The Missing Heir

Nov 30, 2010
Voldemort, otherwise known as Tom Riddle, smiled indulgently as he stepped into the manor's dining room, relaxed and pleased as all the death eaters within stood and bowed before sitting again. At a young age, he'd learned to crave power, and now he had everything he wanted.

Moving to his seat at the head table, he spared a pleased smile for Bellatrix as he sat down,"Any new things going on today?"He asked looking around the table, though the question was posed to everyone, it was mostly for bellatrix, who he hadn't had a chance to visit with for a few days. Content for the moment to see what his followers would say. Loyal Lucius, with beautiful Narcissa, her stomach just starting to round with their first child. Rudolphus, who's wife he loved, and was a friend and follower enough to give him leave to court her. Rabastan, the fun loving youngest lestrange, who made anything seem less dreary.
As soon as Bellatrix saw him she bowed as low as she could, smiling before taking her seat.

Bellatrix waited a bit as others informed him of random work related items. The fear that they were striking into other peoples hearts, so on and so forth. Bellatrix loved the Dark Lord more than anyone in the room, including her own husband. Bellatrix had a certain glow about her though nobody knew what it was. Once the last death eater besides Bella report, Bella coughed a little,"My Lord, I have wonderful news....I'm...I'm with child." She stated smiling with a loving look.
Voldemort started, nearly droppign the goblet in his hand before smiling a little. Tilting his head as he studied the woman, a small, for once real smile curling his lips as he nodded."This is wonderful news. Lucius?" "Yes my lord?" "We shall celebrate this." Lucius smiled nodding a little as he summoned a elf to get desserts and good wine ordered, along with some pumpkin juice for bellatrix.
Bellatrix's smile faded for a moment as his glass dropped, she became worried. When she saw him smile, hers returned. Then she looked at her sister who looked happy for her.Her husband even looked happy, so she was indeed happy.
Tom smiled, as he took the glass of pumpkin juice from the elf, he held it out to bellatrix, stealing a kiss as he handed it to her."Beloved, you are perfect."He smiled brushing his fingers through her hair as he leaned back in his seat, sipping his wine as he amused himself watching the death eaters celebrate the news of another child on the way. All the worries of the world and what could happen, and any prophecies that he had recently found out, slipping away at the happiness that closed around him. For the first time, truly happy over something that didnt gain him power.
"Thank you, My love, as are you." She smiled as he kissed her taking her drink sitting back in her chair. Her and Cissa toasted theier juice before taking a sip. The future was bright and prosperous, The Dark Lord would be in control of the wizarding world and she by his side with their child.
Voldemort smiled,this was well.

And yet...10 months later, their future and the world laid in shambles around them. The screams of the boy-child who bore his mother's hair and his father's eyes echoed in the room as Rudolphus sought to calm him, looking desperately at Bellatrix. After all, the aurors would be there any minute, and there was nothing to do."Bella. Take him to the manor. Lucius and narcissa will see that he is well taken care of."he said swallowing hard, wondering how much time they had. Hoping that he could get the two away before they came. After all, he loved her, even if she didn't love him."Bellatrix.Go!"He said putting the boy in her arms, gently shoving her towards the door."I'll hold them off till your gone."
Bellatrix was frightend and angry, her love was gone and the aurors were after her and her husband. Her baby screamed, Rudolphus trying to sooth him. "What? Rudolphus what about you? Besides the child you're all I have left..." Bellatrix worried, too much was happening too quick. She nodded, "Be careful.." Bellatrix cuddled the child as her husband pushed her out the door. Bellatrix dissaperated with the child which was very risky but she needed to save her baby, She got to Malfoy manor just opening the door walking in. "Narcissa!!" She called. Narcissa ran from the other room, "Bella what's the matter?" She asked, "No time to talk Cissy please take care of him, keep him safe. I have to go. Talk to Lucius he'll know." With that she disapearated again.
Lucius himself, looking scattered as he walked in from the recieving room, for once looking less then impeccable. Stopping short at the sight of Narcissa holding Sebastian, the babe red faced and screaming. Paling a little."The ministry has sent aurors to arrest belltrix and rudolphus."He swallowed hard, shaking his head."He can't stay here. It's not safe Narcissa."he said studying her, knowing that even as a death eater himself, he was safer then a babe who bore voldemort's blood in his viens.
"Lucius? What's going on?" She asked scared and sad. She craddled baby Sebastian trying to calm him. Narcissa gasped, "No...Oh God." Tears started to fall from her eye's, "But Lucius...he's family...and...I promised Bella...I'd care for him...We can't just send him out, He's safer here than anywhere else." She stated trying to stand her ground in an unwinnable battle. She tilted to the side as if trying to sheild her husband from her sister's baby.
Lucius sighed softly looking at her, crossing the room, and wrapping his arms around her,gently pressing a kiss to his head as the babe settled down, sighing now and then as he fisted a handful of his aunt's hair."Do you trust the ministry not to take him from us?"He said swallowing hard."Hide him,and when he's of age to go to hogwarts, we'll find him again."He said truly scared for the baby. Not that he didn't love his nephew, but he didn't trust anyone not to try and use the boy for their own ends.
Narcissa stayed there holding the baby as her husband wrapped his arms around them, kissing the babe's head. Narcissa smiled as he grabbed a handful of her hair. "No but they could find him anywhere...." She stated then sighed, "Alright, you take him then I won't be able too. Okay we'll find him again as soon as he goes to hogwarts." She complied feeling like she just stabbed her sister in the bacck with her own dagger. "Be good little Sebastian, I promise we'll find you as soon as possible." Narcissa cooed nuzzling the baby.
Lucius smiled kissing her head."We'll make sure he's fine.I have the perfect family."He said smiling as he gently took the baby, smiling as sebastian whined at being moved before settling against his chest, content that all that would be well.

