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The Slenderman (Horror/Sexual RP, PM to join)

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Dr. Nibbles

Oct 20, 2011
Your Pants
Alex breathed hard, her heart pounding in her chest and her masquera running down her face from the dread-induced tears. She held her camera tightly in her grip and ran through the dark Michigan backwoods. She should have never began this stupid investigation, now she was going to pay with her life.

She reached the old abbandoned hospital on the outskirts of the woods. She ran through the dark, burned out hallways, her camera's light the only light she had. The rubble on the floor forcied her to lose her footing, but she quickly regained it. Her terror did not give her the oppertunity to fall and let what etheral being was chasing her catch her.

Alex turned a corner and and pressed her back hard to the wall. She looked down the corridor she was in, blackness. She then turned the corner slowly and looked to see if it was still following her. At first, only blackness answered her, but before any hope could be gained the leg of a suited man turned the corner slowly, his limbs unnatrually long. She snapped back, not wanting to see the thing that stalked her. She turned down the hall and noticed a door not to far away. She slowly slid her back along the wall untill she reached the opening. When she reached the doorway she dropped the still recording camera and pushed the rusted metal door shut with all her might.

she looked around the room and found an old table and gurney. She quickly ran over and pushed both of them up, flat up against the door before grabbing her camera and pointing it on her self. Tears streamed down her pretty face, her nose red from the cold air outside and her eyes bloodshot from a combination of stress and fear. Her eyes met the looked deep into the camera, and she cleared her throat for her last words.

"My name is Alex Roth." she began her voice choked up "This is my last entry. If you see this, then don't look for me. Dont file a missing persons report, and never come to Sonya Woods. If you do, it-"

The audio began to have static interference at the same time that the metal door behind her pounded with a serious of grim thuds before it was slowly pushed open, causing the gurney and table to move slowly. Alex threw her back to it and pushed with all her might before continuing.

"If you do, it will hunt you. It will not stop until it finds you, and when it does..." the door was dented from the other side as her assailant smashed against it with superhuman force, causing her to burst into to tears. She cried on camera for several seconds as the attacker beat furiously against the metal door. "If it does it will kill you!"

Alex sobbed and let the camera lower a little. Her head fell onto her knees as she cried uncontrolably over the sound of metal being pounded against with brute force.

Suddenly it stopped and the light crunch of dress shoes against rubble could be heard fading away. She stood up and looked at the door, her hand lossening her grip on the camera. Suddenly the video became distorted and a loud droning noise took over the sound. Then they both came back and the door burst open tossing her the camera and the furniture about. The video was extremely distorted. Alex screamed in terror pleading for mercy. Then the droning noise returned, cancelling out all other sound. Then the picture went black and the sound continued until the end of the tape.


"That's bullshit." said Tom cynically as the youtube video finally ended. "No one in their right mind would hold on to a camera that long when being chased. Its just like the blair witch project and cloverfield. And here I thought there was Slenderman proof."

Tom scoffed at the obviously faked video and smiled at his girlfriend sitting next to him. She sat nervously, biting at her nails.

"Oh come on babe that doesnt really bother you does it?" he said wrapping his arm around her.
Jessica sat watching the video, gripping her jeans nervously and bouncing her knee like she always did when she was afraid. Her emerald eyes widened in terror as the video became distorted, the woman begging for mercy. She had completely forgotten about her boyfriend beside her. When it was over, she realized she was nibbling on her nails, her eyes wide as she stared at the blank video screen, as if Slenderman were going to jump out and attack her right there.

She jumped when her boyfriend wrapped her arm around her. She bit her lip and shook her head. "N-No, not at all," she said, smiling and leaning against him. She smiled quietly and giggled. "You know me." She hated horror movies, and he knew that. She grabbed his hand and squeezed. "At least I have some common sense. I don't think you could pay me enough to even try to go do that."
"I dont know. I'd probably be willing to do that." Tom said "And you might have to pay me in something other than money."

He smiled at her and kissed her deeply, his tongue dancing around hers. After several minutes of this intense kissing, his hand traced down into her pants. His hand began to gingerly rub her womanhood through her panties, soaking them in the process. He stopped kissing her and looked her in the eye, still slowly rubbing her. He smiled at her and pulled his hand out of her pants, kissing her again.

"I wish your parents werent home." he frowned "Its been forever since we've had sex."
Jessica smiled and let her lips part so his tongue could slip in. Her own tongue battled against his, teasing him and licking his lips as she held onto him. She smiled and blushed actively, wishing she could do this forever. How could she have been so lucky as to get a guy like her Tom?

His hand slipped into her pants, and she jumped, giggling into the kiss as he began to rub her actively, just like he knew she liked it. Soon, her desires had made themselves known. She was soaked through, her warm juices dripping into her panties. She pulled back, panting slightly.

