Dragon's Jade

Nov 30, 2010
Daniel smiled slightly as he looked at his friend over the edge of his sunglasses, snickering slightly as he watched the blond looking around them. Nibbling on the breadstick he was eating he snickered."Felton, if your going to watch her, go introduce yourself."He pointed out finally looking across the studio to see the woman who held tom's almost undivided attention. Jade Olivia had become a easy mesh into the friendships on set, and yet, the new stunt woman hadn't been over to talk to them since she'd started a few days before."I' sure she'd help you with your broomstick like she is Emma."

Jade smiled slightly unaware of the two men watching her from a distance soft spoken and quiet, the dark haired woman had found a fast friend in Emma Watson, bonding over men and childhood stories, and it had made it easy to help with the stunts the woman had to do.
Tom had been entranced by her beauty, he liked to see her smile, he liked the way she moved and of all the things he liked best about her it was her laughter. He planned on so many times to just walk up and introduce himself, only he hesitated and headed for a girl in her general direction and flirted with them. Of course they were all bubbly and sometimes a bit irritating but Tom tolerated it while knowing he was around her.

He heard Daniel's voice fade in and he turned to him with a little bit of laughter, "sure. After you win the bloody noble freaking prize, Dan." He replied sarcastically. Then turning his attention back to where Jade was.
Daniel laughed looking over at him,"Well I AM defeating Voldemort. I deserve a noble prize."He said before smirking wider, amusement showing on his face as he pushed his sunglasses up."Come on.I'll even walk over with you, since everyone loves me. Hopefully she likes the bad guy."He teased his friend, knowing that even if draco malfoy was on the 'bad' side of the movie, tom had no trouble getting hit on by himself. Amused as he watched Jade and Emma gesturing over something they were talkking about
Tom shrugged away from Daniel with laughter, "more like a sobbing choir boy near the end, hopefully she'll let that slide." He joked, "Rowling even gave you the biggest wand," he got up and started walking, "certainly isn't too fair." He saw both Jade and Emma giggling, he then paused and waited for Daniel to get up, he turned around "Hurry up old man, we're losing daylight." He joked, having to force his bashfullness under some sort of humor.
"Of course I have the biggest wand.I'm a hero."Dan smirked slightly, amused at tom's bashfulness. IT wasn't often there was a person the blond was shy around, and it was even more amusing because he hadn't even talked to her yet. Pushing out of his seat he followed Tom across the set, "And you're older then me felton."He pointed out with good humor, sliding his sunglasses back in place.

Jade smiled a little, her giggles quieting when she saw the men walking towards them,pausing in her conversation, hip resting against the table as she watched them from behind her sunglasses, listening to Emma even as she watched them.Well, tom anyways. Blushing slightly as she turned back to her conversation."It's odd being here almost. I feel like I'm the odd sister out, in this really odd family thing you guys have going on."
Tom couldn't help but laugh as they walked towards the two girls, "oh hell," he started and felt a little shiver playing at the tip of his spine. It wasn't a full tingle but somehow it roamed all the way to the tips of his fingers. He saw Jade's curves and paused seeing her hip resting against the table. He took a deep breath, "shit" he turned to Daniel without taring his eyes from Jade, "maybe, no fuck it," he was about to back out, and then glanced at Emma.

She'd been giggling, her slender fingers held over her mouth. After Jade mentioned being the odd one out, she tilted her head and shook it, "You know it's just a load of horse droppings," she said with a little laughter, "these two" she spoke addressing their arrival and smiling at Tom before Daniel, "are a major pain in the arse, you might want to exchange companies." She kidded, "Hey Tom, Jerry." She poked fun at Daniel before seeing Tom was a little nervous, she frowned a little and then guessed what he was so nervous about.

"Well say hello, Tom."
"Morning." Was it?
Dan grinned slightly, "Do I look like a mouse to you?"Dan pouted a little, looking at the brunette woman as he wrapped a arm around her waist, snickering a little at tom being so nervous.Really, this was to amusing to leave him alone with. After all, he had a feeling Tom'd run away if he left him there.

Jade smiled back, "Good morning."She said laughing softly as tom was instructed to say hello raising a eyebrow. Looking between the costars she smiled relaxing. More at ease now that she'd met everyone. Having managed to talk to everyone but tom and dan. Realizing the blond was nervous, and knowing why....but attatching the wrong woman to the cause of nervousness she laughed."Major pain in the arses are they?"she said raising a eyebrow at tom."Are you going to be a pain in my arse?"

