Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Oct 8, 2011
Aunt Petunia had that look in her eye, the darkness that boiled Harry's blood, the very stare he returned. They said their goodbye's of empty lies and set off in their own directions. She, back home to her ruthless and narcissistic family and he, back to his real home.
Little did he expect the unruly nature of the Dementors stopping the train and creeping into every cabin after leaving Platform nine and three quaters. Luckily enough for him, he'd been alone, Hermione and Ron weren't at Kings Cross at all when he arrived. He figured the two were already at The Burrow.

So as he lurked around the whole train beneath his invisibility cloak, trying to avoid the run in by cabin hopping, Harry managed to make it to Hogwarts without having to use his Patronous.
He had to make one more sneak to claim his luggage only to see find it had been taken, most likely a house elf bringing his suit case to the lost and found. The empty and hollow feeling had begun to fade as Harry stepped off and away from the train.

"Best be taken it away from Hogwarts, 'arry." Hagrid had played a road block, apparently the grounds were soft, so the only thing being spotted had been Harry's weight along the ground. This is rather ridiculous Harry thought to himself, would he be stupid enough to go to Hogwarts just to be caught by a dementor. Hagrid had watched Harry's feet direction turn and head in the other direction.
Harry had gone on thinking about places to stay, where he would go, and what he was going to do. He waited until the coast had been clear and removed the cloak beside Diagon Alley. He planned on stopping by Ollivander's, then again what are the chances of a Professor or a snitching student inside.

He was really beginning to feel like a criminal, sneaking around, looking over his shoulder at every possible moment. It was getting tiresome quite fast, he would really enjoy the smooth warmth of a Butterbeer right now, but his identity had traps him.
Enough with this, Harry thought as he fumed, and headed down the dark aisle to Knocturn alley. His new direction had been The Leaky Cauldron, he'd stayed there once before when he caught the Knight bus.
Roshara Soeil smiled slightly as she walked through the alleys, heading for the leaky cauldron herself. After months of being bound to her lord's side, she was glorying in the freedom that his absence from the Malfoy Manor provided. Brushing her blue/black hair back over her shoulder she paused, her hand freexing near her face as she looked at the boy in front of her. No.The man in front of her. Because if what she guessed was true, this was no boy, but a man who'd grown up to soon. Thinking over her actions she fiddled with the thick leather cuff bracelet that surrounded her wrist before smiling slightly.

Crossing the alley she raised her hands in the universal sign of 'I mean no harm' before she raised her eyes, the dark green bordering on black raising to meet emerald green eyes."Harry potter. fancy to find you without your guards."She said, the soft lilting accent sounding amused. Despite being a death eater, and a enemy of the boy in front of her, she was curious about why he was here alone.And she wanted to know what was going on before she decided what she was going to do.
He kept thumbing cuff of his dark sweater between his fingers while waiting, the glances were uneasy, he'd wanted to turn and shout at them all or at least poke out that middle finger and extend it in all directions. Then of coarse he had to chuckle at the idea. He turned around to find a woman, elegant, yet dark in all forms, however, she held her hands up to him. He nodded but still cautious as he welcomed her greeting with a slight turn of his head, not so much of a snob, more unsure and confused. He shifted his weight to one side and rose the corner of his lip at one side, "I think I'm a little more surprised than you," he admitted with a soft hint of laughter "Well seeing you already know who I am, might I ask who you are?"

Harry had half the mind to pull out his wand, it was in his back pocket, ready for a go. A few curses roamed his mind as he took a quick glance over this woman, as beauty as is, always as it had been, a fine and delicate line between dangerous and life threatening.
"Roshara Soeil,I graduated the year you came out of obscurity."She smiled, that smile was like sun kissing a blade, sharp and elegant. Despite being beautiful, there was a deadliness to it. It was a beauty in the way a good weapon was beautiful, keen and deadly. Yet, under all that, there was a fragilness hidden. Scars hidden as easily as a whispered glamour, after so long she didn't even think about what the bracelets and attitude hid. No one, not even Voldemort, knew the secrets she guarded in snarling fierceness.

Tilting her head she brushed her dark curls out of her face, the pale starkness of her skin a shock with how very dark her hair was."Are you confused?Or just a snob?"She teased, seeing his head motion as he greeted her. After so many years of listening to Draco Malfoy complain about this man, she wanted to know what he was like in person, even if she shouldnt even be considering getting to know him.
Harry's brows pulled together quick motion to shake off his expression, he let that settle while he repeated her name, "Roshara." The tender sting of her remark still playing about, he was being foolish, if she were honestly to kill him, she would have, just as he would, if she tried. He rested the idea of his wand and smiled back in return. However his wasn't nearly as delightful as hers appeared.

