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City of Gargoyle Point

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They finally made it to the hotel. He pushes the door open to let them in. "I was just checking is all." He walked to the front desk and got them a room. They walked up the staircase to the 6th floor and then down to room 66." He opened the door and walked inside. He shut the door as he asked, "What do you think? Fancy enough for you?" It was a five star hotel but most hotels in this district were five star and elegantly created.
pandora followed him inside the hotel,it had a nice lobby,of course all hotels in this district are five star,because mostly the people,who could afford them ,are people like her.who wealthy.she followed him into the room.'yes this is very nice.'she said,taking off her jacket and putting on the hook,revealing her leather low cut corset,and leather pants and boots.
He smirked as he watches her remove her jacket and saw what she was wearing under that. "You have great taste in clothing I see. I like leather and it looks nice on you." He told her as he walked over to her and looked at the bed beside them as he spoke again, "How about we give the bed a try?" He turned back to look at her. He was wearing his favorite black shirt and dark denim jeans. He grins at her before he spoke to her a third time, "Do you want to have a little fun?"
'leather is the only type of clothing i wear,its not baggy,so i can fight in it,it seems to get alot of guys thought.'pandora said,with a small smile,looking at the bed.'sure let give the bed,a try,lets see who can dominate who.'she said,stepping closer to him.
He takes out a pair of handcuffs with a grin and answered, "Well, I was actually think of other ways to have fun but we could try it your way." He tackles her onto the bed and pinned her down on top of it. He straddled her body with his hands as he held her arms down above her head. "That was easy?" He told her playfully but knew that she would counter. He was just toying with her. He leans down and nips her neck as if to bite her.
She saw the handcuffs ad smiled.then she gasped,when he tackled her,to the bed,and pinned her bown.she sturggled against him,until he nipped her neck.making her moan softly.trying to move her hands,to push him to the bottom.
He chuckled as she tried to struggle and so he spoke to her again, "Are you having trouble? What happened to the girl that wanted to see who was more dominate? Go ahead and give it your best shot." He took this opportunity to run his hands all over her body. He untied a couple strings on her corset top to loosen it. He moved his hand down to her pants next and rubbed it along the inside of her thigh as he spoke again, "I like the feel of leather. It is a real turn on."
pandora squirmedaround ,as he whispered in her ear.'oh illl dominate you.'she said,moaning againsas he rubbed her body.'Damn i orgot your an incubus your better at seduction ,than a vampire.'she muttered squirming again,as he rubbed her thigh.
He had to chuckle at what she told him. He then reaches into his pocket and pulled out a knife. He places it gently against her neck as he answered, "Have you already given up on the fight? I dare say that I thought you would resist even a little bit." The blade of the knife moved down Pandora's neck and across her breasts laid bare from the cleavage of her corset. He started to cut off the strings holding the corset in tact and pulled it off her a moment later. He put the knife away with a smirk as he liked what he saw with her large breasts now straining to be released from her tight, black lacy bra. His lips found the skin of her breasts and he kisses them lustfully.
Tina black walked the streets of the city as she had just come to town. She picked up smells of humans everywhere. She felt the mix blood in her boil for it wanted to feast both the vampire and werewolf. she did not make an attack however for she learned not to draw attestation to herself. She found a night club and decided that was too much people to be around for the moment and went to the hotel instead and got herself a hotel room and some drinks brought up as well as some deer meat. she then went to her room and sat down on the bed and noted that next door the scent of the people were not people but a demon and a vampire. She just chuckled to herself and turned on some TV. She did not know anyone around here but the black order for she had a run in with them and manged to get away with her life barley .
pandora gasped,when she saw the knife,she dared not to struggle.she didnt want the knife to cut her,she shivered,as he ran the knife down her bare skin,and cut the strings of her corset.'hey you know i cant replace those.'she said,and that was her favorite corset too.she moaned,as his lips,made contact with her skin.
Tina heard a knock at her door and went to open to see her dinner was ready. she smiled at the boy who had brought it up and brought out her small coin sack and handed him a tip from it. inside was money lots of it . The boy smiled at his tip and left. she had paid way more then she needed to but she did not care. she sat back down on her bed with the food then turned on the TV to the news.
"I would never hurt my sister in fact i stayed behind and nearly died just by trying to get her out of the city. go ahead try and stop me but I'm going to see her and i don't need your permission" she said walked past him heading for her room. She sensed that Ame was in pain and winced as she got closer to the door she tried hard not pass out from the pain that she was feeling. They were more than just sister they had went through the boding process when they were three it was a promise they made to each other. She pushed open the door and saw her baby sister sleeping but did not enter for fear of waking her up she saw her wound and grew angry. She shut the door but did not walk away through clenched teeth she asked "It was Arliella wasn't it?" she thought about pucnhing the door but knew she would regret it if she did.
(wow kinda if a limbo now everyone is off on their own doing something or with someone do not know how to move her from the hotel oh well i will think of something soon i hope lol)

