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Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

As his member reached further into her, Vivian's heated gasps grew more insistent and labored, pausing only to return the kisses of her affectionate lover. Being pulled closer to him with his arm, she wrapped her arms around his sides and held him against herself as well. The strength in her arms was apparent, and she would hold him in place until her body received what it desired from him... A healthy dosage of his potent seed.

Her large soft breasts pressed onto his chest and propped herself up slightly as moans escaped her lips. Her cheeks were quite rosy and her skin flushed with the intensifying passion of their embrace. Her inner walls were already experimentally tightening and relaxing around him, as if teasing his length and preparing itself for his eventual release. All this was subconscious, as the way she kept enthusiastically meeting his rising hips with her own rocking motions showed that she was definitely enjoying this experience.

"Darling... Darling," she cooed softly while planing kisses on his cheeks, lips, and jaw.
Sam was quite surprised at how strong she was; not that it mattered, since he was too lost in his own bliss to particularly care. He loved the feel of her bountiful chest pressed against his, her nipples grinding lightly against his skin as she rocked her body on top of his. He could feel her womanhood squeezing him, rhythmically constricting and releasing him as her hips pressed against his own in time with his own thrusts. "V..Vivian....I'm almost there......" he breathed out, feeling the tingling in his somewhat bloated sac begin to make itself known.

Soon enough, she would get what she desired; Sam felt the jolts of pleasure beginning to course their way up his spine, his body feeling ever more alive since his unfortunate encounter with that accursed Leviathan. There was one major difference, though: He was doing this with someone who genuinely cared about his well-being and seemed to love him just the way he was, and if her sounds were any indication, what he could do to her to make her feel good.

He felt his manhood begin to pulse, the pleasure reaching near-unbearable levels. "Vivian, I......I can't hold out!" he cried as his thrusting reached a more forceful level, the head of his cock bumping against her untouched womb. Eventually he gave a final grunt and hard thrust, burying himself deep inside her as he unloaded his hot, thick, fertile seed; his hands gripped firmly on her shapely backside, holding her down as ropes of cum were pumped into her, filling her to the brim and then some.
Vivian seemed to be too lost in pleasure to make much of a coherent response to his words, the subtile twitching and pulsing of his member as he grew closer to orgasm triggering a response in her body which caused her to hold him even more firmly, as if to keep anyone else from snatching away her lover. It wasn't a painful sensation, but it certainly added to her sense of desperation and anticipation of what would soon follow. She began to feel more strength behind his thrusts, each one pressing the tip of his member against her ready and willing womb. Just as he finally reached orgasm, her body clamped down on his member, preventing any of his precious seed from leaking out. Instead, it all was channeled directly into her body, filling her with an unbelievable amount of fresh, hot semen.

She felt her body stretch slightly and tighten as she attempted to accommodate all of his seed within her, the sheer amount doubtless ensuring that she would bear at least one child as a product of their union. Her wing-like fins folded back behind her and although her breathing was still heated, she attempted to calm herself as she relaxed her grip on her lover and husband. She traced the edges of his face with her shapely fingers as she pulled herself up slightly to plant a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Thank you," she whispered, "That felt... Positively divine."
Sam grunted in surprise as Vivian's grip on him tightened; it wasn't painful, per se, but it was a definitely noticeable increase in pressure. He grunted and moaned in pleasure as her walls milked his manhood for every last drop he had to give; after they both subsided, he fell back onto the comfortable material of the bed, his chest rising and falling as he felt his lover's grip loosen gradually. That was probably one of the most intense sessions he'd ever had; knowing that he was going out tomorrow to basically stab her in the back, in his eyes, made him feel sick to his stomach. Even if she was the one who told him to do it, knowing that he would tear himself apart if he didn't learn how to spread his love equally, it still didn't make it easier.

Sam smiled as she thanked him, feeling her full lips on his in a loving, gentle kiss which he returned as well. Pulling back, his golden hues peered into that of his lovers, a look of genuine compassion in his eyes, "You...don't have to thank me, Vivian.....It was great for me too. More than great, actually......heavenly, yes, that works." He then calmed himself a bit more, caressing her face gently as he added, "I just hope that showed my gratitude to you for rescuing me." Maybe he would wait a few days before trying to learn to spread himself around; he knew, also, that getting the others to agree sharing him would be quite a chore.
"I am glad that I was able to live up to thine expectations," Vivian smiled sweetly and laid her head down on his broad chest, relaxing her soft body on his, "I was somewhat worried that our time together would not compare to what ye have already experienced... I can assure thee that I can understand something of why the others lack the desire to share thy love, for ye are as passionate and compassionate as the sea itself and as strong and firm as a pillar of stone."

She snuggled up beside him and her tail gently shifted as she positioned herself a bit more to his side, allowing him to get up or sit as opposed to laying below her if he so desired, "There is something different about thee that I could not feel before... Perhaps this is the post-coital connection I have heard so much about?"

