Love and Hate at Hogwarts (London and MissBubbles)


Dec 29, 2010
Robert Phillips walked down the halls of the great school of magic, Hogwarts, like he did everyday for the last month. A loner by choice, the Ravenclaw moved amongst the other students as he headed to his potions class. As much as the 5th year loved potions, he hated that he had to share it with the Slytherin house. Normally he didn’t mind the Slytherins but after the new girl from America started in on him he hated them all.

It hadn’t been his fault that the potion’s teacher had chosen her to test his potion on. And it wasn’t like he had meant to turn her blue… He had gotten the ingredients form the cabin like all of the others. Even Professor Snidly had said it wasn’t his fault. That one of the ingredients was to old to use. Although it might have been that he had laughed harder then anyone else in class.

Walking into the classroom, he sighed as he spotted an empty chair between two of his housemates. “Do you think you can remake that blue potion again,” William asked on his right, “I want to sneak it into all of those Slytherin’s drink at supper. Laughing, “That would be something to see…” Robert started, “But we would need some of the old stuff for it to work. I knew that rat-tail was old as soon as I picked it up. If you can find any more I think I can remake it…” he said watching the Slytherin’s walk in. “They always travel in packs,” Robert told his housemates, “They never could stand on their own,” he said loud enough for the everyone to hear.
Tess was making her way to potions class when her boyfriend Tyler walked up smacking her ass. He startled her as she was deep in thought. "Do you always have to do that?" She asked slightly annoyed. The tall brown haired boy slid his arm around her waist. "Its perfect and mine its not my fault I cant keep my hands away from it." His response caused her to smile at him. He was a jerk but at least he was sweet to her most of the time.

The pair made there way into their class. Tess sighed to herself when she spotted Robert. He was an annoying Ravenclaw who embarrassed her in front of the whole class. She had always thought he was extremely good looking but since that day she wanted nothing more then to ruin his life. As they walked past she overheard him making a rude comment and stopped instantly. "Are you just jealous that we have friends and your some freak no one wants to be around." Tyler laughed slightly at her comment and grabbed her hand leading her to the table. That Ravenclaw boy enraged her almost every time she had seen him.
Laughing, "To be friendless or have a bunch of Slytherin want to be's as friends... Damn that's a hard choice... I think I would chose friendless," he said hearing his fellow Ravenclaws laugh with him. "Didn't they tell you when you came here... Slytherin's don't have friends. They use people for what they can get out of them. All that they want is power," Robert said to his housemates, loud enough for all to hear, "They all try to act so dangerous, but always fail..."

"Quiet class," the professor said as he walked into the classroom. Writing the class assignment on the board, the professor turned to the class, "This potion will take several days to make. I would suggest you get as much done today as possible... So no talking. Which ever class make the alteration potion correctly and first will get 20 points added to their house. You may begin..."

Being closest to the ingredients cabinet, Robert quickly stood up and collect enough of the ingredients to make tree potions. Handing out the spare ingredients to some of his housemates. Putting his things down, Robert kept moving around the room, blocking some of the Slytherin while his housemates guarded his component.
Tess was going to reply but the professor spoke before she could. The boy was more annoying then she could take. After the professor gave out the instructions Tyler made his way to the ingredients cabinet. Tess was more busy watching Robert, thinking of ways to ruin his day. His house mates were sitting around his table but luckily they began to talk among themselves. Tess smiled to herself and rose from her seat quickly. She quietly grabbed an ingredient from Robert's table and switched it with another one. Without being noticed she hurried back over to her seat.

Tyler returned with his ingredients and sat down next to Tess. She smiled over at him and leaned in kissing his lips softly. "You took way to long." Tyler new Tess pretty well by this point and kissed her back softly. "You look like you've done something bad." he said with a chuckle. "Me? Do something bad? Never." Tess smiled brightly at him and grabbed some ingredients and began making the potion.
After stalling the other long enough, Robert returned to his work area. Looking down as he started to cut up his ingredients, he stopped after putting the first few in the caldron. Looking at his pile, he knew something was wrong but couldn't figure out what it was. Looking at the ingredient list, he looked back at his pile and shrugged, not realizing that he had already put the wrong ingredient in.

As he started the heat under his caldron, Robert continued his work not realizing that the color was off. Dropping the sliced dragon tongue into the pot, Robert stopped his eyes wide. The liquid bubbled over the heat, each bubble growing larger as it reached the boiling point. Looking at Tess, "You," he hissed before grabbing the two next to him and pulling them under the table. Ducking just in time, Robert's pot exploded sending gooey slim around the room. Several screams came from their classmates as Robert slipped under the table.

