It's Magic (Candira and Raziel)


Jan 9, 2009
Finally, Cora had a full deck with which to play the game. It had taken her awhile to find the time to go to a store and find everything she wanted. She'd found a lot of really unique cards at a store tucked away downtown. Her roommate had gone with her and picked up a few for his deck as well. Tonight, they were finally going to face off. She wore a skirt tonight since she was feeling feminine, and a nice, soft t-shirt. The outfit seemed to accentuate her generous curves and long legs. The dorm room was a bit small, but that was fine for her. That just meant she had to be closer to a cute boy. Her long, red hair pulled back into a loose ponytail.

"Ready?" she asked, sitting down on one side of the little make-shift table they'd set up.
It had been a bit, but Justin had been looking forward to playing the game once more. He didn’t have the cards for a full deck, unless he wanted a 5-color smorgasbord that would have been utterly destroyed by any deck that had a purpose to it. It was lucky enough that Cora – a girl that he had become quick friends with, and who he had a rather strong crush on – found that shop downtown. It may have been strange, but they had cards. He didn’t even realize that they came out with the new set: ‘Carnal Experience,’ this one was called. That was fine. He bought the starter decks in both Green and Black, and a few packs, and headed back to the campus. He knew this would be interesting.

He went to the dorm room, seeing that Cora had already set up a table and had her deck ready, sitting rather lady like now. He couldn’t help but smile as he sat at the makeshift table, looking through the new cards and taking the ones he would use to make the combined deck. “You look… beautiful, Cora.” He said with a smile, trying not to blush before he turned back to his cards. He took a few that were his own, and soon was shuffling the deck together, letting her cut it afterwards.

“I’m ready now.” He said, drawing his 7 cards for opening hand. “I’ll let you choose who goes first.”
Cora liked when Justin was around. It was nice that they got to come together like this. It was too bad he hadn't been able to come to the store with her. She was still sort of a beginner, so his help would have been appreciated, but she'd gotten together a red and blue deck with the cards she'd picked up with the new set she'd found. Apparently he'd picked up the same set. When he came in, she grinned and waved, blushing a little at his compliment. "Thanks. You look nice too."

At that, she shuffled her deck like him and after all the cards were in place, she drew her hand as well. "Alright then...ummmm....I think you should go first," she said, deciding that it was best to see what he had before she went in with her guns to speak.
He couldn’t help but smile as he heard her words, since he was simply wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt. His blue eyes gleamed as he sat down, messing with his deck, dark brown hair brushed back as his eyes strayed to her every so often, his clothes hiding his somewhat toned body.

“Alright, I’ll go first.” He looked at his hand, before smiling. His turn was obvious. “I play a forest, then use it to summon Llanowar elf.” The forest looked almost realistic, being his newer card, but the Elf was an older card. His next few turns were rather similar, playing Khalni Heart Expedition, a land, then another Elf. Next turn was another Khalni, a land, then Harrow, sacrificing a land, getting two, then using the Khalni’s to get 4 more lands into play. (4 swamps, 4 forests, 2 Llanowars on the field)
Cora caught a few of his glances and found herself kind of liking the attention she was getting. She didn't have nearly as much to work with after several turns, however. A few normal monsters from the cards she'd already had and some mana. She played a few blue mana cards and set down an azure drake to take care of one of his elves.
She wasn’t able to play too much, which was good news for him. It gave him the opportunity to keep his pace up. On his fourth turn, he untapped his land, drawing just the card he wanted to see. “Alright. I pay three black and four green to play Irena, Lady of the Succubi.” He didn’t notice it much from his eyes on Cora, but the Succubi’s image was of her slightly bent over, one hand fondling her breasts, the other holding her groin. “I also tap my two Elves for two mana, bringing out Bramblesnap.” This wasn’t his own, and he didn’t notice that this Bramblesnap had large pieces and shreds of clothing on its thorns.

Her turn, and she played her own flier, but he smirked. Another turn, another draw, another land play. She had no land open to stop him now. “I pay 4 Black and 4 Green for Army of the Damned!” It was expensive, but worth it, because now he put in 13 2/2 zombies. “And then I spend two more mana to cast Doom Blade, targeting your Azure Drake.” With that, the Drake was discarded. “Now, I attack with Irene and Bramblesnap, tapping all 13 zombies to increase Bramblesnap’s power and toughness by 13.”
Not being able to play too much was an understatement from Cora's standpoint. She'd managed to get some goblins on the field. Luckily, they were able to block some of the damage from his cards, but since her drake had been taken out she was sitting defenseless to his succubus. As Justin played the cards, however, Cora was affected in a particular way. her weaker goblins were gone, but her clothes were practically torn to bits she gasped as she was left in just a black pair of panties that were barely clinging to her. "What in the?!"
He was sitting, mouth in obvious surprise and shock as her clothes were shredded, leaving her nude except for her barely-hanging black panties. He couldn’t help but look her over. Oh wow, she was beautiful… Then his eyes looked and saw a black figure appear behind Cora, and Justin gasped, but it was too late: The figure already moved forward, arms moving over Cora’s body, one hand on her breast and the other easily slipping into her panties, fingers teasing and playing with her expertly.

