Love begets hate

Nov 30, 2010
Lucius Malfoy smiled slightly as he walked through the near silent halls of his school, mentally saying goodbye. Well...he was. Even if he wouldn't be that sentimental and term it that way. These halls saw a young Lucius Malfoy fall in love with a young Bellatrix Black. Saw friendship turn into more. And now...

They were going to see the goodbye.

Pausing in the entranceway as he composed himself, pulling that coldly aloof mask that his father had taught him, that all Malfoy's knew. Swallowing hard he smiled slightly as he cleared his throat, turning his head to look at the young woman who was waiting for him."Bella."He said, stopping. Not able to force himself to say what needed to be said.
Bellatrix was happy and sad that school would be over. Thought about everything that had happened over the past several years, at the school. Making advances in her magical abilities, she was popular and hated by her peers, but the most important thing was that she had fallen in love, truely in love with none other than Lucius Malfoy. Who would have thought it?

Bellatrix made her way to the entrance waiting for him, he said had something to tell her. She saw him make his way over to her, wearing that Malfoy smile that she loved so dearly. Bellatrix smiled at him, "Yes Lucius?" She stated, but after a moment it felt strange, like when they first stated dating. Her smile faded slightly, "What's the matter, Is everything all right?" She asked concerned.
Lucius paused smiling down at her, reaching out, gently tucking curly black hair behind her ears as he studied her. Under that mask of calm he was kicking himself, hating himself for not being strong enough to disobey. Bellatrix was going to kill him.

Pulling her close, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead,resting his chin on her hair, slightly amazed she still seemed so short and tiny. So...slight. As if she still needed him to protect her."My parents have decided I am to marry Narcissa."he said slowly, the words like a knife between his ribs.It much to say goodbye.
She smilied at Lucius as he brushed her dark curls behind her ear. Her heart was beating fast as she was held in his embrace. Not quite sure what he was doing.

Bellatrix giggled slightly as he kissed her forehead, she was truely happy with him. Bella nuzzled into him as he rest his chin on her head, He was much taller than she. Bellatrix's heart nearly stopped, her face was saddend and confused, "What?" She asked him, pulling away from him slightly. "But...We spoke about marrage..." She stated with that same confused smile, then it faded. "..Have you changed your mind?" Bellatrix asked still holding his arms tightly as if she let go she might fall. Bella felt as if a knife hit her heart and was twisting.
Lucius winced under her pain, seeing it even behind the confusion. Blond locks swishing ever so slightly over his shoulders as he shook his head."No.No." He swallowed hard turning to look out the window, even as his hands held onto her arms,holding her close to him. Before meeting her eyes again, gently cradling her face as he drew her into a kiss before pulling away.

"Your parents have signed a marriage contract with Rudolphus Lestrange's parents, and mine with yours."He swallowed hard."I... I tried. There's no way out. They wont let us out of their plans, no matter what we want."
Her face grew cold, she was trying not to cry with all her might. She couldn't tell if he was lying or not. Bella nuzzled back into him, until he kissed her, by his loving kiss she knew he wasn't lying. She didn't want to leave that spot.

"No..No!! They can't...It's not right it's not fair...I won't marry him...I refuse to marry him..I want to marry you....Me and Narcissa will switch it will work we're both Blacks..." She ranted then unwillingly she started to cry her heart was just ripped out of her chest and torn into a million parts. Then she had an idea, "We'll run away."
Lucius swallowed hard, wrapping his arms around her, resting his chin on her head, wishing with all his heart that he could. That he could save her from this pain. Or that they could run fast enough to outrun their parent's."Bella,sweetheart.We can't. My father wont let me go, and your parents will come for you.They'll never let us escape what they want from us."He said shuddering, desperately trying not to fall apart when she needed him not to.
It was so childish so simple for it to work, though she knew it wouldn't. Her body shook from her sobbing, which was rare to see her do, the only people whoever seen her cry was her family and Lucius. "I know...I know." she sighed. "Why can't we be together? We can tell them we love each other, they'll have to cancel, I'll switch with Cissa and she can have Rudolfus. We're the same blood it shouldn't matter..It still would be a pureblood marrage." She felt him shudder as well, holding him slightly tighter.
Lucius nodded slightly, pressing a kiss to Bella's hair closing his eyes. Not knowing if even that would work,but willing to try."We should talk to Cissy first, before we do anything."He muttered. He knew the younger black woman, if they made plans without telling narcissa, she'd make his days living hell."Come on.We have a train to catch, and Cissy will be on it."He muttered gently strokign her hair. Wondering if something so simple, so easy as swithing marriage partners, would work, or if their parents would make them do this, just to spite them.
Bellatrix calmed down more so now, once he kissed her. "Okay we'll talk to Cissy," She agreed knowing her sister, She would make life miserable for the both of them. "I don't want to go anymore...I want to stay here with you..." It's how they met, how they fell in love, and now how they broke up. Bellatrix nodded her head slightly, they had to go...Bella reached for him them stopped not sure of what to do now.
Lucius smiled softly, sadly as he caught her hand, raising it up and pressing a kiss to her fingertips."I want to stay to."he said softly, pain in those grey eyes as he slid slender fingers through hers, before walking towards the train station.Needing to getthis talk over with before he lost his nerve, gave in, and just ran away with the woman he really wanted.Wincing at the sound of all the students in the station. His headache already starting, and knowing it was just going to get worse.
Bellatrix took a deep breath, wiping away her tears before going out there. Her eyes were soft, saddend, and pained, she had never felt anything like it before. She smiled as he kissed her hand, intwining there fingers. Bellatrix looked at all of the happy faces, which made her worse they could all be so happy, but her and her love couldn't.
Lucius smiled painfully as he looked at the woman next to him, knowing that even if they convinced Cissy to change, nothign would be the same again.