"What's going on," the professor yelled as he looked around at the mess.

Standing up, Robert looked dagger's at Tess, "Someone slipped something into my potion sir."

"And who would do that," he said moving in front of Robert.

"Well sir... You did make it into a contest so I'm sure it must have been one of the Slytherins," Robert said looking at the teacher, "Why don't you ask them who was around my table..."
Tess tried to stop herself from laughing when the pot exploded but she just couldn't help herself. She almost doubled over from laughter. If looks could kill she would be dead by now, after the way Robert was looking at her. The professor walked over to Robert's table and Tess had to cover her mouth to stop the laughter. She was more then happy because she new he was in trouble now. Tess immediately stopped laughing when she heard him say "it must have been on of the slytherins." She really didn't know anything about Robert but she never expected him to snitch so quickly. Tess decided to stay quiet and hope no one noticed her around their table.

Tyler stood behind Tess and wrapped his arms around her waist. His lips pressed against her ear as he whispered to her. "You are a very bad girl." She knew Tyler loved when she did things like this. Tess knew it would make him proud of her but she mostly did it because she despised Robert and how he talked about her and other slytherins.
"Don't be silly," the professor said as he waved his wand to clean up the mess. "Ingredieum," he said, ghost images of the ingredients floated out of the caldron. "Oh... I see. You must have picked up bat wing instead of lizard claw... It was a simple mistake..."

Robert looked toward Tess again. He hadn't missed her laughter after the explosion. If he hadn't picked up the ingredients for three of his housemates he might have thought he had made a mistake... But he knew better. "You must be right Professor..." he said stopping the girl beside of him from arguing.

As the professor walked back to his desk, Lisa Bane looked at him, "You can't let them get away with that," she said looking toward the Slytherins.

"Oh don't worry" he said softly, "She won't. I'm just getting started..."

Robert walked back to the cabinet and started to collect fresh ingredients for the potion. Looking over his shoulder, he growled to himself as he started to plan his next move. Picking a few extra ingredients, he pocketed them before moving back to the table. A natural potion maker, Robert had already started making his own potions and knew the perfect one for his revenge. It would take time to make the potion outside of class... but he didn't mind. The longer it took the better it would be when they forgot about it.
Tess laughed over the whole ordeal and smiled at the girl when she looked in her direction. She finally took her seat back at the table to continue working on the potion. Tess was no idiot and she knew it would be no time at all for Robert to retaliate. Worrying was not something she did very much so she brushed off the thought.

Tess's potions was coming along beautifully. She was always gifted when it came to potions. Her boyfriend, Tyler, on the other hand was no were near as smart as he was cute. Tess was more then happy to help him with his potion. Class finally came to an end and both Tyler and Tess made there way out of class. Tyler kissed Tess deeply before turning and heading off to his class. It annoyed her that she didn't have class with him but she was happy to have a free period. She decided to head to the library and sneak into the restricted section. The books in that section always seemed to have something fun to read.
Being one of the top in the potion class, Robert's potion was coming along nicely after having to restart. Not looking up he continued to plan his revenge as he worked on the potion. Being able to multi-tasked had always helped him when it came to his classes, and now his revenge.

Being one of the last one out of the class, Robert smiled as he walked past Tess's potion. Even though he didn't do anything to it he was sure one of the Slytherin's would tell her he had. It was all part of his plan to not only get back at her but to get her mad enough to do something dumb in front of the professor. Robert knew that what he was planning had to be done in stages and the first stage was just being played. Stopping in front of Tess's potion, Robert looked toward the door and spotted a Slytherin girl as she turned to run down the hall.

Moving out of the room, Robert smiled as he moved to the library. Having a free period, he decided to study there instead of the common room. Knowing how noisy the Ravenclaw common room was at that time a day, he walked into the library a few minutes later. Setting down at a table, he pulled out his books and started to work on the scroll due for Defense Against the Dark Arts, his second favorite class.
Tess was walking towards the library when she hear her names being called. "Tess wait up." It was a girl in her class. Tess never really talked tot he girls in slytherin. From what she knew of them they were catty bitches. Tess knew she was a bit of a bitch herself but dealing with her own bitchiness was more then enough. "Tess I saw Robert messing with your potion from class. I think he put something in it to try and sabotage your potion.." Tess roller her eyes and sighed. That was all he had. Mess up her potion. She was almost annoyed with how little he was trying. Tess smiled at the girl. "Thank you for telling me." Tess turned around immediately and continued her walk to the library.

