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City of Gargoyle Point

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Revan looked around at the place,it was a cooling place."Well then it appears they have good taste." He said once they walked into the buliding ."Ill take a vodka and monster." He said and took a seat with Loki and looked to him as he spoke,"A human powerful enough to inflrate your buliding kill a city offiical and vanish?" Revan asked halfway impresed."You allowed a mear mortal to assinate one of your leaders?" He grinned,"You may not know of me...But I have a talent for killing,Light sided human scum are my specaility,But I must ask If I was to take this job what would I get out of it?"
pandora saw a man said before her,and bow.'Um okay sure.'She said,following the young man,to the club.she hated clubs,they were loud,and bright.she remebered to put her sunglasses the bright lights would not affect her sensative eyes.They walked into the club,and she wished,she brought ear plugs,cause the music was booming.
Loki nodded towards Revan's comment as he answered, "I can assure you that we did not let it happen. It just did. The human population has been steadily gaining strength and this would not have been the first problem we have had with them. I would exterminate the human myself but then the Black Order would know my identity. Right now the council have held their identities in secret because we do not wish to start an uprising among the human kind. The time will come when the council would be out in the open as it should be." Loki watches as the man was drinking the Vodka and Monster. He then continued to speak as he asked, "Whatever you wish to have. The council would pay a high price to send a message to the human world. They would like for this to be sent as a lesson for those that might try to fight in the same way. The question is if you could happen this person?"

OCC: The above conversation is on a different time-line than the scene below.

IC: The man opened the door and walked inside. He turned as he saw that the music was bothering her. he snaps his fingers and the music dimmed a bit using his magical powers. "Is that better?" He asked Pandora. He smiles at her before walking to the bar and telling the bartender to get the girl whatever she wanted to have to drink. "By the way, my name is Owen," The man then told Pandora as he waited for her to speak.
"Much better thank you.'she said,as the music dimmed a bit.She sat at the bar with him,and ordered some vodka.'my name is pandora,its a pleasure too meet you,Tell me why does loki,wish to speak with me?'she asked,as they waited for their drinks.still keeping her shades on.
Owen shrugged before answering, "He is a strange man. I think he must have some sort of business in mind. I think you shall have to talk to him about that." He gazes around the club almost uninterested in what was going on at the current time. The door to the club would open and close occasionally. Sometimes it seemed like no one entered but Owen knew better. There were vampires which didn't wish to be seen and entered the door in fast mode. They were so fast that they didn't even show up as a blur.
"I was looking for you when i was attacked by two of Arliella's buddies" she said hissing as she started to feel the pain of her bruised side "I think one of them broke my ribs" she said having to take shallow breaths. She looked at Loki smiling on the inside she loved him so much and knew they were right for each other but she also knew that until the problem was taken care of Loki wouldn't let her out of his sight. "I knew she was watching i could feel her somethings is off about her Loki its is if something is controlling her" she said her face full of fear. Her eyes started to close again but she fought as hard as she could to stay awake her wounds her slowly healing but still gushing out blood. She looked back up at him placing her hand on his cheek and said "i love you. you know that right?. I've thought about you every day since you had to leave and now that i have you back there is no word to describe how i fee right now. and as for the question you asked the night you left my answer is yes"
pandora just lowered her shades,revealing her clear blue eyes.'so your his little messenger boy,where can i find him.'she asked,in a stern voice.She semsed more vampires,enter the club,but they were in fast mode,no human,can detect that.Since vampires use that mode,when hunting for food.
Loki listened the entire time to this. He was growing more angry with each passing word. He finally clenches his fist as he answered, "This is why the human problem must be addressed. I am already working on finding someone that can eliminate the leader of the Human group known as the Black Order. I also am talking to someone about killing the human mole that managed to assassinate Lord Desmond." Loki put his hand over his eyes and sighed before he turned to retrieve some bandages. He knew that Ame would heal on her own in time but the bandages would help speed the process up. He finished with them as he spoke again, "You know better than to leave without contacting me first. This probably would not have happened if you had told me where you were going. That is why I suggested that you go with Lexi to deal with Alariella."

He stood up and paces back and forth thinking to himself. He then turned back to Ame as he spoke to her once more, "I told you that she is different. She is much more powerful now. This should be an example of that. That is also why I believe that she should be taken care of as soon as possible." He then smiles at her as he kisses her back and answered her final comments, "I love you too. I almost forgot about that night. I actually believe we were better off becoming seperated. I think both of us would not have survived the disaster had we been together. Do not ask me why I believe that but I am sure it is true."


Owen chuckles darkly at that comment before answering, "I am merely a demon guard. Does that offend you? I know many vampires see us guards as trash. Do you think the same way? Most vampires consider demons on a level with their own kind but the servants are always thought to be under that level." He had ordered a drink which had finally been brought to him. He drank it with a look that could melt steel. He wasn't at all happy by her statement. It made him remember his time in the underworld. The other demons used to make fun of him for being a servant but that was until he killed one of them. They never made fun of him again after that. "Loki will find you when he wishes to. No one finds Loki. He is a demon that does as he wishes and goes where he wants to go."
"Thats who i was with before i got jumped we got separated when they started to chase us. baby you have to find Lexi and make sure she is alright I heard one of them say that that Arli has a bounty on our heads and they are to kill anyone seen with us" she said laying on the bed. "As for the other thing do you still want to your has to much time past for that?" she asked worried he might want to wait a little while long but she knew she would be his either way. She watched him wanting to hold him wanting to comfort him but right now there was to much going on. She knew they would have time to be alone later after things had calm down but now she knew he'd want her to rest.
"oh you didnt offend me,and it doesnt bother me,somone as goodlooking as you deseveres,repect,just because i'm a vampire,doesnt mean,i dont know respect.'pandora said,gigving owen,a flirty smile,before sipping her vodka.she nodded.'alright thats easier for me then.'she said.
Loki sighed as he heard this. "I will see to it that Lexi is found. She can keep up with herself though. That woman is trouble all by herself but I can agree with you on the bounties. The Black Order's objective is to kill us all.." He thought about her question before shrugging and answering it, "I think you should rest. Let me go and locate Lexi. I will be back and then you should feel better by then."

