiled lightly as Gnome's moans and motions told him how she felt; by now, they were both naked as jaybirds. He noticed that Gnome had grown as well, her body becoming more womanly than what he remembered. Well, hopefully, this moment of consummation would satsify her and replenish her energy, that was his prime objective at the moment. He felt her body jump as her delicate fingers encircled his manhood; it had been a few months but he didn't think he'd grown that much.

That was the furthest thought from his mind, however, as he stopped his ministrations on her breasts and womanhood and smiled, looking into her eyes, "Gnome......You've become even more beautiful" And it was true; though part of that could have been just from having missed her so much. "I'm going to put it in now" he then said, positioning the tip of his cock to just part her lower lips. His hips then pushed forward, himself grunting as he felt her wrap tightly around his meat. He tried to go slowly, lest he hurt her; it had been some time after all.
"S-stop that," Gnome looked away, his words of praise making her feel timid as he prepared himself to enter her, "I'm no different than before... Perhaps a little bit thinner, but that's to be expected, isn't it?"

To be honest, she was worried that he might rethink his decision upon seeing her delicate body, but as soon as his tip pressed into her, all doubts in her mind faded away. Her inner folds, as if recognizing his member, eagerly accepted him and pulled him deeper into her damp channel, clenching around him with delight. She instantly recalled the soothing pleasure of him filling and stretching her, her back arching slightly up toward him as she let out a heated moan.

"Yes... Sam..." she took hold of his shoulders to position herself more easily for him, her legs wrapping around his waist and her heels digging ever so slightly into the small of his back, "Please, I need this... Make me forget ever being lonely."

Her wide, round glistening green eyes gazed up into his, the need to feel all of his love evident in that single glance. She began to push her hips up ever so slightly, urging him to continue. She desired this more than anything else in the world, to feel close to her contractor and lover.
Sam smiled; she may have changed in body, but she hadn't in personality. Which was good, because he wanted to remember her like this. Shy, non-praise-accepting Gnome. He was glad she seemed to accept him; her tunnel seemed eager to take his shaft, feeling her inner walls clench around him so firmly. It was like she didn't want to lose him again; well, that feeling was reciprocated.

He was a bit surprised when she dug her heels into his back, but it all served to make him that much wanting of her. "I can do that for you, my darling Gnome". His golden hues met with hers as she looked up at him, the smile still crossing his features as he leaned down to kiss her passionately. His hips then began moving, gently at first to help her adjust to his new size and girth. "Gnome....." he groaned ut, breaking the kiss as he continued the gentle thrusting for a short while, slowly building up the speed and depths of his movements.
(I'm sorry its taken me so long to reply... Mostly due to Monster Girl Quest Part 2... Not only highly entertaining, but a very good source of inspiration. Lets press forward, creating an even more amazing story in the process!)

Gnome returned the tender yet passionate kiss, her demanding sex clamping down harder on his member as he built up the passion of their lovemaking. She clutched his body, almost desperately as she lovingly kissed and licked his neck and cheek. Her back arched up toward him, as if attempting to press every square inch of her body against him and taste every fiber of his being. She did nothing to hold back her voice, crying out and making her sweet pleasure known to the world.

"I love you, Sam... Please, love me, love me forever and ever," Gnome was crying tears of joy, the distantly familiar sensation proving too much for her to resist.

Her many restless nights in mourning for the loss of her lover and friend were not in vain. She was where she had wished to be for nearly four of this planet's months, which would approximately translate as five earth years. Even on the day on which she gave birth to Terra, the one thing which helped her bear the pain and sorrow was the one wish she yet clung to, a slowly fading hope that he would return to her and renew his contract with her... That the three of them could live together until the end of their days. Yet, here he was before her, giving her all the love she could have hoped for and more. The more he pleasured her body, the more she found herself unable to restrain her own strength. Her legs began to press harder into his back, pulling her hips toward him with greater speed and force than he was currently giving her.