However much she wished to keep him there with her, she knew it would be too much to ask him to abandon his quest for her own sake. She knew that she would remember and relish this time for many years to come, while raising their child of course. She desperately wished to go with him, but given that most of his journey would be on the surface where she would easily dry out, this seemed like an impractical wish.

"Darling... What should you have me name our daughter?" Vivian cast her lover a drowsy glance, feeling warm, satisfied, and full from their passionate embrace.
Sam couldn't help but blush at Vivian's compliments; he personally thought himself a complete ass for doing what he'd been doing all this time. He snickered inwardly at the - presumably unintentional - double entendre of her second complimentary statement. But he kept his mouth shut about it, instead just letting a satisfied smile creep across his face. "Believe me, Vivian, you certainly lived up to them.....I can guarantee you that." he then said as she laid beside him, his now flaccid manhood slipping out of her. She would find he was perfectly content to lay beside her as he was; it was a very comfortable position, so why would he want to move?.

"If you mean the feeling of closeness and love, then yes, that would be it" he then replied to her question about the post-coital connection; if there was one thing he found endearing about her, it was her formality in her speech. It was so old-fashioned, but at the same time, it made her extremely cute. "And I feel the same, Vivian; I love you so much, my beautiful Sea Bishop" he then added, turning onto his side and looking her in the eyes. She had such beautiful eyes, large and shimmering in the sunlight that passed through, and her smile just seemed to make her whole body light up.

He paused when she asked what she should name their daughter; that's right, she explained that it was mostly female Sea Bishops that were born from coupling with another Sea Bishop. He laid his head back and thought about it; well, he had a few that came to mind, but they were obscure mythological names that he wasn't entirely sure if she would get them. "I must say......I have absolutely no idea." Her then figured, why not give it a try; if anything, it would show that he wanted to be at least some part of his child's life, if only in helping to provide her with a name. If he survived the encounter with the Succubus, he would it make a high-priority point to come back to Vivian and see her and his daughter. "Well, on Earth, there's a Sea God by the name of Poseidon, and he had several daughters. Their names were Eirene, Aethusa and Evadne, but those are the only ones I can remember..........But, would this planet's Poseidon be offended if we were to give her one of those names?"
"I implore thee, desist from thine overflowing flattery,"Vivian giggled, placing her left hand over her pleasantly curved side. She listened intently to his response, her eyebrows slightly furrowing in confusion at his question.

"I do not see why the King would be offended, for ye see, she was given that name by the human settlers who sought to live in peace with us many years ago. As far as I know, she has little knowledge of the human homeworld known as Earth, nor of its gods or customs other than that of marriage and etiquette, which we share in common with them, " Vivian then continued to explain, "To facilitate understanding between both our own peoples as well as the humans, King Poseidon's sister, The Goddess, cast a powerful spell on the entire planet which allows us to speak to one another freely despite our difference in language. I myself speak in the ancient language of my people, the holy tongue known by only a few. It is also the only language in which the holy ceremonies and other formal proceedings may be conducted in. This is why I may sound a bit formal to thine ears..."

"To answer thine question plainly," Vivan sighed happily, "I do believe that any of those names would be both acceptable and proper. Personally, I am somewhat partial to Evadne."

The Sea Bishop looked up at the transparent dome above them, suddenly noticing that two mermaid-like monster girls were peering down at them in a curious manner before swimming off when they realized their presence had been detected. The designs of their fins and the color of their hair was quite diverse from that of the Sea Bishop as well as from each other, showing that this community at least had a rich genetic variation... at least in the past. Given the brighter coloring of the others, perhaps it could be argued that the more exotic and free-spirited mermaids tended to get more husbands than the more traditional and modest Sea Bishops.

"It seems thine presence has attracted a fair bit of attention," she murmured, mostly to herself, "I suppose this is a sign that I should make an official report to the King concerning our marriage, as well as state thy desire to present thyself before her."
Sam's head cocked slightly as Vivian explained her reasons as to why Poseidon would not find any of those names offensive; when she mentioned the King's sister 'The Goddess', he wondered if that was a label given to her by the former inhabitants of this planet in reference to Earth's 'God'. It would make sense; now that he thought about it, maybe the being that supposedly made his craft on this planet was called the 'Succubus' in reference to the demons that slept with mortal men from folklore. Now his head was swimming slightly; he then shook off the thoughts as she continued to explain the formality of her tone of speech.

"Well, I will admit I'm surprised at that; I wonder how many languages I've been speaking, hehe" he then replied humorously. Though he was sincerely taken aback that everything the women on this planet had to him had been translated to English and vice-versa for them. But that was pushed from his mind when she told him flat-out that any of the names he'd presented were good; he then gave her a peck on the cheek and said, "Evadne it is, then". He then followed her eyes to see what she'd noticed. What appeared to be two mermaids were staring down at them; however, they swam off before he could get a good look at them.