When she entered the library Tess spotted Robert sitting at a table. She wasted no time and walked over sitting down across from him. "So you put something in my potion? That's the best you've got? The next time you try and do something to me I would appreciate it if you would try just a a little harder." Tess got up before he could respond and made her way to the restricted section of the library.
Laughing as she got up, "I didn't do anything to your potion," he said as she walked away, "Unlike you I don't mess with other people's work." Standing up he moved to walk beside of her, "Do you realize that you just insulted yourself... You put something in my potion and you want me to better you... I can better you without try." Turning to return to his table, "Just remember that you are the one who started this... It wasn't my fault the potion turned you blue for the day."

Setting back down, Robert put his books away before he started to write down the way to make the "Blue Potion" as he called it. If his housemates wanted to make all of Slytherin blue who was he to stop them.

Looking up he smiled as the ghost librarian floated toward Tess. Robert had been at the school for 5 year... He knew how to sneak by the ghost and where the hidden passages were. He had even found one into the other dorms just last year...
Tess rolled her eyes as Robert spoke to her. He was so annoying that she could barely stand and listen to him. After talking he luckily returned to his table and she made her way the restricted section. She went to the section often so she was always very careful. She found a few books that she thought she could have fun with and stuck them into her bag. As she began to make her way out of the section Tess noticed the librarian make her way towards her. She quickly pulled out her want whispering a spell. She knocked over some books to the right of her. The librarian heard the noise and disappeared in that direction. When Tess hurried out the section she almost tripped over some books. She couldn't help but laugh and almost ran out of the library.

Tess ran down the hallway and stopped leaning against the wall. She was still laughing a bit. Getting almost caught was more then fun for her. She knew Robert was probably upset she didn't get caught. Tess had found a book on making a powerful love potion and thought of maybe using it on him. She laughed thinking about the things she could make him do if he thought he was in love with her.
Shaking his head at her antics, Robert stood up and started out of the library. It was so unnecessary but what else could he expect from the American. Walking down the hall, he checked his pocket watch to see how much more time he had before his next class. Smiling he took a turn down one of the halls, moving toward a baron wall. Walking back and forth, he thought about what he needed as he turned around once more. Smiling as the door of Room of Requirement appeared, he slipped into the room and his personal potion lab.

He didn't know how many of the students knew about the room, he had never told anyone. He had found it while exploring his first year. It was one of the reason he knew so much about the school grounds. Walking over to his desk, he looked at the large map of the school. The map was his treasure. It showed every passage in Hogwarts, with the secret one marked in red.

Setting up a caldron, Robert emptied out the extra ingredients he had taken from the classroom. He knew that the room would provide everything he needed, but he hated taking things from it. It would take the better part of the week to make the potion he was going to release in the Slytherine common room... But it was going to be worth the extra work.

Sighing as he realized he need to get going to his next class, Robert walked out of the room and watched the door disappear. Turning down the hall, he shook his head, "Another class with Tess in it..." he growled as he went to Herbology.
Tess halfway skimmed through the love potion directions. She had most of the items she needed on hand and started mixing some of it together in her room. She decided to try and sneak into the potions room to get the last item she needed. Tess grabbed the vile of mix and made her way towards the dungeon.

Like usual she got herself lost. Tess couldn't understand how anyone else knew where they were going half the time. A map would probably be helpful. She was holding the vile in her hand against her chest. She didn't want anything to happen to it. It smelled pretty gross but it was a pretty shade of pink. When Tess rounded the corner she bumped right into Robert who was heading to class. She dropped the vile which smashed on the ground. Pink smoke instantly filled the hallway. "Oh shit" Tess coughed out trying to cover her mouth. There was nothing she could do the smoke was surrounding her and Robert completely.

Once the smoke finally cleared after a minute or so Tess finally reopened her eyes to see Robert staring back at her. All she could think about was him. She smiled at him biting her lip slightly. Tess couldn't think of a time in her life that she wanted anything more then the boy standing in front of her.
Smiling as he walked down the hall, "A stink bomb in the Slytherin common room will be a great start..." he chuckled to himself. He was pretty sure Tess would be able to figure out it it was him. That was going to be the great part. It wouldn't matter if she told a teacher... None of them would believe that he would be able to get into the dorm.

Bumping into someone as he turned the corner, "Damn..." he said before coughing as the pink smoke filed the hall, Robert tried to hold his breath. As he continued to cough, he knew it was to late and what ever was going to happen had already got into his lungs. "What the hell..." he started, stopping as he looked down at Tess.

He had always known she was pretty... But for some strange reason he now saw her for the beauty she was. Unable to say anything, he slowly held you his hand to help her up. "I... I'm..." he stuttered.
Tess quickly took his hand and let him help her up. She didn't let his hand go when she looked at him. "It was totally my fault and I'm sorry." She couldn't help but stare at him. He looked so good to her. She didn't understand why she hadn't thrown herself at him before. Tess was so into Robert she didn't even notice the cut on her elbow.

