Spanner in the Works (SW RP [Mr. Nibbles x BeauteousDeath])

Dr. Nibbles

Oct 20, 2011
Your Pants
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

After the seige of Darth Malak's star forge, the Sith armada was repelled and forced to rally under the wing of Darth Revan. Weakened, but vengeful, the Sith armies are bolstering their defenses and are preparing a counter-strike on the Republic.

A Jedi informant turned Sith has been reported fleeing from the Expansion Region to the mid rim, undoubtably attempting to take refuge in the Outer Rim: Sith Territory. A small detachment of Jedi and republic troopers have been despactched to the last known location of the informant in hopes to capture and interrogate him before he reaches the poiunt of no return.

The team of master and apprentice have made planet fall on Trandosha, home to the warlike replians known as Trandoshians. But far darker things lurk in the slums of Dosha than just the theives and scum of this world.
Yareh Frae wasn't a very a tall woman, only two inches above five feet, her dark auburn hair was pulled back in a simple braid that was twisted into a bun at the nape of her neck. She wore the typical apprentice Jedi robes. Currently she was now walking along side her master, she looked around, keeping a sharp eye out for possible trouble, "You didn't give me much to go on, Master," she said to him, "Who or what are we looking for?" she asked as she cast a green eyed glance to him before looking around again.
Master Drago Geiger walked with his usual sombre attitude as he exited the boarding ramp from the Star Ship the Golden Contact. He was a tall, but lithe man. His head was topped with shoulder length, jet-black hair, slicked back and braided. His pale face was clean shaven and soft, much like the rest of his body. He looked down at his anxious padiwan with his black, slanted eyes, his mind swarming internal feelings of pity and sympathy.

He remembered a time when he too would feel the stressful ebb and flow of the force; never knowing when somehting was amiss or he was simply in an unfamiliar setting. Being born in the outer rim he understands the shift in comfortable settings that a jedi will encounter during their interstellar travels. Something as simple as increased pressure or lower gravity between world to world will greatly effect a young Jedi's unhoned skills. But thats Drago's duty, to instruct the child under his wing until she too is ready to be knighted.

He blinked once, the impact of such intimidating eyes made it hard for even his padiwan to look at him. "We are looking for a Mandilorian, my student" he began, his voice pious yet smooth. "His name is Casmiro Kaspar. He is a weedy, spineless little rodent, but he is well connected. Undoubtably he's paid all who he's encountered here to keep their mouths shut."

He allowed a smile to breach his solem expression

"The thing you must learn about Trandoshans, Yareh, is that they will do just about anything for a price. Even break a promise they were paid to keep."
She gave Master Drago a small smile in return, "I will keep that in mind, Master," she told him softly to his warning of the Trandoshans. They continued walking together, as she tried to keep an eye out for the Mandilorian, Casmiro. She attempted to keep the calm, serious demeanor she'd been taught, and that Drago encouraged. It was a bit hard though, this was the first time she'd been taken on a mission, the first time she'd been out of the Jedi school building. Needless to say, the ebb and flow of the force felt more than strange, it felt disconcerting, and she'd been trying to become accustomed to it, it wasn't exactly happening quick enough for her liking, but patience. She needed to remain patient.
OOC: Sorry for the redonculous wait. Work takes priority ^_^"

Drago looked down at his apprentice with a frown, seeing that his words meant little to the young Jedi. He opened his mouth to speak when a large Republic Trooper, clad in the armor of a captain approached him.

"Ah, Captain Eglasius, I assume all is well aboard the Contact."

"Yessir." Replied the stern and dicsiplined soldier, his blue eyes darting around in suspicion "Two of my men are staying aboard with the droids to assure everything stays intact here. The rest of the unit and I are awaiting your orders."

His eyes fell on the beautiful young girl by Drago's side. He gave her a seducing smile, but his smile faded when he met Drago's eyes. A grim expresssion unlike any other than an Outer Rim Born could make was strewn across his pale face.