He replied with a low tone, "You can't blame me for being confused," he started held out one hand at her, presenting her appearance "typically have people dressed as you are casting the killing curse in my direction every other day, or so."
Roshara snickered a little, reaching out shaking her hand, careful not to show the dark mark branded into pale skin as she did. Pulling away she glanced down at herself, pouting ever so slightly."And here I was thinking the dark jeans and sweater was less off putting then the death eater cloak.I must tell lucius his fashion sense is waning."She said thoughtfully. Despite the blond not being there, she couldn't help it, making fun of lucius was a engrained habit.

"I promise for the moment, that I have no intent on killing you. I'm more intrigued really."she said stepping back tilting her head towards the direction of the leaky cauldron,"If your looking to be found, go there. If you want time to yourself...there's better places here to find privacy. Hell, if your really despeate, go into muggle london for a place."She mused, despite the death eaters usual hatred for muggles, they weren't above using the muggles as a cover to hide in a crowd.
Harry took her hand into his, returning the motion gently as she had been careful, he figured she was more delicate than he'd thought. His smile had grown a hint of familiarity, "Malfoy?" He asked claiming his hand back and stood a little more in comfort.

"I promise for the moment, that I have no intent on killing you. I'm more intrigued really."

Is it terrible Harry should have a disclaimer from everyone in dark clothes, or is it just something that's given out in the Harry Potter introduction manual. Harry turned his attention towards the Leaky Cauldron, listening to her. "Well, if you know a good places, I'd like to hear them." The young man admitted.
Roshara's smirk widened a little. "Of course Malfoy. I am living with him, despite his being the bane of my existance."she snorted a little. as muh as she liked to pretend she hated the elder blond, she did care for him, and she appericated what he'd done for her. Smirking slightly, wondering what he'd think of her living at the Malfoy's, knowing there was no way he'd ever make the true connection that she had to them. That her love life contained the master and not the servant.

Nearly starting when he continued talking, having been following a inner thought she smiled a little."I'll do you some better.I'll show you."She said moving away from him, pausing as she decided before heading for the leaky cauldron.Despite hating to pass through there, he'd be safer in muggle london.Not that she was even considering why she wanted to keep him safe instead of turning him over to Voldemort.
He did his best not to think too much on Malfoy, not that it wasn't bothering him, there had always been that second state of mind that down right loathed The Malfoy's. Particularly the youngest of the family. He didn't bother making a notion towards her acknowledgement to the family, instead he went on, following her. She did seem to know the right locations of where not to be, there'd certainly been several on guard searching for him whenever he turned corners. "Alright, best I stick with you then, Roshara." He went on following her towards the leaky cauldron.

He waited until he was beside her and then turned in her direction, "Just why are you helping me any how?" He asked, a slight tone of bitter shock surfaced without intention. "I mean, Draco couldn't have exactly been singing praise about me." He added to flatten that shocked tone.
Roshara snorted a little as she paused in the doorway, starting to laugh. Oh the idea of Draco talking nicely about the boy who lived was outragouesly funny. Pausing the catch her breath she smiled as she led him through the bar, walking out into muggle london before she answered. After all, it wasn't such a easy question.

"Beause I know what it's like to grow up to fast."She said, shrugging carelessly. As if whatever forced her to be a woman before she was a child wasn't bothering her anymore. Shifting she slid off her jacket in the warm weather, squinting slightly in the glare of the sun."You don't have to sound so shocked.Killer I may be but I do have my moments of what tom calls reckless helpfulness."She said sounding amused looking at him. Wrinkling her nose a little as she looked over his clothes, the woman and pureblood in her heartily despising the worn out and to big clothes he was wearing, but not sure how to bring it up without being insulting.
Harry had managed to strike an amusement with Roshara, the tone of her laughter had been pleasing to hear along with that delightful smile accompanying that laughter. He waited patiently for her to catch her breath and then walked Jedi; with his hands held behind his back listening to what she had to say to it.

