Lionel nodded slowly. "I've only been there once, but that's it. Windfall Castle..." Windfall was hardly tall, but it was expansive and well decorated with marble and bronze decor to Dima, the Lightbringer and the Keeper of Wisdom. (Hope I'm not getting this goddess wrong, she is yours.)
From the castle, one could see the coast of the Abyssal Expanse, a vast ocean no one had crossed because of storms and sea monsters, most ships kept close to shore. There was some small villages surrounding the lands around Windfall Castle and it was considered a religious expanse. There was no lord save for the King, only the Abbess or Abbot had lease here and since the King ruled by Divine Right, the local religious leader ruled like a local lord, but usually much less out of self-servitude, and more out of a desire to proselytize for the good of their god. Dima was a kind and benevolent goddess so the local Abbess or Abbot typically reigned benevolently. Typically, the monastery and the convent were kept on the same grounds, but separately. The vast castle serves as a great library as well as a school for new servants of the goddess. Males and females were schooled in the convent and monastery separately, and while the priests did the earthly duties of keeping the records, recording, copying, and keeping books, and such, the priestesses did the heavenly duties, tending to the goddess and appeasing her servants and the light spirits and various other denizens of the spiritual world. There were some joint duties where the priests and priestesses met, such as blessings, holy days and festivals, and quests where necessary. The castle did house the occasional paladin of Dima.
Rafe smiled as, looking in the sky and seeing the last of Dima's rays leave it and the crescent moon rising as the night animals began to call. "Looks like we got here just in time..."