

Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was a cool night, a thick fog obscured the ground from and hid a lanky figure climbing up a tall wall into an even taller house. The figure was headed for the third floor window, which was hanging open to invite the night air, and invite the unwanted visitor. The person struck a familiar figure, emerald eyes that glowed in the moonlight, as if they where set aflame, black hair that would have been impossibly messy had it been cropped short, was instead tangled in strangled messy tangles that fell to his shoulders. A familiar shock of a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt marked him as the would be famous Harry Potter.

Unfortunately, this young man, did not know he was Harry Potter, in fact he did not even know he was a wizard. Fourteen years ago Voldemort went into the Potter home, and everything after that was very different. As far as anyone knew Harry potter died, and the little one year old had been left to die on the streets. But he had not died, he had been picked up by a young man who called himself Nightshade. He took Harry in and renamed the young man Viper, and taught him how to make a living in the streets of London, whoring and stealing, Viper was one of the greatest success stories in Nightshades small gang.

Now Viper was scaling a wall that had no nooks and crannies, as smooth as marble. Something that should have been impossible, Harry didn't care to ponder how he managed to climb up a wall that none of the others would have been capable of. Harry had always been able to do strange things, like the talking to the snakes, which was why he was called Viper. He smirked a little as he peeked his eyes over the window sill, checking to make sure that there was no one inside before he slipped into the room as effortlessly as the snake in which he was named.

He glanced around the room, it looked like a bedroom, a perfect place to start his search. He immediately slinked over tot he dresser and slid it open, digging through the clothes before narrowing his eyes. “ gems in this room.” he muttered softly, licking his lips a little as he slunk out into the hallway, following the inner little 'tug' that told him where the most precious jewels where. This house would keep him well fed and off the 'pervert list' for some time, he just had to get them, and leave before anyone realized he was in the house. How was he to know silent alarms had already alerted the entire house to his presence, and that he was not in a house of muggles, but wizards?
Marvos Sharazai cursed silently to himself as he raised his wand, panting slightly with the effort. Damn Malfoy for being his father's son, and a brilliant duelist. Despite being one of his good friends, he didn't prefer losing to anyone, espicially when he knew Draco wouldn't be letting him forget about it anytime soon. Snarling silently as raised his wand and tossed a curse back, amused as the malfoy heir's shield shattered.

Of course, it was in that moment between one curse and the next, that his attention was pulled away. Hearing the silent alarm, or at least silent to whoever was breaking in, he turned his head to try to figure out where the breakin artist was. "BLOODY HELL DRACO!"He yelled as the stinging hex whizzed by his ear, making his whole face tingle."Draco, someone's here."He growled holding up his hands to make sure his friend knew that he wasn't cursing him back.

looking at the two friends, it was no wonder why the whole of hogwarts found the two slytherins captivating. Dark as Draco was light, pale with sunkissed skin Marvos Sharazai was beautiful, almost femininely beautiful. BLue black hair gleamed in rippling waves as the strands fell around his face, just enough to fall slightly into his face. Skin that was decorated with small old scars that lent a mysterious that only draco knew, and probably would be the only one to ever know.

"Come on."He growled as he got off the dueling platform, heading for the door. Wondering who in their right mind could be stupid enough to break into Malfoy Manor, even if Lucius wasn't here, it was protected by him draco and centuries worth of dark wizard's traps. It was just a accident waiting to happen
Draco laughed as the stinging hex barley missed his friend and sent another to sting Marvos's fingers. “oh come on Marvos you just don't want to lose. You know that the Manor traps will catch whoever it is.” he complained rolling his eyes. “no one has ever broken into here and gotten more than three rooms in....” he paused for a moment when his mothers personal wards went off, they where set to alert to strangers, because she had the most gems and jewelry, as well as some very nasty dark arts items that would vanish when the wards went off, to keep the Aurors from finding them. “shit, it must be those blasted Aurors again.” Draco growled, holstering his wand and stalking out of the room, heading straight for his mothers room and pausing.