"Well, they won't be home tonight. They're going out to a party," she murmured. She smiled up at him and kissed him. "And you know they don't care if you're here." That was a running joke between them. Her parents didn't even know Tom was there now. "I miss our good times."
"I miss them too baby." Tom said, his coppery eyes beaming as he admired her beauty, his short dirty blonde hair always looked messy but some bit of that was attractive to Jessica. Things had been rough with them since Jessica's parents caught them in the act. They just ungrounded her, but Tom was still banned from the house, so they rarely got to spend true time alone anymore, let alone have sex.

"I miss the way your body looks, gleaming with sweat. I missed the look in your eyes when we made love. And most of all," he ran his hand through her soft hair "I miss being with you."

He leaned in and kissed her deeply. "I love you, Jess." it was the first time he'd ever said it to her, or any girl forthat matter.
Jessica smiled, brushing red hair out of her face. She leaned in and kissed him as well, sighing quietly. She listened to his soft, soothing voice, and she had to smile. He made her so happy. If her parents found him in here, they would be ticked beyond reason. She had to wait for them to leave before Tom could come out of her room.

"I bet you say that to a lot of girls," she teased, her voice gentle and soft. She stiffened against his body when she heard footsteps coming down the hall. Quickly, she urged him under her bed, and she changed the computer browser to Facebook.

Her dad knocked on the door before opening. "Dinner's on the counter, sweetie. We're leaving now."

Jessica turned and smiled. "Bye!" She waited until she heard the garage door and saw the car leave, her parents seated in front, before she gave Tom the all clear signal. "Now, where were we?"
Tom smiled and quickly threw her onto the bed and jumped ontop of her with reckless abandon. He laughed, smiling at her, then began kissing her, his tongue caressing her own.

He held her close, slowly kissing from her mouth to her neck. He bit down and began sucking, allowing his hand to slide into her pants, under her panties this time. His finger rotated on her clit, making her even wetter than before. He kissed her some more while unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her soft clevage. His fingers found the folds of her pussy and began massaging and spreading them, as if they had a mind of their own.
Jessica laughed as he easily tossed her onto the bed. She looked up at him and giggled, kissing him back. She wrapped her fingers in his hair, her tongue dancing along his. When he kissed her neck, she giggled and squirmed, shaking her head. "You know I'm ticklish on my neck!" She felt his hand slide down into her pants, starting to play with her clit. She groaned and shut her eyes, running her hands along his body as he teased her. "Tom..." she breathed quietly. She smiled and kept kissing him. "This feels so good."
His fingers spread her womanhood, allowing the two middle ones to pass through. He plunged his fingers deep inside her, wiggling them around quickly and sporatically, feeling every inch of her wet insides.

He kissed her neck again and massaged her breast, playing with her nipples through her shirt. Tom kissed her from the nape of her neck to her chin then back to her soft lips. He tongue danced with her own in lustful harmony.
Jessica moaned as he pushed his fingers into her tight passage. She shivered with desire, shutting her eyes and gripping his hair as she ran her fingers down his back, and through his hair. She felt him wiggle his fingers, and she groaned and nodded. "That feels so good," she murmured desirably. She could feel him feeling every bit of her moist inner cavern.

When he kissed her, she smiled and ran a hand through his hair. She moaned and shook her head. She giggled as he kissed all along her neck, making her shiver. "Stooop," she groaned, laughing and squirming beneath him. He knew she was ticklish on her neck. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. "I love you."
He smiled back, caressing her face. He kissed her deeply, with more passion then before. He backed away and looked deep into her eyes.

"I love you, too." He said sweetly, his hand coming out of her pants and unbuttoning them. He slowly pulled her pants off and began kissing her thighs as he came back up. He pulled her soaked panties off and began kissing the wet lips of her womanhood before plunging his tongue inside the tight crevasse. He grabbed her ass tight and began sucking hard, swallowing her the cascade of juices pouring from her.
Bri jogged along through the woods near her house, just as she did nearly every day after school. The crisp Autumn leaves, piled upon the ground in yellow and orange piles, crunched beneath her feet as she ran. The sounds of her footfalls and breathing, and the faint whistle of wind through the trees' naked boughs, were the only sounds she could hear.

It was starting to get a bit late for a tired girl to be in the woods alone, she thought, so she turned around and jogged back home. She wasn't wearing much more than a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of compression shorts- the skin-tight, black shorts worn by runners and bicyclists, and she didn't have any clean sports bras, so she'd been forced to wear a normal bra instead. As such, the large, soft mounds of her bosom bobbed more noticeably than usual as she went, and she was eager to get back home without too many people seeing her.

"I'm home!" she called, entering the house and pulling off her shoes. Her mother wasn't home yet, but her dad was in the kitchen cooking something.

