Spanner in the Works (SW RP [Mr. Nibbles x BeauteousDeath])

Yareh followed him quickly up the fire escape, the Wookie behind her. Soon she was crouching beside her Master and spotted the same three soldiers in black armor, "What do we do, Master?" she asked him in the same quiet voice he'd used. She felt her heart pound with the fear of a confrontation, she really wasn't sure if she was ready for this sort of thing yet. Hell, she wasn't sure if she'd been ready to be out in the real world, outside of the Jedi school.
"Nothing," he said backing up out of sight. "we do nothing. The moment we make our presence known is the moment we give them the upper hand."

He peered over his shoulder at the passing Sith, thoughts racing in his head and quickly formulating a plan.

"All we can do is let them pass, and trace their steps." he said solemly
Yareh caught her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded to him, "Alright," she said to him as she watched for what he was talking about. The wookie had lowered himself into a crouch behind them and let out a soft sound, looking at Drago with his head tilted slightly to one side.
Drago and his cohort watched as the soldiers marched through the crowd, as the Trandoshans noticed the sith elite, the market goers began to make themselves scarce. Eventually only the Sith remained in the street. The one in front turned to his soldiers and signalled for them to take the high ground. The three split up, one heading towards the same building Drago was atop of.

"Damn," Drago whispered "They're onto us."
She obviously saw what Drago saw, the streets clearing of the native until on the Sith were left. With her, Drago and the Wookie on top of a roof. When she heard him she looked over at him, "What do we do now?" she asked him in a whisper as she moved closer to him. Anxiety and fear was pulsating through her and she did her best to keep it under control.
"You run," he replied giving her a steely stare "I will stay behind and dispatch these villains. Get to the ship, the hololith will be able to communicate with the captain despite Sith jammers. Contact him and warn him about the Sith. If this is like any other search, these soldiers are only the Vanguard of a much larger force."

He moved behind a humidifier and pulled out his light sabre, standing to his full height, his tall lithe form easily concealed behind the tall device. He gave Yerah a cursory glance and gestured with his free hand before mouthing "Go". The sound of metal boots clanking up a fire escape forewarned Drago of the approaching enemy, he held his sabre hilt with both hands and spoke a psalm of guidance. The Sith, with great agility lept onto the roof, Drago's emerald sabre activated with an ominous hum, and as if it were a trick of the light, the Jedi struck at his mortal enemy.
"I can't just leave you behind, Master," she told him, her green eyes widening as she shook her head, but it seemed he wouldn't hear of it. So she obeyed him, though everything in her told her to not leave him. "Come back to the ship as quick as you can, please?" she asked him just before she and the Wookie took off, giving one backward glance to see her master's light sabre activate and he struck at a sith. She turned back around and ran as quickly as she could back towards the ship.

Once she was there, she and the Wookie and managed to dodge and duck any one who may have looked suspicious enough to be with the Sith, she activated the hololith and told the Captain of what was happening, and what her master had said.
Drago's sabre was repelled by the retractor sheild that the Sith had quickly activated. The sith withdrew a pistol and fired several shots at the jedi who dodged and deflected every shot with ease. The last shot the sith fired was deflected back to him shooting him in the hand and lowering his lower guard. Drago slid beneath the sith and severed both his legs below the knee perminantly immobilising him. With one fell motion, he jumped to his feed and lept a great distance accross the open marketplace. The leader sith fired his laser riffle several times but both shots were easily deflected back. The third sith was possitioned on the opposide rooftop, firing his sniper rifle with deadly accuracy though the Jedi seemed to defy physics and sway from side to side avoiding every ace shot. Before the sniper could fire again Drago landed beside him. The severed head of the sith falling beside his limp corpse.

Drago turned to observe the sith who hunted him still. The two enemies merely looked at eachother menicingly. Finally, after many tense seconds the Sith raised his riffle and fired upon Drago, but with a black blur the Jedi was gone before the shot hit home.


The holographic form of Captain Artimes looked deshevled and worried.