For a moment, no one was there, and then a flicker of motion right in front of them revealed that someone was under an invisibility spell or a notice me not. It was definitely not an Auror. It was a young, ratty looking boy man. The green eyed demon had no less than twelve of Narcissa's most expensive necklaces hanging around his neck, five bracelets on each wrist and a very nice, stolen earring hanging off the single 'punch hole' in his ear. He had one of Narcissa's most expensive rings on each finger, it looked ridiculous really but when the boy turned Draco gasped in amazement.

The emerald green eyes where blazing with power, like emerald flames flickering in the gloomy lighting. Draco thought that this Viper, was completely gorgeous and he was very pretty, despite being rather filthy from living on the streets. “stop, put those down this instant.” Draco demanded, raising his wand, Viper only smirking at them, as if he was telling some cruel, yet very funny joke before he spun, and began to ran, Draco cursing loudly as he watched the emerald eyed thief head right for the window. Three stories up, and it was clear that the thief was intending on leaping out through the glass into thin air. Just as his feet left the ground, Draco flicked his wand again, hanging Viper in the air like a puppet.

Now Viper knew many things, he was not a stupid boy. He knew he could do very strange things. He could climb any wall, bypass any security system, he could go unseen, even standing right in front of someone and stealing the rings right off their fingers. He knew when he jumped from high places he would descend at a quick, but slowing rate until he lightly touched the ground as if he had only jumped from two or four feet up. He also knew these things only happened when he wanted them to, so when he found himself hanging in thin air for no reason, he knew it was the fault of the blond standing behind him. “let me down!” Viper demanded, unleashing a torrent of hisses, the two would recognize it immediately as Parseltongue, from their short times with Voldemort. “filthy freaks put me down this instant!” he knew he was the pot calling the kettle black, but he was feeling very unnerved right then, and they where completely ignoring his amazing 'see through me' abilities. he wasn't sure what to make of anything, and for the first time, Viper feared a punishment.
Marvos shuddered a little as he followed his friend into Narcissa's room, tilting his head back to look at the beautiful boy Draco had trapped. Shuddering a little at the hissing noises he cast a silencing charm before looking at Draco."Could....he... have sent him?"he asked, without asking if voldemort could have sent him for a reason. After all, it wasn't often one found a light wizard with parseltongue as a talent. Rubbing his arms a little he walked closer careful to stay out of kicking range as he summoned the jewelry off the boy, piling it on the bed as he looked at Draco.

"You know, you are never allowed saying your bored.when you do, crap like this happens."he said growling a little as he stared at the jewelry. Despite the annoyances that this would cause, it was interesting that a seemingly muggle child got in this far to the manor without killing himself. Surely there was more to him then the street urchin.
Viper let out more hissing sounds as he struggled and flailed in midair, trying to get away and falling limp with a sour expression as he realized that his usual 'tricks' weren't working. Usually when he ordered someone to do something in the snake language they obeyed, but these two where completely ignoring him. He decided they where idiots, and snarled when the jewelry was pulled off of him. “hey! Dammit I stole those fair and square steal your own!” he complained diving after the jewelry and freezing when he felt Draco's wand pressing against his neck, before pausing looking confused. “...a stick?... you have... a stick... what are you gonna do poke my eye out!?” Harry demanded slapping the wand away from him. “god you can't even do damage with some thing like that what are you stupid?” “... I would say that 'He' did not send this person.” Draco decided looking amused as he shook his head a little. “this looks like a common muggle.” “hey! You watch your tongue!” Harry bitched before pausing. “actually, I'm not familiar with that term, whats it mean specifically?”