He barely caught her murmur about how he was drawing attention to them by being here; he then asked as she told out loud that she had to report to the King about their matrimony, "Did you want me to come with you? Or is it a private matter when you talk to the King?" There was no hostility or hurt about being left out of anything in his tone, merely a desire to understand how things worked.
"I think she would be delighted to see thee," Vivian laughed, "Especially since you are a human male. It is merely a formality that we have to make appointments, and it helps her keep everything straight since she is quite busy with managing affairs. Not just anyone can rule the entire ocean, after all, and there is much to do and attend to and very little time in which to do it."

She reluctantly reached for her robe, which had been tossed away quite early on in order to give her husband full access to her body, and pulled it toward her chest before slipping out of the cot and swimming over to the middle of the room. She slipped her soft, smooth arms through the sleeves of the robe and wrapped it around herself, soon followed by her fluffy bishop hat. With that accomplished she swam back over to Sam and gave him a long kiss on the lips before heading to the door.

"It shouldn't take me long," she reassured him, "Perhaps an hour or two, so feel free to look around the house or go out for a bit. Just be sure not to get lost, as the town people would likely invite ye into their homes if ye would ask for directions and I would be worried sick if ye are absent when I return. Help yourself to any food ye would like to eat if ye desire sustenance... Thy faithful handmaid will return shortly, mine beloved husband."

With that, she gave him a polite bow to excuse herself and slipped out the door...
Sam nodded as she explained the complex nature of Poseidon's position; that must be a very hard job, making sure everything in your domain is up to snuff and going as smoothly as possible. While he wasn't exactly a king of the waters or anything, being CEO, President and Founder of UniTravel Industries certainly had its challenges, and he - like Poseidon - relied on his contacts and employees to help him ensure his company was running smoothly. "Guess we're somewhat alike in that respect" he then humorously thought to himself. He knew he would have to go see Poseidon eventually, but that would be for another time.

Sam returned her kiss when she came over; she certainly was a passionate one. Most bishops he knew didn't act with such proclivity; not that he minded, for deep down he found religion to be somewhat of a joke. At least, that was his stance before he arrived here on Deseus; now that he found out magic and supernatural beings existed, he wasn't sure what to believe. He smiled when she referred to herself as his 'handmaid'; he then bade her good-bye as she left to go see her, well, boss.

For a short while, about ten minutes, he just laid there thinking. About how his world had been turned upside down after crashing on this strange, yet very beautiful, world. Everything was so bizarre; not just the fact that the species here seemed to require sex as a means of living, but this world in general. There were actual Gods, a Succubus.........he then wondered if there was a, Goddess.....of an underworld. He then shook his head, clearing the stray thoughts from his mind. His time with his lovely Vivian seemed to have rejuvenated him quite well; he wondered how many women here he'd been 'married' to. He knew he sired a lot of children, having met some of them personally. His mind flashed back to Gnome, Marina, and all the others he'd laid with; he wondered how they were doing.

He then got up and decided to look around the small dome residence; he still couldn't believe that the walls were see-through. Then again, there was likely a large amount of trust in this community; therefore, the need for personal privacy was probably minimal. He would be lying if he said it didn't make him feel a bit exposed, but given his recent adventures, he should know better. He looked over at the coral vanity; that must be a natural formation. Or at the very least, guided to grow naturally into that shape. The anemone chair made him a bit uncomfortable; he would wait until Vivian got back before sitting in it.

His stomach then rumbled; he was fairly hungry. Not surprising, he needed to refuel after such an intense love-making session. After feasting on some more of those water flowers and wine - he only ate a bit, unsure of how hard these were to come by - he then laid back on the cot. Soon enough, he began to feel restless; there was an underwater kingdom and here was just laying there. Well, he sprang to his feet, putting on the small piece of fabric left of Talbor's father's robe and fashioning it into a makeshift loincloth. If any of the merfolk here were familiar with Earth's children's stories, he would strongly resemble a particular man of the apes. He then made his way out of the house; he found that even underwater, he couldn't jump very well. Probably due to the high water pressure; but he found walking on the sea floor to be quite easy. This was insane, he thought to himself as he soon arrived at a very prestigious looking city. This must be Atlantis; his mouth hung agape, awestruck at the sight before him.
Giant stone pillars lined the roads which ran at perfect right-angles to each other, topped with glowing coral structures that acted as street lights. Small dwellings as well a enormous mansions where all huddled close together in distinct city blocks which divided the city into residential and commercial districts. The marketplace, as the center of commerce, was quite evident as it stood near the center of the city and even from this great distance Sam could see that it was teeming with people of various sorts. Most of them were mermaids, or subspecies of mermaid, but even so the vast variety when it came to appearance and dress was quite astonishing. It was a roman-style city, with not-so-typical inhabitants, as if they had found the place and merely made themselves at home within it. (which wasn't at all what had actually happened, of course, but it was similar to the feeling Sam was experiencing at the time).

