Spanner in the Works (SW RP [Mr. Nibbles x BeauteousDeath])

"We haveabout 3000 credits between the two of us," Drago replied "Hardly enough."

He turned on his heel and headedback to the abandoned compound.

"This leaves us truely only one option," he turned to her still walking "Stowaway"
She followed him, "Phrak is coming with us, right?" she asked. Her tone was worried. They'd gone through some trouble in freeing the wookie, and he'd proven himself useful, or was sure he would as they went along. She didn't think it would be right to abandon him. Especially on this planet.
"I don't know if we can." replied Drago grimmly "He is large and not meant for such delicate stealth missions. We may have to leave him hear unless we can better repurpose him."

Drago walked back into the building, taking a short glance back up at the cloudy sky to see a massive Sith Starship appear in sub-orbit. He turned quickly, ushering in Yerah and closing and locking the door.

"All we can focus on right now is reuniting with the captain tommorow. We'll leave at dawn, that's when the Sith patrols will be changing shifts. Its the best time we'll have to get to the new rendevoue ((Fuck spelling)) point."
She quickly went inside so Drago could close and lock the door behind them. "Yes, master," she told him softly, then she walked further inside and went back to where she'd woken up, further closing the front of her robes more than before as she looked down at the ground and lowered herself to sit upon the edge of the cot.
Drago sat next to his student on the cot. He looked at her with worry, his enchanting black eyes gleaming with sentiment. He saw Yerah looking at the Wookie as he wandered upstairs standing guard. Drago then made a movement very taboo for a Jedi master and student, he wrapped his arm around her and let her small, elegant frame lean on him.

"Do not worry my apprentice." he carressed her face "We will be fine, as will Phrak."
She nodded slowly without saying anything. Instead, another taboo move, she leaned against him after he'd wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"We rest tonight, or try to, then we go to the new rendezvous and Phrak goes his own way if unable to continue along with us?" she asked him quietly, making sure she had it straight, "What possible encounters can we expect because of the sith starship we saw on our way in? How many would there be usually?"

Yareh really didn't think she could handle Sith, with or without Drago, and she certainly did not wish to be the cause of them both or one of them, dying.
Drago continued to caress the poor girl, letting her into his warmth, she slowly became lost in his eyes. How couldn't she? He was a beautiful human being. His form was flawless, his demeanor calming, his eyes, oh his eyes are irresistable.

"Sith soldiers will come in squads of a 6-a dozen. They are ignorant and easily fooled. If should be able to get passed them without violence. The Commandos are going to be harder to trick, we may have to fight them... but a Dark Jedi... now, thats something we should hope does not happen." He let go of the girl and layed down on the cot leaving some space for her, he was breaking code after code for the first time in his life, why? He thought

"You should get some sleep, we have to leave before sun up."
Drago kept his back to Yerah all night, feeling uneasy and guilty because of his immoral actions. It might not have been so bad if they hadnt sat there for several minutes in embrace. Physically being involved with a jedi is against regulation let alone an apprentice. Was he gathering feelings for this girl? And of all the women to feel for it had to be his own student. Drago waited until he was sure she was asleep, then he disrobbed himself until he was down to his pants and meditated upstairs, lost in thought, waiting, praying for the sun to rise.
Morning came, and Yareh slowly woke up, small, slender hands rubbed her face as she sat up with a soft moan. She wasn't much of a morning person, and with her head still throbbing from the explosion, all she wanted was to curl under the covers and pass out until the pain passed away. However, she knew she couldn't do that, so she stood and undid the confines her copper hair was in and let it trail down her back as she massaged her scalp with her finger tips, wincing a little when she touched the lump on her head.

After she combed her hair with her fingers she braided it again, but left it to stream down her back, or over her shoulder. At least for now. She went up the stairs, somewhere inside, she knew she was ignoring whatever feelings she was developing for Drago, after all, how could he possibly return what she felt? So she denied herself, and consciously, she didn't realize it. Fear of rejection was apparently something she had to deal with in the past, and she didn't learn how to cope, so she ignored it instead.

When she found him, she wrapped her robes about herself, her braid over her right shoulder as she looked at him, staying silent and waiting for him to speak or move.
"I am surprised you stir this early, Padawan." he spoke, his eyes still shut "You slept so soundly I didn't want to disturb you with my insomnia."

Drago opened his raven eyes and looked at her with an enchanting glare that few women could resist. He knew this, praying she would move first and thus the blame for acting innappropriately would be not entirely on him. But as a scholar he knew this was just a way of masking his own desires. Drago held his hand out and touched her soft hand.