“he's awful mouthy.” Draco complained gripping Viper's chin and examining his face, the urchin scowling a little. “hey! You can look but touching costs you!” “...a whore?” “that's Rent boy to you buddy.” Harry bitched slapping at Draco's hand. “look either beat the shit out of me or give me the gems back and let me go.” Harry demanded, his eyes narrowed as he examined them for a moment before he smirked and reached out and grabbed Draco by the hair, holding a knife to the blonds neck. “now back off or I'll slit his throat.” Viper demanded of Marvos, baring his teeth at the other as Draco blinked. “Marvos... this thing is threatening me!” Draco complained Harry looking annoyed. “you people are supposed to FEAR ME damn you! This is a KNIFE! It HURTS! It makes you BLEED you stupid bitch!” Harry complained, throwing a very small temper tantrum, Draco lifting his eyebrow as if he wasn't quite sure that Harry was all that sane.
Marvos leaned back on his heels as he studied his fingernails, looking insulted and amused all at once."I SHOULD let him slit your throat for being that careless.Really malfoy, your father would be ashamed to know a muggle got the better of you."He said shifting a little as he flicked his wand summoning the knife to his hand, studying the blade with a detatched amusement. as much as he felt, as much as he liked draco, Marvos Sharazari suffered from a borderline psychopathic personality, which robbed him of his anger or any strong emotions. "Is that better Draco dear?"He said looking at his friend, knowing Draco was annoyed. But really, he enjoyed driving his frined insane some days.
Draco scowled at Marvos, Viper yelping in astonishment as he found his knife missing, released Draco to stare at his fingers, glance at the knife and then back at his fingers before he flicked his wrist at his knife, summoning it back to himself, the knife leaping out of Marvos's fingers into his own, just like he had done to Viper. “you can do strange things too.” the little thief accused, looking Marvos over, looking curious now, ignoring the pretties and the money laying well within arm reach, in favor of finding out more about his specialness. “are you aliens too?” it was the only thing harry had been able to come up with when looking for theories. He was uneducated, and knew nothing about magic or fairies or things like that, he only knew about Aliens because one of his 'clients' often talked about them. But the man payed well and he didn't make Harry limp so Harry just ignored his madman ravings.

“Aliens? No we're not aliens... what the hell?” Draco demanded glaring at Viper before pausing. “my god, Marvos this child is a wizard and doesn't even realize it!” “child!? I am NOT a child I'm sixteen years old!” Viper bitched slipping off the bed and scowling at Draco, who looked astonished. “your not sixteen I'm sixteen! I'm the smallest sixteen I know and I'm STILL bigger than you!” Harry glared at him, he WAS very small for a sixteen year old. But living on the streets and malnutrition did that to a person. “i'm sixteen damn you!” he complained before shaking his head. “whatever! I don't care! Your freaks, I'm leaving.” he complained, heading for the door, wondering if his plan of leaving while they where still in shock about him being a...what had they called him? Wizzer? Would actually work. All he had to do was get to a window and he was free, but would he even be able to make it out the door? He doubted it.
Marvos laughed a little raising his wand a little, flickering it as he slammed the door and windows shut, effectively making sure the boy was trapped. His interest had been roused, and he wanted to know more about this innocent child. Even more so, because he wasn't afraid of them for siding with voldemort, and seemed to know nothing of their world. after all, it would be good to see the goodness that some people were capable of rom another's eyes. "Stop arg-oh hell."He cursed a little, his head coming up like a hound on the scent. Turning to look at the door. Having forgotten a important detail as he heard the alarm going off. "Shay's here."He said looking at Draco. Knowing his friend found his little sister interesting, both amused and angered him. After all, he found it amusing to listen to draco stutter around her, buut also angry because dammit, he was pretty sure the only person he wouldn't kill to keep her away from was Draco.

Sighing before looking at their foundling. if nothing else, having Harry there would distract draco from Shay for once."What are we going to do with him?"He asked, knowing they had to decide before Shay tracked them down
Viper hissed violently when the door was slammed shut, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the two, a low snarl falling from his lips as he narrowed his eyes, flinging his hand out at Marvose, hissing in Parseltongue as a bolt of pain went through Marvos, like a very strong electric shock. It was weak compared to the pain that a wizard usually went through during a spell or a curse, but it would drop a muggle where they stood. So it was no wonder that Viper stood, staring for a moment with his mouth open when Marvos didn't even twitch, turning to Draco instead and muttering the same order in parseltongue, Draco lifting an eyebrow and opening his mouth to say something when the alarm cut him off, Viper yelping and clapping a hand to his ears, they where sensitive.