"I want you to make your way to the entertainment district here, my apprentice and I will investigate the Hab block and the Market." spoke the somber jedi.

"Yessir." saluted the Trooper marching off with sudden respect in his stride to meet his men.
Yareh arched her brow when the Trooper, in her view, practically leered at her, and was deeply grateful that Drago gave him the glare he did. When the Trooper left, she looked up at her Master, "I don't suppose you can teach me that glare sometime, Master?" she asked wryly as she slid her hands into her the opposite sleeves, effectively folding her arms across her abdomen, but loosely.

Then she tilted her head to the side, "So back to the Trandoshans, why is it they feel the need to betray each other or their employers? It can't just simply be greed, could it?" she asked him.
He looked back to his padiwan before pulling his hood over his head, making the upper half of his face scarce. The only thing seen from under the shadow of his hood was the gleam of light on his all black, slanted eyes.

"That glare, my padiwan" he said with a bright smile "Is one talent I cannot teach."

He walked on, sensing his student close in toe. They worked their way to the market place and Dragos lectured endlessly.

"The Trandoshans are greedy, yes, but they also have been at war with themselves for far longer than most races of their advancement." He began "They have been genetically trained over generations to fight for survival even when such betrayals are unnessecary."

As they walked into the market of diverse population, Yareh heard the familiar sound of a wookie amungst the crowd, one who was crying out in pain. Dragos seemed to not notice, or care perhaps.
Yareh's attention went straight to the sound. Her head swiveled about upon her shoulders in the direction she heard it from, "Master.. Someone's in trouble," she told him, then felt silly that she said such a thing, obviously, with the sounds of the pain filled cries, someone was in trouble. Without another thought, she started in the direction she was hearing the Wookie.

Within seconds she was there, she remained at the outskirts of the crowd so she could survey the situation, find who was hurting the Wookie, and how many there were, so she could figure out how to disengage.
"Yerah?" Spoke Drago, sensing her pressence vanish. But the young one was too quick, she had already escaped into the crowd and was too distracted to hear him shout "YERAH!"

Several Trandoshans surrounded a wookie, beaten, bloody, and wrapped in chains. The massive beast fought back with all its might, throwing its captors around the opening. People walked by the situation like it was nothing, it was not uncommon for Wookies to be taken and sold as slaves on Trandosha. But this one its fur coated in dirt and caked with dried blood, its fur was patchy and its skin scarred. His eyes told a tale of heart break and sorrow.

"Silence you abomination" shouted the only Trandoshan not engaged in the confrontation. He charged at him and stuck a tazer stick into its neck and it fell to the ground with throes of pain. The bruised captors kicked the wookie while it lay there, its eyes met Yerahs in the crowd, though she did not speak wookie, its eyes spoke a universal language "Help me"
Yareh's green eyes widened as she saw the horror before her. The Wookie's eyes pleaded with her to do something, but she wasn't exactly sure just what she could do. She knew she and Drago were here on a mission, and she didn't think he'd want her to use the Force and announce to everyone that there were Jedi in the vicinity. She took a step forward anyway and looked blankly at the ones hurting the poor Wookie, "What is it you are doing to him," she demanded of them, using a flat voice.
"None of your concern," spat the lizard in charge, his one eyes blood red while the other was covered by a eye patch the hid the most grusome parts of his wicked scar. "Leave 'ere now 'uman, or we'll be forced to take... drastic actions."

He gave her a gnarled, sickly smile. His breath stank of carrion and his soul stank of malice.


Drago strided swiftly accross the market, weaving inbetween the mass of multi-cultural bodies. He used his enhanced hearing to drown the empty noise around him and pin point the pressence of his unnruly apprentice. His brow arched up as he heard a familiar female voice speaking poor Doshan.