Daniel swallowed his laughter, grinding his teeth to keep from laughing in tom's face.Oh...the innocent things people said. There were just so many ways to take that question, and he knew she didn't mean it like tht.
Emma nudged him playfully with her shoulder when he wrapped his arm around her, "Yes, as a matter of fact you do." She joked and then wrapped her arm around his waist in return.

Tom had managed to gain some sort of sanity, at least he said something, so he brushed the back of his neck and made a face at his co-stars being so cozy, Daniel couldn't keep away from Emma and he was actually surprised they weren't dating yet. He then laughed as Jade referred her ass as the main topic, now "I'd be good to your arse at least, not that little brat's." He nodded to Emma.

Emma was actually a little shocked and it took that expression of Emma's to snap Tom's response into the gutter.

"Not in THAT manner," Tom stated, "I mean I would be good just not, like that sort of good, I mean I am good. Not that you were asking." Tom did a mental face-palm.
Jade's jaw actually dropped slightly, before a snicker escaped, making her swallow hard as her whole face brightened, laughter showing in her eyes."Well, as long as your good taking care of asses."she said biting her lip. This was such a odd conversation,but he looked so cute flustered, she couldn't help making it worse.

Dan snickered looking at Emma."Ah, em, Tom's gotten good at lying. He's sooo not good."He said smirking slightly, because really, it wasn't often he got to see one of his best friends this flustered.
Tom had to push his laughter aside to hear what Daniel was saying, he turned his head and tsked. "I don't know Mr.Potter, I've heard some girls going on about a particular member during a certain stage play." He hadn't seen the play himself, but had heard about it long ago. Emma laughed a little but patted Daniels hand around her waist, "they were pleased," she said reassuringly.

Then to Jade, Emma nodded towards Tom a little.

"We were about to grab a drink, come with us, guys." She said, "the shoot won't be for awhile, so we have time."
Daniel grinned rolling his eyes at tom."Just because you're jealous people want to see me naked, doesn't mean you have to be mean."He said pouting slightly, amused as he looked at jade, amused at her slightly shocked look."Drinks sound good."

Jade nodded absently, heading for the door, following Emma and Daniel, "I want ice cream to. Lets go to the palor around the corner."
Tom stifled an evil laugh, he actually hadn't been as confident to talk about nudity after all. He felt himself blush and wiped the back of his neck again reaching out towards Jade. It wasn't his intention, it was like his arm had a mind of it's own while it found a way around Jade's shoulder. "Second vote on ice cream," Emma turned to Tom and nodded "Same." She answered, "But I want a smoothie instead."

Tom chuckled, "Dibs on the chocolate barrel, it's all mine." The blonde joked.
Dan smiled a little,amused as jade stepped closer, a arm curling around Tom's waist, the perfect height to fit easily underneath the blond's arm. Turning his headhe looked down at Emma, "At least its not cold this time. Remember last time he wanted ice cream?It was like, 10 degrees out."He whined a little smiling as they stepped into the august sun, heading across the way to the ice cream parlor.

Jade laughed smiling as she settled into a easy pace with the blond holding her, matching his pace easily."I want a milkshake I think."she said sounding happy and more relaxed then she'd been since she'd started working at the studio.
"Oh buck up, boy." Tom joked, "it was that chilly." He chuckled tilting his chin downwards to Jade and was amazed by her beautiful smile. "Milkshakes, eh? I'd figured you were more of a coffee shop maniac."

Emma reached her arm out, she didn't know why, but she had to be the first one through the door. She ducked out of Dan's arm and slipped through the entrance.
"Vanilla smoothie, please." She tossed her purse onto the counter, "It's on me guys."

Tom held the door open for Jade and waited for her to enter.
Jade smiled a little as she slipped away from tom, about to protest, but after a few days with emma she knew the other woman wouldn't let her pay for anything."A chocolate shake please."She said amused as the waiter took their orders.

"Hmmm I think I'll have a blizzard."He said a slight saddened frown on his lips before he smiled.After all, it wasn't like he was dating her, he could stand to not have Emma tucked close to him.
Tom knew not to even try a hand at paying for his own, Emma had twisted his finger one day, literally when he tried to throw some money at the cashier. She wasn't always as lethal, just to Tom, he was like the annoying older brother.

"I'll have a chocolate sh-" he didn't mean to echo Jade, "I mean I will have a chocolate cone, please. No sprinkles or anything else."