15 years later Lucius swallowed hard as he stepped into his dining room, wondering what was harder to face. His lord's anger, his wife's disappointment, or Bellatrix's fear. Bracing himself he walked into the room moving to sit down, he looked at his newly freed sister in law, glad that narcissa hadn't told her yet. Narcissa wasn't at fault for letting this happen. IT was his fault for choosing badly in trying to protect the youngest slytherin heir. "Bellatrix, I am sorry."He said bowing his head slightly,trying to decide how to tell her.
"Alright, I love you, Please be careful, and bring him to a proper family. She handed the baby off to him tears still in her eyes. Waving them off as Lucius took him into the night.

Narcissa stayed out of it she couldn't bare to see her sisters face.
Bellatrix was sickly and guant from the years in Azkaban, her beautiful hair was stringy, and frizzy instead of her soft lusious locks. She had new sickly angles to her body, but that could easily be fix, once she started to eat normally again. Her nails were claws, her skin was pale, her dark heavy lided eyes stared at Lucius, as he came into the room. Bellatrix looked at Lucius intently watching his every move as she sat by The Dark Lord who had also suffered. Her eyes grew wide as madness entered, "Lucius!....Where....where is 'e? 15 years in a living 'Ell Lucius where is my child?" Bellatrix barked insanely as fear and anger slipped into her eyes and voice.
Rage filled Voldemort's eyes as he studied his servant, tilting his head slightly. Gone was the young brash lord Bellatrix had loved, there was maddness in those eyes, after 15 years in hell, it was enough to drive him insane."He doesn't know. Do you?"

Lucius looked helpless, shaking his head."I do not. We think he is attending Hogwarts my lord, but to look for him would draw to much attention to him, and would put him in danger."He said it was true. He'd been afraid to draw attention to slytherin's missing heir, espicially if he was living right under Albus Dumbledore's nose.
Even though Bellatrix's Lord wasn't the dashing, handsome man he was back then, she still loved him. He had saved her from Azkaban, the only reason she didn't die in the prison was because she loved her lord and her child. Bellatrix shaking looked at Voldemort then to Lucius, her body was tense and she started to rock slightly. Bellatrix's eyes widened even further than before, She let out a blood curddling scream, as tears filled her eyes. "Where's Narcissa i personally asked her to watch My baby all those years ago...If she had kept to her promise, this wouldn't have happened...I want my baby...." Bellatrix was clearly upset and angry, fearful that their child is lord knows where.
"No.I will not let you punish her for something that was my mistake. I thought that it would be safer for Sebastian to not be in our care."He said focusing on his sister in law, because his lord seemed to be focusing on something else. Shifting through what little he knew of the world. Still new to it, Lord Voldemort was still adjusting.

Meanwhile, miles away, in the feast hall of Hogwarts, Sebastian Mereliot, the lost heir of slytherin, sat among the students. Standing out among his fellow gryffindors like a wolf among leopards, he cut a dashing figure through the 5th years. As tall as his father, with the curly black hair that belonged to his mother, those blue eyes so dark they edged into black, so like his father's. Yet....the missing heir had no idea who he was. Having been abandoned lost and then adopted the Slytherin heir had found himself a home among the people who raised him. Despite being his father's child, arrogant and sometimes cruel, there was a streak of noblity a mile wide, of a arrogance that came from courage and a deep set need to be good. Leaning back a little he smirked as he looked down the table as he watched everyone settling into their seats for the opening feast, trading a look with Draco Malfoy, who despite being in opposite houses, they sometimes got along....sometimes anyways. Nearly yelping as Hermione Granger sat next to him, glaring across the table at harry as he sat down. Harry smirked a little tilting his head at the boy, smiling a little."Good summer Sebastian?" "Well enough I guess."
" did it...How could you...Now look you have no idea where he is...." Bellatrix said painfully.