Found you, he thought.
Yareh glared blankly at the lizard who spoke to her and she shook her head slowly, "I'm afraid I cannot leave, and you can try to take... drastic actions," she said as she readied herself for a fight, the Wookie needed her help, she couldn't just leave now, even though she was inwardly becoming afraid for her own life, on the outside, she actually appeared to be very calm, very collected, and she was actually starting to appear lethal, even though it appeared she had no weapons on her.
The other Trandoshans looked up at Yerah viewing her as both brazen and stupid. They stood in silence and waited to see what the petite girl would do next.

The Trandoshan captain looked back at his crew and snarled. "Wot're you lookin' at?!?" he hissed. He then turned to Yerah, his scaly snot inches from her face.

"Imma 'iv you one more chance to leave or I'll personally stab dis shok-maul through your skull." The manlizard's eye glowed with malice and rage. Striking fear, unnoticeably into Yerah.
Yareh reacted almost instantly, normally, she would have placed the heel of her hand into his nose, unfortunately, the only real weak spot she could take advantage of on the Trandoshan was his eyes, the entire species' eyes were incredibly sensitive after all. With that in mind, she pulled a small knife from her belt and flashed it in the sunlight, quickly aiming the reflection in the Trandoshan's eyes, if it worked, she would then pick her left foot up quickly and slam it down onto his knee before jumping into a spin and kick her right foot out and hope it would land on the back of his head.
The Trandoshan captain's pupil shrank and he clapsed his only working eye, thick salty tears streaming from it.

"DAMN YOU!" he screamed "KILL HER!"

Withlittle to no hestiation the barbaric Trandoshans quickly, drew their guns and aimed them at Yerah.
It seemed she had no choice now, it was to use the Force, or die for no apparent reason, she breathed in deep held her hands out and feeling the Force around her and in her she quickly imagined several hands coming from her own two, invisible to others but herself, and grab the Trandoshans' weapons, yanking them all out of their hands, she did this with an inward twist of her wrists, then she dropped the guns at her own feet and held her palms out to them again, this time immobilizing them.

Now she just wondered what the hell she was going to do now?
With Yerah distracted, the Captain stood up vengefully, his eye swollen and blurred. He raised his shok-maul and swung with tramendous force at the young Jedi. Yerah just barely looked over to see it coming towards her face when suddenly a whooshing blur of black and bright green flew past her, the familar hum of a lightsabre filling the alley.

The weapon swung past her face, the grip all that remained. The electrical probe of the shok-maul lay severed and sparkling on the floor. The Trandoshan Captain backed up with fear in his eyes as the skulking, black eyed Jedi stood up in front of him. Drago retracted his green light sabre and looked into the eyes of the Trandoshan. He placed his hands within each other side of his cloak arms and spoke with grace.

"Is there a problem here captain?" Drago asked

"I-uh" the Trandoshan glanced at Yerah and snarled "No, nothin' at all."

"Good, because I was going to see if you could assist me." Began Drago "I'm searching for an old friend, being a trader as yourself you must see lots of people. He's a mandilorian. Did you see one pass by?"

The Trandoshan gave Drago a wry look, almost in disgust.

"Why should I 'elp with Jedi business?"

"I can think of no good reason." spoke the persuasive jedi, his words seeming much more powerful to the trandoshan's weak mind. "How much for the wookie?"

"Ee's not for sale." growled the captain, turning on his heel and barked at his minions to pick up the wookie.

"Yes he is." said Drago waving his hand.

"Actually, yes he is." replied the Captain, turning around slowly to face him.

"He's only 500 credits." Said Drago, waving his hand again.

"He's only 500 credits." Repeated the Trandoshan.

"500 credits? Thats a bargain for a strong wookie. I'll take him." Drago pulled out a card and the Trandoshan captain reluctantly pulled out his, they put the two together and transfered the credits.

"Th-thanks." replied the Trandoshan walking away "Comon boys... leave the wookie."

The Trandoshans looked at the Jedi suspiciously and followed their captain's orders despite his suspicious change of loyalty.