“shay?” Draco asked, completely distracted now as he blushed a little. “i should go and great her then... it's only polite.” it was so cute how Draco tried to pretend he wasn't interested in Shay. “we should keep him here.” Dray finally muttered looking Viper over, the boy having crawled under the bed to hide from the noise and the people, who he clearly wasn't going to be able to escape from, fury in those glowing green eyes as he glared at them from under the darkness of the bed. “we'll leave him in here, he's week enough at magic to not be able to escape.” Draco stated, staring at Harry under the bed, the boy growling a little, clearly pondering how he was going to get out of there, his eyes flicking from the window to the door, the look in his eyes saying it all. He was trapped, stuck, kidnapped, and at their mercy, but he was going to be damned if he didn't fight anything they tried to do to him. “i think we should start with a meal.” Draco decided, examining Viper's overly thin frame. “maybe try to build up his trust a little, we can't just let him go back to those filthy muggles.”
Marvos smirked a little,for once finding his friend's fascination with his 15 year old sister uttering adorable. Moving to sit in the window seat he summoned the book he was reading, eyeing Viper over the edge of the book before looking at draco."Go. Make Shaay help you. She doesn't burn everything she touches."He said teasing the slightly younger man, waving him out the door."I'll stay and make sure our friend dosn't injure himself."

"Draco?Marvos?"Shay asked leaning against the closed door, trying to figure out why the two men where in lady malfoy's bedroom. At 15, the girl was a mirrior image of her brother, small and dark, with wideset blue eyes that was like twilight edging towards midnight. dark and beautiful, she saw more then what most people gave her credit for seeing. And dammit, she knew something weird was going on. They hardly ever came to this wing of the house, unless lord and lady malfoy were home, which it was to early in the day to be the case.
Draco nodded, blushing again as Viper watched from under the bed for his chance, licking his lips as he watched the door open, tensing and then darting out, diving for the open doorway, Draco catching him by the back of the shirt and flinging him back into the room. “now stop that! We're not going to hurt you! Your worse than the muggles are!” “i don't even fucking know what Muggle is!” Viper finally bitched, rubbing his neck and glaring at them. “is it like whore? Or what!? Fuck you people talk and I don;t understand a goddamn thing that you say!” he complained glaring at them before crawling back under the bed, Draco snorting a little, glad his seeker reflexes worked on the young man. “would you mind helping me make the thing something to eat Shay? Marvos seams to think that I'm going to burn down the house or something.” he complained rolling his eyes as he shoved her out the door gently, shutting then locking the door so Viper couldn't escape s he led shay down the hall, explaining what was going on, and how they had found the thief trying to run off with Narcissa's gems.

Viper stayed under the bed, though amazingly all the jewelry had vanished off the bed, back into Viper's pockets as he glared at Marvos like an angry cat. “look buddy just what the hell do you want with me? If your looking to rent me out I already got a pimp thanks.” he growled baring his teeth at the other. “and if your looking to fuck me it's gonna cost you! It's fifty pounds!” he growled scowling at him. “and if you want anything else you can fuck off with that blond Harlot!”
Shay snickered as she listened, amused."Ah well, Draco, you did catch the curtains on fire last time you cooked.And Marvos' shirt."She said wisely, shaking her head a little as she walked with him. Tsking lightly, feeling sorry for the boy left in her brother's untender mercies. walking into the kitchen she set about getting things to make a nice evening meal for all of them, looking at the blond man with her."Are you so sure we should leave the boy with Marvos?"She asked curious to see what he thought of Marvos' seemingly fascination.

Marvos ignored the ranting for the most part as he read, dark eyesglancing up to look at him. "Kitten,"He winced at the nickname, having said it before he thought about it. After all, the small, gangly boy really did look like a small,underfed kitten pissed off about something. All puffed up, angry and willing to scratch out someone's eyes." I don't want anything from you except to figure out how the hell a wizarding child ended up a muggle thief."He paused, thinking it over."A muggle is a non-magical person.People who can't do things like we can."He explained after a moment.
Draco smirked a little. “Marvos wont hurt the little brat. I think he finds the little thief cute.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “hell I even think he's rather pretty. You'd love his hair Shay.” he teased smirking a little. He had once worn his hair long just so shay could braid the life out of it, but had stopped when she'd said he looked like a girl, and now kept it short. “besides the guy deserves everything Marvos has to offer, he DID try to take off with almost all of my mothers jewelry, better him then her don't you think?” Narcissa could be very cruel when she wanted to be, specially when her precious 'pretties' where concerned. “what are we making?” he asked curious as to how he could help without destroying the meal.