As he stood overlooking the town (as Vivian's house was in fact a small villa upon a hill overlooking the main cluster of the city) it didn't take long for him to draw a fair amount of attention to himself. A few curious onlookers stopped and looked at him, as if curiously studying him from a distance. They lacked the self-confidence to approach him and initiate conversation, however until the two mermaids from before made a re-appearance. They seemed to be, apparently, two well-known ladies from the court of Poseidon which were friends of Vivian and were understandably interested in this human man which had just strolled out of her house.

"Good evening," the first one made her approach, which had long flowing blonde hair which curved about her body. Her eyes were a brilliant blue while her fins were more more numerous and elaborate than Vivian's. She wore a robe which highly resembled a roman toga, the thick cloth wrapped about her body but still somewhat revealing as it crossed her chest yet showed off a fair bit of cleavage.

"She marked you already, hasn't she?" the second one giggled, who had short brown hair and a small European artist's hat upon her head. She wore a short frilly dress which was buttoned up to her neck, giving her a more conservative yet at the same time more adventurous appearance. Her fins accented the frills and lace of her clothing, perhaps adding a bit too much to her already apparent occupation as an artisan of some sort.

"I believe so," the first one nodded in response to the second's question, then turned back to Sam to introduce herself, "I am Lady Julia, a friend of Vivian from the court of King Poseidon, and she is my good friend and companion-"

"Margret," the artist swam up and shook Sam's hand vigorously, "Its a real pleasure to meet you... I can see why Vivian is so fond of you. She has been longing after a husband for as long as either of us have known her, but mates are so rare these days they are often snatched up before she even gets a chance. The poor girl is hardly assertive."

"So, how does Vivian compare?" Julia pressed Sam for his opinion of her friend, "And by that I mean more than simply as a lover of course."
Sam quickly noticed that others were looking at him; he actually began to feel a bit intimidated. But, if the rest were anything like Vivian, then he had no reason to worry. However, he saw two mermaids in particular approach, both of which were quite beautiful-looking. He noticed a slight theme here, but didn't look too far into it; it was obvious to him why the humans that lived here referred to the city as Atlantis. He'd always heard rumors the Atlantian streets were paved with gold; however, given the fact that these people had no legs, he saw little need for streets at all, At most there would be corridors for the merfolk to traverse the city and go about their business.

He was about to greet the first one, but his voice caught in his throat as the second commented on him being 'marked'. If she meant by taken - which he knew by now to assume that - then yes, he was marked by Vivian and in turn, she was marked by him. It wasn't that he was embarrassed, just caught off-guard by the suddenness in which she posed the question. He then replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you both". Though when she commented on Vivian not being assertive, Sam couldn't help but comment in his head, "Not assertive my ass". While maybe she wasn't assertive under normal circumstances. "Well, it is her to which I owe my life; a large foul beast nearly killed me, you see. If being her husband is my way of repaying her, then I have absolutely no problem with that."

When he was asked of his opinion of Vivian, Sam sighed and rubbed the back of his head before replying, "Well, given that we've only talked to each other for about a day, I must admit I don't know everything about her. But from what I can see so far, she's a wonderful, compassionate woman." It was obvious to anyone by now that Sam had long since dropped calling the females of this planet 'monster-women'; though there were indeed still a few who deserved it. The Leviathan, the doppelganger and this Succubus; if there were others, he didn't know who they were yet.
"I presume that when you say a large foul beast, you could only be referring to the Leviathan, no?" Julia seemed surprised and at the same time compassionate and understanding, "She does indeed have the most disagreeable disposition, does she not? She is quite the polar opposite from our dear Vivian. If you could choose someone in the entire world to be indebted to, I do believe Vivian should be at the top of your list. It is quite romantic if you choose to think of it in that way."

"Even still, that was quite the move she pulled on this young male human," Margret sighed, waving her hand in the water, "I mean, look at him... He has mating marks all over him."

"I think that is due to The Leviathan," Julia rolled her eyes.

"Is that so?" Margret cocked her head to the side slightly.

"I believe so, or Vivian is quite animated in the bed, to say the least," Julia nodded.

"In any case, I do believe that she has made good progress in such a short amount of time," Margret smiled, "We should be happy for her."