"Welcome back", her father called, "I'm just fixing some stir fry, should be done in a minute; mom's teaching tonight, so she'll be back late."

Bri licked her lips; between P.E. and her daily run she was tired and felt famished. "I'm gonna take a shower, 'kay?" she replied, dashing up the stairs to her room without waiting for any kind of reply from her dad and picking out some clean pajamas. She stripped off her sweaty clothes and hopped in the shower.
Bri, an innocent, and niave little girl jogged in her appealing exercise garb by the edge of the forest she had lived by allmost all her life. As she past the spindly black trees gave a whistle of the winds. Each tree unremarkable from the other, except on tree, it stood on two thin trunks which met into a large mass, its branches extended like spinners legs. It had been there for a while, amungst the autumn trees, so the leaves had gathered on its thin mass. But as Bri-beatuiful Bri-passed by it. It turned to admire her.
Jessica moaned and giggled as he teased her before his tongue reached her precious slit and slid in. She shivered with desire. She missed these sessions so much. Ever since her parents had caught her, they'd made her wear conservative clothes, they'd grounded her from the computer and her iPod, and she couldn't have Tom over. She couldn't wait for the end of the week, when she was supposed to get the steady access of the computer and iPod back. She'd only been able to use the computer without question today because she had a report to do.

"I miss this. I wish we could do this more."
He leaned upand kissedher deeply, pulling his own pants down in the process. Tom pulled out his member and rubbed the hard tip against the wet folds of her pussy.

"Maybe we can." he said, pushing the tip into his tight folds of his recently deflowered girlfriend.
Jessica groaned when he began to push in. She smiled and looked up at him. "How can we? You're not supposed to be here and I'm not supposed to leave for several more days. My parents won't be out every night." She began to pant and groan as they made love in her bedroom.
Bri emerged from her steamy shower feeling a bit refreshed; at the very least she was no longer sticky and grimy from the day's sweat. She wiped her nude, dripping body down with a fluffy towel and pulled on a matching pair of comfortable pink pajamas, before heading back downstairs.

Her father had set out a plate for her at the dining room table, and had already started eating. "I'm gonna eat in my room tonight, 'kay?" she said, already picking up the plate of stir-fried vegetables and meat. It smelled delicious; her father was at least as good at cooking as her mom, so she always liked when he made dinner.

"Fine by me, just don't make a mess." He replied, after another mouthful. "Got a lot of schoolwork to do or something?"

"Somethin' like that," she said, grabbing a pair of chopsticks and taking the food up to her room. Really she was just more interested in screwing around on the internet than sitting and making awkward dinner conversation with her dad. She sat at her desk and booted up her desktop, scooping up bites of her dinner as she waited. Logging into her email, she saw something that looked particularly interesting; one of her friends had sent her some new viral video. Being the daughter of a philosophy teacher, Bri was naturally much more skeptical than most teenage girls, and she certainly didn't believe in a fairy tale like the 'Slenderman'. Still, something about this video in particular made her shudder briefly.

She had a general idea of where the old hospital in the video was, and thoughts of doing a little investigation of her own began to fill her mind. She opened a new tab to listen to some music on Youtube while she read through the rest of her email, all boring, and finished dinner.
Tom didnt reply, he wasnt one for talking during sex. He thrusted faster, casuing Jessica to moan in pain and pleasure as he slowly stretched his tight lover. He kissed her and sped up, going faster and faster. His tongue thrust deep into her mouth as he went harder than he ever had before. He dug his nails into her back and moaned into the deep kiss. He sat up and pulled her closer by her ass, his member slamming deep inside her. He moaned as he went as fast as he could.

"Baby..." he moan "Jessie, Im gonna... I'm..."

He didnt have time finish his sentence before she felt the warm, milky fluid pour inside her. In a panic he pulled out, spraying hot, white cum onto her beautiful, golden legs.

"Sorry baby." he leaned in and kissed her, panting heavily "Guess I got carried away."
"This is my last entry. If you see this, then don't look for me. Dont file a missing persons report, and never come to Sonya Woods. If you do, it-"[/i

Static started to interfer with the video as the girl tried to continue talking. Raising an eyebrow the male at the computer raised an eyebrow. He knew of Sonya Woods, a place familer to himself and his friends since they constantly went inside to hang out. They even had a hideout there up in some trees that sometimes they stayed out. Letting out a long trail of smoke from his ciggarett he continued to watch the video.

"If you do, it will hunt you. It will not stop until it finds you, and when it does..."

There was crashing and from the views that were provided it seemed that the door was being dented from the other side. The girl started to cry for a long few seconds before she spoke again.

"If it does it will kill you!"

Finally the camera was dropped and the girl started to cry again before long there were sounds of dress shoes on rubble then it ended. Dragging the window that the video was on he pulled up a live chat with one of his friends, wating to them to answer. Before long said friend came up on his screen.

