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City of Gargoyle Point

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Oct 4, 2011
Welcome to a Gargoyle Point.

All are welcome to RP here!

DarkWolf2986 said:
Welcome to a Gargoyle Point.

The people of the Old World had all been warned by Ancient Civilizations. The Mayans, Egyptians and Sumerians all warned of a coming day when destruction would befall the earth. Most of those in the Old World failed to realize just how the End of the World would play out.

The Planetary Alignment spanned out across the known universe and proved to be more devastating then most would have thought it could be. The Moon came to rest in front of the sun and formed a total solar eclipse. This eclipse was painted blood red by the rays of the sun. An ill omen of death and destruction indeed. This process combined with the sun entering the black hole at the center of the universe unleashed tremendous power that swept over the earth. A worldwide earthquake was triggered by the impact on the Earth's Core leveling every city across the globe BUT it was not over.

The doorway to the underworld had been opened by the Chaotic Alignment and the Fallen Ones entered our World. They had waited for generations for this day to come. They rejoiced in the destruction of the Old World and formed a New World out of the ashes as a Dark City full of lust and forbidden pleasures was established. This was the only city at the time and so many flocked to it seeking refuge. However, the Fallen Ones were most evil and they turned many to Dark Side. The city would become known as Gargoyle Point. It is the official home of the Fallen and hosts many species such as vampires, werewolves and any dark creature imaginable to man. All of these were created by the Fallen One's interaction with mankind.

There would remain a small group of humans; however, the majority of them were simply nothing more than toys for the darker creatures of Gargoyle Point. The Fallen Ones recruited the Demons of the Underworld to be guards over the Slave Market that would keep control over the remaining human numbers. The Fallen had accomplished their goal which was to come to the earth to rule in the place of mankind but also to enslave them all. The humans resisted and formed the Black Order. This group is an elite group of Human Hunters and Assassins that do not have to be Human to fight. They just have to oppose the Order of the Fallen. They have become a real threat to the Fallen Ones; therefore, they must watch out because the Fallen Ones have placed a price on their head for capture. The War for power and balance of the New World has begun. So come on in and play with us in the darkest city known to the world as Gargoyle Point. Here your deepest and darkest desires will come true. You can be a slave or the Master? Pick your role carefully and reveal your inner fantasy. Will it be for ultimate freedom or submission at the hand of your masters? Wander the streets of the deserted cities if you dare but beware because your next move might decide your ultimate future. Are you Ready to Play?

Want to create a Character? Follow the link below.

Loki entered the city after having left the pool party. He found that the city was much larger up closer than when he had been looking at it earlier. He walked the streets without looking left or right. He pulls his black leather jacket closer around his body as rain began to fall. It was not a cold rain but the kind during the summer months. He turned and ventured down an alleyway to a door that opened up to a Nightclub. He stopped and gazes around at those dancing on the floor. He passes them without showing any interest since most of them probably didn't see him among the large crowd. Loki was a demon; therefore, he could feel the monster inside of him calling to be fed. It would have to wait for now. He would hopefully find someone soon enough to satisfy that craving. He would be patient and have a drink instead. He sat down at the bar and ordered a suicide mix. It was a mixture of a variety of drinks but he liked it all the same.