Large green arcs began to materialize around the pair, drawing intricate patterns in the dirt around them as the earth itself rising up to form a small hill with themselves and the hallow oak at its peak. Neither of them probably noticed this, but Dryad as beginning grow concerned... Just how deeply was Gnome in love with her contractor, for her powers to spiral out of control like this? This level of bonding was rare, Dryad having never experienced such a phenomena before in her extensive lifetime...

It even drew the attention of someone whom they would have preferred to not take note of them.


High up in the forbidden realm of the Sleeping Succubus lay the limp form of Rachel. Her once long and beautiful blonde hair had turned a dull brown color, her nude form suspended by loose chains which hung from the impossibly high ceiling above her head. Her tired eyes looked up at the dominating figure before her. The full, almost sinfully curved form stood as a silhouette against the pitch-black darkness behind her. She wore a skin-tight leather suit which pressed her impressive bust forward and clung to her round hips and butt. Her eyes shone like fiery jewels from within her deceptively innocent-looking face. She had the curious, free-spirited look of a teen-aged young woman about her, but the intimidating aura for for one whom had lived for thousands upon thousands of years. Her crimson tongue slipped out from between her lips and wet them, looking over Rachel's body which she had all but perfectly memorized by now. The human woman's will appeared to be nearly broken, but she still hoarsely whispered a single word: Sam.

"Don't worry, your darling Sam will be here shortly to pick you up," the succubus knelt down and licked her cheek, soothing the pain of the lash-mark which she herself had given Rachel, "I am preparing him at this very moment for the grand reunion."

"I... I feel filthy," Rachel sobbed, "Please, just let me go."

"I'm afraid I cannot do that... You see, I wish to meet him just as much as you do, love," the succubus giggled, "He's taken a big step in making it here already. Don't worry."

She reached over and stroked Rachel's back, dwelling briefly on the tiny pair of wings which sprouted from between her shoulder-blades, "If you would just accept it, you would feel so much better."

"Soon... He will have forged himself the perfect contract," the succubus smiled, "Those are very rare... A fine spirit he has."

She licked her lips once again and stood up, leaving Rachel once again in her misery, "I wouldn't have it any other way... If he's worth my effort to tame, he needs to be as strong as possible. Otherwise, it wouldn't be any fun, now would it?"
(It's no problem....if it's bringing you inspiration, then more power to it. But yes, let's make an even more amazing story!)

Sam could feel Gnome's grip tightening around him, as if making sure that eh wouldn't disappear from her again. Well, Sam had no intention of doing that, now or ever. He and Gnome would remain together, for better or worse. He relished in her sweet kisses, returning them with passionate ones of his own as their bodies meshed together, the heat of their embrace seeming to reach new levels as their thrusts and movements grew in intensity.

"I will, Gnome; you will be mine, forever more. Nothing will tear us apart again" Sam replied.

He could hear the desperation in her cries, not surprising given the length of time that passed, though the exact magnitude would be lost on Sam. Even while he loved Vivian, he wanted to come back and make amends with Gnome; the guilt would have eaten him alive otherwise. Especially now, because he left Vivian alone down there; he would go see her again, after this ordeal was over. But right now, he focused on pleasuring Gnome, wanting her to realize that he was there for her and always would be. He was so lost in the moment he didn't even realize what was going on around him; all he felt was a tremendous surge of energy coursing through his body as his cock pounded her pussy, its length throbbing as his climax neared.

A thin vernier of sweat covered his form as he held Gnome in his arms, their hips meeting forcefully as he drove his turgid shaft into his lover. "Gnome.....I'm almost there...." he cried out, feeling the familiar tingling in his balls as they tightened, preparing themselves for the coming release of sperm into her womb. A few more moments of hard thrusting and he could take it no more; he pushed his cock deep into her, the bulbous head resting snugly inside her as his cock throbbed, pumping a huge load of cum deep inside Gnome and filling her to the brim and beyond.
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