"Did you watch the video Matt?" he asked. Matt nodded and put out his cancer stick before pulling his leg up close to his chest, listening to his friend as he went on about the video.

"So do you think you can clean it up? I know that you're good with that kind of thing and cameras so I figured you'd be the best person to do so," his friend asked.

"Yeah I can try. I'll have to download it but really I'd have to see what kind of camera she was using to be able to tell what exactly was up with her camera. If this is really a video of that Slenderman guy you keep talking about we'll find out. But I'll see what I can do without knowing the camera," Matt told him as he pushed his dyed red hair out of his face. His friend grinned widely and thanked him before signing off the computer. Matt looked at the video and clicked the download button before reaching for his pack of ciggeretts. His younger brothers had drawn all over his pack like they always did, trying to get him to stop. It never worked but he did find it cute and amusing. Opening the package he frowned slightly, taknig notice to the fact he had smoked his last one.

"Great," he groumbled as he stood up and pulled on some jeans and his shoes. Grabbing both his jacket and wallet he headed downstairs, not saying anything to his mother since she was sleeping on the couch and his brothers were at a friend's house. As soon as he got outside he looked around, stopping his glance at the direction of the woods. Past that was the store so if he wanted he could do through there and get to the store then home faster. Deciding that it was probably better he started to make his way to the store through the woods he had just watched a video about saying not to go in. It wasn't like he believed in Slenderman. He had no proof so why believe in something. The videos were all probably fake so why the hell not bother listening to them?
Matt was too busy thinking about the Slenderman video that he had just watched to notice the obvious man across the road watching him. He watched him with interest.

A boy with red hair walking into the woods? Had he seen the video. No? Perhaps he is stupid? Or maybe ignorant? No. Perhaps not. Perhaps so. such a strange haircolor? Perhaps he's a daredeviling thrillseeker? Perhaps. He'll find him appitizing. He'll want him. I should help? Maybe. He'll run. Run deeper? Into his home? Have I waited too long. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Follow him? Yes I think I will? Perhaps.

The man pulled his grey hoodie tight so no one could see his head, and he wandered into the woods shortly after the boy entered. The man stopped, looked up at the woods and around at all the trees. He saw one inparticular that made him break into a sprint.

"No." roared the hooded man in defiance "Not this boy!"
Matt was to busy thinking of what he was going to do to the video to notice that he was being followed. He could do some cleaning but really the camera type would help him out a bit in trying to figure out what made the camera so staticy. He'd have to go through and watch the other videos to see if the girl got a frame with her and her camera in it before. Great that'd waste about six or seven of his hours. Entering the woods he thought nothing of the man following him, only focused on his own store mission.

Upon hearing someone roar something he stopped and turned around to see who it was. Only to see a hooded figure sprinting right at him. Standing there he rubbed the bridge of his nose and waited for the other to get close before moving to the side to get out of the man's way.

"Great, it's late and I've already got someone running at me. Does this really have to happen almost every time I enter the woods?" he questioned as he turned to look at the hooded being. Calling the guy crazy in Russian he shook his head, green eyes displaying their unamusement.
The hooded man tripped and rolled down hill a few times, surpassing Matt. It was dark and when the hooded man stood Matt could only see that he had a porcelean dollface mask on. The masked man looked around the woods trying to find Matt, but his vision was blurred and matt was obscured by trees. All the hooded man could do was continue in his original diirection, praying he wasn't too late.

On the other end of the woods however, the eerie tree moved, as if amuzed at the masked man's performance, and crept away into the shadows.
It took almost all of Matt not to fall down and start laughing as the other rolled down the hill past him. Completely amused he continued to walk down the path to both see where the man had landed and to make sure he was okay. It was the least he could do since the otehr seemed to have gone rolling down the hill past him. Looking around he found that it was hard to tell where the guy was with the night sky and the trees. So he pulled out his phone and clicked a button to make his phone light up.

"Hey! Hoodie guy? Where the hell are you?" he called as he continued down the path.
Out of the corner of Matt's eye he saw a shadow run across his peripheral vision. Its eerie pressence sent a chill down his spine, as it did not make the normal sounds of crunching leaves. It made, odd sounds. Sounds that Matt could not place to anything logical.


Bri's phone rang, causing her to jump suddenly. Most of her friends were online or only texted her. Who could be calling? She looked at her cell phone and saw it was an Unknown number.
Matt continued to walk, giving up on finding the hooded guy. Thinking he saw a shadow though he turned to where it had been and frowned to himself. The normal sounds of crunching leaves couldn't be heard but it did seem like something that was not normal. Deciding to shrug it off he picked up his pace a little, deciding all he really needed was a smoke or two to make his way home.
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