Amethyst walked around the city taking in the sights, sounds and smells feeling lost in wonder as she traveled around her home making her way down the sidewalk heading to a club that she had been told was the place to be. As she got near the doors one smile stood out from the rest it was the scent of a demon that made her curious so she walked in side. She stood at the door looking around as the crowd stopped moving to stare at the breath taking beauty that had just entered she felt like a spotlight was on her as she watched them. She walked through the crowd her eyes on the demon that she had sensed earlier she sat down a stool away from him. She order the blood of a rare animal that she wasn't even sure of how to pronounce the name but none of the less she knew she had it pretty close but the look on the bartender's face. She barely looked at the man out of the corner of her eye then looked away being smart about not drawing any unwanted attention to herself. He was good looking and just by his scent she knew he was full blooded demon she had never been attracted to her own kind mostly because the ones she knew were childish and stupid.
Loki felt eyes on him. He was used to attention but this was different. They were the type of real interest and not just a random gaze. He looked over in the direction of the stare and his gaze fell upon the woman sitting on the stool drinking from a glass the bartender had just provided her. "Do not me shy Ame. You act like we have never met. I know that I have changed my appearance but I am still Loki," He told the woman beside him. He had once had long black hair but had cut it off and gone with the red dye to change his appearance. He hated being human once but the only good part of that time was Ame. She had been his lover at one time but he wondered if that love still remained?
A chill of pleasure ran down her spine as he spoke to her in a way that only her former lover would which only proved to her that it was him she looked to him with a smile that said she was still his. Since they had been separated she hadn't let no other man touch her because was Loki's and only Loki's she would stay faithful to him until the day she died. In the blink of an eye she was sitting right next him just staring in to his eyes while she gave him images of all the dreams she had of him and the tattoo she had done for him in a place only his eyes would see. "I've been waiting for you" she said softly in his ear in a seductive tone as she touched hims arm as her eyes burned a bright purple that only he could seen that meant her heart, body, soul and love was still his. She sat her other hand on his showing that she still have his ring she never left her place with out that ring it was the only thing that she had of his. She pressed her lips to his letting him know that how bad and how she wanted him pulled away and just laughed as she saw some jealous women walk away.
He chuckles before answering, "We have a problem. Alariella is back." He was talking about the female assassin which was bent upon wiping out the demons and other dark creatures of the new world. She was a member of the Black Order and she was not alone. There were others like herself and they were just as dangerous. "I spotted her in the city earlier. I do not think that she saw me though." He told Ame as he turned to look at her and brushes aside some of the hair that had fallen into her eyes. He wondered what she would think about this old threat? Alariella had once been a friend of the two but she had turned on them when they had become demons transformed by the fallen.
she pulled away and hissed as he brought up that backstabbing boyfriend stealing bitch Alariella had been like a sister to Ame in fact she was the reason why her and Loki got together. Then she tried to steal Loki from Ame even though she knew Loki never was interested in her "we'll get her this time baby don't worry" she said kissing him again. She pulled away and got up leading him in to their old private room so they could be with each other with out jealous eyes one thing that Ame loved about Loki was with all the other good looking girls in the city he only had eyes for her. Ame was laid back, sweet, she stood out in her own way but never put her self in the spotlight, she always put others before her, but at the same time she was wild, devious, loved getting in to trouble at times which was something he liked or so he said. She walked in front of him the ruffle on her mini skirt moved with the way she walked her long black hair bouncing with every step she looked back at him with a wicked smile as she reached the door and walked in side.
"Don't you have an old friend which could be of some use to us? I hear that she prefers girls over guys now. We could have something lure her in." He told Ame. He then leaned over to open the door to the room beyond. It was nice inside and would fit the moment. He knew that Ame hated Alariella because of their past history. It was one thing for the three to dislike each other because of partner issues but another entirely when it meant life and death. "I believe she wants us dead. Her and the group which she has joined are bent on ending the rule of the fallen ones. I have spoken to some of the fallen member and the council. They agree that the Black Order must be stopped." Loki was now telling her as he sat down on the bed and started to remove his boots.
"yea I can give her a call and of course she likes girls now who do you think I've been doing since I've been waiting for you to return" she said said laying on the bed wearing nothing but an old T shirt of his that she kept in her suitcase since she had to come stay here. "The owner lets me stay here providing that i clean up and lock up for him" she said coming up from behind him running her hands down her chest as she kissed on his neck. She playfully brushed her fangs against his skin trying to turn him on know would happen now that he was a demon even turned her on as she thought about how much for fun it would be now. "During our time apart i had some time to think about every thing that had happened between us. You made me promises that i wouldn't change you while you were human because of your family. Well now that your no longer human there is nothing keeping us from really being together unless you still feel that we are moving to fast plus you know what happens when its been to long its seems like its the first time do to the abnormal trait in my blood" she said crawling in to his lap as she looked in to his eyes. She loved him so much and she would do anything to stay by his side even if it meant waiting for ever before they were really together she would do it for him.
He raises an eyebrow at what she had said. "Really now?" He told her. He chuckles at that and scratches his head. He then walked to the window to look out on the city. "Well, I believe that you should help Lexi capture Alariella. I would enjoy it better if I watched the both of you have a go with our former friend. You know I don't mind sharing you with others." He turned back to face her. He knew that he would not sleep with another woman because of her but he would like to see her break Alariella. The three of them had once had a threesome. He chuckled more at that thought and walked back over to the bed. He leaned back over it and brushes his fingers along her thighs and along the rim of the T-Shirt as he spoke again, "However, right now it is just me and you. There are a few things we could do right now. What do you think about doing something like that?" He looks into her eyes as he asked this.
She just stared at him and said "she'll wish she had never walked away from the only family she has I love and miss her Loki but I'm afraid that we can't help her I don't want to lose the only sister I've ever known". She pulled him down on top of her and kissed him roughly as she teased him "you know you want' she said darkly in his ear. She took of his t shirt she was wearing and laid there with nothing on so he could have his way with her. some people actually looked worse with tattoos but not Ame the more she had the sexier she looked. She smiled as she looked down at the tattoo she had done for him "what do you think?" she asked with a dark and wicked smile.
Loki grinned as she pulled off her shirt. "I always thought you had a great body. I do believe it looks even better now that you are one of the undead." He leaned down and laid his lips on her neck. He kisses there and bites her ear lobe as he spoke again, "A serpent head cross. I do like it. I didn't think you would remember the place we met." He chuckled remembering it. It had been a gang that they had joined in high school. Sure it was child's play but they may not have ever met if not for the gang. The two had met at a friend's party. He moved his mouth down to her breasts and started to kiss there as well. He played with her nipples until he saw them harder and gave her a smirk as he traces the tattoo on her left breasts.
"how could i forget later that night you and your mom and to bail me out of jail. That life was so unfair i didn't start the fight but I'm the one that got arrested for it" she said laughing as he kissed from her neck down to her chest. She pressed against him running her nails down his back "god i missed this so much" she said darkly and seductively in his ear. She flipped them over and got on top of him kissing his chest still scratching him lightly as she did thing to rev him up she knew what buttons to push and how far to push them. She moved her body as little while she straddle him placing his hands on her body she stared down at him love and lust mixing in her eyes.
"Yes, I do remember that. We had a lot of yellow bellies in the gang. They would not stand up for anyone. Most of them would save their own hide rather than risk being thrown in jail. I wondered what some of them would think of us now? That is if they are even alive." He told her. He grinned up at her. He loved when she was on top and he figured that she knew that. He kisses her back as he pulled her back down into a kiss. He ran his hand through her hair and tugs on it slightly. He grinds up against her as she presses her body against his own. His hands came to rest on her waist. He spoke into her ear now in a seductive tone of voice, "Well, what are you going to do now that you have me right where you want me?" He already was hard with her perfect body pressed up against him. He fondles her breasts as he waited for her to answer his question.
RE: City of Gargoyle Point (Updated!)