Viper stared at him for a long moment, startled out of his rage by his nickname, his head tilted at the other like a kitten staring at something interesting, that it just wanted to pounce on. “my name isn't kitten, it's Viper.” he stated with an indignant sniff. “and I think you need to have your head examined, magic isn't real.” but that sounded like a well practiced speech, not an actual 'I don't believe in magic' that most muggles had. “is that really what I am? A magic?” he asked wiggling his fingers, watching as tiny sparks flared off of them. “how do I know your not just trying to sell me or something?” he demanded glaring at Marvos. “i don't trust you...or like you!... you should let me go before my gang comes to find me, they won't be as nice as me, they'll KILL you!” threats, but weak ones.
Shay laughed, "we're making steak and potatos."She said handing him a bowl of peeled potatos, knowing he was looking for something to do."Now those, smash them up so we can cook then."She said before thinking over his words, shuddering at the idea of what Narcissa would do had something happened to her 'pretties' "Yes, Marvos' is better then your mother. And a far step better then your father."she said swallowing hard. As much as se liked their son, the eldest malfoys scared her badly.

Marvos smiled slightly ignoring the correction on the name. Really, the boy was to much of a kitten to be anything but a kitten."You are a wizard.And no one likes me."He said wisely, before laughing at the threats. Truly amused that even trapped and locked in a room with him, the boy was still trying to be threatening. It was like a baby tiger thinking he'd challenge a full grown one."No one's getting in here besides a wizard."he said, shaking his head. Knowing the illusion spells on the manr house were strong enough to trick anyone into thinking the house was abandoned and falling apart.
he chuckled a little and nodded, proceeding to mash the potatoes as ordered, humming a little to himself in contemplation. “makes me wonder where he came from though. He hasn't a wand, but he can still use magic... he has to belong to someone don't you think? No wizard I know would ever just abandon their son to the hands of muggles.” he bit his lip a little pondering how a child like Viper could have ended up a muggle thief. “i just hope the guy calms down, he's like a feral cat ready to rip our faces off for daring to breath too close...” he paused then. “of course, we are holding him against his will... but he DID steal from us so really what did he think would happen?” he paused and looked shay over before blushing hard. “your looking v..very p..pretty today... new haircut?”

Viper glared at him even harder and then smirked a little, a new plan in mind. “well, I guess I'll have to think of some other way to get free then.” he mused, sliding off the bed, suddenly all coy and grace, silently attempting to seduce Marvos. “tell you what, I'll let you have a few hours with me for free, anything you want to do so long as it don't kill or scar me. Hows that sound?” he offered, stroking Marvos' cheek with the back of his fingers. “you won't get a better deal, I'm the best on the north side you know, the tightest. I let you fuck me, not a penny charged, and then you let me go. Hows that sound, seams fair to me hmm?”
Shay smiled, blushing lightly as she nodded."I just got bck from cutting it. Marvos said he was going to be here, so I thought I'd show it to you and him to."She smiled shyly, before going back to cooking, tilting her head a little as she thought over their captive."If anyone can calm him, it's marvos. despite his ablitly to piss everyone off, he is good with wild things."She said remembering how her brother had coaxed a unicorn foal into coming out of the woods to him, despite him being male. Had calmed the lynx their mother had bought....he was good with wild things.