Her rose his brows briefly as he nods, reckless helpfulness can be very useful, he remembered all the times he and Ron and Hermione were stuck in helpless situations. Hermione of coarse being the reckless and helpful.
Harry caught that glimpse of disapproval in her glance, at first he wanted to ignore this, however this too hadn't been his choice of style. No thanks to the Dursley's son and his hand-me-downs, "It's all I own for now, I usually rely on the school robes." Harry clung his fingers around one wrist in front.
Roshara sighed in disappointment, shaking her head a little. It was amazing how Dumbledore treated the boy he wanted to save them all. "To bad you wouldn't fit Draco's things, otherwise I'd take some."she said thoughtfully. Though him and lucius were of similar sizes, maybe she'd make him give them over. After all, any day she could order tom's death eaters around like toys was a good day. Smirking slightly as they walked down the street together, she slid her hands into her pockets, thinking about what else he'd said.

"And...maybe I want to see what you'll do, on your own, with no expectations besides that you enjoy yourself."She said, sensing enough bitterness and darkness in him that it called her like a siren's song, to let him free. To open the cage that held him....and dammit, she just didn't know why she wanted to help him.But she did. And while she cared for Voldemort, or tom as she usually annoyed him by calling him, the weight of having his plans and expectations resting on her shoulders had slowly been coming to much. To help harry potter...this was something that was solely her own,and it relieved some of the stress of the rest of her life, even if only for a few minutes.
Harry's skin burned at the very idea of wearing Draco's clothes, he knew Draco would enjoy it, having at him with taunts such as 'the need to fill his shoes' and so on. It wasn't that he appreciated the idea, wearing hand-me-downs from big bad Dudley, had definitely worn to it's finest tip or even end. Especially the ratty jeans and clump worn out boots. If it hadn't been a health hazard, he'd bet that his Aunt would make him wear Dudley's boxers as well. Luckily even Aunt Petunia had thought that a bit fowl for humans.
Harry readjusted his sleeves aware his fashion had made a poor statement.

Harry chuckled, "Ah." He started with a soft start in his tone and then a playful hint of suspicion, "I might be Roshara's little lab rat, an experimental device to whatever end." He joked, and then shrugged, "Well I am a little more advanced in the vault here than I am back in Surrey. Perhaps I can be your fashion victim and you can be my fashion hero." He then remembered that the rest of the Sickles, Knuts, and Gold were all locked up in Gringotts. Where most likely, a field of trapper's lay in waiting.
Roshara snickered,"Oh little hero, you are no rat. You're to cute to be a rat.Maybe a mouse."She laughed smilign as she walked into the motel. A nice little place, small enough to not draw attention,but to big enough to not to have everyone watching you as you came and went. Smiling as she walked in, heading for the desk and paying for a room before he could protest.

Turning to look at him she sighed as she took the key to the room from the receptionist, holding it out towards him."I can't stay.I'm actually amazed no one's come looking for me.But I will be back.And I'll bring clothes next time.And schoolbooks."She said with a small smirk."Just because you're all alone doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to get your schoolwork done."She said smiling slightly.
Harry laughed at the idea of being a moues, "mouse, hamster, anything small and more collected than I am." He replied, following her to the Motel where he had attempted to pay but the quick and witty companion managed to decline his effort. Harry then walked with her to the room, he kept an interest to her conversation by the corner of his eye while concentrating on the door numbers.

"Certainly is a surprise, isn't it, typically I'm a noise making beacon with a homing device implanted." He added with a chuckle, "Batteries not included." When she made note of her leaving, Harry nodded, "Homework is a cinch," Harry lied.
"I will be seeing you soon, won't I?" He tried not to sound too inviting, let alone too desperate for company.
"A noise making beacon huh?Now that could have interesting possiblities."She said smiling a little, a sultry smirk turning her lips as she laughed. Knowing he was lying about homework, but for the moment she'd let it slide. After all, she'd be helping with it.And wouldn't that be entertaining?

A small pained look passing through her eyes as she heard the hidden desperateness, swallowing hard as she nodded."Of course. It might be a day or two though.But I WILL be back soon, I promise."She said resting a hand on his arm."And I always keep my promises."
Harry had felt the security in her promise and planted his hand over hers on his shoulder with a little nod. "Alright," he answered while letting his hand drop at his side.

"Wasting hours by the minutes then." He added, and smiled. He was good with farewells as long as he knew they were coming back around, "Will see you later," he remembered that she would be back to bring him some clothes and the dreaded idea of homework.
Roshara laughed softly, brushing a kiss to the shorter man's head."Yes, later."She said moving away, before leaving.