Revan moved through the city on foot,he wore a black trench coat,sword on his back gun's at his side. He grinned to himself,it was such a lovely night tonight,it was perfect for hunting,which was something he planed to do tonight for certain. He laughed to himself as he lept down from the roof top which he was walking and onto the street,once again the vampire was back to walk amoungist the humans again,as the dark one once more.
RE: City of Gargoyle Point (Updated!)

Loki soon caught the whiff of dark evil. He smirked and decided to check it out. He himself was the utmost evil that the world had to offer. There was no more evil that could be added to his already dark soul. He walked down the alleyway outside the Nightclub and back towards the street. He didn't go far enough to reach the street. He spotted Revan and spoke to him as he leaned up against the side of the building, "Well, this is interesting. I have not seen an evil presence quite like mine in a long time. Tell me your name if you will." He eyed the stranger and wondered about him in context to the current world.
RE: City of Gargoyle Point (Updated!)

Revan moved through a dark alley way which was a short cut down to the mainstreet,he was totatally minding his own bussines until he felt someone nearying him he turned around to spot a man leaning agsint the buliding."Revan Elric." The vampire spoke,his onyx black eyes looking to LoKI,laughing yes it seemed his very pressence emited darkness,afterall all the people revan had killed,how could it not? There was no pure count on how much darkness truely was within Revan,yet this man claimed to know some of it."And You are?" Revan asked walking out of that Allyway at last and closer to this misterious man.
RE: City of Gargoyle Point (Updated!)