"Come on big fella." Said Drago gingerly, kneeling down to help the wookie up.
Yareh sighed out in some relief when they left and immediately went to the wookie, "I'm sorry, master. I just couldn't let them continue on as they were on him, they would have killed him," she said to him in a soft voice, her voice shaking as she stood when Drago and the wookie stood. She took a step back and looked at the injured wookie, "Do you know where your family is? Maybe when we're done we can help fix you up and take you back to them?" she asked him gently, while also hoping she didn't get herself and her master in a big trouble in the area or the wookie.
"Don't make a promise you can't keep." Order Drago not looking at her. "He's from Kasshyyk. Odds are his family was killed in a raid, and even if we could get him back to his home planet we wont have time nor resources to get him their."

He then snapped his head towards Yerah, giving her the same jet black stare he gave the trooper. "As for you, you deliberately disobeyed me. I ordered you to stay close and keep your head low. You did presicely the opposite of that."

His tone was grim and his gaze steely, as if his eyes were daggers stabbing deep into her soul.
She certainly felt as though she'd been slapped in the face. Though she knew she deserved it. She drew in a deep breath and nodded a she bowed her head, mostly to hide the tears that felt burning behind her eyes, she knew they weren't there yet, but they would be if she continued to look at him, "I apologize master," she said to him softly, letting the the breath out slowly and drawing in another. After the adrenaline rush having worn off, she felt the need to sit somewhere, and now she was being torn into, metaphorically by Drago.

"You are right, I shouldn't have disobeyed you," she continued on, cursing herself because she felt herself starting to tremble, her voice included, she drew in another deep breath and closed her green eyes, fighting off the one emotion that she couldn't easily fight off, aside from curiosity that is.
Drago let out a deep sigh of resentment. He looked at Yerah and placed a reasuring palid hand on her shoulder.

"It is a lesson we all must learn in life sometime, my apprentice." he said solemly. "Let us make haste. We cannont stay in one place for too long."

The three left the alleyway and disappeared amungst the crowd. But as they made themselves scarce, the shadows behind them danced and followed.
She nodded, still not looking at him as she drew her hood up over her copper hair and most of her face, settling her hands in the opposite sleeves so she grab her forearms as she followed him, glancing at the Wookie to make sure he was able to keep up. She still felt more than a little disoriented, unable to keep up with the shifting and ebbing of the Force around her on this planet, with that in mind, she didn't notice whatever was behind them.
Drago, stopped for a second in his path before jogging to catch up with his apprentice and the Wookie. He pulled out a small device from his sleave and spoke into it.

"Commander, we need to meet at our rondevue point, I sense something's amiss." He looked at his apprentice giving her a worried glance. No response followed

"You sense it to don't you?" he questioned to his apprentice. "Commander... come in."

Something definitely wasn't right, these were long range military communicators. The primary relay was in the ship, and the only way to stop communication was if the ship left lower orbit or the signal was jammed. And he knew of only one faction that had that capability.

"The sith." he whispered to no one. Drago grabbed his apprentices wrist and began moving with purpose. "We have to keep moving." His voice filled with distress something that did not happen often with such a level headed Jedi.
Yareh looked at her Master, a slightly confused look upon her face as he asked if she sensed it too, "I'm not sure, there seems to be so much confusion," she told him. Anxiety and worry over the men and women aboard the ship when the commander didn't reply to Drago's call, grew. She heard him say 'The Sith', and her anxiety grew exponentially.

Next thing she knew, her wrist was grabbed and she forced to quickly follow Drago, "Where? Where do we go? To the rendevous point? What if they're waiting for us there," she asked him quickly as she kept up with him, and looked to her side where the Wookie was following them still.
"Wookie." he spoke, still moving quickly "Can you fight?"

It growled back, as if offended.

"Of course you can." he smiled.

The group ran into an alleyway. Drago clmbed onto the fire escape of the building next to him, signalling for the others to follow. He jumped onto the roof and laid his head low, hiding behind a generator and viewing the streets. As he observed the mostly Trandoshan crowd, he notices 3 soldiers dressed in black armor. His heart sank as he truely knew he was being followed.

"They know we're here." he said quietly
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