Emma pointed to a free booth away from the window, so they could have a private visit without having people notice them outside. Tugging at Dan's arm, making sure he didn't get between Jade and Tom, "Sit with me on this side, Dan."
Dan smiled slightly, sliding into the booth,tugging her down next to him as he dug into his blizzard before looking at the two across from them."You just wanted to make sure I didn't sit with tom."He pouted a little swallowing his laugh, because really. Poor tom.He got to watch her sucking on a straw....and what normal 19 year old wouldn't think of what else she could suck on.

Jade smiled as she drank her shake, sliding into the booth next to tom, glancing over at him."No sprinkles?Those are the best part!"
Emma played with her straw, lining the tip around her lower lip and then winked at Tom just to bug Dan. Tom didn't know what to make of Emma's gesture, but he turned to Jade and rested his elbow at the edge of the table, "Not much of a fan, just like chocolate. I suppose." He wanted to say something else, but not sure what to say. Emma nudged his foot, or someone's foot cause Tom didn't react.

She could tell that he really liked her, cause by now Tom was typically flirting with the other girls by now. Since he wasn't making a move, Emma's brown hues widen, and twisted towards Daniel with a swift move and wrapped her arm around his neck and held onto his ear with her other hand as she whispered, "Can't you get him to just ask her out? He's so boyish it's irritating."
Jade yelped a little when emma nudged her foot,looking startled before frownig.Looking at tom again she blushed slightly,"Ah well,I'll have to remember that.Maybe I'll bring you some next time you're mad about something."She said, rambling because she didnt know what to say.

Dan yelped a little at the sudden whisper,closing his eyes a little,trying not to react to the pleasurable feeling of having her so close.Snickering a little."Since when does he EVER listen to when I tell hm to do something?"
When it was Jade who reacted, Emma flushed a little, looking at Dan while her eyes glazed with laughter. Tom didn't know what to make of it, he didn't realize he was coming off as angry, or was he? He tried to clear his throat, but had to lick up some ice cream, his throat had been so dry. The sound had almost been comical as he gulped down the chocolate ice cream, "Actually I'm not a chocolate freak or anything." He stated, "the candy is pretty harsh when it's cold."

He looked at Emma, seeing Dan's reaction to her being so close, he could almost laugh.

Tom nodded at Jade towards Emma and Dan, "what are you two all cozied about, should we leave you alone?"

"No!" Emma let go of Dan, "I was just asking him something about Jayeeeson." She twirled her straw around in her smoothie hoping that she didn't quite get that reference.
Jade looked between them,looking confused.Feeling awkward and out of sorts.Having not meant to put tom on the spot, but she hadnt known anything else to say."Who?"

Dan smiled a little."Oh just a friend who asked advice about how to ask someone out."He said vaguely looking amused,giving tom a look because he could see the blond wanted to laugh at him.Frowning a little when emma jumped away,biting his lip to keep from being hurt hw she'd moved away so quickly.
"Exactly." Emma added after Daniel while nodding at Tom towards Jade. Not obviously, just enough so he'd realize what they were talking about.

Tom got that and looked at his ice cream, it was melting a little too fast so he just started licking away at it.

Emma slumped and looked at Dan a little hopeless, she had no idea on how to go about this. She would normally spit it out, but with Jade being her new friend, she didn't want to meddle with Tom like that. She curled some hair behind her ear and took a sip of her smoothie.
Dan smirked,sipping his blizzaard,and being him had its advantages.he knew tom and emma had no plans for the weekend,besides going hiking so..."hey jade,you doing anything this weekend?We three were going to go hiking if you want to join us."

"w-what?"She stuttered a little before nodding."That-that would be fun."She said blushing a little as she looked at tom before smling at the other two
Emma straightened from her smoothie and Tom had nearly went ghostly pale. He looked at Dan and then Emma who was smiling. He didn't know what to say to that, other than "I really a good hike, fishing and that sort." His ice cream plopped off his cone when he went to lick at it.

Emma dropped her straw and pulled some napkins from the dispenser. "Here," she spoke instructively while handing Tom some napkins, Tom got up as he laughed. "There's a garbage bin just at the door, Tom." Emma reached her hand across the table as she pointed to the front door, which was obvious, she never knew why she had to point out the obvious.
Jade laughed softly amused as dan slid out of the booth to, amused as he followed tom to the trash can, tossing his empty cup away."You could just ask her to lick you clean you know."He teased,truly getting a kick out of putting the usually unrufflable blond out of sorts.

jade smiled watching the two men,before looking at emma."You were right they're both nice."she said with a grin
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