"You alright Sebastian? You seem a little jumpy." Herminoe asked. Sitting down next to him, settling in. "Well that's good I guess, What happened?" She asked him. Herminoe felt short sitting by him, he was much taller than her. The Hall became quiet as Dumbledore stood at the podium giving the welcoming speech, All of the new and old student who had returned. He introduced the professors. He moved on talking about the O.W.L.S, then moving his way into Quidditch. Laying down some fundimental rules. "Let the Feast begin..." He called out and the Great Hall broke out in applause.
Lucius swallowed hard,"I thought it would be for the best."He said softly, wincing as Voldemort raised a hand, cutting him off."Leave Luciusss."Voldemort hissed softly waiting till the man left before turning wrapping Bellatrix in a hug."We will find him.We would know if he died."He said, he hoped at least they would.

Sebastian snorted as he started eating, shaking his head a little."I swear, he gets more spastic in his speeches each year." Ron laughed a little smiling as he looked at the dark haired man."He is old Bastian, insanity comes to those who are that old."He said wisely shaking his head."Hopefully this year will be calmer then the others." Harry laughed a little amused."Not likely."
Bellatrix looked pained and crazed, When the Dark lord spoke Bellatrix looked at him,watching him. Then she watched as Lucius left the room. Bellatrix jumped slightly being in that cell alone for so long with out any kind of contact, did it's toll on her, she wasn't used to being held anymore. But then realizing who it was who had her in their arms, she calmed still shaking, that was another thing she was going to have to get used to was Voldemort's new look. "I want him back...Yes, yes we would know if he was dead so he's still out there all we have to do is find him.." she stated in his embrace threw tears.

"Would you all shut it....Dumbledore is old yes but he's helped us a great deal over the years and you know it." Herminoe stated disappointed in them. "When as any year here ever been calm?" She stated there was always something going on.
Voldemort sighed nodding, wincing as he felt her jump. His once forgotten heart hurting at the idea of her being alone for so long. And he wanted everything he'd been back.And he could get it...eventually. It'd just take some doing. but for the moment, their son was more important."I will write Draco in the morning.Surely he would know the students of hogwarts, if he really is attending."

Harry smiled slightly looking at her."I keep hoping for calm actually."He said sighing a little, tired of having his life torn up so much. Sebastian smirked a little as he swallowed what he was eating looking at the girl."He might have done alot, but he's put you in a lot of danger to."He pointed out.
Bellatrix practically clung to him, as he winced. She knew he still had a heart in there or else he wouldn't have hugged her. "Okay... Yes Draco should know. I doubt Sebastian even knows who we are..." She stated now losing hope at even being able to hold or see her son.

"As do I Harry but there is always something going on." She stated doubtfully. Herminoe took a sip of her drink, "Well, yes he has but it's also for our protection. Dumbledore wouldn't ask of us it he didn't feel we could handle it." She replied.
Voldemort nodded a little,"I doubt anyone outside of the family ever knew."He said clinging to the hope to see his son, because besides the woman in his arms, it was all he had left.

Sebastian snorted a little, shaking his head, blue black hair falling around his face in curls."You're sixteen. No one should have to handle that."He said before leaning back in his seat to talk to the slytherin sitting behind him."Malfoy, got a question for you.That I need a slytherin to answer, seeing as my fellow gryffindors are being morons." Ron snorted shaking his head."Bastian, there's no reason to ask the ferret anything."
"Then there's hope...still? If no one knows then no one would look for him." She stated in no more than a whisper. Whating dearly to hold her son again. Bella then thought a minute her hope rising, "Snape would Snape know?" She asked him though she never did trust him but he did teach all of the students.

"So, No we shouldn't but it's nesscisary." Herminoe said she has said before they are to young to be doing all of this, but she stayed because Harry would be lost without her and Ron. Draco heard Sebastian call his name, turning around to look at the boy. Draco figured he would be in Slytherin like him but the sorting hat sorted him in Gryffindor. "Shut up Weasley, What ya need Sabastian?" Draco asked. "Why wasn't he placed in Slytherin?" Herminoe whispered to Ron and Harry.
Voldemort tilted his head thinking about it."I will write him along with Draco."he said pulling way, before shaking his head a little."No.I will let you write your nephew. He'll be glad to hear from you,even about this kind of news."He said moving away and summoning some paper and a pencil to start write snape.

Harry shrugged looking at him."Because he's to honorble to be in a viper's nest."He snickered before smiling slightly."I asked him once, he said he asked to be here." Ron looked amused before shrugging."He fits in,even if he gets along with Malfoy." Sebastian smiled slightly at his cousin, even if he didn't know it was his cousin. "Is the headmaster being reckless with these three's safety?"
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