Mistress Lexi had been with Ame the moment they had come under attack. Ame had been talking to her about one of her former friends which she had called Alariella. Lexi sighed as she looked at the cut on her neck from the human's blade. The blood was still a little wet but she tried to get the bleeding to stop anyways. It would heal quickly but not as fast as some might be used to. She was not fully a vampire but also a succubus. That meant that she didn't heal as quickly as a real full vampire.
(okay sense she had been attack my girl is going to be back on the streets)
Tina walked back out on the streets after eating and having her full on blood. she did not get far when she got wind of a female vampire and succubus and she was wounded. she made her way to the scent of blood.
Lexi was standing in the hotel lobby looking around as she thought about what to do now? She sighed and decided that she should get a room. She didn't want to draw unwanted attention to herself. She turned and started to walk down the hallway to a room near the back of the hotel on the second floor. She walked silently which was one of her greatest weapons in battle. She was able to sneak up on the enemy without them knowing because of how light footed she was.
She made her way to the second floor of the hotel room and noted it was one floor above her for she was on the first floor. she had taken the stairs and was soon at the second floor. She noted the scent was stronger here and she let out a smile. she was going to find this girl and see who she was if this was one of the black order she might have to kill it after all they attacked her first and she did nothing to them.
Lexi circled around after catching a scent of a female following her. The hotel was quite useful that way. It was one of those hotels that had the sort of hallway that circled around to the entrance to the loor. She soon came up behind the girl following her and tapped her on the shoulder with all the look of someone saying, "Boo." Yet she only said this, "Looking for someone? I could help you find them." She was looking the girl up and down with a playful smirk on her lips. She put her hand up to her cheek and was purring like a kitty as she spoke again, "My my, don't you look tasty tonight?"
Tina did not move an inch and said "no not really and as for my taste well wouldn't you like to know how i taste". She did not fight the girl instead she just looked over her shoulder at her and said "you are hurt aren't you better be careful never know whom might be lurking around in these hallways". She then added and said "you can help me find someone too bad I'm alone and do not know anyone to look for but if you know someone to look for let me know ".
Lexi grinned before answering, "I am looking for a girl named Alariella. I don't think she is here though." She then looked at her arm as she commented on it, "Yes, I do think I hurt myself but it isn't that serious. Why? Were you wanting to help me?" She gave Tina that seductive look she often gave people when she was thinking of tying them to the bed and stripping them down. The thought made her horny but she played it off well. "I am sure you have more important things to do then spend a few moments with me."
"You know i have no idea what I'm even doing here i just walk some were and then walk somewhere else so no i do not if you want some of my time its yours the name is Tina what is yours" the girl said turning around to face the girl this time. she gave her a pretty smile one that drove both woman and men nuts mostly men but some girls who were into girls it worked the same for them as it did some men.
"My name is Mistress Lexi. I am a vampire and a succubus. I do want some of your time. You could help me with this cut. Would you like to?" She eyed the girl's smile and gave her one of her own. It wasn't highly seductive but was more inviting. She played with her bleach blonde curls as she waited for the girl to tell her if she wanted to spend some time with the female succubus.
"alright but I must tell I'm a high breed meaning half vampire and half werewolf mistress Lexi". she had to tell if the girl did not already know by her scent she sure did now. she hoped it did not make her lose interest in her. she then took a step closer and said "my your lips look tasty".
"That is interesting. I guess that I'll find out what it means later on." She smiles and motioned for the girl to follow her. She spoke over her shoulder as they were walking to her room, "So what else do you like about me?" She stopped at her bedroom door and turned to Tina. She reaches out to embrace her waist as she put her free hand to the girl's mouth and said to her, "You have nice lips as well. Yet there are other more intriguing assets on you which I could comment on."

Loki stared at her. "I see and do not take it the wrong way. I was merely making sure that you were alright. I have to keep an eye on Ame. There are people that want us dead. I am sure you do not want that for your sister right?" Loki told her quickly in order to calm her down. He nodded a second later as he answered, 'It was the ones with Alariella. I do not believe the girl was there with them but she had everything to do with it."
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