"Are you planning to stay here with her and settle down?" Julia asked while turning toward Sam.
Sam looked down at his body as Margret mentioned his 'mating marks'; indeed there was some scarring and bruising over his body. They were surprisingly small, but their location was definitely in tandem with where the Leviathan, as the beast was apparently called, had placed her gargantuan hand to hold in place. He shuddered at the faint but still very much alive memory of that thing's lips on his, breathing for him as it raped him. Her words echoed in his mind: "Perhaps I could command them to eat up your precious little family when they are of age" "Take this word of wisdom with you to your grave, foolish human...Never give up what you have for what you may never get" He swore that he would protect his family from that monstrosity; well, Vivian did say that Poseidon would make the Leviathan seem like a child if she used even a fraction of her power. Maybe he could ask her to help ensure the safety of Marina's young.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he missed the small conversation Margret and Julia were having; it wasn't until Julia turned and asked if he was going to stay in this place and settle down that Sam was roused from his mind. He hesitated to answer; god, what should he say? He really hoped they weren't the vengeful friends who didn't take kindly to men they perceived to be using people they knew well. But, maybe mention of the Sleeping Succubus would help? At the least, they might take it as he was trying to stop her. Which it seemed he should do, given the much different past of this planet he'd been informed of. Well, it couldn't hurt.

"Well, as much as I would like to......I'm actually on a bit of an........." he then trailed off as he wondered what to call what he was doing? Adventure? No. Quest? No, this wasn't a computer roleplaying game or something like that. "I'm on a journey....." he then tentatively restarted before adding "to meet the Sleeping Succubus. She potentially has something I need, so I intend to go get it from her. But...Vivian and I already discussed this, and she's OK with it. Can't say I am 100%, but it has to be done." That last bit was the truth; Vivian was so nice and gentle it pained him a little to have to leave her. Then again, he felt that way about every one he'd had relations with. He wondered if he should add anything else, but found nothing else to add.
"You are making a deal with the Devil?" Julia blinked, clearly surprised, "I am impressed you have the courage to even think of such a thing, considering what she has done to the males of this entire planet. Unless you have enough power to threaten her, I really doubt she would even take such a request seriously. To her, the world is her playground and we are but her toys."

"I didn't know you were poetic," Margret giggled, "So, young human, did you go out to see the sights or were you... Hoping for something a bit more?"

The way the mermaid artist licked her lips would give anyone a clear picture of what she had in mind, but her rather intrigued expression was quickly wiped of her face by Julia who gave her a firm yet restrained smack.

"Please try to restrain yourself, Margret... We aren't brutes or animals in heat, so try to keep a stopper on it, would you?" Julia huffed, "I understand it has been quite a few years since your husband died, but please try to be a bit more considerate."

"I'm sorry," Margret mumbled, rubbing the spot where her friend's backhand and impacted her forehead, "Its a bad habit we all share to one degree or another... Perhaps you could come over to my studio and model for me sometime? Its been a while since I last had a good example of raw, masculine energy!"

It was highly likely that Sam's state of dress as well as his rather impressive aura of dominance which he exuded around himself (which was mostly due to his many and extended encounters up to that date) had a heavily influence on the mermaid, who was clearly enamored. It didn't seem to matter to her that he was already married to her friend, as belief in monogamy and faithfulness had probably worn off long ago with the gradual disappearance of the males. Even Julia did not seem particularly offended at what her friend was doing, but rather with the lack of tact in which she made her approaches. They had no intention of forcing him to do anything he did not want to, nor of coercing him to do so, but they clearly did not place the same sort of significance on the act as Vivian did, as they treated it as casually as asking someone else for a back-rub.

"Your ulterior motives are leaking out," Julia sighed, turning toward Sam, "Please do not mind her. She is still young and capricious, somewhat unable to control her curiosity when it comes to male companions. She is quite harmless... That being said, her original, untainted offer is a good one. We may give you a tour around the city if you so desire."
Sam sighed; he knew she had to be very powerful. That's why he was trying to find the four elementals; he'd had a contract with one but now he didn't have any. Though her telling him he was courageous for thinking about going to her caught him by surprise; he'd been told this before, but it still surprised. Did no one else try to deal with her? Was she really that much of a threat? Sam couldn't help but gulp a little in nervousness; he wondered if he'd be powerful enough to have her grant him an audience, even if he did manage to contract the four elementals. This sounded like it was only going to get tougher.

Sam caught the licking of Margret's lips, surprised even further at the forwardness of the woman; he'd assumed the mermaids would all be like Vivian even if they weren't Sea Bishops. Well, not exactly like Vivian - he knew they'd have their own personalities - but he expected them to have a bit of a shy streak. This one, however, was quite blatant in expressing what she wanted. He'd noticed that his build was becoming more - for a lack of a better term - like that of the classic 'Adonis'. Then, as if to surprise him further, she asked him to come model for her, indirectly calling a 'good example of raw, masculine energy'.

He couldn't help but chuckle when Julia apologized for her friend and offered to take him on a tour of the city, "Oh, don't worry about it too much; you'd be surprised how many people I have that affect. It's something I've been learning to embrace rather than push away; it's not exactly easy, but it will ease my mind if I learn to do it. But, in any case, I'd like a tour of the city very much...." He then turned to Margret and said with a slight bow of the head, "And as for you, if my body truly does inspire you, I'd be happy to model for you" He figured modeling wouldn't be considered cheating.
"Well then, we should not dilly-dally around here forever, now should we?" Margret lit up at his words, practically gleaming with delight, "The first place we should go is the marketplace, which is one of the best places in the city to meet new people, learn new things, browse good prices, and generally have a good time. It is also where I display some of my finest works!"

