Spanner in the Works (SW RP [Mr. Nibbles x BeauteousDeath])

Drago awoke to hear the sound of a man breathing through a rebreather and the muzzle of a gun pressed firmly to the back of his head. He tried to move but he was forced back down onto his devirgined lover, awaking her. She opened her eyes to see several sith soldiers surrounding them, their weapons trained on them, a chained up Wookie behind them with a sorrowful look on his muzzle.
Yareh gasped and her green eyes went wide, her lips were unmoving, but seeing as how Drago's ear was near her lips she managed a soft whisper that only he could here, "what do we do?" she asked him, feeling horribly exposed in position they were in currently.
Drago looked at her, his face filled with worry. He knew that there was only one option... surrender. That is if survival was on the list of neccessities... he was a sinner. He was prepared for death, but Yerah was not... and he would not let such a beautiful creature fall so early.

"I'm sorry my love...I love you" he said as he sprung into action.
"Drago, no!" she cried for him, she held her hand out for her trousers and robes, and only tossed the robes on, but with her trousers, came her lightsaber, though she didn't use it. Her emotions and anxiety were so high that it amplified her ability with the Force, before she knew it, the wookie was free from his restraints, and the Sith soldiers were knocked down hard by some invisible hand, she'd only meant to push them all back, giving her and Drago enough room, instead, she flung the soldiers against the walls behind them quick and hard. Only the wookie, Drago and herself were left standing, she quickly picked his clothing up along with their shoes, "Please, lets go now, please?" she said to him, fear for him in her eyes. Clearly, she wasn't about to let him go.
Drago's eyes widened as the sith soldiers were blasted away, some through the walls and windows that had weaker foundations. He looked back with his bick onyx eyes at the girl behind him. He retracted his green sabre, and watched as the electric power of his apprentice was becoming ever more pressent with every passing day. He knew that laying with her was a horrible idea, but he had no idea the gravity of its reprecusions... he would have to watch her closely lest Yerah fall to the darkside.

"Alright, lets make haste." he said with obvious concern in his voice. "Take this wookie, it will help you fight."

Drago tossed the wookie a sith blaster that one of the unconcious soldiers had dropped.

"Come on, we should expect reinforcements soon."
"We keep moving where were headed... hopefully the Trandoshans have baracaded themselves due to this Sith onslaught." he said hopefully as he broke into a run. As they exited the abandoned warehouse a sith walker began scouting the area, the earth beneath its iron feet shaking with every step. It turned and trained its guns on them, aware of the two jedi targets. "Damn."
((Sweety, this is what I meant by walker))
Drago looked at his apprentice with a cursory glance, and bolted in the opposite direction. The wookie moved back, hiding behind a boulder and all prayed for the behemoth machine to pass.
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