"You are cold." he spoke solemly, no crack appeared in his mask of calm, despite the lustful emotions within.
Yareh arched her brow slightly at his remark of her sleeping soundly, "I certainly do not feel as though I slept soundly," she told him, then she took another step closer to him as he touched her hand gently. Slowly she lowered herself to sit beside him, "I do feel a slight cold, Master," she admitted to him softly. She then folded her hands in her lap after tightening her robes about her some. Again, she refused to admit whatever emotion, or other feeling that stirred within her. Instead, she simply looked straight ahead, green eyes squinting gently against the rising sun.
Drago no longer cared for regulation and rules, he wnated his student, and if this was their last day together he wished it to be memorable.

"Allow me to warm you he said." leaning in and kissing her deeply, his tongue playing with hers.
Yareh nearly froze when she felt his lips on hers. Then his tongue inside her mouth and against her own. Slowly her eyes close and she leans into him, closing whatever distance there was between their bodies, and wrapping her arms around his shoulders, returning the kiss.
Drago placed his hand behind her head, pulling her deeping into eachother. He laid Yerah down pulling her robe off along with his own, kissing her wildly and touching her sides and breasts gently.
She was panting. Breathing heavily, her heart rate pounding wildly as she continued to return the wild kisses, her hands roaming over his back and shoulders, helping him take their robes off as he lowered them to the ground. As he touched her breasts and sides she moaned against his lips softly, her hands slowly traveling down his torso and to the waist of his breeches.
He pulled down his breeches and let her soft hands wrap around his surprisingly large shaft as they kissed. He blushed uncontrolably as they broke code after code recklessly. They were to make love, and not even the jedi council themselves could stop their lust.
Slowly, she stroked him from base to tip and back, her lips trailing from his and to the corner of his jaw. She allowed herself to feel him... and to feel what she'd been feeling for him but had been refusing to acknowledge. It flooded her senses. Nearly overwhelmed her. She loved him. With everything she had, and she poured that emotion into her touches and her kisses.
The emotions of the two sinful jedi filled the room with energy as their force abilities were taken to new heights that they were not meant to go. Loose objects began rising slowly from their possitions, including their robes and hair. Each strande crackled with the energies of the force. They kissed harder as Drago grinded his cock against his young student. He couldn't stand it anymore, he pulled off her breeches and began roughly fingering her virgin womanhood to prepare her for the intense pleasure she was about to endure.
Yareh gasped into the kiss as she felt, first his cock against her, then his finger inside of her. Arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, fingers digging into the flesh and muscle there, as her leg open more for him, her hips already, of their own volition, lift to him, urging for more as she continued to return the kiss over and over.
With a sharp and violent thrust the master broke her flower and the jedi sacred code, both shattering to a chorus of moaning and sloshing that came with the sinful extasy. He began slowly, his mass pushing deeper and deeper with every immense thrust he could force into her. Their hair began to stand on end as their powers became unchained. Static charge filled the room, causing metal to electrify and small volts of electricity to dance between the hairs of the two forsaken lovers.
Yareh certainly didn't noticed how their ability with the Force was affecting everything around them, all she noticed was the man above her, the first thrust caused her to cry out in pain, hands clutched his shoulder, nails nearly digging in, but then it went away as he slowly worked his way into her and it wasn't too long before he had her moaning and groaning in pleasure, her head tilting back, exposing her neck, her back arching up, causing her breasts to push into his chest. After awhile, she caught onto the rhythm and her hips starting moving into his, hers lift up as his press down, more and more she gave herself over to him, a man she turned out to love.
Drago looked into her eyes, his thrusting speeding up as he grew closer to his climax. He smiled, maintaining eyecontact with every quickening thrust. He went down, biting her nipples through her shirt, trying to get her to orgasm with him.
She moaned, groaned, grunted and cried out in pleasure, each sound coming out more and more intensely as he brought her closer and closer to the edge. She gasped out and arched her back off the floor as he bit her nipples through her tunic, her hips were matching his thrusts in speed and intensity and before she knew it, she was screaming his name loudly, her nails digging into his shoulders as she felt herself shatter under him, soaring off the edge.
The room surged with energy, volts of raw Force filling the rooms shattering windows and lifting metal objects up into the air. With a scream that could be heard for miles, he poured his essence into her, his eyes glowing white and his love for her radiating with every fibre of his being. After several long seconds of raw power and pleasure. It wasn't until they both hit the ground that they realized they were half a meter off the ground. They grunted in pain, but collapsed onto eachother far more tired than any other human would be after such an arousing act.

"I-I... I love you." he whispered, exaustedly, into Yerah's ear before finally falling asleep, or more so, unconcious.
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