"The market has a long history rooted in the traditions of the city builders themselves," Julia nodded, "As you can doubtless tell, the architecture of our city is based off of designs from mankind's past but it is efficient in terms of space and the use of materials and distinct from our own unique patterns and designs which originated from our own peoples. This makes the city as a whole quite unique."

"They say that there used to be over one hundred thousand males, of both our own kind and human, living in our city at one time, but the numbers gradually dwindled," Margret sighed, "They used to say that women could afford to be somewhat picky when it came to mates. I find that highly luxurious to have such a choice..."

Neither of the two girls seemed to consider the possibility that weak males would not be able to survive the rigors of being joined with a monster girl for any length of time. Rather, they seemed to assume that all males were at least as vigorous and durable as Sam.

They approached the center of town by then, and sure enough the place was teeming with merchants of all sorts. Some were selling fine, waterproofed silks and fabrics, while others were bartering for finished dresses and shirts. A few small stalls had silver and goldsmiths selling small jewelry pieces such as necklaces and earrings. The majority of the stalls, however, were food stalls Some fish merchants were showing off their wares, which they kept live inside large nets tied to their stalls. There were tall stacks of kelp and other aquatic plant-like foodstuffs. Small sea anemones and other invertebrates where sold at another small shop beside it. Some others were selling prepared foods, which they were serving directly to waiting customers. In particular, there was a cart which was selling freshly boiled shrimp, which Marina doubtless would have appreciated. All-in-all, the market had something that virtually everyone would be interested in buying. The customers themselves seemed so interested in the goods that even Sam's presence hardly caused much of a stir.

The customers as well were quite varied, but in general the distinct species tended to keep in groups of themselves rather than freely mingling with the others. There was a small group of sea slimes which resembled jellyfish girls in pastel pinks blues and greens who slowly drifted through the crowds. They were given quite a wide birth, lest they sting someone on accident.

A troop of crab girls stood the closest to them, complete with pincers and a great many arms. Their upper bodies sprouted up from the distinctly crab-like lower body, and they dexterously handled the fabrics they were considering with their four arms apiece (not including their claws).

Some sea slug girls were engaging in a casual conversation among themselves, their mouths moving almost as slow as their hands as they made hand gestures to each other. Although they seemed quite laid back and somewhat lazy, they were among some of the most brightly colored, with vibrant oranges, purples, and neon greens accenting the frond-like protrusions from their bodies.

Similar to the one Sam met on the beach when he was hunting shrimp with Marina, there were a few clam girls who were bartering with the algae merchant. They seemed to have much milder temperaments than the one from before, and didn't so much as give Sam a second look.

Some swordfish girls stood tall near the fish merchant stalls, their firm soldier-like bearing giving them a refined look to their sleek bodies. They had sharp, pointed hair which flowed down their backs like sails, while their swords hung on belts strapped around their wide, strong hips.

Some lantern fish girls hobbled along with their distinctive little lamps hung over their heads. They were often well-endowed but wore rather drab clothing and where generally withdrawn from the others, preferring to huddle in the shadows instead of standing out of the crowds.

Above all else there were mermaids practically everywhere, of various sorts and shapes. Some wore traditional robes similar to Julia's while others wore more elaborate and flamboyant outfits which most likely gave some hint as to their individual personalities. Out of all of the species in the market, they seemed to notice Sam's presence the most and rather than approaching him they seemed somewhat intimidated by him and chattered among themselves with him as their apparent subject. None of them made any overt attempts at getting his attention, perhaps from some sort of identifying mark that Vivian had placed on him showing that he had already been claimed, or merely since they were not as bold as Vivian's two friends.

"My studio is just a little ways further, if you would like to drop by for a bit," Margret offered, seemingly unfazed by the crowds which milled about them.
Sam walked along the sandy ocean floor, still amazed at the designs of the buildings and stands, not to mention the people here. He added this to the list of things in his mind that turned his perception of life upside-down. He'd always heard tales of underwater civilizations like the one here; however, the only one he'd ever come across were a race of people that lived in the ice-covered oceans of Zurn. That was an interesting experience, considering he had to wear a specially-crafted environment suit to handle the extreme water pressure and subzero temperatures to make it down to their coral abode. Their place was nothing compared to this; and the best part was Sam didn't have to look through a computer screen this time to take it all in. His eyes - seemingly able to correct for the 'blur' in human underwater vision - admired every detail.