Marvos raised a eyebrw, didn't answer as he turned his head,teeth sinking hard into the tender flesh of Viper's finger, before pulling away."I don't play with other's toys."a slow,dark, predatory smirk curled his lips."Don't start playing with me boy, you wont like were it ends"
he smiled a little, feeling flattered and shy that he was the first person to see her new hairstyle. “it certainly suits you.” he gushed smiling as he finished mashing the potatoes, handing them back to her. “it amazes me too, but it does make sense. After all one wild thing always recognizes another.” he stated calmly. “he's as wild as the thief is.” he paused and pondered then. “i never thought to ask his name, ah well he probably wouldn't have given one to me anyway. He paused when he heard a shriek of pain and he smirked a little. “either Marvos bit him, or he's taken the brat over his knee.”

Viper shrieked when he felt the teeth sinking into his fingers and he yanked his hand back, retreating away from Marvos, scowling a little as he examined the other, looking very baffled and confused and even a little tearful as he held his damaged fingers, licking his lips a little looking about as skittish as any predator who realized they where no longer top of the food chain. “...what do you want with me?” Viper finally demanded, looking rather defeated. “you don't want to punish me, you don't want to fuck me, what the hell DO you want!?” he paused then understanding dawned in his eyes. “you want me to steal something for you? I can do that no problem...or maybe you want me to off someone for you? I can do that too...” he watched the other, his hope fading as he realized the other wasn't nodding or agreeing and sighed a little, muttering to himself in parseltongue before fixing his gaze on the other again, power flaring in those emerald green eyes as he slid his mind into Marvos's. Harry's mind was not strong enough yet to overpower Marvos, but Harry didn't know that yet, the weak Impirio trying to bend Marvos to Harry's will. “unlock the door, and let me out.” Harry ordered, his voice laced with power. Had it been Draco standing there, it would have worked, Draco's mind was weak, but Marvos's was not, Viper could only hope that Marvos would do as ordered, even as he realized that his mind was weaker than the other wizards.
"I bet he bit him.Idiot probably touched him."Shay snickered as she warmed up the potatos, and pulled the finished steaks off the stove. Smiling a ltitle as she prepared plates for them all."We should take these up.make sure Marvos didn't make him bleed."She said, sounding slightly worried. Even at only 15 she understood just how fine the line Marvos walked was. The only thing really keeping her brother being the next dark lord was his ties to his family, and draco, and the one thing he held fast to more then anything else. His honor.

Maros' smirk widened a little, tilting his head towards the door."It's open.You can go out. You wont be able to leave the house though."He said sounding amused as he fliked his wand a little, healing the damage he might have done, glad for once to see it was just bruises and no real blood."Now.The only thing I want from you, is my curiousity satisfied.And since you can't do that because you don't know how it happened, we are at a impasse. And you are a guest at malfoy manor."He smirked heading for the door."Let's go see if draco managed to not burn dinner."He said walking out, hoping the other would relax in the company of someone else instead of being alone with him.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head a little. “probably.” he agreed shaking his head a little. “don't worry, Marvos never kills something he's fascinated by.” he promised her, grinning a little. “and the thief upstairs is VERY fascinating. I still don't understand how a wizarding child could have ended up in the muggle world for that long, he said he was sixteen...” he scowled a little. “he's too small to be sixteen don't you think?” he asked Shay. “he's barley bigger than you are... and guys are supposed to be bigger aren't they?” no, not always, but Viper WAS a little too small to be sixteen...maybe he was just a little runtish?

Viper hissed at Marvos, looking unnerved and confused as he glanced from him to the door and back again, wondering if it was a trick as he inched to the door and yanked the door open, hissing in parseltongue again as he came face to face with Draco and Shay and the trays of food, vanishing under the bed once again, hiding from the people who was holding him captive Draco lifting an eyebrow. “well he didn't attack us this time.” he stated calmly handing Shay two plates of food. “see if you can't get him to come out and talk to us Shay, I have a few questions.” “fuck off.” Harry snarled. “i aint saying shit! You and the other freaks in this house can all go fuck each other. He paused, green eyes peeking out from under the bed as he sniffed at the smell of food. “ that...steak?” suddenly all too willing to cooperate in the face of good food, carefully slinking out from under the bed, licking his lips as he stared at the steak in Marvos's hands. “what do you want to know?” anything to get his teeth into that Delicious steak.
Marvos laughed as he took his and viper's plate from his sister, smiling as he sat down near the boy, "Filet mongion viper.Shay you'rer going to spoil the boy."He said, slightly worried how the seemingly malnutrioused man would take to having such rich food. shay shrugged starting to eat as she sat on the bed with draco, nodding a little."He is small. And no I wont. He deserves something good."The two siblings stared at each other before a amused smile twisted their lips, looking erriely similar. Before sighing starting to eat.