“Wha-what the hell is going on?” He asked, shifting to be half standing. While he had half a mind to leave, there was no way that he was going to leave Cora in the hands of this… thing. The thing’s grip was strong even though obviously feminine, and there was no way that Cora was going to break it on her own.

“That would be my home, master.” The figure said, with a playful giggle as she continued her naughty work.


“Yes, master. You are my owner, my planeswalker. That makes you my master. And you hit your opponent with me, allowing me to give her a proper play.” Again, she giggled, leaning down, her lips playing along Cora’s neck.
Cora blushed and tried to cover herself a bit too late to stop him from seeing anything--she was just so shocked. She caught him checking her out and was about to say something as he gasped. Before she could really turn her head to look, rather feminine arms were wrapped around her, and there was no escape from the hold that quickly became...rather risque. She gasped as her her breast was aggressively groped and the other offending hand slipped into the panties that were barely there at this point. The fingers expertly stroked her so that she was starting to heat in arousal, wetness coming soon after. She blushed and tried to fight it, her luscious body bouncing with her attempts.

It was to no avail, and she blushed deeply as a moan escaped her at the feel of the touches she received. The redhead turned her head, obviously having trouble with this. She had no idea what to do. And this thing was a card? "What?" she gasped, shivering as the soft lips played on Cora's neck.
Justin was blushing, but he frowned as he heard that. “How long are you going to do that?” He asked, more interest in his voice than annoyance or worry, now that he knew that the shadow wasn’t going to hurt Cora. In fact, he was getting rather turned on, his stiff length pressing against the material of his pants.

“Until the game ends, or until you tell me to, Master.” He said, in a rather husky voice, as her hands worked double time on Cora, feeling that she was getting aroused so easily to the play, her gasps turning the succubus on. “And if she submits and you win the game, as I can see you will from your field, you get to do whatever you want to her.”

His frown disappeared as he looked at Cara, his eyes full of interest and a twinge of desire. He stood, his length pushing at his pants slightly, and slowly walked over to her, shifting to look into her eyes. “Do you feel good, Cora? Do you want me to do more to you?”
The redhead was slowly becoming entranced by the power of the card. She wasn't sure she wanted this strange thing to keep doing this to her. The idea of Justin picking up where the succubus left off, however, was very appealing. She moaned softly and shivered as the succubus continued to play with her breast and her slick sex. She bit her lip as Justin came closer, his own arousal quite clear. He was offering himself to her and she was incredibly frustrated. She didn't want the succubus to finish her off.

" feels so good...but it's not you," she said, watching him. "Please, do more," she said softly.
Her words, her movements and actions, they turned him on so much. He moved closer, pressing lightly against her body, before his eyes closed, leaning forward and kissing her lightly, although his passion wasn’t diluted at all. When he broke the kiss, he looked at the Succubus. “Irena, I accept her wish of surrender. The game is over.”

The giggling of the Succubus played in his ears as she moved away from Cora, sliding her hand out of her panties and off of her breast. “Very well, Master. I look forward to the next game!” He said, winking, before she disappeared. Cora’s clothes would return, although somewhat disheveled. Although she would still feel the warmth of a hand on her breast, her wet and aching sex.

He didn’t give her much time until he was pushing against her a little more, slowly moving her back to the bed, kissing her hotter, more passionately. “You’re… so beautiful, Cora.” He whispered, hotly.
As soon as his lips pressed against hers, she felt free to finally express the attraction she'd felt for some time. Once he pulled away and freed her, she was panting, stumbling a little from the shock of everything going back to normal, her clothes back in place. She didn't have much time to react to any of this, however, as he pressed against her and kissed her again.

She put her arms around him and kissed him back hungrily as he moved them back toward her bed. She blushed at his compliment and ran her hands through his hair. "I've always had a little crush on you," she murmured, tugging him a bit closer and tugging at his clothes at the same time.
It was as if he expected it, his hands moving from her to tug his shirt off in an easy motion. He was toned alright, but his skin was soft, and he pressed against her, his hands going to her shirt, helping her out of it, slowly running fingers down her wrists and arms before pulling her close, laying her down on the bed and blanketing her body with his own.

“And I’ve… had a large crush on you.” He admitted, blushing a little, as his hands unsnapped her bra, easily sliding it off of her shoulders, tossing it to the side. “You’re too beautiful to be real, Cora.” He whispered, before kissing her, deeply and passionately.
An instant later the shirt she'd been tugging at magically disappeared. She ran her hands over his chest before he pressed against he and then peeled it off of her as well. Her eyes roamed his body as it was revealed to her while his hands went up and down her arms before he was on top of her on the bed. She loved being this close to him, her hands running up and down his chest as he covered her up. She smiled as he blushed and took off her bra with ease.