"This really does look like ancient Rome" Sam muttered to himself; there were stone columns, high archways, and even a building that resembled the Pantheon; its circular shape and block-style entrance were highly attributed to the ancient temple of the Gods. However, one thing he noticed: There were no statues of Poseidon herself. So either they weren't the worshiping type or Poseidon made it very clear that she wanted no statues of herself in the city, those were the immediate conclusions in Sam's mind. But he spoke nothing of it; this was not his city, so he felt it out of place to ask what he considered a touchy issue; his life he'd had to be very careful when it came to the religions and beliefs of other races, so it was natural that he clammed up about it.

But besides the buildings, the variety of species down here was something else that caught his eye. The sight of the clam girls made him edgy, his mind flashing back to the one that tried to take him from Marina. But the fact that they didn't even look at him calmed him down; in fact, there were very few - aside from the looks he'd gotten from some mermaids - that even glanced at him, something which he was thankful for. He was horribly outnumbered and it made him a bit nervous if he were being honest with himself. He was snapped out of his mind's rambling when Margret offered to take him to her studio; he then nodded and said, "Alright, lead the way". He then looked at Julia, wondering if she was coming along as well.
Margret nodded and took his hand gently in her own as she showed him down one small road to the right toward a rather elaborate and distinctly roman-looking abode. Julia gave Sam a polite nod and stood just a little ways in front of the house in order to tell him that she appreciated the gesture but would remain outside... Perhaps a part of it was that she felt as if she would be in the way.

Just inside the doorway, the hall opened into a wide coral garden that was alive with schools of brightly colored fish which swirled about the elaborate coral structures which themselves stood as sculptures of whales, important-looking persons, and inanimate objects such as jugs and various fruits. Around the central piece were sculptures made of stone, predominately marble, as well as various paintings hung on the walls. They each were pictures of male humans, posed in various ways and evidently made at different times with different models. All the pieces had names, but the titles were written in the language of "Atlantis" and were not translated by the world-wide spell, hence remaining comprehensible.

The flirtatious mermaid quickly swam over to her easel and set it up beside a short stump-like piece of coral. She patted it before turning to her canvas and beginning to pick up small vials of paint and dip her brushes into them. She mixed various tones in order to achieve the perfect color of his skin, then worked on the background of the painting while she waited for him to pose.

"I prefer a more natural feel, so just stand or sit however you feel best suits you. It will only take a short while for me to draw in the distinctive lines of your form, and after I memorize your body it will be an easy matter for me to paint you... Painting by immersion, that's what I call it," she declared.


(I'm glad you brought it up, but is there any particular species that you would like Poseidon to be? I was thinking of her as a Scylla, but she doesn't have to be. Do you have any thoughts on the matter?)
(Hmmmm.......I think a Scylla would work the best; I'm sure those eight extra appendages come in handy being the King of the Sea)

Sam merely observed everything as he was led into Margret's home; though he wondered why Julia would wait outside. He didn't think she'd get the way, but far be from him to force anything on anyone. Regardless, Sam was quite taken aback by the stunning design of Margret's home, not to mention the amazing quality of her work. He noticed the pictures of human males and the unreadable names - at least, unreadable to him, as he did not know the 'Atlantean' language; so there were males down here at one point in time as well, like Julia had said. But if this was Poseidon's domain.....then how did they disappear?

Sam's thoughts were then distracted as he watched Margret move about, getting things prepped to paint him; given the level of mastery she displayed here, Sam knew she would do a great job. "Well, if a natural feel will make look as good as you've made these others, then I'll try to be as natural as possible" he then said, complimenting her as he tried to find his 'natural' pose. Of course, he was defeating the purpose by thinking how he should stand, but it would be a short time before he figured it out and just stood there, his broad chest and distinctly masculine body facing right at her.

To others it would seem a bit stiff; however, this was how he felt in a natural setting. "How's this?" he then asked, unable to help himself, to see if this would be satisfactory. He could feel the loincloth shifting in the gentle currents that ran through the house; he was just glad he tied it properly, else Margret would get a very good view of the thing that drove the monster girls crazy on the surface.
"Its wonderful, Darling," Margret giggled, only briefly pausing to look over his form before continuing her work. She kept taking momentary peers at him between strokes, and after some time his shape began to form itself into the canvas. She would also briefly swim over to him and press her fingertips onto his body on occasion as if to cement a reference point into her mind before adding distinct features such as the arrangement of his facial structures or the way his body cast shadows. Finally satisfied with the base of her painting, she signaled to Sam that she was finished.

The mermaid then swam over to him and gave him an affectionate hug, "I can certainly understand why Vivian is so fond of you... To me, every man is a work of art but you alone have captured the essence of what makes human men so other-worldly. Even with all of my skill I doubt I will be able to fully express it, for any representation will always come short of your eminence."

Her hands began to trace down his body in a slightly teasing manner as a giggle escaped her lips. She opened her mouth to speak when she suddenly felt a cold chill run down her spine and she slowly turned toward the door of her studio to discover that Vivian was standing just inside the doorway with a slightly irritated look on her face.