Two days later Roshara smiled slightly as she shifted the bag of both books and clothes on her shoulder, rapping her knuckles lightly on harry's door."Harry?"She called softly, looking unwontedly nervous.After all, she didn't know if he'd been tracked down. Maybe order members were waiting for her. Or something else equally annoying. Shifting her hold on the book in her hands she smirked slightly the idea of giving the hero of the wizarding world a decidely dark-yet legal book.
Harry had cradled her chin between his thumb and index while she kissed his head, half expecting time to suddenly freeze. He saw her off and continued about being sneaky. Managing to grab meals and such without be caught. Sleep was nothing compared to peace, the slightest movement he'd have his wand at the ready. Keeping the "Do-not-disturb" sign on so any suspicious help like maids and room service would stand out if anyone ever attempted to have at his life.

A couple of days had gone by with restless sleep, so Harry took to matting his hair down. Every Wizard in the world knew that Harry had unruly hair, not to his choice but of the fact he couldn't get it to stay. Two days of nothing much to do, managed successful to his delight.
The knocking on his door rose a hint of anxiety, he stood from his bed, leaving his glasses behind on the nightstand and as he walked to the door, he heard Roshara. He loosened up and went to the door peeping through the eye-hole just in case.
Opening the door, dark circles rimmed his eyes as he smiled, "It's good to see a familiar face."
"Uh-huh."She said frowning slightly as she looked him over, her frown becoming more as she studied the man. He looked so worn.And yet, despite being on opposite sides of the war, it filled her with a fierce longing to protect him to see him thus.Shifting the bag on her arm she smiled at him."I brought you clothes.And books."she smiled ducking past him and into the room, setting the bag down as she turned to face him, black curls bound in a serpent hair clip out of her face.

"How are you?"She asked worriedly, moving to stand in front of him, gently brushing her fingers through matted hair.Frowning because it made him look so vulnerable and young. "You need a haircut."She added as a afterthought.
Harry watched her as she ducked into the room, his shoulder shifted further back than his body as she smiled. He shut the door and went to the room with her, his brows lifted at the sight of her turning around. His eyes moved to the bag on her, and nodded getting a glimpse of the cool looking hair pin holding up those curls of hers.

He smiled once more shying into a light shrug, "Many attempts have been made on my hair, it's a sore subject when it comes to clipping it. Not that I wouldn't mind a fresh chop. If you know any willing to rampage war against these strands, I'm all ears." He chuckled.
Roshara smiled slightly, "Ah, well. It'll be my first act as your fashion hero."She said tugging out her wand, the elder made wand with dragon heartstring looking slender in her fingers as she held out one of her bracelets, transfiguring it into a pair of scissors.Grinning a little as she looked at him."To the bathroom. I shall tame your hair!"She grinned looking younger then she was as the weight of everything that had been bothering her for the day slid away.
Harry had been amused and impressed, magic always pleased him. He smiled and headed to the bathroom on order, "Alright, good luck to you though, hopefully my hair won't disappoint." He flicked the switch on for the bathroom and waited.
Roshara smiled slowly as she followed him in, making him sit on the toliet as she stood behind him,gently teasing matted locks out and taking her time trimming them."I brought you clothes.And not draco's."She teased, having seen his look when she'd mentioned it. Though she wasn't about to tell him she'd spent her own money to get him things. Knowing he'd probably be offended or some goofy gryffindor thing if she did.

"Clothes and something besides homework.Tom thought you might enjoy a book on legal dark arts, seeing as you keep finding yourself going up against illegal dark arts."She added, and that had been a interesting conversation that ended with Voldemort just telling her to go fuck herself, and do what she wanted, having come to a impasse on the subject of harry potter.Voldemort though, had declared he wouldn't press, and see where this went.
Harry could feel his hair going this way and that. He would bid farewell to any lock of hair that went in a fluff off his head with good riddance. When she mentioned that she bought him new clothes, he was delighted, at least he could ditch the Cinderella-man rags finally and wear something that's new and not generally new.

The homework he lowered his shoulders a little and lost posture. "Alright. I'll have a go at it once I get a chance." Perhaps he'll have more time to study considering the time he had, his brows were brought together "Illegal dark arts?" He'd known that Defense against the dark arts were generally filled, but he hadn't suspected illegal dark arts. Harry turned his head over his shoulder, interested.
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