"We're aware. We encountered a small Sith strike force, we dispatched them all but took light casualties. We'll have to meet in a new rendevue point, and the extraction location is too dangerous." Spoke the captain grimly. "We'll meet in Cervanus, a small town five clicks north of your current location. Until then, even when out of range of the Sith jammers, keep the line dead. We want them to chase shadows as long as we can. On that note of shadows, where is Master Drago?"
"He's dealing with three Sith that found us, he had me run so I could contact you and warn you," she told him calmly, though on the outside she deeply worried and afraid her Master wouldn't make it back to her location, "As soon as he arrives, I'll tell him what you said about your attack, and the new rendevous point," she assured the Captain, "In the mean time, Captain, stay safe, recover and may the Force be with you," she told him with a slight bow of her head.
As if on cue the shadow of Drago entered the ship. He approached the skittish looking apprentice.

"No need to relay it to me." he said, Yerah whipping towards him "I heard enough."

He looked as if he needed to catch his breath, but he didnt have the time to. He turned to the wookie and smiled proffesionally.

"Well, chap, I dont believe we were ever properly aquainted." he said holding out his hand "My name is Drago."

The wookie grabbed his hand hard with both paws and shook it hard. Growling in glee.

"He says his name is Khata"phrak." the wookie growled again "Phrak for short, my appologies."
Yareh breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Drago, that is.. sigh of relief after whipping around towards him when he spoke and startled her. She arched her brow slightly as he started introducing himself to the Wookie, though she had to smile in amusement when Phrak growled to correct her Master with the name, "I'm Yareh," she said in way of introducing herself, "Pleasure to meet you," she added.

She then looked back at Drago, he appeared a bit winded, but uninjured, "Shall we go to the new rendezvous point?" she asked him then.
"Yes" he said putting his hands in his sleeve "Its only a matter of time before the Sith realize we're here. That is if they already havent."

He turned on his heel an exited the chamber.
"No," Drago responded "I'm quite alright."

As the three traveled down the exit ramp Drago felt a sudden disturbance in the force. Drago looked at his apprentice for reasurance of this feeling.
"Move!" he shouted, sprinting down the ramp. The ship behind them was hit by a long range missile causing its bulk to detonate in a firey blast, knocking the three off their feet. Chain reactions fired as their only way off the planet was completely destroyed.
Yareh immediately sprinted after him, Phrak at their heels, then the explosion went off and the concussive wave knocked Yareh off her feet and flew her a good ten feet, where she hit her head hard on the ground when she landed. Hard enough that she ended up being knocked out, down for the count for the moment.
Yerah opened her eyes to see the beady eyes of a wookie staring down at her, backdropped by the twilight sky. He purred in concern at her, placing a fury, bloody caked paw on her shoulder. She had been moved, somewhere on the outskirts of the city, she was out longer than she thought.
She patted the wookie's shoulder gently, then started trying to sit up, groaning at the wave of dizziness that hit her. She held her hand to her head, "Where's Drago?" she asked. Though she fully realized that she wouldn't understand Phrak if he tried to tell her verbally.
He growled in audiblaly, she knew he wouldnt be understandable. She looked around the room, it seemed to be an abandoned farmhouse of some sort. Outside through broken window panes she could see the jungle trees swaying in the wind. She felt her master's warm aura close. He was worried internally, but undoubtably remained calm looking.
She stood then, feeling a bit shaky on her feet for a moment. Then looked up at Phrak, "You alright, buddy?" she asked him, and assumed the purring/growling noise he made stated he was in good condition. She smiled lightly to him and nodded as she started walking in the direction she felt her master's aura from. When she found him she went over and stood beside him, "How long was I out for, Master?" she asked him quietly as she tucked her hands into the opposite sleeves of her robe.
Drago did not reply, but not as if he was ignoring her, as if he was too deep in thought to notice she had approached him. At least that's what Yerah wanted to believe. Deep down she knew he sensed her long before she was next to him. After several akward seconds he spoke finally breaking the silence.

"10 crew members...dead." said Drago gravely. "I can't believe I didnt sense it sooner."
"Its completely destroyed." He spoke as solem as ever. "We're stranded. Whoever planted that bomb doesnt want us to leave."

He paused, sighed deeply, his eyes closed in deep thought.
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