"I... Um... He was just modeling for me, its not his fault alright?" Margret hid behind one of her sculptures.

"I am not upset," Vivian sighed, "I know that ye suffer from the bonds of lonesomeness since thine husband passed away a full fifty years ago from today. I do sympathize with thee, mine good friend, but would remind thee that he is married to me and not to thee."

"I really miss him..." Margret moaned, "Why can't you just share this one with me?"

"In any case," Vivian decided against making an issue out of that matter, "The King has scheduled our meeting for tomorrow morning, which was the earliest time slot she had at her disposal. She wishes to discuss a great many things with the, not the least of which being your desire to go before The Succubus herself."
Sam just stood still in his pose the entire time she painted his form; he did his best to hold back small giggles as she pressed her finger against him from time to time, as she unwittingly pressed against one of his ticklish spots. He had a distinct, strange urge to strike a pose and flex his newly-acquired muscles; he still wasn't entirely sure what had made him turn into such a physically different person, but had the notion that the constant physical exertion from sexual intercourse had a large hand in it. But he behaved himself and held the pose he had until Margret told him it was finished.

Sam smiled as she laid the compliments on thickly - at least he assumed that they were compliments. But given how she said that even her skill likely wouldn't be enough to capture his eminence, he felt he was right in assuming that. He flushed as her hands roamed his body, feeling those slender fingers dance across his toned physique. He started to worry that she might be trying to seduce him; however, any thoughts of that were shut out when Vivian suddenly appeared at the doorway.

He held his hands up defensively, showing he was innocent. "V..Vivian...This isn't...." he then started to say, but herd Margret come to his defense when she retreated. Sam relaxed a little, glad that Vivian seemed more irritated with her friend than with him. He frowned when Margret asked if Vivian could share him with her; so much for respecting the will of their partners. "That sounds good, but before I leave..." Sam then said as he went over and hugged Margret.

"Margret......Look, I can tell you're a great gal......but being with me would only end in heartache." he then said, wondering if he should go any further. He realized that it would be best to do so since his statement invited further questioning, "The fact is, I can't stay here....There are places I have to be....Vivian and I already discussed this, but I feel bad enough to have to leave her. I already broke a lot of hearts during my stay on this planet, I don't really think I can handle breaking any more. But, I''m sure things will work out; you're a charming woman, I'm sure you can find a man who will love you forever." He realized by now that he would be adding - at an ideal minimum - three more hearts to that list, since he had to contract three more elementals. Life sucked, but he found that brooding wouldn't solve any problems either, so he just sucked it up as best he could and moved on with his goal.
"Oh, that's alright," Margret sighed and gently pushed away from the hug, "I understand where you are coming from... My husband was a lot like you, and would only make love to me no matter how many younger and prettier girls asked him to. He was as faithful as a Labrador and as resilient as a block of granite. Try as I might, I doubt I will find a man quite like him again, even if men were as plentiful as they once were... Could you at least promise me this much: if you ever meet another young gentlemen such as yourself on your journeys, could you send him my way?"

The artist smiled sweetly and ruffled Sam's hair in a friendly manner before letting him go. Vivian shrugged and took Sam's arm in hers, leading him gently along with her back out of the studio. Julia was still standing outside when the two of them stepped out, and she merely gave them a polite nod as they passed.
"Of course, Margret" he replied; he could do that much at least. He still felt bad for Margret; she seemed like such a nice person. The funny part was, he did know someone like that; however, he was likely taken prisoner by one of the batgirls now, so he didn't see any chance of him being able to be Margret's mate. He then felt Vivian wrap an arm around his and gently take him away. Sam bowed his head in return, saying "Thanks for the tour".

When they were further enough from Margret and Julia, Sam looked down and Vivian and said, "Sorry if I worried you, darling. Margret's offer seemed innocent enough." But soon enough they reached their house; tomorrow morning would come soon enough and Sam was feeling a bit frisky. He then pulled Vivian into his strong arms and looked down at her once more with an oddly charming smile, "Let me show you just how sorry I am, my beloved Vivian."
"I-Its alright, I'm not upset... I mean, I was the one who told thee that ye should give up monogamy, was I not? Besides, ye didn't actually do anything, and what purpose is there to become upset about something that did not even happen?" Vivian blushed, feeling a bit foolish for having acted possessive over him. She remained conspicuously silent until he drew her into a warm embrace.

"Darling..." her eyes slightly narrowed, gleaming with anticipation and joy as she pressed herself against him, "We really should not... What would happen if ye were too fatigued to attend the meeting? That would be quite disappointing for the King, would it not?"

Vivian was merely playing with him, as her body language was obviously urging him on, to take what he desired as she would freely accept his every desire. She clasped her hands over his cheeks and pulled herself up slightly, rubbing her body across his toned chest as she did so, and captured his lips with her own. They were hardly even through the door and she was already enthusiastically accepting his offer to make love once again...
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