Owen laughed at that. He sipped his own drink before answering, "That is true. I do believe that most believe me to be attractive but be careful. Can you actually afford to play with fire? I don't do long term relationships. I am a demonic incubus which means that I must act as an incubus. I have a duty to corrupt the humans of the Old World. That is why I was appointed as a demon guard over them. So if you can look past that then we shall be getting somewhere."
pandora simled.'an incubus huh,I had a few runins with your kind before,and let me tell you,best nights of my life.'she said,with a small laugh.Finshing her vodka.'Question is for you,is can you handle,a wild cat like myself,and tend to get pretty rough.'she added.Taking her shades off.
"That really is funny to hear you say that. You ask if I can handle you?" He leaned over to speak directly into her ear as he spoke into it, "I would love to make a sexy wildcat like you purr." His hand was on her waist while his other hand tangled in her hair. "Shall we take this somewhere else more private?" He then asked her. He leaned back to look around them and saw that there were many eyes watching them.
pandora shivered,as owen whispered in her ear.'I would love to see you try.'she said,puttin g her shades,back on,and stand up.'I think we better do this in private,people are staring.'she said,she rather not have an audience.
Owen nodded and answered, "There is a hotel not to far from here. It is called Hotel Sin. It is there that we could be alone. How does that sound?" He finishes his drink and waited for her to reply. The hotel was actually located just down the road. It would be a nice walk if they decided to try it on foot; otherwise, a cab would be much quicker.
Aislinn walked in to the club wearing a t shirt and jeans with a pair of biker boots she looked around looking for someone to talk to she had a old old picture of a girl she was trying to find. She walked over to the man and woman at the bar and said "excuse me but i was wondering if you could help me find someone. this a picture of her". The creepy thing was that it looked exactly like Ame accept this girl was was wearing a crown "the girl is my baby sister I've been looking ever since our family had been over thrown along time ago" she said holding out the picture.
"Hotel sin,thats sounds like a perfect place to commit one of the dealiest sins ever.'pandora said,with a tease in her voice.'okay lets get going,big guy.'she said,with a small guggle,paying the bartender,and walking through the crowd.She saw the girl,pull up a picture.'i havent seen her anywhere,oh wait i think she is with loki,I saw a girl running through the streets bleeding'she said.
"Her name is Amethyst, Amethyst moon and did she look like this" she said knowing that Ame probably look any different that then picture she wasn't even sure if Ame was looking for her she wouldn't be mad if she had given up. She nodded to the girl then looked at the man wondering if he could tell her where she was she hoped this Loki person would know.
Owen spoke to the new girl looking for Ame. "Loki already knows that you are looking for Ame. Just stay right here and he will come over to speak with you." He then turned back to Pandora as he spoke to her again, "Well, lets be on our way then." The two of them left the club and he asked Pandora whether she wanted to walk or take a taxi?

Loki knew that someone was looking for Ame. He told Ame to wait for him while he excuses himself to go see somebody. He then left and walked across to the other side of the club. He came up behind the girl looking for Ame. "Can I help you with something?" He asked as politely as he could but his voice still came out slightly cold. He looked her up and down. It was odd how she reminded him of Ame.
Pandora smiled.'hope you find her.'she said,to the girl.As she walked out with owen.'its such a nice night,why dont we walk.'she said,walking,ino the direction of the hotel.'so tell me about yourself,your likes,dislikes petpeeves.'she said.
Owen and Pandora began to walk down the sidewalk towards the hotel. When she asked him this question he merely shrugged before asking, "What exactly do you want to know? What do you call a Pet Peeve?" He then had to think about what to say to her questions and then he told her, "Well, I like to have fun."
"i can see you like to have fun,i mean what annoys you?'pandora asked,trying to make conversation.she wanted to get to know owen,before they do the deed,and she rather know the men,she is giving her body to.
"Where is she where is my sister" she said seeing Loki come out of a room "this her" she said handing him the photo of Ame back when they lived in Ireland she sighed as she watched him. "Is she ok?" she asked softly hoping she was alive and well didn't know if Ame would recognize her Aislinn and aged a little but only because of her powers. She looked around the club then back to Loki this place seemed familiar but she didn't see why our how it could its the first ti she had come in here.
Owen shrugged again before he replied, "What do all demons like? I like blood play, night clubs, darkness and other such things not acceptable in the human world." He actually looks over at her as he asked, "What do you think a demon is anyways?" He stopped in front of her to look into her eyes as he continued to speak, "I told you that you wanted to be careful when playing with fire because you might get burned. I love to play with fire and I have to say that the heat from your body tells me you like to play with it as well. I have to warn you though since I tend to get a bit rough. Does that scare you?

Loki looked at the picture. He nodded before answering, "I assume that she is your sister since you two look alike. Is this true?" He would not tell her anything about Ame until he knew for sure of her identity. There were many imposters in the demon world and Loki had made enemies with a few of them which meant that some of them wanted him dead.
pandora listened to what he said and asked.'I have a few friends who are demons,even slept with a few,i think they are ineresting,and babe i like my night roucgh,just look at me.I'm one of the nightly seduction creatures,you think a little roughness scares me.'she said,with a small laugh.
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