"How did you end up in the muggle world...viper?"Shay said, hesitating on the name her brother had called him. Worried about upseting him.
Viper was practically drooling as he snatched up his plate and dug in, being polite despite being a thief he did not use his fingers. In fact he even took the time to chew, eating slowly, well aware that such rich food could upset his delicate stomach. He had been on the streets for too long to not know how to eat food. “muggle? Oh right..” he paused, pondering and then. “i don't know.” he finally admitted. “i used to live with these people, they where horrid. Used to make me cook and clean and stuff, I was five then, they dumped me off on a street and my Boss picked me up, taught me how to survive, n make money.” he admitted, nibbling hesitantly on a potato, uncertain if it was actually going to be good before tucking into them as well. “i've always been in the streets, the muggle world.” Draco pondered this, looking at Viper. “do you remember your real name?” “nah, the people who had me before just called me boy.” he admitted with a shrug. “as far as I care Viper is my real name.” he admitted staring at his empty plate with a small sigh, knowing he shouldn't eat more, for fear of getting sick, but it had been soo goood...

“how did you know you could use magic?” “magic don't exist.” Viper stated automatically again, he didn't even seam to be aware he was doing it. “i always could do it.” he shrugged. “ever since I got on the streets I realized I could make people do things, make em hurt if they tried to get me, hell I can even go all invisible.” he smirked. “i picked a fat man's rings right off his fingers n he never even noticed me.” he seamed FAR too proud of that. “you can do these things too?” “sure can.” Draco admitted, pondering how Viper could do magic without a wand, without any training at all. And it sounded like he was doing some very advanced spells, like the invisibility spell, and the impirio. “so, how many of you are there?” “what in the house?” “no you idiot, that can do things.” “oh, wizards Viper, we're called Wizards.” Viper just rolled his eyes and turned to Shay instead. Women where always more reliable in answers that actually made sense.
Shay laughed quietly at the man's look to her. Amused that he'd seemed to give up on draco as a source for answers."well, no one's really tallied how many wizards and witches there are, but as lose as I have figured it to be is about a wizard for every ten normal people."

Marvos made a face as he ate with all the delicate grace that lady malfoy had imparted to them. Oddly fussy about his food when he was so not fussy about anything else.Frowning slightly as he thought over the other man's words. Wondering...but no. Frowning as he raised his head he sighed a little, "Draco, we probably should get out of your parents room."He stated shifting a little. He didn't find any ease in lucius malfoy's company, and he was pretty sure that viper wouldn't find any either, espicially if the blond had had to deal with both voldemort and dumbledore during the day. The silent power struggle going on between the three had been coming to a head for years, and he wondered absently when one of them would break under the strain. For draco's sake he hoped it wasn't lucius.

Shay sighed softly, gently touching harry's arm."You can stay in my room for tonight." "Sha-" "Marvos. It makes sense. It's connected to your room,he'll feel safest with you."she stated, studying her brother."I'll take the one across the hall. and I'll still be safe, it's a room in Draco's suite.Perfectly fine."she said,blushing a little at her brother's mumbling.
Viper scowled a little as he pondered that, counting something out on his fingers, his head tilted a little as he reached over and stole Draco's plate while the blond wasn't paying attention and eating his food as well. “your right, we should really relocate, and keep Viper a secrete for now, Father won't be happy about us kidnapping people.” “then you should let me go.” Viper stated calmly finishing off the steak, licking his lips. “after you give me more food.” Draco glared as he realized Viper had eaten all his food, glaring at the pretty boy who smirked and leaned back, licking his fingers free of the flavor of the food pausing when Shay touched his arm, flinching away from the hand as if worried about being struck before he continued licking his fingers clean as if nothing had happened.