She fell pretty hard but all she could think about was him. Tess pulled his arm around her waist and smiled up at him. "Maybe you could walk me back to my dorm." She may have been under some sort of spell but she was still Tess and Tess always got what she wanted. Right now she wanted nothing more then Robert.
Robert's heart beat faster as she took his hand. Pulling her up, he didn't try to let go as he enjoyed her touch. "No... It was completely my fault. I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. I should have been more careful," he said softly. "I didn't hurt you did I..." he started as he looked her over. Spotting the cut on her elbow.

"Oh yes... I think I should," he said smiling as he wrapped his arm around her. Pulling her closer to himself, "There's a shortcut right around the bend..." he said pointing ahead of them, his eyes never leaving hers.

Leading the way, Robert stopped as they got to the secret passage that would come out right in front of the Slytherin main door. He would have used the one that opened up in the common room but it was on the other side of the castle. Stepping into the alcove, Robert reached up and touched the brick over the bench. As the wall slid back, a long dark hallway appeared in front of them. Stepping inside, torches flared up as the wall closed behind them.
Tess followed Robert closely and held onto his hand tight. He was taking her through a secret passage she had no idea even existed. "You really know how to get around huh?" It was a long dark hallway and was slightly scary but being beside Robert was more then enough to make her feel better. She pulled him closer to her. He even smelled good when she got closer to him.

Tess wasn't sure if he knew were they were going but she didn't care. She felt a need for him that she never felt before. "Robert I... I think I need you." She spoke without caring. She had hoped he wouldn't deny her she thought it would kill her if she couldn't have him.
Turning he smiled at her, "I know ever inch of this castle. I also have a map that tells where all of the passages are and how to get into them..." Looking at her, Robert was glad the torches lit themselves as the walked. After passing they sputtered out leaving the way they came in complete darkness.

Stopping as she spoke, Robert turned to her, looking deep into her eyes. Slowly he leaned forward kissing her gently before a passion deep in him took over. Opening his lips, his tongue licked her lips as his hands wrapped tightly around her. Pulling her to him, his growing erection pressed into her as he proved that he needed her just as much. Moving one hand down he squeezed her butt, pulling her as close as he could as he continued to kiss her.
Tess gasped when the torches went out. Her grip on Roberts hand tightened. She moaned softly when she felt his lips press against hers. Her whole body melted into him when she felt his arms wrap around her. She moved her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. Biting his lip gently Tess couldn't help but grind against him. She was wet the moment she saw him after falling. She could feel he wanted her just as badly.
Moaning in the kiss as he felt her grind against him, he slowly pulled back, "I want you too... If we hurry we can get to your dorm in just a couple of minutes... Or we're here now." sliding his hand around the front of her school uniform, Robert slowly started to pull her skirt higher until his hand touched her thigh. Leaning close, he kissed her neck as his hand slipped under her skirt to caress her firm rear. Nibbling lightly, on the flesh of her neck, his hand squeezed her butt.
"No. I need you now." She moaned out almost begging him not to stop. His lips were moving over her neck and making her need him more. "Don't stop please." She had never begged for anything in her life but she would do anything to keep his hands on her. Tess pulled back but only enough to push her hand between then toward his pants. Her fingers rushed trying to undo his pants. Roberts hand slid to her butt and squeezed it causing her hips to grind against him again.
Moaning happily when she said she didn't want to wait, Robert kissed her again, passionately. Moving his hand to the waist of her panties, he pushed them down as his hand moved to caress her wet folds. While one hand rubbed her slit, his other slipped under her shirt. pushing it higher as he moved to caress her breast. "You are so beautiful..." he said before helping her push his pants and boxers down.
"Ohhh Robert.." She moaned out loudly when she felt his fingers over her wetness between her thighs. He helped her push his boxers and pants down and she wasted no time. Her finger slowly slid over his dick. He was already hard for her and it made her smile. Her lips moved from his to his ear. Her teeth tugged at his earlobe gently. "Make love to me. Please." Her hips were moving against his fingers but she needed more of him.
Nibbling on her ear when she spoke into his, Robert moaned as her fingers slid over his cock. Pushing her robe from her shoulder, Robert waist little time pushing her shirt up over her breast. Kissing her chest above her bra, he reached around and unhooked it so he could push it out of the way as well. Pushing his fingers into her wet pussy, his tongue flicked across her nipple before sucking it into his mouth. Moving across to her other nipple, Robert sucked hard on her bud as his hips moved closer to hers, "Put it in..." he said as he kissed her lips again.
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