How he acquired such prowess didn't really matter. What mattered was she was half naked and she was underneath him and he was kissing her. He thought she was beautiful. She blushed again, putting her arms around him and running her hands up and down his bare back as she kissed him with urgency.
Her return kiss was hot, fiery that sent his blood molten through his veins. He held himself over her with one hand, the other gently cupping her breast, not being as forceful as the Succubus had done to her. But it was a small tease, before he sat himself up a little better over her. “Undress me.” He whispered huskily. “I want to see you as you see me, with as little as I saw you.”
She panted softly as he pulled away for her, groaning in pleasure as he played with her breast and held himself above her. He was amazing...and she would have been content to just keep kissing him. But he had other plans, and she didn't mind giving him what he wanted. Motivated by her desire to see him just as he described, and to take some control herself. She looked up at him and smiled, happy to do just that. She reached up and undid his jeans, taking the button and zipper like a champ. She pulled him down to her again and then rolled them over so she was on top, before she pulled off his clothes.

"I want to see all of you," she said, pulling his jeans down first. "But I think I'll get you down to the last layer first." Once jeans were off, she crawled back up his body and kissed up his chest to his collarbone, to his neck, and then to his jaw and finally his lips.
She slowly undid his jeans, before he suddenly found himself on his back, looking up at her, suddenly having a grin on his face. She pulled his jeans off, then moved over him, her lips going over his chest. His eyes closed, head tilting back before her lips were upon his own. He returned the hot kiss easily, wanting – nay, needing the embrace – his arms wrapping around her body, pulling her down onto him firmly, enjoying the feeling of her breasts against his chest. But soon enough his hands slid down, slowly pushing the denim skirt off of her hips, leaving her in those black panties. “I want you, so badly, Cora.” He whispered, a half moan.
It didn't take much to get her down to his level. Just a small tug and she was pressed against him. She kissed him back, her hands running up and down his sides as she lay on top of him. When he pulled her skirt off she saw the need in his eyes and heard it in his voice. "Mmm, I want you too," she said softly, groaning. "Stay there," she said, sitting up and hooking her fingers under the waistband of his boxers. With a few strategic tugs they were off him completely and he was free. "Do you want the pleasure of taking mine? Or should I do it?" she asked.
Her words sent a slight shiver down his spine, and when she told him to stay there, he listened, laying still for her. She got up and it wasn’t long before his boxers were off, his hard length bobbing slightly in newfound freedom, stiff to her gaze as he blushed lightly. When she asked the question, he sat up surprisingly quickly, kissing her deeply as his hands nearly ripped them off, tossing the offending clothing to the side. “Does that answer your question?” He asked teasingly, as he laid back, arms around her and pulling her onto him.
She watched him and laughed as he sat up so fast, grinning as she kissed him and he practically tore them off her, tossing them to the side. "Yes, I believe it does," she said softly, leaning down over him, her legs straddling his hips. She closed her eyes and kissed him again before moving her lips to his neck, kissing and sucking there gently as well. She took her time enjoying him as her hand reached down and began to stroke him. "Tell me what you've always wanted to do to me," she asked, kissing him.
She straddled him so willingly, and she broke the kiss to go for his neck. He was willing, opening his neck for her before leaning forward, lips slowly kissing and nipping at her neck, enjoying her soft skin. Her hand slowly went down his body, stroking him, and he moaned out, silenced by her kiss. “What I… always wanted to do?” He half asked, eyes having trouble keeping open as she stroked him so well. His own hand slowly slid down her body, fingers teasing along her sex, teasing her lips before stroking them open, a finger finding her clit and slowly stroking. “I always wanted you. To have you ride me. To have you under me. So many ideas…”
She grinned as he returned the attention to her neck. She kissed his neck as he told her what he wanted, shivering and moaning as his fingers teased her slit. "Mmmm... since I'm already here," she said with a grin. "Let me make one of those fantasies real." She grinned and kissed his lips deeply, moving so that they were perfectly aligned. She nipped at his lip as she pulled away and then slowly guided him inside of her.
He enjoyed the sounds of her moans, a shiver going down his spine to make him bounce against her as he heard her words, that grin sending another spark down before he kissed her deeply, passionately, holding her close to him. She pulled away as she nipping his lips, and he returned the nip, looking up at her with lustful eyes as she slowly slid down him, his eyes closing, and a long, low moan escaped his lips. “Absolutely perfect.” He was able to whisper out, his hands sliding to run fingers lightly against her hips.
She moaned softly as she took all of him in, adjusting to his size with a few small, circular movements of her hips as he ran his fingers up them. She shivered at the feel of it all, arching her back. "Mmm... exactly." She closed her eyes for a moment and then started to move up and down his shaft, biting her lip a bit
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