Nearly 20 years later.

Lucius smiled slightly as he walked through the manor, tilting his head as he looked around, trying to decide what the best course of action would be. After all, his lord was living with him again, and with him,came all the problems of having death eaters flowing in and out of the house. One in particular. His heart giving a painful thump as he thought about Bellatrix, making sure his mask was firmly in place before he stepped into the dining room, eyes taking in the sight. All his family, plus Lord voldermort. Shaking his head a little to free himself of painful memories he sighed. He didn't want to deal with any of them at the moment, much less the insane devoted voldermort loving woman his sister in law and former love had become, at least not while he was eating."Narcissa.My lord."He greeted nodding to the rest in greeting, as he bowed his head to Voldermort before slipping into his seat.
Bellatrix was in her sister's house for a death eater gathering, dinner to be exact. The main reason she was there was because of the Dark Lord, she enjoyed seeing her sister and nefew from time to time. But her heart always burned when she saw or worked with her brother in law and ex love from 20 years ago. Bellatrix had done her time in Askaban 14 years she was in that hell hole, Yes she was crazy but not as much as everyone thought. It was her facade to hide pain and some anger, she was indeed quite sane. Bellatrix was sitting on the right side of Voldemort, wanting to be as close to him as possible. When Lucius and her split, he filled her with joy and hope for a new world, but then she was shipped to Askaban. Narcissa eyed her sister every now and again, Bella knew she kept looking at her. It had been 20 years and Cissa was possesive of Lucius around Bella, knowing what happened so many years ago. Narcissa looked at her husband smiling, "Lucius," She cooed lovingly.
Lucius nearly groaned at the cooing tone in her voice. His wife, he could tolerate most days. If only because despite their diferences, he was sure Bellatrix would have a issue with him strangling Narcissa, and that his son loved his mother."I assume all is well?"He said looking around, having been out of the house all day, he liked to know what had happened while he was gone.Draco smiled slightly,"Same as it always is father."He said looking around the table. He was smarter then some people gave him credit for, and had spent years watching his family. He knew there was something off, he just didnt know what.
"Yes Dear all was fine, people were in and out all day. But other than that..." Narcissa stated it was a dull day, which is strange when the Death Eaters come in and out of the house. "How was you day, you must be exhausted." She stated with a gentle smile. Narcissa in fact loved Luicus it took awhile for it to form, but ever since it did Cissa was on egde expectually when Bellatrix was around. Narcissa had realized if Bella wanted him still she'd have hardly any problems just taking him. Bellatrix was paying attention to the Dark Lord's every move. Bella looked around the room, she saw her husband giving him a quick dirty look. Moving on she saw Draco, looking about, smiling slightly she continued, when she saw Lucius she gave a look of pure loathing, not like it was his fault but it helped ease the pain, then rolling her eyes she turned her attention back to Voldemort. Bellatrix had passed her sister because she was doing her perfect wife, mother, being over protective and possessive. It was 20 years ago it was over. Bellatrix was jealous of her little sister not that anyone knew, but Cissy had it all a beautiful house, a loving family, Bella's "husband" and Draco would have been her's, but she had no children of her own. She almost had a child, but it died, she didn't try after that.
Lucius smiled as he ate,"The minister is still scrambling to recover from the most recent attack my lord. Slaughtering the muggles on potter's street but leaving his family alone was genius." Voldemort nodded slightly, smiling with just a bare hint of lips turning up."Lucius, it was genius.It was my idea." Lucius nodded slightly eating, because he hated doing business over dinner. Full dinners with death eaters-bella- was bad enough without imagining murdering people. Not that it really bothered him, he just prefered not thinking about it over dinner.

Rudolplus sighed softly at the look Bella gave him, tilting his head slightly, biting his lip.Despite everything, he loved his wife.And didn't understand why she didn't move on from the pain of losing lucius, when it seemed the blond was perfectly happy to move on.

Lucius meanwhile, barely winced under the look Bellatrix gave him. Surely he should be used to it, but the looks and every word she spoke was like a knife to the heart.He had come to love his wife, but not with the all consuming passion that he'd loved her sister.
Bellatrix smiled wicked knowing that the dark lord was happy, The ministry would soon be theirs, then the thought of murder always made her feel better. As she couldn't be happy she'd have to let others suffers. She cut and chewed her food, she was a savage about killing and such, ut she still had her proper table manners.