Draco was ignoring everything, he was blushing hard at the thought of Shay so close to him, at night...maybe she'd have a nightmare, and crawl into his bed for comfort and.... no, BAD Draco. She was his best friends sister, that was a 'do not cross' territory. Viper hopped to his feet, looked them all over, pondered then. “well if your going to keep me here against my will then I want a shower.' he decided. “and some clothes, I want clothes.” he ordered Draco rolling his eyes. “we could just throw you in the dungeon, we have one you know.” he pointed out, Viper staring at him until Draco sighed and nodded. “fine, you can have some clothes, might as well, can't have you wearing rags around us, it's disgusting.” “how do you think I feel? I have to wear them.” viper pointed out looking smug, pleased that he had gotten his way against the 'ruler' of the little gang. The way Viper saw it, Marvos was the boss, what he said went, always. Draco was the ruler, he was the one who showed his face to the world and did all of the business and paid off the people and bought all the stuff. He hadn't figured our Shay's role yet, she clearly wasn't a whore or a groupie, so where did she fit?

He didn't care really, he didn't like her or Draco, they where nosy and stupid. He did seam to like Marvos a little bit however, and actually braved snaking his hand out and stealing some potatoes from his plate, he knew he was going to regret eating so much but he couldn't stop, it was so delicious. And it would totally be worth barfing up most of it later. “you shouldn't eat so much, your going to get sick.” Draco scolded, yelping when Harry flicked his fingers at him, sending sparks through the air to light on Draco's shirt, making Viper snicker as Draco patted them out before they could set him on fire. “god your a viscous little brute.” Draco complained glaring at Viper who just looked even more smug as Draco growled and looked at Marvos. “he's all yours, make sure he gets clean before he sleeps in Shay's bed.” he ordered, stalking out of the room before he lost his temper and cursed Viper.
Marvos nodded, giving Shay a look as she walked out after draco, looking amused. Dammit, his sister was going to give him a heart attack someday. "Malfoy, you know you only keep the dungeon for the prisoners that you want to lovingly torture."He snickered as he walked out of the room with Viper, heading for his own bedrooms, because it had the biggest shower."Take it easy.You'll keep most of what you ate down as long as you don't over do it."he said leading the man into the bathroom, laughing softly at his reaction to the huge bathroom, and tub that could double as a child's swimming pool.

Shay laughed, shaking her head as she headed for the guest bedroom, wincing a little as she heard Lucius walking up the stairs."we'll have to keep him busy until we're sure marvos' got the kid hidden."she muttered. Even though he was older then her, viper was s small it seemed like he was younger.
Draco snorted a little as he shook his head and lead the way out of the room, glancing at Shay before nodding. “Father won't mind really that we've taken in a stray.” he admitted. “but he will be very annoyed that we didn't run it by him first, and more annoyed that he was caught stealing all of mothers shiny things.” he paused. “which I think he actually put back in his pocket now that I think of it.. Father! Welcome home!” Draco chirped pleasantly. “shall I have the house elves prepare your whiskey for your room?” Lucius looked tired and haggard as he nodded and patted his son's shoulder, too tired to even be grumpy the way he usually was, Draco biting his lip nervously as he watched his father move into his now vacated bedroom.

Viper was in the time of his life, he gaped around the super clean bathroom and without another word he stripped himself bare and dove into the hot water with a shout of glee, letting Marvos see every inch of his bare skin. Viper was skinny, far too skinny, clearly underfed and underweight, very malnourished. Worse was the scars, there where small round marks where Viper had been shot, burn marks along his arm where one of his customers employed him as an ash tray. There where stripes along his back where people had taken a belt to him after catching him thieving from them. Most interesting was the tattoo on Harry's breast just above his heart. A large red heart stabbed through the top and poking out the bottom, bleeding in small drips, with a thick Viper wrapped tightly around it, baring it's fangs at the world. “this is like, the greatest bath tub EVER! Do you get to bathe everyday in here?” Viper asked Marvos with an eager little grin, beginning to realize that being kidnapped wasn't as bad as he had originally assumed.
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