Loki chuckled before answering the vampire, "I am Loki. The Demon Leader for the City Council. I believe the other council members would be interested to speak with you. How about we go inside and have a drink while we discuss business?" He pointed to the Nightclub behind them. He then waited to see what the vampire male would say in answer to his offer.
RE: City of Gargoyle Point (Updated!)

"Ooo." He said,someone from the govermeant now things would get intresting."I doubt you mean poltics as you can see im not a very poltical man." He said and moved to him."Let us go then Loki I am intrested in hearing what you will say." He closed in on him and montioned for him to lead the way,Killer or not Revan could be oh so very cevil and charming like if he so chose to. He walked with the man to the nightclub."Your club?" Revan asked.
RE: City of Gargoyle Point (Updated!)

"No the club belongs to the Council. I just run the club when I am needed." He told Revan and walked to the door. He opened the door and the two walked inside. He led him to the counter and tapped on the surface to call forth the bartender. The man came down looking flustered after having a hard night with many customers. He asked what the two wanted? Loki ordered his own drink and turned to Revan to motion for him to proceed to order his drink.

Loki then sat down and continued to speak once the vampire had order his drink, "Well, the council has a task that needs to be carried out. You do not have to be of government or in politics to be interested in the task." The drinks were brought and Loki takes his and downs it in one shot. He set the glass down before speaking again, "There is a certain powerful human. This man has been a thorn in the side of the council. He infiltrated the order and the Vampire Lord Desmond was assassinated by this man. This human is not your normal human. He is an advanced hunter and breaking into the HQ for the Order is not an easy task; therefore, I am sure you can see the treat at hand. We cannot lose the council or the balance of the city will be disrupted. The Fallen Ones have called for the Human's head. Would you be interested in taking the job?"
Pandora walked throught the dark city,nighttime was her favorite time of day.of course,since,she is a of course,she would be out at nit,The streets were wet,from a previous rainfall.She could still smell the rain,and moisture in the air.She loved the smell,her heels clicking,on the hard concrete,as car passed by her.Her long leather trench coat,blew in a gentle breeze.The city was full of life now,with humans and out wordly creatures.Roaming the streets.
Loki watches the girl walking down the street. He knew she was a vampire because of the way she carried herself. He ventured out of the shadows of a nearby building to speak to her, "Well, what do we have here? Now don't you look pretty tasty tonight in that outfit? I dare say it might be fun to get to know you more if you know what I mean.? He told her this as he smirked and introduces himself, "I am Loki. What is your name?"
Ame ran down the sidewalk with a big cut on her arms from a fight with a couple of Arliella's lackeys "damn it Loki where the hell are you" she said to herself as she hid in a door way hiding her scent from them. *Loki* she called to him mentally as she took off in the direction she came from when the two goons where gone she stopped to look at her arm. It was a pretty bad cut and she wasn't healing fast enough so she would need to feed off Loki to keep from dying and vanishing she had a feeling what Loki might be doing and preyed that he would go to far. She started to feel weak and she was scared that the two might come back so she hid and sent an image of where she was at to Loki. She knew that if he really loved her he'd come and find her she began to drift off as she lost more blood "Loki" she cried out needing him badly.
Pandora heard a woman yelling a man's name.she saw a young girl runnign along the streets ,bleeding her concern,she ran to the girl."Miss ,are you okay,your bleeding,what happened.'she asked,like a million questions,trying to calm the woman down.She looked to be attacked,by somthing ,or someone,of the enemy.
Loki felt that Ame was in danger and so he excuses himself from the presence of Pandora to go find her. He found her after a brief searched but growled as he asked, "What happened?" He held his hand over the cuts on her arm and wondered who or what had been responsible for this? He sent a messenger back to Pandora. The guy nodded and left to go speak to Pandora. He stopped in front of Pandora with a bow and a grin as he spoke to her, "Loki has told me to tell you to meet him in the Club. He will speak to you again there." He then waited to see if she would follow as he led the way to the Nightclub.
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