Bella wasn't always so hard on Rudolfus but she had her image to up hold. She liked him yes, but her heart still belonged to Lucius. Bella's normally nice to him when others aren't around, he is her husband after all. If she had a choice she wouldn't have gotten married unless to Lucius but she had a contract.

Bellatrix no longer really paying attention to the others, and focused on the conversation it's self.
And so dinner past, with normal conversation following as Draco questioned his father over a potion he was trying to make getting input from the rest of the table,even Voldemort when the dark lord wasn't complating on how to murder the minister. As he finished eating Lucius sighed softly standing, bending to kiss Narcissa's head running a hand over her hair as he stood."I'm going for a walk."He muttered just loud enough to be heard before he left. Needing time away from Bella and Narcissa to regain his bearings. Heading out to the garden he sighed softly, though surprised, but it didn't show when draco followed him.

"What happened father?There's something going on, and I want to know about it. Everyone in the family knows.I want to know to."Draco said watching the elder blond as he kept walking without answering."Fahter!" "Go back inside Draco."Lucius said, needing the alone time, heading deeper into the garden, hoping Draco would obey and leave him alone. Even if that in itself had problems. He knew his son, the boy wasn't about to let this go easily.

Draco sighed in frustration before heading back inside, tilting his head slightly as he saw his aunt and Voldemort walking out of the ining room."Aunt Bellatrix."He said, bowing slightly to his lord before focusing on his aunt."May we talk?"
Bellatrix listened intently to the Dark Lords plans. She added her advice to Draco's potion as well, she normally didn't mind helping him with homework or whatever, She quite actually adored her nefew. Narcissa smiled as he kissed her forehead, "Right now?" She asked gently as he started to leave. "Draco, wait..."She sttated but it was too late he was already up after his father. She continued to chat with the others while they were gone. Bellatrix watched as he left and shrugged going back to what the dark Lord was saying.

Finishing up that conversation Bellatrix rose after the her Lord following him out, before her name was called. It was Draco to her surprise the dark lord had stopped as well. She just looked at Draco, something was wrong. Bella looked at Voldemort then back to Draco, "Of course...My Lord.." She stated then bowed very low,Standing back up she walked away from the door. In a sweet voice she spoke, "Sweetie come over...What's the matter? Sit." She asked then sat in a chair.
Draco smiled slightly as he sat down beside his aunt, looking at her. Biting his lip as he watched the dark lord return to the death eaters he hd gone to converse with, leaving him and his aunt alone. He loved his aunt, despite the insanity that sometimes showed through, she was always kind to him."Everyone knows something, besides me! I know there's something going on in this family, there always has been. And I want to know what. Father wont say, and I'm not brave enough to ask mother.So.I'm asking you. What secret are all of you hiding?"
Bellatrix observed him, watching as he bit at his lip. She heard the Dark Lords footsteps fade as he rejoined the others. If only Bella had never had her heart shattered then sent off to Askaban she'd be pretty normal. Bellatrix was cold as she thought about how to anwser him. 'So they've left this to me have they? He's too young to know, I'm not...I can't' Her thoughts stuggled if she tried to explain it she'd cry, showing her weakness in front of him, the other Death Eaters and the dark lord. A light smile grew on her face again, "Secret...? There's no secret. What gives you this idea?" She asked him.
Draco gave her a look, grey eyes so like his father's studying her. A slight frown on his face."Don't play me for a fool aunt Bella, I know there's something going on here, and I want to know."HE said staringat her before sighing, getting to his feet. Maybe he'd pester his father again, or his mother. A slight preplexed look on his face as he studied the other,"There's something going on here.And I'll find it.Eventually."He said before walking away from her, giving his father a dirty look as he left the room.

"The boy's intelligent. If nothing else."Lucius said watching him go, before looking at bellatrix. Having the preverse need to talk to her, now that he knew Draco was searching for answers.
He looked so much like his father, it was unnerving, His eyes mirrored Lucius. Bella broke slightly under that look, her face melted and looked saddend. She watched him as he went, Bellatrix sighed as he walked out. Bellatrix would have broken eventually but thank god for Draco's short patience.

"Yes he's a very smart boy," she stated not looking at him, it was hard to look at him in general but it was worse when they were alone. Bellatrix stood up and she headed toward the door to join the group.
Lucius swallowed hard catching her arm in his hand, gently tugging her to a stop, studying the woman in front of him, pain showing in his eyes even if it didn't on the rest of his face."He wont stop asking. You know he has the patience like cissy's,but he'll dig his heels in until he knows."he said biting his lip. Trying to figure out what they should tell him. Not wanting to hurt his son by telling him he hadn't loved narcissa when they'd married, hadn''t wanted a child to bind him forever to her.But he loved his son, despite everything.
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